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437 · Jul 2017
Deserted Road
Colm Jul 2017
Walking down a road
Without a sight in sight
Isn't knowing
It's trusting

That at the end of it all
When it all has fallen
That it was worth the walk
Because if not I'd fall
437 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
There is nothing more peaceful
No place more quietly filled with solidarity and truth
There is no smile brighter
No sound more solemn
And no such expression wasted solely on you
There is more than expected
Midst this endless perspective
There are labels which cannot speak ounces of truth
There is more than that which appears to all else
In this moment I find
There is more than just you
436 · Apr 2019
Flightless Sentiments
Colm Apr 2019
I knew that I was not a bird
I knew it when I fell and I
A wingless thing
An ageless life
Angelless on this ended line
Known to me no bird was I
Long before I couldn't fly
Flightless Sentiments
436 · Jul 2019
Colm Jul 2019
Like a far
From a distant star
I wanted you like a childhood wish
So badly that I couldn’t help but shine
And glow in the innocent, youthful, darkness
About childhood - About youth and you - Shine - From a distant star
Colm Jan 2020
Evident, conscious
Are your curls aware of me?
As I am captured
By a gentle turning lock
A wave in the subtle trees
Some writes are truly as simplistic as this. The girl in front of me had curly hair. The kind that greets you with a turn of the head and shimmers like leaves in the earthy autumn.

Very pretty.

Sunday Seven (or S7) is a series of tanka verses (57577) which I completed one cloudy Sunday afternoon. With topics ranging from the faithfulness of dawn to the depths if the ocean home, I hope you enjoy reading them and can appreciate the height and depth of this variety.
435 · Jun 2017
Sinking Weight
Colm Jun 2017
Have you ever known the most of this?
Or the truth which is
That it pulls a young man by his feet
To the bottom of the sea
When he realizes that
She isn't thinking about you
You will know it when you feel it.
434 · Jul 2019
From The Clutches of Delete
Colm Jul 2019
This poem needed an outstretched hand
To save it from defeat

So I laid me down on broken cliffs
And simply reached

To save these words from quiet worlds

I... will not... delete
Hahaha! From The Clutches of Delete
434 · Mar 2017
Guessing About Knowing
Colm Mar 2017
Either I know everything, or I know nothing
I'm never close to the in between
Which is why you seem so far away
At least in time, within this space
Because I cannot see your face
I can only hope most ardently
That for once in my life
Somebody like you
Knows everything there is to know
About someone like me
Zee hope. Is real. (:
434 · Aug 2020
Weathering A Memory Cold
Colm Aug 2020
I don’t bleed for you
Burn or in weeping fall like rain
With closed eyes or with headwinds sway
But like stars glistening
With night sky coldly watching
I am reminded
And think of you often
In a bright minded sort of way
Such a feeling. So felt. LOL self.
434 · Apr 2018
Craters And Mountains
Colm Apr 2018
Handle your words with caution
Your impressions with care
Because words can impress
And compress the impressionable
Like metors on the surface of self
You may never know
The value, the worth
Or the cost of such words
On another persons earth
Though I do believe in tough love. I'm also a follower of honesty and a fan of kindness whenever possible.
433 · Mar 2017
My Entirety
Colm Mar 2017
Know not the rigidness of my eyes
Or the scent of my skin
As once did the picture on my face imply
For I am blameless in such regards
And rightfully so
For I have dedicated my entire self
My entire life
To the upholding of such high regards
For a person who I do not yet know  
That to me
Is more pure than the new fallen of snow
Drawing circles... Semi circles...
433 · Sep 2018
Colm Sep 2018
Tear the idea limb from limb, until the acorn of truth falls.
And then, rend the earth and begin again.
Until another, and another
And another thought begins.
Growing slowly with every Fall.
Acorns everywhere. So are thoughts. Growing. Let them go.
431 · Feb 2017
He Is
Colm Feb 2017
He is the sky beyond the clouds
The heaven and the highest host
The gentle breath in the wandering fields
And the coolest drink of water in the wellspring of my soul
He breathes life into me
Acknowledges me
And makes my scattered pieces whole
My God with steady outstretched arms
Who offers me a hand to hold
Steadfast and true
431 · Sep 2018
Colm Sep 2018
Walk away from everything
Take steps without your feet
Stride as oceans turning break
And stumble upon like fallen leaves

Step-over caution endlessly
With a rustling wavering ease
And walk away from everything
In your walking you are free

Because only you, yourself can keep
In your walking you are free
It's not necessarily wrong to need something like this.
431 · Jan 2022
Colm Jan 2022
You walk in
and the world walks away
from whatever it was doing
for just a fragment of that day

There is no forward, no back, no other way
for this spherical, circular, world bent on its way
to keep on spinning any longer

In your orbit it stops
and absorbs your wandering radiance
as a warming sponge

For a moment at least
the greatest light of this universe concedes
and your radiance rivals the sun

Newry Set . 10
431 · Oct 2022
Dreams die fast, sadly
Colm Oct 2022
Perhaps you are not as you seem
Or perhaps the problem
As it always has been
Resides with me

For I am my not that
As I'm not angry when awake
But that too often now I have gone to dreams
And dreams don't die for me

Instead, I breathe
And in sleeping
Dreams die fast, sadly
430 · Mar 2019
With Water Above
Colm Mar 2019
Poetry is a smooth stone slipping
Wavering back and forth in the water beneath
And the fall of all in a slow transcendent arc
Until it comes to rest
Like all poetry
At the end and beneath
And poetry below
429 · Apr 2017
The Old Box
Colm Apr 2017
Today I dug and shoveled away, at an old box, at an old sin.

And upon finding it, I opened it, and stared at its contents. The realization stored within.

For inside I found the truth in this:

"That you can stare at the monster all you want, but in your future, don't ever let yourself desire his life, or become like him."

Not ever, not once, or ever again. But instead be reminded of who he is and how he is. And why also, such things exists, within this life.

Don't embrace the monster locked away. But be a better man. Be more than this. For that is the truth which I found in this.
Just a random thing. A random remind.
429 · Dec 2018
Between Ivory Keys
Colm Dec 2018
Ripples beneath concrete feet
Falling all around the trees
Are the days of lightful shadows still
Are the scenes unseen to me
Between ivory keys
Are the pulling, plodding, plucking leaves
Which kiss the earth like a butterfly
And depart fluttering with bus stop wings
To no other earthly springs comply
Between Ivory Keys
428 · Dec 2017
How The Tide
Colm Dec 2017
The ocean
Crashing rolling in the deep
Turning stones slowly felt to sand
Beneath the feet, and yet

No one can tame the tidal crash
Where the waterways collapse and meet

Though many have tried
How the waves of time wash over us all
In the shallow end of this single life

Because regardless of fear, or the deep
So the morning tide will ever subside
And yet never live to see the setting sun

Just as the castles of our yesterday will be swept away
By the water pulling at our feet

So the ocean will always crash and roll
With a gentleness and honest swell
Resting calmly in-between
Each wave
For A Could've Been Friend
Colm Sep 2019
And then I saw it
And I knew
Overtaken as I was
That all of my prior perceptions of beauty were nothing
And that your memory
Was a far sight from all of God's green glory
Creative and free as the cattails and the rustic leaves
For which I am thankful
Most thankful
Struck silent by the sight. Happy that such a truth exists. Exquisite.
428 · Sep 2018
Stones In A Riverbed
Colm Sep 2018
The warmth and roundness of me.
Is only there due to the edges taken off by you.
Stones In A Riverbed - The Christian Life
427 · Feb 2020
Guitar Vibrance, A Tanka
Colm Feb 2020
Cold strings quietly
Ask for vibrance and true song
To be strummed made live
On youthful learning fingers
Tipped with determination
Bring the strings to life, kid. Just like banjo Jimmy did.
427 · May 2017
Mr. Blue Eyes
Colm May 2017
Is the place
You will find
Within the blue
Within my eyes
Within the blue
427 · Jun 2019
It's True Anyway
Colm Jun 2019
Cloud and water
Is a way of thinking
Of presumptive of being

Which calms the minds
Of those who see shadows
In every corner

And demons in every shadow alike
Cloud and water
And perfectly shapen sky
Alan Watts was clever indeed
426 · Sep 2019
We Rooks
Colm Sep 2019
Not one to fly in another's sky
Nor to fish the grounds of another herrings town
For I
I am a Rook
Meaning that often and alone I fly
Not high, but above
More pleasant fowl
For as keen eyes look
And occasionally see alone
With pinions dark as covered night
There is noone else at last to be found
Because we rooks, we mate for life
There is noone else for us alive
We rooks, we mate for life
425 · Jun 2017
Colm Jun 2017
Yearns for the trees
No more than I
A humble man
Yearn for the pride of my prior youth
For once you have begun
You can always begin again
In some respects

Isn’t that write?
Just trying to be clever on a rainy day. LOL.
425 · Mar 2017
Good Questions
Colm Mar 2017
How can a human being be so good?
Have such good parents?
Have such a good upbringing?
Have some good friends?
Get a good education, at a good institution?
Have good enough degrees to get a good enough job?
Have a good enough mind to problem-solve?
And everyday continually subscribe to a method which means that they will thrive?
And with every success still remain not a snob?
How can any human being be so good, so well brought up?
And yet still after everything, be so messed up?
Metaphorically speaking of course.... ;)
425 · Dec 2017
Well As Well
Colm Dec 2017
I’m torn between sharing the mass
Of stones I’ve dropped to the bottom of the well
And keeping the precious water supply all to myself

Because it’s not against my beliefs to drink
Or to share with someone a drink as well

But to pollute my own most trusted source of outpouring
Will take a confidence in me
The kind which ought but doesn’t always swell
Obsessed with water. Also this - My publish poems option is erroring - So I'm working out of my drafts - Tell Elliot please. (:
424 · Mar 2019
What It's Like
Colm Mar 2019
Better than any disconnect
Any night of sleep
Any day of unease
Better still is the pouring of water
On an eventual seed
Which will turn with the sun in the sky
Into a creative tree
Which grows and thrives above my eyes
Better it is than any of these
What It's Like
424 · Jan 2017
Colm Jan 2017
Hello again never,
     Did you ever know this little truth?
          That part of who I am,
                    Always is and will be,
                         For you?
Lol troof
423 · Feb 2017
Such Rain
Colm Feb 2017
Nothing makes me smile like a dark day
Like the heavy rain
Which openly berates the crowd
But smiles at me on its way down

As I run from my car
But not to hide
No I run from my car to get inside
Because I'm late as late can be
And if I had no responsibilities
I would let the time slip and slide away
Within such rain

I would trod the squishy flooded ground
And turn my head up to the sky
To declare my love for such a day
And to kiss the open honest clouds

I’m struck by this
Isn't it funny how?
No matter how hard the rain may fall
Your thirst is never quenched at all
By the rain drops tumbling down
How silly are the people who frown
At such rain
This is an old one. What took me so long? LOL
423 · Nov 2019
The Fog
Colm Nov 2019
When I am ill
I’m not numb, I hum
With radiation everywhere

Far more aware of how tall I am
And filled with ache
With stale, dull, air

It’s like a flower wilted is
It’s like a moonlit night neath clouds
It’s like I cannot feel, yet all is feeling all around

When I am ill
And feeling
Inexplicably, down
Ill And Fog

Sickness With The Down

Open up your ache and let it flow unto... blahh
423 · Aug 2019
Colm Aug 2019
It’s NOT that life is NOT worth living, without big ideals
It’s JUST that some are JUST unawares

Of the difference between the oceans and the seas
Yet they swim still

In the channel of being
Creating endless, watery, memories
When someone has already written a book called - The Colors of Feeling

422 · Apr 2017
How Feelings Pass
Colm Apr 2017
Some days my heart feels heavy with it
The distant want
The growing fear

The way it is but will not stay
For the remainder of these
More youthful days

My heart is this
But not at last

Instead how it wanders
Through fields of idealism
And lets you pass

With every conscious moment
In this
How I dream of you and let you pass
Which is why I'm so good at distracting myself. Who isn't really?
422 · Jun 2018
Chosen Home
Colm Jun 2018
When I'm here;
      My soul does not stir.
It settles behind closed eyes
      And breathes a contented breath...
A summer sigh.

Knowing that the winter will return,
     Like an old friend.
Along with the whistling radiators...
     To hold to cold in utter contempt,
And to warm my frostbitten fingers.
I am at home on-high
422 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
The speed of a breath breathed out
That is how fast my mind doth fly and flee this earth
Above the clouded sea filled sky
Until the only thing left of me is this
This perspective of mine
Perspective is just a breath away
421 · Sep 2019
Youthful Summer, A Tanka
Colm Sep 2019
Flowers young breathing
In a new day morning shine
Basking in the glow
Of another Spring born young
Revealing a Summers teen
I'm not sure which, but either Spring or Summer is the teenager of all the seasons.
421 · May 2018
With A Rain And A Smile
Colm May 2018
When the sky opens up
And waves to us
With a rain pouring down
In a heart felt sound
Be you sure and smile back
Till the sky's collapse
As each rain is a drop
In a wave quick to pass
If you know me... Play some Harry Connick Jr. for me and smile. Even if the WHY seems too great. It isn't. (: (;
420 · Apr 2017
Colm Apr 2017
     One day
         It will be
            Like this
                Or be like that
                    One day
Meet you there. Dibs on the one pillow.
420 · Feb 2018
Life As A Coin
Colm Feb 2018
Polish a coin until it shines
A coin it still remains

Scratch the surface, smash the matter on the tracks
And yet the etching still ingrained  

Flattened to the edge of flat
So the world around remains

As a coin which flips is falling fast
With fate less interchanged

No bounce determines forward path
Which wasn't first ordained

Mere steadfast midst matters of the past
For we all in life break change
Just started writing on a whim and the reference made me think of an old acquaintance from a former life. Ember Nickle.
420 · Jan 2017
Colm Jan 2017
The more I look
The more I see
But do not necessarily understand
Why is such a simple thing
So much of a surprise to me?
A revelation that has not made all of the difference.
420 · Feb 2019
Antisocial Me
Colm Feb 2019
Sometimes I just want to escape
Not that the life around me is profoundly filled with bars and chains
But that doesn't change the fact that I
Still wish myself away sometimes
To where no one knows my name
I love dreaming.
420 · May 2017
The Same Night Sky
Colm May 2017
When I am here
I feel more near
Than two stars in the night sky

Right beside each other
Partners almost
And yet light-years away

Though not by choice
But perhaps design
As we could be, as we are in voice

Ever trapped in this endless cycle
Like the slow glowing impending
Endless time

Like the space between most every breath
I'll be nearer to you after this goodnight
And yet no more than a distant star

For we are but two
Of the many bright orbs
Glowing in the grandest of sky's
The ironic thing is that this is all perspective based. How a few inches apart from where I stand, is really light-years away, from the other star.
419 · Jan 2021
Humanity & Faith
Colm Jan 2021
Different isn't an alter to bow
Nor change a prayer
Or a party anything less than a high

No all of THIS, that is human, is only being

Our faith is living
And in living it out

I recommend you go higher, friend
Nothing HERE will ever satisfy me. Or you, or anyone, come to think of it. And that's just fine. (:
419 · Mar 2017
Cherished Voice
Colm Mar 2017
Your song is like a clover field
Always at ease
Rolling like the streamless hills
Your body right here next to me

Within the grass
And on the wind
Ever is your voice to be
And even when I’m not in sight
To see your jawline ever slight
As you sing a clover field to sleep

I know your voice
As I know your eyes
And the way much like your song implies
That you are peaceful and at ease
Like a field of clover
You’re lucky to me
Inspired by a song you'll never guess. (:
418 · May 2018
Each End That Was Meant
Colm May 2018
When his shoulders turn and all hope is falling, like an iron on steel, like the rain in May. There will be no tomorrow for the us which was, for the walk which couldn't be kept away.
This is a favorite of mine. Not a hopeless verse about breaking up. But an honest omission about how all things which are meant to end, simply will. It may not be in our time or our way, but we all live and learn for the next day.
Colm Dec 2019
When you first meet someone
And they meet you
Looking to see all within
A vacuum is created
Your first touch a new universe found
With colorful smoke inhaled, contained
And your newfound faith and willingness to be
Exceeds anything felt before that first breath shared
Before and after
We and me
The vacuum is the desire to know what they think
What they breathe
Getting to know something is like this
Holding Your Every Breathing Breath
418 · Nov 2019
Behind The Curtain
Colm Nov 2019
In issues of the tongue and heart
One thought resolves
(all others)

Parting mind from misery
Fog from fine

And that is here
Regarding all decisions there

The real question is not of what, or why
But of when did the notion begin?
Behind The Curtain. Don't look too much. The inner workings of your mind can only be seen for so long, before they get angery. #hangry

417 · Dec 2018
Always Side By Side
Colm Dec 2018
As sure as my blue-eyed skies are blue
That will never be normal
It will always be you
Always Side By Side
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