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I once met a man made out of steel;- but he was too afraid
To disclose all the hearts he stole, instead pointing out
All the love he had bought, as one constantly waiting for
What’s in store. The wise con artist selling out dreams
Only to lonely fools, who buy into flightless ideas-
Such tall ideas, with the promise of giving them wings

And to those he came to meet;- his very eyes carved up
Their bodies, to offer as fresh sushi; a bloodlust fishman,
Holding a charm with such impeccable practice
He spoke love’s language, with words sharp as knives
Cutting all costs, to make any love feel exorbitantly priced;

Alas I present myself to you- the author of such dreams
I am a halibut; playacting to have tough flesh underneath,
Drowning in the endless submerging feeling, of love
Swimming an entire life; sinking deeper by a heart of steel,
Still, anything that must breathe, must certainly bleed.

As when I bought a taste of love, it indeed
Tasted like my very own blood!
Zhanara Jun 21
I wanna be your angel
I wanna be your devil
I wanna be your time
I wanna be your line…
Ashwin Kumar May 24
You are my idol
You is it, who manages to make me smile
When I am down in the dumps
You are an amazing poetess
Imagine, could your writing ****
Then die, the oppressors shall
One of the fiercest voices against injustice
Always, are you ready to make sacrifices
For the benefit of humanity
And the transformation of our extremely regressive society!

You are my idol
Always, do you manage to cast a spell
Through your mind-shattering poems
As well as edge-of-the-seat novels
An enchantment that is almost impossible to lift
Really, are you a gift
To the literary world
So much do I love, the way you play with words!!

You are my idol
Never, are you idle
Buzzing with ideas all the time
Truly, is your mind sublime
You are the light to my darkness
The fire to my icy coldness
The humour to my seriousness
The subtlety to my directness
The list is endless!!

You are my idol
I like you more than I hate Israel
You mean as much to me
As independence means to the Palestinians
It was such an honour to see you perform
Last December, at G5A Warehouse
In front of a full house
That I felt I was in a dream
It was indeed a surreal feeling
May you keep performing and inspiring
May all your dreams come true
And may Jesus bless you!!
Yet another poem dedicated to the amazing novelist, poet, translator, academic, intersectional feminist and anti-caste activist - Dr. Meena Kandasamy.
Zhanara May 16
I am too tired
I know
Life is unfair
I know
Life is not beautiful
I am too tired.
I am too tired.
I am too tired
Let me smile without any stops
Zhanara Apr 30
Cry please
Special for me
I cry so much
Disappear please
Special for me
I disappear when I am sad
Blow  please
Special for me
I am tired to hear a scream of my soul.
And over the specks of dust and rose-colored evenings,
in the melancholic fate of soliloquy;
yet as wretched as her soul be, her very first breath was, “Have mercy.”
The pale, starry-eyed of April’s sky ends, and it’s pouring; the trees are swaying in their places; the sun is impressed by the rising of the lilies.
Daunted by the ray of light, quietly caressing its innocence.
She looked over the moon, as if it were painted by someone she knew.
In hope, she clenched her fist and whispered again and again and again.
Like the petals of dried daisies fallen from the moon.
She knew it’s written on the stars; someone knows her name.
The airy summer between spring and March’s language, an imprecise grief of longing,
a desert of bones starved on
an ethereal ghost of past summers and the sickening void of the night sky,
she needed to endure
something in her holler with violence—some rage kept on the other side of her old pillow.
And yet it’s still written on the stars—someone knows her name.
Where the river flows, she follows.
In hopes she’d be directed to the one who wrote her;
achingly believing she’s the muse this time.
Who else could have written her the way she is?
With her eyes the same as the earthly sand,
her lips alive in light gray, with the way she lit up when the moon reveals himself to her,
the sea pushes upon the land as if it were longing to kiss her weary feet.
With the way her hips dance when she walks, when she closes her eyes, only she can hear her author’s note at the back of her heart. Slowly yet surely whispering, “It’s written on the stars. I wrote your name, my love.”
And so she follows the flow of the river, faithfully locking her eyes in the waters' steepness. She gently brushes the cold river, and so it quietly blushes at the thought of her.

That someone like her was cared for enough by her own artist.
april, you were legendary and momentary. good days are coming.
Zhanara Apr 11
I am sorry
I hurt my soul
I broke my heart
I hit my bone
I said bad words to myself
I didn’t support myself
I didn’t care about myself
Just ignore good characters myself
It was important some people’s comments…
Zhanara Apr 8
My teardrop change into ice
My teardrop hide  into my soul
My teardrop can’t talk can’t discover
It is too tough for me
What should I do?
Zhanara Mar 27
I am not alone
My God is always with me
I am not alone
My Angels are always with me
I am not alone
My lucky is always with me
I am not alone
My wisdom is always with me
Just not good people are not with me
Lazy and brainless are not with me
Zhanara Mar 19
Stop to hate yourself
Stop to break your heart
Stop to say bad words to yourself
Stop to ignore your dream
Stop to be so lazy
Stop to cry when you are upset
Nobody understands besides you
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