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uv Jun 2018
I knocked on the door,
it was a silent night.
I knocked once more,
there was no one in sight.

The house was locked with the key inside.
I sulked and waited till dawn was to arrive.
Then the birds started chirping
and the hens with their sing
Woke every dozer sleeping, unknown to my sting.

But yet the door remained closed
outside which i strolled
I was sleepy, hungry
And my head spun like a web.
I cursed the person who defened the bell.

It was too late!

I couldnt wait anymore.
I held my head and walked away from the door.
As i did the milk man arrived
and the dear maiden inside
Opened the door to my heavens floor.

She was suprised!  seeing me outside

She began to question me in this mode,
"What on earth was i doing sitting on the road ?"
Now it did not matter to me,
For i was too delighted and at last at ease,
to see my way into a deep bright sleep.
uv May 2018
It might have taken us years to meet
And many a painful days apart
But my heart knew you were there
Even when my mind was in doubt
I wondered how would you be
And why it took so much time for you to see
That there was a me, waiting for thee
& praying you would find a way towards me..

And then you came , when i did not expect
You earned my love with my respect
You gave me your trust
You made all the past years wither into dust
In a short time you made me your queen
you made me happy like i have never been & then we became one, in a blink of an eye
And then there was none but you and I.

A year has past, as i write
From two we are three, with delight
In a year and half since we met,
There is not a moment that i regret
I belong to you my love, i hope you know
We are a family, and rightly so.
I want to spend all my life with you
And keep you happy and smiling too.
uv Mar 2018
It takes years to make a pearl beautiful
and layers of time to make it devine
its protected in a shell from prying eyes
till the world is ready to see its undying shine

hoping for your prayers and well wishes
to start a journey with love and smile
to welcome our precious pearl within
to make our lives worthwhile.
uv Feb 2019
As a mom..
you always need to be prepared
As a mom ..
you need to make sure your expressions are well read.
As a mom ..
you need your baby well fed.
As a mom..
lack of tissues is a subject of dread.
As a mom..
less is always more said.
Motherhood is a form of poetry
U learn and u teach
And you enjoy everything in your reach.
uv Apr 2022

A cold windy day.
Your palms are shivering
Under the gloves you wear.
With you are your loved ones
Laughing with play..
You sit down on those chairs
Chatting away...
Or may be waiting for some one
Who has lost their way. .
You look around and smile
You have had a wonderful day
May be you drink cofee
To keep the chill astray.
You click a photo
To remember someday...

To remember someday. 😁
This write goes well with a photo.. To see the photo
Chk my Instagram page :
uv May 2018
My ears cant bear violence,
which may end in innocent silence.
revenge is what it starts from,
and ends always in turbulance.
bombs and gunshots is all left to hear,
who will hear the voices and screams
of victims of the crisis.
its all over the world
a world meant for peace,
cant we just live in harmony
without the thought of greed.
i wrote this more than 10 yrs back and it is sad to see its more applicable today then it was back then.
uv May 2018
Something's cannot be put down in words
they don't do justice to all that needs to be heard

I wish i knew what was the right thing to say
to make you smile on your special day

No doubt you may have many well wishers
and my wishes might reach you just as whispers

But know that even with a thousand miles
You have the strength to make me smile

     So my Dear..!
        Enjoy yourself and have a gala time
I am glad i have had a chance to wish you a very Great
  happy birthday!
in this rhyme.
uv Jan 30
Conspire to inspire,
Inspire to admire,
Admire to aspire,
Aspire to set fire
To your demons
That conspire.
To be an inspiration, one must first strive, work hard, and embody goodness, reaching a place where others can look up to them. But true elevation comes when the inspiration shifts inward—recognizing the vastness of the world and admiring the greatness beyond the self. In this space of admiration, we realize that the greatest challenge and victory lie in overcoming our own demons. Through self-reflection and continuous betterment, we find the strength to inspire once more.
uv Mar 2024
The mind
The load
Slow down
Sit back
Your keep
A place
A balance
An emotion
uv May 2018
The window that I can see,
Has no good view
But the glass in its paneled frame
Gives a look thats quite new.
The window has two bifolding shutters
Giving it a charming look
And the white European grill outside it
Makes it as interesting as written in a book.
Though minimum light filters through this window,
It certainly has a charm.
The artificial plants hanging outside them,
Gives it colour and a refreshing sort of calm.
Writing a rhyme for just about anything in your sight gives  you the power to make anything beautiful, to make the simplest of things sound magical and give depth to things that are otherwise taken for granted!
uv Mar 2019
When the gloom weighs down heavy
Your presence becomes my story
Your love is my shinning glory
Everything else is transitory
When things dont go your way
And life is difficult, no way to sway
Those small blessings you forget
That mistake, you will forever regret.
uv Mar 2024
Reaching out for great things
Even when they are far
Your hands might be small
But your mind has no bar

Seeking out rare things
May be bright as a star
Your eyes may be keen
But it might be better afar.
Reaching out for great things, even when they seem distant. Despite physical limitations, the mind knows no bounds. Sometimes, the pursuit of greatness is best admired from afar.
uv May 2021
Once again we find our selves in a spot.
Where eveything outside looks rosy
And all dark within.
We find ourselves locked and caged
And the moving world moving with all its gait

Once again we hear the sounds of despair
When everything was just on the brink of being glorious and fair.
We find we have more to bear and be aware
And the part where we learn still has a humongous share

Thankfullness and humbleness
Emphathy and hope
These are few friends to make
They will pull you along just like a strong, unbreakable rope.

Hold on, just hold on
uv Aug 2018
When i look across the horizon,
Through the beauty of the muddled illusion,
Even a puddle of water looks like the never ending ocean.
uv Jun 2024
It has been 34 years;
Another 30 would pass in a wink.
Do I want it to be the same,
Or do I want to rethink?

How do I change something
That refuses to rearrange?
How do I make my heart lighter?
How do I be the change?

Expecting the world around me
To be as my mind pleases,
Seems like a battle that should never
Have been commenced.

Only if I could train my heart,
Then all my worries that
Seemed like worries
Would vanish without a thought.

How do I change a pattern
That has lasted all these years?
How do I find who loves me
And takes away all my fears?
uv May 2018
I went hunting on a summers day.
To find an animal that could lay
on my wall for a long long stay.
I saw zebras, giraffes and lions at prey,
I saw elephants and tigers sleeping, they lay
I aimed the trigger at the nearest i saw.
I saw a deer fallen with a broken jaw.
I wanted to help the poor old fellow.
Oh! how could i hurt the one in sorrow.
I got out of the safari van,
I came out and gave it a hand.
I aided it till it regained it strength.
I looked at it as it went.
It made me happy, you know!
May be my wall can wait some more!
Wrote this as an school assignment for my brother 2005..
uv Apr 2022
If a pen could relay all my thoughts
All those tiny speckles and threads that get often lost
My eye would like to describe the tinest details
And my hand would want to draw all its artistic tales

If my heart could realy what it thinks
All those flutters, its strongest strings
My beats would tell those feelings,to share
And my touch would make the world watch and stare.
uv May 2018
My love is stronger than the bean stalk
And much taller for you to gawk.
There are many hidden treasures
Beware! Words will be short for you to talk.

There could be giants and geese,
Harmoniums that say peace,
Golden eggs and long legs
And food to make you obese.

A castle in the clouds,
A huge door and many sounds,
A kind hearted giants wife
With treats unseen in your life.

Dont be greedy thats the law
Or you will be chased down this straw
You will cut the bloke at the bend,
We dont want to see such an awful end.

Many things written above
May make no sense to you my love
The bean stalk just fascinates me
Have a laugh, but it isn't stupidity

It says a lot, u might not know,
Infatuation is not love when you sow,
The gleams fade, then the dangers show,
It will bring pain, no matter how you let it grow.

Good night, have pleasant dreams.
Enjoy fantasies , under the moonlight beams.
May no giant disturb u there,
May you sleep, with love and care.
uv Dec 2019
It does not matter to the world,
Who you are
What have you DONE!

There will always be someone
To take your place
No matter
What you have WON!

It does not matter to the world
what you are made up of.
you do not do it for yourself
It matters to no ONE!

Not even Einstein or Bill gates
any other man with a million traits
Could keep a pedastal for too long
It is the way it IS.

If you keep quite and fade away
It is you,
who will be wasted
It is you,
who will loose your SAY

It is
the reality of this world.
The wheels of destiny
are at play.

It is
  Bend low  
And have it all your way.
Humans are selfish, even the most selfless man  who does great deeds, earns respect for himself (FOR HIMSELF)
Hence being humble in this self righteous world
Is a  poem in its own way..
uv Mar 2024
A Labyrinth is enjoyable when you know there is a way out
Its colours are enticing when you know they will fade out
The glamour might intoxicate
The novelty might instigate
But as time passes
The colours, the glamour, the novelty of it starts to suffocate
In "Labyrinth," I delve into the fleeting nature of allure and novelty. The labyrinth serves as a metaphor for life's journey, where the initial excitement of finding an exit is soon overshadowed by the realization that the vibrant colors and glamour will inevitably fade. As time passes, the once-thrilling novelty begins to suffocate, highlighting the transient nature of superficial attractions. Through this poem, I invite readers to contemplate the importance of seeking lasting fulfillment beyond fleeting pleasures.
uv Apr 2019
With all the troubles around me
There is a pattern that surrounds me
At a point when it all weighed down
I couldnt breathe, it was a mind drown.

Then isnt life about the suffering?
Things that bring happiness also come blustering.
Fullfilments of Expectations are a fantasy
We hold too much on wants that are not thought rationally.

This world is a field of alchemy
Its in your hands to not make your pain into a tragedy
But it is in HIS hands to turn your affliction and give you purity
In ways you cannot concieve, just thank for eternity.
uv Mar 2024
Looking back at another year,
Being thankful for things far and near.
The horizon has never been this bright,
The sea of love brimming with glorious light.

Looking back at another year,
Grateful for things small and dear.
Possibilities like soft molding sand,
Hope of adventures crossing sea and land.
uv May 2018
My morning walks,
Comprises of
Colours and rocks,
Different people of all sorts,
Athletes and stars ,
Mama's with carts,
Models and aunties,
Talking about making tarts,
Buisness men, and old friends
Politicians and girl-friends.
Some walk backward,
Some march foward,
Some run and have fun,
Some also worship the sun.
There are chickens and kittens,
not wearing mittens
And all sorts of  things completely hidden
My morning walk,
Always does rock,
Sets me smiling around the clock.
uv Mar 2018
My lost laughter
Once upon a time
I lost my laughter
I looked everywhere
here and there
So i could go and get her
Stretching my thoughts wide
Looking at everyside
With sadness in my eyes
I went back to find her
I realized what i missed
Every second that i
risked without her
I dint find her here
I dint find her there
But i found her everywhere
I heard her
Laughters in the air
That makes it fair
So everyone can have her
So i looked back inside
And found her beside
Just where i lost her.
uv 13h
The weather may change,
So may the ages of time.
The lack of constant,
Is the nature of life.
uv May 2020
The places we cherish
The moments in those
The people we share it
Who's doors are never close.

The horizon is what we choose
It could be a mile it could be a pool
Bringing light into darkness
Can be one's greatest tool

Sailing has never been easy
The wind takes its share
Being steady in all weathers
Is a drift so fair and rare.
uv Apr 2022
As I scroll down hello poetry
Why do I read so much grief , pain and unpleasantry?
I understand life gives its blows
But stand up tall, let bad's be lows..

The sun shall shine another day
So write with joy, so you forget the pain
Be a guide, show other's a way
The laughter you lost, will be back again.
I was just scrolling down the latest page of he po and realised there is so much pain...
Life is tough ..and rough ..I have had my share ..let's write something happy , to make the stree go away..
uv Mar 2024
"I have a hundred photos lined up to be posted.
I edit them, I think about them, and I let them be.
I let them be in my gallery for the right time.

And the right time never comes.

Days become months, and months at times turn into years.
But the right time never comes.

I don't know why!

But it is alright!

It is alright because I am not in a race, nor am I in a hurry to tell my story.
I don't mind waiting at the stop like this bus.
I don't mind being forgotten about
Or just not talked about for days.

But I, in my own way, after making those stops, I will carve my road ahead.
Uncover the true beauty of my story
In the most unusual way.
Just like how sunlight lights up a simple road and makes patterns with the help of shadows.

Shadows have their own ways.
Shadows glorify those pretty rays.
P.S: Thank you for following me through the years.
And sticking by even when I just disappear.
uv Mar 2023
I am not social
I am scarse
I dont need to show up
If my heart does not ask

I am not available
I am not a farce
I dont need attention
Atleast not by the vast

I say i dont care
I say it, again.
Again and again
Till it feels like a mask

No need to follow
No need to like
I can grow, i can flow
I can be a social dislike

My talent is mine
It's whispers are mine
For me, for me
For me is the rhym.

You can leave me
You can, you can
Leave me you can
But i still love the best i can

I love the best i can.
Just pause, pause this race, you are more important than what others might think.
uv May 2018
Kids have a way of creeping
In your heart and seeping
Love in your soul
And bringing joy and brightness
Like never before
They teach us how to love and adore..
and make us appreciate life even more.
uv Apr 2020
A book
Turns its pages
With a soft gentle stir
The flip of the edges
And the sounds that murmur

The stories
Unfolds its mysteries
Reciting the weight of its words
The stops and the lapses
Add intrigue to their worlds.

The end
Like's to be chased down
By overzealous beginnings
The length of the passage
Is the story of the innings
uv May 2018
Always write to inspire!
Always read to get inspired!
Always believe to achieve!
Always feel to recieve!
Always work that extra mile,
To bring that heart felt ,one in a million smile!
Just for the beautiful writers here on hp..wondering their purpose here!..wondering what are all these dancing words for ..?
I believe poetry is like beautiful clothing to words..
Poetry makes its subject magical and helps normal ideas and expressions seep deep down into ones heart  just to make some one smile ..
My main reason to write is to bring a smile onto ones face ..either the reader or my own ....
Because a smile is what this world needs ..
uv May 2018
It is an unconventional truth
It starts and it roots
You start the engine right
You gear the stem in sight
You step on it faster
It runs more like a master
When it is time it over takes
Its a chance it loves to take
Just try to step on the right
It slows down with all its might
Drinks of the earth it drinks
Empities it with a blink
It greeds over it more
Can you handle it like before
It runs in the count of miles
Starts eating the green inside
It donates a lot of stuff
Believe me you do not want it bluff
It slowly taking over
Planning to become a ruler
Multiplying more than our race
Becoming the faith of the earths face
Lets take our control now
Save the world before its down
Lets see the beautiful skies blue
Before they bid adieu.
uv May 2018
Once upon a time,
There was the sound of a cry,
The Cry that made them smile with tears in their eye.

Once upon a time,
There was a movement like a smile,
The smile which bought their world twirling in a while.

Once upon a time,
There were long nights as days,
The days which were turned into their nights in ways.

And the story went on
Their adventure of life was born
Born around this joy that they lovingly adorn

Years went on and they kept on,
selfless, wise and never torn,
Their breath was each for to teach courage,
that would need to move on.

Then came a time , the sand glass turned,
the cry was heard again,
Again with those tears came that smile,
And Realisation struck as plain.
For all parents!..
uv 1d
The thought of art
is a wonderful start—
to explore yourself,
your impactful part.

The thought of art
is a wonderful start—
to believe your truth,
your dreams, your heart.

The thought of art
is a wonderful start—
to show, to lure,
to grow, be pure.

The thought of art
has a meaningful part—
to show the world
your love, your heart.

The thought of art
captivates your heart
and makes one wonder—
Is this the end, or just the start?
uv May 2020
What is the limit?
That a thought could reach,
If it could float away from my mind

I have heard
that thoughts can weigh,
They are substantial, they are defined.

It seems they have a power.
Thoughts could make Reality!
You can call them magical or
   just well designed.
uv 2d
Today is my birthday.
In the last 15 years,
I got married twice,
Divorced once,
Gave birth to three kids,
Started two businesses,
Shifted to two cities.

Broke my knee once,
Mended it twice.
Published a book,
Traveled a lot,
Learned a lot,
Cried a lot,
Laughed a lot.

I taught,
And I talked.
Understood love,
Drowned in self-doubt,
Learned to be proud.

Had a lot of hair fall,
Found the courage to stand up tall.

So, today is my birthday.
In the past 15 years,
I understood age is just a number.
I am still that 15-year-old,
Wondering what adventure
Is in store for the next round.
uv Jan 2019
When we mimic nature,
using our skills,
It is in the nature of nature,
To bloom every where
it instill's.
uv May 2019
It may all be meant well
Your love and caring engraved deep within
Your thoughts sure and your soul pure
All your achievements negation of sin.

It may all be in vain
If your actions are short of whats within
A wrong word, emotions stirred
All that earned will be just sent to the bin.

It may all be fine still
Understanding and empathy build it within
Do for others, be kind dear brothers
Let the heart be an ocean, someday you will win.
I wish we could all have hearts as big as the ocean.
My dad taught me that..i wish i always remember that..
uv May 2018
God my life is such a mess,
My fairy tale is all a jest,
The only dream i had,
The only thing i wanted,
Its no better than all the rest.

I wanted some one to wipe my tear,
A prince to whose heart i was dear,
But my castle is all tumbling down,
My happiness is sleeping in sadness town.

But my heart yet wants things to be fine,
I will try, cause what is lost is mine.
I am sure there is some one who will care,
A person with whom, my world i can share.

He will show me dreams and work a mile,
To drive away my pain and bring a smile.
He will build that castle again in my heart,
I will just wait for him, till our stories start.
Wrote this couple of years back..
I waited for our stories to start..
God did answer my prayers..
One of my previous rhymes shows how it ends..:)
uv Apr 2019
Those days when you were told
These are the best, better behold

Those days when you were told
Learn the best, make yourself unfold

Those days when you were told
You are the best, be strong and bold

Those days when you were told
Take your rest, shelter from hot and cold

Those days when you were told
Do not test, patience is gold

Those days when you were told
It is not a jest, you will grow old.
                                         -by uv_poetry
uv Apr 2024
He got up one morning
All charged up for the day
A long to-do list
And passion on his mind lay

A belief in his talents
Strong in his ways
To capture the world
To provide value that pays

To reach the stars was his aim
Work hard he did, never lay
His time was too precious
Successful he was, some may say

He thought the world needed him
Things would not work night and day
There were very few
To take his place in a way

But the world has its course
Its plan, its surreal own ways
Things bound to happen
Will happen anyway

The stars will shift
The oceans will drift
The air will greet
The sun will beat

The things bound to happen
Will happen anyway.
He is needed , but it will happen anyway

— The End —