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A Jung Lim Jun 2020
For someone
it can be a noise

Drum beats
tremble with space
metals split
the bunch of leather beats

A typhoon of disorder

Staying wrapped
in the middle of a striking hurricane
Feeling the sound
shouting to me

My heart beats
It absorbs those beats
It shakes my head
touching my spirit

This music long ago
came from shamans

When the music was
a human ceremony

Mysterious rhythms

What are those numbers
in the elastic organic rhythms?
What are those symbols
of the perception of the world?

Followed long roads
and formed through time
passing from people to people
with their own body rhythms

Their clouds
Their rains
Their thunders
Their earth

Transformed in the
orchestra of percussion

And the story of their nature
descends to me

I hear my ancestors
their messages

I meet them
and now I play

Their and our rhythms
of the Korean percussion
Song rae in Apr 2020
I come from bumpy roads,
The soft melody of Korean indie music playing on repeat in the car,
Droplets of water dripping down  the window matching the lazy beat of the songs
We hopelessly drove around this merry go round of a globe
My family and I moved so much to the point of me not knowing what the word "home" meant.
When people ask me where i'm from,
I hesitate and grow anxious. What if they tell me that I don't belong ? 7 years in Malaysia
And I still don't feel like i'm in the right place.
"I want to go home"
I say when i'm hanging out with my mates in school.
But truly,
I don't have a home.
I've faced a lot of racism and hate growing up. Writing Poems enables me to grow strong :) Message me if you want my instagram @ <3
I lived in Pyongyang,
Breathing to be wired to follow my father’s footsteps.
Taught all day the greatness of our homeland.
As a kid, I sunk into their teaching,
But now seen as propaganda through my grown eyes.
I dreamed of leading my own troupe
Into battle, for my great country, to stand with pride
As I was destined to protect it.

Out of grief and sadness
A cry stretched its ways to my ears.
The great leader fell
From swell to nothing well.
I was told we were to go on holiday
In Gyeong-Seong forced to stay.
Moving in and out of it to see the light of day.
No longer blinded from my homeland’s falsehood
Tricks and tactics meant for military
Used against it for my own tranquility.
Oh! The irony.

Now grown up, with a new dream.
I no longer see Joseon the way it used to seem,
I say my story as a North Korean defector in hope,
hope to see better lives for those who reside there.
In my oh so forsaken great homeland Joseon.
Please give me advice on how I can better my writing, I can only get better with the insight of others. (:
I see you 'active' on the internet. 
Don't you sleep? 

I can't sleep. 
It's a cold night. 
The mountain wind sent 
a loneliness message to my heart.
I feel so all alone... 
Please don't... 
You are not alone. 
Nobody is alone.
Even when you stood alone 
under the dark night sky,
hasn’t the sky 
at least stood with you? 
And remember, 
there's always a love
that stands somewhere
and always waits for you 
in the distance sky... 
Neomu saranghae...
Typing a reply...
Kanya Puspokusumo
January 19, 2019
Pyrrha Aug 2018
I often ask myself why I spend so much time learning another language
Why do I obsess and stress over something by my own will?
What do I have to gain, why do I want to teach and translate this foreign tongue?

Yet every night I force new words into my mind
And it makes me feel so calm and distracted
All my fears and concerns fade away as I take this information into my brain
I see nothing but beauty in every character I write so much so that I often write in the wrong alphabet
To me it's the most perfect and beautiful script
It's like riding a bike for the first time everytime I translate in my mind
The culture and language has found its way into my heart

I've fallen in love with the language like you do a person
Slowly, then all at once
Without understanding at first but slowly uncoiling the wonderful beauty before my eyes
I've found my passion and my saviour all at once
There is power in words which spawn from language
Every new term I learn makes me feel just that much stronger
Enough to feel invincible
I've been self teaching Korean for a year and plan to become a translator and/or an english teacher in South Korea. Once I master Korean I plan to learn Japanese. Learning languages comes so naturally to me that it only took one day for me to memorise Hangul and from then on out I knew where my calling was. I'm also fluent in french and ASL.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Sitting on the window sill of my Chamber,
in a state of dwam.

Zephyrs dance; opened letters on my cherry-wood
gilt-of-gold desk.

News of new Kings and Queens reach my ears;
and I smile, so grateful.
Oh my fricking gosh! 163 FOLLOWERS!
Thank you so so much!
Really, I'm grateful!
Man, this is so insane!
My kingdom's growing by the day! ^-^
This is a dream come true!
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2018
I have lost count of how many times
                        that I have felt so alone

Being on the Earth and walking through
                             its diverse marketplace

And yet, I find me with a different face
                               in another life walk
Another day, another form of poetry! Today's form - a Sijo!
Just pouring my thoughts and heart out in a different way.
Funny how I can find myself in other people in all walks of life.
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
I sit on the rock under the mist
                of warm sea-pink spray

The sunrise casts its golden beams
               over the hills near and far

      Before meeting the murmuring
       cascades of rosy enchantment
More Sijos on nature, hope you like it!
Working on more Lanterns, too and they will lean more on the fantastical side!
I love doing these, I swear!
Be back soon!
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
Cherry blossoms rain down, causing
                        ripples in the still pond

     The bamboo stalks begin to whistle
               with water that trickles down

weathered rocks. Lotus flowers sail and  
          swirl pink as shells, white as snow
Another Sijo! This one has a total of 46 syllables, the max!
More Lanterns poems are coming, dont worry!
As well as my general ones!
Thanks everyone!
Be back soon!
Lyn ***
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