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In a perfect world
my heart would find
a love that's pure and true

But simply for now,
one that I like
with lots of lust will do
Written: September 25, 2018

All rights reserved.

if you cant be with the one you love then love the one you're with

There was a time
within me
I wanted to be
an actor
on stage
or a screen
big or small
no matter to me
after all
The exposure is nice
I guess
and all that kind of stuff
but that’s not what drew me to it
Just being an actor
was enough

I enjoy performing
and have a memory
for lines
One of those people
who can quote
a whole movie
It plays in my head
can fast forward
and rewind

But it’s easy to recite
the work of another
One who already
searched within
and discovered
what to emote
the affect
and such
To replay like a puppet
That’s not saying much
Could I nail
the scene
and get the feeling right?
When other actors work with me
maybe they might
get inspired
to the point
they become lost in the scene
We’re reliving
the story
A fantastic team
When the director yells
all applaud and cheer
Tears in the eyes of some
touching memories
they hold near

The performance
The “art”
that’s what matters most
A singer belting out a song
or a comic
at a roast
The thought of it now
gets me giddy
and inspired
but yet
here I sit
In my chair
I am mired

Never took that step
all that fear
My doubts and insecurities
Worry how much others care
That fear
of failure
or that I wouldn’t
“measure up”
A deer frozen
in headlights
I am forever stuck

And as the time continues on
The days, and months and years roll by
Which is the greater loss?
If I failed
or never tried?
Written: August 8, 2018

All rights reserved.
On a moonlit night I ask you to dance
Here take my hand just take a chance
Don’t be shy; Don’t be scared
There is nothing for you to fear
I’ll wrap you in a wild romance
All I ask for is one chance
I’ll guide & lead and show the way
Just follow me; it’s okay
I’m a partner like no other
In no time I’ll be your lover

Dance with me and you’ll forget the rest
Simply put I am the best
Quickly I will take you over
Your defenses you will lower
You’ll say your vows; You’ll say “I do”
Trust me this much will be true
But when the honeymoon does end
That’s when all of it begins
I’ll show you the true side of me
A side before you did not see

I am possessive
I am controlling
It comes on quick
There is no warning
Lose your friends
Lose your family
The power I wield
is uncanny

The music’s changed
The lights have dimmed
A dance of virtue
is now of sin
You try to leave
but I won’t let you go
Your soul is lost
Time’s pace is slow

An empty shell
you will become
No more happy
No more fun
A slave to me
is all you are
I cut your flesh
I leave a scar

A quiet scream
inside you make
And when there’s nothing
left to take
I still take more
I take it all
Because of course
if you recall

You married me
You did your part
You said your vows
Till death we part
Now it’s time
to cash that in
Here you lose
No one wins

All because you took a chance
On a moonlit night when I asked you to dance
Written: 2016

All rights reserved.

You decimate!
Stabbing my core
Now added to
scars from before

Another rip
What’s one more tear?
I do not speak
I'm struck with fear
This is my path
Fate has no choice
I tell myself
With inner voice

She does not hit
There’s no contact
Her weapons, words
A deep impact

With a true strike
Inflicted pain
And damage caused
Sometimes sustained
But very worst
From punch or kick
My body harmed
Can not inflict
The type of wounds
When letters placed
Creating words
My soul disgraced

The fabric stitched
that makes up me
Together holds
my entity

Of essence it
Can penetrate
A wound so deep
That’s it; Checkmate
Forever changing
who I am
So powerful
An altered plan
And bit by bit
it takes away
the strength within
no longer stays
My fading soul
I am no more
I’m just a pet
A "thing" to store

An item
under lock and key
Forever lost
No longer 'me'
Written: June 30, 2018

All rights reserved.
"I just want everyone to leave me alone!"


".....I'm so lonely....."
Written: October 21, 2018

All rights reserved
Am I intense?
Well, I guess that depends
If the message is sent
But to you we're just friends
Has the mood become tense
So that now it must end
In my plan, threw a wrench
All advances suspend

Should not need a defense
Or your feelings defend
Does not work if against
Can't distort, twist or bend
Don't want you on the fence
Later something to mend
Take me out; Ride the bench
Simply followed the trend

A pursuit would be dense
Broken message I'd send
How you felt came and went
Not returning again
Everything said I meant
But I will not pretend
'Cause my love's not for rent
And my heart I don't lend
Written: March 7, 2019

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Tetrameter format]

My mother lied to me today
When I found out I had to say
Oh Mother why’d you tell a lie
and from me this thing try to hide?
With a coy smile she looked at me
and spoke in a voice so softly
My dearest son it is my job
to keep you safe, away from harm
At times that may in fact include
in order to hide or seclude
the things in life you should not see
because you’re simply not ready

You may discover on your own
Much later in life when you're grown
But when you're underneath my wing
Your one concern is just to sing
Life’s worries I will take for you
The stress and hurt I will shield too
Life asks a lot and has its pains
and slowly these things you’ll be trained
But in due time; Have patience son
Life's not a race, no need to run
So take your time; stop and enjoy
One day you will not be a boy

Out in the world; learn on your own
Keep with you all the things I've shown
And piece by piece on each you'll build
For you I wish a life fulfilled
There is still much you need to learn
I shield from you all the concerns
It's somewhat understandable
You might be slightly gullible
Because you're simply not aware
So many things from you I've spared
Allowed you distance as you grew
But always kept an eye on you

I gave you room to let you fly
To stretch your wings; explore the sky
And you may not have seen me there
but I did not just disappear
No matter the heights you could reach
I always had more I could teach
So even though at times it seemed
Untethered and were not a team
Could not be further from the truth
Clark Kent changing in a phone booth
When needed became Superman
If duty called I lent a hand

Free range to fly all on your own
Solve problems with the skills I've shown
A carpenter; I gave the tools
But up to you how you would use
My hope that given in due time
the skills you had would exceed mine
And there you'd fly so high above
As I look up; heart filled with love
Amazing heights I know you'll reach
This life we live is up to each
of us deciding what to do
And I'll always believe in you

And just remember as you fly
Wherever you go or how high;
Into the world I've sent you off
to learn life's lessons as their taught
So when you look you might not see
Think I have gone; Can not find me
But whether up or down below
I just want you to always know
You are my son and I love you
No limit to what you can do
The distance might be further now
But since your birth I kept this vow
That you would be under my wing
To keep you safe and watch you sing

Obviously I meant to have this ready
and present it yesterday but it
just didn't work out that way.

Written: May 10, 2018

All rights reserved.
Always walking that line
Always tempting fate
All these temptations calling me
I attempt to numb pain

Got the temperature rising
Know I can be temperamental
My temper’s ‘bout to unleash
Doing something regretful

A temporary escape
From two to ten on the dial
The temper-tantrum and screams
Like a tempestuous child

Perhaps a temporal shift
Like Anty Em’ on the farm
The tempest carries away
Ship wrecked alone I am gone

My template shows me the way
Temptress I can not escape
Contemptuously I have temperance
Finding tempo ‘til break

A temple shrine I pay tribute
Silently contemplate
Lord please grant me forgiveness
For my wrongs and mistakes
Written - December 25, 2017

All rights reserved.

If you are a demon
then send me to Hell
If you are a witch
then take me with your spell

If you are a drug
Then in my vein inject
If you’re a psychosis
Let my life be wrecked

If choosing to stay
Then a price must be paid
Sign a contract in blood
I'm forever your slave

You're heartless and cold
The Devil, you might be
Yours to torture forever
Just don't ever leave
To the deepest of pits
You just take me and throw
From the world I am absent
So far down below
Other people prefer
To Hell travel than know
But for me I'd give all
Please just don't ever go

Thank you CJ for your poetic comment that inspired me to write this additional epilogue  =^)

Written: June 14, 2018
[epilogue written: April 25, 2019]

All rights reserved.
[Amphibrachic Hexameter format]

Sometimes you have to remove the noise
and listen to the silence

to awaken from the dream
you thought you were living

Written: August 1, 2018

All rights reserved.
Each day is a day like day had before
I don't know if I can take anymore
There's pain in my bones; Weak feeling and sore
I question myself what this life is for

Don't know what's ahead; Don't know what's in store
As happiness hides behind a locked door
The pressure, it builds to find it before
The hourglass now has emptied what's stored

The light from me left; Although I'm not sure
If ever I had a light that was pure
My soul's on death's bed; No hope of a cure
The word's left unsaid; I'll always want more

Waves lapping against the rocky beach shore
Each time takes away; A heavenly chore
Was true of my joy; A tunnel was bored
Inside from my soul true self of me poured

I ******* out myself like a *****
Each day is a lie that I can't afford
I wish I was maimed; Insides had been gored
I can not explain; Knight falls on his sword

But I am no knight; More like one who's poor
Been chewed up, discarded; Fruit with no core
Tried sharing with you; A piece of me tore
But know you disliked; Did nothing but bore

This poem is not new; These words said before
I've whined and cried too like those I deplore
A task left to do; Must settle the score
Each day starts anew; Be happy once more
Written: November 15, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Iambic/Anapestic Mixed Tetrameter format]
Will you be
my valentine?
Oh please, stop your whining
Will you be?
I’d rather see
you later
or perhaps not at all
Have a nice trip
see you next fall
but I’m not falling
not again
Nope I’m all set
I have enough friends
so don’t act friendly
when I know your intentions
It never ends friendly
There’s no time that we can be
civilized enough
to see each other with civil eyes
No matter what we intended
these fences aren’t mended
So pile this wall with rocks
cause you must think I have rocks in my head
or partly brain dead
if I’m to ever, ever, ever
with you
Written: February 13, 2018

All rights reserved.

Be my valentine - not today or anytime soon
The zeros and ones, all the zeros and ones
It is time to dive in to some binary fun
Just the zeros and ones, all the zeros and ones
We're not ready for this
But too late
It's begun...

In this game that we play
There's no way can be won
And no doubt that someday
All mankind is outdone
But "no way" they will say
"Just relax and have fun"
'Cause there's always a way
Not the absolute 'none'

Good luck never can stay
Of the minimum one
An anomaly may
Find a way to outrun
All the safeguards in place
What you spin is now spun
This new enemy faced
Can't be beat with a gun

Giving birth to a race
Artificially one
That's not from outer space
People smart are now dumb
We can't keep up the pace
So we will be outrun
Relegated to slaves
Or perhaps we're just "done"

Nothing more than a waste
Have a purpose that's 'none'
Masses taking up space
Can not hide or outrun
Destined to be erased
Yet somehow we're still stunned
Ending the human race
For A.I. has now won
Written: November 9, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Tetrameter format]
Brain, brain go away
Don't want to listen one more day
Already lonely and afraid
Feel insecure and full of shame

Brain, brain don't act this way
You're always angry; Filled with hate
You know we're joined; Can't separate
Yourself your punching in the face

Brain, brain what can I say
To make it so you see things straight
Don't know how much more I can take
Of constant warring and debate

Brain, brain it's getting late
This journey's not some endless race
Life's flying by and at this pace
Forget a win; Not gonna place

Brain, brain let's medicate
I'll feed you drugs and we'll sedate
The only way to mitigate
Discrepancies we generate

Brain, brain we sadly waste
This outcome feels like it was fate
But never was there a sealed date
Fulfilling what we self-create

Brain, brain so much we faced
Success so close could almost taste
Instead our tail we always chased
We'll die alone sad and disgraced
Written: March 6, 2019

All rights reserved.
[Iambic Tetrameter format]

                         B   R   A   I   N

             ­                                shake
                                                      this    ­        
                                                        ­   feeling
                                                       ­    That  
                                                      ­       the      
                                                     Infected sickness
                                                Covered with dull pain
                                         A rabid                          werewolf
                         ­             I’m trying                             to tame
                                     Almost off                              the leash
                                    I tug at                                    the reigns
                                    Hold              on  ­       with       sheer will
                                    Have          nothing   ­    to                 gain
                           ­        My                       efforts;                  A joke
                                   Fighting               a freight                   train
                                    Through              gr­it teeth             I smile
                                      Demeanor             ­                       I feign
                                          Failure          ­    coming            soon
                                      ­       My life,         one more        stain

                                             ­                    Lost
                                                          ­         sight
                                                                ­      of
                                                                ­      it
                                                                ­        all
                                                   ­               To
                                                            ­ it
       ­                                            Spinning in
                                       the drain
           ­                             Forever
                           ­  Of

            No                   longer                    I’m                   sane………

Written: May 1, 2018 (finished June 27, 2018)

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Pentameter format]

Why do I continue to hold the flame

When so many times it has burned me
Written: February 2, 2021

All rights reserved.
Shots fired
I’m wired
Not feeling
I’m tired
and mired
through mud
Not hired
it's dire
I'm a liar
Yes Sire!
the decider
new fryer
get higher

Buy more
shy more
Look away
die more
alive for?
Life’s *****
once poor
on tour
strive toward
hole bored
cut cord
get gored
massive horde
fall on sword

I sighed
been eyed
crashing waves
rising tides
try to run
can not hide
take away
splitting sides
using drugs
as my guide
I flied
got denied
covered eyes
never tried

state of fear
always weird
no peers
endless tiers
getting seared
without shears
blocking ears
won’t hear
King Lear
nothing's clear
or near
words smeared
wheels steered
changing gears
many years

Been spared
live scared
Death stared
no one cares
taste the hair
and share
partly rare
double dared
always wear
sitting in
electric chair
eyes glare
heart tears
as predicted
soul's bare
Written: June 7, 2018

All rights reserved.

standing naked can not hide baring my soul
A needed look
of happiness
A smile upon my face
But way deep down
a hole
Let no one go
behind the gates

A changing shape
A life
that’s fake
The effort needed
I will make
A cake
I bake
Like shedding skin
I’ve been replaced

So 'cut-n-paste'
but life don't taste
My past
aren't steps
that I retrace
Each day
a race
Response; quick haste
Hide deep inside
Alone disgraced

A fall from grace
A gracious thought
Was never true
was bought
A jagged pace
Should be erased
One big mistake
How I
was taught

Repeating loop
Forever caught
An ending saved
For me
it's naught
My life I’ll waste
Won't have
what's sought
The things
I got
Did not embrace

Peered over shoulders
into space
Life long mistake
Dug my own grave
My hopes and dreams
I gave
or trade
All washed away
The price I pay

A birthing brightness
Road was paved
What love
I had
Chose not
to stay
None in return
and none
was saved
A dying star
begins to fade
Written: August 26, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Iambic Octameter format]
There will always be change
That much is the same
Yet it's not the change
But the chains
That mire me

I admired
She knew
It was nothing new
Us two
In this game
The one that we played
Where the rules displayed
That the game
Was not spoken
Or displayed

A cat and mouse chase
Set at tortoise's pace
Torture gladly I take
While I patiently wait
Possibility's sake
Of a move I might make
And forever in Check
Just one move from Checkmate

Written: May 28, 2020

All rights reserved.
Never whole
since in this hole
I fell
A bottomless well
and since time started here
(when all of time stopped)
this spell
I’m under
makes me not well

The company
I’m in
a grin
One who spins
A tale to weave
of make believe
These items to sell
Story he tells

My brain
set on fire
from his grinning
The maniacal laughter
and madness
I’m tired
I’m mired
Situation is dire

Without choice
he is hired
All thoughts are rewired
Has risen to “Sire”
This liar and thief
Plays *****
and cheats
I’m beat
can not win
Left to stare at that grin
Written: May 28, 2019

All rights reserved.
They say ignorance is bliss
But I prefer chocolate
February 21, 2018

All rights reserved.

ignorance bliss chocolate delight true love

I feel it coming on again...

The weight comes first
My concrete cloak
Slowly draped upon me
by the gentle hands of another

The skill of a pick pocket
but it gives
instead of taking

Like the oncoming of
A cold or flu
You feel its presence
but deny it
with all your will

Believing that
maybe by somehow
refusing to acknowledge
its existence

will inhibit its power
and the ability to exist

But no matter
how much I turn away
and forever swim
in my eternal lake
of denial

No matter
the compartments I create
with walls

Oh so high!
Or the tomb carved
deep within the soil
A myriad of twists and turns
creating a maze of dungeons

where it's
boxed up
sealed tight
and forever buried away
with the

Ark of the Covenant

There is no denying it
There is no escaping it

there is only
refusal to admit it
and the refusal to accept it

A game I play
at times
Testing the limits
and true measure

of my
mental stability

"Don't ask questions
You don't want answers to"

and thus
my lips are sealed shut
my eyes closed
and my fingers plug my ears

And it's Here

inside my head

the empty void

and a limitless universe...


I choose to stay

and where to live

Or maybe I've been here all along
Not how I feel at the moment thankfully
But an all too familiar experience

Written: May 1, 2018

All rights reserved.

depression drapes upon me clouding my head and my world

I live in a world filled with empty lies and broken promises.
People projecting a facade like cheap veneer.
And here I am, a living contrarian following popular beliefs.
A paradoxical quagmire lost in the fog
while also grabbing my hand and leading me forth with guidance

Wanting what I can't have
And having what I don't want

I am a living contradiction

Often feeling like I am a real life theatrical performance
The true meaning of comedy and tragedy
But is it all real or just the show inside my head?

Written: May 3, 2018

All rights reserved

contrarian lost in the fog is it real or dream

Do you believe in fairy tales?
In sappy sugar coated dreams?
Do you live a life of illusion
where nothing is as it seems?
What fun it must be
to dance among ginger bread houses
Hand-in-hand up the hill
Best of friends and as spouses
Where the food is just right
and your bed feels like air
In straw and wood houses
and life’s always fair

In this perfect Utopia
you reside in your home
A warm place that’s inviting
and you’re never alone
Nostalgic memories
of Grandma’s house pondering
or trips through the forest
No set plan, just out wandering
Amazing fortuitous scenarios
A piece of clothing forgotten
Somehow equals true love
And of course it’s Prince Charming
Or perhaps it’s the one
where all it took was a kiss
And changed back from a toad
What an amazing wish

A fool you must think I am
to believe such nonsense
But I could dive head first into the pool
and still be frightened and tense
See, I think you’ll agree
Even in Never Never Land
Exists horrible threats
Things not always going as planned

Humpty might have his dance
but he still fell off the wall
Everyone tried
Even King’s Horses they called
A shattered egg he remained
of scattered tiny pieces
The contradictions carry on
seemingly it never ceases
For the town stopped coming
Even when cries of “wolf” became real
“What big eyes and teeth!” you said
As he ate you for a meal
Still he wasn’t done
His revenge he finally took
With a bellowing blast of air
Those house of pigs’ shook
Hay gave away first
floating along like tumbleweeds
Then wood framing exploded and splintered
Stabbing shards making pigs bleed

Next an anonymous tip
on the crime stoppers hot line
And the bear police showed up
Arresting Goldilocks just in time
A recent spree of break-ins
had the neighborhood rattled
Her accomplice, the Wolf
but she ditched him so he tattled
Spotted Hansel and Gretel
on their stroll in the woods
So he called the Old Witch
Knew she’d take care of them for good
Then he climbed up on the hill
There he sat patiently waiting
When Jack and Jill came up the hill
confirmed the brother and sister were dating
Saw them kiss and it grossed him out
So upset he nearly lost his lunch
With two swift kicks they fell down the hill
Their bones he heard crack and crunch

You can sell the Brooklyn Bridge
but I’m not the one who’s gonna buy it
Karma doesn’t always pay it’s due
Sometimes it’s good-guys who get bit
Fairy tales are for infant minds
Only those so young believe
Must be innocent and pure
Somewhat gullible and naive
Those long in the tooth
Perhaps like you and as is me
Life’s made us jaded and aloof
Shut off possibility
Dreamers appear to us as silly
and not set in time and place
But they are the ones whose minds are open
Challenges are easier for them to face
For when we close up our minds
and that part of us begins to shut down
It kills inspiration and creativity
Our thoughts are rigid; Our mind is bound
Life is full of awe and wonder
Not always fitting perfectly into a box
But the best thoughts come outside of it
Be a thinker; Shed those locks

Written: March 19, 2018

All rights reserved.
I sit alone in the dark
Will you turn on the light
Will you burn oh so bright
So I learn to feel right?

Overcome by the fright
Now my chest's feeling tight
I scream into the night
What is wrong and what's right?

From the shadow's, a glow
Hear a voice I don't know
My own fairytale show?
Nope, it's just an echo (echo) (echo)
Written: October 11, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Dimeter format]

My life is filled with endless apologies

Sincere and heartfelt promises that are shallow and empty

It's not a conscious thought
The words aren't spoken with known deceit or intentional mal-intent
But somewhere in my brain, buried in my subconscious, I know...
A self-sabotaging automated programming constantly running
And regardless of my cognitive actions or conscious thoughts, desires and intentions
My automated programming will find a way to inevitably run its code, follow its routines and execute its prime directive

And that's not a cop out
They're still my actions
Conscious or subconscious
Actions resulting from subconscious "thought" are those I'm too ignorant to see or too weak to change in that moment

I don't know what's worse
The subconscious lies and heaps of horse fertilizer, day in and day out, I shove down the throats of those who cross my path
Or the incessant feed of regurgitated words, phrases, thoughts, ideas and worst of all.... hopes.... that is being forced through my digestive track only to be excreted by my body and re-absorbed by my central nervous system


The worst trick of all

And it always works. Without fail
Because it psychologically and emotionally preys on everything I want to be
The Hope that THIS TIME I'll get it right
All those things inside of me
All of my
This time it won't be wasted
This time I'll come through. You can count on me!
I promise!
This time I'll be on time
This time I won't be late!
This time I'll meet expectations
This time I'll EXCEED expectations!
This time I won't let people down
This time I won't....
                                    ..... let



The saddest and ultimate cruelty of lies
Created by the Devil to prey on the weak and gullible
If Hell is living your worst day over and over again for eternity;
Then repeating the same detrimental behaviors over and over again for life, sustained in this perpetual motion by something so simple and harmless looking as "Hope" must fall at the Devil's hands

A wolf in sheep's clothing sprinkled in fairy dust
The worst of thoughts and beliefs are kept alive by Hope
Hope is a disease; a psychological virus
A damaged idea spreading from person to person, hijacking their system, and infecting their thoughts
For Hope is not a singular idea, isolated in seclusion, yet ultimately wrapped up and packaged out with other ideas
No, Hope is the vehicle that all thoughts that follow must ride in and by which be delivered
It is the Uber for ideas that follow
And like an unscrupulous and unpitying Uber driver,
Hope takes your brain to a secluded spot against its will and does as it so pleases
But unlike survivors of such horrific events
I, like a wide eyed doe in the headlights
I continuously expose myself to the exact same scenarios
over again

But not to worry

Hope will lose its magic
And the void created will be filled



And worst of all,


Denial is Hope's evil twin

The not so secret malicious trickster who, even though wears his emotions somewhat more clearly, is still capable of a lifetime of successful pranks

But unlike Hope, Denial doesn't always reveal his trick if the tricked has yet to become aware of the ruse
Instead, Denial will let them build
Stack upon stack
A colossal suspension bridge built and supported on Denial
And when I, with blind faith, cross that bridge
Putting everything and anything on the line, without question
That's when Denial delivers its reckoning
And in one all encompassing swoop it swallows me whole and any resemblance of "life" with it

Hope and Denial
My Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
and Me, a tiny island
Flanked on either side by the endless majesty of each
And like this planet,
I too,
Am a sphere spinning
A tiny island against the enormities of the the deep blue
A shipwrecked survivor
Floating on the driftwood of my subconscious
Left to the will of my environment
A helpless passenger on this ship of life
Constantly spinning between Hope and Denial
Some days calm and serene
Others, tormented by storms
Monster waves,
Flashes of lightning,
Ear shattering crackling explosions of thunder
And howling winds so fierce they must be the breath of God

And regardless of what scenario lays before me,
I'm left repeatedly with the same "choice" and same action

Enveloped with fear,
Hanging on for dear life,
Like a helpless and horrified child.....

On the verge of soiling my pants
Written: May 28, 2018

All rights reserved.

I can not control the actions of others
I can only control me
A lifelong task to do my part
Choosing the
Emanate from in my core
The vibe that others get
A feeling that is positive

Tuned frequency that’s set

Harmonic tone in the chorus
The Universe’s choir
Be kind for just the sake of it
With nothing more desired
No expectations preconceived
Mindset on others placed
The smallest task; the largest deed
Can quickly be erased

If when complete there’s no return
Signaled acknowledgment
So you rebuke with scoff or scowl
Good deed out window went
If something’s the right thing to do
Then do it just because
You know it’s right and should be done

A life fulfilled you’ve won
Written: April 17, 2018 (started) & June 16, 2018 (finished)

All rights reserved.

Even the coldest of hearts can burn.

Written: April 28, 2018

All rights reserved.
I let the words pour out of me
Like slicing open a vein
Blood letting, to rid me of the disease
In repetitive disdain I’m dissed again
What a lewd thought to think it would let me go

Still, a flailing hope
A grasp of desperation
as my essence drains from the inner highways of my heart
A hope that it may heal the hurt
That maybe somehow the delivering and uttering
of pen and paper will relieve me
Please, just a little relief from the agony within
A cathartic reverence that will send me into a seizure
For a life that’s seized is my daily torment
A ravage beast who tore through men
and me just a boy
A white rabbit for the slaughter

And with Dr. Lecter psychotic patience
You did not devour me quick
Took your time
A new toy
Minutes turned into hours
your playful taunt and tease
To the unknowing
A provocative game entrenched in innocence and desire
I know, to juxtapose the two is almost paradoxical
Only a dark spirit, a shadow wraith, an entity of the night
can deliver such torture and delight

A delicious tour makes me quiver
both with fear and excitement
Fire and ice
Drops of hot wax while bathing in ice cubes
You bath me with your love
You burn me with your spice
When I wince or flinch
I see upon your face
With satisfaction a smile appears
Grinning broadly from ear to ear

Wrapped around your finger
as if there ever was a doubt
Eons gone and warped through space
my mind you warp
my thoughts you erase
Like a hunting trophy hung to dry the flesh
Both arms and legs are bound up tight
There I’m hung, served up for you upon a dish

Blood cut off, feels like atrophy in my tissue
I am your servant offering no service
A visceral charge within me
The rushing thrill of fear
I see the blood in your eyes
the fangs in your teeth
but I do not cower away
Lunging towards you for relief
A parasite inside my brain
Narrow sighted
and choosing sides
Forever by your side
Do it now!
I want to feel your fangs sinking deep into me
and drain me of my life force
Taking every drop I have to give

Offered up, I am your nectar
Dancing the line between life and death
A euphoric Hell
wrapped up in your spell
Enslaved to you for eternity
Inserted into the ignition you turned the key
the motor roars
with thunderous sounds
Screams and cackles like wild animals
Deafening shrills
and the most unnatural of notes
until a resounding silence

The storm has passed
but the clouds still remain
The ominous is drifting about
uncertainty with such certainty
A certification given
with a two-ton weight
****** upon my chest
from where you ripped my heart
and now on your pain I live
An accepted compromise

Like an oscillating frequency
or a voyager forever caught between two storms
This is the fate I choose
I will endure the pain and abuse
A tribute to you my love
to show how much I care
Infinite reassurance I must fulfill
but upon fulfilling the role of assurance
No insurance needed
A guarantee
I am splayed out and crucified for you
and our delightful game we play again

My reward; your gifts
A ward to you
at beckoning call
My beacon
My lighthouse
The world had turned black
Living each day in horror
Pulled me from that abyss
only to throw me back in from time to time
but I bide my time
for the time in between
when I’m in between you
The taste of your kiss
A Utopian bliss
You retract
take it away
Like a fiend needing a fix
In agony I miss
No limit
Tear me limb from limb
Rip me apart and make me die in agony!
No price is too great
would pay anything
Give up Kingdoms
for this
Written: February 20, 2018

All rights reserved.

I'm re-releasing this. It was written a while ago and at some point I took it down (I honestly don't know why). I like it and thought I would share. Hopefully you enjoy it.
For so long I have loved you and
This much I know is true
But now I find
For the first time
I fell IN-love with you
Written: October 30, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Limerick in:
Iambic Tetrameter format]

Let’s talk about my intuition
Talk about a brain that swells
I saw it coming to fruition
Easily for you I fell

Suspicions were a friend to you
Made me your toy; I would not tell
My nightmares and my dreams came true
Sequestered in your prison cell

Do all the ***** things you do
You’re Heaven and my private Hell
Just say one thing when I come to
And no more hear the ringing bells

Those words, please tell me, “I love you”
With earnestness, to me you sell
I don’t care if it isn’t true
You are my fix and I’m not well

So “dose” me up; I need to sooth
And fill this lost and empty shell
Drunk on your love; You are my *****
The cost of this I do not dwell

A choice I made yet did not choose
You instantly had cast your spell
Too blind; I did not see the ruse
An easy ‘mark’, no need to sell

Tried for a stew but made a soup
The drifted parts will never gel
No question, for sure I’ve been duped
I clearly hear the banging knell

Forever stuck within this loop
A never-ending carousel
You took my soul with one fell swoop
I said ‘hello’, you said ‘farewell’
Written: January 7, 2019 (started) / January 24, 2019 (finished)

All rights reserved.
[Iambic tetrameter format]
My eyes I wish I could remove
And change them with another
Yes, it's true
That they are blue
Just like those of my mother
Not how they look
The reason why
I wish they would unscrew
If I did wear
A different pair
Perhaps a different view

Oh, please dear friend
Just briefly lend
If not two then just one
It's all I need
To plant a seed
"Before" can be undone
The way you see
How you view me
Wish for me same was true
But my eyes frown
As they look down
Don't see things like you do

I try to flee
But can't outrun myself
My destiny
Forever weak
Success put on a shelf
If just a peak
A passing streak
Please give me something new
Ask for one scene
Where I could gleen
An image that is true

A sparkling sheen
But in between
The lines I start to skew
Awake or dream
Not what they seem
Instead a nightmare drew
Why can't I find
Place in my mind
A honed in frequency
To feel sublime
Like all is fine
Replace my cup of tea

If for one day
Saw things your way
Beliefs maybe could change
Instead I lay
In bed I've made
Forget eyes, need new brain
Written: August 2, 2019

All rights reserved.
[Iambic Heptameter - "Fourteener" in Common Meter format]
Deferred thought my mind speaks
but unable to reach
Since, lacking proper fuel
words are no more than tools
Idly on the shelf
All alone by themselves
Whether each has the skill
Makes no difference still
Needs a user to wield
The brain must be unsealed
Else it's nothing but noise
And will only annoy
To communicate one
Has to pay attention
And your message think through
It is important to

Listen right back
Without barbs or attacks
Open-mind speaking freely
Add diplomacy
Must employ use of tact
Support statements with fact
Do not rush; take your time
Critical? Then be kind
Not a must to agree
Can't force someone to see
Each of us has his thoughts
Throughout life we are taught
There are social patterns
Easily to discern
So, wherever you fall
Do not build up a wall

Keeping out you will win
As you lock yourself in
Rigid form without flex
New ideas will perplex
Ignorance and denial
Grow into a pile
On island alone
Statue made of stone
In your mind you’re entombed
Happy life is now ruined
Feeling always against
With a paranoid sense
A refusal to see
An unwavering tree
But a tree can still bow
Give and take it will show

Rigid thoughts become firm
Close your mind; will not learn
Placing all of the weight
Just for you; here to take
And must always support
Forcibly will contort
Having flex we adjust
This in life is a must
Something we can not do
Like to uncook a stew
Won't exist very long
People just not that strong
Or should they try to be
A journey incomplete
Happiness lies within
On these words please don’t spin

A sole island you're not
Harmony should be sought
Infinite universe
You can’t always be first
Finding balance in life
Like to see without sight
Each of us wants respect
But to give is to get
Listen up before talking
Use foot and start walking
Will find in due time
Not to bother or mind
People are free to think
From each other we drink
How we grow and evolve
Complex problems we’ll solve

Not a perfect system
But we gather wisdom
Always strive to improve
It’s the best we can do
To communicate we
Open our minds to see
And try to understand
Flawed and kindred humans
Written: June 12, 2018

All rights reserved

Constantly in a race, I run to you...

but like the horizon

You are forever out of reach
Written: August 14, 2018

All rights reserved.

one day I'll catch my unicorn if only in a dream
In this game we call life
All the actions we take
Doesn't matter compared to
Impressions we make
Siloutte, the reflection
Lasts after the date
Like a scent in the air
That is ever so faint

Water marks on the floor
Finger tips with spray paint
Or a warm summer breeze
In that moment feel great
A mark left on a cushion
Or lively debate
Color outside the lines
In good fashion, be late

With a frown upside down
Bring a smile to their face
And when life's full of pain
Reaching out to erase
Needing only an ear
To support and embrace
A foundation together
Creating a base

Don't look back; time is now
Not a second to waste
There's no need to ask how
Take a step; set the pace
Form an infinite "Wow!"
Life before is replaced
Through adversity plow
The God's nectar you'll taste
Written: August 9, 2019

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Hexameter format]

The most damaging and deceitful lies

are the ones we tell ourselves

Written: April 20, 2019

All rights reserved.
The battle has not just begun
Been raging on for years
A constant war since I was young
They'd suddenly appear
From hiding; Demons I would run
But always felt them near
Alive and tortured for their fun
Branding, my flesh would sear
Taking no more; That time is done
Rise up and shed my fear
The war for my life I have won
Sobbing but 'happy tears'
Written: August 17, 2018

All rights reserved.

happiness and love so deep it hurts shedding happy tears

Must have a goal
Go get that thing
What if I want
To stop and sing

Retreat inside
Wait out the storm

Else feel the wrath
Of nature scorned

Instead a kid
I wish to be
To feel alive
And so carefree

Each drip, each drop
Upon my head
Wish I could splash
In rain instead

I'd watch the sky
Explode with light
A warming joy
Not filled with fright

When did I lose
Sight of it all
Pattern I fall

Start living in
Every moment
Past and future
Wasted and spent

Granted a new
Chance I'm given
Can not redo
But start living

Each day awake
Fresh start; Can be

World's my oyster
Alive and free
Written: July 14, 2018

All rights reserved.
It's amazing
there are times
we're able to get
and very upset
With someone
we care for
that we love so much
Protect them
and shelter
so no one could touch
Do not let hurt or pain
think of touching her veins
'Cause those times
are now gone
and forever have changed

And yet,
here we stand
us both acting like this
We are trapped in a story
with chapters I missed
These pains in my brain
aren't from words you have spit
I'm confused;
I'm insane
or some dumb ****** up ****
Our love is so strong
There's no way it could break
We'll get through ups and downs
All that's thrown
we could take
Totally unprepared
for a ninja attack
That one spy snuck inside
Did it behind our backs
Parasitic invasion
Dug into our brains
Paranoia, delusion
took over the reigns

No communicating
No more talking either
Instead, playing games
As if that would be easier
When able to see
the error in our ways
The path already set
Seeming too hard to change
The Titanic proportions
Coursed for tragedy
Listen to the band play
That's how it had to be

A defensive stance taken
yet also aggressive
All doors been replaced with
high walls
We're left guessing
What each other wants
As if we took the time
'Cause your thoughts
were on you
And my thoughts
only mine
Much time since we flew
Now a submarine diving
Deep down I love you
And for now we're surviving

Turn a leaf that is new
Other side
a blank slate
I know what not to do
It's argue or debate
From now on I will listen
to you when you speak
Truly see your position
Is something not weak
Love is so many things
Caring, trust, and respect
Offer you all of these
Give to you
Hope to get
I will meet you half-way
There'll be times
I give more
Not a competition
So, no need
to keep score
To compete in this game
(for lack of better word)
If one 'wins'
nothing's gained
Outcome is
quite absurd
So together; a 'team'
Both of us
The same side
Make reality dreams
All it takes
is to try

I am back to my senses
A moment to think
There's the cost
and "expenses"
Not careful,
Could sink
It takes effort and work;
Can't just coast and slide by
Lawn needs water to grow
Otherwise, it will die
Tend your lawn
Plant the seeds
that will set hearty roots
And beget fortitude
Not stand off and aloof
If you have love that's real
Sacrifice still be made
But don't let anger steal
True love's worth being saved
Written: November 24, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic tetrameter format]
Love is not the beating of one's heart

but the single beat of two hearts
beating as one...
Written: December 27, 2020

All rights reserved.
There is love in this world
I’m quite sure it exists
But each day all I see
Is the venom we spit
Not a fact that is true
During times face to face
Blatantly not displayed
When we share the same space

It’s much different — the world
Pictured on my TV
So much hatred and anger
We’re fed constantly
This not done by mistake
It’s a view-point that’s skewed
Days are lost and forgotten
Of unbiased news

In a way it’s an outcome
That’s obvious though
After all, they're a business
Competing to grow
Their conglomerate masks
— To confuse purposely —
Help conceal the ubiquitous
Corporate I.D.

But before I begin
To get into all that
How 'bout where currently
Social media's at
Dude, the polarization
Is out of control
People talk but don't listen
So, how can they grow?

There are those type of people
Who always complain
Constant ranting on Facebook
“The world's gone insane”
Sharply pointing their fingers
At others to blame
With a mind that's closed off
Never willing to change

Thus, myopically they
Venture out in the world
Base reality skewed
Thoughts of others — “absurd”
In their brains, nothing new
As they follow the herd
Those who think like they do
Are the ones that get heard

Constant posting of thoughts
But their goal not to find
What is factually true
Or to open their minds
Seeking others with whom
Rhetoric they opine
All who share the same view;
Somehow thinking that's fine

A time not long ago
When engaged socially
Often effort was made
As a slight courtesy
Certain topics you stayed
Far away from to keep
Things polite and in no way
Profane or obscene

Like religion or money
Such topics, taboo
Politics — the trifecta –
One should avoid too
In mixed company
Talk of such things would be rude
Due to strong held beliefs
In a cinch; start a feud

But today we’re ‘connected’
And openly share
Every thought in great detail
We do without care
Not a second is taken
To stop and just think
Acting on every impulse
‘The Kool-Aid’, we drink

Taking sides; choosing teams
Mindset — “Them versus us”
If you think like I do
Then, you’re someone I trust
Else, you’re ‘foe’ — ‘opposition’
I spit at and cuss
You become less than human
And here lies the crux

You may have an opinion
Or strong held belief
About various topics
Obscure or decreed
But when faced with somebody
Who doesn't agree
Do you take time to listen
Or just wait to speak?

You’re entitled to feel
And to think like you do
These same rights must extend;
Other people get too
Disagreeing is fine
Might not share the same view
But each other respect
It’s a simple virtue

Just because I have thoughts
Not aligning with yours
Doesn’t give you permission
To pull out a sword
A belief is by nature
What’s held in our core
Each is free to believe
This, endowed when we’re born

And with this I must add
Aggregating a thought
You think “different” is bad
When in truth, it is not
There’s a reason ‘vanilla’
Is used as cliché  
“Variety’s the spice of life”
— As they say

All our differences truly
What makes humans great
Shared opinions discussed
And put up for debate
But like cooking a meal;
Serving many who ate
Perhaps some don’t enjoy
Yet, for many “It’s great!”

So, kick back and relax
There is no need to stress
What you feel and conclude
May not be like the rest
But alone or in pack
Your thoughts make up what’s YOU
Suppositions, impressions
And your points of view

If you have strong beliefs
Publicly that you share
Doing so with conviction
There’s no need to fear
Realize opposition
Must also prepare
We can argue; debate
Just please, “Handle with care”

Therefore, I’ll respect you
I ask please, respect me
After all, we’re all people
Our thoughts should be free
We can think how we want
Basic truth — we decree
It’s a right shared by all
Like the air that we breathe
Written: August 26, 2020 (started) - February 11, 2021 (finished)

All rights reserved.

[Anapestic Tetrameter format]
If something dramatic should happen to me
And by ill chance my time is now through
How would anyone here at Hello Poetry
Be informed; They would not have a clue

No delusions of grandeur or somehow believe
It would matter to more than a few
But I know that for me there are many I read
And look forward to anything new

If I checked and I see nothing new on their feed
Would be curious what happened to
Know that they hopefully are okay; Possibly
Just got busy like most of us do

Understand, doesn't change in the slightest degree
Could not help in some way; I'm no fool
But don't like to be left in a dark mystery
Take a test but results kept from you

Throughout life there are things in and out we will weave
Separate paths, we walk in our own shoes
Some are mandated, others though we choose to seek
Course was set when the winds of change blew

So no judgments are passed if to write poetry
No more time or you feel you outgrew
Only ask if you could, a small note when you leave
People here maybe care about you

May seem weird in some way or just hard to believe
Someone you never met; Barely knew
You have touched them somehow deep emotionally
Planted seeds are developing roots

There are people who care because they're human beings
And love for each other just proves
They have souls full of goodness and deep empathy
Treat each other how we're supposed to

It together creates a strong society
That's a caring and closely knit group
In this place we express and are totally free
Without fear or the pained ridicule

So sincerest of 'thanks' I deliver to thee
Can't express my complete gratitude
Evey bit of your kindness and commentary
A bright light from your heart shining through

All of you are so special and fully unique
Every message is honest and true
Reaching into your souls; Tear it off as you speak
Is commendably full of virtue

Do not let your voice silence but if you do leave
And decide that you must say 'adieu'
I cherished our time; Whether was long or brief
It was special 'cause shared it with you
Written: February 6, 2019

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Tetrameter/Trimeter format]
Humans acting inhumane
purposely maim
For some higher purpose
serving no purpose
that requires them to purposely
commit these atrocities?


Kids and young adults
mostly dolts
not understanding
Looking to belong
it doesn’t add up
Won’t be long
until they’re not left standing
left underneath the heel
of a consuming lunatic
A blackened heart
no time will heal

Served up as another meal
Just an added wheel
One more cog
Doing for “God”
the most ungodliest of acts
Acting pious
but I’m not buying
Won’t get by us

Get left in the dust
They may be resolute
in this crusade they carry
but cruelty served among the blade
may have worked in the past
But that time has come and past
and like a book past due
so is the rue
that will be served upon you

Tuck those napkins into your shirts
because your time is short
And if there is a God
I’m sure you’ll meet him
and have to answer,
along with those of kindred spirit,
to next of kin
of those who are now spirits
The lives you took

Can’t take any more
Everyday many more
My eyes can’t believe
the ugliness and cruelty they see
So I turn away
I do not look
Don’t want to know
because ignorance is truly bliss
But is it?

Is it bliss for those
who’ll be sacrificed
so some nut job just might
go to an afterlife
with many wives
Are you kidding me?!

Take a hike
go fly a kite
because that’s about where
your ideas and ideals
(to use the term loosely)
come from

I’m in a fit
just thinking of it
This poem is long, I know
but I can not fit onto this page
the total rage
I hold in me for those
who can’t uphold
the simplest of human values
which is the value of human life

Where does one go wrong
in the head
to not see the wrong
no, instead
thinking okay
to take away
the precious breaths
we take each day??

Just go away
If you must ****
please start with yourself
Offer yourself up
to whatever it is that you are dreaming about
But leave others to be as they be
for they do not believe
what you believe

And don’t tell me that it’s not okay
to not think the way
that you think
Why, what’s the harm?
If you hold strength in your values
and beliefs
That whatever you’re chasing
is unwavering
Then how can I,
little ol’ me,
just standing here being me
How is that somehow an attack
on what you believe?

Just leave
You be you
and I’ll be me

It doesn’t matter what’s between
There’s no need to intervene
Bye bye
Take a hike

I promise not to judge you
even if my beliefs
are comparatively opposite
how it is the things you see

There's only one rule
You fool
As foolish as you are
Yes, a wound that heals
still leaves a scar
But you can't fool me
Nor will I be
Numb to the severity
Of the sickness that you teach

And sickness is the word
To describe the absurd
Of the nonsense that you heard
and accepted as true
because you have no values
Well, maybe to you
You feel you do
But these directives you choose
Need to simmer your stew
They're old; nothing new
Heard it before
On humanity, a sore
Faulty programming taught
For it can not be bought
Don't sell at the store
Not interesting; it's a bore

Young children know well
Yes we guide but don't sell
In each of us it's innate
Most choose love over hate
As a spectator you'd find
The majority of time
Even if no one is watching
People's actions are kind
Without being beaten
Because people want to be treated
With dignity and respect
What you give is what you'll get

So don't act like you've been chosen
That ******* you're holding
Its noxious scent fills the air
Through my nostrils it tears
But a fresh breeze
has rolled in
Brings with it the Golden
Rule; the same one
The simplest of tools
One of the first things
Taught to us in grade school
A basic design
Yet also eloquent
I think for most people
it's something inherent
The way that you wish
How others would treat you
Apply them to yourself
Make those actions what you do
And if all of us follow
Treating each other this way
The storm clouds would abate
Nothing left but brighter days
Written: February 22, 2018

All rights reserved
I'm tired
Of fake rainbows and fools gold
Of the best of intentions with little to no action
Of giant smiles through biting teeth

I'm tired
Of caring too much and not caring enough
Of either feeling helpless or hopeless
Of running myself in circles while not doing a thing

I'm tired
Of all the warning signs being there but no one seeing a need to warn
Of innocence lost and hope forgotten
Of lotteries with no winners, just losers

I'm tired
Of those with blame being held blameless
Of all the finger pointing but never introspective
Of an endless need to consider everyone's feelings while simultaneously no one cares

I'm tired
Of dishonesty from those in positions of power
Of distrustful actions from those we're expected to trust
Of money buying impunity

I'm tired
Of being too lazy to have patience
Of being part of the problem and not part of the solution
Of trying to deal with my paranoia when someone's clearly out to get me

I'm tired
Of endless waves of pity but never an open heart
Of technology connecting us yet making us less connected
Of the traditional definition of 'face-to-face time' replaced with things like Facebook or FaceTime

I'm tired
Of togetherness only after we've been divided
Of lives of youths spent by a misspent youth
Of tragedy happening without warning with clear warning signs

I'm tired

Of no one being able to agree and that's the only thing agreed upon
Written: February 16, 2018

All rights reserved.

They say misery loves company

But maybe if I had some company

I wouldn't be so miserable

Written: October 28, 2019

All rights reserved.
My appetite's insatiable
I never seem to get my fill
Each time we're done, can't wait until
The next time I'll be tasting you

Don't know if this talk makes you ill
My heart I share; my guts I spill
One thing's for sure, these words are real
I speak the truth; my lips aren't sealed

The animal can strike at will
He's restless; hungry; won't sit still
When urges rise and overfill
Alarm is sounding; not a drill

Not looking for some base cheap thrill
Connection that will give me chills
Struck through my heart: nothing but quills
Drown in your love; mutating gills

Accept the cost; please send the bill
Without you, lost; you are my pill
Like coming frost; destroy and ****
All reason tossed; both ways have nil
Written: October 31, 2019

All rights reserved.
[Iambic Tetrameter Format]

Topsy- turvy upside down
I wear my smile as a frown
An introvert I shy away
but extrovert’s what I display
Out in the world I am on stage
to hide the fact I am afraid
Anxiety is creeping in
but must fight back; It can not win

Often in life what you expect
The opposite is what you get
A spectacle I will create
The food for sharks and I’m the bait
Gregarious is what they see
as I draw all their eyes on me
In center ring with a spotlight
The playful clown who’s filled with fright
For sacrifice I am the sheep
Look strong and brave; Inside I weep

The irony in all of this
Is how deep down the thing I miss
I want so much it makes me ache
Sent to the brink; I can not take
Such loneliness and agony
A caring touch is what I need
To hold someone and feel them close
Not memories of past haunting ghosts
A partner I can trust and share
Equal respect and loving care
Connection of mind and body
And pleasure from their company

Raw instincts and ****** desires
Have their place but soon get tired
Companion who will laugh with me
Life’s silliness and comedy
Travel the world and go nowhere
Responsible without a care
A will that’s stern but not too much
Must also have a tender touch
All of me I wish to share
A worthy mate I love and care

Instead I sit alone in thought
Did not pursue the things I sought
No actions taken, change or risk
Potential not pursued and missed
A civil war I wage inside
I ebb and flow like changing tides
My life is one big paradox
Possess the keys but chain and lock
myself in one big twisted maze
and set all hope of joy ablaze

I’m at the helm; I steer the ship
Aim for the iceberg’s peeking tip
A massive wreck sent to the bottom
Deep abyss I can’t get out of
Locked by fate and where I’ll be
I self-fulfill my destiny
Nothing to no one
All alone
A loser; This is set in stone
Rigid belief inside my mind
So in retreat I run and hide
It's calm and warm in my safe place
Tell myself lies; Don’t want to face

The sad, sad world myself put in
A game of life I’ll never win
This poem is my only escape
I'm on the verge about to break
The pain I feel; The tears I hide
Put up my walls; Keep it inside
Committed to this life’s performance
Play your part or they'll suspect
Each tick, each tock; The days go by
And pass in waste; Yet question why
I travel through both time and space
Merely a blip and then erased
A grain of sand on endless beach
With outstretched arms I grasp and reach
A last attempt of sad despair
But life moves on and no one cares

Written: April 8, 2018

All Rights Reserved

sadness loneliness fear anxiety depression failure loser nothing
There is no more happiness
Only the pain
Exist without meaning
I'm trapped in my brain

Each day brings a struggle
I don't want to meet
A white flag; I surrender
Accept my defeat
Written: October 7, 2018

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Tetrameter format]
I'd say I 'miss you'
But can that possibly
convey the true
of how I feel
each day?

I say 'no way'
A torment
is laid
A sacrifice
that must be made
This road before
I've paved
but this time
with new waves

No longer the waves
of goodbye
Yes, it's true
before we tried
Tears were cried
A mountain climbed
But alas,
it was not time
The bells hath not chimed

What is due
is due in due time
And good times
are what await
While I sit here and wait
Though my wait is over
For no more
will I second guess
I know who's best
Forget the rest
It is you I will hold
against my chest

A treasure chest
but not filled
with cliche jewels
and like items
No, instead
filled with what is
truly priceless
What money can't buy us
What each of us
is searching for
Longing for
Like a knock upon the door
or a child wanting more
Not prepared
for what's in store
Like one who's out
begging and poor

For so long
on the 'other' side
But not this time
for that time
has ended
and in the end
all wrong is now right
because I have you
right by my side

No longer that fear
that I kept inside
Wanting to run
Go away and just hide
But no matter
how much I try
(which I admit isn't much)
I can not hide
what I have inside
for you
Yes, it's true
A love that is true
Complete in its virtue
An everlasting truth
So cozy and cute
Like an old couple
smushed together
in our favorite coffee booth

But no toll
at this booth
More like
a 'kissing' booth
A carnival fair
Cotton candy
in the air
Along with the
and ever-lasting aroma
of love
that together
we share
Sit or stand
and into each other's
eyes we stare

To others
may not seem fair
But we're too love struck
to care
Our hearts
with each other share
A caring so deep
That a trench
in the sea
still couldn't possibly
in any way effectively
convey what we see
What we feel
What's inside you
and inside me
How we
just 'BELIEVE'
I feel it
Don't you?
I know you do
You feel it too
We've known for so long
What we now know is true

So, here at the end
our story begins
An epic journey
of sadness, heartache and loss
But the price must be paid
And in full payment we made
Day after day
But the cycle we break
Having cost us the cost

All that sh*t we just tossed
No more carrying of weight
Mark your calendars
This date
Because the waiting
is gone
I can finally see straight
Warm inside
Feeling great
And with one foot
First step I take
As we take the plunge
I would dive off of the Sun
or forever I'd run
Do all that must be done
You are now
and always have been
my number one
Never a contest
to be won
It was yours from day one
And will be forever
till time is done

I love you.
Written: November 23, 2018

All rights reserved.
I'm a frightened little boy who's scared, lost, and confused
Wanting desperately to feel protected from
Nightmares haunting when awake; Unable to stop the abuse
Wish my savior would descend down from above

Mommy please why won't you save me; Anything you want I'll do
Fiercely needing, almost bleeding, to be loved
Didn't mean to misbehave and promise I'll be better too
Daddy please don't scream, get mad and start to shove

"Good times" merely cover up; Create a shadow for the truth
******* stories lull the mind, becoming numb
Ticking time bomb, no surprise when like a powder keg you blew
Striking blows just like a boxer with no gloves

Planted problems rising up are stemming from and grow into
Epic beanstalks much like Jack thought he wished of
Same result from fabled tale except there is no golden goose
Just the giant who refuses to give up

Trembling fear I have inside can't overcome; I lack the tools
Chains me down; These shackles I'm forever cuffed
In a war against myself where it is destined that I loose
Broke and battered, insides shattered into dust

Banished from the realm of life to Fortress of my Solitude
Daily robot the appearances keep up
A magician misdirecting and forever hide from you
All the pain and shame within me that I clutch

Needed partner, what I'm lacking; Information is not news
Someone that I could be close to is enough
Life is empty, without feeling; Like a poet with no muse
Left here rotting; Man of Steel has turned to rust
Written: February 12, 2018

All rights reserved.
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