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526 · Nov 2017
Shades Of Blue
Colm Nov 2017
Just know
It’s OK
If your heart’s a thousand colors
Because my eyes have a thousand of their own
525 · Jun 2019
The Atlantic At Night
Colm Jun 2019
When I look into the sea
The dead of night midst new September
Staring back at me, I find
That I'm not scared
No, I'm terrified
The most humbling darkness is there. In the autumn sea, at night.
524 · May 2017
The Former
Colm May 2017
Since I discovered this place
Since I took up that old mask again
To hide my boyish face

At least for an hour or two each week
I feel at home
Almost not alone
In a place where I may not belong
It's good to be back to this former me. Though I managed to hate it for almost three years.
523 · Jul 2017
In The Sky
Colm Jul 2017
Like a crown of red
Six Emeralds in the sky
Rubies really
Burning each with its own pair of eyes

I mention this
Both because it is and will be
And one day someone else will see
Be it not in the same exact way

Which is fine

But thankfully at least they will see
Or so I hope
That is if, they permit me to show
Run and wait.  The story of my life.
523 · Apr 2018
These Seasons
Colm Apr 2018
As an old oak tree
Empties its arms in the fall of Autumn
So I must also empty my heart
In the springtime of this youthful you
Knocking me sideways...
521 · Apr 2017
Colm Apr 2017
After writing like this for many years
As a poet-try
You cannot help but grow a good bit
Like a poet-tree
Hue hue... Very funny.
Colm Aug 2020
Your clouds need not seek
Just as shadows need not flee
From the falling rain
All that a running soul needs
Is to in acceptance be
A tanka for those who are tired and in need of rest. To reassure the weary that their time of rejuvenation will come. Be it tomorrow or in eternity. Free.

God bless.
520 · Sep 2019
Colm Sep 2019
When the first summer rain stirs the peaceful veil
And the white fly casts shadows down tried and true
When the firelight sparks in the first dark of night
And the thunderous call reaches the mountains through

Within grandeur ends such glory
A quiet death for time as it stops

Crashing like passing waves ashore
Bursting into the creative mind

That is the caffeine rushing to a combustive heart
Trying to write with morning fog, mostly about morning fog, is like a descriptive eye chart. LOL. #wakeup
519 · Apr 2017
Lightning Fast
Colm Apr 2017
Still your head
Steady it
Give yourself some time to react

Clear your eyes
And take a breath
Before you plunge back underneath
And immerse yourself
Within the mess

Envision how it has to be
And plan it out
Picture the objectivity

Would you see the future you’ll create
Just in front of you
A moment before it has to be

And then be fast
Like a lightning bolt
Let your hands and eyes simply react

And meet the ball most suddenly
To elicit the lightning
And make it crack

Picture this an you will be
All at once
Lightning fast

Because Jay once told me "Still your head" and I did.
517 · Jan 2017
Blue Moon
Colm Jan 2017
She tasted like the atmosphere
Deep, dark, and blue as the moon
Distant as the fading star in the northern most hemisphere
And yet each time I tasted her
I was reminded that there was no oxygen to be had in her
Moon river and my memories
517 · Jan 2017
Where The Light Is
Colm Jan 2017
Shining bright
On my shoulder blades tonight
Until tomorrow is today
Would you let me stay
Wherever there is such a light
Good man John Mayer
515 · Jul 2017
The Doer
Colm Jul 2017
Tonight I get to do what I was meant to do
To be who I was meant to be
And although every eyeball in every line of sight may be fixated on me
For an hour or so
That doesn’t change the fact that I
Was meant to step out this stage and to bend like a bow
As I did in the days of old
Such talent is still stretched within me
That I should perform, and that I should play, most doggedly
Until the finely threaded twine within my mind begins to unwind
And I am straight as an arrow hence
Laying on the table before, how I once had said
That I hope I can return once more for that again
But not for this I said
Not for this
Sometimes you need to stop before you can keep going. *nod nod*
514 · May 2019
Her, Reading On A Hillside
Colm May 2019
With hair falling before quiet ears
And mind bent steadily on pages of ink
Resting softly above the earth
Her chest rises and falls
In steady unison
Her pulse patters faintly like little feet
And with quiet eyes, she looks up suddenly at me
And winks
My past and I had this really subtle language we used. When one was annoyed, appalled or feeling a certain positive thing. It only took the slightest sliver of a look to communicate things. But as awesome as that was, it's in the past. And I'm alright with that. A memory this is.
513 · Nov 2017
Colm Nov 2017
The mountains and the valleys, the rivers and streams of my childhood call out to me and tell me to return to them and swim again, down below the underneath.

My father loved the meadows. Loves the wildness and the wilderness and the winters growth which is yet to be seen, in both the deer and the withering trees.

And part of me remembers still. Because part of him will always be me.
Colm Dec 2016
Everytime I write, I write to prove something to myself. To reassure me and my kind that not all of thoughts are meant to stay inside of this head, this house, this old heart of mine.

Which is not to say that my thoughts could not be better expressed in some other way. As a matter of fact in the past they have. Which is why for years they did decline and always prefered to stay inside, to enjoy the corridors of a more well known mind.

And yet every day somehow I pull my thoughts and have them placed here now. Having warned them many years ago, that one day they would have to be more... Sociable, and honest with the world about where they would like to go.

Because if you only keep your thoughts to yourself, how can those around you be expected to help? As you press and press for something else, and somehow try and prove to yourself, that you can flip your own mind inside out and share about all that you create anew.  

It is the head within the house of my heart which knows these sentiments to be true.
510 · May 2017
The Location
Colm May 2017
Who knows where the heart of a man resides?
In the mountains?
In the sea?
In an empty chest like cavity?
Be it hers or mine?
Because who knows where the heart of a man resides?
510 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
With eyes to weep beneath the night
Neath trees which ought to've lasted ere
How sad it was for me to leave
Before such fullborn youthful tree
I'd turn myself once more, I could
And cry her name fullborn aloud
To catch my breath, and see her all
Before my Gondolin did fall
Calaquendi - The high elves
509 · Feb 2017
The Right One
Colm Feb 2017
A beautiful notion isn't it?
Ironic even
The thought of waiting here like this
As if the act is somehow blessed with ease
When all around you is in motion
And you are as unstirring as the trees
Rooted deep within the mind
Looking at the other side
And seeing the blissful, beautiful ignorance
How often I wish it could be mine
That I had no such standards as this
And that I could swallow such a feeble line
Just like a fish
Nibbling on a willow wisp
In an ocean seemingly full of fish

Believe me…

I respect such idealism as this
Because I live with it
But to “just wait” and stay like this
At present holds little hope for me
Both to and from this someone else
There is no transfer, or passage of peace

Because these few years feel like an eternity

And so the term…
“The right one?”
Makes want to say...
“Oh please.”
Oh please indeed...
508 · Jun 2018
Foolish Youth
Colm Jun 2018
Remeber when we were young?
When we thought we could light the world on fire with our tongues?
When we could lose ourselves in one another and we didn't care?
About anything...
So young
So dumb
So young, so dumb compared to he
507 · May 2017
Where Puddles Reside
Colm May 2017
Forget not
That at the lowest part of the humble path
Resides the divot
Which concurs and divides
Not passing feet
But yearns to keep the honest truth
Which is bestowed upon the earth
By means of rain
Teeming with life and oxygen
How it tries to keep itself within
Both without fail, and with inevitability
Because the water will certainly soak or sway
But the divot itself will forever stay
Embedded in the earthly clay
Beneath our walking feet
So forget not to tread lightly, ever so
On this, the placid soil underneath
Because the rain is a blessing. Ever to be appreciated.
506 · May 2019
Plotted Path
Colm May 2019
Lay me out like tiles on a floor
Thrown down as if my order didn't matter
When really I am, the plan is me
A succinctly styled corridor
A path to walk down beneath the feet
Like tiles
506 · Aug 2017
My New Obsession
Colm Aug 2017
Be like the wind

You are the wind

You don't bend or break

No procedures are in place for you

Run up against it, flow around

Not out of strength

But out of the hush

Out of the whistle

Out of sound

The wind is nothing

The wind is everything

More than anything that could ever be built

Because the wind will always be


In every lung and every city

Whipping through the whistlers town
"New obsession, next depression" is well said!
506 · Sep 2019
Dinner For Two Million
Colm Sep 2019
One day words will buy me a steak dinner.
Instead of me buying them another glass of wine.
502 · Jun 2019
A Tanka For Her Daughters
Colm Jun 2019
Listen to the sky
To her daughter as they run
And play mold the earth
With waters and stirring clay
Do her rivers run alive
Mother nature has many daughters and their names are rivers.

Fervent Series (10/10) - 06/23/19
500 · Jun 2016
Stupid People
Colm Jun 2016
There will always be stupid people wherever you go.
And you'll always have to deal with them within whatever you do.
Stupid people are unavoidable,
They're like the tides, ***** dishes, or the flu.
But when you finally get to do something that you actually want to do.
It won't matter quite as much whatever the stupid people do.
They may be obnoxious or annoying,
But that shouldn't matter to you.
Because you're doing what you're doing,
As compared to something you weren't meant to do.
You see stupid people are everywhere,
And they shouldn't influence you.
Just let the stupid people go,
So that you don't become stupid too.
Never argue with an idiot... They have experience on their side.
Colm Sep 2019
I love the Stars
Cold and distant burning warm on approaching day
Darker than the lover's heart once torn apart until the newfound comes
And ways present themselves

And in falling
Streaks across the sky proclaiming love of our atmosphere
With a tale of residue tagging along and just behind it's former way of life

And in our eyes seeing
A sparkle alive in this familiar, love found, way

A star entering loves atmosphere
Is what I see in the dawn of this new day
True story...

But man, my allergies sure are killing me. Truthfully, I wish I was outside of this ragweed atmosphere right now. (;

Goodnight cold world, I'll see you (later) in the morning.
499 · Sep 2019
On Plane To Austin
Colm Sep 2019
Think of what you want the most
To share with another human being
And if you can’t envision your lover there
Simply being
It will never be so
2017 - On a plane to Austin, a stranger told me something really worthwhile. And now I give it to you in verse form.

When you're questioning if you're with the right person. Get out of your own head and take a mental look at the future. If you can't see your current interest there. Can't envision your life together (or whatever). Pick up your phone and let them know that your search goes on.

498 · Apr 2017
Ashes And Dirt
Colm Apr 2017
Expect not yourself
To see the world
For the way it truly is
At least at first

Because the world is full of so many things
And people who are ever changing

And the truth behind it all is this

*That one day all of these and we
Will be returned to the earth
Returned to the dirt
Or ashes depending upon the preference
Shadows and dust Maximus....
498 · Jun 2017
Like Wine
Colm Jun 2017
I want to want her like a glass of wine
With an endless taste, and a deep draft
Waiting for me at the end of each day

Bitter and sweet like the summer tea  
With a hint of dandelions, and her hair brushed gently away   

Although this is need not see, or want her in a similar way
But it's best if you could acquire the taste.

Because when you hold an endless glass
You can sit and sip your life away
Without care or concern for those moments past

Slowly like a semisweet
A Merlot or Chardonnay

How I want to want her like a glass of win
So that I can drink her in
And be drunk on her at the end of each day
Small sips...someday.
497 · Jan 2017
The Percolator
Colm Jan 2017
Wherever they are
Would you let these thoughts and dreams profound
Settle to the base of your stomach

Like that stray grains of coffee grounds
Not filtered through the thinness of society
But strained through the fibers of the heart

Ever flowing from the the mind
Until the truth is boiled down
And at the bottom of the cup found
Have a cup on me my friend. Because life is too short.
Colm Dec 2021
Desire is a known trait
To all
  The rich
  The poor
  The sick
  The weak

No matter where you stand
Or sit
Or wish
  We all seek
497 · Sep 2019
And I'm Glad
Colm Sep 2019
Just let me sit neath the wild blue yonder
Brooding like coffee on a quiet thought
With eyes full of horizons
I’m found in the lost
Brooding like coffee on a quiet thought
497 · Apr 2018
Colm Apr 2018
Nothing makes my heart sink
Faster to the bottom of this chest called ocean
Than a clueless defiance
A disregard for the most basic
The most respectful quiet
Shut your mouth, it overfloweth.
496 · Nov 2017
Certain Qualities
Colm Nov 2017
Rare metal doesn't substantiate
The substance within
Just as the height of a skyscraper is not the sky
But instead
Be just as you say you are
And am
Worth it
496 · May 2019
Every Battle, Ever, Ends
Colm May 2019
When all my battles are won and done
I will not fear the fight that was
So why worry about the swing of the sword
Before the sun of that day is even in my eyes
Why worry indeed
Every Year, Every Battle, Ends
495 · Sep 2017
A Workers Omission
Colm Sep 2017
When did I let this vocation of mine?
Which I've worked so hard for
Become the main reason and meaning of me?

When exactly did it happen
That my passion slipped and fell to the ground
Like the seasons passing on an endless tree?

I said I wouldn't forget once I had
I said many things of myself back then
Be it most confident or most arrogantly

A vow is a vow to those who uphold
But what are the words to the man within?
Who forgets himself in his own externalties
Truth and honest. Doesn't mean there's action.
495 · Jun 2017
Song For The Stormy City
Colm Jun 2017
Though storms may come let songs remain
Despite the cites firm embrace

Take photographs to pass the time
As I do wait and part the glass which separates

The scraping skies and flying wings
Both above and below the shallow sea

Let us walk beside the crashing waves
Just you and I, to smell the air and sense the breeze

That we might once again be free
This verse was burred. Deep in a place I used to write in. Amazingly...I wrote this in passing and without much thinking. Describing a few gray images of a storm and it's city. Looking back on's probably one of my most favorite pieces now. (:

Written 12/07/15
495 · Mar 2017
The Truth
Colm Mar 2017
As a coin is lost deep in a well
   As a forest burns by a misplaced coal
      As every mountain ultimately degrades into shattered rock and falling stone
         So I'd rather be here now alone
            As compared to building a faulty and falling home
Regarding those who build
495 · Sep 2016
How To Strike
Colm Sep 2016
So many poets attack with words,
With the intent to hit you on the first line.
Like a clunky sword or strand of steel,
Which couldn't so much as break through twine.

To which I would say,
That you must first name and know yourself,
Or at least your opponent,
Before you try and sway or slay them with a single line.

Such poetry would mean to me,
Little more than a stick,
In a sword fight with a gigantic tree.

Try not to aim for the heart immediately,
But approach the chest,
And hum your bladed words through the air most rhythmically.
Until an opening you do see for such an acute verse as me.

Deliver then a heavy blow,
A fatal strike.
Which will leave the readers lying in the streets,
Bleeding out of relief and not out of agony and disbelief.
General ramble about verse. I hope you enjoy. (:
494 · Apr 2017
Colm Apr 2017
I'm so full right now so very warm
Like a coffee cup overflowing with ideas
I cannot wait to be off this road
I cannot wait to be onward with this journey
To create again and to let my words flow
Outward and into the microphone
How I cannot help but overflow
When the questions stored up inside my mind
May be answered so I might finally know
That is why I actually wish to overflow
So that in time I might just know
494 · Oct 2019
Colm Oct 2019
Life is grain broken
Barley thrashed and pulled apart at the seams of bread and beer

Grapeless wine
On tender loving vines in a budding vineyard still

Intent on being our sustenance from the start
Such things are born at the hands of man but by the will of Gods kind heart
Beneath Heavens, From The Earth
Colm Sep 2019
There is no time left in my life
     For fitted dreams and windless sheets
     For trees without low limbs to climb
     For years without ever seeing the sea

There is only that which stands here between
     The hopes
     The plans
     The quiet dreams

And yet I find, in the eyes of mind and present being ⁠⁠— And for the sake of those who walk beside
     That there ought to be more in me to find
A verse about searching. About the realization of moving and time passing. People changing and the earth spinning.

Or a shorter title for this would probably just be "urgency" since there's a definite twinge of that within these words. The immediate desire to leave and better yourself. To be free and let go, moving on from all of your prior shortcomings. Because shortcomings ****. But time certainly is ever ticking.

And why between, you may ask? Because the earth beneath is what grounds us flat with it's gravity. And I was looking up at the time. Walking Beneath the Branches of Realizations.

See ya!
493 · Jun 2017
Two Kinds of People
Colm Jun 2017
There are certain people who are going places
Who are doing things even when they are standing still
Such people posses a tremendous will
To succeed and grow, to change and know
And then there are others, who are just standing still
We are such people...ever thinking in order to grow and know. (:
492 · Apr 2017
At Least On This Earth
Colm Apr 2017
When the newness wears off
And the distraction is no longer distracting enough
Where will you go?
In order to be reminded
That you are not alone?
To the one who will never let you down. That's where.
Colm Dec 2022
One day I awoke
And in the mirror looked
Seeing not just myself
But you as well
And with a smile we
Went about our days
As two halves can only be
492 · Jun 2018
Jumping Horizons
Colm Jun 2018
Setting sun
Waning light
Pull the string on this bursting chest

Jump until it's perfectly timed
And fly
For just a moment in hanging past
True stories - Wish I could write fiction
492 · Apr 2017
Four Bigger Words
Colm Apr 2017
I want you back?
I openly laugh
I’d like to have you at all
Because *that
would be the end of *that
Three little words Burt....

*profuse, yet appropriate, laughter*

Mostly at myself
491 · Oct 2019
What The Feeling Feels Like
Colm Oct 2019
I am thunder
Silver fire
Felt like a hot tin roof beneath young feet
And scolding
Smoking like the copper wire
Paper on a guillotine
Slicing through an echo chamber
I am the terror of a plastic souls desire

That is
Until only bane of self remains
And all once again are made the same
Even when uncomfortable. It's unexplainable for sure. No words can or will ever do it justice.
490 · Jul 2017
I'm Convinced
Colm Jul 2017
I'm Convinced
That after the last fence post ends
Just over the edge

That around the corner beyond the meadow
Is the end

And beyond that
Is rain

Endless and resting
Forever to be parted from the sky

Until the new life comes
And I am refreshed

It is then
And within

Would you explore with me?
Until our own end?
There is an end. But not today. I smile back and say not today.
Colm Nov 2019
Like a purple gem
Found deep within the Earths dark layers
Smooth as sandstone beneath rivers running
Warm as blackened pavement beneath summers sun

So this drink is to me
Most teasing of every sense and self
Which is why this cup cannot be
Most tasteful or worth

She made for me
The Best Raspberry Mocha On Earth
Hers Was The Best Raspberry Mocha On Earth
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