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Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Forever continued

All artists are searching for a Muse,
To inspire their love for their work.
So I must love my Muse,
Each and every time.
Even though this to you,
May seem to lessen my love’s light,
This is not true;
For I still hurt and bruise,
After each time they stamp on my heart.

But still I stand here telling you all my weak points.
Do you me believe yet?  I believe in you.
I must go now,
To tell more true words of being blue;
But some poems are as endless as my love for you…
They could be forever continued.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Forever delayed

I feel like I am a thousand years old.
I am running on empty, overload.
Back aches, legs ache,
Arms ache, head-aches.
My brain is tired,
I am going to get fired,
Or find a way,
For death to be,
Forever delayed.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Forever there

Remember the faces of those people this world has lost.
They are never truly gone, so let them never walk alone.
Keep them inside your heart until the end of all things,
For they are the one’s worth remembering.

People we meet in fleeting moments could change our world completely;
But those who are gone are fading away into history.
So let us remember all of the fallen,
For they are no longer here to tell their tale;
So let us be the one’s who are reaching out for them.

Let their voices echo throughout the years.
Let their memories shape the love inside our tears.
Let a piece of them remain with us wherever we may go,
Because they will always remind us of how lucky we are to have a home.

Never forget the time we never had, but we also shared.
We may have been strangers, but we were all here once
And one day we will all be forever there.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018
Forever together

I promise I will get up the nerve,
And tell her I like… I like her,
Before it is too late;
Because if I don’t I will only regret
And my mate will be taken away.
I will be too late to say we could have been something,
We could have done something, amazing together.
I hope she can resist temptation for just another day.
Hopefully tomorrow I will find a way to say,
I want us to be together forever.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018
Forever waiting

Rivers of pain, flow through my brain,
Spreading the fear through every vein.
Lights so bright, call my name in the night.
My future is beckoning; love life.

Sweetness is a virtue;
I need to be with you.
Beautiful eyes of blue leave me with nothing else to do,
But surrender my heart to your womanly ways.
I will remain faithful, because I am always betrayed
And when I meet one who can truly stay faithful,
I will be who I can be and I will be eternally grateful.

On my journey to the grave, I am still yet to meet her;
But even though my life has sped by like a flash and a blur,
I know there is a single person who loves like I do.
Of this I am certain; so I will wait, maybe in vain,
But I will still wait, through sun and through rain;
Waiting here for her truth.

I will be standing, never demanding, simply asking, for understanding.
I will wait for her, until I am broken and defeated.
I will be here, forever waiting, for you to not mistreat me,
Like she did.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

I could not write your wrongs.
I cannot list your faults.
I only know that you are gone.
You never saw the future I pictured, I built.

Inside my mind a house exists,
A garden of roses, climbing ivy,
Hopeful sunflowers catch the sun.
There are dreams you can try to resist,
But in the end the only story that interests me is a true romance.
A true love story.  A story about love.

You will never know of my heart
And the crater you left as you crashed through my soul.
I could never truly say what I think you are,
Because words could not exist to help you love me.
I have no way to try; so I must let you go.

Your love is his and memories are all the reminders I have of you now.
Fantasies that could never be;
My fictional bliss.
My never was.
My never will be.

My promise to forget is written down.
It will stand there until the end of time.
Written in ink, if I ever think,
Just one line…

I loved you,
Is all that it said.
Pictures in paintings, no longer remaining,
I am removing this vision from my head…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Forgot to Carpe Diem again.

She is gone; foolish me.
I never gave her the chance to feel.
The love I have, buried deep inside my heart;
My broken heart.  She could have been a new star,
A new shining light for me to follow,
As I search for my true love.
But today will become tomorrow
And I will still not be good enough.

I only noticed you looking at me,
Four times out of the five.
One time you were looking the other way,
So I couldn’t see your eyes.

You couldn’t see me smiling at you,
Like I do every time I see you.
I couldn’t hide my feelings for you,
Because I smile every time I’m with you.

I’m stuck in time, going nowhere fast,
I’m struck by your beauty; go ahead, laugh.
I want to see you smile again,
Because it is beautiful to me and I can forget my pain.

Your eyes are enchanting;
I can’t take my eyes off you.
I want to see you, again and again.  
I need us to be two
Of the happiest people on Earth.
I want to be the one to make you laugh.

For your smile is my sunshine
And I want you to become my new life.
I want your love in exchange for my devotion,
My passion, my faithfulness and my mixed emotions.

I need you to help me to fix you,
I need you to tell me all the crazy things you do.
If you push me away, you will have to get me back,
Because I will be in pieces and I won’t have the strength,
To ask you to come back to me…only to be dumped again.
It already hurts enough.  I can’t take anymore pain.

So if you need to cheat, then go ahead,
But don’t come back to this bed.
Because I will be gone; and you will be different.
I won’t stick around and wait.  I’m not that stupid.

But love is my crucifix,
I’ve carried it all my life.
I can’t be happy without it,
I can’t be happy without a wife.

You take me back a thousand years,
Through the hundreds of lives we have lived.
I know your face from a former life,
My love is eternal, because your love is sheer bliss.

I remember your love, for it is unique,
Unlike anything else I’ve tasted.
I’d like it if you chilled with me some time,
So we could get absolutely wasted.

My life is your oyster; I’m yours if you want me?
Your wish is my command (You can have more than three).
You can have an infinite amount of wishes
And I will try to make them all come true.
All I ask for is your love and a hand with the dishes.
If I cannot have your love, then I cannot have you.

*** is just not enough,
When you could have met the woman of your dreams.
She could have been the one.
Now she’s just **** in those jeans.

In my left hand I offer you one night.
In my right hand I offer you love for life.
You choose the left hand every time.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

My new life has begun…
My history is manuscript pages thrown away never to return.
A romance has begun…
I am once more in love with love;
Watch my heart glow as it once more gets burnt.
This fire inside, will not go out once lit;
There is no off switch.
There will be times when I hold my doubt,
Like it is a tattoo that I cannot itch.

Upon my soul it has been written,
True love or nothing else.
Until the day I release a dove,
I will be eternally in-waiting and forever, so in love,
With a wife I haven’t met yet;
Who I know, loves me as-well.
It is already written; so it will be said.

We have not yet had the pleasure,
So I will just slow my pace for now;
I will be crawling, begging, searching for a love of my own!
But this journey has only just begun
And one day she will find me,
I have no doubt.

The ruins of a love story or two have crumbled into dust,
But I have only just begun to love.
The love I love is just love.
If I am righteous and trust my heart,
All my feelings will not fade away one day.
I will be with my Queen.  I will find my bride.
The two of us shall find a way,
To find each other under the stars,
As asteroid’s collide.
A thousand sparks will be my guide
And she will be my life-wife.

All other thoughts will testify,
That all I want is a single wife.
A wife that I can call my own;
Neither borrowed, stolen, nor temporarily on loan.
I want a permanent smile emblazoned on my heart,
A heart upon my sleeve, a name across my chest,
A bold statement of my intent to act upon my commitment,
To never need another lover.

I want ‘somebody’ to love me;
Surely there must be somebody.
If your love for me is true, then find my heart beacon;
I hold it high for all to see.
I cannot reason a future without a reason;
I believe in our destiny.

If we are bound to be together, then there can be no falsehood.
If you are planning a motherhood with me,
Then you have to remain good
And kind and heartfelt and faithful always…
If you cannot, then please allow me to leave,
To go in search of love.
If you cannot be happy with me during the night
And throughout the day,
Then you should leave, so I can too;
I will find my better half and she will be sent from the Heaven’s above.

I have no car, so watch the stars and if they twinkle just for you,
Then I am waiting, searching, thinking about a love that is true.
It is so sad, to be without your soulmate;
In the sky you will see ‘I love you’,
Written by sky-soaring planes.

I am not your Superman,
My pants are on the inside,
But if you hold onto me really tightly,
If you truly, truly love me…

We could fly together forever;
We could be a light in the sky.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
For Little Blue, I Love You

Hey there beautiful, why so sad?
What’s going on in that heart of yours?
You know I like you, but reality is bad;
For the truth is you are married,
But at least you are secure.

In the knowledge that my friend you are;
You shining star with such empathy inside.
You don’t drive a car, but you do raise your child,
With perfection I am sure, for you speak with such pride.

He’s lucky to have a mother like you,
So Peace, Love and Empathy to all who surround you.
To you Little Blue, I love your sorrow,
Give it all to me and be happy tomorrow.

I’ve seen you smile; I’ve seen you laugh.
I’ve confided my soul in you, in the past.
I’ve shown you part of the real me
And now I just wanted to say thanx.

I could speak to you when I was in love.
I could speak to you about smoking these drugs.
I could speak to you at random intervals.
I could love you as a friend, but nothing more.

For there are women I will meet throughout my life
And I will find them beautiful, as I do you my child;
For I speak as God now and I bless you – My gift to you.
You are an Angel, so I speak now just to Little Blue.

Become Little Pink and laugh, dance and love love.
Be happy forever, for your heart speaks of pure trust
And faithfulness; the thing I crave the most.
One day I shall find a woman, who has your thoughts of love.

She will be faithful, for that is what I admire the most;
Her past loves will become forgotten, as ghosts.
Her love will be true and she will be faithful like you,
For she will be a true believer in love; just like us two.

So to Little Blue; no sorry, Little Pink.
You are a wonderful Wife, Mother and friend
And I want to say thanx.

Peace, Love and Empathy.
Read ‘The Poem for all Females.’
It shows all women my heart
And sends my love to all the beautiful, faithful females.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
For One Night Only

Well here we are again in our local pub;
We see the same old people and we are almost drunk.
We laugh and dance and we clap our hands,
Because some fool has gone and dropped his glass.

Life's forever changing, but everything's the same.
Why can't things be easier?  Why must we play these games?

I'm standing by the exit, because I'm ready to leave;
Just waiting on a friend, he's still got to finish his drink.
Chatting about crap, that we will soon forget;
I just wanna go back home and collapse in my bed.

She's walking through the club, with two drinks in her hands;
She's looking right at me, I just don't understand.
She said her name was Kay and asked if I'd like to dance;
That night she broke my heart and my dreams of romance.
That night we kissed and did other things;
I thought we were making love.
I don't know if it's the effects of the drink,
Or just the effects of the drugs.

Life's forever changing, but everything's the same,
Why can't things be easier?  Why must we play these games?

But what of the morning after?
She kicked me out of her bed
And told me not to call her.
"I'll call you" she said.
A year has passed and still no call;
My finest night, to her meant nothing at all.

Life's forever changing, but everything's the same,
Why can't things be easier?  Why must we play these games?

Walking home one day in the summer heat;
I turn around the corner and who should I meet?
It's Kay, she's here, how do you do?
You know what? I was just thinking of you.
Would you like, to go some place with me?
We could have a drink, or maybe something to eat.
You could tell me why, you didn't want me;
You could tell me why, I'm for one night only.

I'm so sorry, can we just be friends?
I can't go out with you, you've turned me into a lesbian.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Under moonlight you can lose yourself;
Set your inhibitions free and cast away your self-doubt.
The fear may guide you if your life is Hell,
But only you are able to lead yourself out.

If you need somebodies help to save your own life,
Then beg them to aid yourself and let them soothe your strife.
If your future has always remained hidden from your eyes,
Then build yourself a new destiny and make a change.
If everything you used to love, you have now grown to despise,
Then search for a better way to cure your pain.

Hope has always been there, all you need to do is believe;
Nobody can steal your future from you,
If you can keep your eyes open and somehow see.
The happiness you are waiting for is beyond this door;
When you pass through it, close it behind you
And your misery will be with you no more.

Know the score and dream of being loved;
Wishes are created to build a better world for each of us.
Throw down your gauntlet and challenge anything bad, for you are good;
The superhero will never lose,
So face your demons and lift your head up.

Nightmares are just dreams that haven’t morphed into day dreams yet;
Live your life like it is all that you have got and have no regrets.
You will never be able to do enough, so just do your best;
Positive will always end the negative, so always take a forward step.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
For you I would

So beautiful to see you here.  
I find myself when I am lost inside of you.
Thoughts lost to never seeing you again,
Were proven to not be true.
So beautiful to see you here.
I wish I could stay here too.

Watching beautiful women walk past my window.  
Only ever watch them go and I stay inside my hole.
I am a gold fish in this room and I am losing my colour.
Forgotten how to love and forgotten all my lovers.

My heart is a thousand sun’s;
They were ignited by your smile for me.
Each of the stars that made me, died,
Now I am now left in peace.

Life is only torment and I am not alone.
I have humans all around me and names upon my phone,
But still I wish it would all disappear,
And I was allowed to stay in my own zone.

Lust is not a friend of mine,
It makes me want for more.
I wish I could be celibate,
And have nothing to do with your world.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
For your benefit.

Another rat inside a cage;
An experiment gone wrong.
So set me free, or **** your slave,
Or please just let me go.

I have my rage locked in a cage,
It’s ready to explode.
My teeth are razors and my claws are sharp,
My blood is running cold.

It’s scary here, they smell your fear,
They like to cause you pain.
It’s all so dark, I cry, I hurt;
Things will always be this way.

Entrapped by them to do as they wish.
My needs are ignored; I am unable to think,
Or do anything you take for granted.
Here they come again, time for another scraping.

Another patch where they took my skin.
Just chopped it off; did they think about me?
When they cut us up and then wait for us to die.
Give us exercise in a maze, then pour acid in our eyes.

Oh that smells nice.  It’s a new perfume.
I’m choking, I’m blind; what the Hell are you doing?
Experimenting?  I’m just a little mouse.
They chopped off my tail to make me less immense.

I’m too fat for them, so they starve me in my cage.
There are hundreds of us here; we know we won’t be saved.
We’re just to be used to help the human race.
So goodbye to life and happiness; come burn me once again.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Frankenstein‘s Cyborg.

Heavy Metal Music.

Frankenstein’s Cyborg.

My robo-tic child,
My favor-ite cyborg, yeah.
My robo-tic child,
I’m the reason you were born.

God I thought they’d killed me.

What did you do to me?

If I left, you there,
Where would you be now?  Yeah,
If I’d left, you there,
Tell me where would you be?

If I left, you there,
Where would you be now, yeah,
If I’d left, you there,
Tell me where would you be?

Move like a robot.

Work like a robot.

You’re part man, part machine;
You’re the product of our dreams.
We made you work, we made you live,
We kept the faith, we believed;
We were right, we did succeed,
We fulfilled all our dreams.

My robo-tic child,
My favorite cyborg, yeah.
My robo-tic child,
My Heavy Metal son.

Gonna be a soldier

It doesn’t matter if I get shot, yeah.

I’m gonna live forever.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

Remember what we were taught in school.
Remember morality, not how to look cool.
Remember the past and bring it back.
I want to remember one good love I ever had.

Love is good; adultery is not love.
Love is real; you know how you feel.
Some claim to love, but have never had it.
Love is not something to own; I am not your habit.

Love makes the air cleaner,
And it cannot be copied.
Love is always near,
If you are lucky enough to see cupid.

Love is not the latest trend.
Love is neither the beginning, nor the end.
Love is love and love is your friend.
Remember to love your lover and like your friends.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Friends are there for you.

I am only here to comfort you.
I only came because you needed me to.
So please my friend, do not push me away;
Please my friend, ask me to stay.

I surely could help you, with your pain.
I surely could come and save the day.
If you need me, then here I am;
If you want some peace and quiet, then I understand.

But I shall not leave you, until I see you smile;
With a true feeling, of denial.
Ignore all the pain, that you feel…
Your wounds have now begun to heal.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
From riches to rags

Most human beings are living like ghosts,
Not really knowing what the future holds.
Whilst we wash in the slime,
In our own cardboard homes.

There is a building; that is your home.
Once picture perfect; now in ruins after a cyclone.
Now like those you once looked down upon,
From your self-appointed pedestal;
You too have become what you used to call a ***.

But now you must call them what they are;
A friend, an enemy, a homeless dying drunk,
Sleeping in a burnt out car.
In need of shelter, just as you are;
But the ***** that gave you shelter,
Shows charity starts at home.

For when the streets become your home
And you have lived that way for many years;
You will look at people in their suits
And recall once hearing all the cheers.
Success was such an easy thing to attain,
But compassion for your fellow man has become your new aim.

For when you have lost all your worldly possessions
And you have realized your working life, is simply a profession.
Then maybe you will see clearly, find some sort of consolation;
Once you have regrouped and once more risen.

You have to begin your life, all over again;
But the partner standing by you is in the same situation.
Then three years down the line,
As you sit there upon your throne;
You remember the bad old days have now come and gone.

But you are no longer a snob;
Now you no longer live for your job.
Now you no longer choose to live alone;
You can now open up to a fellow human being and live life as one.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
From the ashes

All my words are bulletproof;
Shout at me and your words I will use.
Everything I took from you,
Left me feeling battered and bruised.

Things are always meaningless,
Unless you take them to your chest.
Then they become more than less;
Letters become sentences.

Power comes from inside your mind;
Thoughts are gold and these thoughts are mine.
I would change the world if I could find the time,
But wishes explode and the remains rise up into the sky.

Lightning never strikes here twice,
So build a home after a lightning strike.
From the air into the ground;
My whole world comes crashing down.

Pick my life up with a dust pan and brush;
I am broken – I am trust.
I could never give a fudge,
To anyone that I didn’t love.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
From the heart

From deep within my heart-shaped hole,
I must tell you what is written on my soul.
So here I go, this is what I know…
Anything is possible; impossible is a ghost.

From inside; out into the world,
Words are fire to catch upon.
Grab a hold of the lightning bolt;
Light up the night like a firework and show them what you hold.

Powerful heart and convictions made from stone;
Do not let go of hope, it is all we have left.
Mindful thoughts cannot be sold;
They are yours and yours alone
And nothing can change the memories that you have,
Way down deep inside the basement of your head.

Darkest truths are softly spoken through love;
Painful thoughts tear our future in two.
I would make things better if I only could,
But I am powerless to protest about the things that you say
And the lies that you do.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Stop the winter; bring back summer.
I was happy once.
Stop the heartbreak; paint a landscape.
Let me fall in love.

I need a kiss from my true love to warm my frozen heart.
Let it go!  Let it go!  That perfect girl is gone…
I am tired of all the snow; I stare into the stars.
On this cold night, I kiss goodbye, to the heat inside my heart.
The leaves are beginning to fall, summer is no more,
Love is left afar.

Staring from the ice tower balcony, all I see is snow.
Arendelle has frozen over; I am left hollow.
Where is my true love?  Have I already met her?
Where is my true love?  I never will forget her.

If only she could be my true love, I would be free at last,
But as I only see my future, no turning back,
I am frozen by my past.
Princes and Princesses belong together,
No matter what the weather.
Sun or rain, snowstorms or thunder;
You have cast a spell so perfectly, that I am forever under.
Rescue me from what I hold inside;
These memories of love, frozen in this heart of ice.

Anna made me laugh…

I want a love that lasts.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Full on

Couldn’t sleep last night,
Got love on my mind.
Want to travel through time,
To the point where you are mine.

I saw you sat there looking so beautiful,
That’s when I decided I want you as my girl.
It’s been a while since my life was so full on,
Now you’ve got me hoping the emptiness is gone.

Believing in miracles again,
Is it time to play?
Fearless to the pain,
This day.

Got my head in your direction
And my heart on my sleeve.
I believe you are perfection,
Do you believe in me?

Will you hold me close,
Or let me go?
Living life in currency of ‘what if’s’ and ‘maybe’s’,
Who knows what the future holds…

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Full time dreamer

You must want for nothing,
To get all you wished for.
You must have lost everything,
To appreciate it all.

For once it has gone,
You see why it was so good.
You begin to see the bad points,
Weren’t as bad as they seemed.

But all that glitters, really isn’t gold,
And many lies have been told,
To ease your suffering and let you live again;
But no lies can erase the memories of the pain.

So wish for amnesia, or for someone to be true.
Wish for a better life, for me and for you.
Wish for a change and it may come.
I simply wish you to be faithful
And I wish I could fall in love.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Sentimental memories;
Dreams of yesterday.
Wishing for a better opportunity,
To somehow change our ways.

This is our life, our time, our day;
Seize it with both hands,
Because today will soon become a by-gone age
And you will not be given a second chance.

I recall the future, because history repeats itself;
We sit on our own hands and we have no soul left to sell.
Forward into the future, your destination is unknown;
Who are we that we could make a difference, when we are all alone?

The present does not exist, because now is always then;
The present has already gone to become the past.
Inside a split second, we are taken into the future once again
And everything we think we had, I guess we never had.

I see your future on fire burning away in front of you,
As the past is constantly fading away.
Who are you to think you can see further than they claim to?
A post-apocalyptic nuclear future;
This is all I can see and I have nothing more to say.

It is coming like a wrecking ball,
Heading straight for your door;
Your future is on its way so you had better face it head on, or…
It will hit you like you are a baseball and knock you out the park;
We are all blind as to what is to come and we are all lost in the dark.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Ghost bike

Another ghost bike, chain around my heart.
Another fallen hero, gone up past the stars.
Another soul, lost in the night.
Another memory begins to fade; gone is this twilight.

Haunted by a voice of angels.
Sorrowful cards, praise the truth.
Strike a fist against a table;
Demand another chance to love them anew.

Banish the pain; remove the scars that this world leaves behind,
When people go to wherever they are.
Speak your words, tell their tale.
All are taken too soon from this Earth of ours;
We all need to find a grail.

Broken street lamps; tires screech.
Understand and continue to speak.
Change the mindset; cracks in the pavements.
When there is nothing left, but regrets,
Will you begin to make amends?

Broken headlights on bumper cars.
We need to reverse the damage we do.
Rebuild the human and give them more care.
So self-aware; so always lacking being there.
Live a life inside your phone
And all you will be left with are bright lights and broken bones.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018
Ghost flight

Speeding light, heading throughout the night.
Trying to find another ghost.
Just a ball of energy shining so bright.
Nobody saw it appear; nobody knows where it goes.

People see it flashing on by,
But as soon as it has vanished from their eyes,
All is darkness and they cannot describe,
The light that flew by like a meteorite.

Lights in the sky bear a striking similarity,
But the two are very different.
One is unknown…the other simply a memory.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Ghost machine

A ghost in the machine is dragging me away from you;
I’m reaching out for a helping hand, but still I fall away.
Deeply I sink into the ghost machine that only love can ever undo.
I have no escape from this reality; I need you to be my saving grace.

I can only be set free from my fate by a thing called love.
The ghost machine is calling me towards its claws.
Iron wheels, turn spikes of steel and I am lost in all ways.
Love is the only chance I have of ever finding my way.
Pull me out of this eternal end of all that is;
Hold my hand and release me from the certainty of me.

All the ghost machine wants to do is turn me into a ghost;
But I am in need of more life.
I am in need of your love now, more than you could possibly know.
Release me from myself; keep my hope alive.

All love can do, is give me the chance to live;
Set me free from the ghost machine.
I cannot let myself slip away into the never;
I have no wish to be lost in the arms of the ghost machine forever.
I want to live and love is my only salvation.
Set me free from the fall;
The end of all…
My timeless love has been stolen.
Turn back the clock.
Help me to find what it is I have lost.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018

Art is more than a three letter word.
It began with the word, art is life.
It has a spirit of its own;
Some think they cannot hear the zeitgeist,
But you do not even have to listen,
To hear the philosophers speaking,
To understand the reason;
To genuflect to all their thinking.

Poetry is more than a six letter word.
It is soulful and meaningful and so full of nerves.
Emotions move mountains,
Fear leads to the darkside.
There is joy and laughter, patience and pride.

The voice of a nation is writing her book;
The world is out there for you,
If only you would look.
Do not hide away from the gifts you are given.
They belong to you; they are from a place of Eden.

All men, women and children
And the billions more who came before,
Have led to this very moment in time…
Take a bow and shine…
Await the applause…

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
Girl Next Door

There’s a girl who lives next door to me;
I see her every day.
She could be a model or a beauty Queen,
But she never looks my way.

She walks up and down the same old street,
With this look upon her face,
That tells me something is not quite right;
But what it is, I just couldn’t say.

All I know is, she is popular,
Because every day she gets into a different car.
Some say she used to be a talented actress,
She came here to become a star.

I wish I could give her the compassion she lacks.
They say all she knows is how to lie on her back;
But I can see in her something so hidden.
A beauty so stunning, it’s my little secret.

They call her a *****; I call her an angel.
They use her all day; her life is in danger.
But still every day she stands on her corner;
No love in her eyes, no love from her mother.
No hope left inside, she’s dead to the world,
As I walk past her again, the girl next door.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018
Girls Names

Hope stands eternal.
Faith is still lost.
Charity helps the needy.
El Liberte counts the cost.

Sophia my darling, you are simply charming;
Whilst Vivienne Westwood, is rather alarming.
Ruby Tuesday; Have you met Wednesday?
*****-Anne’s Mary Jane is of the highest quality.

Victoria Skinny; isn’t she a funny yummy mummy.
Posh?  Oh gosh!  No she’s not.  She’s just interested in money.
Rosie! Oh **** you!  This was brand new!
Now I’ll have to go and get changed thanks to Little Blue.

Pixie, Poppy, Penny and Missy,
Every single one of them a Jane Doe – Missing.
Serial Killer Cathy waits…
For Rachel and her friends, to bring Uma to their graves.

Charlotte is a harlot;
Emmanuelle has blown a pilot.
Suki *****, while Pamela just likes to ****.
Demi is more than beautiful.
Holly is the curse of Christmas.
Go be jolly good Sally-Anne; get drunk and do a striptease.

Betty drives a Ford; insured of course.
While Jade is being a pain in the ******* ****!
Veronica of ****** and Marilyn are snorting coke.
Senorita Angelina knows how to satisfy a bloke.

Dannii, Kylie; Kylie, Dannii.
Whichever way you say it; it still equals ****.
Britney hit me, Christina slapped me
And I’m not telling you what Jennifer Low did.

Amy’s a drunk, she loves to whine.
Courtney’s a punk, like Skin Anansie.
To all the Girls who like to get high…
This is your final line…  It’s simply Divine.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Girl with the black cloud.

Everywhere the lady goes, she steals rainbows.
She seems so sad, because true love she has never known.
This beautiful lady with her own black cloud.
The cloud of doubt that always follows her around.

She has the look of pain, in her continuous rain;
Under her own black cloud, of misery and self-doubt
And I have no doubt, I could help her out,
From underneath that black cloud; if I hadn’t been such a clown.
With my own self-doubt and my own black cloud;
But maybe there could be a way, for us to work something out.

An umbrella to share,
To protect her hair; from her black cloud.
She will let me put my arm around her shoulder
And say…
Now; the rain has stopped
And I’ve removed your black cloud of self-doubt.
So let us step into the sunshine together
And be happy forever.  Let us let our true feelings out.

I was never allowed to take you as mine,
For other people decreed this lie,
To be acceptable and this is not so;
My love you could be, now the liars have been thrown out.
I could never have pictured you as my wife
And put serious thought into you wanting it too.
But now I wish I had never kissed anyone else
And made a beautiful family with you.

My muse of unending passion;
No one has ever made me feel the way you do.
You bring me satisfaction,
Attraction and a lot of distraction.

To my female, my nation, my island of dreams;
I wave my flag gladly, to get your attention.
You don’t understand what the signal means,
Until we speak and at long last embrace each other’s addiction.
This love thing…And once more we touch.

You are truly beautiful,
When you are down on the floor;
With me in the dark, showing each other our love.
We need no eyes to see each other’s heart,
My love for you is spoken in each word of lust.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Give it all you have got

Exist inside a vortex of emotions,
With ramification’s a plenty possibility.
Bargain at all times for love;
Show ability and humility.
Go and read a book on what can be done,
To change the way you see humanity.
If there is no need, then I offer you peace,
For you are on the inside.
There are many thoughtless thinkers without,
The understanding of the meaning of life.

Raise ******* to make a peace sign,
Shake hands or high five.
Fist, palm, caress;
The hand has many uses.
Use your heart to think of the mess,
You leave behind when you cheat love…only love loses.

The human mind is an expanse of wonder;
Find your existence before it is forever lost,
To the soul crushing reality of six feet under.
We only get one chance at true love…
Give it all that you have got.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Give me a reason.

One poem a day; that is my goal.
I must write something each night or day and show you my soul.
My collection of written words will never be whole,
For it is constantly expanding, as I continue to grow old.

I hope I am worthy of doing this well,
For my poetry is my love and I have many stories to tell.
I will speak of fantasy worlds I dream up inside my mind
And speak the truth whenever necessary, to make the words rhyme.

If you like what I write, then give me some encouragement;
If you have apathy to my poetry,
Then seek another to give your mind its nourishment.
If you take offence at something I have written,
Then I apologise.  That is not what I meant,
To do; all I wanted was to show you how I feel,
About that particular subject and now my vessel is spent.

Each poem is unique and should be judged by its own content,
Not compared to another and held up in judgment.
I shall forever write poetry,
For I shall forever seek and gain enlightenment.

I am love, I am fallen,
I am many faces of many men.
I am man, I am woman,
I am myself and many others.
I am right, I am wrong,
I am the son of my mother.
I could end up becoming your lover,
But I shall never proclaim to be anything more than I am; my reader.

You are a part of my life now; you have peered into my mind
And I do hope you have had a nice time reading my lines.
I must find a way of getting my mind and body to conspire;
So I set myself goals to strive for, to keep me inspired.

I motivate myself to continue to write,
By wishing to improve all the time and searching for that next line.
It’s hidden in my mind somewhere,
I just have to find it.
My next goal is to write my thousandth poem
And I have my eye on it.

This will feed me the fuel I need to write another poem
And to each of you I shall continue showing,
How I feel at the moment the poem is created.
My thoughts shall forever evolve,
But my lust for writing shall never be sated.
Only seventy five to go now to reach my next goal.
One poem at a time, I am getting closer to satisfying my ego.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Global Extinction

The fires you start will come back and burn you.
The idiots are in charge and they deny the truth.
Enjoy the sunshine whilst remaining blind to the drought.
We as a species deserve to be dying out, no doubt.

When the waters rise and the lives disappear,
You will turn around and ask to hear,
But it will be too late to make a change.
The end is nigh, if things stay the same.

The sun is nice, until it is not.
The sea’s will rise and the land it will go.
The bats have all died because it is getting too hot.
Welcome to your inferno.

No fossil fuels left for you to dig, you dig?
You will be left on your little island, surrounded by what you did.
Emptying the ground for oil and gas.
The life they have, the life they must have.
The gas has taken the future and all the president can do is laugh.

I guess he knows that money talks.
The silent majority will rise and tear down your new wall.
Protest against the murderers, they **** the planet while I write verse,
To tell a tale of man-kinds fail; the words will never be heard.

Extinction Rebellion;
Our future wails.
No more extinction!  No more contradictions.  
No more self-punctured nails.

Once upon a time a clean air act was written as a promise.
No take backs, set in stone, the lies beat the Hell out of being honest.
The Earth is empty, it’s elementary.  If you eat until it is all gone,
You will get a nice tan from a hundred degree sun.

Speaking like a hurricane, tornado range,
It’s climate change.
The amazon is nearly gone, because Mr. Amazon is number 1.
The Earth is first, humanity thirsts,
I see no saviour fighting for our Earth.

All that remains is a scorched planet.
Just one more degree and we have all had it.
Polar bears drown, forest fires.
When the power ends and the planes are all downed,
We will be climbing the trees to get higher.

The tsunami will set us free,
By wiping out man’s technology.
Welcome to another ice age.
Man will walk alone one day.
The last man on Earth will have his say,
But nobody will ever hear him again.
For too long now we have all stood still,
By driving pollution through our hearts.
We have all become so ill.
This is how the evil starts…

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Am I sad enough to make you feel?
Or am I so sad that I will never heal?
If I can never be happy, then why would you want me?
If I can never heal, then how do I learn to see,
Your open heart?  It forever looks like a fake.
Your loving words only sound like a well written script.
How can we be close, when I am running away?
If I am always broken, how do I become fixed?

I see another you, but no reflection of myself.
I see you happy in love, but with who?  Only time will tell.
I hope you are happy together; I only wish it could have been me.
I hope you find yourself a being that you are happy being with.

In this cold-hearted world, I am miles from a home,
But if my loss allows you to find your happiness…
Then I will happily go.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Go Away

Thanx for the text message, it was that good I deleted it.
Thanx for preaching to me, though I never believed any of it.
Thanx for the memory, but tomorrow it will be forgotten.
Thanx to you I still feel like ****, you evil woman.

It’s only you that makes me feel this way.
It’s only you that causes so much pain,
So tell me please what I have to say,
To make you go away?
Why do you have to stay?
When I just want you to go away.

Because of me you’re hurting again.
Because you know me, you feel my pain.
Because of you these words are so **** hard to say,
But I want you to go away.
I want you to walk away.
Why do you have to stay?
When I want you to go away?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2019
Goblin Face

Let me paint you a picture so you can picture my kiss.
You will never again be anywhere near it.
You no longer exist.  Why am I writing this?
I guess I need you to inspire my hatred.

You are not good enough to know of my love.
Go read a book.  Any ******* book!
You think you think you still know me.
Well let me send you an epiphany.
You are nothing to me.

I’ll see you around like a ghost that haunts me,
But all you will ever be is a distant memory.
The further the better; you never even loved me,
So all I am asking for is a world where you do not exist.

But here you are again on my wish list.
I wish it would die and get out of my life,
But it’s talons are hooked around my eyes.
Wishing to see what I can see.
Well here is some Kodak pity.
It goes away and it never comes back!
Ha, ha, ha ; ha, ha ; ha, ha ; ha, ha.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Gold is your soul

The drive there will be boring.
The arrival so momentous!
The disappointing greeters;
The sights not quite as expected.
The smell at times will be rancid.
The art of it all will be lost.
They will say “Welcome to The City of Romance!”
As you sip your hot coffee, whilst you worry about the cost,
Or getting lost…

…as you take in the views you will realise you have been left behind.
Nobody said anything; you were forgotten, not for the first time.
So you rush off to find the tail at the back of the line
And as you return to the flock, unnoticed by all except one,
You will relax once more and at last notice the sunshine…

…the noise of it all will not be music to your ears.
The occasional cliché will ride by unknown to you,
As you are so deeply engrossed in your list of fears,
Of not being what they expect you to be;
Or not enjoying or appreciating what they did;
Or not feeling what they expect you to feel…
What exactly is it this place is meant to make you feel?

Your heart will sink, as you begrudgingly sip your cold coffee drink
And the clouds will arrive overhead.  Merci!
Others will continue to talk,
As you walk hand in hand with your silence,
Through all the streets
And all the halls
And all the endless corridors,
Until you have nothing left…

…as you pass through the musicians like the spirit of winter,
All the accordion’s and violins will call out “Come back!”
Your soul will only paint a black and white photo,
Of a woman alone, in the cold of the night, street lights shining black.
Smoke rising from her cigarette holder and aging her beauty,
Death is called The Taker.
She smiles as The Joker;
She has become The Wrinkler.
Now her make up is running,
Her lipstick has been smeared,
You are staring into the reflection of a puddle,
With frizzy hair all around you,
Wishing just one person,
Was near.

All you will hear are the tears in their voices,
As they whisper their stories; their stories of love,
From beneath the branches of the boulevard of broken dreams.
All you will hear are the peace breaking shouts and screams
And the sound of old cars as their tires screech.
Real people in a real place with their own busy lives to lead.
This is not the Disneyland you imagined;
This is no place you asked to be.
Lost is the face of the love you hoped to meet.
Where do you find your own Rene?

At long last you arrive at the galleries
And further still will ride the disappointment,
As the Mona does not affect you, as they say “It does!”
But it doesn’t.
You think it is nice.  They will say “It is magnifique!”
You don’t think it is…
And you will continue as they speak only ‘their mind’;
Still never speaking, you casually pass on by
And leave Mona to all the tourists.
You are the only purist.

You will not speak your truth because the truth is not heard.
All they hear are ‘their words’.
‘Their words’, without the feeling;
Just ‘their words’, without the hearing,
Which have all been said a thousand times or more before.
There is no more original…

But then as you sit there alone eating a beget you brought for lunch,
You will at last find some peace and quiet.
Everyone else will have gone away to discover their own loves;
Their pictures within pictures,
Which they will all duplicate;
So trying.
Second rate, after second rate, after second rate,
But wait!…

…you put your food down, eyes glued to the image ahead.
You will rise to your feet, you will squint your eyes,
Just to be sure; just to be questionless.
But you will still be unable to truly see,
So forwards you will go.
Forwards into the unknown;
Carried along on feet of uncertainty.

Only video eyes watching you forget your phone.
It could have been stolen!
But it rests next to the broken bread.
All concerns have evaporated;
Shot away from your apple head,
For you have seen something nobody else has ever seen,
Within the lines of a Rene Magritte painting
And it is yours.

This moment,
This time,
This feeling has left you agog!
Unable to write anything without consequence in an artificial blog.
Unable to use the What’s-app-messenger-application,
For you have become lost in the spirit of the master craftsman
And the muses in your head are all a-dance!
And chants can be heard, so you pick up your chalk.
Go on take a chance!

So with metamorphosis and the possession of your artistic soul,
You create your own master piece…

…as the silent smiles cast their eyes over its beauty,
You simply say its name is,
‘Gold is your soul.’
It is the perfect reminder of that which you wished to know…

Aren’t you glad you went?
Tell me, what did you see?

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Drink myself into oblivion,
Let me be the forgotten son.
The forgotten one;
I will soon be forgotten and gone.

Gone from you, gone from this place;
I want to be gone from this space with no kind of grace.
I want to find out if Heaven is real or just a myth on a piece of paper.
I believe, I don’t believe, I will believe when I meet my maker.

I thought I knew how to belong,
Now all I do is wrong
And all I feel inside is, I want to be gone.

Now we are gone to become the ones,
Who disappeared, like we have become God’s.
Our skeletons shall be the only mark we leave on this planet,
My poetry my only indent on this Earth;
My existence will disappear when the electricity is gone.

Thinking about you shows me how little I knew you.
Who are you?  What did you believe?  What did you do?
Any question answered, it’s all in front of our eyes;
Still we cannot choose which question to ask.  Which question is right?

You may call it intuition, or you may call it a day,
But there is nobody left to call when they have all been sent away.
We live in but a second, we exist for an instant;
We are soon to be gone, so make a good impression.
We are here, then soon enough our time has been spent;
We never accomplish all our goals, before our death sets in.

Now I am gone;
I am higher than the sun.
I walk alongside God;
I am humble before Him/Her and all I want is to not be forgotten.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Gone to the grave

How easy it is now for me to see,
How beautiful you and I could be.
If only you could truly trust in me.

I love you.
I swear it from my beaten, broken heart.
I love you.
If you want me I am yours.

My love I give to you and no-one,
Until you give your body to someone.

I love you my love,
Come back and lay with me in bed.
Close your eyes and forget any pain,
You have felt.  I will wash it away.

I wish I could hold your hand until my dying days.
When you can no longer be saved,
As I have gone to my grave.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018
Goodbye ***** (Reprise)

My sweetest angel, you are all that I need.
The only one to ever truly know me.
The only one to take the time to get inside.
The only one in whom I could confide.

So I'm writing to you to simply tell you
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

You broke my heart, when you kissed me goodbye,
And every time I found out, you'd told me a lie
And every day of my life, that you’re not by my side.
I've no more tears left, because I've cried so many times.

So I'm writing to you to simply tell you,
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

Thinking about you makes me breakdown and cry.
Thinking about those times, you kissed me goodbye.
I can't go on anymore, I wish I could die!
You took my heart and soul, now inside I've died.

So I'm writing to you to simply tell you,
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

I was a kid and you were my girl.
Thought we’d grow up and conquer the world.
Always believed that love conquers all;
Immature feelings between a boy and a girl.

Rushing through the years, never taking the time,
To say the words that I simply couldn't find.
To really make you believe,
That we were worth all the trying
And to simply appreciate,
The beauty in your smile.

So I'm writing to you to simply tell you
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Good luck

Are you happy today?  I hope that you are.
If you are not then I will wish upon a shooting star
And throw your three coins into the fountain.
I wish you good luck
And if you are all out of luck, then I will wish for you to be in.

If you are in need of love, then please have all of mine.
If you are worried about money,
Then I hope you can find a way to put your mind at ease.
I want you to be peaceful and happy
And if you have something you want to find,
Then I am crossing my fingers and hoping you do find all these things;
I hope you do become all that which you want to be.

With this rabbit’s foot, I am sending you my good luck.
Best wishes;
Maybe you will find what you need, if you take another look.
I would give you the world, if I only could.
I have e-mailed you a letter and it is full of love.

I have told them of your story;
I have told them that you are good.
I will continue to tell everybody how much you mean to me,
If there was only enough time and a way that I could,
I would do anything to help you find your way to being happy.

I would make all your dreams come true,
If only I could my friend.
I would do all I could to make you smile at your life,
Because I want you to feel loved,
So to you all my love I will send.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Good Night, Morning Sunshine

Thank you beautiful bird, for singing me a lullaby,
But I must fall to sleep now;
So say nighty, night.

Don’t let the big bugs bite.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Good woman

Looking for a good woman;
Been looking for her my whole life through.
Searching for some good lovin’;
This is my search and it leaves me feeling so blue.

Tryin’ to find her, looking everywhere I go.
I’m just looking for a good woman.
Won’t you give me directions to her, if you know?
I’m just looking at the women as they all pass on by.
Waiting on a good woman.
I’ve been waiting my whole life.

I’ve met the most beautiful roses,
And they all wilted away.
I’ve seen the brightest moonbeams,
And they all faded with the passing days.
I’ve woken up next to Goddesses,
And I’ve slept next to ugly hearts.
I’ve wasted too much time on empty dresses.
I’ve broken pieces of me that can’t be cured with stars.

I’m singing songs of lovin’,
But I’m lonely as a bee.
I’m writing poems about love,
But love is a thing I ain’t ever seen.
I’ve seen a thousand imitators,
And I’ve wined and dined a million fakes.
I’ve listened to other people’s stories;
All the lovers and all those I hate.
I could never believe their souls were good for me,
Because all I have ever known is misery.

Still time to find a good woman, they say.
I’ve still got time on my hands, so I pray.
I’ve been sitting on my hands forever.
I hope opposites truly do attract,
Because I am such a stupid man,
And I am still left here waiting for my love-life to get better.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Grace, can you hear me?
Grace, can you hear me, when I cry?
I tried so hard,
Left my mark on your heart.
I have fallen so far beyond;
What is normal?  What is life?

I just can’t tell you;
I just can’t tell you anymore.
So won’t you tell me, with or without?
Inside or out?
All of my loving words, you say you have never heard before;
You never hear me when I knock on your door.
I need you to see me;
I need you to see me as I fall,
Beyond this world into the abyss of an unanswered call.
Can you see me as I am crawling up this wall?
Can you see me?
How can you hear me, when we don’t talk?

I talk to your ears only.
I whisper to you softly,
I am here; do you still need me?
Do you still see me?
Do you still see me break?
Do you still see me, or am I just another empty face?
A ghost of love,
A hand to touch;
When all is dark inside my life, I want to see you.
I want to see you for what you are;
You are my hopeless love.
A truth so real it leaves me, touched.

I really hear you;
I really need to see you smile,
But you can’t hear me or see me,
Walking away as I leave you behind,
To words of numbers never dialed.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018
Grand theft auto

Key in the ignition, let’s begin.
Foot on the pedal, it’s not stealing,
Just borrowing, for an hour or two.
Doing ninety now, no sign of lights of blue.

Music blaring without a care.
Who said peer pressure isn’t fun?
Each of us daring to go out there;
No fear of crashing because we are young.

Still learning to lose control.
Shackles released; let’s see how fast we can go.
Flew past a ton in the blink of an eye.
Touching the sky in our under the influence minds.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

This place is my wasteland of fear.
There is nothing for me here.
Out there, there is a whole new world to discover.
A whole new land which is at the moment undercover.
Remove the covering, begin discovering,
A whole new home in a place where I believed there was none.
Am I not too far gone?

In here I am polluted by the gaseous air.
Here is where the nothingness grows.
Day by day and night by night I want to be out there,
Instead I am trapped in-between, in limbo.

There is nothing to see when I close my eyes.
I have nothing to say, because all is grey skies.
No artist could make this a place of beauty.
I broke my crown and now I await,
The day of my destiny.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Groan (up)

Age is a shame when it comes to love.
It reaches a point where you just give up,
But the heart’s desire keeps setting on fire,
Every time you meet someone who lifts you higher.

I’m feeling too old to love her or flirt.
She desires another and I am left to hurt.
My heart wants to love whilst she just wants fun.
I wish I could, once more be young.

I want marriage.  She wants to party.
I’ve had enough, while she’s just getting started.
I could be right for her as she is wrong for me.
She is so beautiful.  She is my need.

I have to move on, be gone!  I’m no fun.
A setting sun remembers being young.
My thoughts haven’t changed,
Still wanting the same.
Marriage is the way,
But not today.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Guarded heart

My head is a galaxy of stars that are shaped like hearts,
But they cannot be seen in the dark because of their blinding lights.
There is a sky in my mind, a place I like to find, when I choose to fly,
And today is a day for wings, to sing and for me to say,
I love you.

With the records on and the music playing,
I am thinking of regrets and the words I should be saying.
It may be too late to change the course of history,
But if I ever did get the chance again for you to see,
I would show you that the love I keep deep inside of me is sweet,
And I would say I missed you and my chance of love…
Did you miss me?

For a long time now I have been thinking about you,
But I could never speak those words that only I knew.
I knew I had fallen for you when my parachute opened,
And it pulled me away from the one who would be my chosen.
Yes I would pick you up from the earth if I could,
And I would place you next to me for eternity.

I have been thinking about rings for a very long time,
So when I had the chance to give you my heart,
I was too coco-nuts! (Shy),
To ever say I would like to be with you today,
And all the words were lost upon the zeitgeist
And now that is just another day, when I could not say,
I need you to stay,
Because you make Tuesday the best day.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Guitars in the Night

There is a place I have not been,
I go there each night in all of my dreams.
The fictional world of fantasy.
I think it’s a result of a life that has been lived
And a worldwide vision called the T.V.

I woke up this morning after another dream;
I was late for work in my mind and the panic awoke me.
I looked at the clock it said 45 minutes past three,
So I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

I hum the tune inside my mind,
I can’t see the meaning; it doesn’t mean that I’m blind.
All I can hear are the words with meaning;
Something personal, just for me.

All we want is you by our side;
All we hear are guitars in the night.
All night long I’ve been singing this song;
I don’t know the words, but I sing along.

All I hear are the thoughts I am thinking;
I can pass the time in a blink of the eye.
Now I know what I must say,
To make you understand my mind.

I’ve got my feet firmly on the ground
And my head is in the clouds.
I’m a full time dreamer,
Who is full of self-doubt.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I am already halfway to loving you.
Halfway to the sky, you give me angel wings,
As when I see you I am floating on air.
I’m already halfway to loving you.

Say what you mean, it’s all music to me,
In the words that you speak, I hear poetry.
Forever I am falling deeper into you.
I would go to Timbuktu, if you needed me to.
For you, I would do.

Procrastination will no longer have its arms around me.
Apathy will no longer be my love.
Sadness will no longer allow me to share a house with misery.
You could become my life, as with you, I could be loved.

Love changes everything for me.
This time I hope the result will be different.
Surely it has to be…eventually.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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