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A bond too strong to be broken,
If I felt pain you felt it too,
If I lost hope you made me believe,
If you lost faith I'd send you a song,
If I was lost you were my path,
My yellow brick road just like in Oz,
Sometimes I lost my sense of direction,
Wandered off to the darkest of places,
You'd shine bright for me to find,
My way back to what is right,
If a dissaster were to strike,
My yellow brick road you came to be,
Whenever I was lost in the land of Oz

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
What is it worth to shout, when no one will reply?
What is it worth to scream, when no one hears the cry?
What am I worth, if I scream but no one listens?
What am I worth if my cry is only heard in these four walls I reside in?
Asking for help begging for a chance yet nothing good to come.
Stuck in a trance, my mind can't handle these thoughts.
Thoughts not new but still morbid.
Gruesome perhaps, enlightening to myself.
A point at last reached, not desired but truly deserved.
Calling one that will not answer, that once was there and has gone.
Mistakes in my shoulders being carried, clearly a well deserved scene.
A call for Superman to lift me up from this shadow I've hidden behind.
One last call please save me now.
I've lost all hope in myself.
Just one last call for Superman.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Superman will know if this is ever read.
Swim in the deepest part of the ocean,
With waves over head,
A life pieced by water,
A nautical life,
Or aquatic wonders,
There is no fear,
Living in fairytales,
Mithical creatures,
Sorrounding the waters,
Travel sea to sea,
Hopes disguised as flounders,
Surfers all above,
And here come the divers,
Ready to explore,
The kind I belong to,
Sing to them now,
They'll jump off from sails,
To follow the voice,
Deep in the waters,
Desperate souls,
Following as I speak,
Gullible minds,
When told to go under,
This siren awaits,
For sailors to wonder,
To bring them in deep,
In dangerous waters.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
A pursuit for motivation
In an overweight nation
To become what I have dreamt of
And not what I became of
What I eat
When I sit
For hours with no end
The slob meets its end
A motivation found
At last

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
What will be,
Mustn't change.
What we'll see,
Mustn't blind.
What we'll say,
Mustn't mute.
What will fly,
Mustn't fall.
What will dance,
Mustn't trip.
What we'll dream,
Mustn't fade.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Hadn't been seen in a while
Reasons why the smile was so much bigger
The tightest hugs I've ever gotten
The shimmer in eyes filled with joy
To just sit on a bench
At a park
Stories beginning of new conversations
Laughs and smiles
Your attire all black
Black button up, rolled up sleeves
Black tie you removed after a while
I proceeded to steal that tie
Laughing, hugging
Pulled out your phone
Attemted to take a photo together
I refused
The reasoning being I was simply too shy
Even though that friendship meant the world to me
Walked for hours just talking
I miss that
I miss the friendship worth fighting for.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Miss you
Dear Diary,

It seens that I appear to be stuck in my own mind. Trapped perhaps, in this horrible thought process of mine.
Been locked up in a cage of hatred towards myself. What was it that I had done for a concequence like this one?
Seeking answers never given. Searching for clues never placed.
But like a maze, found a reason to keep walking till freedom was found at last.
But no, not in this case. Yes I did find the exit to this maze and I had a reason to do so. However freedom was not a reward.
It was much more than that.
It was an answer to all that had been questioned. An answer to a prayer laid to rest. A message in a bottle reached me, as it was read a smile drawn upon my face.
No smile had meant more than the one drawn that instant.
Drawn, in fact, by an artist himself.
Never had I called myself to bear such beautiful smile but he, had drawn it with the hands of an artist a genious.
An artist whose canvas was a human body, the skin of those who craved that sting in return for a memory. A work of art.
This artist managed to draw the most incredible smile upon my face that I had ever laid eyes on. Impressive I must admit.
But how was said artist capable of this?
With words painted in the back of my mind as he spoke, bursts of joy flew.
An artist who once loved this selfish being and who had permanently drawn her name on his own personal canvas with a beating heart.
An artist she calls superman.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
For you
In the darkness I live in,
There's a man so tall and thin,
And in the morning he goes hiding,
Though at night he screams I'm lying,
And in the night,
My thoughts break into silence,
A life remains,
Within the mist of phobias.

When the sun is up I find escape
From the demons in my head,
But as the sun sets here he's creeping
Through my mind as I am sleeping,
And in the night,
My thoughts break into silence,
A cry through rain,
I lost my mind in phobias.

If paranoia is my only friend,
Well I must fall with him again,
As he reminds me of my sorrow,
While I cry for a tomorrow,
I lost myself
In silence.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Lift the corners to the sky,
Squint the door to your soul,
So the past in past will lie,
Maybe now you'll smile some more.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
As childhoods flourished
We were always told
Up in the skies we had a valuable soul
A guardian angel watching us grow
One for each one
To watch over us
To be our helping hand
As this rose bloomed
She came to see
Her guardian angel was not in the sky
Her guardian angel roamed through the night
Sometimes in a tie
Others in a chef coat
Regardless of clothes he watched over her
With hugs and laughs years of a friend
It wasn't till now that she came to see
Not only an angel was he
But a friend much more than she could see
He'd smile at her
Even when she was not in sight
It kept her alive through lonely nights
He was a friend a guardian, you see
A helping hand in times of need
Soon her eyes were opened
He kept her safe
He kept a smile on her face
She will always believe
She will always love
She will always be thankful
For her guardian angel.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
My guardian angel
Quill plus ink,
The sum of imagination.
Paint plus brush,
Sums the arts.
Notes plus chords,
Sum of sound.
All in all creativity found.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
You've got a shield to hide behind,
For now.
You've got his eyes locked on you,
For now.
The day will come.
His eyes will widen in realization of your selfish carcas of a personality,
Your shield will dissolve away with your fears beginning to consume your body inch by inch.
And when that day comes you will wish you never stepped a foot on this planet, your worst nightmares will become your dreams.
Succubus will become nothing to what the glass shattered before you will reveal.
No number of ghosts or demons will compare to what your eyes will feast upon the day this world reaches through your chest and clenches the rock of a heart you posses tearing it out of your frail body.
You will sit in a chair strapped as can be and watch as your pebble of a heart is crushed with the hammer of your own self pitty.
Beg for nightmares for they are the least frightening for what will stand your way.
And as your blood runs from the slit in your throat to the paved floors, a smile bigger than sunlight will stare right at you.
Thirsty for blood and no blood tastes more rewarding than the one from the knife which penetrated right through your worthless body of a harlet.
The night the psychopath within will be unleashed to feast on the taste of your selfish, ice cold blood and flesh.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
You will be the first and last,
There will never be another.
You will be my Superman,
I will continue to wait.
You will smile at her,
I really shouldn't complain.
A simple text brought the pieces back together,
Took 24 hours before the damage was done again with the pain multiplied.
"I miss you" left such incredible feeling knowing my name had been thought of,
24 hours later my name had to be erased from your thoughts.
True love doesn't keep from desires,
True love enforces them.
If it's someone you miss,
A hug is what you seek.
Never say "I miss you",
If 24 hours will turn to "I'm leaving you."
"Dont worry about it even if I have to go i'll still watch over you, you won't be alone."
Yet walk away in times of agony.
Anger isn't true to me,
I am not angry,
I never will be.
I am merely a fountain,
Tears will flow upon my wishes slowly transforming me from fountain to well.
From fountain to well,
Drowning in my own self pitty.
Never begging for sympathy but always longing your company.
Goodbyes don't sufice,
Hellos won't come by.
The daily trip to an empty mailbox will haunt my existence till death parts me from it.
Letters expected,
None collected.
Smiles anticipated,
None reflected.
Lyrics turned to memories,
Songs become a life story.
In those songs I feel you closer,
In those songs you're here with me.
I must say you are the playlist and the soundtrack to the greatest memories and worst pain to feel.
I am merely a fountain becoming a well,
My tears are for you.
I bid you farewell.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Yes this is about you
United with more than double helix,
Tangled lives and childhoods intertwine,
Rasied as sisters,
Best friends to be,
And as your tears clench on your heart,
My hands will reach to pull you up.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
The unlikeliest place to find confidence
A boosted self esteem,
When others tore and ripped my mind,
My body image,
Bullied as a child and fourth it continued,
It never seized to amaze me,
The comments they threw,
Like stones they did harm me,
My name was ugly
I named myself unique
My name was freaky
I named myself limited
My name was what many thought I was then,
I named myself what I would be now.
I grew then to be the same as before,
Or so I had thought,
One day arrived at my college life,
Your camera flashed and I began to feel
They named me ugly
You made it feel as though I wasn't
They named me a freak
You used me for art
To this day,
Years after that,
Thanks to you,
I don't feel so ugly
Don't feel as much like a freak,
You showed me,
I can be infront of the camera and not always behind it.
Thank you,
For being more than a photographer,
More than a friend,
You were a boost to this bullied little girl's self worth and self esteem!

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Got to do a photoshoot when I hated being infront of the camera and now I love photos I began to learn to love myself
Indeed, a bright white light approaches this shredded heart.
Could it truely be time so soon?
Perhaps a lucid dream with which my mind attemts to ****** my every thought but a fight successfully brought.

Not a dream I see...
A room drained of color, and a body fragile conected to the only source of survival.
Have I really met the end?
Could I possibly be looking at my future crumble.

It appears so...
The reflection of my lack of sanity so clear upon the tear drop of that loved one.
The only loved one.
The one worth taking bullets for every ounce of my body.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
This came to me on the spot. I really don't know why.
But here it is.
And so time has flown
And in my memories it all remains
The unbreakable bond that once was
A friendship.

Terminated on one end but
Very much alive on this end,
Very much alive.

And as the time goes on
The memory becomes more precious,
And as the time goes on
The loyalty from here resides,
Very much alive.

A friendship that no matter how damaged,
It is still very much Alive.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Shreaded heart due to color of the skin,
Lonesome nights due to attire I'm found in,
Invisible due to the identity I'm lacking,
How can it be that all of this is still happening?

Inocence in a cell because the color tries to define them,
Eyes of hate cover the dark hair upon them,
Forget the studies if papers weren't probided,
How can we live passing all the judgement?

Military veteran, but color over sees it,
Depressive memories drowning a person's surroundings,
Brought accross at the age of no concience,
Let us widen out eyes to see instead of look,
To listen rather that simply hear,
To speak not talk,
To extinguish this judgement basing on the cover of an incredible story that may walk right past your ignorance.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
We always judge people without knowing them, or by their race, what they wear, and other things.
"Shooting star! Make a wish!"
Phrases to tear one apart,
Make a wish? Out of this well filled with wishes which one to select?
What is a wish if no effort is made?
Sounding like a lyric, make a wish, but a wish I do seem to find myself having.
Though nearly impossible, hope still living within me.
Nothing is lost in shutting eyes and wishing upon a shooting star that things will change or be as should be.
So as a final wish will be made, thoughts scramble in my head.
A wish so clear nothing comes before it.
Lurking through this fogged up mind of mine a wish shines bright as nothing matters more than the hopes for tonight's shooting star.
A wish for Superman to throw on the cape once more and come save the day.
One day, someday, anyday, hopefully today,
Superman will fly my way.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Superman gets it
In the light of day many hide behind masks,
Once the sun falls and the moon rises,
In the darkness the truth is always revealed.

Very few refrain from hiding,
Very few come out to light,
For most would rather lurk in the shadows than face what life is like.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
As society unfolds
Their makes of perfection
Lifting a shame
While dropping all hateful
Majority rules
The beauty's infection
No thoughts of all
Sympathy a scarce call for attention
To breathe an equal amount
Oxigen and hate thoughts
Ropes will hang high
Feet brought to dangle
Society blind
Double digits seem sinful
Fights with metabollism
How could it be fast
Curves are their desires
It isn't one's fault
But they make it feel so
If triple digits arise
Sympathy will reach you
Though double digits a crime
"You've go *** easy"
Do come to explain how this hate is easy
When you **** up their hearts
And leave none for the "twig ones"
And so she falls through her own self destruction
No curves or triple digits
Bring her one day to a aingle digit below the surface.

Kathia Mariana Landeros
How come of you're fat people will praise you tell you you're beautiful and that skinnies are ugly. But when you are skinny they hate and look past it?
They are coming after me...
I can hear them braking the chains...
Screams, cries, silence...

Silence at once,
Is it over?
Am I saved?

I hear screeching, crying and screaming...
They are coming for me!

I hear them,
They are everywhere,
Spinning in circles,
All around me they've come for me!

I hear them.
I hear my inner demons.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
To watch,
Blood run through your veins and know,
You can stop it, quick or slow.
The lack of complications with which you could potentially be the murderer of your own breath.
And for what?
To prove to the world that you as many others have become vulnerable of your own mind?
Victimized by tragedies or scenarios of twisted "what if"s.
Of love found and lost,
Love from birth and ripped away from your heart like a knife to a steak.
To prove to yourself that you no longer must live in pain or fear.
Fear that consumes your every breath and thought that crosses your condemned mind.
You feel as though it will not get better than sitting in denial in a room full of voices begging for peace in a world that is not our own, voices crawling from no lips only from your own self inflicted insecurities.
But I,
I, am not here to let this monster of a thought consume you.
I, for one, am a stranger.
A stranger to you but not to this monster.
I too have battled the war between peace or life.
I too have swam accross the vast oceans of thoughts screaming to fulfill their wishes.
But I won this battle.
And I will be the knight to stand by your side when it is time to make the decision.
Between life, or a commitment of suicide.
I am the real you I am the one who lives the one who wants to make you smile and find love that will not betray you but for that you must trust me.
You must trust that there is in fact a light at the end of the tunnel as cliché as it may sound.
So listen to this last phrase for it will **** the voices of torture.

You are worth every breath and every tear, you are worth it all and more, be the knight and fight the battle, you will win, because we all believe in you.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
The tales of a man once loved,
He who resorted to misstreating others.
Turned vial, turned dark.
He tore through hearts as if they were a craved meal.
Pulling and shredding souls with words so unforgivable to young minds.
Pushing them towards suicide he felt at ease.
A bully of minds with a cowardly heart.
They will remember him
They won't forgive him
Someday when he passes there will be no audience to his demise,
There will be no tolerance for he who is certain he is above all else.
He is a bully of the worst kind.
One who bullied a young girls mind.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
By the time you make your return,
It will be no surprise if I am gone.
When you finally feel okay with being around,
I won't be around.
If my thoughts pull me deep into the ocean, keep in mind I cannot swim for I will drown in myself.
Forget all the things that were ever said, I am not that girl anymore.
I have been lost you are gone with others to comfort you and I am accompanied yet still a lonesome soul.
I would sing you a lullaby,
But they do it for me.
I would run and hug you, but my presence bring you tears.
How can love bring such inmense pain between two beings.
Your words say there is love in your heart with my name written all over,
But why is this scene still about she who sits alone thinking and hoping he is okay.
This isn't love this is torture.
As stated before,
Don't be surprised if it happens to be too late.
If your thoughts come to order after a last breath has been taken.
A promise to follow you anywhere was made.
A weak point has been reached and I believe it might be best,
To wait for you by the gate with which is ment for us to meet again.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
I will follow
Sad is when a loved one passes,
Unbearably depressing is to watch a loved one deteriorate.

When their mind twists,
The concience unraveling.

Addicted to control,
Addicted to unrealistic expectations.

A complete change from withing themselves.

It is harder to watch a loved one die on the inside and become a stranger, than it is to watch them pass.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Never tall enough.
Weight too low.
Brown eyes brown hair.
No blue or green.
No blonde or red.
Face of a child.
Pixie hair as thin as air.
Of legal age mistaken for a sweet sixteen.
Of female gender thought to be a young boy.
Cup size sorry didn't make the C.
Jeans don't go past 0.
"You don't know what it's like to be overweight, you don't what it's like to be judged for not looking perfect."
But I do.
"My God you are so small."
"Cute like a child."
"Excuse the interruption would you like a children's menu?"
"Don't lie how old are you really?"
"Look at your tiny arms!"
"I can wrap my arms around you twice!"
"Men like curvy women"
A daily struggle due to image.
Never looking perfect in people's eyes. Always the little one the ugly one of the group.
Never to be seen as anything more.
Eating too much provocking sickness upon myself simply to gain a pound or two.
Never succeeding.
Simply to make myself a perfect image accepted by society.

Kathia Mariana Landeros
My biggest insecurity
A man blamed,
A man feared,
A male struggle.

You give her a compliment,
She blames you for objectifying her.
You give the promotion to a better contender,
She accuses you of ****** harassment.
She gets vindictive.

She wears skimpy clothing,
It's hard not to notice,
Two seconds later,
You're labeled a pervert.

You want to provide,
So her nails are always polished,
She calls you a sexist,
All you had done was make her your queen.

So what is so wrong about being a man?
Why are you blamed for things never done?

Everyone speaks of the female unfairness,
Yet no one remembers the male sacrifice.

That women too exploit the male gender,
All so they can move up a ladder.
A sense of entitlement,
A pity self secured,
Used as excuses,
In everyday life.

Why is it okay for her to objectify you,
But she gets cradled in sympathy when you give a compliment?

Why is it okay for her to ask you to cook,
But sexist if you ask her for a meal?

Why should you always pay the check if she claims to be so independent then?

Why is there such a defined double standard?

I am a woman,
To empower man.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
We seem to forget that men have it hard too and women hurt them just as bad or worse.
Been sitting,
Lost in myself,
You'll hear me call.

Been dreaming,
To find myself,
An answer for me.

Was sitting,
Gone within myself,
Then you came to me.

We vented,
For the other to speak,
If it came to be.

He struggled,
His eyes were in pain,
I panicked with him.

I worried,
Superman came,
I've missed all of him.

The names,
Superman spoke,
A smile on my face.

Thank you,
For keeping me calm,
Simple tears of joy.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Thank you Superman
It's new, it's vibrant,
It's so me!
Must have it.

It's cheap, it's art,
Won't fit!
Can't have it.

Anxiety born of greed,
Selfishness, social need.
Not one or two but all!
A bag, a coat, some plaid!

Obsessed beyond capability
Want all over budget,
"It's human nature!"
It's a sickness
A disease, born of riches.
Tired of wishes.

Photos, bookmarks,
Catalogues, webstores.
I am a victim.

Victim of need
Obsessive wish lists
To compensate
For a lack of attention with years
To go back.

-Kathia M. Landeros
Have a lump in my throat,
Clenching a fist,
Nails on my arm till it's ready to bleed,
Can't stand this dark room,
Lay by myself,
Feeling all eyes on me,
They are watching me bawl,
Horryfied my thoughts attempt to take over,
To my missfortune of course they succeed,
Perched in a corner my nails dig deep,
Scratching my arms with anxiety's face,
Screaming one name with no ears to hear,
Stuck in emotion cover my ears,
Screaming and crying a night spent in fear,
So this my friends is what my nights look like,
Lost in myself no one hears me cry,
Their fingers point at me a laugh and a scream,
Till a day comes by crawling at me,
"I am the murderer here to watch you scream."

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
What is happening in my mind at the moment
Voice no longer heard,
Heart no longer sings.

She had sang before,
Fear grew deep within.

She feels it in symphonies,
Dancing in the streets.

Music is to her,
The earth no longer moves.

Today she sings alone,
Like a Siren lost in the deep.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Una simple mirada basta para romper el corazón que en algun tiempo fue grande.
Es increible ver cuantas piezas quedaron de el Alma.
Es tan dificil regresar a decir adios?
A dar un "porque?"
Una simple razón.
Pero esta bien, dejare el tiempo pasar,
Pero a ti?
A ti no te dejare ir de lo que queda de mi corazón hecho pedazos.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Written in spanish it's all on heart break ..
There she walks with eyes wide open,
There you see she hasn't spoken,
Then she stands her heart now broken,
Did you ever think you were her token?

Now she lays with tears in eyes,
With sleepless nights and burning lights,
Took the time to remember your lies,
Stepped outside with hands of knives.

Out there she is now lost a soul,
Without regret what she has told,
The tears ran down so gladly bold,
For you to see you've killed her soul.

The knife, her hand, the heart it hits,
Like a man on man the fighting fists,
She feels alone with all misfits,
Wishing now you'd see her wrists.

Blood from heart runs through her veins,
Only to find the path restrained,
The fight she keeps without a brain,
The heart leads on she's lost in vain.

Watch her fall in tears for you,
As the blood drips thoughts so new,
Given up she looks towards you,
"I've lost my pride and faith in you."

Left behind her body falls,
Only to see you stare her down,
She fell back you tried to help,
You're too late this is her fate.

Now she's gone you miss her so,
Now you regret leaving her soul,
Though now too late you've seen her go,
It's thanks to you she's lost us all.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
A short story for the audience
To dance when no one is watching
To write when an idea arises
To draw when you feel the urge
To laugh when you find things amusing
To cry is something upsets yoy
To scream if something frightens you

To let your emotions run free
To keep an open mind
To keep an open heart
To feel without regrets

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Her maturity level lingers bellow average.
Always believed you to deserve a better woman to wed.
Perhaps a Diamond or a beautiful Ruby, yet the ring was placed on a rhinestone.
A man far from selfish to wed a woman, if even that, with more self love than true should be.
Thoughts came accross of wether judging a book by its cover was my path here.
Yet she spoke and her ***** of unthought of sentences poured out like the night after.
Her cover seemed oddly better than what actually was.
Sad isn't it?
A man I hold dear to my heart and existence,
To wed the selfish.
In today's times we do not seek what is deserved.
We seek what is thought to be deserved and you love, you dug deep in the pits.
To break two hearts for her own joy.
The dissease crawling through her skin and flowing in her veins known simply as jealousy.
Hatred without reason, she spills.
Life has a rather humorous way to finish our stories.
Broken apart by a walking sin.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Morning write
Faceless and so real,
Darkness had consumed the room,
Shadows of my fear walk closer towards my soul,
As I look up he's right above,
As I have lost all hope.

One thought goes by,
The sound goodbye,
As a mind quickly shuts down,
He's over head,
"Shush or you'll be dead"
Last words he dared to speak.

A heart raced through and out my chest,
I felt such pain inside,
Both physical amd emotional,
I do not dare to scream,
For if I do,
He'll count to two,
And the blade will pierce my soul.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Sometimes I sit and wonder,
Does he think of my name?
Does he ever think to send me a message?
A letter perhaps?
Has my existence become of no importance?
Drew a timeline,
Will there ever be a change?
Have my mistakes really brought me this far down?
I'm longing for a time turner.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
The tears he shed are crawling out the eye,
Make his planet seem as if the heart will somehow die.
Smiling abroad for the hapiness that sits unreal,
Each tear drop filled with dissapointment and disspair,
How can he now live without his love in the air?

The past he is reminded of with every step taken,
Her smile he longs, her touch he desires, for she will never be forgotten.
One more step and closer he becomes to the newest eternal bed she sleeps in.
Eyes shut, she lays, with pale cold skin. He glimpses at her lips, which were once his, the flashback begins.
Staring with eyes closed while re-living with remorse.

Ice cold her skin lays, the sun's warmth from his light hand touched her.
So close it seemed to be a nightmare. More than reality an attrocity.
The heart stops, his soul falls.
The room of opression, he's parished reviewong the obituary of his own, and the note left under her pillow the night she was taken.

The words unspoken, the chances wasted. Her sweet sixteen never seen.
Crouched on the ground heart in the basement, smiles taken hopelessly.
Now gone, "Glory," her name remains,
And "Defeat" his nickname.
Suffering the depressive stage of knowing he'll remain a lonesome soul.
Her smile only alive in his mind, dies with the knife's touch to the heart.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
This is a poem I had written YEARS ago. :)
How have you been?
How was your day?
I ask myself this everyday.

Are you smiling?
Have you found your way?
I ask myself on the daily.

Where have you been?
Are you okay?
I think these thoughts away.

Will you say hi?
Will you come back?
Living in fear I think today.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
I miss you
Find a way
To be okay
You'll be alright
i'm here by your side

I'll guide away
The fears from today
You'll be alright
I'm here by your side

I found a way to be alright
I found a way to leave tonight

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
Found this in my notes on my phone
Day one, first tear.
Day two, come here.
Day three, sink in.
Day four, reality shock.
Day five, lost mind.
Day six, let's end this.

-Kathia Mariana Landeros
A personal thought

— The End —