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Apr 2017 · 763
My Heart Is A Temple
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Those who leave they never come back,
But their memories never leave me alone.

My heart is a temple, my heart is a temple,
Where love is worshipped, that home of a lover is my heart.

Each one of my heartbeats is a hymn to her,
I just need to shut my eyelids and she's here,
Death can erase my existence in her life, not my memories.

I submit the wreath of her memories in my heart,
And light the lamps of my tears,
Every breath calls out her name from the abode of love.
My HP Poem #1493
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
If I Were A Girl
Àŧùl Apr 2017
If I were a girl,
I would write poems of hope.

If I were a girl,
I would fly high with the wings of eternity.

If I were a girl,
I would enjoy my superior existence.

If I were a girl,
I would respect the future mother in me.

If I were a girl,
I would help the helpless get education.

Even though I am a boy,
I still write poems of hope.

Even though I am a boy,
I still try to fly with my wings.

Even though I am a boy,
I marvel at my uncanny existence.

Even though I am a boy,
I respect the caring future father in me

Even though I am a boy,
I have helped the helpless get education.
My HP Poem #1492
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 642
Slurping Her Juices
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Down on her I descend,
To kiss her pain away,
Slurping her tears...

Then I climb down more,
I kiss life inside heart,
Slurping her grief...

Further down the valley,
Bringing fire to that rift,
Slurping her pleasure...
My HP Poem #1491
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 652
Oh Stars!
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Oh Stars!
Enlighten my life
With your light.

Oh Earth!
Fill my canvas
With your colours.

Oh Air!
Elate my lungs
With your youth.

Oh Rivers!
Quench my thirst
With your freedom.

Oh Forests!
Hug my loneliness
With your completeness.

Oh Oceans!
Supply me oxygen
With your phytoplankton.

Oh Mountains!
Take away my vertigo
With your refreshing heights.
My HP Poem #1490
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 412
Left, Right & Center!
Àŧùl Apr 2017
I looked at you,
You looked at me,
We both fell in love.
I still look at you,
You look at him,
I go unstable.
Left, right & center!
My HP Poem #1489
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 844
Black O'Day, Dark O'Night
Àŧùl Apr 2017
I don't share this lonesome life,
I am not going to ever get a wife,
For my horoscope threatens her death.

And blindfaith holders are galore o'r here,
They will sadistically sacrifice true love,
But not marry a Martian Greenhead.

The planet Mars is too strong in my life,
So strong that it says I won't get a wife,
Perhaps only another Manglik will be mine.
This stupid Mangalik misbelief has got something to do with the situation of planet Mars in the space relative to the position of planet Earth.

My HP Poem #1488
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 284
The Darkness Descends
Àŧùl Apr 2017
In the mid of day,
It is getting so dark.

My dreams are all made of clay,
None could get the heat so stark.

All the leaves withered away,
The tree was left with no bark.
My HP Poem #1487
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 269
Our Moment
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Oh my beautiful wife,
Come with me to the land of love.

-your lines here-

So calm and so serene,
This land already was,
And you are also here,
Ethereal this land feels.

-your lines here-

Come take my hand now,
I'll take you to this stairway.

-your lines here-

Now let's descend from here,
From this heavenly abode,
Is just not where we belong as yet.

-your lines here-

I take hints from your playfulness,
You want to make love with me.

-your lines here-
This is an incomplete thing.
But posting it as I can't see it getting completed ever.
My HP Poem #1486
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2017
The driver did not stop,
He did not fear any cop,
Human heads he was to chop.

Made a red purée of humans,
He read Satanic Verses,
It's a religion of peace.
Sweden bleeds.

My HP Poem #1485
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 412
The Internet Of Things
Àŧùl Apr 2017
It's ages since the Internet was created,
Much information is available online,
You can learn how to cook good food,
Also how to create a new explosion,
Spread the message of love to everyone,
Or scare them with dire consequences,
It's upto you how to use the Internet.
My HP Poem #1484
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Come with me, dear friend, come,
I shall take you in the midst of nature,
There where the cuckoo sings aloud.

We will write a salute on the winds,
I have seen evening play with morning,
How the day plays with the evening.

For who is this, in whose name,
Oh songbird your melodious salute,
Tell us what is your secret of happiness.

The water forgets where to flow,
Sunlight touches arms of the trees,
These innocent faces & angelic names.

The shadows play with the trees,
Simply beckon us they do to come,
These jump down on the forest floor.

Come, follow me to the forest, dear,
Let's enjoy calm sounds of wilderness,
Here where the cuckoo sings carefree.
My HP Poem #1483
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 360
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Though I suspect that I won't die easily,
I won't try to get killed ever for dear life.

Though I have no one except my parents,
I will live for them - for myself this life.

At least till they are alive.

After they are gone,
My jijiwisha will vanish.

And I will simply choose to perish.
My HP Poem #1482
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 1.7k
Nomadic Lover
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Hitherto I've been victimised,
My love has been plagiarised,
Claimed by men generalised.
I have loved her,
And lost her too.
Like I've in the past,
With other lovers.

I am a Nomadic Lover,
I know not what it is to be loved,
By young ladies I have only been cheated.
My HP Poem #1481
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 416
The Wasted Petabytes
Àŧùl Apr 2017
The human mind is really very powerful,
It can store petabytes of information,
Mine is so much like that as well.
But mine is a tad bit different,
Most memories relate to her,
Of course, mine are them,
**The wasted *petabytes!
A Petabyte is a Million Gigabytes.

My HP Poem #1480
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 342
All In Vain
Àŧùl Apr 2017
All these words I scribble,
In hopes of gaining lost love.
All these thoughts I dribble,
In hopes of scoring some baskets.
All these nails I nibble,
In hopes of eating myself.
All is in vain as I won't be loved.
My HP Poem #1479
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 442
Moving On
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Unlove and forget,
Ignore their attempts,
Eliminate all possibilities,
Just become really so selfish,
Then one day recall & feel bad,
I don't believe in such moving on,
True people move beyond differences,
They don't give up and break up.
Move beyond differences and be happy.
I learned this from my parents.
I love my parents.

My HP Poem #1478
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2017
He had loved you beyond reality,
Right there you made him unloved.

He struggled to prove you his worth,
You were everything that he ever loved.

He saw you read about feminism,
You misrepresented it as your brand.
My HP Poem #1477
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 291
Memories Of The Cloud 9
Àŧùl Apr 2017
I used to be really very happy,
I was never lonely at that time,
I used to be really full of life.

But not now, not now.
My HP Poem #1476
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 228
The Crazy Cloud
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Once there was a cloud,
It was so very naughty,
And always flirtatious.
On various hillocks it rained,
One hill at a time so faithful.
It always rained so heartily,
Finally it ran out of water.
I talk about myself.
I ran out of all my love.

My HP Poem #1475
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 901
Too Tired To Live On
Àŧùl Apr 2017
I am too tired to live on,
The memories are bitter.

I am so tired to love on,
Karma is a stinkin' thin'.

I am far more interested in death,
As I live a ghoulish life in loneliness.
My HP Poem #1474
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Because Raam is a deity,
They observe Raam Navmi.

Nothing good about it except
That it is actually Aaraam Navmi.

And we can laze around for long.
Aaraam means rest.
Raam is a revered Hindu deity.

My HP Poem #1473
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2017 · 483
Àŧùl Apr 2017
Addictions are hard to dispel,
Some are evil and some are not.

Sometimes you learn how to lie,
And you're soon a habitual liar.

It is not damaging for yourself,
It damages those around you.

Sometimes you learn how to love,
And you're then a habitual lover.

It is damaging for yourself only,
If you don't know how to move on.

Sometimes you fail to make any sense,
And you're not gonna like living ever.

I am a habitual lover,
I loved a habitual liar.
She simply lied about forever.

My HP Poem #1472
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2017
And probably I'm the biggest fool ever existed,
As I still hope that she will come back one day.
And she'll announce that it was merely a prank,
As she just wanted to have fun by pranking me.
And she'll expect me to welcome her back here,
As old times she will expect me to still love her.

Maybe she rightly considers me an emotional fool,
For all of her experiments, I serve as the ideal tool.
Maybe I should just let her memories vanish now,
For my own happiness, all her memories I'll mow.
Maybe all my family tell me the right thing after all,
For she is indeed a common, desperate Indian girl.

She is the personification of a great wanna-be girl,
'Cause she had lost her way at an age so youthful.
She will bank on prior experience from childhood,
'Cause she has low emotional intelligence quotient.
She bereaved such a pure lover for some ego issues,
'Cause she was a demo of how good/bad a girl can be.

P.S.: Hope that she'll get complimentary coke/burger!
My HP Poem #1471
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 1.2k
Why She Left Him Forever
Àŧùl Mar 2017
She left him to rot in his dear loneliness,
He spends his life trying to move on,
Exhausted he is with all his love.

Into the depths of loneliness he's lost,
She moved on easily but he could not.

A** perfectly straight man he is.

Loving her through his times,
Excelling through wit & work,
Setting her as his ultimate aim,
Beautiful she was a young dream,
Into hers all his life got pent up,
A new lease of life he searches,
Now is the time to be happy.
My HP Poem #1470
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 709
A Sinful Mistake
Àŧùl Mar 2017
I try to kindle a sweet pupa
As I bring it here to my room
And I keep it there on the floor.
Then I start to observe it regularly.
Soon one day it starts to stir up
So I try to help the moth inside
And I cut its pupa with a knife.

What came out was a beautiful butterfly!

But the butterfly would not fly,
Instead it started squirming there,
And it looked quite pitiful grounded.
The natural struggle had been absent.
It was a sinful mistake at that time,
My helping it break open its pupa,
It had not learned to struggle.

I watched it staying so grounded there!

I could not make it learn anything,
My helping it metamorphose was bad,
And it was actually criminally awful,
Now it will spend its life thinking,
And only thinking that it is normal,
Lying & squirming was its capability,
I hate myself for ruining the pupa.
I am so sorry for The Mystery.
I have realized what mistake I made.
It was totally wrong trying to manipulate.
I'll admit that I should've stayed away.
Now the girl might never realize it.

But she had a lot of scope to toil hard.
Toil hard to reach the pinnacle of success.
I'm sorry to have ever come close to you.

Please don't be like the disturbed pupa.
You can do a lot of hard work yourself.
Please don't hesitate to work hard in India.

Away from India you have to work harder.
And I have known more stories of people who broke down.
Please don't think that you must do the opposite of whatever I say.

I rest my case in hopes that you will not do your own damage in a bid to show me that I have always been wrong.

I wish that I could revert the time back to December 31st 2012 wee hours when the actual damage happened behind the veil of love.

It was untimely love for you and me.

I don't say anything like you were immature for love at that time but I just wanted to recount the things as they came out.

My HP Poem #1469
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2017
Though my life changed that very day,
Good guitar I can no longer play,
But I have started crawling back there,
And time willing I will get back.
May 7th, 2010 was a day that I wanted not.

My HP Poem #1468
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 820
Àŧùl Mar 2017
Young but assume self mature,
Over the love put your desire,
Unlike me, you're weak here.

Listed in your service I had for life,
Onto another you moved your fife,
Selfish you were, so I bear this strife,
Exhausts my love & you won't be my wife.

All the best with your experiments in love,
Love you posed much as ideal dove,
Love flowed inside instead of blood.

Maybe you will succeed this time,
You say he is just like you & it's fine.

Lost in your memories my love is,
Only you have I ever loved I feel,
Victory will be mine one day soon,
E**nter I will a world of true love.
Selfless love was what I dispensed,
And cheating was what I received,

Like that part-timer,
I appeared the same once upon a time,
I say that with you all may remain fine.

I always lose myself in love and get a cheat in the end.

My HP Poem #1467
©Atul Kaushal

-oh, I almost forgot to add, enjoy free coupons!
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Missing Years & Missing Ears
Àŧùl Mar 2017
When Simon was born,
He had a rare syndrome,
The Treacher Colin one.

It included missing ears,
And condescending from it,
Were the missing years.

But he had his luck shining,
He met Vicky on sign language classes,
That he attended as he is challenged.

Even though Simon can not hear,
He heard Vicky's heart beat for him,
And both of them had a baby.

Unluckily, the baby has TCS as well,
But we must take time to appreciate,
Time & love the parents dedicate.

They named the daughter Alice,
So beautiful and healthy she is,
For Simon's burning wounds she is the ice.

Especially Simon Moore is careful,
Careful that his daughter is happy,
So she doesn't get the missing years,
A tough road lies ahead with missing ears.
Treacher Collins Syndrome is a huge challenge and I so greatly respect anyone and everyone with the TCS.

Simon Moore is an inspiration for me.

My HP Poem #1466
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
Àŧùl Mar 2017
So in the wee hours,
Up I am early on many days,
Chased by demons in nightmares,
Chalking out an escape plan,
Unto the depths of hell,
Bray she may in her realm,
Unto my stiffness she takes me,
S*ucking mine in the nightmare.
Memories bring the nightmares and the nightmares bring the succubus.
Nothing to do with anyone on Hello Poetry.
My HP Poem #1465
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2017
The beautiful baby girl here,
Whom I hold without any fear,
Is named Anushka Sharma.
Don't get too much puzzled,
Only that the names are same,
Nothing to do with the actor.
And you know what,
She doesn't have a weird duck face,
Her heart is plain without makeup.
The baby girl I have held in my arms is also named Anushka Sharma. A beautiful Indian actress with the same name also exists.
The 5 am poem. Saturday, 18th of March.
My HP Poem #1464
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 2.1k
When I Am Stressed Out
Àŧùl Mar 2017
I just invert the word Stressed,
And have some Desserts!!!
My HP Poem #1463
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 460
I Need To Be Saved
Àŧùl Mar 2017
Every morning I wake up to her dream,
Victory to pain in my tears that flow not,
Exhausted in my bed I wake up daily,
Remembering her even as I am sleeping,
Yet, I know that she dare not be back,
Did I ever ask for this emptiness,
Away, I feel my life drifting,
Yes in loneliness I do feel like dying.
I used to wake up to her dreams on a daily basis.

I needed to be saved EVERYDAY but not now.

My HP Poem #1462
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 325
Àŧùl Mar 2017
Only for you I wait.

Loved and misplaced it,
I want you back here.

In the dark of night,
In the bright of day,
I wait only for you.
My HP Poem #1461
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2017
The festival of Holi is about colours,
And as well as about all the sweets.

Put the red Gulaal,
Or eat the Gujhia!

Put the purple Jamuni,
Or eat the Gulab Jamun!

Put the pink Gulaabi,
Or drink the Cannabis!

It's not illegal on Holi,
Yes, legal is the Cannabis!

And what you say is Happy Holi!
My HP Poem #1460
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Mar 2017
I had her as a dear friend.
I wanted her to be my life,
Wanted her to be my wife.
It did not work in the end,
I want to play a happy fife.
It failed no matter what I send,
I had my love, now not even a friend.
My HP Poem #1459
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 467
Àŧùl Mar 2017
I want to take you away, dear,
Forcefully or not it's your wish.
Of your beauty I am an admirer,
Your veiled sweet internal beauty.
Even you are not aware of that,
Changing bodies like clothes,
I remember our past lives.
Past life regression creative imagination

My HP Poem #1458
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 3.6k
Àŧùl Mar 2017
A** brother with a cute little lisp,
Or a place for like minded folks,
Relishing the beauty in place,
Tending to needs in time's cusp,
Allowing the easy flow of juices.

On the brink of civility & love,
Fading the differences between.

Fulfilling the ****** needs,
Loaning the best moments,
Easier is *** contraction,
Self-awareness needed,
Help yourself with the hand.

To the trickier ways of a district,
Redlight district is meant to be strict,
Aloof from normal, painful city,
Desired by many but visited by few,
Envious red shades flowing in & out.
My HP Poem #1457
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2017 · 1.5k
The Ashkenazi & The Nazi
Àŧùl Mar 2017
The Ashkenazi Jew are beautiful people,
The **** were just repulsively anti-Jew...
So many Ashkenazi were slaughtered,
The shameless Nazis are to be blamed..
Concentration camps had gas chambers,
Gassing the Ashkenazi to painful death.
Ways of the Devil belittled by the ****!
My HP Poem #1456
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Feb 2017
I love myself for who I am,
Because I am suchlike,
Such a wonderfully positive guy.

I am still determined to chase it,
But she has abandoned it,
Such a beautifully difficult dream.
I definitely love challenges much more than she claims that she does.

Now it's a challenge for myself to be well settled as soon as possible and then propose her family for a marriage with K.
Yeah, that's exactly what I am. An undefeatable lover.
I will pursue her till I achieve her.

I know that she is not convinced right now and her ego is bound to the aspect of incompatibility, but I am not the weak guy that she thinks me to be.

I have loved her with all my heart and I will continue the pursuit of my love.

My HP Poem #1455
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 888
Àŧùl Feb 2017
Her feminism is more of self-discovery,
Although I am not intending to insult it,
Than it is about empowering females,
Even I am a feminist essentially...

Sometimes she fails to find sense,
Horribly so and ever non repeated,
Even she herself might laugh inside..

Maybe she is adamant right now,
E**arn I will her love someday surely.
My HP Poem #1454
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Feb 2017
I can not,
What I forgot.
Was it your innocent smile,
Or your cunningness?
I just remember,
That I forgot.
I should,
Another of my surgical poetry pieces for the passion of concrete poetry.

My HP Poem #1453
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 634
I Gladly Refuse
Àŧùl Feb 2017
Spent so much sweet time with you,
On a lonely road I'm travelling now.
Oh, well past is the happy scenery,
Now I gladly refuse to move on.

I** know that moving on I will be sad.

What I desire and deserve is you,
I am not an ascetic here, you see,
Laugh will my horrors sarcastically,
Laugh along the devil they will sadistically.

Which is why I gladly refuse,
Inch I will closer to hell,
Now I just work on myself.

Your iron heart I do love,
On a Sunday you were created,
Unbelievable is this story,
Rows of roses in your honour.

Hope is on a backseat, you know,
Earn I will more than money,
Art of war I will mend & luck will bend,
Roar my life will do when I am happy,
Tint of glasses will help view my launch.

And you may embolden all your defences,
Golden hues of my heart will complement,
Amazing will be our next meeting,
Into your heart I will be breaching,
Not just for some time but for a lifetime.
I won't move on unless you get married to someone else who deserves you more than I do.

My HP Poem #1452
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 599
The Immortal Writer
Àŧùl Feb 2017
A writer often hits a block,
As they say, writer's block.
But the immortal writer, you know,
Immortal writers do not hit a block.
I guess that I am one of them,
Not exactly am I another gem,
But I am a bit too different than you.

Words just flow on paper,
When I need, they're here.
But I will not bluff, you know,
Not all my poems make sense.
Immortal writer, I may be,
Not the finest of them all,
But I do learn from all of you.
A writer's block is something I refuse to believe in.
When I don't feel like writing, I just don't write.
I don't waste that time proclaiming that I hit a writer's block.
Also, I know that for many writers a writer's block exists.
I don't blame them, I am just jealous of them that they get something I never get.
My HP Poem #1451
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
My Chloroform
Àŧùl Feb 2017
A drop-dead gorgeous young lady,
With the eyes of an angel she looks,
Her gaze met mine in dark of day,
My thoughts are just like clay,
Getting molded as whatever she may say,
I feel my senses waning off,
For she is My Chloroform.
My HP Poem #1450
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 623
A Perfect Smile
Àŧùl Feb 2017
In the
Day will be
Here during

Benign will be your presence,
Exhausted I am now,
August will be your presence,
Unite with me,
Think about it,
Y*ou're the reason.
For the sole Sindhi Beauty I am aware of.
My HP Poem #1450
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 499
No Longer
Àŧùl Feb 2017
Not a happy write is this one,
She has just killed the lover in me.
Someone else I will be never again,
Loved as Atul I will be once again.
Surely not loved by Mystery,
But a deserving girl will love me.

Yesterday I did talk to Mystery,
She was busy winning a debate.
Well she won it very well,
Because she did debate alone.
She did a favour to me,
As now I know what she is.

I definitely do not love her any longer.
My HP Poem #1449
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 402
Àŧùl Feb 2017
She has completely changed,
From the sweet person she was,
To a repulsive ****** who,
Keeps on quoting famous people,
For the sake of an unannounced debate.
This way she has successfully killed,
The love I had kindled for her.
I don't love her anymore.
My HP Poem #1448
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 1.6k
Kalashnikov 47
Àŧùl Feb 2017
My name is Atul Kaushal.
Atul has 4 characters,
While Kaushal has 7.
This was the reason,
The reason to dub me AK47.
My HP Poem #1447
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 484
I Could Do Not A Good Thing
Àŧùl Feb 2017
I sent flowers for her on her birthday,
And she ditched me because of it.
I sent her a message on her phone,
"I sent you as much flowers as your age is."
It was her 25th birth anniversary,
Breakup occurred for me because
The flower man had one free on one rose!
My HP Poem #1446
©Atul Kaushal
Feb 2017 · 565
Invisible Tears
Àŧùl Feb 2017
I still cry over my accident that happened,
The accident that happened nearly 7 years ago.
Of any gains to me, there seems no hint at all,
And of my pain, there seems no happy end.
Reason with my invisible tears I often do,
Irrecoverable damage after all that happened,
More was the damage that was consequent.

I lost my friends, I lost my career overall,
The accident did no good to me except one.
Of my family ties, it strengthened them all,
And my physical pains are long subdued.
Reason I fail to find for my lost years,
Irrecoverable is the lost love and friendship,
More is that grief of the invisible tears.
My HP Poem #1445
©Atul Kaushal
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