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Robert D Jul 10
Memories from my past blending together.
Events in my life, that I try to remember.

Uncertainty in the way I think.
Moments vanish, gone in a blink.

The clouded thoughts fill my head.
Dark as blood from when I bled.

Evading conflict, my one addiction
Unable to separate, truth from fiction

Childhood echoes, in my mind I recall.
A last grasp of youth, before the last fall.

Thinking of how, it could have been.
Knowing first chances, can't be relived again
Jellyfish Jan 3
I'm slowly cleansing content from my feeds
I'm so impressionable, it disgusts me
but I want to use it to my advantage
I know who I want to become,
So I'll only look at things related
I'm going to start and account to post every meal to
Cae Apr 2021
I'm not gullible, you know.
I know second chances
are just excuses.
I know I have to stop counting the stars for those
who wouldn't even stay up to see them glow.
I know.

I can't keep breaking myself to fit their template,
to make them feel perfect.
I know I need to start burning bridges
with the match that has always stayed unlit through my temperance.
I know.

I need to stop looking through rose-colored lenses.
I always hoped that when I took them off,
nothing would change.

But maybe it's good that
I finally see what has really been in front of me.
AE Dec 2020
Beautiful sea breeze
How quickly you become a storm
You’re built of resilience
You bring with you an entourage
Of silver lining and moon tides
Sailor’s boats and lighthouse guides

Yet you still shy away from burning bridges
That monsters love to cross
Ken Pepiton Oct 2020
Scientology chick asked me once,
"what are you doing about it?"
I looked aghast, I guess and asked,
"What does that mean?"
She didn't say she didn't know, but
I suspected.

She said nothing.
final thoughts on day 274
Yusrah Jun 2020
it hurts that everything you ever said wasn't real
and I believed it with all my heart
-only to realize when it was too late and I was all-consumed by your lies.
Sage Apr 2020
She told me it was the right thing to do
I trust her
She wouldn't lie to me
She's the only one who understands me
She would never try to hurt me
I guess I will participate
She's so perfect
In my eyes
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