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468 · Jan 2017
Colm Jan 2017
I see your doppelganger here
I’m always most polite to her
Because I know
Because I see
Just who she it
Just who you were
Respect - It happens
468 · May 2017
Colm May 2017
Are you scared?
That someone will
Or will not understand?
The meaning therein?
Because you can ask any of those who really know
For I am such a man
Ask and you shall receive
468 · May 2017
So It Feels
Colm May 2017
Although I often try and speak
In subtle tongues
I have no other language than this
Or so it feels
At times it feels
The original tongue...
467 · May 2018
Colm May 2018
Don’t ever think that you’re alone
That no one has seen with similar eyes
Or could understand the initial confusion
That is, Inside
But solved in time. As we all are.
464 · Jul 2017
Colm Jul 2017
No metaphor will tell it
Although I convince myself within the moment
That it will last

That the clouds above my head
The howling wind which I adore
The summer rain and the glorious morn
Will indeed last

But they never do

Because no metaphor can contain
Or stretch it over the canvas to fit
Or even begin to properly paint
This representation known as you

You simply are, as simply is
Beyond the metaphor
Within the shadow of a moonlit truth
The best happens...when you stop thinking about it. And just say it. As it is. True.
464 · Nov 2016
See The Rain
Colm Nov 2016
Some days I wish to soak the earth,
Some days I wish to return to the simple mindedness of the dirt,
To a time when I knew less about me,
And more about how I wished to improve.
When I see the rain, such as it is, I think of this,
And afterwards I think of you.
464 · Mar 2017
Glory In Everything
Colm Mar 2017
Glory to the one true king
The only one worthy of my praise
And the original verse which was written down
For the final song I will sing someday

Glory to him

The God of perfection
Who far above and beyond
All of these most imperfect thing

Including myself
For I am not him
But I will do my best in everything
I appreciate his kindness. Graciousness. And understanding. There is no equal. And he's not afraid to remind me. (:
464 · Jun 2017
Back To Back
Colm Jun 2017
There is no darker side of the room
There is no air left in to breathe
There is no light, there is no sound
When left alone with such feeling as these


When one person feels
But the other doesn't
There is only darkness
Back to back

And the silence therein in between
Such a sad which I mean truth for some people.
463 · Sep 2019
I Always Forget, Always
Colm Sep 2019
To the side
With mindful eyes, lax
Like the smile which always wide
Comes back

Sitting beneath the old mailbox by the railroad tracks

Trying so hard not to forget
The words inscribed
Which you promised me
In the letter that never came
And why is that? Because I waited too long. LOL. Mr. Newman with the song. FTW.
462 · Nov 2018
Colm Nov 2018
To love is to appreciate the other.

The complexities of mind and heart.

The fraying string stretched inbetween.

And the newness of each breath to start.
I'm with you. Always around you. Only love, only love.
462 · Aug 2019
Haiku, Caught In Love
Colm Aug 2019
Source, a heartthrob life
Be thought, and alone no more
In my being caught
Tuesday 12 - This one reads like a prior dream. Lol.
461 · Dec 2021
A mother, and a daughter
Colm Dec 2021
Like moon to sun
Like land to sea
Like curls to straights of burning sands
Like clouds to rainy streets of leaves

It's that and this
It's greys once green
So similar yet
So different these
Beautiful beside
461 · Oct 2020
Coffee Heart
Colm Oct 2020
With a warmth of be being
And a sound of beating
Inside this coffee chest
A heart is (sound)  

Is not a string to be pulled
In this piano choir
Or in this soundless town
Where the wandering soul walks (aimlessly round)

Is not a feeling felt
Or minded state
So much as it is a conscious place
(within cup)
Coffee Heart
460 · Nov 2017
Peaks And Valleys
Colm Nov 2017
No happy man ever said to me
"Because I'm happy it will always be so"
For in reality
Without the highest of highs and the valleys below to balance them out
How else are we to take in the sight or learn to see?
Without first having discovered both the lie and the mystery
Within such peaks and valleys
The highs and lows
The mountains and holes.
Emotions are emotions. Period.
458 · Apr 2017
Midnight Fires
Colm Apr 2017
Maybe this summer?
Maybe these stars?
Will be the distant midnight fires
Which will look down upon this tired old heart
And rejoice as it falls
Stumbling upon the greatest love of all
Maybe this summer? Maybe these stars?
458 · Apr 2017
Regarding The Flames
Colm Apr 2017
When it comes to fire
Within my arms
I will crash and burn and rebuild myself

Because I am
Because I was
And because I have yet to become someone else

All that I can be
All that I wasn't
All that I do is because I must

Its not owned by this
The want or wont
But because I will regret it if I don't
Below my average... But I'm trying something new.
457 · Apr 2018
Mayer Maybe
Colm Apr 2018
Have you ever had a song repeat?
And turn you a certin way?
For in passing I see
Now that Mayer maybe
When he said
"Would you say what you need to say?"

Such is a necessity
Sometimes I don't know how to say it. Or simply how to ask. Because I put on such a truly confident mask all the time. But at the end of the day, Im just like you. Very much imperfect in all things. *nod*
457 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
Reach into the nothingness
With an outstretched arm Inquisitorial
And pull a star down from the sky
A scar from the skin
Or the sight from within a strangers eye
Look and see
All the potential within that unique life
The marring and falling
The look of a life lived once alive
456 · Sep 2021
With your own
Colm Sep 2021
The strongest current
You could ever swim in
Is not against
But with your own

A moment of clarity.
455 · Feb 2019
A Southern Style Cocktail
Colm Feb 2019
It's a cocktail in which memory mixes with sensation and sound. To become even moreso drunk on you. In the remind of those moments once shared, in that certain, southern, American town.
Absolutely beautiful
455 · Jun 2019
Colm Jun 2019
It's not how quick your feet are
Or how fast you can run in an attempt to fly

It's none of THAT and all of THIS
How you fall with the imperfections of each inevitable try

I'll tell you what it is, IT IS, right in front of you
In the face of the breath which has yet to come

It has nothing to do with how many times your feet may falter
When you fail to fly

But how quickly you can defy and overcome
Which defines the true heart inside
True Hearts - They Try

Fervent Series (2/10) - 06/23/19
Colm Feb 2019
Stare, but don't stop
You are unlike any living screen
Tune out your mind from the memory of self
In a mirror that this you will never be seen
Why is it so, that we hate ourselves
So much so that we must look away
And into the nothingness of ironic things
That we spend our time starting at screens away
The January Lasts

453 · May 2017
Why I Strive
Colm May 2017
Clueless isn’t the word I seek
But unknowing of such and in such moments
That is what I strive to be
This is the clear in this moment

453 · Sep 2022
A Question
Colm Sep 2022
What if my tongue
Parched from its boredom
Runs out of ink
Or forgets itself
And the ways of penning graphite scenes
Into the reality of lines to be

What if my of
Has come forth only to be
Nothing more than a habitus
Or self reflective mirror
That worships either everything of self
Or of thee

What if our cause
Was already free
And found beside a quiet setting
Where the Idaho deer
Meet, paw, and breed their joys
Dispite of inequities

What if this
All the snow in heaven fell
And all the heat of hell rose up
And all the steam between were trees
And you were me
And we were these

What if is all I ask of me
The set about creations . 8
453 · Jan 2018
Honesty and Fairness
Colm Jan 2018
I cast no stone but the honest truth.
That hypocrisy runs in all of our veins.
Around the inner workings of man.
Yet its our own perception of things which pollutes the mission, the vision, the application.
Blacken my eye and ****** my nose.
What will I do?
What can I do?
When I'm not a stone am I with you?
452 · Jul 2017
Why Words Matter
Colm Jul 2017
The ocean is grand
The woods are wild
And my eyes are as shallow as the puddles in the summer's rain

But my words are insufficient
And my words are inadequate
When it comes to expressing such things

The trueness of the heart and how it beats  
The clearness of your words and how they ring
Endlessly in my hollow ears
Because I'll forever place a certain value on them. *nod*
452 · May 2021
A sight
Colm May 2021
I love the reflected sheen of light
Which glows and grows off of floors unclean
And creates horizons unhigh

My eyes know these sights most well
And like them most ardently

This censor of mine, alone
452 · Jul 2019
Two, A Single Man's Haiku
Colm Jul 2019
Waiting for you two
To pass as me by a one
Only then we'll find
Two, A Single Man's Haiku
451 · Sep 2019
His & Her Tankas
Colm Sep 2019
Radiant dawn born
Like the morning dew dripping
Off of the treetops
And the planted hopes within
That he won't be lonely when

Radiant dusk dies
Like the aged life left alive
After grass clippings
Fall outside the window still
For one final time, he cries
I had absolutely no clue how these would turn out, but I'm quite content with how they currently are. Having started with the rather bare idea that these two verses should be relational, but not necessarily growing.

His & Her Tankas is a pair of poems about an aging couple who are in the process of saying goodbye. Her, to the hope that she would have outlived him in order to minimize suffering. Him to his situation, inability to cut the grass as before, his dependency on those around him, and also to the loss of his wife.


I didn't intend for the metaphor of Dusk and Dawn to be represented by an aging His and Her. It just kind of happened like a free cup of coffee.

It appears.

Thus is the nature of creation.

Have a nice Wednesday and enjoy.
450 · Apr 2017
Next To Me
Colm Apr 2017
I close my eyes and pretend she's here
Wrapped up in my anxious arms
As the future which I hold most dear
Awaits elsewhere

And I am left alone to speak
And practice reciting the many things
Which one day she
Will want to know and about me

Quietly and patiently
I remind myself of all that's been
Of all I've tasted in this life
The bitter and the sweet

And slowly as I edge towards sleep
I am reminded with closing eyes
That in this moment were not meant to be
Together until she's next to me
450 · Jun 2019
Your Smile In August
Colm Jun 2019
With your smile being sunshine
Pure and unrelenting
Don't tell me that the night will come
Before our time
Your Smile In August
448 · Nov 2019
Red Castles
Colm Nov 2019
Red castles crash and fall
Midst green pines standing tall

As the last summers memory outlasts
This autumn death befalls
Red Castles
Colm Oct 2019
Cold trails
Dark sparks
Wood chips drowning beneath waving path
No time
No chance
No opportunity left to embark

I've missed the stars
The skyward boat
It's filling mast has sailed away
And I am left standing
Beneath the reality
Of day

My reality
This day
As you sail away...

This one's about some kind words I once received. A mere word of thanks for me quietly giving up my seat. It was nothing special. But the memory of which has become quite precious to me. Very pretty.
447 · Mar 2017
Her Cool Embrace
Colm Mar 2017
The warmth of these walls welcomes me back
It's been awhile since I've been
Alive and well and in this place
When all around me was a buzz
I found myself alone at last
In a memory's cool and calm embrace
In love I once was with this place and still I am
For she is far more welcoming to me
Than all of the others
Who never cared for anything beyond the smiles upon my passing face
That is why I'll always love this place
For the role she played in my former life
I simply cannot pass her by
Without returning her cool embrace
Good to be back (:
447 · Jun 2018
The Opposite Feeling
Colm Jun 2018
She'll never know the way he feels, as he tucks her hair behind her ear.

Just as he'll never know what it is she feels, when her hand finds itself on the back of his neck, between the ears.

Still...a little weird. Lol
446 · Apr 2018
Poisonous Passivity
Colm Apr 2018
A passive mouth
Should not be able to stand
On solid ground

In fact it never will
Know such a foundation

So long as passivity and poison
Anger and predisposition
Line a tiny row of fragile teeth

I will not know
Let alone why it bites
I am not, nor ever have been, nor will be. But this sort of insipid venom that you're attempting to spew is without foundation or reason. Not to mention that it's not becoming of what I suspect is your true character. I pray for you. And all alike.
446 · May 2019
We've Never Met But...
Colm May 2019
Park bench sitting
Hands aching

As strangers ask
Quiet questions pass
Like cotton seeds

As an opportunity
The breeze
Passes us by

445 · Dec 2018
Morning Steps
Colm Dec 2018
Breathing smoke
Blowing mist
Missed mornings passersby
And then
And then
A coffee hiss
A quiet whisp
Another day gone by
Days go by. Quick quick.
443 · Apr 2019
Air, An Unseen Love
Colm Apr 2019
My heart a raindrop
Crashing onto your concrete world
Bursting into the hopefulness of another dream run down the drain
I am movement at least
Directionally found
In the mother nature sounds of time
And yet it is down I fall
End-over-end and time-after-time
Having kissed the sky with a lasting lament
And with amendments for you
I fall like the rain from  on high
My hopes
My love
The thin air I am falling through
443 · Oct 2021
October Friends
Colm Oct 2021
Real friends dont just let you be
(the most flawed version of yourself)
They look beyond
They tolerate and encourage
They really understand
They see
Oct Headache 11
442 · Nov 2016
Colm Nov 2016
They don't believe me when I say,
My foresight stretches a long way.
Down the winding road of time,
Into the valley of decline,
I see my age, in the faces of those who have traveled this way.

I see my future in their shoes,
I see the certain way their memories fade like the morning dew.
And yet I have arrive at the early hour,
Before the dew has time to flee.
Before the earth has time to turn,
The dawn itself calls out to me.

For it's here I see what it simply means to simply be,
A present in the presence of the bitter sweet.
The better notion of pursuing passions which never seemed to be,
A suitable means of living without ease.

And yet such fear of fear itself is what I need,
To motivates a man such as me.
To presuppose and catch a glimpse beyond the horizon,
Into the distance where I decree,
That the next life will be a more suitable life for me.
I perceive, but I don't really know.
441 · Nov 2019
A Chilling Exhaustion
Colm Nov 2019
Sleep seeps from my finger tips
With chilling thoughts, my mind amiss
No matter how much heat I ingest
I digress, and fade into cold extremities
Only a few times, have I know
The name of tired as well as this
A Chilling Exhaustion
440 · Jun 2018
Colm Jun 2018
Did you know
That wishes reside
Behind the eyes

Just to the one side
Ever so slight

Like a magic trick within the mind
We wish
And sometimes forget

Or remember such wishes
In due time
439 · Mar 2017
Run-On Coffee
Colm Mar 2017
I need coffee
Before this coldness leaves my feet
Or the snowflakes fall any freer onto the city streets
I need such coffee inside of me
Because without it’s joy and prolonged warmth
I cannot be alive and well
Let alone this representation of me
So do not question before I wake
Just pour the coffee for goodness sake
And if I must make it myself
I will with a vengeance, a sleep induced will
Though once I’m awake I’ll wonder still
What dependency is this which I’ve built
The need to mix my water mixed with beans
Perhaps not the coffee, but it is the caffeine
Which gets me out and wakes me up
So that I might not feel asleep
As I am driving these winter roads
Saying dearest coffee would you please
Wake me so that I can feel at ease
Truth... Tired and average reflection... But truth!
439 · Aug 2018
My Sindarin Love
Colm Aug 2018
At Last you are
  My heart of trees
    My walls of stone
      My whisper in the Sindarin wind

Like a homely
    Vein of oak
      Your limbs a door
        Ajar to an eternity

  Naming Rivendell
    You are the sun
      My palace place
        Escape from Angbands hell

As dominion fades
  Ere does the tide
      So does the land
        East of Belfalas lie

The mountainous trees
  Begin and end
    With a swell of men
      No more to tell

At Last you are
  My heart of trees
    My stone since turned  
      My sacred dell
Such things one day will have a name and place in more than just mind.
Colm Nov 2019
Falling stars always appear so far
So bright as they burst with their last dying light
How crazy is it to think that we, humanity
May see, but will never feel, their burning light

Just writing about what's beyond the sky

The Vision - That Last Second Sight Of Some Stardust Burning Up
439 · Mar 2017
Cold Nights Reflection
Colm Mar 2017
As the sky looks back to return my surprise
With almost longing and lingering eyes
I am enchanted now by what I see
Just beyond the clouds within the sky  
Not a nebula of precarious height
But a collective unit (almost) organized
How they absolutely are and alive
How the creator created them all to burn
In such a particular direction and light
Would you repaint the picture that is my life?
To better reflect the collectedness
And the calmness found in this cold night
Gosh I love how this turned out
438 · Aug 2018
Aching Beating Heart
Colm Aug 2018
My heart aches for home

For the untitled song

For the awkward communications which are yet to come

For the hiss of the radiator

And the warmth between walls

There's a pain in my chest

And it reverberates slow

Like the pounding sound of my favorite lofo song
Real. True. Am I.
438 · May 2016
Stained Heart
Colm May 2016
You taint my eyes,
You stain my heart.
You turn me like a bottle of wine in the darkest cellar.

You sound like me,
So quietly we drift,
Like the tides apart.

Like a somber tune for a sober sight,
Devoid in fact we are the light,
The tinder waiting patiently to spark.

With only the trees to reconcile,
Dark is the shadow at the back of your eyes.

And yet gentle are your fingertips,
As you caress the quiet strings.

Like the whims of the willow and the harp.
You color my tainted tear stained heart.
437 · Feb 2017
Colm Feb 2017
I am drawn apart
Cut in half
Like the sea
Both the color
And the overcast
Reside in me
But do not think
For a second
That they are
The same in me
For they are separate
And aside
On the other side
O*f the other me
Separate, part, whole, inside
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