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Jul 2019 · 496
The Other Me
Zach Hanlon Jul 2019
You wandered through misery and silence
for half your lifetime,
feeling every change in the wind
and the pain of the world around.

You were lost and didn't want to be found.
There was no salvation within;
so you gave up on false idols
of joy and light.

Aching and broken, you closed your eyes.
The world disappeared,
your mind grew louder,
And you gave up.

Or so you thought.

You expected an end
and received a beginning.
I'll wait a lifetime for you to catch up
and meet the new you.

You'll be ok again.
Big shoutout to therapy and medication.
Jun 2018 · 579
Bitter Creations
Zach Hanlon Jun 2018
Troublesome author,
we are suffering subjects;
we didn't pray for this.

Why create the day
when the sun is so gloomy?
Our own light is ******.

You demand our love.
Such a horrid creator;
love isn't ours to give.
Jun 2018 · 514
Red Tide
Zach Hanlon Jun 2018
Red tides crash ashore,
pulled in by a new moon.
Madness flows in.
The mind is a sharp blade,
and is keen on its desires.
All senses slowly sink
straight to the ocean floor.
The current sweeps everything away;
tiring the mind and body.
Thoughts give in to incoherence,
letting those destructive obsessions in.
Finally, they accept that red tides
are their only solace.
May 2018 · 370
The Arguing Mind
Zach Hanlon May 2018
Two voices screaming in my head.
One full of indignant righteousness,
the other begging for its morbid desires.

The rythmic yelling beats against my chest;
every word constricts my breath,
choking any reason in my mind.

Neither voice seems to ring true,
leading me further into a pit of self doubt.
Which one is the liar?

The fear in my heart wells
at the thought of both being truthful.
I fall deeper and deeper into myself.

I try to silence them both, shutting myself down.
but in the end, no matter where I turn,
they're everywhere I try to run.
Feb 2018 · 511
The Parasite and The Host
Zach Hanlon Feb 2018
the parasite
and the host
eat, eat
feast on decay
eat, eat, eat
i'll feed you, parasite
eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat
consume me
Jan 2018 · 338
Zach Hanlon Jan 2018
Your crown will roll,
your castle will fall;

The towers, the turrets,
the windows, the walls;

The king is dead.
Long live the liar.
Nov 2017 · 432
Zach Hanlon Nov 2017
On this sacred day,
they await a Savior:
a light for the shadows,
and warmth for the long nights.
Days and days they sit
in the very same holy spot,
praying for the change.
Winter slowly creeps in,
shaking the zealous to their core.
Faith, a fickle candle,
can't stand the gentle breeze.
The wick becomes chilled,
the flame extinguished,
and the weak begin to flee.
Those faithful to the Sun
scorn those who leave the holy site.
Even as the light dies
and the world grows cold,
here they sit patiently.
Unfortunately for them,
darkness still comes to those
loyal to the day.
Oct 2017 · 397
All is calm
Zach Hanlon Oct 2017
Dawn breaks across the sky,
with shadows dancing on the pavement.
The air, heavy and warm, remains still,
and the trees and their leaves sleep
until their inevitable wither.
The world is somber and silent,
yet whispers of the living
linger in the grass.
All seems calm, yet collapsing,
as the sun starts to fall,
and the shadows flee back
into the darkness.
My sight blurs
and life fades
into static
everything is
falling apart
yet no creature
is disturbed
all is
Jun 2017 · 782
Zach Hanlon Jun 2017
Earth below my feet and sky over my head:
I can tread this entire earth,
and visit every destination,
yet end up nowhere.

Give me all the world's riches,
gold, silver, platinum;
print me papers of power.
Still my greed will never be satisfied.

Give me an ideal form;
The body of a god
hollow without divinity.
I'll find each imperfection.

Give me control;
bend everything to my will.
My life in my hands,
and I'll still be too weak to hold it.

Even with the earth below my feet,
I'll always refuse to walk.
Truly, theres nothing more pathetic
than a blessed beggar.
Mar 2017 · 650
Zach Hanlon Mar 2017
A prisoner on death row, sighing contendedly.
No one was ever sure of his crimes,
but his sentence was clear from the start.
His cell was always absurd,
his life always a mystery.

But now he finds peace.
He has nothing except what he knows;
and what he knows is his end.
It isn't much,
yet it's more than anyone free
has ever had.
Jan 2017 · 756
The Creator
Zach Hanlon Jan 2017
There once was
a destructive creator,
breaking his creations
beyond repair.

He burned his bridges,
erased his words,
and broke his
loathsome, creating hands.

The despairing creator,
with nothing left to create,
and nothing left to destroy,

Impulsive creator,
with your empty notebooks,
and empty canvas,

what have you now?
Jan 2017 · 2.2k
Zach Hanlon Jan 2017
Puppet, puppet,
dance to my whim.
Squirm under string,
and bend to my will.

Puppet, puppet,
hear my call.
Listen only to my word,
and never anything more.

Puppet, puppet,
ever breaking.
Your strings will snap,
and you will fall.

Puppet, puppet,
where have you gone?
Who am I
without my marionette?

Puppeteer, puppeteer,
where did you
get your strings?
who do you dance for?
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Zach Hanlon Jan 2017
From Dusk til Dawn,
waiting for the ghosts to leave,
and the sun to rise again,
I ache for morning.

Sitting in the Dusk,
nervous of the dark closing in.
Will I make it to the light?
Or wither like a starved flower?

Sitting in the Dusk, I realize
there's no point in patience.
The Dawn can never lift
the darkness clouding my mind.

Sitting in the Dawn,
I patiently waited for the Dusk to leave;
yet it never did, and I realize
I'm so tired.
This poem is either terrible and cringey or ok, I cant really tell which so here it is.
Nov 2016 · 537
Nothing Words
Zach Hanlon Nov 2016
I am just words on your screen.
Every letter, every line;
weightless in a blank world.
I have no voice.
I do not speak.
You continue to read.
And once the words end,
my life will have been nothing more
than a run-on sentence.
Sep 2016 · 709
Zach Hanlon Sep 2016
Break, break, break
'til your sanity seeps.

Burn, burn, burn,
'til your mind malfunctions.
Kick, kick, fight, ****.

**** the demon, the demons yourself.
Bully the brain
destroy the mirror,
fight 'til the end,

The end is fighting back.
I don't know what the **** this poem is
Aug 2016 · 815
Wash It All Away
Zach Hanlon Aug 2016
Every line,
curved and straight,

every crease and fold;
every hole.

Every bump and bruise,
every lump, and anything smooth;

scars and scratches,
breaks and blemishes.

Every part of my being,
every crack in my soul;

I wish I could wash it all away.
Jun 2016 · 1.6k
War on Love
Zach Hanlon Jun 2016
Lives shattered from ignorance.
People struck by intolerance.
Livelihoods are judged from love,
and lives are taken by hate.

A love bathed in terror
is not a love we crave.
A love brought from kindness
was brought down by violence

Love slain by arms and a hatred.
A cry for humanity, a cry of sorrow.
It's our reach for freedom,
and we'll never back down.

For a battle not fought,
is a war never won.
Keep all the names of the victims of the Orlando attack close to heart and never forget this day.
Rest in peace.
May 2016 · 477
When Our Words Died
Zach Hanlon May 2016
When did our words die?
When a curious "good morning"
became a rigid "good night"?

When speech felt mandatory,
and a hello was whispered,
only to break the quiet?

We no longer felt the weight of our words,
or the breath in our conversation.
Our silence said more than we did.

Our feelings burned out,
Our language died,
And my shouts no longer reached you.

Why did we let our words die?
Feb 2016 · 982
The Nothing
Zach Hanlon Feb 2016
Depression isn't feeling like nothing, it IS the nothing.
It's the nothing in the air,
the nothing in "good mornings" and "good nights".
It's the nothing in your life,
and it's the nothing that will be your death.

And you know there used to be something,
because you used to feel that something,
but now it's suddenly the nothing.
So was the something ever even there
or is the nothing waiting to be something?

And you panic,
because all you know now is the nothing.
And as you panic,
you fall further
into this nothing abyss.

And you don't feel dead,
but you certainly don't feel alive.
You're floating in the nothingness,
screaming for someone to somehow
pull you back into something.

But they can't,
because all they see are the somethings,
and all you have are the nothings.
Nov 2015 · 698
Coming Out
Zach Hanlon Nov 2015
It isn't easy.
The anxiety of coming out
Is enough to make a stagnant puddle
Become a tidal wave hitting
A bay of doubt.

You may know the person
Will accept you in open arms
But the storm in your heart
Is a tempest of terrifying possibility
That's wears down the walls of your confidence.

Your voice burrows deep in your throat
You know the words, but not their sounds
But you fight the Goliath that is your worries                        
And you force your true existence out.

And they will love you still,
If ever they loved you at all.
Thank you, Ava, for accepting me without a moments doubt.
Thank you, Mom, for helping me in my journey.
Thank you, Dad, for letting me be me.
Thank you, Audra, for accepting me without a moments judgement.
Thank you, my aunts, uncle, and cousins, for the outstanding support and unconditional acceptance you gave me tonight, through a simple Winnie The Pooh card.
Thank you, everyone, anyone, who sees me for who I am.
Sep 2015 · 846
Between Worlds
Zach Hanlon Sep 2015
I float between
the realm of
the living and the dying.
I long for
bittersweet discovery,
only to find
my want and my need
split between two worlds.
Inspired by the song "Between Worlds" by Amy Lee.
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Zach Hanlon Sep 2015
Cars and gasoline and traffic,
Weddings, birthdays, and funerals,
The days, the months, the years.
Failures, mistakes,
Accomplishments, burden.
Life wears thin
as time gains substance.

Lifespans measured through the good and the bad days,
All a distant memory in the end.
Sep 2015 · 784
Day After Day
Zach Hanlon Sep 2015
I find myself staring
right into the abyss
day after day,
yet sunlight still burns my eyes.
Sep 2015 · 5.1k
Zach Hanlon Sep 2015
I find myself tracing my timeline
of all my littlest achievements.
That is the aftermath of all my failures.
Jul 2015 · 1.3k
Evanescent Evanescence
Zach Hanlon Jul 2015
The Siren's song swimming into my ears,
sweetly against the harsh instrumental.
The angelic vocals flood all who hear;
a love of a melody so gentle.

Hair long and dark as the lyrics she sings,
eyes a bold green and skin a soft, pale tone.
A Goddess of elegance beauty brings,
whose talent does her no justice alone.

But nurture does as it will always do:
A son born from such grandeur; a Lion.
The immaculate voice is all but through;
A respite of lull sulks from the scion.

The achievements of song left in her wake;
I'll wait evermore, as long as it takes.
A sonnet for Amy Lee, lead singer of Evanescence. We miss your music and hope to hear some new stuff soon!
Jul 2015 · 718
Remember to Breathe
Zach Hanlon Jul 2015
The rising sun's light reaching for my eyes,
almost blaring against the dawn.
The days just begun and I am already frightened.
The cool winds of morning
The smell of scrambled eggs
The sizzling of bacon.
Another day.
Just remember to breathe.
Inspired by the song "Remember to Breathe" by Amy Lee.
Jul 2015 · 1.0k
This Is What I Missed
Zach Hanlon Jul 2015
The sun beating down on my face,
The gentle, warm breeze.
The smell of green plant life,
the stench of fresh mulch.
The cooling drizzle of summer rain,
the essence of wet concrete.

This is what I missed.
I've started exercising by walking around my town. I had forgotten how much I loved being outside.
May 2015 · 10.9k
Special Little Snowflake
Zach Hanlon May 2015
My my, what a special little snowflake.

Why did you choose to be this way?

You chose to be different, you chose to rebel.
No binary for me!

You chose the grief, the pain.
You chose this abuse, bruised by
the verbal ferociousness, forged by physical fallacies
To be thrown out of bathrooms
because doing your business in the bathroom is abysmal.
You chose to be derided by decisive discrimination.
You chose to be murdered by misconceptions,
***** by ridiculous requirements.
You chose to be beaten, assaulted.
You chose the words I weave to weaken your will.
You chose the sacred sermons I spit at you.

You chose to be
What I find disgusting, despicable
because you chose to be what you aren't,
but I realize what I really regard you to be.

My my, what a special little bigot.

You think I chose to be this way?

You think
I chose the injuring, injustice,
the jester, the joke
the target, tortured,
This pain, my poison,
the prey, praying,
the sinner of sins so bittersweet,
So I could be "special"?

Special isn't a sacrifice of physical self
Nor the gunshots and gruesome grief
Nor even the crass comfort of a half-assed comrade.
You think I CHOSE this,
and you didn't choose
to spit and spew your sour speeches
to disperse your disgust in discrimination
to integrate your ignorance into my existence.
Or did you not choose
to deal the abuse
by your hand

My special little bigot,
You live as you are.

So be it, if I am so "special", the special little snowflake.
Yes, we are the little snowflakes that your palm's presence melts away,
And you're that burning persistence of life
Blocking with your own self our slow, wistful descent,
As if it were futility and not of your own will.

If I am the snowflake, you are the fire.
May 2015 · 4.8k
Mourning Dove
Zach Hanlon May 2015
Grieving the death of yesterday,
and the fearful beginning of a new today,

Sits the mourning dove,
perched upon its pine tree palace.

The call of the sorrowful dove;
a soft, songful lament against the dawn's awakening.

Beneath the blue jay's ballad,
countered by the crow's cackle.

The mourning of the fallen, unknown to the world.
The mourning of the lost and forgotten.

Not singing, not chirping;
Just grieving.
May 2015 · 999
Evanescence Medley
Zach Hanlon May 2015
A world of fragile things,
where love and dreams and darkness all collide.
Even though this fragile world is tearing apart,
taunted by the shadows, I lie inside myself for hours.

Lost whispers
awaken within me,
like a lullaby,
burning deep inside of me:

"Closing your eyes to disappear,
so afraid to open your eyes.
Safe in the dark, how can you see?
Open your eyes to the light."

She beckons me,
The Goddess of Imaginary Light.
Arms outstretched, awaiting me,
high above the world below,
Shall I give in?

Frozen in my place,
safe inside myself,
I'm still a slave to these dreams.
Why must we fall apart to understand how to fly?
Maybe this time we can leave our broken world behind.

Look past the end, it's a dream.
All just a dream in the end.
This is a medley of phrases from different Evanescence songs. Try it out with your favorite artist; it's cool to form something new out of pieces of their work. Of course, all rights and credit for each individual phrase from each song go to Evanescence.
May 2015 · 927
I Knew
Zach Hanlon May 2015
I knew I didn't fit.
I knew from my expression,
and I knew from theirs.
I knew from the "she, her" and "him, he"
I knew from mirrors,
I knew from signs on bathrooms.

I knew when "woman" couldn't mean "man".
I knew from the stares, the questions;
I knew when they called me "boy",
but soon apologized.
I knew something was different,
I knew something was wrong,
I didn't know it was me.

I knew it would hurt.
I knew it would hurt you.
Your little girl, your one and only,
She isn't dead;
He's still here.
Apr 2015 · 22.5k
Being Transgender
Zach Hanlon Apr 2015
Being transgender is like this:
Everyday of your life, you have always wanted a dog.
For as long as you can remember--
even if you don't know to what extent--
you have wanted one.

You asked your parents, Santa, the easter bunny,
even the tooth fairy.
Then one day you get a dead cat for your birthday.
You say "This isn't a dog,"
But "You get what you get and don't get upset"
So you carry around and care for the dead carcass.

All sorts of people look at you,
unable to understand what you are doing.
So then one day you decide to try to make it look a bit nicer.
You wash it a bit, comb what little fur it has left,
cover the decrepit limbs.

But then you realize the futility in doing this all the time,
because you are still carrying around a dead animal.
So you continue to carry it around because you have to,
no matter how horrible it may be.

Although you are carrying around a dead and rotting cat,
you aren't a ******* cat owner;

You still want a ******* dog.
Apr 2015 · 340
Our Story
Zach Hanlon Apr 2015
She made me think twice
I had written the end
And she tore the pages.
And now I must write it again,
Doubtful of how I wrote it before.
our story writing romance love
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Zach Hanlon Apr 2015
Drifting thoughts in my mind

Calloused memories, forgotten days
The dream of a new tomorrow
The mourning of a past yesterday.

The hope for a new day and the grief of passing time
The pains of the past
The toils of the future.

What have I become?
Mar 2015 · 566
I'm Gone
Zach Hanlon Mar 2015
I'm coming undone

All the voices that said no
All the reason in my mind
Collapses with my will

I'm falling apart

Happy and sad
Blurred in my brain

I'm alone.

It's quiet and it's dark
All that's left
Is my silent breath

I'm already gone.

And with me
My last shred of hope

I'm gone, I'm gone.

No more tears to be shed
Over a lost tomorrow
and a forgotten yesterday.
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
I Started With A Mirror
Zach Hanlon Mar 2015
I started with a mirror,                                      
with questions of who and why.
But he just stared back at me,
reflecting what I already knew.

I met with a prophet,                                
who gave me a what:
The illusion of God,
and He was the only way.

I searched for a philosopher,
but was met with several.
Each had conflicting whys,
but none a who.

I moved on to science,
and it gave me a how:
It told of creation,
but never the why.

I read some books;
each had their own why,
And each character their own who,
but it was just fiction.

I looked at old photos,
and found an old me.
But I could not see who it was,
or what it all meant.

I turned to self help,
which told how to find who;
But this notion was sold to me,
and I lost more than I gained.

So I went back to my mirror,
and I broke it.
A poem I had to write for my Humanities class, relating to Existentialism.
Mar 2015 · 5.1k
Zach Hanlon Mar 2015
Dysphoria is like having to *****.
You're sitting there, weak and trembling;
every movement becomes twisted into a bout of nausea.
You're pale and helpless; held captive by your sickness

Every fiber of your body aches to oust the illness
A vile purgation, stinging and hot against your throat
Waves and waves of sickness pouring out of your body
Until finally, feeble and wavering, you stand.

And the color begins to come back to your face.
A relief of all the gross and disgusting feelings
Allowing you to lay down again and rest
Without your head swimming with blight.

But that is not dysphoria.
There is no purge
There is no relief.
You are hit again and again with this nausea

No hope for an end
With every breath, your stomach churns
With every movement, your body shakes
Your eyes are closed and you bite your lip;
Any action can only serve to entice the disease.

No medication could ever relieve such a force
Of this malady, this fever, this ailment.
Nothing can calm the tides of dysphoria.
Feb 2015 · 10.4k
The Invisible Road
Zach Hanlon Feb 2015
And here we walk
the invisible road
No land markers tell of the way

Except the pressed earth
of ghostly footprints
All these little troubled things;
We press on further

We walk the road before the dawn
And without a noise to disturb
The lethargic world around

We walk without a stir
and without the notice
of the life nearby.
Feb 2015 · 13.0k
Bittersweet Overdose
Zach Hanlon Feb 2015
The world melts
My senses combust
My fingertips tingle

The world sways
I sway
I collapse

I feel numb
Everything goes dark...

A light.
A siren.
A vision of faceless faces.

I am alive.

The smell of disinfectant.
The idle chatter of two nurses.
A buzzing in my ear.

I am alive.
Feb 2015 · 5.1k
Plastic Jewel
Zach Hanlon Feb 2015
Under the porch

of someone’s apartment

shrouded in a cloud of

cigarette smoke and a

lingering winter’s breeze lies

twinkling plastic jewels

in the damp dirt
Feb 2015 · 799
Zach Hanlon Feb 2015
Between the Midnights dreary rise and Dusk’s weary awakening,
The early morning encloses the world
with a soft, nebulous blanket of darkness.

Whispers of moonlight bleed through the black
allowing each insomniac creature a glimpse
at the languid world around.

Street lights cut through the dark
and chase away the stars.
Nothing but calm and solitude.

Pitiful are those who awake to the early sun’s start
and not to the Moon’s reign.
Feb 2015 · 3.0k
Zach Hanlon Feb 2015
Enveloped in a haze of sullen clouds
Woebegone is the sky as it laments
Rain falls to ground in an aqueous shroud  
Pooling its bleak anguish on the cement

All that is living drowns in the sorrow
Fearing long hours of the cold and despair
Hoping for warmth of a new tomorrow
No more melancholy could we ever bear

We mourn the sun's imminent exodus  
As rain fall begins its sojourn of woe  
And the joy of the sun's warmth leaves from us  
To us the onus of grief it bestows

But with rain's end comes the tender sunlight
Ending the bemoaning war and sorrow's fight.
Feb 2015 · 646
And Here We Are Again
Zach Hanlon Feb 2015
And here we are again,
Stuck between sad and lonely.
What is wrong, darling?
The world is right outside.

And here we are again,
A dance with the frightful and dark.
It is only your own thoughts, sweetie.
Can you not feel the warmth of the sun?

And here we are again,
Numb, and life foreboding.
How much more can you take, honey?
Cant you see the hand extended toward you?

And here you are.
Cold and lifeless.
Not much has changed.
Except now the world around you feels your pain.
Is this really what you wanted, love?

And here I am again.
Stuck between sad and lonely.
Feb 2015 · 486
A Memory
Zach Hanlon Feb 2015
Accompanied only by the solace of my solitude

wading through the trees and brush.

A blank canvas for creativity and imagination.

A ruined structure among the trees.

a castle, my castle.

The chilled stream flowing through the woods.

A moat, my moat.

The smell of the pine permeating my nostrils;

the feel of the rough bark, the smooth leaves, the luscious grass

My own kingdom of welcomed loneliness.
Feb 2015 · 2.9k
Zach Hanlon Feb 2015
Paranoia in the dark of night

creating shadows into figures

and creatures from stacks of ***** laundry.

It whispers sounds of footsteps into my ears,

feigning the noise of an intruder.

It makes the darkness malleable

morphing it into a monster under my bed

or a boogeyman in my closet.

Maybe I’m paranoid of the dark…

Or perhaps whatever lurks within it.
Feb 2015 · 622
Zach Hanlon Feb 2015
A vast universe of such fragile things
The concourse of supernal entities
The fatigued rule of vagaries as kings
A tarriance of languid remedies

The journey into the realm of the mind
Safe within the thoughtless comfort of sleep
Enthralled in visions of such a kind:
little trivial things in our souls we keep

Awake from the Depths to the blinding light
Overwrought with the encroachment of Dawn
Wandering the day, longing for night
Darkness to Day like the king to its pawn

In the amenity of night we flee
Enveloped in the dream, we remain free

— The End —