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Aa Harvey Apr 2018

You have to write what’s in front of you.
If you save it for later, it will disappear from view.
If you avoid the centre-stage and go off in search of another story,
The price you will pay is the chance of what might have been.
“If we each have a destiny,
Or if we’re all just floating around accidental like on a breeze.”
Just think of what we could see.

Empty your thoughts so new words can exist.
Say what you must, there is no avoiding it.
If you don’t want to write that
And put it to the back of your mind,
It will find a way to reveal once more,
The thoughts you cannot push aside.

It will seep into other thoughts and you will get only snippets;
When the full poem is waiting for you to go and write it.
So half will be written and half of another will be too much.
Put the right words, in the right place, at the right time…
Or give up.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Nothing hurts like love

I have tried to always be there.
I have tried to help you with your stupid hair!
I have tried to care…
But I don’t.

I have tried to see our future, to see through.
I have tried to share with you all my truths.
I have tried to love you too…
But I don’t.

Down every river there flows a course.
I think I want a divorce.
We are not married, but we are us.
I think it’s time I took a better shot at love.

I just don’t see my life being with yours.
I just don’t think about the two of us.
I just don’t think I can carry on.
You have broken my heart and stolen my trust.

I no longer believe.
I can no longer be,
A part of your stupid story!
I should say sorry…

But I won’t.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Nothing is all I have become

I am resigned, to having no design, because I am not high right now,
So I cannot remember how I used to float inside a cloud.
But back in the day, sometimes I was up there, sometimes down;
But I could never find my way out,
Because I only ever seemed to drown.

I wallowed in a sea of my own self-induced misery;
Life just carried me along, because I allowed it to take me.
I was trapped,
By a constant lack,
Of money or activity.

I just sat there alone, toking on the ****,
But now I have cleared my head of those times I forget.
I will not remember, because that’s just a page in my story
And the chapter about regret, I have already read.

So I will paint it black, like they said in that song;
How can I be smiling, when everything is wrong?
I am a miserable ***, who couldn’t give a ****!
About a thing I could not change,
Because it will still remain the same.

So why waste my time inside a head of self-doubt?
When I could be dreaming of escaping…
One day I will find a way out.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Nothing left

I got nothing.  Nothing I wanna say to you.  
Nothing that says what I'm going through.  
All the pain is unreal because I can't be this sad.
Just one day of happiness, is that too much to ask?  

Think what you like.  I like what I think.
I like when I sink deep into the pink.  
Feeling better than ever on my final day,
Is the only way I can say what I have to say.

Goodbye to you all.  Goodbye to this world.
Goodbye to the bad times and forget me for sure.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Nothing like me

Plan for tomorrow to be nothing like me;
I only wish I could be nothing like me.
You claim and I claim that you are nothing like me,
But the truth is, we are one when we live together with peace.

I looked into your soul and found my true self;
I want you! I need you! But now I need to be by myself.
I cannot believe how different we are,
When your feelings are so ignorant and our opinions are so far apart.

Razor blade shaves my face
And all you fail to do is look away.
You want to see me make a mistake,
But the only mistake I made was loving you today.

My poetry is the shadow which follows my voice;
I speak to express, but I write to let my feelings out.
The words that I say are all said without choice,
Because poetry is a necessity; every word required; my faith devout.

I know you will never be anything like me,
But that is ok, because I would never want you to be.
I look at you and know you are nothing like me,
So turn the other cheek and turn your back on me and leave.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Nothing like you

I would have liked to have been somewhere better with you,
But I just couldn’t care about anything that you do.
I would have liked to have seen something good inside of you,
But there is nothing there to find, so I will be nothing like you.

You know I hate to be the one to tell you,
Just how much I really hate you and everything that you do.
You make war, not love; with every fight our love is dying.
The two of us together should never have happened,
So why is it only me who seems to always be crying?

You are nothing like me in the love that I feel;
You feel nothing of the love that I have to give.
Your eyes are so wide open, searching for a way to be free;
Well there is an easy way to make you happy; go ahead and leave.

In this misshapen body, I am nothing like you;
In this beautiful mind, I am nothing like you.
In this relationship of lies, I am screaming the truth!
You are nothing like me and I am nothing like you!

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Nothing more

I cannot be happy; love only hurts me.
I hate my TV, it does not please me; it is so full of repeats.
The sun shines everywhere, except inside my head.
I have nothing more to say…no more needs to be said.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
No Tomorrow

We all begin with birth, then life,
Then death, then the afterlife,
Then reincarnation, a new life,
Then that life, then death, the afterlife
And another reincarnated life.

That begins with birth, then life, once more,
Then death, afterlife, resurrection, we are born;
To live life, suffer death, experience the afterlife.
Once more be reincarnated, once more being born,
Once more live a life;
Once more experience death and the afterlife,
One last time, be reincarnated…

Then we are born again to realise it was a lie.
Another life, another death, another afterlife;
Reincarnated again.

Born, lived, cried, died, afterlife,
Resurrection, born one more time,
Lived, lies, cried, died.

Afterlife, resurrection, born again;
Found religion, lived, died, afterlife.
Reincarnation, change the station,
Play me a new tune, not this ‘Here comes another Son’.
He lived, he loved, he couldn’t, but he sang,
A song of hope;
A song called No Tomorrow.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Now I am nothing.

Why can’t you see that I am love?
Look into my eyes and you will see the two of us,
Locked in each other, earning each other’s trust.
Lost in love and feeling loved up.

All those times you said that I could never be the one,
For you to be happy with for all time, left me broken.
I am now nothing without you my love;
Each promise we made to each other, should never have been spoken.

Now I am nothing.  I am the boy condemned.
I am everything you never wanted, so this is our end.
Lost is our love upon the seas of despair.
We were never really together, just close.  You were always there.

Condemned to live in Hell eternally,
Because without your love, I am lost and gone.
Without your love I am lost endlessly;
Come back to me, because without you I am none.

A non-entity, living a non-existence;
A nothing, a no-one, a waste of a life.
Now we are no more, we are not even a pretense;
Now I shall leave here, but not one tear will I cry.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Now, then, always

Love can change and get better with age,
Or love can die and fade away.
All I know is, love leaves me amazed,
At how many people do it wrong whilst wearing rose tinted glasses
And then they wonder why their love went away.

You've got to ****** love out of the air;
You've got to seize your chance whenever it's near.
You've got to grab that love and say I will be there!
Whenever your lover says: “Why aren’t you here?”

Love is not just for Christmas, it’s a permanent change.
Love is now; love is then and real love is always.
Temporary love does not exist in my fantasy;
So why do I keep wasting time,
On a love that will never sustain me?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Oceans have been born from the tears I have cried.

Life is an endless suicide.
Every day is a razor blade.
Oceans have been born from the tears I have cried.
I have nothing worth saying.

Nobody is worthy of my worthless love.
All things are above me;
I am your bug.
Squash me underfoot without a second to thought.
A liar is sought to take me to the sword.

Life is an egg-timer-paper-canvas.
Paint my reality.
Use only black ink to capture the essence of me.
No colours of light to be seen in this dystopia.
Futureless backdrop of eternity.

I coulda, I woulda, I shudder told ya,
That reality *****,
Like an endless vacuum cleaner of the space in-between,
Dreams and meanings.
When speaking of dreaming,
Never forget to tell all,
For the elapses we leave sheathed are the truth.
Let it be seen.
Do not hide beneath leaves,
Awaiting the spring of hopeful youth,
To wake you from your disparity.
Positively never, nothing but negativity.

Daylight is past,
We are tomorrow.
A day to mourn the loss of sorrow.
A day so hollow it cannot be followed,
For it is not worth discussing;
Things do not need sussing,
Or to be succinct;
I am out of ink.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Off to battle again.

Another day, another battle, another day to amuse one’s self.
Looking out into the shadowy forest, in search of an acquaintance.
Wolf howls signal the return of the Princes and all is well.
The war has been won and the undead soldiers have been demolished.

Moonlight hovers over the home of the Elves
And inside the forest I find myself,
Hunting the hunter; under darkened skies.
A wolf dives at me and I open fire.

The arrow strikes its head and it falls down dead in the snow.
Its companions will be here somewhere, so I will be ready to fire again.
An elf appears from the mist, so I lower my bow;
It’s good to see you again, old friend.

He tells me of a quest to the undead hordes lair
And after shopping for provisions,
We head off with our band of merry friends.
The healer is annoying, but he will be needed when we get there;
So we allow him his flaws and his errors are not mentioned.

Once more into the darkness; we head into war
And all around us, the skeletons fall.
We grow stronger with age, before, during and after.
At the end of the day, we are new to this no more.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Oft too a flyer.

Thrown to the wolves as lions approach,
Never just left alone.
Kicked out of the club for being too drunk,
The ghosts have stolen your phone.

In this midnight hour a traffic cone,
Is thrown through a greenhouse window, waking up the neighbourhood.
They all see you walking back home;
“He’s up to no good.”

Cans on strings as letters of complaint leap,
Along the local grapevine.
Playing the telephone game, muggle messages,
They all watch and pass a guilty verdict; eye for an eye.
You stand accused of drinking legal beer.
Social complaints against late night cheer.

Revelry is not welcome here,
At the cul-de-sac at the end of the road of fear.
So scared of youth because envy gets old.
So cold to you because you smile like a fool.
So angry!  About nothing.
The rain pours down, feel water proof.
So pointless to have a conversation,
When you are thirty five percent proof.

The drunk is a punk to conservative ways.
They would never be that drunk in their day.

They only ever drank every time they got paid
And every day is now a liquid lunch.
Do you remember an Irish coffee breakfast,
After the after hour’s club?
Now a fine brandy, a sherry or two when visiting;
Or are you so drunk you are still misremembering?

I am righteous!  Pride takes me to church!
To drink the blood and fall asleep
And because whiskey is the only thing that gets you forward,
You lurch!
And stumble over all the pews.
You end with an almighty crash!  

Make up, slapdash,
You landed at the altar and got up to say “I do.”
You got in your car and now you are so sure;
Oh so sure, that you are pure.
You are better than they are…

And later as you blow into the straw,
You realise you are not so sure,
That you can see a way out of this.
Why not arrest them!  Instead of me!
Those stupid drunken kids!
They vandalize and disturb my peace!
What about me!  I never did a thing!
I only had a glashh or six (laughs)
And there wasn’t a…er, a lasting damage.

I’m not a drunk!
I think!
I think…

I think I love you…

What place is this...?
Where am I...?
Who are you!  To arrest me!  For being drunk!

The following day, you wake up and say…

What time is it?

Excuse me officer…
What day is this?

It’s Tuesday.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
(...), Oh (...)

(...), oh (...),
You are everything to me.
(...), oh (...),
You have my love eternally.
(...), oh (...),
You gave me my security
And you made my heart complete.

Your every kiss is the sweetest thing,
Your face is an ocean of serenity.
Your eyes are seas, in which I'd love to swim.
My love I adore you,
You are my woman, my Queen.

You amaze me my love, for you are so beautiful.
Some people light up a room, whilst you light up the world.
It's hard to comprehend, that you are my girlfriend;
My first, my last, my best confidant.

Your electric blue eyes, lit up my life,
As I put my head, between your thighs.
I kissed your lips, you held me tight,
You promised you’d love me for the rest of time.

But I guess one of us was lying,
I guess our time was up,
Now I crawl back into bed…
Still I miss your cuddles.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Oh to be so bold.

My lady in your eyes, I can see the fire light.
I can see fireflies fly, around your mind sometimes.
You’re mine to love and to hold and to be so bold,
As to tell you how I feel, before we each grow old.

You’re the heroine of love and I kneel before you;
You’re my one and only drug and I need you to love me.
You’re my maiden of lust and my summer tune;
You are my roses in the garden and my love in bloom.

There’s a beautiful horizon and I’m heading for the stars.
I’m in Heaven with my angel as she dances on the table;
We’re together like Cain and Abel but there’s no trouble
And this is no fable.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Once upon a mind.

A lonely soul sleeps inside my heart.
It has given up on trying to be my star.
The light has dimmed; the finish has begun to become duller.
I have never been anything other than sullen
And now my soul is no watercolour.

Scatter no seeds, for nothing will grow,
Inside this black hole that I call my soul.
I cannot take hold of a direction in which to go,
Because I am unable to see ahead, when I am without hope.

No more, no less;
The same phrase repeats again.
What more can I say when all is gone so far away?
Out of reach, but never out of mind;
Still it lingers at the fore front of a head without design.
Clutter, splutter, mix me with resent;
No chance to repent,
No choice to have left.

Just left behind, by a love life that has moved on to be happy
And found itself a new home, as I lie inside my cemetery.
Gone from this diseased soul, formed from insecurities.
It has escaped and taken my heart with it and from me.
Now I am soulless and never free to dream without regret.
Continuously delirious,
So easy to detest.
Once upon a mind, love has exploded
And now there is no trace left.

No Jessica Rabbit to find,
No saving emo.
No happy me;
Just where ego, I go.

My body moves of its own accord.
I am too bored to give it orders,
When I am busy crawling up the wall,
In search of just one thing that even matters!
Life is no adventure and I am the mad hatter.

Lost in a wonderland of my own mind’s creations.
I fall down (a rabbit hole) and break an ankle.
I am no longer in contention,
To be a contender for the title of most loved.
Just stuck in the mud with no tears left to wash it all off;
Gone is my chosen destiny…I have given up.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Once upon a time

Be sit yourself upon this chair, I have a story to tell.
It is a tale I have told you before;
You have already heard it and you know it well.
But still I insist I shall tell it to you again,
So when I am gone and taken from this world,
You too shall sit someone down and begin to explain.

This story is truthfully a metaphor;
A tale to teach an image, upon which is born,
Inside a mind, not yours or mine;
But these are the words we were taught long before.

As age creeps up on us, the words may change,
But the fable and its meaning shall remain the same.
So even when we are each gone to our graves,
These images we portray shall be pictured again and again.

In winter nights when all around us is cold
And the candlelight our only protection.
We shall each of us be able to speak of this day
And the years that came before; we shall slumber with contemplation.

In dreams we shall picture the noises we have heard;
They were told to us many times, by him or by her
And as we curl up tightly in our beds at night,
We will find ourselves taken away to a new place with these words.

And when we arise in the morning light,
We will contemplate a new meaning we have gained through insight.
We shall realise the motivation to pass the torch to a new life
And the story will continue to evolve
And to grow with each passing hindsight.

With each time the story is told, it will be open to interpretation;
With each foretelling, with each piece of knowledge gained,
We are able to choose whether to tell it as fact or fiction.
The story is ours and we are all free,
To be the ones who decide if we will allow the stories ending to change.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

I’m just a poet in need; just another man.
Another one who wants to be;
Just another love wannabe.

We are united by words;
We have a need to let our soul’s speak
And as they do the two of us make a connection.
I am bound to be here for you and you are bound to me.

So keep on writing your love letters to Dear John’s;
I’m going to bury my head beneath the sand
And build myself a castle for a home.
So understated, this place that I live.
Some would say that it is just like all the others,
But I personally think it shows how I would like things to be
And it has a style of its own that makes it look like no other.

So let me tell you, if I may,
Because I know too soon I will be taken
And I won’t have the chance to speak these words to you,
If I am gone and my heart is left behind, broken.

I only wanted to be loved;
I guess it’s just a search in which we all partake.
The most addictive drug is love
And if I had it, I would be able to survive the loss.
I am so lost alone without a lover,
Because this journey seems so sad and so hard to take.
So hard to face,
So tough to take;
Too hard to find the one.

But one is all I ever wanted to find.
I don’t need many, just a single.
I am running out of chances at love, to take,
So won’t you come and save me tonight?  
I am so tired of falling and failing
And I have no desire to go and mingle.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
One by One

One by one! (boom, boom, boom)
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)

We’ll **** them!    (boom, boom, boom)  
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)
We’ll **** them!    (boom, boom, boom)  
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)
We’ll **** them!    (boom, boom, boom)  
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)
We’ll **** them!    (boom, boom, boom)  
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)

Murderer! (boom, boom, boom)    
We **** them. (boom, boom, boom)
Murderer! (boom, boom, boom)    
We **** them. (boom, boom, boom)
One by one! (boom, boom, boom)
We’ll **** them!    (boom, boom, boom)  

The innocent! We’ll **** them.
One by one! We’ll **** them.
The innocent! We’ll **** them.
One by one!

You killed them! So we’ll **** you!
One by one! We’ll **** you!
One by one!

I killed you! So they executed me.
I killed you! So they killed me.
All I ever wanted. Was to be set free.
But I killed them! So they killed me.

Freedom from death was my reason to live.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
One For The Road

A mother cries, at her babies smile,
Because everything is alright.
A father lies dying in his car,
He’s not coming home tonight.

If only he had changed his ways,
If only he had used his head today.
If he hadn’t gone out to celebrate,
Maybe he would be coming home again.

There’s been another crash on Route 66,
That left a single mother with a newborn kid.
It’s just another headline news story,
It’s just another drink-drive tragedy.

So drink!  And drive!  And party all night,
It feels so good to turn out the lights.
It feels so good to step on the gas,
It feels so good, until you crash!

So drink!  And drive!  And party all night,
It feels so good to turn out the lights.
It feels so good to step on the gas,
It feels so good, until you crash!

A man lies dying in his car,
He dreams of holding his baby in his arms.
But we all know that will never happen;
Never again will he know happiness.
We all know how the story ends;
A single mother with a newborn kid.

Another crash on Route 66,
Another victim of the Devils drink.
Another headline news story,
Another drink-drive tragedy.

So drink!  And drive!  And party all night,
It feels so good to turn out the lights.
It feels so good to step on the gas,
It feels so good, until you crash!

So drink!  And drive!  And party all night,
It feels so good to turn out the lights.
It feels so good to step on the gas,
It feels so good, until you crash!

So if you’re drunk and sat in a bar,
Just hand over the keys to your car.
Go and call yourself a cab,
Because it's not too late for you to be a good Dad.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
One Impossible Dream.

Paint me a picture
And I’ll write you a story.
Follow this rock star
And I’ll lead you to glory.

Find the heroine and I’ll make you a hero.
Find me a time bomb and I’ll send it to zero.
Fetch me an atom and I’ll split it in three;
Find me a dreamer and I’ll buy them a dream.

Because the end is nigh!
Your time has come.
Because the end is nigh!
Your time has come.

Because the end is nigh!
Your time has come
Because the end is nigh!
Carpe Diem.

Come be my groupie, my lover, a quick ****;
Pick up two pom-poms and come dance with us.
Make me happy and I’ll break no promise to you.
Pick up the guitar and come play me a tune.

**** shallowness and let vanity die;
Kiss me quick, time is not on your side.
Do what you want to don’t let them bring you down;
There’s no time left to worry, about looking a clown.

Because the end is nigh!
Your time has come.
Because the end is nigh!
Your time has come.

Because the end is nigh!
Your time has come
Because the end is nigh!
Carpe Diem.

Live for today, for tomorrow you may die;
Experiment with life and learn how to fly.
High up above all the blind human beings;
The unprepared, pessimists, who are unwilling to believe.

Take a risk, fulfill a fantasy;
Try something new, truly become free;
From consequences and people’s looks.
We’re all about to die, so just don’t give a ****!

Because the end is nigh!
Your time has come.
Because the end is nigh!
Your time has come.

Because the end is nigh!
Your time has come
Because the end is nigh!
Carpe Diem.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
One last chance

Stay with me, I’m still in love with you.
Don’t leave my heart lying here with nobody left to lose.
You know those things we never had the chance to do.
Be with me now and forever my boo.

So scared of living without your love.
Come back to me, because you still need my touch.
With you love could never become too much.
Beautiful memories are not and will never be enough.

Love is the end of a lifelong search.
Mistakes are made by everybody on this Earth.
We have a chance at a second chance;
Give this love the roll of the dice it deserves.

If we just walk away and do not have a little hope,
Then all we will be left with are tears and sorrow.
Nothing compares to the love we made;
So please give this heart of mine just one more go.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
One last time.

Stop the world from spinning; I want to get off.
This life of mine is moving way too fast and I have had enough.
I’ve done all I could and what have I got?
A broken heart, a broken mind and I never did finish writing that book.

Love is a stain on an otherwise ordinary life;
My life is a stain on an extraordinary planet.
Greatness falls and shame and pity will not apologise;
I could have done it all, but now I have been left damaged.

I'm sat here in my favourite chair, smoking my life away;
I’m stood here looking out a window, wondering where it all went.
I’m torn asunder; it rains, it thunders,
But still I cannot find a reason to stay.
Out into the blue, I drown in sorrow and there is nothing left.

One last time, I write one last line;
I write one last line, one more time.
One last line, just once again in time;
Just one more time I will write my last line.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
One love

Only had one love that mattered.
The rest were just for fun.
My heart was completely splattered,
By her true love gun.

She blew me away and I never returned.
Spent a lifetime of hurt wishing for another her,
But no-one matched up to the idea of an ideal love,
So I'm stuck in this rut for twenty years plus.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
One night stands leave you feeling empty.

Confide your secrets inside my soul,
For they shall never leave.
Feel free, to feel safe with me,
For you have my protection endlessly.

Count on me to make you happy.
Tell me you love me and be with me.
Let me kiss you for the rest of my life,
For in your eyes I see my paradise.

No longer blind to what’s inside,
We share our lives, so you can become my wife
And testify to our child, that I never lied;
But I had to die through suicide.

For it was simply my time to say goodbye.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
One of a kind.

In a silent room, a heart beats.
In a room without walls, the mind is free.
Through a never locked door, I see a key.
Who knows where this key will lead?

In a pitch black thought, a light shines;
The only thing we all have; is time.
In reality we are all blind.
You and I are not so different…
We are both one of a kind.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
One, two, three.

It takes two people to find love.
One can’t find love alone and three is too many.
Two girlfriends would be nice, if they knew about and loved,
Me and each other;
But I can’t even find one lover,
So I cannot think about another
And as Bob Marley said,
There is only one love.
That is all I want.
I’m only looking for one.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
One vision

One vision, writers block.
All I can see is love.
Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Glass half full.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018
Only she knows

Love; it’s all the silly things.
You know what I mean?  It’s everything.
The slight lift at the edge of her mouth when she smiles,
The hidden eyes that look away so quickly;
The things she cannot hide behind lies.
Her image is imprinted in me.
I am never left to doubt the things I cannot believe,
Because only she knows how to tell me what I need.

The two second stare and then the silence;
The endless thoughts flying by like pilots,
In planes that will soon crash and burn.
Still she is here and still I yearn.

She is so much stress, but the dress it calls me endlessly.
She could release me; she could reach out and fix me.
She pulled me from my crucifix,
I had waited there so long.
I had forgotten what the Earth felt like,
Until she up-righted my wrongs.

Way up in the sky I was weightless and sightless,
But she feels right and now I am blessed.
She feels right where no other does.
What the Hell is this feeling called love?
Please explain to my brain, so that I can sustain,
Because I stupidly threw my crutches away,
When she walked into my life and all the black clouds became grey.
Now they are white and soon they will be gone,
Because she raises me up and sings the right songs,
To my instrumental heart, she pulls at my strings,
And leaves me believing in everything.
All the heart ache, it ain’t going away;
It still remains, but I am happy again.

Then she disappears, so I try to forget her,
But my God!  Without her it’s all once more a blur.
She is the only definitive object.
All else is cloudy, no more to collect.
I am floating on nothing when she is not around.
One love is in the distance and I am back on solid ground.

She loves me not, but I am trapped in suspense.
Suspended animation, two hearts of an alien nation,
Separated until she comes back again.
I am broken and vacant without her love;
Love in loves wilderness and all because,
I know she is the best I can get;
I also know without her I have nothing left.

What is there left when only she can be right?
Out of sight, out of mind?  Believe me I try,
But out of my mind leaves me crying inside.
Only she can make me happy, only she can find,
The things I need to find happiness.
Without her I am lost and all is a mess.

I could go there another time, simply to avoid her,
But then what would I do if I never again managed to find her?
All I want is splendid but she has that piece of me.
I keep myself hidden from temptation, while she misjudges me.

So much attraction, but she is leaving.
No more to say, she can see me grieving.
Today has become a bad day now.
This morning it shone, but now all is clouds,
And I am left standing staring like a stalker.
That is not what I wanted, but she is not my caller.
I cannot call her and she does not call me;
Is this the way things have to be?

I just want love, but she does not,
So why can I not just walk on?
What to do, what to think.
Forward no more…love is killing me.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
On my knees.

I have lived a lonely life with no-one beside me.
I keep on climbing mountains, but nobody can see.
The person I hide inside, he holds me back,
From the demons; my own.  Riding the rails, one way, sad.

I have told the same old story a million times before.
I’ve fallen to my knees a million times or more,
But still I rise up to take another punch.
They never knock me out, but I have had enough.

I think I want to go, but this is where I am.
I am just a loser losing all the love I will ever have.
The love that no-one sees,
The words of poetry,
The hidden pieces of me,
Will never be seen.

Nobody gets close enough to let them in.
Nobody cares enough to notice the one they all call him.
I’m just a face upon a carton or telegraph pole.
I’m missing a woman to love and to hold.

I keep on struggling and doubling up in pain.
I keep on worrying and wondering, will it always be this way?
When will it all just go away?
When is my brighter day?

Words unanswered only leave me on my knees again.
I say a prayer, I wish for her, but she has not been written yet.
I cut my hair, become a word,
So she can say the thoughts inside her head.

Still unknown,
Still she has never shown the slightest interest.
She has never shown me that she cares,
But I still believe she is out there, whilst I remain hopeless.

I stare into the deep,
Continually wiping away the tears I weep.
She holds my key, but I am so weak.

I’m fading out,
So full of doubt.
I only want to live again,
But here and now I am without.

This, I think, is how it is going to be.
If only she could find her way to loving me.
If only.
If she did, I would be found;
I would be lifted up from the down.

Red Bull gives you wings;
She wants the *****,
How I need her.
I’m tea-totally weak.
Too quick to pass,
Upon this chance of romance.

I am on my knees.  Find me…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
On this heart a scar is formed

If you have love, why are you asking for more?
Some people do not have what you have.
In these days of every possibility, you should be grateful;
But still you want, so go and break, take and be glad.

Happy inside your fictional love;
Make me up a memory of feeling, because I am so empty.
You treat love like it is just another drug,
But you treat it with such disdain, because you have so many.

Take me out of the food chain; I can no longer be loves play thing.
I have given all I can to this cause.
Just leave me to rot, I will no longer be making.
I have seen this love beast too many times, so no more.

I am alone and happy, so why do I need your love?
You are with someone again, so I will not complain.
Cupid is a fool; he stuck me with you through only lust
And all you ever gave to me in exchange for my love was pain.

The ghost of me is all there is…
And on this heart a scar is formed.
The wish I had when I was a kid, has shown me that I can take no more.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Born to be a fighter; I chose to pacify.
Loved the only women I could have; love is a lie.
Same old story, repeated a thousand times.
Pretty please, no longer tease; I need a love that will never die.

They say yesterday’s music is just the same old songs;
Write me a tune and I will still sing along.
Use my lyrics; they are the ones I understand clearest.
I have loved your music since my youth,
So I hope you love my words too…if you read this.

If nothing else matters, I will still believe.
The day dream is eternal in this land of sleep.
I have had enough of counting sheep;
So I will sleep with one eye open,
Looking out for any kind of new opening.

Opportunities come and go, so anything goes!
Some would say it has all been said before,
But what do they know?

Imagine a bizarre world where we all get along;
Just sit and play your guitar, so we can sing that song.
I need to believe that my ghosts are real.
The singer teaches us how to really feel.

Touched with sadness, everybody drops.
Nobody ever reaches the top of the pops.
Music is dying?  Forever it will last.
It has been here a lot longer than you and I have.

So judge me for the mistakes you make;
The words you speak are fuel to my fire…
Every time I try to hide away,
You somehow find me with my head buried deep…

…Oh my beautiful liar.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Our gun.

Something bad, trying to be good;
Inside of us lies our own gun.

Seeking peace within my dreams,
But there is no sleeping for me.

Looking to love; to have love we must love.
Inside of us lies our own gun.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Our lives

Our lives are simply stories that are waiting to be told.
Our minds are endless wells with all kinds of knowledge to behold.
Our souls are the invisible guide leading us to where we need to go.
Our hearts are only ever a half until we find our Juliet or Romeo.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Our love is fading

Once upon a time we were so in love,
But then we discovered the true person before us.
We have realized the person in whom we had put our trust,
Was not the person we thought they were
And now we have had enough.

We can no longer put up with their bad habits;
We have decided the time has come to say, that’s it; I’ve had it!
No more of your selfish, annoying actions and other things.
I can no longer be with you,
Because of the way you always leave me feeling.

At the beginning of love, the sun shines daily,
But sooner or later the sun starts to fade.
The happiness we felt is not all that it could be,
Now our love is dying before our eyes; these are our dying days.

We both decided to stick it out and try to see if it worked,
But it never does, time and time again; it just becomes worse.
We desperately clung on hoping things would improve,
But inside, unfortunately for us, we both knew the truth.
We just can’t put up with them anymore,
So we decide to leave and love is no more, as we walk out of the door.

Our love is fading away and there is nothing we can do;
But still in our hearts we both know,
I love you.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Our protectors from the storm.

Come shed a tear, for our fallen sons.
Our friends; our children; our brothers in arms.
Our army of deceased heroes;
Our protectors in the storm.

Our love, our life, our hope and future,
Has been washed away
And for what reason we cannot decipher.
But we trust in the Lord, to take care of them all;
The one’s who made it back
And the one’s that had to fall.
The one’s who fought and won our war;
Our protectors in the storm.

So I wish upon this starry, starry night,
That God had not sent his angels into flight,
To retrieve the souls of the fallen;
The lives that were too short and stolen.
From us as dust is now to dust,
The ashes have blown away
And so now have our protectors from the storm.

Why Lord?  Why did they have to go?
Why Lord did you cause us all, so much sorrow?
Why Lord, why my son and not another?
Why Lord?  Why not me, instead of my brother?

He was a hero, I was a survivor;
I cannot protect my family, from the storm.
For this war has taken all our lives;
The ones who live, too are no more.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Our time together.

I want to be the one who makes your toes curl;
By making you feel ‘Oh!’ Girl.
By making you feel whole inside;
By asking you to bless my night,
With a touch of your delight.
Before you leave me again in the morning light.

I want my heart to speak for a while;
I want my love to make you smile.
I want my touch to drive you wild!
So I can confess my wanton lust for your arousal.

My excuse to miss the party.
I can’t make it; I’m stuck in the bed with my lady.
You know I’d love to be there, but my lady is here.
So I’ll see you another time, but this is my time,
So get out of here!

Leave me be, let me rest in peace;
With my woman beside me, the rest comes easily.
Let me give you a hand with that;
Let me give you your release.

Such ecstasy, apparently.
I play along, wondering why she will have to leave,
This time.  
I’ll see you another time.
Goodbye, thanks for that;
Yeah, thank you too, for this end of this lie.

The following day should be completely different;
Oh it’s not; I see.  
Did you really expect anything other than what you normally get?
Yay more ***.  But no love.
This *** is so good!  This *** blah, blah, blah.

*** is nothing without feeling;
*** is only amazing when it means something.
*** is not all I need for satisfaction,
But there is no love made here,
Just something, something,

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Our world

Falling from the top of the world,
Looking for a parachute.
Once we were Gods, now food for the worms,
Soon we will become obsolete.

Humankind has had its time,
A waste if ever there was one.
Humankind is the biggest lie.
Our world? We don’t deserve one.

We rip it up and tear it down,
We take and give nothing back.
We wonder why our time here is up,
We’ve mined the world of all it had.

But it’s too late to stop the extinction,
What this world needs is a mass evacuation.
The only way to save this world,
Is to leave for good and leave it to the animals.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Out of darkness, cometh light.

The screen begins to twirl and darkness descends;
Out of the corner of my mind I feel flames.
A fireball flies over my shoulder as the screen explodes;
Smashing into a thousand sharp ends and nothing remains.
The world erupts in front of me and nothing will ever be the same.

Everything disappears in the blink of an eye,
Inside a dream I had, within the fire.
Everything was completely black; then I saw a white light.
As the colours began to once more flow into my eyes,
I saw the ruins of a life.

Time was left broken in pieces on the floor
And through a crimson door I began to crawl;
But when I get through the door, I find no love at all.

It’s empty here in this ocean I have cried,
But I will never drown;
Because my life jacket, my morning jacket,
Pulls me out of the fire and I land on solid ground.

Free at last to love again;
I am a possibility.
I keep finding her on my mind and I find myself inside those eyes;
She I watching me, whilst I am waiting for her love.
I have opened up my heart to the possibility of falling in love
And hopefully I shall find myself placed inside her good books.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Out of gas (Running on empty)

Get home, rest my bones.
Please phone, don’t ring.
Get up, answer you all,
One song, two song, fast food,

Eat fast, time passed,
Empty phone of today’s thoughts.
Pen and paper, upload later,
Poems become only four.

One day I will get a day off.
Not today, tick, tock.
Friday, weekends here;
Wake up early, look for job.
Insomnia won’t let me rest;
Monday morning, start again.

This is why I wrote this poem,
So you could see I keep on going,
But just for now I need some peace,
That’s why for now I write ‘Love is…’

I just do not have the time,
To say I love you all in a thousand lines
And in a thousand ways I will return,
But just for now,
I have no fuel left inside of me to burn.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Out of love

I am all out of love; I’ve nothing more to give.
I am out of love; there’s nothing more in me.
I am out of love.

I am out of love and there is nothing left of me.
I’m a perfect example of everything I never wanted to be.

I lost myself in you
And you lost yourself in me.
Now I am out of love,
I am exactly where I never wanted to be.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I’m breathing oxygen into my bones.
How can I help myself, when I cannot love alone?
Bubbles flow through every wire;
Microbubbles flow through every vein.
I need to breathe your love into my heart,
So I can feel alive once again.

Broken thoughts wait to be repaired
And understood,
Until they appear in your view.
Waiting on a memory to come into focus;
Do I whisper or shout a prayer?
I would make my destiny appear to be in my hands,
If I only knew…

All I see are random images.
Random pictures, random memories,
Written down like a crossword clue;
I breathe out my thoughts, as I breathe in you.
A wish to improve us in this moment in time;
I’m breathing in oxygen.  I’m breathing out life.

I’m just breathing oxygen;
I’m breathing oxygen…
Still searching for new memories, I hope I am still alive in your eyes.
Chasing my future, when I am so weak; I have never seen my optimum.
I’m breathing life into my day; I’m floating into the light.
Up through the water currents, I am rising with the sea;
My heads bursts through the barrier and I can, at last, breathe.

If breathing is all that I can do,
Then I will breathe for you too, if you need me to.
If love is all that I can give,
Then I hope my love helps you to once more breathe.
Let me breathe into you the oxygen you need,
To love this life that we live.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Painful death

My heart, my heart, my burning soul;
I want to die in pain.
The end must come, I have no sun
And no phoenix shall rise from these flames.

Heaven ain’t here, Hell is all around.
The pain and hurt is raining down.
On everyone, everywhere I look;
I see the fear, I see the mistrust.

Love is a lie, it’s dead, it died;
In the middle of the night, it was sacrificed.
Love kept us alive, but now loves blinding light,
Has become a dwindling flame in the dead of the night.

So put me out of my misery,
I have no wish to live like this.
For love is dead inside my head.
So all I pray for is you that you please give me death.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Pain is no longer welcome here

Love had died and was reborn in your arms;
We are the ****** generation of forgotten sons.
There’s no need for teary eyed pain or to hurry;
Take your time and enjoy your life, with no worries.

It’s just a part of the process;
It’s a learning curve.
Each heart that is broken, heals
And eventually you get what you deserve.

Watching raindrops fall down the windows;
Thinking of how this used to make me feel.
I used to be sad when the dark rain clouds would come,
But eventually even I will find love too, so I will be sad no more.

No matter where you are on Earth, my love…
We are both staring at the same sun.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Paradise Gone

Sun is shining, weather’s cold;
My broken soul will not let go.

I am dead whilst you still live;
How could they just let this be?

Save me please from everything,
That they have sent to hurt me.

I do not deserve this, please;
I only want to live.

Atheist, didn’t believe, is now heading for Hell.
Aargh this place is scary and what the Hell’s that smell?

Is that a corpse? My God, my God;
I’m buried with the dead.

My God, my God, my head, my leg;
They shot me in the chest.

I see myself, my broken shell,
Just lying in the dirt.

In limbo is where you will find me;
Before I find out what I deserve.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

My intimate incubator, for the forthcoming foetus;
Are you too, truly feeling this dream?
I’ll become a father and you a mom.
It’s really going to happen soon.

So let’s both cut down on the drinking and stop the drugs.
Find a new way of life and overcome,
Our addictions to the illusions.
This could be a whole new beginning.

Girls just want to have fun, but I have found a woman.
I have someone who wants the commitment
And feels truly safe in,
The knowledge I’m here for her, ‘til death do us part.
This woman is the only one, allowed to get near my heart.

Once upon a time, we were so young and carefree;
She loved to feel the breeze, between her knees.
The passionate rush she got, from ******* a stranger,
Has now passed thankfully; she has no need for another,
Because I am her only lover
And she’s my baby’s mother.

But I can still remember when we first met.
I asked how far are you willing to take this?
What can I not do and is the list only short?
What’s the magic word that says you’ve had too much?
What is the cutoff point?
And do you like to take risks?

We made passionate love, morning, noon and night;
Now we still make passionate love,
But have more than adolescent desire.
We have an understanding, of each other’s bodies;
We have the knowledge, to leave each other satisfied.

For we’ve both been there, for each other,
When we were suffering insufferable pain.
We had both reached the stage in our lives,
When we believed, we would never love again.
We both believed, we couldn’t be happy.
We both had the same desire; to one day have a family.

It was hard for us, to be truly open
And to truly love again after our hearts had been broken.
But we shall overcome, the hurt and the pain;
To rise up each morning, ready to face a new day.
For now we are parents, our world has changed;
Now our love can be shared, with our offspring,
Until the end of our days.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Parents – They mess you up

Choices – let me make them.
All your voices I can only condemn.
Knowledge is wasted on your youth,
When all you tell me is what to do.

Choices – I choose to ignore,
All your advice because I listened before.
All I now own are things I hate;
All those choices I wanted to make,
But you corrupted my every independent thought
And all those things I bought for me were yours.

Choices – do parents ever let up?
All those opinions masked as love
And yeah it may all be from a good place,
But now every single miserable day I have to see my miserable face,
In the cheapest looking mirror known to man
And stockpiles of soap for one face and two hands.

Oh my God!  They know not what they do!
These people I love have not got a clue!
Give me a choice and hear my voice,
My will a tortoise unwilling to move in case of upset,
But please, oh please, get out of my head
And replace the terrible bed you advised me to buy.
I hate it so much I just want to cry!
I have to sleep on the sofa now,
Because on that stone I can no longer lie.

So hear my truth, I do love you,
But if hate your choices for what I should do
And all the extra bits of food which I do not need!
Please!  Stop giving it all to me!
It all just goes straight in the bin,
Because I never asked for this!
Why the Hell do you think I have a shopping list?

I hate the way you are so bothered about money.
Let me enjoy it, it could be funny,
To do something fun and waste cash on that.
How the Hell would I know?  You never gave me a chance.

I’m sick of working hard to make my money,
Just to have you spend it for me.
I’m sure there are other things I hate,
But it’s getting late, so I will sleep in the bed I made…

Not the one you made me buy.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Do the things you love; they are the things that matter.
The things you feel passionate about,
Will bring you true happiness and all else will fade.

If you have to fake it,
Then it will not last forever.
If it’s real you will know and you will need it
And you will never find anything better.
Be passionate about something,
Because you only get one life;
So seize the day.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020
Patent No.1

Give me directions to find my car.
Arrows on the key fob, point near or far.
North by North West; is this the right way?  Yes.
There is my car, under the star.
This invention is the best.
Trackar, twenty yards away, easy to find.
All you need to do is follow the line.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Pathetic Acts

Stop all the traffic; a million ants are passing by.
Red light, Amber light, waiting on a Green light.
All the windows have their curtains closed inside,
And nobody knows how to feel secure beneath the night sky.  

Do a hand-stand, against the man,
So he can hear from the bottom of your soul,
As it refuses to accept his master plan.  
Tell him it is time for you to go.

Become a light inside the storm.
Become guidance to those who are torn,
Between loving life and complete apathy.
Falling from the top of a tree.
I am not the leaper that I used to be,
But still here I stand speaking in symmetry.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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