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Aug 2018 · 1.0k
Long Distance
Marte Lindholm Aug 2018
Palms, acacia, and eucalyptus trees
Long, white beaches
Red, hot sand
Down under
Far from home
A spark lits up
Like the stars shining
Over the spread-out city

Oak, spruce and pine trees
Long, deep fjords
White, cold snow
Up in the north
Somehow far from home
Cloudy and raining
A glimpse of the moon
The same as you see
When home isn't home anymore
Marte Lindholm Jul 2018
I washed up on the shore
You were already standing there
Like you were expecting me
You made me feel warm again

I could feel the sun burning my neck
As I turned around and followed you into the forest
It was like a warning
The sun trying its best to make me stay

But I couldn't resist
And you led me deeper in
It was so dark

I remember falling asleep
And when I woke up
You were already gone

I stumbled around in the dark
Time went by
I thought I saw the shore
Where it all began

I rushed my steps
My blood started pumping faster
In a hurry towards the light
A twig scratched my left arm

I didn't feel any pain
But then I saw the blood
First just a few drops
Then my arm was all covered

I kept on running
Faster and faster
The light was getting dimmer
But I could smell the ocean now

And then I was there
I was too late
The sun was setting

I could barely see it shining
Behind some tall buildings
That weren't there before

The sun disappeared
And so did I
Finding Paradise, look it up
Marte Lindholm Feb 2018
I’m lying here
Thinking about
Things I shouldn’t think of
I think of her
My heart stings a little
My thoughts run too fast
Every time I close my eyes
I see her
Not me
With you
Lying in bed smiling
And it hurts
Oh God, it hurts
If only I could let these thoughts go away
Feb 2018 · 6.7k
Slowly killing me
Marte Lindholm Feb 2018
Waiting for you
Starts a fire inside of me
I feel it in my heart
The pain induced by the flames
And they heat up
Making the blood in my veins
Start boiling
Slowly killing me

Still waiting
I feel the anxiety
Crawling up
My throat
Spreading its vines
Soon choking me
Slowly killing me

The only thing
Left to do
Is to pray that
The fire inside of me
Will burn the crawling vines
To stop the unbearable choking
And I'll finally be able
To breathe again
What to do when everything feels like a mess and I stand in the middle, all tangled up
Dec 2017 · 1.1k
Happily ever after?
Marte Lindholm Dec 2017
One of the phenomena in life,
is that when you have been
treated poorly for a long time,
you'll eventually get used to it

And when you all of a sudden
stumble across someone nice,
you'll acknowledge them,
but then expect them to disappear soon.

Because how could you ever
trust that they'll stay?
Better not get attached,
and hurt another time.

But what if that is a mistake?
Maybe you should give it a shot?
Have a little faith in humanity.
Risk being naive once more.

And then you try.
Everything seems fine,
just waiting for it to get bad.
Or, wait...

Could this possibly be the happy ending you only see in movies?
Dec 2017 · 3.0k
To really know her
Marte Lindholm Dec 2017
To know her is not just knowing her
name, birthday and her favorites.

No, to know her you have to notice all the
little things that make her, her.

The way her fingers tap when her favorite
song is playing out loud.

The way her eyes always search for that
one particular person in the crowd.

The way she holds back a smile when
his name is mentioned.

Most of all, how she is when she is all by herself.

Nothing shows better how a person is,
than their behavior alone.
Then she is a hundred percent herself,
and that, my love, is the girl you want to know.
Dec 2017 · 223
10.52 PM
Marte Lindholm Dec 2017
"You're moving on way too fast,
slow down girl!"
Don't you think I know this?
Can't you see this is my way
of coping with life?

The tears have made permanent
rivers down my cheeks
And my eyes have got
a natural red tint

My head I keep up
And my smile is of course
forced to be seen
Fake it until you make it

The thing is
I don't want it to be like this
I don't want it to go on
so **** quick

I don't seem to have
the power to make a change
I just have to hold on
To this roller coaster my life has become

But after all
This is
As everything else
Just some late night thoughts
Dec 2017 · 125
Listen now girl
Marte Lindholm Dec 2017
Always respect yourself
Remember who you are
And what you stand for
Because when love suddenly
Settles down in your heart
It makes you blind and weak
Don't lose yourself girl
If he treats you bad
Make no excuses for him
You can do better
You deserve better!
I know it is hard, I really do
And it is strange how
It's not before 2 am these thoughts
Finally appear in your head
But when they do
Please remember to say
"Listen now girl
You deserve better"
Sep 2017 · 635
You make me
Marte Lindholm Sep 2017
Do you know how cheerful you make me,
with that gorgeous smile of yours?

How pleasant you make my day,
whenever I get to spend it with you?

How tremendous I feel no matter when
you lean in to give me a kiss?

Just by feeling your presence you make me
feel like the most fortuitous girl in the world

No words can describe what I feel towards you, my love
Dedicated to my one true love
Jun 2017 · 549
Lost in the Forest
Marte Lindholm Jun 2017
Tall trees and grass everywhere
Howling wind and grasping branches
No one to be seen or found
All, all alone in the darkness

Light far away in the horizon
Stretching out to grab it
For every breath, a step closer
A flame inside called hope

Someone dragging me back
I am fighting back
So tired and exhausted
But the longing for you is strong

For a moment, just a second
Giving up sounds fine
I close my eyes as I hear
You whisper to me

I decide to try one more time
So I set my eyes on you
Determinedly I find you
And finally I am home again
May 2017 · 698
Summer isn't coming for you
Marte Lindholm May 2017
I make the garden green
I make the flowers bloom
I make the heaven so pretty
I removed all the snow

But still you shouldn't
Believe the summer is coming
I did this for me
And not for you
May 2017 · 308
We became
Marte Lindholm May 2017
You became everything you promised to never be
And I became sadder than ever before
I guess that's life
May 2017 · 291
Letter from the unloved
Marte Lindholm May 2017
My dear, my love

This one is for you
And no one else
I am sincerely sorry
I could not be
The perfect partner
Or give you
Exactly what you wanted
I tried my best
I really did
But I guess I will
Never be good enough
For anyone
Neither myself
So this is my farewell
I wish you the best
Of luck in life
A life without

Best regards
02.15 am and my soul is crying
May 2017 · 493
The Heart
Marte Lindholm May 2017
The heart is aching
when you break it

The heart is beating
faster when I see you

The heart is hurting
a lot when you leave

The heart is screaming
out for help

The heart is crying
when I'm alone

The heart is craving
your sweet, sweet love

The heart is yelling
please come back

The heart is loving
you to the moon and back

The heart is missing
the memories we have

The heart is living
when I am with you

The heart is dying
now that you're gone
May 2017 · 532
Life gives you hell
Marte Lindholm May 2017
If everything goes to hell
Just remember that this isn't the first time
Nor the last
That's what life does to you
It gives you hell
And what should you do?
Give it back
Mar 2017 · 638
Broken Promises
Marte Lindholm Mar 2017
I promise more than I can keep
Please don't judge me for that
You make me so happy
Well, at least that's what I say
I guess I am happy
But still when I am left alone
The thoughts get back
And I feel sadder than before
Because I think I should be happy
I am broken. Or what?
Marte Lindholm Mar 2017
After a long time
With sadness and crying,
Finally the sun started
To shine again

The songs went
From sad to happy
And so did the mood,
Thoughts and feelings

A new love,
A new hope.
I am afraid,
But curious as well

Finally things seem
To make sense again
And it is impossible
To see how this ever can end

But with the experience
Earlier made I know
That even the best
Can turn into the worst

Hey, let's enjoy it
When I still can
This can be different
This can be good
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
The Girl
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
I am not the girl
Who the boys
Buy flowers to
Or love endlessly

I am not the girl
Who the girls
Want to be
Or be with

I am the girl
Who writes sad
Poems and listens
To music late a.m.
Feb 2017 · 364
To the Moon
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
Have you ever
loved someone so much
but lost them
way too soon?

You were supposed
to grow old together
but you ended up
growing old alone.

On your deathbed
you were given one last wish
"The moon" you said
Why did you say so?

If you could only
go back in time
and find out why,
why the moon.

It was her, it was always her
Your beloved wife
If you ever were apart
You'd go to the moon

That's why, you see, no cliché
"I love you to the moon and back"
no, let's go there together
to the moon, you and I.
Inspired by the most amazing game ever, To the Moon.
Feb 2017 · 434
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
She gave you bruises
Bruises that won't heal
But you don't blame her
Because you loved her so much

So everytime you feel sad and
Miss her more than ever
You begin to scratch them up
And watch them bleed

Just to feel the pain again
The pain feels so real
That's exactly what you want
Feelings that are real
Feb 2017 · 704
Enfree me
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
Answer my tenderness
With love, not hate.
And my drunkness,
It is getting too late.

The drugs you gave
I am getting addicted.
I became your slave
This is what I predicted.
Here we go again
Feb 2017 · 573
Sing me to sleep
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
Do me a favour
Sing me to sleep
And pray for me
To never wake up

Life is too tough
and complicated
For me to fully live
and enjoy anymore

And when it all
Finally comes to all
I think a song is a good
Way for it all to end

When life gets too tough
Feb 2017 · 705
...a fine way to suffer...
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
Still I have the urge
To take the knife up
And do stupid things
Like I used to before

But no, I don't do it
Instead I drown myself
In loud music and tears
With literally no end

Am I becoming mad?
I don't know anymore
But this seems like
A fine way to suffer
//Trying to do things right//
Feb 2017 · 390
Skribleri [Norwegian]
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
Her står jeg i all min nakenhet
Skriver dikt på norsk og greier
Jeg vet ikke helt hva jeg skal si
Hvordan jeg skal sette ord på det

Engelsk ville fått dette til å se fancy ut
Med kompliserte ord og uttrykk
Men her kommer det rå og nakne
Rotete formulert, uten rim og slikt

Du får fram en helt ny person i meg
En person jeg selv må bli kjent med
For dette er ikke likt noe jeg vet om
Dette er alt helt nytt og rart for meg

Følelser jeg ikke har hatt før
En tvil om hva jeg egentlig vil
Jeg vet ikke lenger faktisk
Noe jeg alltid har trodd jeg har gjort

Det er mye du ikke vet
Mye du ikke bør få vite
Jeg vil ikke ødelegge deg
Livredd for at det skal skje

Gi det tid, så vil jeg skjønne
Hva jeg selv innerst inne vil
Jeg vet hva jeg vil ville
Men det er ikke alltid rett

Dette er som en ny sang
Som jeg må lære å synge
Og spille på piano perfekt
Før den store framvisningen

Er det mulig at tiden vil si
At solo er formen for meg
Eller kanskje det er på tide
Å gjøre det til en duett?
Vetta fæn lenger jeg
Feb 2017 · 557
A New Kind of Love
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
This is all so new to me
It's a new kind of love
It's not overwhelming
Like the others, no
It's slow and steady
A love filled with safety
Not a love planted in
The way he looks
No, it's the way he is
His talents and charm
Yes, that's what it is
This is all so new to me
It's a new kind of love
But guess what?
I like it
Feb 2017 · 503
Fine. It's your loss
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
I get it.
You didn't say it.
But I get it.
I'm annoying, right?
It was too much
Having a person caring about you
A person who loved you
To the moon and back
You didn't want the attention
But why?
Why not good morning
And good night texts?
Why not a random phone call
Where I said "I love you"?
How could you say no
To having a person putting
You first of everything else?
How could you treat me that bad
When all I ever did to you
Was done with pure love?
You just lose someone
Who truly cares about you
I lost a person who doesn't
Care about me
It's your loss, darling
Feb 2017 · 363
Midnight mess I
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
Never before
Makes sense like
Suddenly things just
The world differently
When you start seeing

I'll give you an example;
Have you ever tried
To read a poem from
The bottom to the top?
I think this will be a series of messy poems..
Feb 2017 · 990
The World is Not a Cliché
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
Yes, I admit it
I am that typical girl
Who waits for the prince
To show up

And in my dreams
He rides a horse
And brings roses
And chocolate

Please, stop!
Before it's too late
Listen now
What if...

The prince is
Terrified of horses,
Allergic to roses
And disgusts chocolate?

Life is not a fairy tale!
Why didn't anyone
Tell me that the world
Is not a cliché?
Just some 11.24 pm thoughts
Feb 2017 · 777
To My Dearest Friend
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
I know you're having a tough time
And don't see the end of the sadness
But listen, it's not a crime
Not even a madness

I hope you'll be happy soon
I hate to see you like this
You're the sun and the moon
The world you gently kiss

In spite of all of the hate
Please, keep on, stay strong
I know you can do great
Believe me, I'm not wrong

If there's anything I can do
To make this easier for you
Even if there's just a few
Be kind, give me a clue

I have some words left to say
And they're not out of the blue
Because in the end of the day
I do really love you
Dedicated to my dear friend Henrik
Feb 2017 · 633
The Seasons of Us
Marte Lindholm Feb 2017
The winter is over
The snow gradually melts
Just as my sadness
It finally disappears

The spring is close
It is a new, fresh start
And then I met you
Life smiles at me

The summer was hot
Just like you and me
Sunny days, a lot of fun
Late nights as well

The fall is here
And I fall
You are dying
Fading away

The winter is back
Cold and harsh
I miss you so much
But you will never come back...
Jan 2017 · 362
Another song
Marte Lindholm Jan 2017
In the sunrise you said you loved
All the songs that I'd sing
That it was nothing like
You had ever heard before

When the sun was high, I said
"I love you with all of my heart "
And you said the same back
It seemed like the sun always would shine

But then the sunset came
You asked for another song
A song I really couldn't sing
Oh lord, I got it all wrong, and...

...Those were the last days of us
//Inspired by the song Beautiful Birds by Passenger & Birdy
Nov 2016 · 680
Depression is...
Marte Lindholm Nov 2016
Listening to loud music all the time

Nightmares every time you close your eyes

Talking even though no one is listening

Screaming without making a sound

Fake a smile, pretend to laugh

Slowly dying inside

Reaching a hand out for help

A hand full of scars, visible or not

Pushing your friends and family away

And befriend your inner demons instead
Nov 2016 · 414
Marte Lindholm Nov 2016
For the very first time
She smiled to the world
After decades of winters
She saw the sun
And she smiled
She smiled
Oct 2016 · 685
Make-up and art
Marte Lindholm Oct 2016
A blank canvas
Ready for color
With some paint
and a brush
After hours and hours
She transformed it
to art

A clean face
Ready for make-up
With some mascara
and a lipstick
After hours and hours
She made herself

With her make-up on
she said to the artist
"You're wasting your time
with all of your paintings"
Then the artist said
to her pretty, little friend
"Tell me darling,
what is really the
difference between
you and me?"
Oct 2016 · 374
Marte Lindholm Oct 2016
She was so tired
of all the expectations
so when he stood there
with his hand reached out
she saw no other way to go.

She breathed in deeply
reached her hand out
without knowing that
what seemed like a way out
was her last breath in life.
Oct 2016 · 445
She was
Marte Lindholm Oct 2016
She was the burning sun
Giving us all warmth

She was the moon and the stars
Brightning up the darkest hours

She was the flowers on the field
Colouring the green, green grass

She was the waves in the blue sea
Calming and relaxing for the mind

She was the blowing wind
Pushing us when our sails stand still

She was the singing birds
Making our mood so good

She was so much
For me everything
Oct 2016 · 931
My Love
Marte Lindholm Oct 2016
Hello, my love
I miss you quite terribly
I am not okay but I will be fine
If you just stay here with me

I wasn't looking for love when I met you
But that was exactly what I found
A love so strong it never died
Even though we’re thousands of miles apart

When I see you I feel happy
When I see you I feel safe
You raise me up
Even when I am at my worst

Months without you was hell
But here you are
With me again
I will not let you go

One day we'll meet
And then you'll be mine
Don't leave me waiting too long
I belong in your life and you in mine

Don't you see
Others will never be the same
It is only you
It will always be you

Please give me another chance
Give us another shot
I promise you it will be good
I promise you it will be worth it

I dream about you every day and night
So please come here in my arms
And let me kiss your lips
And feel your presence

I don’t want to be sad
But without you I am
So please don’t go
I just want to be yours

I will tell you something my dear
And remember this forever
I have always loved you
And I always will
Oct 2016 · 2.4k
Eventually she got
Marte Lindholm Oct 2016
She was so busy not getting sad
That eventually she got
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
Dark, light, dark
Marte Lindholm Oct 2016
It was dark when I came
It was dark when I left
But it was light in between
Oct 2016 · 1.3k
I Fly
Marte Lindholm Oct 2016
Up I fly
Tears are streaming
I scowl down
On them I am leaving
The ones I trusted
That let me down
Finally it happens
I am past them
I soar
I fly
I am alone
But at the same time not
Oct 2016 · 453
The Mask
Marte Lindholm Oct 2016
I put it on to forget
What once happened
It is so bad that I fool myself
To believe it didn't happened
But it happened
Deep inside I know
It happened
Therefore I wear this mask
To hide who I really am
And the mask works well
The others don't know
How little they know
They think I am innocent and kind
But really I am not
Because on the inside it is more
So, so much more
And the worst part
Is that they are talking about their masks
That they wear with pride
To hide themselves
But is it really hidden
When you are telling what is hidden
Isn't the best hiding
When others don't know anything is hidden
Now I have lied so much
So much to myself
That I think too
I am innocent
Sep 2016 · 539
Between life and death
Marte Lindholm Sep 2016
Here I stand
Between life and death
I see myself lying
I hear my heart beat
To the left I see darkness
To the right I see light
If I stay, will you smile?
If I stay, will I smile?
If I leave will you live
My life for me?
I am so sorry
I don't know what to do
Should I give myself up?
Should I give myself a chance?
I want to stay for you
But it is so easy to leave
To leave for me
I take a step to the right
I see the light
But then I hear your voice
And I change my mind
I change my mind
And I stay
I stay for you

(I stay strong,  I stay gold
Because I will see you soon...)
Sep 2016 · 564
Marte Lindholm Sep 2016
Don't be scared to feel,
Happy when you can't stop smiling,
Sad when you're fighting back those tears,
Scared when your heart is beating insane,
Angry when you feel the heat inside you,
Surprised when you find out something new.

And the most important part is;
Don't be scared to feel love,
Because it is like you finally find out something new,
You can't stop smiling and your heart is beating insane,
You feel the heat inside of you, your cheeks blushing,
And when it doens't end like you wanted,
Feel the tears stream down your face,
And know love is not a single feeling,
It is all feelings in one.
Sep 2016 · 587
Hopeless Romantic
Marte Lindholm Sep 2016
A ******* her own
With a broken heart
Seeking a shoulder to cry on
And that she will get

Her friend offers her comfort
And gives her the kindest words
Spending a lot of time together
The friendship grows and grows

Her broken heart is healed
She feels so happy
Because of him
Or is it really that simple?

Because friendship grew to romance
And her feelings became so strong
That she no longer knew how
This will ever go

She asked him out
And he said yes
Her heart skipped a beat
She was so happy

But when she thought it was working
She soon had to find out it wasn't
Because he loved another girl
She was so sure he was

Her mood changed to the worse
She didn't smile anymore
Her heart in intense pain
And all hope lost

But then again
He seemed so interested
They seemed to have something
Something so special, or?

He spent less and less time with her
And she lost all hope
She tried to tell him, she tried so hard
But he didn't seemed to understand

Maybe they weren't meant to be
Maybe he loved another girl
Maybe she was just stupid
Or maybe just a hopeless romantic
May 2016 · 388
He wasn't crying
Marte Lindholm May 2016
He loved his grandfather
So very very much
When his grandfather died
He was so sad
So very very sad
But he didn't cry in the funeral

Years later, this boy was still sad
And he blamed himself
For not crying in the funeral
He thought he was a terrible person
"Who doesn't cry in funerals?"

No one told him that
Crying is one way to show you're sad
One way
Not the only way

I wish someone had told him that
May 2016 · 831
The Graveyard of Myself
Marte Lindholm May 2016
One day I visited the graveyard
My face all covered by a hood
Looking at all the stones so hard
On all of them, my name it stood

They all standing in a long, long line
One stone for every time I'd lied
Lied about being all great and fine
One stone for every time I'd died

If I'd only been true to myself
It's too late, I can't be mended
I wouldn't put me on the shelf
I guess now my life has ended
May 2016 · 570
Scared of Sleeping
Marte Lindholm May 2016
Isn't it scary
Laying down in the dark
Closing your eyes
Preparing to slip away?
How can you be so sure
That you will ever wake up?
Most likely you will
But one time you won't
May 2016 · 731
The Sun and the Moon
Marte Lindholm May 2016
He fell in love with the Moon
So beautiful and pretty
Reflecting the light
Of the others

But he should have known that
If he seeks for true happiness
He should have fell in love
With the Sun

Because without the Sun
The Moon won't shine
And when the sun disappears
The Moon will too
May 2016 · 848
In the Middle of a Sentence
Marte Lindholm May 2016
The thing about life is
that you never know
when it comes to an end.
Sometimes it makes sense,
but other times it just ends
in the middle of a sentence.
A big question is left behind
to who is still alive.
But the answer is so simple.
Because sometimes
life just ends in the mid...
May 2016 · 963
The Silence Is Singing
Marte Lindholm May 2016
The silence
is singing

how can you
ever know

what it sounds like?

Is it like a flowing river


like the wind
when it blows through
the leaves

or maybe it is

like the bees
among the flowers
a sunny summer day?

How can you know
if the silence is singing
just being silent

maybe it is silent
maybe it is there
all the time
never stopping
just hanging in the ear
a song we all have learned

to ignore

maybe that is
the silence singing

— The End —