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Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Escape Death

Love, death, save yourself,
Sell your soul, burn your wealth.
Take it in, spit it out,
Inhale, exhale, scream and shout.

Live forever, **** yourself,
Take a trip, find someone else.
The person inside, you are trying to hide,
It bursts out your heart,
Like a shining light.

Freedom for sale, just inhale,
Make it through; prevail.
All I have is nothing at all,
Something corrupt, taught us to feel.
Taught us to hear, taught us to fear.

Death, death, death, I’m alive.
My head is full of suicide.
Nothing is all you are,
Hide away you shooting star.

Demon seeds grow in your mind,
Light is no more, my eyes are blind,
To all happiness, I do confess,
I love you, I love you, for it is you I do detest.

My last breath is wasted on you,
My face, my heart, you do not deserve.
****, ****, ****, your shame and pride,
All your feelings keep inside.
For they are yours and yours alone.
Burn away your mobile phone.

God is here, the devil sits at his side,
He made the devil to make you think he is nice
And pure and loving and good and forgiving;
But the truth is dead, God killed it with sin.
Heaven or Hell it’s all just a myth,
The truth is - death is the end of your existence.

Mother Nature hates human beings,
They hurt her, they don’t deserve her,
They broke her heart, so she has deserted us…
And taken our feelings.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Do you remember when we used to meet at our own special place?
I would wait there impatiently, just wanting to see your face.
All day I would think about you, the only face in the crowd
And then you would appear through the unknown faces,
Like a gift from the clouds.

Down you would float and I would kneel and offer you my love,
Because I could not stand to see you with another.
There are times when we would be alone together sharing a hug
And I could picture the two of us growing older together.

And when I am old, to me you would still be as beautiful,
Because I would still see you as the woman I met so long ago.
I imagined telling you that at last I can be hopeful,
Because you gave me hope that day, for always,
Because you are my hope.

I waited for you like the summer in winter;
I longed for you like a man dying of thirst in a desert.
You are the nectar to the bee and the wedding ring for the finger.
You are all I could aspire to attain, my poetic verse.

You inspire me to love like Casanova on his wedding day;
I need to change my very essence to bend to your will.
Let all who hear of me know of your name,
Because you are the only cure I have when our love life becomes ill.

No argument must end all the love we share with each other.
No man can come between what the two of us have.
No woman can lure me away from you, my perfect lover,
Because your love makes me happy and I wish to never again be sad.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Even after

You will always be cool in my eyes.
Even after you have broken my heart into a thousand shards.
Even when you leave me behind to die.
You will still be cool to me and my heart.

People find a way to survive the lies.
Lust comes and lust it goes.
Your love for me was that of a ghost,
It floated out with you when you were creeping
And I closed the windows.

I could never love another even if I tried to.
When you are wishing upon stars calling another name,
I will still be thinking of you.
The pain it still remains.

If I have to spend each day crawling through Hell,
I will remember I met you for a split second.
I hope you remember you met me as well,
But you won’t even recall my name, I reckon.

In this sacrificial life of mine,
I made your acquaintance and created a magic inside.
I became a spell
And sparks did fly!

When the candle is blown out by the wind,
Through the opening, you remain with me.
You will claim my body with scratches down my back
And I will still dream of you, I know that,
But even after all this time,
I still love you and you still lie.

You broke me apart with liar’s words,
But you lost someone who was always yours…you never heard.
No longer mortal, when we were immortal.
You are just a doused old flame and now you’re just ****** awful!

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I am yours forever more, I am yours my evermore.
I am yours to use as a *****, I am yours my evermore.
I am here to offer you my love, I am yours my evermore.
I am here to tell you a story of us, I am yours my evermore.

I am yours, please give me your love, I am yours my evermore.
I am yours.  Who do you love?  I am yours my evermore.
I am yours for as long as you wish, I am yours my evermore.
I am yours to hurt or to please, I am yours my evermore.

I am yours, your one true love; I am yours my evermore.
I am the one you will be able to trust, I am yours my evermore.
I am the one you should stand beside, I am yours my evermore.
I will love you even after I die, I am yours my evermore.

I am yours until the end of time, I am yours my evermore.
I am yours unless you want another guy, I am yours my evermore.
I am anything you ask me to be, I am yours my evermore.
I will do anything you ask of me, I am yours my evermore.

I am here to make you happy, I am yours my evermore.
I am here to help you raise our family, I am yours my evermore.
I am yours for as long as you want me, I am yours my evermore.
I want you to welcome me into your family,
I am yours my evermore.

I want you to see my real love, I am yours my evermore.
I want to show you, nobody will ever love this much,
I am yours my evermore.

I am yours forever more, I am yours my evermore.
I am yours if you want me, give me a call…
I am yours my evermore.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Every Colour of the Rainbow.

Yellow is your hair, like the sun that shines upon me,
Orange is the taste, of your juicy lips.

Red is the radiance, of your lipstick,
Green are the fields, in which we sit.

Blue is how I feel, when I am without you.
Purple was the colour, of the dress you wore the day…

You walked out of my world, now the Navy I must run to,
To make me try, to forget about my pain.

The Rainbow Girl, in my head will always be with me,
Whenever this Son and the dark rain shall meet.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Everyone is happy.

People only want the truth if it is sounding positive.
People do not want to hear that the apathy has kicked in.
This depression is my cross to carry;
Good luck to you all, I wish for you all to be happy.
I only wish I knew how.
I need a love umbrella to stop the rain clouds,
That endlessly follow me around,
Like a lost little puppy,
Shouting to be found,
But all my screams are on the inside.
Fool the world with a smile;
I hide my true feelings because, you would not understand!
I exist, therefore I am.

Who gives thanks for something they never asked for?
Close the door,
Take the paintings off the wall,
Remove the carpets from my floor
And roll them all away.
Leave me in a room with nothing to view,
Not even one piece of divine beauty,
To keep me company.
Just leave me be,
Just leave.
Everybody does eventually.

This cactus does not need your gift of water.
This stain glass window does not need a fresh paint.
This soul does not need to receive a blessing,
Because it is not listening anyway.

There is no way I can be happy.
There is nothing…for me.
There is no peace, love and empathy,
When that is all I have to give.
Love is all I ever wanted;
All I want is somebody to love me,
But you have all, already got it.
Everyone is happy…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

It’s a beautiful world…

It’s a beautiful world for us to behold.
Open your eyes; you are not yet cold.
You have only just begun.
You are yet to fall in love,
With the trees and the mountains and rivers so deep.
Evolution is calling;
Step back from the steep.

The mud is Lego, the leaves my roof.
Belief without proof.
The future,

Expand and multiply.
One day fly up into the sky.
Industrial sounds,
Seek to rise.

Now we stand a thousand feet tall,
We have become too lazy to walk.
We cease to go forward in an analogue world,
So digital becomes essential.
Zuckerberg stands on the shoulders of Gates,
The wealth is monumental.
Now money makes the world go around,
True love is a by-product; it is only rarely found.

We are self-aware, with pride, not care.
Kasparov moves his King into place;
We are still so unaware.
Three moves ahead, unseen as yet,
Will this be the end of all?
Time takes one thing, we can never just forget,
We live in a beautiful world.

We will rise against the machine;
We are all the rage, against the pain,
Rush humanity past a cybertronic defence.
It’s a beautiful world…today.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Evolve to control.

When I have written my thousandth poem,
My work will be done.
Things will change after that
And I will make every poem I write after that, better than this one.

I will strive for perfection
And dedicate more time to each poem I write,
Because I cannot accept being just good enough;
I want to be the best I can be.
I want my poetry to become the meaning of my life.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

As the darkness falls, I feel the walls are closing in.
There is no chance of escape.
My mind, it calls.
A universe of all my thoughts are keeping me awake.

The fear is here, the dreaded time.
Half past midnight, no light,
Just frightened of the future ahead.
Lying in bed alone, in the altogether, thinking about the here and now.

Tomorrow is just another ordinary day, they say.
I think not; give it all you have got, or fail again,
To find my feet, my spot, my place, in this empty world.
I am an empty glass; I need a place to exist.
Money earned means nothing to me,
Because love is free if you give it your all.
Cash is only paper, metal works too.
I want for nothing, so nothing soothes.

My mind a mathematician, counting sheep.
I am currently at two thousand and seventeen
And I am bored of everything,
Because I have no one to count on, or entertain,
My vain brain that only thinks about me;
All I truly care about right now is sleep.

I took an early night to book an earlier flight,
But my dreams are all delayed…
I am sure they will arrive in due time,
But I have to wait with nothing on my mind,
Because there is nothing that interests me.

My hopes and wishes are all so boring,
That you do not need to see.
I will not mention, guess what;
I will simply carry on with this pointless tale I tell.
I reach into the well and find a day so sunny;
Wouldn’t it be funny if animals could talk…

Time to get up, stand up and take a walk.
I drag myself out of bed this morn
And spend all day yawning, when nothing is boring,
So people see a distorted truth, an illusion,
Hence the confusion that follows my soul.
They all watch me as I go; true heart remains unknown.

Then I leave them all behind, close my eyes
And climb into my bed alone.
I wrap the quilt around my heart to keep me warm,
Because my love…life is…so cold.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Exit light

This river runs deep;
I write in my sleep.
If you could see the things I see,
You too would have to speak.

I have been frozen,
Never truly chosen,
Many times broken,
But now I feel the heat, burning inside of me.

Pressure builds so I pick up the quill
And I will never be still, until…
But now I am here,
So I hope you can hear,
The words I cannot help but write,
In the middle of this pitch black night;
The phone my only light.

Predictive text, has only left, me to forget, a train of thought.
A lack of wed, no peace in bed, I write my best whilst wearing nought.
Insomnia it comes and goes, so even when my eyes are closed,
I may be watching all of those that creep along my wall.
The insect beings and spider queens have all joined teams,
To watch over me…and I can hear them talk.
Inside my dreams I am minute when I am mute.
If only you could hear my voice, maybe I could reach out for you.

As I fall down into oblivion’s din,
No saving grace is listening.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Struggling to be myself,
When they expect me to be something else.
I don’t want to change, find a new story to tell.
I could love you if you would just let me be myself.

Cannabis has killed my mind and my dreams;
I smoked it so that I could see,
But because I smoked it I have lost my every hope
And any memory of any of my dreams.

I find it hard to comprehend, all the stupid things I have ever said.
I try to cover up the dirt stains I have left, but they can still be seen.
Still they expect me to get up and out of bed;
Why should I try, when trying never did anything for me?

Old memories still linger in my eyes;
I can see them now, I can see that life.
I can see it all just floating away in a puff of smoke;
Ah the good old days sure were good, but I had to let them go.

I still have the same indifference, but something shifted.
Reality drifted and I was falling, when I should have been lifted.
Great expectations and hopes for a future,
Left to go to pieces; apathy left me laying in a stupor.

Now real life kicks in, the ash in tossed into the bin;
It’s the same old me on a different day,
But I don’t know where to begin.
I could tell you of now or of when I was a kid,
But they never expected anything from me then,
So why should I care about something that I never did?

No expectations, just instructions;
Self-destruction was my only way to function.
Brain malfunction, funny to me now;
I lost my way without direction,
But in my future I want to take a bow.

So I fall in line, I have done my time;
I have followed their rules and still this home is not mine.
Everybody expects me to try my best,
But I expect nothing more, than the least I have to give, my friends.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Eye Heart Ewe

I am in love with love.
The idea of love.
The romance,
The faithfulness,
The complicatedness of it all.
How the other half live.
The joy, the laughter;
The pain and the misery.

Faithful to me is no longer a myth.
All that I want, I have thanks to this.
This love thing, this drug thing,
This life, lust and us thing.

People speak when it is unnecessary…
But these words I am unable to not say.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Dark and dreary, leave me here bleeding;
Living in the dirt was never meant to be easy.
Broken in three, I was never allowed to be free,
From the shackles of your society.

Down and out and I couldn’t care less;
I will never try to pass your test.
I need no acceptance; it is of no consequence.
All that matters are my ideals and finding the next sentence.

Leave me howling at a full moon surrounded by women in black;
There are whispers in the air
And they speak of dancing naked under moonlight.
No owl to be found to ask a word of wisdom, I catch my breath;
Surrounded in the darkness with a flash of flesh,
I am carried away to a place of pleasure in the middle of the night.

Wearing black to not fit in and not caring if we stand out.
Pop is trash; all they ever do is whisper so they can shout.
In the night we are lost, never to be found inside your thoughts.
Cook your food in your no picture apron and say oh my, somebody calls.

Society is made from gravity, but a poet cannot be kept down.
We must fly, so give us immunity; I cannot be, fall in line here and now.
Can’t be late, we must pay, we cannot say, we cannot be;
All we want is to be allowed to speak,
But the laws of life keep us from revealing our poetry.

Still the sound in the night, a revolution in the air.
Politics, it’s all tricks; it is here and it is there.
Corruption is everywhere; they are all wrong, but do they even care?
Welfare state, what a state, this is what leaves me falling down
And all they can do is stare.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Fade to grey

Take my hand and let me set fire to your mind.
I want to see, what you are hiding inside.
I’m blinded by the light of your eyes
And I just called to say, I never lied.

Wishing upon a shooting star.
I would shoot it down to give it to you;
If that is your wish,
Then let me, become your Prince.
For I am the one who has travelled far,
To prove I deserve a chance at a kiss.

I followed a rainbow and it led me to you.
You are sun, I am rain;
We are evenly matched and love is in bloom.

The world is our theatre;
Our script is unwritten.
With you I have become totally smitten;
You are a kitten.

Beauty pours out of you;
You are my poetry soup.
I drink you in to taste you.
You give meaning to my view.

This is what I see;
A Queen, I must kneel.
My love I shall worship you,
For I am humble and you are unbelievable!

Give me your hand in marriage
And you shall soothe the damaged,
Voice inside my heart,
That only knows of the lies I hear, in yet another adage.

Embrace me once again;
Be the moth to my flame
And I shall be grateful,
To be no longer hateful…
Goodbye to yesterday.

Cure my disease with a simple kiss.
You are my nurse,
You are my anesthetic;
My medicine and my A and E.

Sound the alarm!
Ring the chapel bells,
Before all Hell breaks loose;
Let us wed so I can heal myself.

Paranoia over cheating;
Banish this memory,
Let me be who I used to be…

Fade to grey with me.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Fading away

Mourn me when I am gone;
Remember me as someone who lived his life, the only way he knew how.
Think of me when you sing a song;
Remember me, when I am gone with the clouds.

The sun is setting on another lifetime;
It’s time to die, it is my dying time.
Time is fading away and I welcome death;
For in my final breath I will discover what comes next.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Faithful or hateful

Faithful or hateful, the choice is yours.
I can only ever be grateful for your company ‘The one I adore’.
You’re so funny; you make me laugh like no other does.
I guess you love me.  Is this what you call love?
I am still asking the questions, never getting satisfaction.
Still searching for clarification, so here I am asking.

Are you faithful or hateful?  The choice is always yours.
You are still ‘The one which I adore’.
You showed me your light
And I was blinded by such a beautiful sight.
Your beauty thrills me;
You make my heart skip a beat.
You make me rise, to my feet,
Just to kneel down before you unworthy.
If only you could, I would ask you to love me.

I don’t know if you’re faithful or hateful.
All I know in my heart is that I will always be grateful,
For once you loved me and I too loved you
And between us two, we had something unnamed
And it could never be tamed,
Because once we were real…
Now we are only in old flames.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Fake it

You can’t fake it, to make it;
You can’t fake it, if you want to make it.
If you have got talent, then you will make it;
But whatever you do, when you reach the top, don’t fake it.

Be real kid, just like your heroes did;
You’ve got to feel it and mean what you say.
No you were not too mean, because you said it with meaning;
You were real, you made me believe, so have a nice day.

Fail to live your life the way they want you to;
You have done all you can to be like them,
But they never embraced you.
Say what you mean, you know we can take it;
Do what you can do and make sure you stay true.

You meant what you said and that is what matters;
Say I love you whenever you get the chance
And never look backwards.
Write it with meaning, but don’t be too mean;
Do what you want to do and you will find meaning.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Fake news

A man was seen walking down the street,
Greeting people;
No souls on his feet.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Fallen angel.

I am the man who fell to Earth;
My space suit failed and I found it hard to breathe.
As I landed amongst the roses that grew from the dirt,
I knew I had found my new home and I would never want to leave.

We find ourselves inside our own sanctuary,
Surrounded by our own insecurities;
But in humane hands I feel safe at last.
Safe enough to swear a pact.

All those people living down there, I never used to understand;
I used to think they were below me, before their land became mine.
Beautiful angels surround me; we are locked together on this land.
Suicide romance is a forgotten memory;
I have removed it from my mind.

The sun is shining on my beautiful wife;
I love it when she holds me so tight.
I hold her close to me and remind her of a former loves light;
His face has changed to my face now and our future is so bright.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Fallen Stars / Forgotten Dreams.

Who are you to come to me,
To tell me that it's me you see,
Just laying down there in the street,
Upon the cold hard floor of defeat?

The freedom you see in me, is a memory of a forgotten dream,
Of all the things you never did.
You tried to become just like me,
But we both know that can never be.

So wish away your every dream
And no longer wish you could be just like me.
The star that you used to wish upon;
The fallen star who used to sing your favorite song.

The one who got what was on your mind;
The one who keeps writing the words, you simply can't find.
Those words that get stuck, upon your silver tongue;
The one who clearly is good enough.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

For a little bit of happiness,
I get a whole lot of depression.
Maybe if I accepted the sadness,
I could live a normal life, no question;
But the little bit of joy I get when I see her smile,
Leaves me to believe that life is, worthwhile.

It’s the tiniest bit of good,
And in return 3 days of bad;
But for just a little bit of time,
I truly am not sad.
For just a portion of a day,
I can smile again.
Just for a little bit of happiness…
The pain is just a shame.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Falling away

The same day again, I wish it away;
I found a new way to live with the pain.
Leave me alone I’m happy here,
Inside this maze of life and fear.

I found a new way to please myself;
Without your love, I can be something else.

I don’t want to stop myself from falling away from you.

Falling away,
Falling away,
Falling away,
Is my only way to be saved.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Falling in love

In love with you was never easy;
I fell for you and landed flat on my face.

We fall and became undone, lacking in trust;
Love echoes inside each and every one of us.
We try to believe, but life takes it out of us,
Because love is killed, once you have broken that trust.

I’ve got high hopes of leaving you forever;
High hopes of moving on without you.
High hopes I had, when we first got together.
No hope is all I have now thanks to you.

Take a pill to numb the pain;
Every day is never/always the same.
Teach me how to feel again;
So I can hear you when you call my name.

My love and I want to die;
We used to believe, until we cried.
Now all we believe is too many times,
We have had to say goodbye.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Family of friends

So love, what’s the drug?
Smoke it, poke it, **** on da blunt?
Inhale, breath out, inhale, party-party.
That’s how all this ****** started!

Inhale, breath out, inhale.  Stop it!
Inhale, breath out, inhale, party-party!
Hi I’m high, what?  You’re my wife?
And we’re in an ambulance doing 95,
Because your waters broke, when I was having a ****?
Yo stop the van!  We all need to just chill out.

Yo little baby, I hope you can hear me!
Because this world is scary, stay there inside Mummy.
You don’t want to come out here in the big bad world,
They will make you eat sandwiches and go to school.

Stay there for a while, until we get to hospital,
Then me and your Mom
Are going to have our greatest moment of love.
A second in time to remember for the rest of our lives.
I can’t repeat what she said,
But it translates into I’m your loving wife.

Don’t hold her hand!  No, don’t do it!..
Too late, she’s got him now; listen out for when she breaks him.
Crushed my hand she did and blamed me for all of it.
How was I meant to know she was going to end up pregnant?

Nah, not me, I could never do that…
9 months later…Hi  Dad.

So the little dude was born and he came out shining,
Then his sister was born and we kept rolling up and on.
Then another sister for the little dude and his sister;
Then a dude, then a sister, then another son.

I lost count after the first three; how many was it?
Somewhere between 1 and a hundred kids?
No woman could possibly be capable of such a feat.
I didn’t marry just any woman;
I married the woman of my dreams.

In your dreams anything is possible,
So why can the two of us not just live up here in our castle?
With a tribe of people we call our family,
Our friends, our associates, our family; our loved ones.
So drink with them, your family of friends,
For they will love you until the bitter end.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020

We need magic in our lives.
Imagine a world without it.
I still dream of dragon’s fire.
I have since I was a kid.
There are many worlds, somewhere out there,
And they all need the stars to shine.
Every kingdom needs an heir.
I wish I had a fantastical mind,
Which could easily speak of fantasy more readily,
But I am all I am.
It is not enough, as it should be,
For fantasies do not happen every day…
But stories must be told,
So I had to say.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Fantasy reality

Strange times call for stranger people.
Magic exists and it’s mostly not evil.
Fantasy worlds are there if you believe.
Use your imagination and you will once more see.

When I was weak I noticed you through stained glass.
Now I am strong enough to take a chance.
I reach into your world and find my spirit.
You drag me into being with you, where the Queen’s are not all wicked.

Where next to go on this magical road trip?
Into your heart is a place I want to visit,
And maybe you would let me stay.
Let’s create a movie and fly away.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Farm life.

There is a barn on this farm;
Personally, I think that it has character and charm.
Other people’s opinions may differ from mine,
But I won't allow them to waste my good time.

This time is mine to waste away,
So who are you to blemish this beautiful day?  
Song birds sing as morning breaks in two;
Split the night apart and let the sunlight shine through.

If time is all we have, then we can be poor and in love.
We may not have any money,
But we can still enjoy the country.

The cows are grazing and the farmer is blazing,
The hay in the fields, he no longer needs to ball.
I ask him why he came here
And he tells me it is because he heard the call.
The call of nature; the sheep are saying baa.
He doesn't predict the future, but we both know that one day,
This place of tranquility will be overtaken by a city full of cars.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Far too late.

I'm far too late
And too far away,
To be telling you those words,
I never had the chance to say.  

It's all too much,
This thing they call love.
This thing that always had its grip on us.  

But we broke free, or did we?  
I guess we just lost our grip on the perfect reality.  
So far gone, this thing they call love.
So heart bruised and too love broken to fix.
Now we can no longer trust.  

But for a moment in time,
I was yours and you were mine.
We were stars together, flying so high!  
Until we crashed and burned,
As we each learned,
That even in the greatest love stories, the hero dies.  

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Fatal By Design

Humans are as fatal as a motorcar,

Born only to die in a head on collision with death.

It’s just waiting to happen; there is no escape.

Your future’s bleak; revel in it.

Fatal by design, born only to die.

Fatal by design, born only to die.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2020

Long hair waving in the new wind.
Time changes and it’s a **** beginning.
Bowie, I only worship one king.
All that is left are the songs we are still singing.

Heroes fall under the thunder sounds.
Waterfalls endlessly come crashing down.
Inside my own existence I continually drown.
I can never find the right way out.

Primal heart; bitten Devil man.
Longing for a new wave to send me to a better land,
Where people are free from eternal suffering.
I hold aloft the heart of endless dreaming.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Fear of commitment

It seems you want to see me laughing.
I think I could try, but where is the fun?
It seems you want to see me happy,
But the scratches down my back have long since gone.

Maybe I could find a way to begin chatting up,
But the silence I hold. What is love?
No more for the meter,
I have a wheel clamp on the tongue.
It seems I should by now be with my love,
But this continuous car crash that is my love life…
It just ain’t letting up.

I crash and burn at each and every turn.
If only I could take control of this life that I live,
But I am only ever destined to be hurt
And to lose my hope in everything.

The smile I raise will never grow up;
The lies I tell keep me grounded.
My ego has a life of its own, so it’s tough,
To keep my mind on the level.
No safety net, I fall alone…unbounded.

I see a light, I follow it,
It only leads me to where I once was.
I ignore the light and wander blind,
I walk in the dark; I end up lost
And then I see another reflection in a mirror;
Another time when I was myself
And there I see I am no nearer to leaving this maze,
This endless place I dwell.

The walls I put up are a hundred feet tall;
No horizon to be seen or to chase after.
The map to this life is never written, just walked;
One mistake at a time,
So gone is my laughter.

I see the end, the gate is locked;
I climb over the top and down I drop.
When I get to the other side,
I find myself back at the beginning.
Woe is my revolving life.

Around and around in circles I go,
Into love I fall so deep it hurts.
I pick myself up and wait until it is long ago,
Then I fall again, repeating those empty words I hear from her.

Now they mean nothing,
Hoping for something to change,
But it all remains the same.
Love is just a revolving door with a queue.
Waiting on someone.  Waiting on you.
Serving you drinks, while you kiss and hug him.
Waiting to leave all of this!
But love is my cage and I am locked in.

So I waited…until I broke;
Never to be repaired.
Never again!
Never again will I wait,
To once more go away to allow me to breathe air.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Feelings.  Ain’t they a funny thing?
Wondering, feeling, thinking, sinking.

Why?  Oh why?  Oh, I see you are wrong.
Oh yes that’s right, like the words of a song,
Of hope and joy; what a wonderful world.
Reality ***** when a boy meets a girl.

Who will be first to give up on love?
Who will be first to unlearn how to trust?
God only knows!  Good heavens above!
Humans know Earth; we know it’s no good.

Death and despair, we have it by the truckload.
Come get it for free; everything must go!
We’ve already sold love, trust, deception and honesty;
Everything is just a word.
There is no such thing, as a true honest feeling.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Feelings change

Brittle heart and feet for wheels.
Never had a happy meal.
Living like I am at the end;
Never gonna try again.

Given up on giving up;
Craving more of a lovers touch.
I love the sun that shines on me.
Everywhere I speak I find empathy.

Dead inside, but still alive.
I am a mess that is feeling alright.
Hating every word you say,
So gonna look the other way.

Happy days are back again,
New open eyes see past the pain.
Fond memories of being loved.
I have never felt this good!

Still so sad under the skin.
I have an empty bed in which to sink.
Misery is all I can think;
It’s all I have left to believe in.

Up and down my feelings go.
Like her, I have never felt so alone.
Waiting on a new romance.
It’s time I gave true love a chance.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Fi Fine, Fo Fun

Let me show you another way.
Let me breathe empathy towards your pain…

Hi Fi.  
Remember me?
I’m the guy I think you need.

I want you to know, you are on my mind
And I hope you like me too.
Maybe we could go out together sometime?
Or just chill at mine; it is all up to you.

I want to look deep into your eyes,
Because there’s something there,
I don’t want to miss.
Maybe it’s the promise of a forthcoming kiss?
Or maybe that is just what I wish.

Your body wants to hide,
But your words are so open.
I have nothing to hide,
My soul is written down for you in poems.

So here I stand; yours if you want me.
Come chill with me some time
And criticize my bad poetry.

I should have told you.
How beautiful you are to me.
I should have hugged you,
To be more compassionate somehow.
I should have done more,
When you were so honest and free.
I should never have met you…Life would be much easier;
But you are in my head now.

So goodbye for now,
What I meant to say,
Was I’d really like to see you somehow;
If there is a way.

I want you to be with me sometime,
If you have the time;
To fit me into your hectic life.

I should have told you,
You’re pretty…hot!
I should have told you,
I’m not good enough.

I offer Peace, Love and Empathy
And I hope you accept it too,
For you are more than welcome.

But my heart is yours to see;
Maybe yours to keep…
Or maybe just yours to use,
If you just want the same old story.

Would you like us to share our bodies, minds and souls sometime?
If you show me yours…
I’ll show you mine.

I think I would like it very much indeed,
If you were to spend some time with me.
I could show you I am an Angel
And confess all my sins…
I could put my hands around your heart and love you…
If you would only let me in…

But if you just want fun
And you don’t want my love…
Then I accept, let’s have fun….

Let’s chill and
Be good buds.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Fight Injustice Against You

Fight all those who stand in your way,
Fight all those who stop us being free.
Charge at them with a clenched fist raised
And watch them cower beneath our feet.

We have the power to let them hurt us,
But we will not let you stop us now.
We shall fight you tooth and nail,
We shall rebel, to show how much we care.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Fight love

Love is like Fight Club.
Love is a war.
There can be no love, when love is so very bored.

The first rule of Fight Club is “You do not talk about Fight Club.”
The second rule of Fight Club is
The first rule of love is “You do not cheat.”
The second rule of love is “YOU DO NOT CHEAT!”

Have I made myself clear, or do you need my sacrifice,
To show you I mean every word that I say?
If you need an example, then that is ok.
Hand me my razorblade.
I am willing to die for love;
Are you?
Are you good enough?
I am willing to die for love;
Are you good?
Are you speaking the truth?
Are you serious about love?

I am not talking about passion, ***, or even compassion.
I am stating a fact; I would stand in front of a bullet for love.
True love or nothing, keep your temporary satisfaction.
If only your love could be true.  
Is your love true?

The third rule of love is:
“Don’t say I love you unless you mean it.”
Don’t call me Babe, unless you are down to the grave.
Don’t make me a promise and later easily break it the same day.
Do not speak the words, unless you mean what you say.
If you say you want to marry me; then convince me.
Prove you need me to love you endlessly.
We have to be through to the bitter end,
Or let’s not even begin to be friends.

When all is dead and done, I will not be your shining sun.
I will not speak ill of the dead because you will be alive.
When we reach our end, because of your other men,
Remember you said “Yeah.”  Remember what you said,
And I will never forget those things that you did.
The fourth rule of love is not I am with stupid.

Turn the page and look at what I wrote.
Learn what you said; pick a quote.
I have already said my love is 4real before.
Do you think you are worthy, or are you truly a chore?
Who is that a-rapping and a tapping upon your door?
If it is not me, but another him,
Then pity me please, for I have become your victim.
Stab the lie through me from the front,
And leave me to bleed on the floor after being dumped.

‘til death do us part sounds like Heaven to me.
**** me if you want to be mean.
Are you ready to **** with your sympathy,
And claims of understanding,
When you clearly DO NOT UNDERSTAND A ******* THING!

Chop off my thieves hand and remove this ring.
Set fire to it and burn me with lies.
You are so despised, because you accepted this thing.
Next, listen carefully and leave me blatantly rejected.
For true love I am ready to die.

Only one is worthy;
It is not you.
I am living proof.
You have destroyed my last chance of happiness.
Why are you waiting for me to say anymore?...

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Find happiness

There are so many things that are not as they should be,
That sometimes people think that everything is wrong.
I can only speak for myself, but I do still believe,
There is hope in many places, in many people, in many songs.

If you do have faith, then that is your choice.
I am faithful when I am in love.
I write for myself to give myself a voice.
My silence means I am busy working, writing my books.

A paragraph here, a couplet or two there.
There are so many words to be found everywhere,
That poetry has become like air.
It floats through the soul, never growing old,
And like life, it passes onto another.
It goes where it goes.
If it means nothing to you,
Perhaps you should choose some other wordsmith.
Another poet; another writer;
Or just say nothing, read nothing, do nothing.
Whatever makes you sing your own song is worth it.

Read the contents of the label if you do not speak the language.
Head to Milan or Naples, and absorb the culture,
Before going to Rome with your kids.
Feel free to roam before you see the Cascata,
Wherever they may flow.

Travel Europe before heading home,
And if you are still not settled when you return,
Pack your bags again and go all around the world,
In a one person boat, all alone.
Do whatever you need to do to find your inner peace.
You will find love wherever you may be,
If your heart is open to seeing new things.

If you are closed to human contact,
Then you will forever be taking a step back
And no forward thinking, future thinking thinker,
Will ever be attracted to that;
But if solitude is your desire,
Then stay alone, although the mountains will seem much higher.

If you are truly happy, you realise fortune is temporary.
I know I dream of one day raising a family.
We all have our dreams;
We all have needful things.
We wish for change,
But those who live in the moment, it seems,
Are eternally living their perfect day.

Life is not perfect and never will be,
But even if it is great and can only get worse,
At least it is not my misery.
You still have to work to improve it.
Alive in this state of man-made bliss,
Is a footstep away from catastrophe,
So do not wait for life to come and find you.
Find your own way to be happy.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Finger tips hold memories

Kiss my lips and feel sheer bliss my lover, my last fling;
I love you so much it is becoming embarrassing.
Hold my soul close to your chest,
Then our love can blossom and we can stay undressed.

Show me the real you because that is what I desire,
I want to remember your love for the rest of my life.
Your love allows me to become a high flier;
In search of God I fly over the world and disappear into the sky.

Light and dark and everything inside,
Love has never felt so hard to hide.
Questioned by an angel about my love;
She can see in my heart that our love is good.

The amalgamation of two souls,
Bound by love forever more.
Our love will last forever!
You are mine and I am yours.

A year later the room is empty…
She took it all when she walked out on me.
I am beginning to heal but love is a distant memory;
Finger tips cling onto memories.

I was cast aside to a distant place,
To suffer pain and never again show my face.
All I did was never enough;
Never enough to call your bluff.

Now I never hear her sing,
Now I never see her smile.
Now I never get to be happy,
Because now I know she is no longer mine.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Fire or sky

It’s all a state of mind.
Day by day people change.
Films get better or worse with age;
These times of changing truth or lie.
Fact or fiction, it’s all in your mind.
The thoughts we think expand or rewind,
Back to childhood when things were just fine.
Only you can find the truth that lies beneath the rubble.
Shattered heads think less and see double.
Open eyes, need open minds, to translate fire from sky.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
First date

First kiss.
First crush.
First ***.
First love.
First girlfriend.
First wife.
First time,
Last night.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Fixing holes with good intentions.

Lions and tigers,
Dolphins and earthquakes.
Liars with cider,
Have nothing to say.

Animals and insects,
Bugs for breakfast.
Mammals need ***,
So find true love and get wed.

Life is a milk tray;
Oh behave!
Nothing left to say,
So gonna leave to get paid.

Fortune tellers remain silent.
Two moon sellers, offer no guidance.
A magic hat is a box of tricks.
Forget about that; keep it real or quit it!

Lions and tigers,
Dolphins and earthquakes.
Fliers and riders;
We are all running away.

Life is a bad day, work is a chore.
Write it right, or do not say,
I could do with more.

If you don’t care,
Then give up what you are;
But if you are prepared,
Then we can build a heart.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Flames of love.

Feeling naked stood here before you,
The first time I tell you how I feel about you.
Been alone so long I don’t know what to do,
But your beauty allows me to say I want you.

A crucifix kiss upon a vampires lips,
Brought the death of love with its tenderness;
But a lovers white light brings us peace of mind.
It lets us believe in the fight for a love so blind.

A blessed sight into the flames of the next life,
Changed the way I see life and why I shouldn’t die.
Live now forever or die alone?
I must stay alive to one day feel at home.

It’s our experiences that define us,
Our ties that bind us.
Love shall forever blind us,
So salvation can once more find us.

Razor fire shines alight,
In the darkest skies to light up the night.
Fire burns so hot throughout space,
That it becomes replaced with angel’s sight.

Morning sun shines on the light of my life,
As she says well done, you completed the song on time.
My love is grand; my love is soft.
My love is sensitivity at no cost.

Smile at me please, I need you to see,
The happiness you bring with every word that you sing.

Wash away your pain with flames;
Set fire to love or watch it burn and fade.
Bury yourself away inside a shallow grave,
Or hope you find a better way.

Swallow the pill to cure your nausea;
Think of things you’ve never thought of.
Taste the lips and enjoy the kiss;
Enjoy their love before you miss it.

Love me, love me, love me please!
Love me now, I need your kiss.
Love me, love me, love me please!
Love me now; I need your love to breathe.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Flatulence breeds laughter

Come smile with me, as I sing you a song;
About God's little gift, to every man.
For we all like to laugh and forget all our worries
And we all like to laugh, whenever we can.

At a worldwide problem which just can't be solved;
Of epidemic proportions, it affects us all.
It's the funniest thing known, but embarrassing too;
But the louder the funnier, as long as it's not you.

It's flatulence! It's one big ****!
It's a stinky little number and it came from my ****.
It's flatulence! It's one big ****!
It's a stinky little number written straight from the heart.

It's flatulence! It's one big ****!
It's a stinky little number and it came from my ****.
It's flatulence! It's one big ****!
La, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la,
La, lahh!

Who dropped that off?  Who left us a present?
Who smells that bad?  Come on! Who the Hell is it?
******* that's bad, something smells like it's died.
You filled my lungs with a sickness, you brought a tear to my eye;
You made me wish I was a dog and I had no nose,
Then when you'd tell them of my story,
They'd say how does he smell?
(shout) AWFUL!

It's flatulence! It's one big ****!
It's a stinky little number and it came from my ****,
It's flatulence! It's one big ****!
It's a stinky little number written straight from the heart.
It's flatulence! It's one big ****!
It's a stinky little number and it came from my ****,
It's flatulence! It's one big ****!
La, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la,
La, la, la, la,
La, lahh!

Well it's time to end this song,
With no more bad **** jokes in sight.
It's time to wander on,
With just a trumpety, trump; goodnight.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

All your beautiful flaws.
I am left crawling at your feet, begging, let me be yours.
Cynicism and pessimism; I see a beautiful prism,
Floating inside your galaxy eyes.
Bitter words choke realism;
I guess the party has to die.

Left behind to tell only lies.
I love the way your truly despise.
You are so apathetic and that’s to your credit;
You have nothing to hide behind.

They say miserable; I see incredible.
So credible, you do not speak their dull,
Repetitive slogans, no catch phrase needed.
No advertisements; you’re real and I mean it.
I love it when you say you really hate.
I love to see you act that way.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Flying on forever

I’m flying on the edge forever,
Searching for a brighter future.
I can see the picture of an angel inside my mind
And now I have to find a way to meet her.

Burning out, fading away; love must come to save the day.
Shooting stars only crash into their own grave.
I will build her a house we can live in and age;
If only I could take her to it, then maybe things would change.

Some of us lie, some of us fly;
Some of us are living on borrowed time.
The future is not certain to be there when we arrive,
But the past is firmly in the past where it belongs,
So please just let me get on with my life.

We are in search of a forever love, forever more!
Fallen love angels who scorn are left behind;
Forever alone in fields of thorns, left alone to mourn.

There is a dust storm up ahead, so I must look my best,
Because when I do finally meet her, my love I will confess.
Eventually she will see me appearing through the mist;
I cannot allow this chance of true happiness to be missed.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Food for thought

Our hearts are linked by an umbilical-chord;
We feed each other, food for thought.
I lay down my jacket so you can walk upon it,
To save your painted toes from getting wet.

For unbelievable beauty do I see in you my Queen;
I think your daughter sees the Devil in my beard.
I need you to fall in love at third sight.
I’ve only met you twice in this phoenix afterlife.

For as relationships die, new relationships are sought;
My aphrodisiac, you give me food for thought.
For I am lost in lust, just begging for your touch;
So soft upon this metaphor love.

Her I could love with ease, my Liege.
For in her desires I see me.
No I am not being arrogant;
I am simply saying she is Heaven sent.

After a life time of Hell, I now see my past,
Present and future tense.
She is relaxing in a bath, as I go to see if the dinner is ready yet.
The kids are asleep, or watching T.V.,
As my empathetic angel, sings so succinctly.

A song of love, inspired by me,
She tells me later as our family eats.
My love you give me food for thought.
My love for you is eternal.  Please become my woman, my girl.

Your parents will always see you as their daughter, (alas)
No matter what happens, they will love you forever,
But I will always see you as a woman first and foremost
And this eternal bond between us should never be severed.

You need a Man to remind you who you are.
You shining star, you are truly inspirational.
You may feel that you are solely a Mothercare;
But I am here to show you, that you are so much more.

You are the sexiest woman on the planet,
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
You my dear are simply J-Lo speaking Spanish;
If my tears are your nourishment, then let it rain.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Footprints in the sand.

It’s quiet now; it’s not like it was last night.
All the hangovers are asleep, they have never seen the morning light.
They are dreaming of last night’s fires
And drinking away the days before,
As I sit here upon my rock contemplating the world…

The sea is calm, the wind is quiet; there are birds flying in the sky.
In the distance I can see an oil tanker, slowly floating by.
There are no people here to catch the sun rise,
So I can happily wait until it arrives;
So peacefully I write…

I have my blanket, my picnic breakfast and a vision so wide;
It goes on for miles in every direction
And this picture is illuminated by the dawns early light.
I can see beyond the sand and on past the lifeguard tower;
There is nobody here that needs saving and nobody to guard a life.

As the cliffs remain after years of waves,
All around me I can see the seafront.
I can see the next town over; there are only a few lights on
And I can see the approaching morning sun…
It is hidden behind the man-made buildings, but soon it will rise
And I alone shall be a witness to its beauty
And still I continue to write…

As the pages become clearer with every passing minute,
Eventually I create a full stop, as I have reached the finish;
But my words do not seem complete, so I get to my feet to think.
I turn my back towards the horizon and I speak into the wind…

You have blessed me this day, for all the noise has been taken away.
All thoughts are being quiet; I have a place I can drift again.
So I thank you for your company and all you have given to me;
It is sad to know that my dreams are only ever,
Pebble’s thrown away into the sea.

Reclaim what is yours and wash away all our damage;
We have walked upon your sand enough.
Take it all back into the sea,
For we can no longer stand by and watch
And continue to walk here;
We have already walked here too much.

Take back what is yours, for it was never ours to keep.
This rock I sat upon has been waiting to speak,
For a thousand years, it has helped us to stand tall,
While people use it as a stepping stone,
To get to a place where we can be at one with the world;
But this stone is the shape of you, for you are made of the Earth
And I am just a visitor…you were here first.

I never did find my peace and quiet,
But I felt at ease as the beach went back to the sea.
I rose to my feet to make a change
And not one footprint in the sand did I leave.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

I live in a small town,
With the lights down,
In the back end of nowhere
And that is exactly where I am going.

I dress like a big clown,
In my small car.
My head looks through the sunroof
And all I can see is a city of stars.

I have spent a lifetime pretending,
That I am going to leave this place.
Everybody can see that I don’t really care.
My apathy only hides my truth; my life is such a waste.

As the rain drops fall onto my window,
I hear the distant memories.
They are calling to me like angels;
I can’t see where they are, but they are all around me.

So I reach out with one big shout!
Begging for protection, from myself.
My remedy is not seen, so I sink into a hole.
If I could find a way out,
I would find a way to make something of myself.

A collage of emotional scars,
That show that I have come so far.
The pavement my driveway,
I turn left into yesterday
And all I remember is the loss of it all;
The things we do are what we are.

I walk on the freeway.
The grass is green beneath my feet…

They shout “Fore!”…

My headphones do not rescue me.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
For Eva

To my Goddess, my Femme Fatale,
My Idol, my Love.
You are in my heart forever Eva;
I love you like I love the green stuff.

So don’t give me a hug please, just a loving smile.
We can’t get too close or you might notice and run a mile.

I want my friend Eva for life, for Eva.
So take my peace, love and empathy,
For when I am not with ya.

Gather round, gather round; come and see.
Perfection, Natural Beauty, True Empathy.
The Human Diary, I could always confide in.
Do you have a twin sister?  
She could be the woman of my dreams.

She sings like an angel,
She flies high like a butterfly.
She needs to change…nothing.  She is fine!
So much love to Eva and the woman I saw today.
She was worth a second look, but I didn’t catch her name.

Thank you Eva for everything and wow!
When I die please sing me a song,
You are most worthy of taking a bow.
Let them see what I see,
When I see you sing.
Acapella, there is none better;
So light one up, but please don’t forget me.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Forever and ever

The best of me isn’t worthy of the worst of you.
It’s clear to see I will never be what you need me to.
If all you are is in my dreams, then I need to leave to find my reality.

When you sing high, I mumble so low,
For I am still waiting down here for wings to arrive,
Whilst you have a history with the sky.
And me?  This mere mortal condemned to walk alone,
Will never have a place inside you heart or your home.

You want me to visit, but be gone by the morning,
While I want to hear the wedding bells ringing.
Singing my song for your ears only, leaves you snoring
And your temporary leaves me to all my sinking.

And so I will go and build a home;
A place where I must live alone.
Until the time comes that I have all that which I need,
Except the heart of my true loved one; where is she?

When she arrives I will be ready.
Done with waiting and dating; ready to go steady
And a bond will be made that can never be severed;
Loves hand tied to love forever and ever.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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