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Aug 2014 · 276
Jul 2014 · 988
Kagami Jul 2014
And suddenly I was weightless,
Barely a cloud
Near the ground, obstructing the
Paths that my eyes wander down.
Simply a stream of consciousness,
Demonstrated by demons
And the flames flavoured
Like chocolate and ghost peppers.
Burning blisters on the insides of
My teeth, spreading through my bones
As a parasite would slither
Down my throat.
And I wanted to be purified.
I have no clue, but I haven't written in a while, so.
Jul 2014 · 981
Kagami Jul 2014
It was cold. And  quick.
Not the moment my heart was torn, but
The second it was put back together, so quickly.
So happily.
So lovingly.
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Gold Heart
Kagami Jul 2014
I carry a bright love in my pocket,
On a chain around my neck,
In my own heart
Because love is intertwined.
Jul 2014 · 456
Well, Now I Know
Jul 2014 · 794
Kagami Jul 2014
Be your own hope.
And find the one that makes it stronger.
Be your own love.
And find the one that makes it romantic.
Be your own light.
And find the one that makes it brighter.
Be your own inspiration.
And find the one that makes it into art.
Be your own determination.
And find the one that makes it happen.

Be your own fight.
And be your own victory.
Jul 2014 · 502
Kagami Jul 2014
Have you talked about me?
Have people asked?
How is everyone?
I feel too awkward to
Say anything.
Are we really friends?
Or just acting like it?
Am I bothersome to you?
Do you want me to forget?
Do you really care?
Are you disappointed in me?
Are you worried?
I feel like I can't like
Your statuses that i find amusing.
What do people say?

No one saw it coming but me.
I've gotten the same question over and over
But I don't really know the answer.
But I do at the same time.
Because he stopped loving me.
* How? When?*
I don't know...
How long did you go without telling me?
Jul 2014 · 2.6k
Please Stop
Kagami Jul 2014
I am not a worthless *****.
Stop treating me like one.

I am not an unsuccessful, lazy person.
Stop treating me like one.

I am not a snotty *****.
Stop treating me like one.

I am not a stupid know-it-all.
Stop treating me like one.
Just let me die already. im sick of everything.
Jun 2014 · 451
Im Okay
Kagami Jun 2014
Quicker than I thought, but
I feel fine. Ready to move on.
I knew I was holding on, and realizing
That has made me able to think.
Cheesy movies and music has helped,
But writing has been better.
And one person has been there
So much within the past few months
That I know I am well cared for.
And now it will be time for me to be
A recorded message, waiting for the time
To say goodbye to the past and
Hello to a new life and great memories that
Caused experience and a new friend.

Thank you for your time.
I had fun and hope that we
Both can benefit. Its over and done,
But we can start over as something new.
And maybe e can laugh together again as
Something simpler than what we were.
I love you as a friend now. I've learned that.
Kagami Jun 2014
Sadness follows me like a lost puppy,
Looming and pattering at my feel like rain.
Whining like a smoke detector
When a child makes a mistake.
I inspire depression.
An earthquake.
I step in fairy-like
Movements, trying to be quiet
Like a woman should be.
Destruction ripples in my wake.
I am a bulldozer crashing a funeral,
Demolishing the memories we mourn.
Its all my fault, isn't it? I'm in that stage now, when i blame myself. I hope that this blows over, but right now, I feel lost. I hope you check in on me. It helps me to stop myself from hurting myself again because I made that promise over and over. Losing you completely might drive me over the edge again, as if you just froze time.
Jun 2014 · 333
Kagami Jun 2014
Somehow, I knew.
I knew it couldn't last from the beginning
And I thought about ending it myself
Countless times. I convinced myself I was paranoid.
A long time ago, I felt the light fade and i tried to bring it back.
"Can we try to be innocent again,
Like we were at first?"
That's when I knew you were losing it.

I tried to hold it together.
Change myself in the smallest of ways.

I felt the light fade from you a long time ago.
I could see the fakeness in the way you looked at me.
You distanced yourself.
And i could tell that your "I love you"s had
An entirely different meaning from mine.

What were the lies and when did they happen?
How long did you feel how you felt?
Why did you imagine with me and
Dream of our life together when you couldn't see it like I could
And it scared you?
When did you lie to me?

None of it adds up, and I don't know if I want it to.
We are friends, now, no matter what,
But I wish I could have realized
What had to be done.
Maybe it would have been easier then.

I made a fool of myself, letting you come inside like that.
I trusted you when you said "forever."
And Then I noticed a pattern.
After every mission, every religious retreat,
You changed. Acted differently.
As if I was simply a sin.
And you wondered why i hated organized religion, believing what
Told you about God.
And I knew that changed the way you thought about me,
Just a little at a time.
And again, I convinced myself otherwise,
Because I tried for you.
I did not fight for you.
If I fought for what we had, it would not have been worth it,
Fighting is too much.
If I had to fight, it would have
Meant that i never truly loved you. That i had
To try to love you instead of feeling it.

Did you really fight?
Did you lie to me about everything?
Did you have to change to make me happy?
Was all of it for nothing?
Jun 2014 · 410
You Know...
Kagami Jun 2014
I hate break up poems.
Theyre sad and depressing, but most poetry is.
Its a reflection of emotion and
Influenced by bad experiences and negative energy.

But, I guess, this is a break up poem.
I knew it, and I will move on.
For now, though, I am sad.
I am disappointed.
I am numb.
And I am trying to find something to
Help me up after I've fallen this hard.

I've never written a break up poem.

This is a first for me, just like you were.
Jun 2014 · 212
Kagami Jun 2014
All day I could

My heart breaking,
shattered and
torn away

Every ******* time I looked at you.

Now I know why.
Worst ******* birthday ever...
Jun 2014 · 348
And Now Its All Over
Kagami Jun 2014
Just as I feared. The exact thing I have expected and dreaded from the beginning. Countless love poems, even recent ones. They have not been a waste. But I did trust you to tell me the truth when you stopped loving me and wanted to end it. I have been confused and hurt by many things. This is one of the most difficult, not because of what I lost, but because I knew it was coming and did not brace myself for it. I've never felt more alone and more supported in my life.

I need a break from you for a while. I will give your things back to a friend to deliver. Please do not contact me.
This is the last time I say I love you.
Jun 2014 · 520
For Once
Kagami Jun 2014
Maybe, for once, I want someone to tell me that they wont leave me alone.
Maybe, for once, I want a truthful response to my worries instead of a lie or silence.
Maybe, for once, I would like a bit of sense in a confusing circumstance.
Maybe, for once, I don't want to be treating like the helpless weakling that people believe me to be because suicide is on my mind at all times. I may be miserable, but I am not giving up, no matter what ******* people throw at me.
Maybe, for once, I want to be a ******* human being, not a glass figurine with diamond tears.
Jun 2014 · 506
Kagami Jun 2014
Something bad is going to happen.
The only thing on my mind (because I cant help it):
Remember your promise.
Jun 2014 · 2.4k
What Was I Expecting?
Kagami Jun 2014
"Hey, sweets! How was your trip?"
"Hey, love :) Hope you had a good time!"
or even
"Hey, I missed you."


You forgot.

Hours after you get home, I sit waiting,
Not knowing when you would get home.

I was home at two yesterday.
I had service at eleven.
I left the cabin at nine in the morning
A six hour car ride
Wondering if you missed me, because I sure as hell missed you.

And I get a "hi."
Probably over reacting. Still hurts.
Kagami Jun 2014
Lately, I haven't been sure.
Jun 2014 · 1.3k
After Everything
Kagami Jun 2014
In the woods, I stood and ran.
Watched and blinked, watched again and everything
I ran through every twisted maze of vines and stones
Protruding from the ground and the air around me,
As if I was in a dream.

I thought back to everything:
The first night, the first awkward hug, the first nervous kiss.
The way we moved and touched, the times we got lost in
Conversations or arguments, the times I refused to dance
And the times when you refused to tell me
What was bothering you.
I remembered the unspeakables and the times when we played
Like innocent children in an adult way.

I remembered every detail, every thing you had ever said to me
Like it was carved into stone.

And I began to miss you.

I looked through a clearing of wildflowers
And I imagined a cabin, just big enough for the two of us and our children.
the little ones running free by the waterfalls and through the wildflowers
While I sit and write on the porch, your head in my lap.

So quiet. So serene.

I dreamed of nights when the children are away at their grandparents'
and we had the house to ourselves, dimly lit,
And the faint sound of screaming to the guitars and drums it matches.
We are still the same as we are now, but responsible,

It was because of those fantasies that I realized how much
I loved you. How much I do love you and always will.
Even though it doesn't seem like it,
I love the way you look at me. I love when you tell me I'm beautiful.
I love when you hug me when I am upset,
But infuriates me that I can not stay angry at you.
I love the shimmer in your eyes when you sit and stare,
And the way your pupils dilate when you come closer to me.
I love how rough you are because you know I wont break,
And I adore how gentle you can be.

And as I was reading today, I realized
Why you appeal to me as much as you do.
You are not the type that most girls look for, though you should be.
You appeal to me because of everything I love about you,
And everything I love about you makes you
The living, breathing version of the man in my books.

You are the hero that saved me,
cracked open the shell over my soul and poured out the remnants of
The whole smile I once had.
You made something of it.
You made something of me when I thought I'd have nothing left.

After everything I have seen and experienced with you by my side,
I still have so much to learn.
I have so much to discover, And most of that is
Trying to realize how far my love for you will go.

After everything, this still feels like new.
The innocence and the questions. It's no mystery,
But it is foreign enough to be my home,
The place where I am supposed to be.
It's all of the little things.
Jun 2014 · 5.7k
What is Truth?
Kagami Jun 2014
Every lie, every single one, is in some way a truth.
Every truth, every single one, is in some way a lie.

Think about it.
Jun 2014 · 483
Kagami Jun 2014
The power of the word,
Or maybe the power we give it.

A forever-long walk along the beach,
Watching as the sun rises into the windows
Of a small house on the edge.
One push of the wind and it will plummet;
An endless distance lays below.
Kagami May 2014
In every drawing, every sketch, every line made with a pencil.
There are pictures hidden.
An emotion left behind.
An imprint.

Every **** at my screen forms a letter, making up the words you are reading now.
And every tap of my fingernail is some sort of song I have in my head.

Everything has a meaning. Even if you don't know it.
A math equation: 17t =.5+14(t+.25)
17 means something to someone. An anniversary.
.25: A quarter. Maybe dinner for a homeless man.

Everything has meaning.

I drew a tree on my page. And that symbolizes the ways I've grown.
Ways I've changed, matured.
And also the beauty and grace of just simply
Standing tall.

Every seam on my dress was designed by someone.
I am wearing an idea.
And that idea could've been someone's pride and joy.
The career they dreamed of and finally achieved.

You never know.

Every stroke of chalk, oil, paint, is an emotion.
I would stab a canvas with a pencil lead thin brush
And it would make a star.
So simple, so beautiful, but what if my head, my heart, my body, was trembling with anger.
Or fear.
Or sadness.
A white rose is beautiful, you'd give it to your lover.
But did you know it symbolizes death?
It's peaceful nature and delicate scent, it's bright light, it's bright color.

It makes me cry every time.
Because somehow, when whoever created that symbol or came up with the idea,
They wanted to die. And they most likely did.
So then, why do people wear black at funerals?

The color is the opposite of death. If you count the white rose.
It symbolizes rebirth.

Living in the hearts of those who actually showed up to mourn you.
While others might have skipped because its just too sad or,
Maybe, they're happy. And they wore yellow that day instead.

Read between the lines. Between the creases.
Between the fingers of someone I used to know,
There were scars.

Who looked at the side of someone's finger?
No one. They were hidden.

She was hurt, but she wore pink.
And her scars were pink as well.
New, like a baby's skin. And what if it was? If it was a baby's skin,
Her way of rebirthing herself into the world and find her new soul,
Her new knowledge?

Read between the lines.
Because she had them in her toes, too."
May 2014 · 1.2k
Another Rainy Day
Kagami May 2014
With rain brings thunder and life, the numbness
That I search for. With rain comes
A warmth that I crave, but never surround myself with.
The safety among fingers tangled in mine and
Whispers of entrancing promises, yet
I stay alone and silent; I am unable,
Incapable, unwanted.

I write with an empty heart and an empty mind,
Void of images that inspire.
I lose myself more in a bottomless well;
I just wanted some water.
I can no longer climb, and I don't think I am coming back.
Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.  Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.
I am drowning in myself.
May 2014 · 366
There's Love in Their Eyes
Kagami May 2014
In the minds of others, I want us to be viewed as
A starstruck love, a famous and widely dreamed of
Fantasy. The softness of our kisses will echo in their eyes
And they will think, "there is love in that kiss.
There is love in their eyes and in their bodies.
They share the love in their minds and arms."
The fire in our eyes will be an old one,
Strong and mature. The smiles we exchange
Will contain memories that few recognize.
I want to be seen as the luckiest girl in the world,
Because I am. The universe will hear my whisper
When I tell you I love you, and there will be a silent
Cheer for us alone. A whistle from me
And a tear of joy.
I want there to be love in our eyes,
And pain in our hearts.
I want us to be stronger and learn from eachother.
I want to be us  *forever.
May 2014 · 1.0k
Kagami May 2014
This is what I will become.
I will be a forgotten soul,
Just a withered girl, dumb
And without any control.

No way to ever see the truth
And an absolutely brainwashed
Society. Leaking lies, her mouth
Wanting desperately to crash.

The windows to her soul
Are shut and locked,
Afraid after the raid and the ****
Of her happiness.
She has lost all control,
Her mental gun cocked
And loaded, mouth agape
And careless about the future mess.

Fear instilled in ones heart can never be defeated, only conquered.
Kagami May 2014
Maybe the wind is telling stories.
I don't know the language, yet
I know what to find.

A treasure that needs to be uncovered
Or a lost city in the clouds.
Somewhere the strife of life will not reach me.
Or maybe a handwritten story,
Telling of how the world turned cold and ignorant,
Singed at the edges by fire before the wind took it away.

Everything changes when love turns evil, doesn't it?
The eyes change and a perverted hate takes their place.
Ink may be a cure, but lies are a bandaid.

Pain comes if its uncovered, so why fix it?
Just run from it, if you cut it's head off, two will grow back, anyway.
No clue
May 2014 · 738
The Smallest Words
Kagami May 2014
So few, yet so many.
I'm hungry.
I'm depressed.
I'm sorry.

And yet everything has lost meaning.
Everyone says these things like they don't matter,
And there are others that say them, looking for
Someone to notice the seriousness.

I am depressed- I hate myself. I hate my life. Everything is my fault. I want to die. I have tried to die. I want to try again, but the only thing stopping me is a promise.
I am hungry- I'm trying to eat regularly, but I do not want to. I feel okay, but I don't feel pretty. I feel lime I need to punish myself. I am lost and confused.
I'm sorry- I'm a *****. No matter what you do, you can not save me or help me. I am sick. I am a ****,only been with one man, not anymore, but I still feel the regret and shame we share. I feel guilt from things I've never done. And I do t know how to stop it.
May 2014 · 528
Dear diary,
Kagami May 2014
Science class is boring. People are loud. I'm hungry. I'm tired. I'm depressed. My numbers have not been good when I rate my emotions at therapy. My mom overreacts to everything and does not listen to my side of the story like always. She acted like it was my fault that I got half credit on a late group assignment. Technical difficulties deleted everything and we turned it in a month late after redoing it. Half credit was generous.
I haven't been able to talk to Sage much recently... I miss him. He is right there and I hug and kiss him daily, but I miss him. I almost had time on Tuesday, but my mom took that away. I feel alone. I've thought recently that I'm ugly. I don't feel good about myself. I promised not to try again or hurt myself, so I found another way... I haven't eaten well recently, meaning I won't eat for a while and then I will binge on junk food... It makes my stomach hurt, but I don't care.
Anyway, I almost had time, and my mom said yes at first, but then I told her that school was good and she asked about the project. Then she said no. I was trying to explain. I may have raised my voice a little, but then she started screaming at me not to yell. I wasn't. Cell phones have microphones. And mine is broken, so it just made it worse. Everything piled up at once and I started to cry. He left before my mom got there and I just sat and cried. A police woman came just to ask if I was okay. I told her I was fine, just a lot of stress and my mom pulled up. I got in the car and she instantly badgered me about why I was talking to the police and when I told her why, she to,d me I was throwing a temper tantrum like a three year old. I told her I wasn't and then her catch phrase came out. I swear, she says it to me every day. "You're full of ****, Kaydee."
I wasn't having a good week to begin with, my numbers were bad all week. Since I only go to treatment once a week now, I keep track of my own numbers until I get back. I seriously contemplated trying again or harming again, but I didn't. I was proud, and thankful that I have at least five people to support me, my family not included. They go back and forth. Everything I do is wrong, I'm full of ****, I'm a liar, and then they love me and only care about helping me.
Do they even understand how difficult this is? We're they ever sent into treatment? Are they living my life with my teachers and my views and disorders? My parents have depression and have attempted, but they still don't get it. If they did, they wouldn't be doing this.

I just want to be let go. I was doing fine until this started. Therapy made it worse. I harmed after I went into therapy. I was pain-sober before then.

My therapy place called me again today. I don't know why they called me and not my mom, but whatever. I don't even care. Normally music helps with things like this but I'm shying away from my normal taste... I've been listening to more Death Cab For Cutie and Regina Spektor. All is well, though. Just softer than the screaming and explicit lyrics I'm used to. More meaningful and poetic, I think.

Well, I think I'll be done. Writing this helped, but I am still on the verge of tears. I need to be done.

   Sincerely, Kagami.
Ps. Yellow, for me at least is not a happy color.
May 2014 · 321
The Maker
Kagami May 2014
Ribs and shaky fingers are not
A definition of beautiful.
A tear streaked face and a constant
Soreness in my voice are not cute.

I want to feel beautiful again.
I want to feel wanted again.

Every passing moment,
I feel less acknowledged.
Less looked at.

I've raided my mind for every answer to my questions:
Do you look at me like I'm beautiful?
Do you notice the little things?
Respect the small scars that I don't remember?
Do you realize how hard I fight for you and how close
I've come to trying again?
Do you ever cry for me? Pray for me?
Do you ever look at me just for the fun of it?
And notice every detail in my back while I'm not looking?

I want to feel needed again.
I want to know that I am wanted and not discarded.
That I am not a useless thing and a waste of air.
I just want to feel your eyes on me and feel the gentleness of your hands.

Do you ever shake out of fear for me?
Do you ever realize that I am in pain before I do?
D you realize that every time someone asks if I'm okay,
Even if I am, I start to cry because
There is always something to think about?
Do you ever think about how lonely and worthless I feel when I have no one there with me?
Do you ever worry about when I fall asleep, maybe I'm dreaming about my own death?
Do you ever get scared when I lock myself in my room and refuse to speak?
Do you ever wonder what it's like to be as jealous as I am?
Or wonder what it's like to be in my shoes with people talking behind my back and insulting me?
Sometimes physically pushing me?

I just want to feel loved again.
I miss you.
Can you please answer me?
May 2014 · 561
It's Done
Kagami May 2014
A final tear falls like
My soul escaping from my eyes.

The windows are closed.

A draft can still be felt from the edge of a mental bridge,
And I jumped.
My excuse: I go where the wind takes me.

I've let you know what's its like,
Yet it seems like you don't want it to be true.
You lie to yourself.
Or maybe you just don't comprehend.

Running from the truth will get you nowhere.

A final tear falls like
A memory finally understood.
May 2014 · 254
I just wanted to say...
Kagami May 2014
et stellæ de cælo, quam te amo.
May 2014 · 366
Puncture Wound
Kagami May 2014
And he walks away.
I looked at him. I almost said something to him.
He was distracted and
Looked angry.
At me?
At nothing?
And he walked away.
May 2014 · 2.0k
Reckless (stacked haiku)
Kagami May 2014
My endless pain, scars,
All hidden within the stars
My mind contains.

My dreams, fantasies,
Controlling the nerves that plead
Under my fingers.

I think, I feel dead
About the things of mine you steal
Such as my innocence

I hurt, I ******
The thoughts that bring me under
My reckless waters.
Written a while ago. Felt like I should keep up with posting things.
May 2014 · 336
Empty and Hollow
Kagami May 2014
I'm sorry for being an idiot. I'm sorry for being a *****. I'm sorry for walking away when I am angry.  I'm sorry for being me. I'm sorry for being moody. I'm sorry for not shutting up. I'm sorry for feeling the need to talk to you. I'm sorry for procrastinating. I'm sorry for not making you as happy as I want you to be. I'm sorry for not saying the right thing. I'm sorry for being me. I'm sorry for wearing heels. I'm sorry for wearing jeans. I'm sorry for being me. I'm sorry I. Sorry I'm sorry for doing what ever I have done. Im Sorry for being me.
Apr 2014 · 862
What Do I See?
Kagami Apr 2014
A black room surrounds me,
Grey shadows and eyes on the walls.

Smoke caresses me, a ****** of happiness;
He steals the angels protecting me, my spirit.
He may just be as in love as I am.
Love... Love..... Love.........

Is it though?
Words unspoken, an asylum unopened,
The craziness. Consumes.

The spice of wind in winter burns through,
Somehow flows through my arms to you.
These visions belong to the shadows of your body, mind, heart.
Tell me that I am in your darkness, do not lie otherwise.

Do you love me enough? Or is this a nightmare?
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Could I Be?
Kagami Apr 2014
It felt so right, clear
As a crystal lake in summer. The humidity.

Teach me how to breathe under water so that I may
Follow the current.
Through time and thyme, the scents
That drive me to ask.
Question everything.

Can I make this better?
Install a light switch in the sun for you.

Sleep, lion. I will not be the sheep
You devour. I will be the lioness you sweep away.

Could I be the one to trim your ego,
Your fragile mind into a sturdy rose bush?
Thorns protruding, make me bleed again?

Maybe I will keep you.
The steady strums of my heart strings calming my ears.
And I can not predict what we could discover in this filthy music,
Or maybe the silver harps the angels play.
I don't even know.
Apr 2014 · 542
Crafts Unraveling
Kagami Apr 2014
We know time as an old friend,
A match maker,
A protector.
I didn't fall, but I want you to help me to my feet.
Tell me that no matter what, what we have made will
Not fail. We are too much for that.

It scares me: how much I care.
I am no where near dependent on you.
If I was I'd have died a long time ago.
The time shared between us made us stronger, and
Made me drift away.

It scares me: how much I love you.
I've started dreaming again of a future. A comfort
Of home that we made ourselves.
You being more of a housewife than I.
Yet, I do my fair share.

Recently, I imagined a swelled belly and a book
Resting on my chest. I teach you how to make home made teas.
And you feed me.

I imagined you kissed my belly and spoke to the life we created.
Maybe it is far fetched, but I have imagined.
And in my mind, we are happy.

I don't know if we are now.
I still constantly worry that the next time I say "I love you"
You will say "I don't."

And yet, Cupid is an old friend.
And he knows time as an old friend.
The feathers on his heart shaped arrows unravel,
But it makes distance bearable.

And yet, I wish for my fair share.
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Where the Thread Began
Kagami Apr 2014
And then the seams broke.
The fabric unraveled in ghostly shades
Of purple, red, and black.
The slaughter of sanity could never be more

The blood of the covenant is
Thicker than the water of the womb.

I am one with the demons rampaging,
Tearing my mind to pieces.
And yet,
Pain has never been so sweet.
I don't mean that.
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Kagami Apr 2014
I'm barely worth a piece of pie;
An amusing chocolate, or maybe cherry,
Or maybe a new pair of ******* is
My celebration.
Kagami Apr 2014
I can taste the licks of flame in my mind,
Just barely; I cry. The sour flavour corrodes
My tongue, telling me I can't continue
To suffer the wrath. The scent kills me,
And I continue to defy what is constantly
Whispered in my fragile ears.
The sound of the bitter cackling of demons
Burns the wings of butterflies that inhabited
My entire body. The smoke from the charred,
Powder-white wings of moths,
Parasites, kiss the scares and open them again.
The desire to feel the pain consumes the spindly legs
Of butterflies trying to escape, nearly dead
By fire caused by my own hands.
My fingers shake, I am cold.
But my messages are not clear anymore.
I am no butterfly on fire.
They are all dead.
Apr 2014 · 732
Last Night
Kagami Apr 2014
I laid in my bed, staring out my broken screen window,
And I thought of you.
The stars in the sky remind me of your mind,
An endless galaxy of thought and memory.
I dreamed with open eyes that you laid next to me,
Whispering small things in my ear
And gently tracing the scars on my arm.
The small blisters covering my skin
Throbbing and sensitive under your calloused fingers.
We could talk about the little things that make life great,
Or you could kiss me senseless.

These hopes and thoughts repeat every night.
The imagery and technicolor thoughts leave shivers
Running through my entire body. I know you dream of this, too.
Repost of an older poem. The thoughts are still true. And I hope to any god that will hear me that it stays that way.
Apr 2014 · 523
My Words, Themselves, Bleed
Kagami Apr 2014
Each spoken,
Written word,
Leaks a black substance;

It feeds my demons, sings them

And yet, a snake wraps around
My throat,

Snaps my neck,
Tells me nightmares that lead my visions
In a never ending battle.

Grey fire chills the air and I breathe
The smoke

As a drug.
Thoughts rampage, regret
And I

Bleed more.
Apr 2014 · 590
Fuel my Hidden Fire
Kagami Apr 2014
Images reside in my
Mindset of dark things
And pain.
Sweet things whispered through
Screams and rope.
Scars and goose flesh distracted with
Sighs of ecstasy.
Deafening silence erodes whatever is left of
Everything I used to be.
The innocence, virginity of emotion,
Is taken
When no one is watching. It stands unguarded
By....... Flame.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Sugar Plum
Kagami Apr 2014
Kisses under the moonlight,
Visions of past demons
             Catching me.
                  Clamp on my leg,
Cutting me.

Dark winged faeries
   Dance on my eyelids
                                    As I sleep.
Sleep with my
                 Real eyes open.

Metaphorical eyes sewn shut
                  With burning thread.

Tip toe.
    Into the window,
Move the way the ocean does.

                      Sugar kisses
And plum colored sheets.
       Faeries dash, horrific scenes to them...
  "Don't touch like that!"

                     Feel, save.
Season the scarred plains with

     Night time kissed interrupted
By dawn
                               And fire.
Apr 2014 · 178
Better, but Worse
Kagami Apr 2014
Simple, complex, loud and confusing.
   I don't belong somehow. I am free here

                       Yet, still confused.
       The ending seems far,
Nothing clouds me.
                                    My mind is blank:
Hoping to get out.
Apr 2014 · 833
Kagami Apr 2014
Connection to my
Mind, my rationality:



Touch me.

Help me, heal me.
Distractions are

                                     Keys are jingling, ringing. What is that

Sound is nonexistent, just white noise.
             The line was cut.
Apr 2014 · 524
Can You Promise me?
Kagami Apr 2014
Stay. Will you be a penny glued to the sidewalk?

Can a leaf blowing away in the wind be a true metaphor
For the way you love me?

I wonder if your eyes will change and no longer see me as
The girl you see me as now?

I am scared. Terrified. Worried. I think, maybe, that you
Will change too much. That you will be a different person.
You already are. You're not the nervous boy I fell in love with,
But I love you now more than ever.

I just hope you can say the same for me.
Kagami Apr 2014
Steady thrums and drums caused rifting thoughts,
Reevaluating why confusion is so important.
Curiosity killed the cat, the mischievous one.

The murderer made way with a simple alibi
A photograph in a collection of poems.
A whisper in a crowd of screams and shadows.

Things unseen, but felt, serve to remind
Why constant isolation won't was away the messages
Sent by a silence and a distant stare.

Open books stained with salt and spirits
Haunt a space that should not have formed.
Lava spills out like a child's science project.

Maybe it was an experiment. A torn open pocket in
The rationality contained in the ghosts of minds.
Quiet and demented secrets whisper cunning propositions.

And maybe it was just a silly dream in the mind of a *****.
Telling the true and false is never accurate, after all
Who are we to say what is right and wrong?

Write and erase? Just like everything that has
Ever been said. Eyes are wide awake, but the
Spirit behind them is a sleeping giant. Stupid and oblivious.

Don't move, don't speak, don't try to make sense
Of anything that anyone says, that's my advice.
"Everything will be fine in the end."
I have no clue.
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Hope and Worry
Kagami Apr 2014
I want to find my smile in you,
But I wonder if I will be able to.
We are both in so much pain
And it seems like you avoid our
Problems. Even though we need
To fix what has been broken.
Patch what has been leaked.
And heal what has been hurt.
We are falling apart, and whatever I do to try, it seems like a failed attempt. You said you would be willing to try, but it doesn't seem like you have.
Apr 2014 · 2.0k
Finding Similes
Kagami Apr 2014
I am a silent scream. My soul
Spits at broken glass hanging from the wilting sun
And the moon colors it a glowing red.
A red like the ruby of my lips as I dream they would be;
White dress, ruby lips, black silk lining the inside of my coffin.

Pages of photos litter the ground and
People kick them. Step on them. Those were my memories,
The visions I had, and the world I wanted to live in.
The dust and grime erase the ink and leave
Blackened footprints over the things I once remembered.

The memories were erased, like a sentence in a diary.
Verses written on the page and similes
Raining among the mind of the writer.

And the inspiration is gone.

A blank page replaces the one with images dancing across the ink.
A chill spirals in from the open window and the moon shining
Across the expanse of city lights and fire.

A melancholy sound radiates from the belly of a cat
Perched on the roof of an abandoned house.

The girl is there with her star charm anklet, bolts
And screws still loose in her joints.
Her doctor never came to fix her. She is still as broken as a glass slipper.
Her new hideout devoid of mold and charcoal, but filled with
Tears and memories of the pain lived there.

She reads it.

She find similes in the haunted parts,
Sees the tears as currents in a river
And views the poetry written like leaves in the wind.

Yet everything is dead.

And everything was a dream.
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