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Aug 2019 · 307
Philomena Aug 2019
Stardust is such a beautiful thing
Its shiny like silver yet worth more than gold
Yet it is noting that you can hold
Its warmer than fire
And colder than ice
Taller than mountains
Smaller than rice
It is nothing yet at the same time everything
Its you as you are to me
And the world as it is to us
It's smiles and laughter and darkness and pain
It's kisses on Sunday right after rain
And among it all the good and the bad
Stardust is here everywhere to be had
Philomena Aug 2019
I'll be the first one to admit that you make me uneasy
Not for a lack of feelings or presence of some
But simply because you are the living embodiment of my past
And I hate confrontation
So when I see you there
Behind a metal bar round and round
Like a pool noodle in a blender
My heart stops
But alas to day is the day I find the strength to stand
Not up to you or against you but stand on my own
Aug 2019 · 369
Lyrics No. 12
Philomena Aug 2019
"You will never know, it's the price I pay
Look into my eyes, we are not the same
Yeah, this is where you fall apart
Yeah, this is where you break
'Cause I'm in control, and you'll know my name
'Cause I gave my life, gave it everything
Yeah, this is where you fall apart
Yeah, this is where you break
To everybody who doubted
Get on your knees and bow down"
Aug 2019 · 255
Philomena Aug 2019
There is a fine line to happiness
And at the end I'd like to believe stands you
Open arms and waiting for me
I want to savor every step
Every memory
Yet I can't wait to reach the end
However the future is shrouded with mystery
And the picture isn't real clear
Which is the only reason I take it one step at a time
Feel my way into what's to come
But with every step I believe a little more It's you
And I know I might be wrong as I often am
But I've never wanted anything more
bean <3
Aug 2019 · 292
Philomena Aug 2019
Like severing a vein
Cutting you out of my life wasn't easy
It was clouded in doubt
And overflowing with pain
Overall brimming with sadness
Like hitting an artery
It was messy
But looking back it was quick
And ultimately needed to happen
Aug 2019 · 189
Philomena Aug 2019
Bruised around the ankles
Burns on my thighs
Never be perfect
So why even try
Aug 2019 · 631
Baby Blue
Philomena Aug 2019
When I close my eyes I dream of you
Wrapped up tight in blue
Little darling I dream of you
Your soft pale skin
And eyes full of sky
Your voice like an angel
With anguish in your cry
So small yet so perfect in every way
Hold you close tomorrow and every day
Jul 2019 · 412
Lyrics No. 11
Philomena Jul 2019
"Every time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven't missed you yet

Every roommate kept awake by
Every sigh and scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I still don't miss you yet

Only when I start to think about it
I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
You hate everything about me
Why do you love me"
Jul 2019 · 250
Tomorrow is Here
Philomena Jul 2019
Put the gun up to my head
Pull the trigger
Now she's dead
Doesn't really matter anyways
Tomorrow is here

The flowers have burst their buds
And the rivers will start to flood
But she lies cold in a patch of daises
Like a queen amongst her subjects
But she rules over none

And as the sky bleeds into grey
It dosn't matter anyway
Because tomorrow is here to stay
Jul 2019 · 445
Watching God
Philomena Jul 2019
A baby rabbit fur grey as the sky lies dead
Her eyes stare blankly upward
Watching god
Her body lifeless
Her family gone
She is cold and helpless in my hands
And I cannot help but think
She has gone too soon
As many before her
Jul 2019 · 305
Lyrics No. 10
Philomena Jul 2019
"You'll soon be hearing the chime
Close to midnight
If I could turn back the time
I'd make all right

How could it end like this?
There's a sting in the way you kiss me
Something within your eyes
Said it could be the last time
'Fore it's over!

Just wanna be
Wanna bewitch you in the moonlight
Just wanna be
I wanna bewitch you all night

It keeps on giving me chills
But I know now
I feel the closer we get
To the last vow"
Jul 2019 · 208
Philomena Jul 2019
Days turn to hours,
Hours to minutes,
Minutes to seconds.
Time slips away,
Faster and faster with every moment,
Until I'm stranded without you.
Jul 2019 · 414
Philomena Jul 2019
If you were to ask if I missed you
I am supposed to say no
Supposed to say I've moved on and far away
Supposed to put on a smile and walk away
But the truth is I do miss you
I miss never feeling alone
I miss how you understood what I was feeling
I miss the awful jokes
And the long days
And you weren't perfect
I know that now
But you were there when I needed you
You gave me my life back
Jul 2019 · 477
Dreaming Forever
Philomena Jul 2019
I close my eyes and I can see your face.
Sometimes clear as day.
Others, dusted with fear and pain.
And I wonder if this is some cruel trick.
Left dreaming forever.
Of a man I may never see again.
Jul 2019 · 1.3k
Lost in a Dream
Philomena Jul 2019
I remember the emptiness in your eyes
Waiting for you to die
You never knew I turned out just like you
What a sick twisted game it is
I remember speaking to you softly
Watching you struggle to eat
And I remember telling you
"It's me, your grand-daughter"
Only for you to just stare in my face
I remember hours of cards in the waiting room
And the very last time I saw you
Tied to a bed
Lost in a dream you would never escape from
Fighting so hard
Ultimately to only give up
Almost two years
Jul 2019 · 249
Philomena Jul 2019
It's just a bad day
Not a bad life
Jul 2019 · 223
2 am thoughts No. 14
Philomena Jul 2019
I could see it as clearly as if my eyes were open
There as a man in the house
And I'm awake alone
I lay down in the tub out of sight and dial the phone
But while I remain hidden he finds you instead
And he puts a bullet in your head
He passes by the door of the room
And I swear this is how I meet my fate
But he walks past
And out I dash
Out the window
And down the wall
Across the road and again I call
But before they come you are gone
No one could save you
If only I had been god enough.
Jul 2019 · 521
Philomena Jul 2019
It starts small
Just the urge
To part my lips and let it happen
But it's easy to ignore
Easy to move on
And slowly it grows
From an urge
The simple unconscious idea
To a want
My brain sends the signal to eat
And I ignore it
My stomach begins to hurt
And I once again ignore it
The pain grows worse as my head too throbs
And my vision blurs
But I push on
Too many pretty girls out there
And I just want to be one
I begin to feel weak
And soon it's all my brains wants to imagine
How good it would feel to eat
But feeling thin will feel better
My brain starts to lag and I just say to myself
Just one more day
Then we can eat
Jul 2019 · 285
Philomena Jul 2019
I step over the edge
My feet feel the rope
Test it
And then I step again
Fully on the line
And at first I feel as though I will fall
I wobble and I lean over what feels like miles
And I don't want to fall
It's a fine line and I'm not sure I know how to walk it
But I hope with you here I can take your hand
Walk it to the end
Lest I fall off again
And start all over again
Jul 2019 · 340
Lyrics No. 9
Philomena Jul 2019
"Grab a cop gun kinda crazy
She's poison but tasty
Yeah, people say, "Run, don't walk away"
'Cause she's sweet but a ******
A little bit ******"
Jul 2019 · 153
Philomena Jul 2019
Ten Little Fingers
And Ten Little Toes
Not Even I Know How Far This Will Go

But Before I Do
And It's All Begun
Dare I Say Lets Have Some Fun

Don't Try To Stop Me
No Don't Even Dare
Cause We Both Know Life Isn't Fair
Jun 2019 · 181
I'd Like To
Philomena Jun 2019
I'd like to dream of a dress as white as snow.
But then again what do I know?
I'd like to imagine a stone cool as water.
But then again why even bother?
I'd like to think about all the things to come.
But I suppose not until right now is done.
Jun 2019 · 345
Philomena Jun 2019
I am covered in skin
Much like you are
Cells keeping all my veins and parts inside
The thin yet strong barrier between me and the world
And yet with all this skin
Not an inch of it belongs to me
Some is his
And his
And his
Some is for the media
And a little is for her
I feel their hands on me
Ripping me apart
Taking their shares
Until there is noting left
Nothing to hold the veins nor parts
And I come undone
Jun 2019 · 862
Lyrics No. 8
Philomena Jun 2019
"Some girls like diamonds
Some of them want fancy things
They hunger for the taste of glamour
And we rot and find some others' rings

Your sweethearts need their princes
Flattery and filthy pearls
Barbie, don't mess with the Marilyn kisses
Your original material girl

But I'm not like those other types, baby
I'm your ****** creature poster girl

Make you crawl, make you beg, make you plead
Make you want, make you hurt, make you bleed

So toxic
****** creature poster girl

Make you laugh, make you cry, make you need every little slasher
**** the father's sweetheart, ****** creature poster girl

Baby, you can keep your diamonds
You can burn all your fancy things
I hunger for the taste of a painful week
That can survive my wicked sting

Darling I don't need no princes
I'm no damsel in distress
The only thing I'm needing is for you to be bleeding
From my homicidal kiss

You see, I'm not like those other girls, baby
I'm your ****** creature poster girl"
Jun 2019 · 213
2 am thoughts No. 13
Philomena Jun 2019
Went all these years without having an opinion worth sharing
Why would it change now?
To speak up is to be shut up
And to stand out is to be cut down.
Jun 2019 · 469
Who am I?
Philomena Jun 2019
I stand in the mirror and I must ask
Who am I?
As I see it now I'm an upcoming young woman
Dressed in white with the future laid out before her
Finally commanding the respect I once craved
But I listen to the music
Our old songs
And I remember when I was nothing more than a passenger
Just trying to get to a destination
And somewhere between here and now I changed
From another emo gutter rat to a lady
And for so long this is what I thought I wanted
But the title of lady doesn't suit me at all
So as I stand in the mirror it's not one reflection I see but two
A put together lady in red
And a thrasher in black
And they both smile the same sick twisted way
And I just wish it was easy to figure it out
Who am I?
Jun 2019 · 545
I Hate You
Philomena Jun 2019
I hate the way you can't put down a drink
And I hate the way your stupid mind tends to think
I hate watching the tears fall
Cause spilled milk isn't worth crying over at all
I hate the way you destroy me inside
And I hate the darkness you put behind my eyes
I hate the way you say it's my fault
Cause I'm not another follower to your cult
I hate the way you act like a *****
Cause I'm getting real tired of this
Jun 2019 · 246
Lyrics No. 7
Philomena Jun 2019
"Somehow I found a way to get lost in you
Let me inside
Let me get close to you
Change your mind
I'll get lost if you want me to
Somehow I found a way to get lost in you"
Jun 2019 · 433
Lyrics No. 6
Philomena Jun 2019
I wanna break free from my humanity
I wanna release the animal in me
Break free from your curiosity
You're gonna give me what I need

I've got blood on my hands
No guilt on my conscience
The war in your path, the "*** in your violence"
All of my flaws, I wear 'em with honor
A purple heartbreak for all we've suffered

I am the enemy
Jun 2019 · 351
Pick up the Phone
Philomena Jun 2019
I pick up the phone
My fingers start to dial
A number I've typed a hundred times
Yet never called
Cause what would I say
That I'm sorry?
That I'm going away?
That you'll never see me again?
No instead I turn it off and set it at my side
Cause I'm not going to die tonight
An answering machine never saved anyone.
Jun 2019 · 545
Philomena Jun 2019
I'm scared to hear the answer
So dare I even ask
If I disappeared tomorrow
Who would even care?
Jun 2019 · 463
Lyrics No. 5
Philomena Jun 2019
"It's caving in around me
What I thought was solid ground
I tried to look the other way
But I couldn't turn around
"It's ok for you to hate me
For all the things I've done
I've made a few mistakes
But I'm not the only one

Step away from the ledge
I'm coming down

I could never be
What you want me to
You pulled me under
To save yourself
You will never see
What's inside of me"
Jun 2019 · 505
Philomena Jun 2019
You make the jokes and I smile as to say sure
Maybe right
And we move onto another topic is discussion
No harm no foul
But you don't see the tears in my eyes as I fall asleep
You can't feel the weight in my heart very moment of every day
So what can I do besides smile when you kid
Do I dare tell you the truth
That what, I'll never be a bride?
Or that women with psychotic tendencies make terrible mothers?
You ignore my warnings
Simply turn them away
And if only it was that easy
If I could loose them like butterflies on a gust of wind
But I'm like an infection you've caught
I'm toxic
I have violent nightmares
Both dreaming and awake
I can't dance or cook or be anything you hope to have
So I don't know why you continue to hold on
Although I hope you never let go
But that's what infections do
Until they **** you
I'm sorry love
Philomena Jun 2019
I want to be someone you can look up to
Because you don't see my scars
Or the tears in my eyes
You're too young to know of any real pain
To you I'm another friendly face ready to greet you each morning
And I wish it could stay that way forever
I want to remain perfect to you
Even as time passes us by
And I might just be a memory to you later on
But I want you to look up to me
I want to set the right example
Because I only get to keep you for a short while
So I'll have to be on my best behavior
Jun 2019 · 549
Lyrics No. 4
Philomena Jun 2019
"I'm drowning in the bottom of a bottle.
Running from a man I swore I'd never be.
No one ever has to face tomorrow.
But I'm the one that has to face me.
It's the demons I've created for myself.
The tragic truth.
It's hard for me to understand myself.
So it has to be hard as hell for you."
Jun 2019 · 1.2k
Impostor to a Perfect Child
Philomena Jun 2019
"Now please don't ever be gay, wait no please don't ever turn out crazy. If you were gay we'd always accept you, you know that, just please don't. And please don't be crazy you remember your grandmother, I don't think I could bear it."

You know I do it all for you mom.
I hold my tongue
I don't look at the other girls, not like I used to anyways
I lock myself in dark rooms and let the tears fall
I try to be sane

Truth is I'll never really be what you want me to be.
I'm an impostor to a perfect child.
And while I might never be a perfect girl or a perfect daughter,
I'm doing my best.
I might lie awake at night while horrors race though my mind,
and my body might love soft curves,
and I might never be just like you,
but I'm fighting it with all I've got.
And I know that I can never tell you my true nature,
but I do sincerely wish you could see
all I've done to be what you wanted.
Jun 2019 · 382
Empty Inside
Philomena Jun 2019
If you cut me open what do you think you would find?
Two gasping lungs?
A beating heart?
What do you expect to find inside me?
I'm so very sorry to disappoint
I've beaten you at your own game
Truth is I opened myself up a long time ago
Just to see what flesh looked like below skin
And as it would seem
I'm empty inside
Jun 2019 · 199
Philomena Jun 2019
This feeling fills me
It starts at my toes
And it reaches up until it takes a hold on my heart
It squeezes it and makes each breath feel heavy
And I'm helpless as it fills me to my brim
Then I break and it all pours out
A leak springs from my eyes as tears begin to fall
Because the truth is I'm not strong enough
Jun 2019 · 299
Philomena Jun 2019
I see his picture and all I can think of is him
How much I miss his laugh and how much distance hurts
And when I close my eyes its like he's here again
I can imagine his arms around me and the smell of his cologne

I'd like to believe it will last forever
But that simply isn't true
It's only a matter of time before he sees right through me
And realizes I have nothing more to offer
Then I'm on my own again.
Jun 2019 · 212
My Empty House
Philomena Jun 2019
This pain that is growing inside me
It feels like something to come
Something bad and something terrible
So I ask myself would it even be worth it
Would I even be able to do it
My heart says yes but my body says no
And maybe other girls can dream of a husband
They can dream of a family
But in my dreams all I see is an empty house
And a big tree
I suppose maybe that's all life has for me
Jun 2019 · 159
Philomena Jun 2019
What do you see when you look to the future?
Maybe it's a family or a dream home or a career.
Something you've always wanted,
Something from in a dream.  

It's easy to imagine.
Just close your eyes and let your mind wander,
Allow the possibilities to unfold.
Who knows one of them as to be right
Jun 2019 · 291
Philomena Jun 2019
The memories of you are fleeting
They rush through my mind like a morning wind
I can barley get a hold of them before they're gone again
And it's not that I miss you
I'ts not like I wish things were different
I'm just replaying the moments like old songs
And imaging that you're here to dance along
Sometimes they're welcoming and sometimes they haunt me.
Jun 2019 · 990
Lyrics No. 3
Philomena Jun 2019
"Hope I'm on the list of people that you hate
It's time you met the monster that you have helped create


It's hard not to be a menace to society
When half the population is happy on their knees"
Jun 2019 · 739
Lyrics No. 2
Philomena Jun 2019
"I never thought I would ever escape
At times, I wanted to die
Feared that it all was just a little too late
For then, I wouldn't survive
I let you in and let go of the hate
My heart recovered now, I
Owe you a debt that I can never repay
I still believe 'cause you're mine"
Philomena Jun 2019
Pretty sure this is the feeling a heart makes when it breaks
And I know I've turned the page
I just hope you don't see me the same
And the silence is unending
Cause I know you don't care
Could be today or a year ago
Time hasn't made a difference when it comes to me
Jun 2019 · 277
Baby Teeth
Philomena Jun 2019
I am sorry little one
I know all the cuddles and the kisses in the world can't ease your pain
Doesn't stop me from giving them though
Your baby teeth are relentless
Just like everything else in your life to come
But like that too they are just another step
And they cannot be stopped
So I'll hold you a little closer
And kiss you a little more
Soon your baby teeth will be here
And the next step of life begins
5 months old and beginning the next step in life
May 2019 · 386
Lyrics No. 1
Philomena May 2019
"Before the truth will set you free, it'll **** you off
Before you find a place to be, you're gonna lose the plot
Too late to tell you now, one ear and right out the other one
'Cause all you ever do is chant the same old mantra"
May 2019 · 1.1k
Philomena May 2019
i am inevitable
i am inevitabl
i am inevitab
i am inevita
i am inevit
i am inevi
i am inev
i am ine
i am in
i am in
i am i
i am
i am i
i am ir
i am iro
i am iron
i am iron m
i am iron ma
i am iron man
I am Iron Man
May 2019 · 207
2 am thoughts No. 12
Philomena May 2019
You don't know it yet
But you will be mine very soon

But don't worry I'll treat you well
Show you ropes
Then put you though hell

But believe me when I say I love you little one
But this night is unending and daylight has yet to come
May 2019 · 2.1k
Rough Tough Son of a Bitch
Philomena May 2019
I'm a rough tough *******
But believe me I didn't grow up like this
Well life was easier then
Just follow the footsteps of big strong men
And there's nothing wrong with that
The only problem is it's a dogs world and you're a cat
Cats are good cats are kind
But sometimes I like to think with my own mind
And so when dogs will shut you out, shut you down
Some might simply frown
But as I mentioned before I'm rough tough strong and mean
And when I'm ****** i'm less like a cat more like a machine
And it didn't come quick I spent years in doubt
Just trying to figure it out
What made me different what made me a freak
And that's how I spent week after week
Doubting and dissing and hating myself
Until it stared destroying my mental health
And I was tired of hating I needed a rest
So I worked to become the best of the best
I'm not a cat nor a dog I'm sure you can see
I'm a very special breed, I'm me
And maybe I'm not the very best of them all
But you can bet your *** I'll be the last one to fall
So at the end of the day I don't ask that you fall to your knees
Simply step aside while I do as I please
Cause I'm a rough tough *******
And I'm done listening to what men have to pitch
Well this is something isn't it, figured it was something worth writing about.
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