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490 · Apr 2017
All A Man Can Do
Colm Apr 2017
When all you can do
And I mean really do, is pray
You have to let go of certain things

You have to step aside be it left or right
And follow the one path, down the one way

Not to mention that you have to be very selective
When determining whatever mood you choose to linger in

And I do mean you choose
Or else you'll falter

At least such a thing rings true to me
Because all I can do is pray for you
And chose my mood and mindset most carefully

Because quite literally as a man thinks
It says, *so shall he be
490 · Jul 2017
I'm Convinced
Colm Jul 2017
I'm Convinced
That after the last fence post ends
Just over the edge

That around the corner beyond the meadow
Is the end

And beyond that
Is rain

Endless and resting
Forever to be parted from the sky

Until the new life comes
And I am refreshed

It is then
And within

Would you explore with me?
Until our own end?
There is an end. But not today. I smile back and say not today.
490 · May 2018
Sifting Words
Colm May 2018
Stomach full of stream and sand, sometimes I sift gold.
Passing through to understand,
that fingers never hold.
Nothing that is ever said by man, will last beyond as far as memory can carry.
Colm Nov 2019
Like a purple gem
Found deep within the Earths dark layers
Smooth as sandstone beneath rivers running
Warm as blackened pavement beneath summers sun

So this drink is to me
Most teasing of every sense and self
Which is why this cup cannot be
Most tasteful or worth

She made for me
The Best Raspberry Mocha On Earth
Hers Was The Best Raspberry Mocha On Earth
489 · Apr 2022
Her Lead
Colm Apr 2022
I swear
My ears don't just hear
I can see your song in resonance flow
Into the intimate air which we share
When I am here
And the sound of us in being is near
And you're leading me now
488 · Jul 2018
Storms Don't Change The Sea
Colm Jul 2018
When the sea calms after a storm, it is easier then to see.

But you should never forget what the sea is, what it's meant to be.
It remains. It never really changes.
488 · Oct 2018
Tall Man, Silhouette
Colm Oct 2018
Edged like a brick wall
With a black hole post explosive heart
And ink drop shoes
Matted hair torn apart
Standing tall on the horizon
Like an exorcism
All the lights put out
Down the shadowy hall
With an outline fierce
Jagged almost
Edged like a brick wall
Standing tall
Asking every now and then...
487 · Feb 2017
Hand Standing
Colm Feb 2017
I am the last hand on the earth
To compound and push down
To press the headache as it sounds
And fade it out

Away into the nothingness which awaits its new master
I am standing upside-down
Twisted inside until out
Living in the unlivable town

For I am the last hand on the earth
And as it stands I'm falling down
487 · Jan 2020
When You Are The Hammer
Colm Jan 2020
A clanging, banging, colossus
Creating cavital void until glowing orange apricot
Bear no more at this youthful age
Before fate of day lets fly another
Don't wait and fade
Strike hot, hot
It is the iron and the sound away
Clang, clang, CLANG!!!! Goes the conquests of my youthful twenties. Legends to some, nightmares to others. Hahaha! Love it!
486 · Jul 2017
Colm Jul 2017
If this would unlock and unwind
Would you turn inward with me?
Just to ignore the world and all the people in it

Just for a moment
Could you forget about all that you’ve built alone?
And seemingly, be nothing with me?

And when you look and see not the front of me
Would you take it as a complement?
Not a slight

Because alone together in the silence
And within the moment that will not last
Is exactly where I always hoped we could be

Unified and most alive in the nothingness
Mirroring the moonlight back
As if we were not passive

At peace with each the other
And the un-world we create
Would you turn, unlock and look inward with me?
One day. In the silence.
486 · Dec 2017
Coffee With Cream
Colm Dec 2017
When it stirs its like a volcano
When like a geyser it does hiss
Like an atomic bomb
It tears apart the molecules of bitterness within my cup
That's where the replacements happen and meet
Dulcet and stirringly sweet
The mushroom cloud encased in liquid
Pours forth steam and radiates
The internal heat
Of coffee
Coffee With Cream
486 · Dec 2018
Torn Heart In Hand
Colm Dec 2018
When I realized
That I was left to stand
There heart in hand
Tearing myself apart just to give me to you
And it wasn’t that you didn’t want me
It’s that you never truly knew
Torn Heart In Hand
485 · Dec 2017
Colm Dec 2017
Hold my hands, look into me and see the truth.

Meet me in the deepest part of the glowing forest.

If your heart is there, next of Gondolin, the same as mine.

How beautiful the stars to shine atop our heads.

Like the crowns of old. As the glowing trees ignite your eyes.

As mine have glistened at this very thought.

Perhaps to meet you there at all,

Would make my heart glow as a Silmaril.

For not even I know when this glow was crafted.

Formed out of the unknown and the song.

I wait for you.

Though to Varda your eyes,

And Yavanna your heart may forever belong.
485 · Jan 2018
A Well Known Place
Colm Jan 2018
Thin like the willow
Grey as the dove

Quiet as the wind beneath which pesters the cat floats the wings and sweeps the city streets clean of debris

Dark as the asphalt
Soft as the paws

Lean like meat
Old like soil
And slick like oil as it drips from beneath

Shaking like the bedrock
The running water whips

Damp as the corners
And dry as your eyes
It slips

And where asphalt meets the mossgrown bricks
Corners are placed and worlds collide

And the man within is locked away
Within the metaphorical city street

Would the Central Park I know and love, return to me?
In all such glory

The Willow trees
Must go.
485 · Jul 2017
Colm Jul 2017
How much easier it would be, to be
Or so at least I like to think
When my mind runs away from the building of me
Like a brick I fall
Like a block I sink
Hopefully back into place
But if it's not for me
Would you tear me apart God brick by brick?
And build me as I was meant to be?
Not all that I rooted in truth or humility. RIP.
483 · Sep 2018
The Writers Bench
Colm Sep 2018
If they would dedicate a bench to me, I'd have them lay some fresh concrete, not much, just about four feet.

I'd have them place a pad and rusted seat, between the adult framing trees and paint it green.

And henceforth, it would be known as the writers bench, dedicated to all of the sights left unseen, from that particular spot to be.

But I doubt they'd waste a bench on me.

And perhaps, that spot's better left to the grass and trees.

To the living me.

A quiet, well framed, subtle spot where a man can breathe.
Beauty has a name and it's the view from here.
482 · Nov 2019
Colm Nov 2019
It's not that I have a right
To avoid it or be scared
Its just that no matter how hard I try
And ignore it
I can feel the emotions in the air
482 · Jun 2017
Colm Jun 2017
Soft is the wind ere the trees
And rough is my voice running through each
As are flowers in the month of June, so beautiful
And yet cursed by the coming fall
As after which, above the earth, all else will fall
Until the clouds and morning dew have meld in, above the heath
Ungrown as I am in the mind of you
But it would not be so, if you would see me through
*smile without speech*
481 · Apr 2017
The Builder
Colm Apr 2017
I have been focused and growing
I have been strong
But now I see it's not the time
Nor the place
To build you a house
Or a home in which I belong
I'm his timing. Not mine. But that doesn't make it any less difficult. To stop trying. At least the trying therein becomes demoralizing.
Colm May 2019
What good are my admirations?
Although inherently good they maybe.
What good are they, at present, to me?
A word can only travel so far
481 · Dec 2016
Write Left
Colm Dec 2016
The only way to write is to write.
To express yourself and express some more.
And to speak your mind in every form,
Until your tongue is stretched out across the floor.

And as you write, show no signs of remorse,
For the words which you’ve always adored.
Since they only exist to be used by you,
And abused by you as you write henceforth.

With a passion, gusto, pride, and fire,
You must dig for the words which you desire,
To represent your hollow shell.
To speak of the heavens and of the hells,
In which you may or may not have already dwelt.

Would you learn how to speak before you think,
Be it only to share something distinctly known to you,
Within your thoughts?
Would you shape yourself into someone who’s not,
Afraid to question more often than not?

Because to write requires a questioning mind,
Which struggles against the ebb of time,
In the hourglass tipped on its side.
Hence why we see our very lives,
like shifting sands beneath our feet,
And the grains our memories stored inside.

So would you pull a perspective from within yourself,
And pass it around, and hopes it will help.
Because the truth to me most obviously,
Is that the world will spin,
But one day we will all die wordlessly.

And my hope for you is that you will write,
For whatever is left in your own life,
And not for whatever is next in line.
I'll never stop second guessing this one. Because it truly from me.
481 · Mar 2018
A Few Favorites
Colm Mar 2018
My favorites are named like Midnight Rain, with Marshmallow toffee in the Skye.

Beneath Weeping Willow dreams a dream, of Elizabeth and her Squires.

Midst the Rose's Kelly is always found, neath the Sun and Princess shine.

Untill the Star's BG in the background be, glow these favoring words of mine
@weepingwillow @midnightrain @marshmallowskye @kellyrose @elizabethsquires @sunprincess @starbg
480 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
On a dime it turns
Vertical and sharper than any knife
Falling to one side
And the next thing you know
You’re not there anymore
In life
This is about sudden change and the shift in perspective. How quickly things turn on this human earth. Like finding songs, changing directions and the like. Some things just pop up out of the nothingness of the unexpected life. Why? Why did you choose? Why did you try? Or not... Just because. LOL.
480 · May 2019
Becoming Lighting
Colm May 2019
I used to be thunderous
In all ears and a roar
But now I'm like lighting instead
And when I strike
There is only a sudden flash of light
As a stroke of fire appears before
Instantly born
Where the static clouds meet the metal earth
I am timing incumbet, electric incarnate
And as my will touches down
My foes are torn
I mean, I'm still loud some days. But I'm older now, a little wiser, and I've learned how to pick my moments of  exertion.
479 · May 2019
Goodnight, Dear World
Colm May 2019
Dear world, dark world
Colder and older than the start of time
More lost than the downward eyes
Which seek the feet of man

How your crusted epicenter stands
As the foothills choose what is before
To walk the path of least resistance

And so

No more will I let stand beside
This burrowed unrest in my chest
And so now I say without hesitance
Dear world, goodnight
Be at Peace
I am at home in your rest
Weariness brings about a different kind of fondness for me. A fondness of sleep. Zzzzzz....
479 · Apr 2017
Colm Apr 2017
Just in case this all falls through
And one of us can or cannot be
Exactly who we wish to be
Would you remember me as I am right now?
And I'll remember you like this
As the girl of dreams
Mixed with the memory of *what could've been
Sometimes... These things just crop up. No clue where they come from.
479 · May 2017
The Right Way
Colm May 2017
Which way do you tip?
When you dream of the kiss?
Right, like me?
Such a subtle thing which so few really think about. Ever consider it?
479 · Jun 2017
A Man’s Chin
Colm Jun 2017
Lift not a man’s chin
By the force of your hand
When his head is down

Instead, consider this
If you are worthy of his sight
And an admiration to his eyes
He will look up at you
In due time

For it is not your place to try
And keep him from such things within
As feeling are

But encourage him instead to be
By standing out most patiently
So that you may appeal to him
And to his eyes

To seek the hopefulness within
And the truth as well, in which you share
And stand beside

No, if you seek to raise a man’s chin
You must stand with him and seek his eyes
I really like how this turned out. Some of the truest lines I've ever written...thus far. LOL!
478 · Sep 2018
Don't Wait
Colm Sep 2018
When the books of bold close cold on you
     And the results bend nether way
With a hopeful truth speak Carpe diem
     Don’t wait to seize the day

When the months of old turn back to you
     And the dew of springtime stays
With your shoulders shake the dawn anew
     In the chaos find a way

When you’re home to pass midst summers last
     And the memories fade away
Speak Carpe diem non differas
     Don’t wait to seize the day

When your merit is tested on the field
     And the court of your kingdom sways
When your trialed life becomes the sim
     In the chaos find a way

Because you’ll never have what you have now
     And no time will ever stay
This precious, blessed, life to pass
     Don’t wait to seize the day
I encourage you, don't wait!
478 · Aug 2019
August 21st, 2017
Colm Aug 2019
You — And your quiet glow — Make me feel like a serene ripple. Like a blessed wish on a prior day.

You — And all that every human eye has seen — Scatter rippling white lights, all across this distant horizon of me.

May the shadow of the this glorious moon fall gently on a world of peace.
477 · Feb 2019
With A Ripple I Change
Colm Feb 2019
My hopes were lower than the floor of city puddles
Until, until
The sunlight came which was your name
And evaporated me into the clouds
And now all that's left is the little sounds
Of the new me falling all around

With a ripple I change
Becoming rain
Gosh... I really like how this one turned out. Not that the expression is perfect or that it's completely about me. But the flow, the flow.
Colm Oct 2019
Your heart
Inspires my heart
To beat

To breathe steam clouds onto cold windows
To feel the distant sunlight rise into Peachtree skies

The sound, the hum
Of you a lone
Tunes my ears to hear
My thoughts to song

With its quiet corridors and cushioned chest
Rising like the waves of a coastal long

Soughing whispers in the subtle trees
Midst the waiving of the Auburn leaves

Our hopes a final parting leaf
On this, the last day of October joy

Know this

Your heart
Inspires my heart
To beat

From now until at last
Our distance is no more
We meet
I’ve been so busy with life. So involved in the details of my weakest traits. Keeping air in my lungs, money on my bills. So much so that I almost forgot to breathe. Almost forgot to try and become.
476 · Jul 2016
Black And Blue
Colm Jul 2016
Robbed from my throat,
These thoughts of you.
Pulled apart like spider legs,
Only the frame remains,
A body be it black and blue.

Tired and worn,
Of being reborn.
Will we be soon?
The dusk and the dawn,
Of each new moon.  

Arise and fall,
Like the trembling falls.
But beneath these still waters,
Is where our time,
Will begin anew.

In the darkest night,
All the billions of lights,
Call out to you.
Like the shimmering stars,
To kiss away the black and blue.
474 · Aug 2020
Soul Friend At Sunset Beach
Colm Aug 2020
Meet me there
Where the beach is tall and blonde and nearly as fair
Where the sun kissed sidewalks are more forgiving and free
Holding warmth more unpretending than those who never cared
And the night breathes life refreshing back into our chests with a bellowing swing
Where we sing with campfire sparks in the dark
And look only to see the stars
Staring back down into our eyes alive
For as high as we are on this lifeguard stand
Meet me there my soul friend
I will be with you again
Above within the tepid air
Soul Friend At Sunset Beach
474 · May 2018
Once Shared
Colm May 2018
You lead my ears to water
Thirsty once forever be
For it is May and I intend
To make this music mine to me

Forever yours
So is my artist
To will his will
Will ever be

For this exists
In both our minds
In memories mixed
With solidarity
Someone shared and you discovered. But to what ends? Sometimes we never know the degree to which we impact one another, for good or ill. And Lord knows I've been guilty of both such outcomes. But anyway... Play the **** song and put it on loop. (:
473 · Nov 2018
A Comparison
Colm Nov 2018
Was an arrow from a bow named Young Summer

And he...
Was nothing more than a crooked quiver in the cold of Winter
473 · Dec 2016
Unseen Beauty
Colm Dec 2016
Would you turn your head ever so slightly?
Just for a moment so that I could see
Your face hidden beneath your hairs embrace

Because if ever there were a chance to be
I would sit beside you for eternity
And watch the autumn leaves turn back to green

And at dusk if you were to fall asleep
I would shoulder your head with my own cheek
And hold you there until the sunrise peaked

But only if you'd turn your cheek
Just this once so that I could see
The place where my lips wish to be

How they desire to meet with your unseen beauty
473 · Jun 2018
Is She
Colm Jun 2018
More delicate
And yet stronger in such ways
Unbeknownst to me

And yet this is why
When I look in her eyes
I see nothing of me

And yet everything
I could ever wish to know
Is she
Is She.
473 · Oct 2019
A Missed Opportunity
Colm Oct 2019
Blasted prescious seconds lost
Like cannon fire in the wrong direction
It's a shame to sink such prescious metals
Into an ocean so deep and unforgiving as this
Not very significant though. If the memory faded this quickly.
473 · Apr 2016
Colm Apr 2016
Everyone is signing up,
Everyone is lining up,
Everyone is pairing up,
Everyone except this one.

Everyone is finding a way,
Everyone is signing away,
Everyone just runs away,
Everyone without my name.

Everyone is moving on,
Everyone has come and gone,
Everyone has better plans,
Everyone except this man.

Everyone speaks well of me,
Yet everyone still fails to see,
That everyone has gone crazy.
Everyone that is but me.

473 · May 2018
Eyes Wide Closed
Colm May 2018
When the eyes see trees and not possibilities.

A future that is not beyond tomorrow.
A person instead of a lover, or another.

When all of these things, in closing eyes see...

Then ones line of sight is oriented properly.
Meaning - Trees are for more than just use. Tomorrow is more than just another day. Your lover is a person, not your past. And to see the truth in these things is to be in THE moment.
473 · Apr 2016
Colm Apr 2016
Wild and untamed.
She stretches out, like a shadow from the base of a tree.
Features pale as the river shale, eyes cool and clear like the rushing stream.
A forest child with a wild streak.
Intent on keeping the forest free of pestilence.
She roams the earth, with a pack of wolves her pounding feet.
Yet she cares for all of the birds and beasts, as if they were her family.
Like a ghost so she appears to me, beyond trees.
Her Mononoke name be known, but behind the mask I'll never see.
Colm Nov 2017
The mind seeks to be
To express its worth
In metaphor and homily

And yet no cloudy day remains alive
Within your mind

As memories grey and overcast
Like a visionary dream once passed

You are awake
And yet your eyes
Are only aware of this present take
On life lived alive

No voice is meant to learn such things
Or to recognize these passing clouds
Which have long since passed you by

No cloud is ever exactly as remembered within your mind
What truth do you find in this? (:
471 · Nov 2017
Colm Nov 2017
By the passing’s of perfume on a winters day
Wow, not why
Because you used to wear that scent
Ever have that? Where something just instantaneously takes you back?
470 · Apr 2019
Rainy Lofi Day Away
Colm Apr 2019



Splashing Sounds

The way
You shuffle me

The way
You fall

On me
And all around
470 · Apr 2019
Cloudy Eyes
Colm Apr 2019
Isn't that the idea of the ideal? To conflate small with big? To expect every sighted cloud to be, exactly as you see it is? Be it building towards or not in part. The clouds are no more a part of you, than you are a part of whatever dream you see.
469 · Mar 2019
Gosh, This Song
Colm Mar 2019
This sound is like volins more gentle than snow
Like starlight twinkling, streaking and cold
Like hair strung strings on the breezy frame of a chello
Like the earth axe tapping at copper and coal
Like the most beautiful rain on the blind boys face
Like the artist envisioning the most timeless of place
Like the linger puddle with a glimmering sheen
I find this song goes beyond all that once was serene
Colm Aug 2021
hello is not a word
so much as a greeting is a sky
which stretches out above our heads
into the coulded mists and parting looks of waiting eyes
469 · Mar 2017
Too Long, Too Late
Colm Mar 2017
It's been too long** since I had sap on my fingertips, beneath my nails

It's been too long since I've passed by the turkey blind which I built for myself, almost a lifetime ago

It's been too long to know exactly how a clearing fades but never grows

But it's never been too late to walk there again, to ***** my feet in the spring of Earth, and to speak out loud in the cool breeze until I can no longer feel my nose

No, it's never been too long, or too late, for walks like those
468 · Jan 2017
Colm Jan 2017
I see your doppelganger here
I’m always most polite to her
Because I know
Because I see
Just who she it
Just who you were
Respect - It happens
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