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4.8k · Dec 2019
Lost Legend
Sylph Dec 2019
Another falls
Another legend
Another life
barely lived


Im tired
Waking up
seeing another life
that couldn't be lived
looking to find a day of light
But all there is
Clouds of grief

At least
your finally free
RIP Jarad Anthony Higgins
Juice WRLD
December 2nd, 1988 -
December 8th, 2019
2.7k · Feb 2020
Art therapy
Sylph Feb 2020
I decided to draw today
to let her out
my demons been getting restless
The words I long to say
they just
Wont come out
So now
Im turning to a visual
Spill of words

That puts everything aside
Disconnecting everything in my brain
Letting my hands take control
The pencil
To freely dance across the page
To let out whatever needs to be free
That I cant see

Letting the thoughts
The pictures
The words
That I have never seen heard or felt
to come out
Be free
2.2k · Nov 2018
*Colors of the Soul*
Sylph Nov 2018
Blue is spirit and bright
The color and light
Of a wisp
Seeking through the night

Green is life and Joy
The color
Of summer time trees
The smile when you play with a toy

Yellow is the light of the night
Caring and pure
Helps anyone without a fight
They will be be your light

Black is dark but strong
More fragile then portrayed
but do not think them wrong
They still know love
But with the help of another
To light their way

Red is the sweetness of cherries
They will stay by your side
Their heart as pretty as daises
They love more pure then any other color
Just the sight of theirs or another pain
can make their eyes rain

Orange has the spirit of fire
Much like black and yellow
They will light you through the darkness
Until their fire burns out
Then they need a friend
To help them be free
And be the light they used to be

White i think the most confusing
Their hard to see
But When you see them
Their as special as anyone can be
Their quiet but always outspoken

Purple the color of a cats eyes
So watchful and careful
Ever so wise
Dont under estimate this beautiful soul
For it can go out of control
Emotions so strong but held by a string
They might need a friend
To help them find their wings
These are the colors of the souls
Whats the color of your soul?
2.0k · Oct 2018
My Mask
Sylph Oct 2018
See this smile?
Isnt it perfect?
Isnt it beautiful?
I spent so long perfecting this hand crafted mask
and Everyone loves it
I mean it looks nice
                It looks so..

I like how it looks too
Though its not how i feel
I still like looking the role im supposed to play
Always happy
Always someones Ray of sunshine

I love it so much that i hate taking it off anymore
I dont want to have people concerned about me
I dont want anyone worrying about me and my insecurities
  Its such a waste of valuable life

This mask has saved me and otheres so much
Its only ever failed me twice or so
I just
love it
Its hid the real me from the world
I know thats for the best
Of others
The people i love
Maybe even me
One day
I might convince myself i am happy
That i am loved
not for this perfect mask
But maybe loved for Who i really Am
If the world could even take that
2.0k · Apr 2019
A Sibling bonding moment
Sylph Apr 2019
My kind of a sweet sibling bonding moment
Is when you love them so much
You jump on them while their trying to sleep
Give them a huge hug
Then strangle them with your whole body not letting them get away till they say that you
Yes you
Are their favorite sister =D
That they love you
and know you love them
no matter how mean you might be
Or annoying they are to you
You love them
Now and forever
That they are your very first brother and forever will be
Your First Brother
Sometimes when your have younger siblings you tend to forget they are growing too
and forget to watch them grow and be part of all of it and take it all in.. That they are yous siblings and you love them and you need to remind them of it sometimes especially when you think your getting to busy to tell them... I have a little brother..I swear...He was only a baby a couple years ago and hes growing so fast just like me...i got so caught up with my own life i forgot to be part of his.... I noticed how much i already missed..and that i dont want to miss anymore.. You only have one life..Hes my gift just like my other lil buddy and i want to make sure im part of both of their lives..
And that their a big part of mine. I love them and i want to make sure they aways know that even when im being a **** mush brain teen.

Love your siblings and remember you only have this one life
You need to take it all in in the moment and make memories to last you the future when you need them most.

For my dear lil bro, And Another poem will be done in the future when its time for my new baby brother thats been welcomed to this crazy world.
1.9k · Dec 2019
The World of Art
Sylph Dec 2019
I love art
It expresses a world beyond this one
Art can show me a life
A possibility
A desire
I can feel
I can hurt
I can express

My pencil dances on the page
A magic flowing from my pencil to the page
Finally free
People can finally understand
They can finally see
From my eyes

I watch them
captured by
their bodies the narrator
A beautiful story is now being told
A love
so deep
but so painful
a silent scream

That instrument
This may have been Beethovens
But not anymore
Is now theirs
is beyond words

Theres always more behind the words
A poem can tell the world what cant be said
1.9k · Oct 2018
Halloween Spirit
Sylph Oct 2018
Unicorns blood tastes of cream

Dragon scales bright and green

Trolls are small but they are mighty

Witches as far as our eyes can see

Dolls are pretty but they will ****

Vampires bite and all by will

Spirits come at the rise of night

       The Shadows come at the flick of a light
I wrote this a while ago, But its perfect timing!
Favorite holiday needs its own poem =)
1.8k · Oct 2018
Little bird
Sylph Oct 2018
I sing
In hope
that someone will hear
Someone will save me
And hold me dear

As time goes bye
I watch all the other birds fly
While im still sitting
Still singing
locked in my cage
Continuing to turn the page
Awaiting my chance to fly

One day
i will fly
One day
i wont sing alone
One day
I will be heard

One day

I will be free
I feel like a birdy
Longing to fly with the others
Longing to feel free..
1.5k · Dec 2018
Sylph Dec 2018
You say you understand, How could you understand?
Your not in my head
Your not me
Were alike
But your Not Me

These demons would swallow you within seconds
This darkness would overcome you
Could Never understand this
This Guilt
Thats taken over
The Lie im living
God cares? Where is he?
This Fear
Of being alone, left in the dark
The self Hatred
Thats just beginning
Constant Stress
Of failing life
This Depressing state
How could you understand?
My thoughts
How could you understand
Honestly, How?
Im Selfish
All i think about is myself when people are dying and suffering
1.4k · Nov 2019
A Selkies Story
Sylph Nov 2019
A blanket of light
warms me
As i glide through the waters
with my selkie friends at my side
darting through the water
and teasing me for letting my thoughts get the best of me
I remember

He saw me
His eyes the color of the forest
His hair the color of fire
We fell for each other
And the string on our finger pulled us like magnets into each others arms

We spent so long together
And i loved him
More than life
I loved our daughter
More than my sea

But the pull
It tugged at my heart
At my mind
my skin
My soul
I couldnt resist its call
i tried
and tried for years

but i couldnt fight a match that had
never been possible for me to win in the first place
I couldnt fight my home
My very being
The beholder of my soul

I know they will forgive me one day
Our tight knot can not undone

Not even when
                                  Fate cuts my string
This is based off some selkie myths and legends
1.3k · Jan 2019
Am i free?
Sylph Jan 2019
No one judges me
I can live without fear
Without worry
without pain
Im free
A­t least thats what they told me
They told me im free
They said we're equal

Do i just eat up what they are telling me?
Like the mush they put on my plate  

                                                        ­        Or
                   Try to think for myself and possibly get me and all my friends
                              And Family
This is kinda random..
Inspired by "The Giver" And "Hunger Games"
1.2k · Oct 2018
Sylph Oct 2018
You lied one to many times
Dont you feel the Guilt?
Every lie is like one more cut
Every lie is like one more pound to your shoulders that you cant just shrug off
The trust you once saw has burned
Its now ashes floating in to nothing but darkness.
Dont you see that look
That look in their eyes?
The disappointment
the saddness
the breaking
1.2k · May 2019
Teenage Love
Sylph May 2019
Teenage love
Is when
your just so in love
the idea
of being in love

And quote on quote
¨that feeling you think is love
is just a mixture
of Lust
And attraction when your a teenager¨
Tbh i dont want to believe its true even though a part of me knows it is in a way
I want to prove that statement wrong but what if its just fact?
We learn to love, correct? Through out life and none of us are positive what love is or how to explain it
So....Why cant you learn to love someone you like a lot but as a teenager? part of me knows the answer but maybe if someone else said it, i could believe or accept it might be true..,
Doubts **** everything... And i like what i have right maybe i dont want to know the answer... maybe im happy being confused..maybe
1.2k · Nov 2018
The Winds Special Time
Sylph Nov 2018
The wind weaves through the trees
Singing its unique song  
The leaves dance in the trees and on the ground
The forest creatures cant help but dance along

Soon after, the flowers start blowing
and cant resist singing along
To the Winds special song

The coolness of the wind
as it sings
Its speaks measures
It feels so Alive

Its sings so Happy and Lively
So mournful and sad
Such feelings flow through this special music

But like every song
It must end
Dont worry the wind will sing again
Maybe not Tonight
But tomorrow perhaps

You know the wind will sing soon
When everything in nature
Seems to shout for the wind too
Listen to it every now and then
Im telling you
Its beautiful
You wont regret it
The Chill from the wind will make you feel alive
it will speak to you
And sing its special song
Inspired by :
1.2k · Mar 2019
The Shadows
Sylph Mar 2019
The shadows watch
They follow and they see
watch the shadows for you will see
their more then just you
Their your monster...
dont run from your monster
dont run for it will win...
Then what?
The first poem i wrote on hello poetryyyyyyyyyyyyy
1.1k · Sep 2018
Darling Child
Sylph Sep 2018
Oh darling child
so young
so innocent
How i do envy that
Oh darling child
Promise me you will never grow up
Please stay young Sweet little girl
                                                            ­  15 years later
Oh darling Child
That innocence has faded
The youth is now Maturity
The Adorable little girl i once knew
Faded into a Beautiful Woman
Oh darling child
I love you
Why do we have to grow up?
1.1k · Sep 2018
Sylph Sep 2018
Whats that?
                       5 minutes

              Black is all i see

Smoke is all i smell
                   Screams and sirens is all i hear

Whats happened?
                       Finally i open my eyes

Theres so much happening i cant make up of it all..

                          What is this in the air? all over..What happened to New york?

I feels as though i have forgot how to breathe

      Theres this piercing pain in my Si....Whats this warm feeling? like a liquid

    ...oh Blood
    Whos though? Mine? what happened?
                                ¨Sir dont worry more help is coming!¨
                                Who is..?
To all those who lost someone in the 9/11 terrorist attack. Im So Sorry You had to go though that pain of a loss.
Shall we remember all the ones we lost in the unfortunate event.
Anyone wants to talk about it im willing to listen <3
1.0k · Nov 2019
Love Song
Sylph Nov 2019
He finally remembered the song
that song that called Persephone to his Cold sunless world
That spoke the words he couldn't say
The song of love

Hades remember?
That love you felt for Persephone
The feeling that the world was in your arms
All weight lifted from your shoulders
All there is and all there ever was
                                      ­                   Her
Inspired by Broadway HadesTown
Epic lll  - Reeve Carney, Hadestown original Broadway Company, Anais Mitchell

*Full soundtrack*:
1.0k · Apr 2019
A Dragon
Sylph Apr 2019
The wind passes under my wings
The beautiful shades of Oranges, yellows, And purple
As the sun sets and says goodnight

And i close my eyes for a free fall...

        When they open the stars and moon say hello
My eyes adjust to the dark quickly
To see a forest
          full of something..
The trees had fluorescent speckles of light
And Vines of beautiful flowers hanging from tree to tree
Everything was glowing a eye pleasing blue in the darkness
Even my scales were glowing but of a glorious Turquoise and purple

The Animals that should be sleeping sing one last lullaby
To ease them into dream land
The trees sing along
and I Danced with the fae

Finally the Lullaby has been sung
Everyone is now fast asleep except me
I Watch over the night sky through the little spaces in the trees
Listening to the calming whistles of the wind
And crickets chirp
            My eyes
          to close
And a new free fall begins
Into the world
                                                                ­ Of Dreams
A Random write i came up with before i drift to my dream land..
1.0k · Oct 2018
Gods Game
Sylph Oct 2018
Im tired of being a piece in these games.
Im tired of being a lonely pawn against a Queen and a bishop
I dont want people to starve at the hands of the capital, NO more Hunger games
Sorry. Is all me because im constantly making people upset in this silly game..Im sorry

Monopoly is coming, Im almost completely broke to where
People are giving me their pity ones.

I wish i could find my mate just by rolling the dice
I wish i could get that good of a job
I wish had that much money or even my own house

Life is the game i want to beat

                          ­             Im so tired of playing Gods game.
Of aaaaaaaaallll these games Life is the only game i would want to beat more then anything.
902 · Oct 2019
Sylph Oct 2019
It funny
The weird positions that your bad choices
put you in

Im dead
at the same time
Im slightly more alive

Almost found
yet still completely lost

no one can save me from the depths of darkness
that eat me alive
And it will
until im reunited with the life
I wanted
and I made
Life *****.
i had found what i wanted
i was finally happy
life finally felt right
and yet
the world says its wrong
815 · Nov 2019
Cheshire Cat
Sylph Nov 2019
Cheshire cat
Make up your mad mind
I know that i am mad
but you are beyond comparison of madness
You love one way within those mad eyes wild with craze
and i only follow in your mad, mad ways
795 · Mar 2019
White Lie
Sylph Mar 2019
Even the whitest of lies
Turn blood red
                      after they
                                     have been said
White lies are almost as bad normal ones
I learned this the hard way
They hurt just as much a normal lie
Dont let that one word fool you
724 · Nov 2018
Wheres that smile
Sylph Nov 2018
"Aw baby girl, Wheres that smile, that brightened every bad day, And made it worth pushing through another?"

"Well dad, You see, Life happened to me, That light i could once see is so faded i barely want to push through the dark anymore."
711 · Oct 2019
Big brother
Sylph Oct 2019
They come and go
could possibly go wrong
If they just

You said you were my Guardian Angel
That you would come back
10 years time
Im so naive

I dont need you
I know i dont
But i sure as hell want you

Why are people so cruel? And why am i so naive? Why cant i grow up?
700 · Nov 2018
Blind trust
Sylph Nov 2018
Dont blindly trust a light
Assuming its safe

Dont blindly trust a stranger..
Gods a stranger to me..
Can i trust him?

Love is new for me
..Is that okay to blindly trust?
Trust till i have a reason not to?
Or just stay on the safe path
Where there supposedly less pain
I dont know..

Trust is so valuable
And such a privilege
And painful to loose

If you have the trust from another
That most seek
Take care of it
Its important.

If you trust someone
Take care of that too
Dont just put it all there
And give it to anyone
But give enough so they can feel it

Take chances
But still be cautious
But dont let anyone betray it
You trust is worth more then that
As is theres

Dont always blindly trust
Blind trust..I dont know why but poems trust seem to catch my attention most
693 · Dec 2018
Sylph Dec 2018
Your such a fool
I TOLD you im a demon
I TOLD you im toxic and will hurt you
I Told YOU that im a rose with blood on my petals and my poisonous thorns
I TOLD you i dont want you
Yet here you are
Still by my side
Watching your life tick by
With a girl who cant love
Cant smile with you
Or even look you in the eyes
Who will **** you at the touch
Your such a fool

You say you love me
But i dont love you...
I know how awful this is
How selfish it is
How cruel i am
I dont love you..
I love him
Im sorrry..
I am
But i want him
Your just my friend
Not him...Im sorry
This one was written while ago. Random Draft i thought might be decent enough for the publics eyes.
649 · Feb 2019
What ifs...
Sylph Feb 2019
Please no more what ifs
They are leaking into my mind
As a Massacre of my faith

Creating Nothing but doubts
A knife stabbing into whats left of Me
Murdering My Soul
My spirit
My hopes
My dreams
My Desires

They are going to be nothing to me soon
Unless i can rid of these
Ghastly What ifs
To be honest..All these "What ifs" And doubts might be the death of me
Its killing everything i have and that i hold dear
My Relationship
My Friends
My Family
i want to live
Not to keep dreading over these What ifs
What if this
What if that
WHAT IF all the what ifs went away
would we be left with a unorganized society and mind? Or maybe a more hopeful and living one
631 · Sep 2018
Sylph Sep 2018
Daydreams are the only thing
that keep me happy
When i cant be with him.
One of the only lights in my dark alley
The safest area
Where i can imagine dancing with the stars
Where i can feel okay
Only other thing
that can keep me happy
When my love is not near
When he cant hold me safe
                   Daydreams are my only other light
616 · Mar 2019
Sylph Mar 2019
"Yeah, well I make the same mistake two or three times, just to be sure it's a mistake and not bad luck. ;-)"
A quote thats destined to be known!
All credit goes to my dear friend, Masha Yurkevich =) <3
Who created this!!!!
613 · Nov 2018
Time to look past the past
Sylph Nov 2018
I spent 4 months
Stuck on you
On what we could have been
On how i hurt you
But its time for me
To change
To fix my flaws
Make someone
To learn my lesson
Its time to move on
Its time to look past the past
I hurt myself by worrying about someone who didnt care about me anymore
Who was ready to leave
But wanted to get their revenge on me before they left
To have the last word
Nothing more i can do now
Other then move on
609 · Nov 2018
Sylph Nov 2018
This fire inside me Burns
Like Sticks in a fire
The color of ember
The smell of black smoke
Filling my lungs
Fueling my anger further
All i can think is
when i know its not true..
This fire inside is growing
Almost too big to control
Enough to consume
More then just me or you
But enough to consume
Every light thats near and every shadow close
I wont let it take control though
I wont
I wont
I cant
But how do i stop it
When the flames Rise at every
Word or sight of you
Every time i hear your name
The flames grow wild
The heat unbearable to hold in
The smoke making it impossible breathe
How can i control this
609 · Feb 2019
Whats Wrong?
Sylph Feb 2019
I know im not perfect
I know say the wrong things sometimes
I know im not always good at listening
but could you tell me whats wrong?
I can try to be perfect
I can continue trying to say the right things
I can be a good listener
Just please
Whats wrong?
The pain in your eyes cuts at me
Like the blade On the counter
please talk to me
Im here for you
Whats wrong?
I Care about you
I cant see you in this state and not worry
Talk to me
I will listen
We can go through this together
You can take off that Mask you wear
I wont laugh at your weakness
I would never hurt you
Just please tell me
                                Whats Wrong?
580 · Mar 2019
Gullible Little Girl
Sylph Mar 2019
If someone off the street offered you a piece of candy
Would you honestly take it????
He said with rain running down his cheeks from anxious eyes

Open your eyes
Not everything in this world or rarely anything is all cupcakes and rainbows, Sweetheart

I dont want you to get hurt
because of someone taking advantage of someone so pure
Desperation and vulnerability peeking clearly behind that mask he would wear
as he plead to her

Open your eyes to the way people are
there is good
But only 50% percent of this world chooses to use it

I cant lose you...
It would be all my fault..
What would i even do?
Im going to be honest
i think i would have to end what i have
what is this life worth to me without you in it?
She looks up at him
A Gullible
                              A Vulnerable  
                                                 ­                   Little Girl

They embrace each other
still crying their silent tears
I cant explain....
578 · Jan 2020
Broken Toys
Sylph Jan 2020
A broken heart
But a toy to someone who was bored
You need to put those pieces back together
Sweet little doll
Sad little soldier
those piece will get lost if not fixed

I will help
I will sew those broken pieces together
Using the faiths string
And I will use gallons of glue
To fix the cracks that cover your sad eyes

Those scars will heal
Just as glue drys and stitches are forgotten
But I cant promise someone wont do it again
Girls play with boys hearts as though they were puppets
Boys play with the girls as though they were dolls
                             These hearts arent toys
                       And they arent a easy fix
You shouldnt open peoples heart just to tinker around with the gears and break them just to run away as though it was never your doing. Im still learning this lesson.
528 · Sep 2018
Sylph Sep 2018
Why does the sun always come on wrong days?
Why did he have to eat the last cookie?
Why couldn't life be cupcakes and Rainbows?
Why do people **** others?
Why does darkness always end up here?
Why doesn't god help those in need?
Why are we sent to hell?
Why do we feel pain?

Why do we have to die?

Honestly these questions run through my head at least once a week..
I just dont understand why
Even if these are never answered, I will forever wonder.
527 · Nov 2019
Sylph Nov 2019
Im ready
Ready to give up
Ready to stay broken
Ready to stay on the ground
Ready to not get up
To let God push me back into my place
Ready to stop

Just kidding

I ready to fight
Im ready fall for what i believe
Ready to live
Ready Cry
Ready to Smile
Ready to scream
I wont give up
I have fought to long
Im not ready to give up
                                          Not to myself
525 · Aug 2019
Self Deception
Sylph Aug 2019
They say
If you lie to yourself enough
its sure to come true
Maybe if i continue telling myself
that i love you
I really will one day
And what we have
wont seem fake
I will wait for that day
Like you wait for the clock to stop ticking
knowing it never will
To be honest i dont know where this came from because i have lied to myself so much in so many other things..I cant tell whats true and whats not. And i think i love him but i keep questioning whether or not thats just a lie im telling myself because i want it to be true.
515 · Nov 2018
Just leave me alone
Sylph Nov 2018
No more.
No more pain
No more light
I want be numb
I want only dark
Only emptiness to surround me
I want to be left alone

Please just leave me alone

Before you get even more hurt like the others

Leave me alone

I'm nobody

Just a spirit that wants to be alone

515 · Oct 2018
Game Over
Sylph Oct 2018
Im tired of playing this game
I think im ready for it to end
I know im ready for the pain to end
I dont want to break anymore
No more tears
No more Pain
No more love
No more false hopes
Just Nothing
                          ­                   Peace
                                                                ­             Just Game over
515 · Apr 2019
Sylph Apr 2019
I thought you would stay till the end
and keep what i hold dear to yourself
Not share it with the world
You kind comes so quickly
and i trust you so fast
i cared for you
i guess

      F L Y   B Y   N I G H T
502 · Aug 2019
Sylph Aug 2019
Im to point to where
i have to make choices
BIG ones
That could change my little teenage life

What high school do i want to go?
Should i break up with him?
What do i even want to do with my life?
Are they someone i want to keep around me?
Am i to the point of needing help?
Where should i work?
Should i start saving now for a car?

Then theres those questions that have no reason for existing
Will i make it?
Am i good enough to be here?
Do i deserve this?
Can i even do that?
Will i ever be able to do that?
Is that possible for someone like me?

These questions eat
like worm eating a apple
Eating to my core
my center
When i started and where im going to end
The main part of who i am
And it eats and eats till theres almost nothing left
Of what little i had
480 · Mar 2019
Stop Mothering Me
Sylph Mar 2019
Act Your Age
Im not your child
Your not my Mother
Stop Mothering Me

Im not 5
i dont need your supervision
Nor Permission to do as i please.
Stop Mothering me.

Act Your Age
Your not 20
You cannot tell me what i can and cant do
Who i can or cant be
Or enforce Anything
On me
                                 Stop Mothering Me

Just Please

Be my friend
Thats the only thing
You can be
For me
You can leave
I need a friend that will support me and maybe give me advice
but not do everything for me.
And Especially not tell me what to do with my life.
479 · Nov 2018
Sylph Nov 2018
Im so tired
Mentally unstable
Sane ish

This is meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Schools driving me crazy ish
478 · Nov 2018
The Question
Sylph Nov 2018
"What do you want do with your life?"
I dont know, Live?
Maybe be a little of a success
Find love?
"Are you a good person?"
Ummm Whats your definition of good person?
And finally
"Who are you?"
I dont know
Im a sister
Im a friend
Im a Daughter
Im a different person
around each and every person
How am i supposed to know who i am
When around you im a bit of a attitude teen
Around her im a outgoing, Crazy person thats Happy, with a slight shadow hiding and coming every now and then
Around him Im caring and lovable and an angel with a tint of red
And the shadow still hides Not noticeable except a occasional glimpse
Through the windows of the soul
Around the everyone else Im a shy mess, Clumsy, smart, and weird
Around my parents im happy and occasionally upset and lil depressed, and Rebellious and weird, and silly...
To my brother..Just a sister whos never around but always says she loves him and always means it.

I cant say i know who i am..
Can all this really be me?
Or  is it a new act for every person?
                                                     I dont know anymore
467 · Jan 2020
Chat with my Demon Pt2
Sylph Jan 2020
I walk this path
Yet I feel lost without her
My Demon
She was there for me when no one was
She was there when I wanted to fall
She was there for every lie
Shes always there when I cry
Shes always there when the darkness wants to take- no
Save me
From the light that burns my skin
Because even in a million years I could never deserve it

Remember when we were curious why people hurt?
She says
Want to understand?
Well doll, Seeing is believing. You will understand if you see you hurt too
Will I?
Do I dare ask why?
Curiosity killed the cat
Ah but satisfaction brought him back
So you say but what if im not satisfied with what I find
Whos to say you wont be?
452 · Oct 2018
My Ocean
Sylph Oct 2018
This ocean of emotion is overwhelming
The waves are small
But slowly getting bigger
Big enough to consume me
If i dont contain it
                        ­                       Somehow
I will be a shipwreck..
436 · Apr 2019
Sylph Apr 2019
Be afraid and careful
when your so angry
your laughing
And Everything
435 · May 2019
Writers Block
Sylph May 2019
Black and white
through eyes
Light deformed
Creature taken flight
Eyes colorless
Nothing but Nothing

424 · Nov 2018
Welcome to Hell
Sylph Nov 2018
Welcome to hell!!
Ladies and gentlemen
This is your new home
Forget about fire
and burning forever
Have a better plan
Welcome back to life
But this ones special
Your gonna be
even more miserable
then before!
So i hope your thankful
Instead of burning
You will just be depressed
Probably get another broken heart
And Die a lonely Soul
Dont worry though, love
For after this
You will be free to try again
New choice
Free again
With the possibility of a good life
And Maybe even go up to the heavens
You mess up again
Welcome BACK to Hell
I dont even bother writing about religion usually bc its just not me
For some reason
I felt like writing this
Maybe just bc life just ***** and i need a way to say it without saying it..
Know what i mean?
I was inspired to write this by a short film i Looooove called ¨Welcome to hell¨ ;D For anyone whos interested to watch the short film ( be aware its a bit dark and interesting)
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