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Ylzm 1d
I close my eyes, and sleep, my rest earned
The day's done, let tomorrow itself worry
If my eyes yet open, lest filled with songs
I lay still, and let the day itself worry
Thus I rise soul renewed spirit uplifted
Before dawn, at noon, the next day, or never
You travel time and space
Show me your lovin' face
I hear your voice - breathe you in
Then you disappear again

Sometimes you shout and wake me up
Its cruel and sends me into shock
I rise to show I truly care
Acknowledge always you are there

Dream Talker or Heart Stalker
What do you want from me?
If you can not hang around
Then let my soul be free!

You really love my playful moon
That spirits us across my room
We dance and I hope we never stop
Till I hear Goodbye Love - I'm Off!

I often wonder will there be a day
You walk into my life
Instead of playing our mind games
Throughout the night!

Dream Talker or Heart Stalker
What do you want from me?
If you can not hang around
Then let my soul be free!

(c) Debra Lea Ryan
The first write up of a Poem inspired by what transpired in deep sleep! Ha!  Funny hey when centred this piece it looks like a shoe print. I will leave the rest up to the readers imagination.
Man May 2023
Civility for civilty's sake
Do you laugh to feel,
Work to wake?
Is there a person there real?
Or, are you too fake?
neth jones Apr 2023
wake up pup
eager those linkers
blink your blinkers
unsink from sleep
and stretch
for a four year old human child
Ken Pepiton Oct 2022
If otherwise we were, we might,
if otherwise we were, we might

answer boldly all the common conundrums
whying one way and ifing another,
howing all things,

indoing each as must be done, otherwise,
undoing first cause ifing any reason
authorizes our use of may, as well
we may, if we can make believe.
Good morning subperson, that
street cat's slow closed eyes otherwise said.
Eve Jul 2022
I'm so tired of crying myself to sleep,
I hope that one day, after my debts to this world have been paid,
I do not wake.

Lance Oct 2021
As darkness takes hold
Light falters in its wake
Gasping for air
Choking, Unable to breathe

I awake
In the coldest of sweat
Wishing Better dreams

But I realized
Each time I wake
I am still asleep

To wake up
Lately, I have found myself waking up in cold sweat. Like my sleep predominates with nightmares. Always wishing for the sweetest of dreams and yet never having one
nick armbrister Sep 2021
over 18 adult content

Things That Wake Me Up
I sleep in my bed and get woken up by different things
But not all at once they get me one at a time
There’s the earthquake shaking the bed side to side
The need to take a **** when all I want is sleep
Bowel movements rumble griping me to get up
Time to go to work to do my slave job
A big ******* my urge to **** **** **** her now!
Rise and shine Nick it’s time to hike the hill
Smell of lovely bacon cooking ruins my sleep
No sleep as all keeps me awake so I find her
Zombies breaking down my door rouse me
Aliens abducting me thru the roof ***** me
All this and more wakes me up now now now
All I want is to get some ****** sleep!
You’ll sleep when you’re dead lad…
Broken Pieces Sep 2021
We dance in the dark,
                                    Watching the lovely sun rise.
                                    A wonderful time to leave our mark,
                                    We love and don't deal with any lies.

Our love is pure and made to fly,
My eyes focused on you I want nothing else,
It's nice to finally not wanna cry,
I don't worry about focusing on myself.

                                                    You start to fade and I wonder why,
                                                    Please don't leave me I need your smile.
                                                   What can I do what do I need to try?
                                                   We loved too long for you to leave for awhile.

                                   I start to cry I start to shake,
                                   Because I realized it was all a dream.
                                   I don't want to but I awake,
                                  Turns out not everything it what it seems.
Melody Mann Sep 2021
His memories echo in yesterday's silence,
An abyss of agony singing in her wake,
Forgotten symphonies.
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