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1.8k · Sep 2014
A Pathetic Existence
WickedHope Sep 2014
I eat nothing for two, maybe three days.
Then I break down and stuff my face.

*You are so pathetic...
1.8k · Aug 2014
WickedHope Aug 2014
as realization hits
i am gone
drifting away
to that terrible place
where i've begun to feel at home

i thought we were
on the same page
now i see my heart
has been playing tricks on me

ignorance was bliss
now i'm well aware of it

never have you ever
been anyone's everything
i say quietly to myself
never will anyone ever love you more
there will always be a her

always second best
never good enough
never her
WickedHope Dec 2016
Snowflakes fall to the earth like suicide jumpers.
And I laugh because if I don't I have to listen to the silence.
Or worse.
And I laugh because I don't want to hear myself crying.

Waiting for icicles to form, and splinter, and crack under their own weight --
These are the games that plague souls;
Wishing away the snow with feet planted in blizzards,
Staring at the moon and trying to bathe in the last dripping morsels of sunlight shining onto the earth.

I lay buried so far beneath laughter and snowflakes that I am too cold to touch.
Touch me and scatter the blisters on my tongue,
For words are only dipped in honey, but it cannot hide the hollows inside.

And here I am, like a snowflake.
1.8k · Dec 2014
Peace Time
WickedHope Dec 2014
My legs cross yours
Under feather sheets
My skin kisses yours
Hidden, hushed we meet
More words.
1.8k · Nov 2014
Bitter Beloved Blue
WickedHope Nov 2014
There are plenty a pair that are cloudy
A lot with green, hazel, or gold flecks too
But never in my life can I recall or remember
Another with eyes of such a strikingly clear blue
I am so entranced by those **** eyes of yours.
WickedHope Dec 2014
I miss the rain.              
               Though lately
I wonder          
                            If it was merely
A heavy fog              
                 That only felt
Like rain...
600 poems is a lot. Well then.
- - -
Response to my earlier poem titled "Dance With Me"
1.8k · Dec 2014
Snow Falls Just Like People
WickedHope Dec 2014
I dare you
to meet me
at the foot
of the Statue
watching over cities
from the middle
of nowhere at
quarter to One
the morning of
the winter **Solstice
Please stop.
1.8k · Jan 2015
Let's Play A Game
WickedHope Jan 2015
let's play a game
where i call it love
and you call it something else

both of us losing while we win
you call it beauty
and i call it sin

we pretend always is the same as today
but 'us' and 'forever' go their separate ways
Me and you aren't an "us".
I hate that I wish we were.
1.8k · Aug 2022
Taboo And You
WickedHope Aug 2022
It feels like betrayal to say your name
     So I don't
          I don't say it out loud
               I don't identify you
                    It feels crooked
                         It feels wrong
                    To maintain normalcy
               I spit it out
         It feels acidic
     After choking it down
I want to be here
    I'm addicted to you
         But saying your name
              When it was his too
                   Isn't a romantic confession
                        Just an adulterous taboo
WickedHope Jan 2015
won't you pick up,
answer your phone,
and keep your promises

for once?
why do i cling
to toxic things?
1.7k · Sep 2015
I can feel them crying.
WickedHope Sep 2015
The roses are dying
The ones on my skin
They are wilting
Wearing thin
1.7k · Jan 2015
Curious Silence
WickedHope Jan 2015
Sometimes I wonder
if you think of me,
in your bedroom,
while you're jerking off
to *******.
1.7k · Dec 2014
Parallels Between You Two
WickedHope Dec 2014
Andrew, Andrew
Stop letting me draw parallels between you two

Your name
Your parking spot
Your hair
Your glasses, sort of

Andrew, Andrew
Stop letting me draw parallels between you two

Staring at you in AP Chemistry (even though I'm still not in it)
Silly little cartoons on notes that make me smile
You stopping after Spanish 3
Your taste in anime and games

Andrew, Andrew
Stop letting me draw parallels between you two

Driving me home
Driving me insane with your poetry
Awake at all hours
Toying with my wants, desires

Andrew, Andrew
Stop letting me draw parallels between you two --
Be the one to follow through
They have more differences than similarities,
but the amount of similarities freaks me out when I think on them.
1.7k · Feb 2016
To Love A Snake:
WickedHope Feb 2016
Don't fall for me.
I won't even see you when you stare,
Never mind catch you when you fall.

Don't fall for me.
Because I'm not the air rushing past your face,
I'm the cold, hard slap when you hit the dirt.

Don't fall for me.
Love songs and serenades only meet my deaf ears,
Mountain top shouts, the result'd bring you to tears.

Don't fall for me.
I'm not the type to notice,
I'm not the type to feel the same.
If you love me, Cupid ******* hates you.
1.7k · May 2017
WickedHope May 2017
moon time
star shine
echoes in my bones
can't feel my toes
hearing your voice is a shot of adrenaline
and not the good kind
my body rattles through the silence
and meteors shower my soul
memories are too raw to call
but they come without beckoning
in flashes meteors tear through the atmosphere
and i lay immobile as they become a camera shutter
one flash... and there is your smile, a lopsided grin
I wrote this a month ago: 4/29/17
WickedHope Jan 2015
I keep forgetting why I'm a bad idea

I'll leave you alone
Best person I've ever had the privileged of knowing.
I'm sorry we broke each others hearts.
Happy adulthood to you.
WickedHope Jan 2022
I'm so glad you never knew me then,
When I wrote out my pain
With more than my pen.
Bravado and brandy,
Always going dancing.
It was fun until it wasn't.
I was fun until I wasn't.
I was young until I wasn't.
I'm trying to de-age,
Find some youth,
Grasp some juvenile joviality,
Iron out the wrinkles despair and desperation
Have etched into my face.
I wonder if I met you then,
Would we have ended in the same place?
I was sprinting in a marathon of my own design.
I know you could have kept pace
But would we have had the time?
You say you would have died
And that means I'm meant for you.
But are you sure that loving me,
Even in the Now,
Isn't killing you too?
For all my faults, you're the only one who stayed.
WickedHope Oct 2014
I shiver
in this foreign, drafty room -
so sleepy -
feeling hollow,
alone and empty,
my thoughts drift to you.

Inside this ballroom,
off in the corner,
I feel my face start to
flush and flame,
and from my heart,
warmth start to radiate.
No longer cold but smiling.

All from
the simple thought
of you.
I need to stop being sappy rn,
But I kinda love you and stuff...
1.7k · Mar 2015
As Two Becomes Two(?)
WickedHope Mar 2015
Home wrecker
Home wrecker
Is that what I am
Or are rumors just rumors

Slutty flirt
Slutty flirt
Is that what I am
Or am I just self absorbed

Your enemy
Your enemy
Is that what I am
Or did I have nothing to do with it
Heard a rumor that my friend and his girl friend broke up. I hope and pray it had nothing to do with me. I mean, I want it to, but I don't.
- - -
First crush/first friend.
1.7k · Dec 2016
Avert Your Gaze
WickedHope Dec 2016
Please close your eyes, close your eyes
I can't bare to be looked at in the light

If you can't see beyond the silhouette of a personality then you can't judge the soul
Who could I be that you would love me
Who could I be that  I  would love me
All I can control is the pose and the poise being lent to my silhouette

Whisper songs in a broken tune
From him to me, from me to you
From us to them the cycle goes
None if it is mutual, or so I'm told

Colors don't matter when you're in the dark
Lipstick stains are scattered, leaving waxy marks
You laugh and I wince praying you can't see
Don't notice the anxiety sweating off of me

As long as the lights are dim I can play this foolish game
But turn them on and I shall melt and fall again
Idk. This is literally all over the place. Started it a few days ago and trying to finish it I ended up taking it in an entirely different direction. Whoops. Feedback on this one please.
**edited 1/4/17
1.7k · Dec 2014
WickedHope Dec 2014
Where the **** do my arms go?
So many meanings, all of them me.
- - -
Bracci means arms in latin.
1.7k · Oct 2014
Not Normal - Not Yours
WickedHope Oct 2014
Can I be normal?
I know you don't want "normal,"
But I'm just me.
And no one wants that.
What is my problem?
Oh wait, there are a lot of them...
WickedHope Dec 2014
The Secret To Being Single:
Be A Broken Person.
Merry Christmas babe.
Seriously though, how's Your Fencer doing, Two A.M.?
1.6k · Nov 2014
WickedHope Nov 2014
one word, one thought can set me off
ha, wow here I am, no surprise I'm back again
no, no, no, i can't function, i can't breathe
you have no idea what this did to me
choking, choking, gagging myself
so far gone, no use in help
under a minute for me to get this way
wonder how long this dark cloud will stay
inside my ever-constant storm
will it be here for minutes, hours, days, or more
look, look, look at me bleed
not from my veins, but somewhere deep-
er than i can reach
just one word
one thought
can **** near **** me
Haha, nope.
I'm definitely dead, babe.
I dare you to disagree now.
WickedHope Jan 2015
"Forever?"* is too long;
"Love me?" is too difficult;
"Stay?" is too needy;
"Hold me?" is too awkward...

Some how my questions are always wrong,
I just want to regain the love that I once felt;
But I'm left with broken bones and broken heart on the ground pleading,
And he dusts himself off, walking away telling me to *"keep going onward."
*Love has never worked with me...*

How do you keep going when you're so battered?
1.6k · Sep 2021
Just One Taste
WickedHope Sep 2021
Torn flesh haunts my nightmares and daydreams

My sanity slips away on crimson puddles that stain my thoughts

Numbness I used to fight with pain has morphed into a nauseating depth I want to fill with a scarlet flood to drown out the feeling
I feel so broken I want to **** myself.
1.6k · Sep 2014
Love △
WickedHope Sep 2014
Second choice
Stand in
Stunt double
I can't do this anymore
You look at me and think of her

I gotta get outta here
Can't do this to myself
This was my greatest fear
That you'd love someone else
Same struggles, different faces.
1.6k · Oct 2014
Continually Inflicted
WickedHope Oct 2014
I was alone, outside, apart, my back to everyone.
He came up behind me, I could feel his warm breath on my neck it made me close my eyes.
As he started to touch me, I tensed up.
He laughed and said we all ways have fun, for him I guess that's true.
My body burned with his touch, but not in a good way.
He lead me away - completely numb, compliant, submissive.
I am too afraid to leave; part of me knows I deserve this.
When you are raised to be an object, how do you find a voice?
I can barely utter please, stop, and he laughs again, he knows he has me trapped beneath him.
I hate myself for this, over and over again.
Same story, different guy, it will never end.
How can I grow past pain, past fear, when it is continually inflicted?
My Friday.
1.6k · Sep 2014
"Enough For Now"
WickedHope Sep 2014
Oh father,
Won't you see me?
I am your daughter,
And I've tried everything.
I know you never wanted
A little girl to love, to hold,
But please don't ignore me.
Just saying occasional hellos isn't
The same relationship you have with your son.
I just hope you can love me before my life is done.
I have 'daddy issues'.
Prompted to write listening to "Enough For Now" by the Fray
WickedHope Dec 2014
Once He (a) was my Two A.M.,
And I tried to make him (b) my Three.

But to be honest, from Ten to Six A.M.,
It's usually just lonely ol' me.
Two and Three are different guys, to clarify.
- - -
Two A.M.
He is my wicked hope.
- - -
If you know what I'm talking about message me.
If you don't, don't waste my time please.
1.6k · Jan 2015
I Want Far Too Much...
WickedHope Jan 2015
I want someone to look me in the eyes
like nothing else matters

I want to wake up to him
or a text from him or something more
than the empty feeling in my chest

I want someone to share random thoughts with

I want him to pull me into
his jacket and zip us up inside

I want to talk to someone
about theories, ethics, words,
the universe and more

I want someone to call me at one in the morning
and tell me to look at Polaris

I want him to pick me up unexpectedly
and make me laugh hysterically until I snort

I want someone to trade literature with,
sleep in with, cuddle with

I want someone to miss me when we're apart
Even if it was all fake, I still miss the little things.
- - -
He was always the perfect lie...
1.6k · Dec 2014
Carpentry (10w)
WickedHope Dec 2014
"I'm tired of   br-
             ­                                          ng


give me something to   d   for."
~ George ~

George and I are a strange person.
1.6k · Mar 2015
WickedHope Mar 2015
(maybe i'm a mistake)
mistakes happen all the time

just erase them and they'll be gone
erase the mistake
erase it
erase her
(erase me)

i wonder what being erased feels like
to feel nothing
but not in this way
this poisonous way
this painful way
of feeling nothing

i wonder what it feels like to be nothing
but not dirt nothing
not sludge nothing
not this nothing that stings

i wonder where the nothings go
where the mistakes go
when they're erased

i have to stop running
i run from the right things
and to the wrong thing
or is it to the right things
and away from the wrong things

it's hard to tell
when everything is in motion

can't we press pause
someone press pause
someone just press pause

i am spinning and falling
but i don't hit the ground
the dirt
(i am the dirt)

i just keep spinning
and i flip over and over
without touching anything
without stopping
without pausing
(someone stop me)

i keep running
(make me stop
make me sit tight
and stay in one place
make me fixed
not a mistake

(erase me
erase me and replace me

replace (me) with the correct thing
the right thing
the finally-makes-sense thing
the feels-right thing
the safe thing
the not-so-crazy thing
the stable thing

(erase me
and send me
to the place the nothings go
Listening to From Autumn to Ashes.
1.6k · Nov 2014
I'm A Liar (10w)
WickedHope Nov 2014
Sometimes I tell myself I don't need you at all.
Love, I miss you so ******* much...
WickedHope Aug 2021
            ­    In
1.6k · Nov 2014
The Luckiest
WickedHope Nov 2014
Dead and alone
Needy as ****
Someone please help me
I'm losing my luck
Old piece.
1.6k · Nov 2014
WickedHope Nov 2014
Seeking repentance.
Afraid of consequences,
Digging deeper.
Soon to be
Stone-cold sleeper.
1.6k · Nov 2014
Long Sleeves, Long Pants
WickedHope Nov 2014
Long sleeves

Long pants

Don't look at my skin

All marked up again

Some from me
And some from him

Just let it fade

While I fake 'okay'
WickedHope Dec 2014
hold          me          close
   enough          to feel            the heart
     that isn't          there beating         and we can
   pretend we're          right  for  each          other if we just
    ignore the pain          and maybe one          day you'll finally
   catch me alone          and I'll decide          I've had enough
   of this empty           separation           why can't we
   just be          one empty          heart  
instead            of            two
LoK together is not going to happen it seems.
I knew that'd be the case, so why am I so sad?
- - -
I haven't a clue what this shape is,
I was just ******* around with the spacebar.
- - -
Stuck in my head for some reason:
- - -
1.5k · Aug 2021
Just Me.
WickedHope Aug 2021
This is the other me
        The fake me
                The real me
                        The screaming
                The crying
        The Chain Smoking Cigarettes so I can Hurry Up Dying

Bitterly Hopeless
Sweetly Toxic

Maybe if I stare enough
You'll finally   u n l o c k   it
The secret I've buried
The one that I wish I had never seen
The secret I've carried
I spill my veins on the floor,   u n c l e a n
Hoping my insides Drown Me
Praying you forgot the key
Because you know what I know
The lie that I told
It's Rotted And Empty
Hollow like my head could be
So hurry, run, go
Before you understand

The Worst Part
           None of it was real
I'm just
           Me  .
Reality is a *****.

God, WickedHope was such a cu nt.
1.5k · Oct 2014
Pain, Self Inflicted
WickedHope Oct 2014
I'm afraid of being hurt,
so why do I continue to cause
myself pain.
1.5k · Dec 2014
Rain Drops On Roses
WickedHope Dec 2014
I've cut up my knees

The tears always seem

Thinner when I bleed
I'm not okay.
And neither is she.
The difference?
She doesn't miss me.
1.5k · Oct 2021
Stop, Drop, And Run
WickedHope Oct 2021
I think my addictions are addicted to me.
It's a mutual symbiotic parasitism.
I've taken up drinking,
hoping that will push them away.
But it's like lighting a fire
and trying to put it out with gasoline.
And God I'm soaked.

I want to cut it out.
Gunpowder is better than gasoline, right?
WickedHope Dec 2014
I think about how
my hair is
and about how relatively
my waist is,
and I'm okay
with myself...
... for about three minutes.
Then I'm back to 'normal.'
1.5k · Nov 2014
You Make Me Not Okay (10w)
WickedHope Nov 2014
When you act irrational -- crazy,
I feel like the
P  s Y c H  **o
Dear you,
Dear me,
1.5k · Jan 2015
Done With Your Drugged Words
WickedHope Jan 2015
You know what?
Two days ago?
That last picture of me?
That's all you're getting.
I'm setting myself free.
I still love you, but like I've always said,
I was never in love with you.
I really wish we could have worked somehow.
But you never wanted me.

I think it's about time I finally let both of you go.
You especially. Friends?
- - -
WickedHope Dec 2014
I need to stop talking,
Before I


anything else.
Sometimes I refuse to talk
Sometimes I can't shut up.

Another stupid 10 word.
Someone punch me.
1.5k · Nov 2014
WickedHope Nov 2014
i lay here

on the cold stone

wearing nothing

but ash

can you see me


i'm black and burnt

at last

the outside

looks like

the inside
I'm so cold.
WickedHope Dec 2014
I'm just tired. Of everything.

Lay your head on my shoulder and rest

Kind and tender offer, truly touches my heart, but my head is too heavy a burden for me to rest on anyone.

I will take that burden as I hold my own. If I were Atlas the Titan holding the sky above I would still take that weight

You are beautiful.
Please don't stop being beautiful, love.
I no longer have a sky,
But you make me want to rebuild mine.
If only a piece.
You are a star,
Shining at night.
You are a lamp,
Shedding some light.
You are a hope,
Making me want to fight.
Want to fight.
But to weak to stand.

I will be your shoulder to cry on
I will be your arm to lean on
I will hold your hand when things get rough
I will light the way in your darkest times
I will be here to the end

I just want to cry but the tears won't come.

Why cry darling? You have no reason to shed tears

I'm so broken, ***, I'm two shards away from gone.

I can be the glue that holds you together. < holds you close > I will be here

Glue always seems to wash away with me
< curls into a ball >

Then I'm industrial welding. I'll be here for as long as you need and longer

Darling... you are a lovely piece of humanity, never lose that about you.

*Please just hang on [my real name]. I couldn't bear losing you.
Losing you hurts like hell, love. </3
What if I still need you? What then?
- - -
Some exchanges from earlier November, when I was "unwell."
I wanted to **** myself, and when I felt like no one else was, Andy was there to give me reason not to.
The BOLD words are Andy's, because everything he said is boldly imprinted into my heart.
- - -
~ 1 A.M. (EST) 12/30/2014 was the last I ever got to hear from him.
I want to remember that.
- - -
1.5k · Aug 2014
On The Gym Floor
WickedHope Aug 2014
How badly I want to curl up next to you
Is my own private issue.

You give me a brief smile
And I’m not certain what it means.
Should I stay for awhile?
Or go back to my daydreams?

Knowing you’re so close to me sets me on fire,
I struggle to control my own growing desire.

I move myself on the gym floor to just out of reach,
For inside of your bubble I’m afraid to breach.

Soon I’m surrounded,
We’re no longer alone.
I curse myself, confounded
With a scared wish to run home.
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