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Apr 2014 · 4.4k
Kagami Apr 2014
Draw the forces of old and wise peers
From the light of the blood moon.

A lunar eclipse and color radiates
In these consecutive nights.

Energy calls and empowers the bodies
Who call it. The Goddess gives what the
Moon sells to her.
Apr 2014 · 2.1k
Kagami Apr 2014
I had a dream again.
A lovely one, with all but lust.
And yet I could feel everything.

I fell asleep in your arms, my skin on yours.
And a smile remained through the night.

I woke up this morning thinking of you,
And I searched for you in my sheets.
Then I realized.... I was a fool.
Apr 2014 · 212
And I Cry Again
Kagami Apr 2014
Why don't you understand that my tears burn me!
Stupid mind! Just let me be! I try.
I try, I do, to be happy or mask it or
Every attempt I have fails!
Just let me be...
Let me succeed in not crying just once! Please!
I am sick of the burning, the itching.
Apr 2014 · 237
To Anyone That will Listen
Kagami Apr 2014
I am panicking. I am hurt.
Everything I fear will bring me down is returning.
I am shaking and cold, I cry constantly
And the salt leaves small cuts on my face.
I am allergic to myself. The feelings I try to let rain out
Have consequences.
I want to write.
I desperately want to.
But I don't know if I can trust anyone anymore.
Apr 2014 · 879
Why? (One word)
Apr 2014 · 647
Kagami Apr 2014
I tell myself that it will be okay.
It will get easier, happier.
The monsters eating me from the insides
Will shop choping on my bones and blood
Will fill the empty spaces.

That blood will not spill out, though.
No. I promised not to. One week at a time.
But it will spil into, fill the gaps
In my mind and body where happens and flash should be.
It will get better.

Things will be fixed and the shivers in my head
Will no longer cause a blank stare on my face.
I will smile for real and love freely.
I will be happy and free, live with no struggle to live.
I will teach and learn from those who
Succeed me in my illnesses.

No one can stop me.
Apr 2014 · 572
Are We?
Kagami Apr 2014
Tell me...
Are we falling apart like a pastry in your fingers?
Like a lost receipt in the washing machine?

Are we falling away like a thousand year old shooting star?
Like cottonwood seeds in summer?

Is our love dying like Romeo and Juliet's?
Like the symbiosis of the bees in genetically modified fields?

Are we melting to nothing like cotton candy in your mouth?
Like plastic left beside a fire, rotten and corroded?

Are we falling apart like I feared?
Or can we stay strong and figure out
What the hell we will do with our life together?
Will we stay in stress and silence?
Will you continue not to look me in the eyes?
Will you continue to kiss me like there is something wrong?
Will you think that I am a sin? A *****?
Will you be scared for me when I fall apart again?
Or will you fall away and care more about what is for dinner that day?
Will you lie to me when you stop loving me?
Will you feel obligated to stay because of my
Mind killing me from the inside out?
Apr 2014 · 657
To love me:
Kagami Apr 2014
In order to love me,
Strength needs to be stronger than diamonds.
I have none, and I will use yours as if claimed
By a blood oath.
In order to love me,
Your arms need to embrace me in a way that makes me feel safe.
I care none about lust and skin,
But the love and purity behind it, the emotion and connection.
In order to love me,
Accepting my pain, my scars
Is priority. My demons are a part of me,
If you love me, you love them.
They are beautiful, fiery things, and they burn me.
In order to love me,
Your kiss needs to speak to the small part of my mind
That still has rationality.
It needs to say, "I love you,
I need you. I am here for you, I believe in you."
In order to love me,
You need to be you and be the kind of person that
Treats me like a flowerbed.
Lovely. Gently.
Apr 2014 · 220
And it all goes to hell...
Apr 2014 · 1.9k
I hate myself.
Kagami Apr 2014
I hate myself. I hate my mind. I hate my body. I hate the way I speak. I hate my emotions. I hate my physical feelings. I hate my life. I hate my writing. I hate my thoughts. I hate the disjointed voices. I hate the way I walk. I hate the way I move. I hate the wayi eat, if I do at all. I hate the things I read. I hate the taste of my own blood. I hate my cheeks. I hate my teeth. I hate my torn up fingers. I hate my scars. I hate my bruises. I hate my hair. I hate my eyes. I hate my smile. I hate my lips. I hate my nose. I hate my diseases. I hate my depression. I hate my suicide. I hate my ADHD. I hate my anxiety. I hate my rumored schizophrenia. I hate my memories. I hate that people like me. I hate that people love me. I hate that people hate me. I hate being alone, but I hate being social. I hate the things I draw. I hate the things I talk about. I hate the treatment I go to. I hate how I try to help. I hate the things I learn. I hate my pain. I hate my blindness. I hate my voice. I hate my hearing. I hate the bracelet that pinches me. I hate the nise it makes. I hate the way the metal smells. I hate the bile in my throat when I feel guilty or scared. I hate the way I bite the inside of my mouth to bake myself bleed. I hate when I scratch and don't remember. I hate the way I shake when I cry. I hate being comforted. I hate when people talk to me. I hate wanting to go on even though I can't. I hate wanting to end this. End it all.
I hate myself.
Apr 2014 · 359
For Once
Kagami Apr 2014
For once, can I stay the way
You want me to be? For once
I want to be happy and lovely.
I want to stay with him and
Blend the colors of my skin
Like oil pastels
So my lighter scars won't show through.

For once... Just once,
I want to be trusted.
Let free to make my own decisions
Without letting down the people I love.

I want to be free of confusion and fear,
the voices in my head they attempt to sway
My every step
I don't want to go down that path!

For once I just want peace. Stillness
Silence, except for a whisper from
The one I will always love.
For once, I want to allow him to
Wear his suit of armour and
Save me from my dragons.
Battle the witch that cursed me
And set me free from the ugly skin in bear.
Kiss me and wake me up from this nightmare.

For once I need to accept the things
I've already accepted in the past.
I need to let go of the things
Clouding my judgement, urges
That I can not control.

For once, can I just stay dead?
Apr 2014 · 892
I am...
Kagami Apr 2014
I am alone.

No time, no patience,
But all the time and patience to feel like I do.

I am a *****.

No shame, no regrets.
But all of the shame and regret comes from the memories and worry.

I am a *****.

No cooperation, no final word.
But the cooperation of my final words leave me isolated.

Who else am I?
I have come so close to hurting myself, killing myself, in the past and present. I have no motivation to keep going. I try so hard to be rational and healthy, happy, but nothing is happening. I prayed and hoped, I worked, and nothing has changed. I am scared and confused. Hurt and betrayed, I don't know who I can and can't trust anymore. I don't know what to do...
Apr 2014 · 738
Kagami Apr 2014
I have nothing to give, nothing to say.
My words are frail. My thoughts are stray.

I wonder what will happen to me
When all is said and done.
Though if anything does happen,
It will all go wrong.

I hate to rhyme, but this is how I feel,
Just empty enough to wonder what is real.

I have nothing to give, nothing to say.
But somehow, the lingering words can make me sway.
Mar 2014 · 417
Kagami Mar 2014
Lace and love,
                  The caress of a lover
         And the smell of roses.

                      Drapes of a deep blue shade
                                               Keep the world away.

"A touch and a sigh, simply, explain how much you miss me."

                                 I tell him so.
      Sheets askew and
                                       Tears of an unwidowed.

         "Kiss me.

Tell me that I am okay,
                   That you are okay.

       That you love me."


          "I am scared and lost;
    Love me
                              Hold me

Make me feel safe!"


                                   "Be gentle."
Mar 2014 · 894
Kagami Mar 2014
Sizzling my bones,
My flesh
                                 Dry and medium rare.

         Yet I am cold.

Blood runs down, heating me,
                    Velvet blanket.

     Vision blurs
                                      and I f
           Ribbons fly,
                                    Loquacious birds ring in my head,

     "Fall and die, demons."

Burn like I do.

                                                  Blisters in the moonlight
                    Burst and flood, drown me.

       Soothe my wounds
                                      And cause deafening silence.
Mar 2014 · 461
Kagami Mar 2014
My demon lies,
Crumbling mind, speaking incoherently.
Did you make the right choice. A girl
Sees what needs to be, what wants to be.

And yet, we drift. A silent voice that once lulled me to sleep,
Pushes me away,
A violent shove at my center most light.
A distant voice tells me it no longer trusts.

I am an echo. I can not do what has not been done,
My voice no longer works when I do not listen in return.
There is no music to
Listen to. Only the whistling silence of the wind.

The windows block that out. Windows to the soul
Have shutters that block the paintings on the walls
From the outside world.
Never to be seen by human eyes, even the resident.

Lost is the hottest fashion, these days.
Did you hear?
Independence is taken too far, and isolation
Replaces whatever played peaceful music in the past.

Somehow, the soldiers march to nonexistent drums and
No one utters a word, for fear
That they will be executed.

"You, dear, are too cautious. You need to let me in."
Mar 2014 · 843
Don't look at me....
Kagami Mar 2014
I am being watched from every angle.
I don't know what to do and I am scared.
I want to be left alone.
Not helpless and afraid, no,
Just step back!
I don't need to go, I don't want to go,
Stop reading the words I write specifically to escape from
The world you brought me into!

Just stop....
I'm going back to notebooks. I am sick and tired of this. Mom? This is aimed at you. Thank you for taking one of the only places I can be heard without you eavesdropping. What more do you want?
Mar 2014 · 640
Choking on Lost Words
Kagami Mar 2014
I need to say something.
I feel it pulling itself up my throat and
Through my lips, but it has been nothing
But my breath since I first thought of it.

I have no tolerance for anything,
Anxiety and impatience are taking over
And I know that no one will accommodate for me,
But I need to fix this somehow.
Mar 2014 · 633
Kagami Mar 2014
A lack, thereof. A growl, but
No craving. And an unquenchable thirst
For anything from him.
The ocean that is his eyes and
My love for him. A sweet and salty endeavor,
But satisfying.

A stab to the demon attempting to
******* lips.
Mar 2014 · 1.6k
Help me...
Kagami Mar 2014
I have one last request. **** me.
Help me run away. Anything.
I sit here in agonizing pain as
I press my frozen fingertips
Into my burning eyes,
Murdering every tear that threatens to escape.
I feel chilled across every expanse of my skin and
I wait for the end that I have wanted for so long.
Mar 2014 · 774
I've Tried
Kagami Mar 2014
I can not deal with this much longer.
They are trying to help, but it's worse, I am isolated, I am scared.
My worst fear is coming to life.
If I go, it is going to get worse. I promise that. It will get worse.
I have tried to heal, and every time I try, they notice, and they
Make everything worse. It is worse, I will repeat it because it is true.
Just stop. Please.
I can not deal with this much longer.
Feb 2014 · 790
If it was known...
Kagami Feb 2014
If it was known before that I have done what I have done,
I still would not be here. Any sooner, I would be gone, and later and I would have fallen apart more than I am now.
Please just leave me be.
I don't want to leave, but I want to go.
And it is all your fault.
My mom found out that I hurt myself yesterday. I just want her to leave me alone... Is that too much to ask? She caused this! Her and the rest of the people that judge me, don't understand me. I feel used, I am a puppet. This is exactly ******* why I did what I did in the first place! I need my own life!
Feb 2014 · 532
Kagami Feb 2014
The light, the fire, is beautiful,
But it is painful. More painful the day after, when
Skin mends and tried to heal, but you keep going.
Touching, burning.

I never wanted to be in pain.
I never wanted to feel the sting of the flame
Or the numbness of a scratch mark.
Or the pinch of the blade.yet it is so seductive. Addicting.
I am addicted to pain. It gets me going,
Releases every demon I have into the world.

And then I miss them, conjure them back into me.
And I repeat the process.
I lost count of the scars. And some are hidden.
I do not scar easily.
I need help.
Feb 2014 · 366
Kagami Feb 2014
Fighting against these stupid currents once again.
The change and peace I long for is impossibly far,
Straight off the horizon and
Two light years away.
In that randomly created and murdered star, I see
A life I know I can't have yet:
A daughter, a lover, and a smile.
Now, though... Now I feel swarmed by thousands of bees,
Each thought running through my head is a sting that welts on my skin.
I try to heal, but the water rushing at my legs as I stand in the river
Turns to acid
And erodes my bones. I am held up by the memory of the
Perfect body I once had.
The curve and color washing off for the first time in years.
I am still scared that you will lose me.
Feb 2014 · 631
Kagami Feb 2014
My heart beats,
My heart is red. The blood runs through
And infects my head.
My cheeks burn,
I blush bright pink. My head is spinning,
I feel my stomach sink.
My body shakes,
My body wants. A thought of you
Is a thought that haunts.
My lips tremble,
My lips kiss. My throat burns
When it's you I miss.
My arms embrace,
My arms show my love. I pull you down
Just to see you above.
My eyes feel heavy,
My eyes see you. You look at me
With your eyes of nearly blue.
I see your face,
I see your eyes. The color changes,
The color cries.
I feel your lips,
I feel your grace. With an addicting drug,
Your tongue is laced.
I want your body,
I want your soul. I will keep you forever.
That is my goal.
I love your voice,
I love your mind.
I love the way you are always so kind.
I love your body,
I love your touch.
The scent you give: I can't get enough.
I love your laugh,
I love the times
That we can sigh and empty our minds.
We wait for the future,
We wait for a life
When we escape from our lives and I become your wife.
I wish to the earth,
I wish to the moon,
That everything we want will come very soon.
I wish to the trees,
I wish to the sun,
That you will be my, and I will be your, only one.
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
Implication (one word poem)
Kagami Feb 2014
I had a collection of one word poems on my other account. I might pick that up again. Just a one liner with no spaces.
Kagami Jan 2014
It's a private thought. They are not meant to be invaded, but
They were anyway. I thought you knew what my dreams were.

Every single one, I see a pair of eyes. Sometimes blue,
Sometimes green,
Sometimes grey,
But always shimmering.

It was dark and I saw nothing else. But somehow I could feel
Gentle hands on my bare skin.
And a breath in my ear, whispering things that only matter
When said by one voice.

I could feel something that only one person can make me truly feel.
Love, fear, and a consuming lust.
Somehow, we were floating, but felt safe. We had the confidence and grace
Of cherry blossoms in the wind.

He kissed every ligament in my spine,
Returned to my lips and eyes,
And used his skin to cover my body, only for him to see.
He played with my hair,
He sighed on my neck and breathed me in. All I could
Think was "me. He is doing this to me."
He kissed my neck, about to completely connect
And make me feel more than I ever will.

And then I woke up.
Jan 2014 · 533
Kagami Jan 2014
They’re back again.
The visions in my head,
The ones of blood.
Of my blood.
On the floor of my room.
Porcelain eyes are watching.
Staring at the mess I've made.
Scarlet threads on my wrists and neck are unraveling,
The color draining from my body.
Painful from your eyes,
Peaceful from mine.
Stress and worry are gone.
Never to be seen from my eyes again,
For my eyes can no longer see.
I am posting one of my first poems. I have it on another account, but I decided to post it on this one because it means a lot to me.
Kagami Jan 2014
-Year fifteen.

Normal girl, tall and slender. Bright eyes and developing body.
But her hands, oh... Her hands were sculpted by something else. Beautiful bones,
Long, pink nails and the skin on her palm smoother than silk.
The veins show a dull peppermint on her snowy skin.
Her thin wrist and delicate movements.

She cracks her knuckles so her sharp joints will show more.

-Year twenty three.

The life she lived previous was pressured by the pollution in the air. ****,
Drugs, and alcohol. She slouches and shivers on a warm summer day,
Huddled in a corner of her house.

Her hands show no more snow. The veins seem shriveled.
Her joints were swollen and unmovable.
Her palms are coarse from rubbing them together and her nails...
Oh, her nails were ****** and torn off. She clawed too much at her neck
As she was held down and suffocated.

-Year twenty four.

*"I am sorry." The note read.

It was a deformed hand. Bite marks on her fingertips, shriveled skin with blotches and sores.
The veins drawn over in pink scars from jagged blades and old attempts.
It was a miracle she could write at all.

She now lays in an open casket. Eyes stare at her contrasted beauty.
Her childhood friend had always loved her hands. He reconstructed them.
A shriveled old body, only twenty four years old, but seemingly ancient.

But her hands, oh... Her hands were sculpted by someone who truly loved her.
Beautiful bones,
Long and pink plastic nails. The skin on her palm made of silk.
The veins are drawn with a dull peppermint pastel on her falsely snowy skin.

He cracked her fingers so her prosthetic joints will move less.
We were told to describe a timeline of either hands or hair of a character in a class today. Since I am not a student yet and had no previous material, this is what I came up with.
Jan 2014 · 720
Lips in the Snow
Kagami Jan 2014
Kiss me, take me, tame me.
Or make me a tigress, your choice. Your mind and body can shape me, mold me into a
Marble sculpture of the perfect woman with battle scars and black eyes.
Ruby lips, but my name is not Snow.
My skin is not flawless because of scars from fire and nails.
But you do t notice. You say I am beautiful anyway
With the frozen skin on my back, despite the heat radiating from my breast.
Closer, closer.

A moderate pace, the thrum of the trees hibernating, but alive,
Just like the memories that I have murdered and buried in this snow.
I recognize that flake, that little twig that fell, the lipstick stain on your neck.
I use words and actions that repeat, but only because I would hate to lose them.
Lose you.
Closer, closer.

"Don't leave me. Save me, I am getting colder!"
Explicitly, you come to my rescue, the mood changes.
**** me.
It's dark, we are alone. The mood changes.
Don't listen to her! She is crazy, out of controll!
She wants what she can't have...
Trust me, I know. I want it too.
Closer, closer.

The mood changes.
The snow melted.
Jan 2014 · 438
Every Moment Of Every Day
Kagami Jan 2014
Kiss me,
Hold me,
Tell me it will be okay.
Stroke my skin,
Look into my eyes,
Take me away, even just for a little while.
Sing to me,
Lay on my chest,
Tell me you love me.

Be mine, and I will be yours.
Jan 2014 · 546
Two to One
Kagami Jan 2014
Oh, a miraculous world isn't it? Silly fights and all?
They keep me imprisoned,
Think it's two to one,
But they have never even fought in this battle. I was never their prisoner.
You set me free every time you look me in the eye.
Jan 2014 · 972
Kagami Jan 2014
Click, falls to the floor. Dusty movie theater with shoe dirt on the backs of the seats.
Noisy couples in the back ******* face and other parts, distract from
The dead body on the screen and the 3-D pool of blood dribbling towards them.
"Love, won't you bite my eyes? Your lipstick reminds me of the deadly ruby liquid in your veins."

Because it is.
I have no clue...
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Mail Order
Kagami Jan 2014
Send me a fire starter and foundation to cover the crispy skin of my forearm.

I am sorry, I couldn't help it, I was so cold and desperate for heat.
The firemen were too late. The steel walls surrounding me melted from
The heat and my every regret was spilled in front of me.
Underground tunnels make my black ink flow like the Nile,
Washing my pages with black and erasing my written labyrinth.

Send a raft so that I may not drown in my own madness. A signed envelope
With a perfect message.

Sleep when you write, you can dream that way, an exaggerated reality
That murders your sense, drags you into a dusty cupboard and gouges out your eyes and ears.
Three weeks later, a box shows up at your door.
You reach inside and feel everything, smell the rotting flesh. You can not hear or see anything
Because your parts used for perception are in your hand.

Happy Birthday!
From, your worst nightmare.
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Remember the Innocence
Kagami Jan 2014
Once upon what seems like so long ago,
We were children incapable of being tainted.
A kiss was just a peck on the cheek
And "*****" was just something that you drilled into a wall.
Boys and girls could be friends, best friends even,
Like mine were, and rumors of *** were unheard of.
When fights on the playground were just childish games,
And we didn't care about other's opinions.
We wondered what it would be like to grow up, never realizing the horrors.
Of the lies,
The drama,
The torture we would face.
Now, we think back, wondering why we ever changed.
Why we wished to be the way we are now.

Today, we are Teenagers;
And undoubtedly stereotypical.
Society seems to think we are incapable of rationality.
Incapable of thinking about consequences instead of pleasure
And who the next girl to "pop" would be.
But, no.
We wonder why.
Why we had to change.
Why we did change.
Why we lost our most prized possession.
We remember the friends we had,
The promises we made.
The inside jokes that everyone knew.
The one kid we wanted to marry,
And then they moved across the country.

We were so innocent, and knew so little.
Until we grew and adapted to the young adult life.
We claimed to be happy, and others believed,
But all of us teens know
We long to be young.
We long to be innocent.
We long to be normal.
Not the perverted freaks people think us to be.
Not the people who judge boys who act like girls
Or the girls who look like boys.

Our innocence and ability to understand was robbed from us
The second we left Elementary school.
Some of us now feel the  need to bully others,
To judge our peers,
To impress the opposite gender by exposing ourselves.

If only we could remember the innocence.
If only we could bring it back like a retro fashion sense,
Yet keep it here instead of letting it die for good.
Could we try?
Will it work?

Could it still be with us after all this time?
I posted this on my other account a while back. I like the way it turned out.
Dec 2013 · 752
Kagami Dec 2013
You and I
Throughout the summer, in the water,
We were able to float into something so oblivious.
And, just like that, it disappeared.

Yet we stay and are seemingly stronger than ever.
You and me
Like the way it has been, but still want more.
Knowledge about everything.

Some things deserve to be forgotten, but
It is impossible. You and
I can never go back to
The innocence of knowing nothing.
Dec 2013 · 2.6k
Kagami Dec 2013
Psychopath, questioned and played with, complex mind games with
Paper fortune tellers and crystal ***** utilized by con artists.
Chrome decorated room filled with trippy, grippy, grabby men
With blue cats swimming around their head. Coherent words do not exist to them.
Sucrose breaks you down, sweet creature, and thieves the antimatter in your empty scull.
Your favorite song no longer passes through your hollow ears.
Notes and the beats... A heartbeat. The thrum of a low piano key in a house supposed
To be isolated and abandoned. You are not alone here, child.
The demons summoned her because of the lettered board between a mattress
And box spring. The springs are broken from too much activity,
Don't jump on the soiled mattress. That's how you receive punishment.

But one without two does not match the storybook your mother read to you.
The nauseating tale of role,play and *******. Everyone knows the story, seen the Disney.
You can run, but you can't hide from the memories of horrible visions
Given to you by the gods. Hold on, child. You will grow to be a man one day
Despite the nightmare of being a wolf child who clawed his way out of his mothers womb.

Jolt and sweat, forgotten top bunk , and a concussion;
The dreams are back. The recurring realities of a twin long lost, but somehow inside.
Dream catchers don't make the callback list, can't act for the life of them, but
They are beautiful against the scenery.
A porcelain doll holds the demon that hacked my system and took controll of my history,
And once again, she takes my place, fooling everyone into thinking I am here
When, in reality, I am buried six feet under.

Blood dribbles from the letters chilled into my stone, I curl and let them add more letters into
My back to symbolize the life I led. The collection of poems I wrote about you are the ones they
Cut into the skin on my legs, permanent reminders of what I have felt.
"What have you felt?"
Dec 2013 · 460
Paradise Caught (25 words)
Kagami Dec 2013
I can not fit inside of a snow globe, not when I do not have
My magic cakes. My name is not Alice, either.
Dec 2013 · 4.9k
Kagami Dec 2013
Karma is a *****.
You heard the saying so many times.
What goes around comes around.
The golden rule.

Karma is a *****.
But not to the people who deserve it.
The people who were the nice ones,
Who have  been suffocated;
Their payment is long overdue.
I know a lot of people, including myself,
That have struggled to be kind for so long.
They have completely possessed the person
They once were.

Lately I've been a *****.
Please forgive me.

Ive tried for so long.
And I can not deal with this anymore.
I feel the need to rebel.
Because it is something to do.

You would do it to.
And most likely have
If you have been as caged in
As I was.
Repost of the first poem I had on this account.
Dec 2013 · 536
Kagami Dec 2013
Small talk, advice given, but forgotten
It seems.
No longer able to form
Coherent words, seek solace, converse
Where no one will see our troubles.

I am sorry, brother.
For Logan. :( I hope you are doing alright.
Kagami Dec 2013
Ignorance has become a new fashion: the dresses on the red carpet and the
Black mascara on the TV screen. We write things as epiphanies come,
While they are out there making fools of themselves in their transparent or
Nonexistent clothing and neon underwear.

I imagine all of the people in Tome Square, even though I have never been.
The daily routines and mechanical gossip about the ******* celebrities that run their lives
And the stench of portable hot dog carts. You are a numerator of what you could be.
Wake up... You're dreaming. Try harder, you can't run faster after you have
Stepped in quicksand. You are so stupid! Look ahead! Watch for things before they come,
You are too impulsive!ay attention to others for once, it is not all about you.
Truth has become a new fashion: faded jeans and thick sweatshirts. Those of us
Who understand and seek nothing from others;
They are not worth it.
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
Kagami Dec 2013
It's funny, those mirror images. Small bracelets of macaroni-turned jewels,
Costly and pointless. Plastic race cars that mom and dad bought me
Zooming around and breaking vases that once
Held cigarette ash. Flowers wrote an essay on lung cancer,
A peer who, on a high night, was put into the vase.
Flora lungs are surreal.
Imagine a flower the shape of me: my blue hair and eyes the petals and bud,
My body a stem and lungs are the leaves,
Ripped out of my sternum and strewn into the antigravity that surrounds me.
A mirror image in another world,
But somehow not the same. Like nuns and ****** both
Screaming to God as their **** are groped and abused.
Collisions with the coffee table tip the coughing flower and let sailors tug on the ropes,
Sailing on the sea of liquid ash and sing "yo-no yo-**" all the way to the white carpet.
A memorial. To the woman who was saved hereby flashing lights and muffled sirens,
The drugs were too heavy.

And then we sit playing scrabble and watching the news. Oh that poor girl.
It doesn't matter though. It is far enough away to only think of palindromes to click in the
Plastic squares, a perfect fit for a triple word score.
But the score doesn't matter. It is what the word represents.
Reviver: one who brings back.
A necromancer? The zombified critters under the stairs because you felt bad about killing them.
They ate your food, but you conducted a mass ****** with that sweet poison that crystallizes
Their blood. Their parallel selves are still alive aren't they? The realms are separated by a thread,
Nothing more, so why must they be dead?

Why must they be characters in a movie? Everything is a lie, even the
Letters laid on the game board.
The words we speak is a made up language, the god most believe in
Is a figment of imagination. And so is mine. They are just creatures
Written in a book by drunken sailors, man himself,
Or warped versions of a goddess created by hags, high of of the leaves
Vining in their flowerbeds. Clouds came down because of the warm brandy and
Smoke from their pipes, polluted and *****.
Fog does not belong here, this Christmas, but at least it will mask the brick wall that
Everyone seems to crash into.
It is a theory of course; people with glass skulls and hollow brains won't live through it,
But it is worth a shot. No one knows whether you will be crushed, or the wall.
On the other side, the other half of the world, the mirrored side,
Exactly the same as the one behind. Nothing new, but everything to see. You haven't looked until
You've seen the opposite of yourself.
No one can do the impossible, can they?
Dec 2013 · 2.0k
Black Poppies
Kagami Dec 2013
Normally red, flame like. Petals caress, and wither,
And fall. The dizzying peace in the slumber it brings,
The drug that sings an Angel's lullaby, tosses you into the toy box like another rag-doll.
We've fallen for it again. The dusty dolls and
Hollow plastic telephones that hold spider eggs are the only companions now.
But I am here. And I am your friend.
Although I can not make any promises that I am beautiful, I will be as pretty as I can;
I will wear dresses and makeup.
My scars are not covered, they show and glow like luminescent tattoos etched into my skin.
Do you have any ink? Did your feather pen spill over the page, erasing your work?
Did the charcoal reflection ******* over and stain your perfect self?
Of course it did. That is what happens when the desk you write on is slanted, demented,
But it seems to be your twin.

Your mind is not a place of blazing meteors, honey. It's a place of evil things.

You are a twisted little *****, but so am I, you see. We have both taken the wrong path,
The only difference: I know how to survive. How to fool the monsters under the bed into thinking
I am one of them. In a way, I might even be telling the truth. I painted my own mask:
A splash of black here, a drop of blood there, and... Something is missing, but they won't notice.
They will always let me dance with them around their moonlit blue flames; I am their queen,
My mask, to them is beautiful. And they understand the me that I have fabricated to escape
The wretched toy box on the other side of the bedroom, over the mountains of ***** socks and
Dusty snow globes, even if a part of me is not complete.
I am still stuck in that box long after the room rotted away, the box melted in the
Sunlight and every speck of dust swept away by the wind and rain.
But at least more of the black poppies can grow.
Normally red, flame like. Petals caress, and wither,
And fall. The dizzying peace in the slumber it brings, leaving everyone who slips the glass pill
Comatose in a hospital bed, tubes shoved down their throat to keep from asphyxiating.
No matter how many visitors come to read stories and play songs on the ukulele,
They will remain dormant. They are not longer home, so stop ringing the bell.

No, I take that back.
Ring the death bell one more time, invite everyone to the land of green grass and marble sculptures;
Tell them to bring poppies because it was the deceased's favorite flora,
But neglect to say which color. The visitors bring red,
An alien on the color spectrum and unrecognized by the ghost atop the gravestone.

Still, the dull color matches the spatter of blood on the mask I once wore, and I am brought back
A hologram, of sorts. The bowed heads below me are too dense to look up, except for one.
It's you, love. You grew the flowers that put me there.
The dull color that hypnotized me night after night and made me dream of your body
Covered in the withered petals. You, love. My poppy dealer.
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Popcorn Outside Of My Window
Kagami Dec 2013
And yet I am still here. Insanity does not drive me as it does others.
The constant crackle pestering as an innocent tries to sleep; most would explode.
And yet I am still here.
Sanity does not drive me other, teetering on the edge
Is how I live my life, control everything,
Keep everything under control.
The  popping cause tears last night. The horrible sound of blood dripping on metal, breaking bones,
A horrid sound that radiates from outside my black velvet curtains where the demons peer in.
They want me to lay atop of that metal table and force my body to make this sounds.
I can not sleep when the agony is so obvious.
Help me.
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
Kagami Dec 2013
Move against the darkness that bites your tail, little wolf. Fight back.
Don't you see the clearing at the edge of the bluff? The light that rains there?
Drops of glow, little stars come from the reflection of oceans.
Dance there, sing your song of howls and tribal verses.
Nothing is following you anymore. They have no want to,
You have changed into an ugly monster, dripping black and green poison.
No me wants to love a filthy girl, a demented form of a creature once sought after.
Just because the darkness yanks on your beaded hair does not mean it is evil.
You don't understand the liquid gold it speaks, you can not hear the warnings.
The white light that illuminates the field of carnivorous wild flowers
Transformed you to your true form.
And the meteor showers washed away the rest of you.
A bitter chill that encompasses the world you once knew, and isolation sets in.
The sound of your strangled cries are the only thing left, but even then,
The echoes are unbearable. Silence is your only friend.

No physical inspiration, no sound, and soon, you forget their name.
The one who kept you from destroying yourself in the first place.
Death himself asks you three questions.
"What is your name?"
I don't know.
"Do you want to die?"
I don't know.

The questions are written in your own blood, but the hooded figure is
Nowhere in the red reflection you stare into. No light. No light.
Yet you wake up in your own cave as if nothing has happened.
Nothing except the matted fur and the festering wound in your side,
Pain searing you to your bones, burning every thought to ash.

*Don't worry, little wolf. It will be over soon.
Just don't let the sunlight get you again.
Nov 2013 · 541
I am here
Kagami Nov 2013
I have a blog now for people with anything on their mind. If you are one of those who do not know who to go to or what to do, message me here or visit my blog and leave a comment in my story post. Let someone know what is going on and possibly find others as well.

It was just made a few days ago, so I am the only one that has done anything so far, but if word is spread, I will do my best to help in any way I can.
Nov 2013 · 770
Kagami Nov 2013
I am the rat that escaped from all of these
Bottled diseases. The flash eating organisms that have wasted the others.
But I was unable to escape the memories, the scars,
And the aftermath. I still have the sickness; the antibiotic did not complete
It's process of healing. The caress of chemicals
Inside of my bloodstream did not satisfy the lust for life I had always suffered through.

Never have I seen a light other than the fluorescents hanging above the steel table
As they dissected my friends. They only ones I have ever seen alive.
The factory settings of their decomposition have been restarted and they erode as if
Made of dust. They basically are at this point.

The rustling of papers sickens me, recording everything the scientists see; they study us
Under a microscope. They smell of rust and sawdust, old and crippled. Cruel.
They keep us in glass boxes and torture us with everything we fear.
I hate this place.
Kagami Nov 2013
I like big bills and I can not lie.
No other hunter can deny,
When a duck waddles in with an itty bitty bill
And feathers in your face
You're on QUACK!
I gotta shoot him quick
But I noticed that duck was stuffed,
Even the tags it's wearin.
I'm hooked an I can't stop starin.
Oh, ducky, I gotta go shoot ya,
And take your picture.
The rangers try to warn me
But that bill you got makes
Me so hungry!
Nov 2013 · 947
Kagami Nov 2013
Welded together, we are by now. Or am I imagining?
The only key that fits my locked doors, my haunted mansion.
Exorcise these demons, love. Purify me.
Tree branches scape my windows and my floorboards groan.
Growing younger with age; you own the sands of time;
The exact crushed stone that took my life away in the first place.

I've written an epic for you, a story of things that we could see together.
Turned out lights and glimmering stars on our chandelier.
Diamonds glowing in your eyes and a fire burning in mine.
Step back and fall into nothing, but somehow something.
Birds are singing for us, love. Wherever their nests lie, we shall too,
Collapse into a thunder storm and drown out their song with our own.

Strong and fast- moving; we are no longer human.
We are a current, swift and caressing the life we have lead.
We wash ashore with the push and pull of your tides, steam
Licking us as my fire burns. The sweet moss fill our lungs
As we crush it beneath us. The soft bed of green
Replacing the squeaks that we have heard many times before.

And I say your name. Whisper and moan. Almost.
The rest is to your imagination...
Nov 2013 · 371
Wander (10 words)
Kagami Nov 2013
Constantly sitting in the same place
Makes me feel lost.
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