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Aa Harvey May 2019

My head is a vase, thirsting for water.
Pour knowledge into my mind for thoughts are forever sought after,
And if all I have to offer,
Is not good enough to impress Heaven’s daughter,
Then raise my soul with every word
And allow me to shout from the rafters,
That I am here to learn!
The every thought that has ever been sought,
And once and for all I have learned all that which can be taught.
I will continue to search for a seer to see more.

A direction forth which leads me through only future doors,
Because all that has passed behind me is no more.
Only forward thinking, chalk written on boards.
No time for a break;
Determination compels me to learn from my mistakes.

There is no time to sit and wait for a changing of the seasons,
For my future is out there,
So I must be out there to find my reason.
I want more and more and why being just ok will never be enough.
I have to improve with each and every book.
I need to be better; better than ever.
Better than average; forward forever.
No backwards step, no time left to rest,
Upon my laurels; remove my flower head.

There is no space left inside my head,
For dreams of romance, that time is dead.
At this moment in time love is a waste of lies,
And worrying about tears that will never dry,
Just leaves me with a hole I cannot close.
Go to Hell, I suppose.

Quit asking; cry a river for me.
You are the star of the century, going cheap.
Watch as I leave you standing there confused.
How could he know the things we do?
I am done waiting on you, I wait no longer;
You are weak, I am stronger.
See you later with a lack of foresight.
No ambitious dreams haunt your nights.

I cannot allow myself to be trapped,
By your meaningless selfish schemes.
I need a way to escape.
I need to follow my dreams.

All the negative words you say are wasted.
I hope the rain destroys all you hold sacred.
Tomorrow beckons; I will learn another lesson;
So treat me badly baby, ‘cause you ain’t got me guessing.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
People believe what they see

People believe what they want to believe,
If you do not let them truly see.
People need to believe what they truly believe,
Because the real truth would seem like trickery.

If you allow them to judge you, then judge you they will.
They will point the finger at you and you will be left still.
Silent in your real responses.
Afraid of ever taking chances.

They are unable to recite your recital.
It’s not that important, it’s just vital.
Their interpretation of your real-life events,
Will always be different to your self-evidence.

People cannot handle the truth,
Unless they have time to attune and retune,
To your mathematician mind, leading the blind,
Showing them a universe, they alone could never find.

People like stories about love,
For true stories are never boring.
A tale of romance will always be good,
Until you reach the ending.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
People these days.

People these days, their words don’t mean a thing
And that will never change;
Because they will always put themselves first.
Self-gratification, no matter what the price.

Beautiful people?  Not on the inside.
Only ugly to look at, are the ones in which you should confide.
Because vanity and self-interest,
Mean no-one can be your confidant.

Everything is for sale!  In fact we’re giving it away!
Gossip amongst friends, is today’s cheapest sale.
They told me not to tell, but I can’t keep this a secret.
When I tell you two this, you’re never going to believe it!

Well why would we want to tell anyone something so juicy?
Ok, but if they ask, you never heard it from me.
Hey, you’ll never believe what I just heard.
Yeah and she said that.  She heard it from her.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

You are a work of art, a masterpiece.
You are my Sistine chapel art.

For you have become my true beauty Queen.
The one who shines, when all else is dark.

The Queen of my Heart; its bearer, its keeper.
I give you my soul forever, ‘til never.

Until the end of time
And until time is reborn.
I offer you my love…
If you want it, it is yours.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Peter Pan

We are not all Peter Pan;
We must grow up one day.
We must do all we can, while we can,
Before it all goes away.

TV has more than the Disney channel;
There is so much out there to find.
One day you will not be able to afford Chanel,
So be rich and poor at the same time;
Make the most of your life.

Our guardians protect us and raise us.
Hold their words close to your chest,
But one day you must leave the nest
And walk alone; relax and take a deep breath.
In fact you must go, because it is good for the soul.
You must learn to fly high into the sky,
Before they plant you in the ground.
Technology does not save us all,
So cry aloud your nature call.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

The phoenix flies throughout my life;
Fire wings send it flying so high.
As it rises up into the sky,
It disappears and reappears, back at my side.

From my hands it goes out to search the land;
The ashes of love are the only traces I have.
Once it was here, but now my phoenix has gone;
I know one day it will return and I will be reborn.

Letting go of holding it tight;
I let my phoenix fly off into the night.
In summer it died, burnt to a crisp by the golden sun,
But the phoenix’s life returns with another one.

Immortality is just a fantasy,
But the phoenix flies eternally.
The flames of love burn endlessly.
My phoenix exists inside of me.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

My mouth has stopped speaking,
My eyes have stopped seeing.
My words are no longer written…
I have no imagination for dreaming.

No feeling for screaming,
No passion to believe in,
No happiness for me;
Only misery.

I have nothing left beneath my rib cage.
Forever trapped in all ways,
In a million mile maze;
No way to relate to the lives people play.

Lost in all ways to your nation of islands;
All stand united, I make no demand.
Ask for no place to barter, life is a non-starter;
Never seen a wedding garter in these days of haze.

Left dazed and confused, with nothing to soothe,
The constant blues, who knew?
Not me, I never did. Did you?
My empathy?  You can keep it!
My apathy lacks all my cares.
Don’t ask me where they are; I am stood at the bottom of stairs
And the first step is too far; I stare into stars,
Looking for a future, but no luck so far.

Let my coffin be gift wrapped, I will not cause a fuss.
Just lay down to rest;
Robot ready to rust and dust is all that will remain;
Because even when I go I will still hold on,
To every searing scar of my pain.

The pain is all I am left with and all I know.
No encore to this show, please, I cannot repeat myself anymore.
I have said enough.
Close the door.

Remove the good vibrations, silence the dawn chorus.
People were sent here only to test us!
Act 1 – I lived.
Forget Act 2.  
Think only of you, like all others do
And when I am run through in this queue,
Where we are all waiting to die,
When ****!  My!  Life!  
Is in the hands of a non-believer;
The fingers no nearer to touching a soul.  
Why am I growing so old?
Why am I always so cold,
To everything they think and say,
For they cannot think, without saying it.

Pins and needles, my nerves are talking,
The timer is ticking and it does not bring anything.
All will soon be gone from this basket-case of mine.
Life is a swine, soak it in wine,
Right on time for the next nasty surprise.
I sigh, I sign my name, my life and oh the days I will never forget.
I have tried…
To forget;
But no luck yet.
No thought for regret.

I have never seen a happy day, 24-seven-straight.
A constant pain, happiness never even looked my way.
Always broken like biscuits at the bottom of the barrel.
Quickly kissed, forgotten even quicker; I hate Christmas Carols
And New Year celebrations because they are all the same.
Each and every year is another year of pain.

I am a faded picture on a damaged milk carton,
Never going to get a heart won,
Because a loser only loses love
And I am lost in a life that is a cartoon.
Drop an anvil on my head so I can see the stars…
And the end.
Love is the pin to my balloon.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Pit of Deceit

There is a pit of deceit, full of lines you speak

And if I try to escape, you drag me back in.

With unbroken promises, at the present time;

But history shall repeat itself once more, as shall the fact you lie.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Plant a baby

Why be average, when you can be extra ordinary?
Why write a letter of complaint, when you could write a story?

I have fallen head over heels and landed flat on my face.
I need you to pick me up and make me yours.
Love, love and hate, hate.
Let me paint you a picture of the two of us in love.

Harvest a baby and grow an acorn;
Fall makes leaves fall all around us,
To show summer has come and gone.
Pass the test paper, or at least try your best.
Grow a conscience and intellect, alongside your cress.

Create life with a seed and hope for a better tomorrow;
Plant a baby on Sunday and forever heal its sorrow.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Plant a thought

Mixed up Human, chemical imbalance.
Build a tree or plant a Zen romance.
Tip the scales and put it back in your hands.
Roll a paper, then just sit back and relax.

Something bubbles in the undergrowth.
Pledge alliance, swear an oath.
Light a wish and watch it burn in a flash.
Imagine something along the lines of abracadabra!

Make a thought and bury your head in the sand.
Give future generations a cryptic master plan.
Plant a bomb of inspiration in their mind.
Find your way past, all their conscience mines.
Let it simmer, until the time is right.
Then play a muse, locked in a pantomime.

Cause the room to be engulfed in flames,
Of your true passion for a better way.
Burn the ambitions, of the jealous babes in wolves clothing;
For they will turn each pure thought, into acid rain.
They offer salvation and bring an early grave.
The Femme Fatale; The Idol,
Is the only one who can bring peace to our world today.

Memories, memorial.
They still cause us so much trouble.
But with a dose of electric love,
These ***** of nerves could turn out to be good.

But no, I’m wrong.
Because my destiny is in the hands of a rebel punk!
Of drink and drugs!
Who has no hope of ever finding love.

But Vlad’s Dragon Tooth,
Has been released from my spine.
I can walk out of the darkness
And give thanks to the sun shine.

Given up for ghost, the tears became premature;
Until I ran out of the darkness to greet you my saviour.
As I embrace you, I crumble to dust;
One night after one bite,
My life’s breath has breathed its last.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Poem number 1000 – Part One. – It has no name.

Wings of purest silver, halo of gold;
Stand and I will deliver, for a soul I require a soul.
Forever rolling fields of the green, green grass of home;
A clone never feels alone, in a world full of clones.

Follow the star in your brand new car;
All that we are is loved in the dark.
Sanctity exists, if we believe in it;
Without a God to blame or praise, we would remain gifted.

Youth has come and gone too fast for us all;
In the end we find a way, to walk through walls.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Poem number 1000 – Part Three : Deeper and deeper

Forever onward, into a future of possibilities;
Another line, from inside a mind, without sense, but with sensibility.
Throughout time I have learned to garner my abilities,
To become the man you hear; I have earned my dependability.

In partnership, I have discovered my heart
And I doomed it from the start, to starve inside a life of scars.
****** for eternity, to tear myself apart;
Without a guiding hand to guide me, I fell beneath the stars.

Blessed mornings are all slept right through
And aspirations are lost alongside the dripping dew.
The sunshine awakens my eyes, as I see through the blind;
But I shall still not arise, from this cocoon.

Into slumber I drift, indifference I change;
I have become a slave of my own disdain.
The words echo out of my mouth and around the room;
In tunes we marvel, in love we are eternally doomed.

Our hope is curtailed, so we have set sail;
The voyage of the ******, Poseidon at our tail.
A war of world’s, inside a shattered soul;
Our thoughts come and go, but we are deep inside this hole.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Poem number 1000 : Part Two – Could do better.

This is the thousandth poem I have written;
I have been looking forward to this day for a very long time.
Poetry took over my life and gave me a reason for my existence;
Now I have a reason to do what I must do.  I must write.

Many years have come and gone since I began to write.
I’ve spoken about my life and death; I’ve spoken about my future wife.
I’ve spoken about anything and everything; I have been honest and lied.
I have told you everything I feel inside
And I am left with nothing to hide.

If you want to know me completely,
Then you will have to read all of my poetry.
If you want a glimpse of the real me,
Then find one of my poems and you will find peace, love and empathy.

Sometimes you will find what you did not want to hear;
But I must show you every part of my soul, including the fear.
The dark side, the happiness, the love and the hate;
Everything has now been talked about,
But there is always more I will have to say…

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Poetry is a calling

Like a moth to a flame, I cannot tear myself away;
I must look again, to see what I was blind to see when insane.
Sanity brings clarity; my eyes are wide open.
Let it all come from studious thoughts
And be written in poetry without reason.

Burn your history behind you, by telling your story;
Without you there is no me.  To the end!  Forward to glory!
Book up your ideas, in a non-idyllic life;
Cause pain, more forward, suffer pain and write.

Banish bygones to a memory of Hell;
Let all fall before the sword, inside books, under your spell.
Let passion shine through like a ray of sun;
Let no-one tell you to stop your writing, until you are done.

You know everything inside your enlightened mind;
So scars can no longer be formed, life cannot be taken.  It’s alive!
Destiny is calling; do not ignore its call.
When words become power, we shall rule the world!
In a land of dis-placed people, searching for any answer,
The chancer takes his chances and the laughing boy becomes the fool.

Poetry is a gift, so embrace the peace, love and empathy within,
Because if you cannot sing or dance,
At least you can write something with meaning.
It is you who is doing this; it is they who wish to do it too.
It is a necessity; it is a thing you love;
You are no longer a Hu-
Man being on this land, you are immortalized.
You have risen up to a higher state of consciousness;
You have learned to fly.

Now you soar above the landscape
And roar out your words.
Let all who hear my call, roar with me,
For we are human no longer; we are birds,
We are fish, we are mammals, we are nature and the unseen.
We are writers, we are poets, we are in tune with everything.

We become something, to feel its thoughts;
We morph before your eyes.
We are constantly evolving;
We know just how it would feel, so we must write.

A calling to all;
You are what we have been waiting for.
Poetry is a calling;
You are an artist…so go show the world.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Poetry is dead

We’ve had a good life together, but all things end.
I know I couldn’t be, but I tried to be your friend.
All the thoughts that I had in my mixed up head,
They are yours to keep now.  Poetry is dead.

Nothing left for you to criticize.
Watch me smile as you question my lies.
Give it time and the fire inside will die.
The light is fading, more and more, all the while.

Passion is gone, because love is a bore.
I believed more than you ever did, but no more.
The time has come, this love is done.
I can no longer run and catch the sun in my ***** hands anymore;
Because I am so bored and high flying birds do nothing but fall.

Standing before a ten foot brick wall,
With no will left to break through an imaginary door.
It does not exist, because I am not a kid;
I do not write it, so it does not exist.
I no longer open my mind to doors.
You walk through me like I used to matter, once.

Red light, stop sign, dead end view.
Words are done, give me a gun,
Are you sure this love is bullet proof?
What does a green and black cat in a dream mean?
I was at work at the electrical shop and all the while I was sleeping.
We were having a meeting and the cat sat on my lap
And while they talked and talked, the cat was suddenly gone,
And that was that…

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Poetry is my drug.

Poetry is my drug of choice;
It gives me a buzz, it gives me a voice.
It keeps me awake, when I really should be sleeping;
Poetry is my drug and it keeps me dreaming.

Fantastic images within my mind,
Help me to find the correct line.
Who was I before I taught myself how to rhyme?
I may not understand why,
But I am becoming a better man, with time.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

My pain is contagious, so don’t come any closer;
I don’t want you to suffer, as I must suffer.
I won’t let this pain, eat away at you too.
This is my cross to carry;
Don’t let it be a burden to you.

For one must hurt and two can’t suffer in silence.
For you to be free, I alone must go through this.

Keep your distance and I’ll keep my promises,
To keep you away from all this sadness.
Even though you and I, I wish could be;
I have to hurt you sooner, rather than later,
To allow you to be free.

Please accept this as fact and please accept my apologies.
Accept this is the way, things have to be.
Accept you’re better off without me.
Please accept my best wishes
And deny any feelings you may feel.

For you can do better, have had better and are better.
You can avoid this sad sorrow, forever and ever.
You can find happiness, with someone who can be happy;
But I shall always get depressed.  There is no cure for me.

Imagine a dark mist, seeping into your skin,
Then you will understand what it is like to be loved by me.
You can try all you like, to make me happy;
But I’m a cancer of the heart,
So I won’t drag you down with this sinking ship.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Poor old me.

I hate my body, so stay away;
Don’t waste your time coming onto me today.
Because my body is as ugly as my face
And my middle aged spread is on the way.

I hate being me and I hate you seeing me,
So close your eyes before I leave.
I disagree if you think I’m ****,
Because that is one thing I will never be.

Leave me alone and get out of my face;
This place is no home.  I am a disgrace.
I’ve never been touched by a touch of grace,
Just replaced and never saved for a rainy day.

My six pack is being replaced with a *** belly;
Oh pity me in my misery.
I can’t get back what age steals from me,
So I wallow in my self-pity.  

Oh poor old me.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Pop Idol

Milk the applause, savour the day;
You only have thirty seconds left,
Of your fifteen minutes of fame.
Another band falls off the conveyor belt;
It’s time for you to be replaced, by another covers band.

Another wanna-bee, another piece of human trash;
Who simply follows the money.
In search of their star, in the music hall of fame.
Do you seriously think, you can last the pace?
And make another album that sells like your first?
You naïve fool, that’s what they call consumerism
And you’re definitely not, a new sensation.

You’re just another advertisement;
For their hit T.V. show, with the losers and the freaks.
Don’t you realize you’re only a star of car crash T.V.?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Pretty liar

Set my heart on fire;
Make me burn with desire.
So beautiful, others need not apply.
I try so hard to find comfort in your lies.

I need passionate to match my passion.
I want to get you undressed, so wear a red dress.
Use your seduction;
Leave me helpless.

Entice me into your open arms,
With promises of love.
Forever calling to me, but never seen so far;
I am still so far away from ‘loved’.

Link us together with golden bands.
I cross my heart that I will love you more and more.
I have so much love but nobody who understands;
Be my parachute to catch me when I fall.

You leave me spinning three sixty;
Evaporate me.
Let me become a vital part of your totality.
Hold me closer so that I can ooze into you.
You and I are one and the same; let us become ‘Us two’.

Speak a truth never before mentioned.
Confess your love so I can tell you my truth.
Be my pretty liar, my addiction.
You have my lust and all of my love… now what am I to do?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
Pretty Please With Cherries On Top.

I wish to feel, I am King amongst the worms;
I wish to feel, I am the Prince of the peasants.
I wish to feel, I am a King of losers;
I wish to get, a taste of your Heaven.

But who am I, to dream of such riches?
Who am I, to ask for more?
Who am I, to presume to reach for you?
Who am I, but a walking, talking, creature of contradictions?
Now I am simply, your poor *****.

So let me be free, to make a choice,
Let me be free, to turn up the noise,
Let me be free, to scream it out.
Please don’t tell me, to keep my thoughts for you quiet.

Here I am, begging at your feet,
Here I am, under your thumb.
Here I am, if you look down you will see,
I’m simply sat with caring arms, needing to hold someone.
Here I am, tell me something,
Tell me a lie, say something comforting.

Can I bring you, down to Earth?
Can I give you, all my love?
Can I show you, Heaven is still out of my reach?
Can I show you, your Heaven could be ‘Us’.

You have not lived, long enough to die,
So you have not found, your so called Heaven yet.
But I can show you an illusion, of you and I,
Living here on Earth, in our man made pure bliss.

Love me now and this illusion will become real,
Love me now and I can begin to feel.
Love me now and I can be your steel,
Sword of defiance, against this cruel world.

Say yes to me and I’ll not ask again,
Say yes to me, promise me you’re not lying.
Say yes to me and I shall bring you sunshine,
Say yes to me and you shall never again be alone.

Give me a mirror, to reflect your warmth,
Give me a smile, to ease my sadness.
Give me a dream, of being truly loved,
Give me you and I shall have my happiness.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Pretty ugly

They claim she’s beautiful; I wanna watch her fall,
Because she sold her soul and now I just want her type to go!
Plastic surgery; left her with a ruined nose,
Her heart has decomposed and a---ll I can scream is n---o!!!

She has a striking face;
Shallow beauty is a disgrace.
They say she must be idolized;
No!  She must be improved upon
And replaced!

She’s pretty ugly, she’s pretty ugly;
She’s pretty ugly to a loser who looks like me.
She’s pretty ugly, she’s pretty ugly;
She’s pretty ugly to a loser who looks like me.

Where are the nice ones?
I hate the rich ones!
The golden age of beauty has come and gone
And all that is left, to use, are the blondes!

I hate vanity!  I have vanity;
I hate everything that you have done,
To challenge me with your beauty.

She’s pretty ugly, she’s pretty ugly;
She’s pretty ugly to a loser who looks like me.
She’s pretty ugly, she’s pretty ugly;
She’s pretty ugly to a loser who looks like me.

She lacks sympathy; I lack mercy!
There is no dignity in selling your body to a magazine page.

These are just my conscious thoughts;
Where are the pretty souls?
There is nothing left inside to hide
And all we have to use are these knowledge bombs of rage.

(Repeat these lines as the song becomes quieter and fades out.)

She’s pretty ugly, she’s pretty ugly;
She’s pretty ugly,
Yeah she’s s---o,
Very, pretty, ugly.
She’s pretty ugly, she’s pretty ugly;
She’s pretty ugly,
Yeah she’s s---o,
Very, pretty, ugly.
She’s pretty ugly, she’s pretty ugly;
She’s pretty ugly,
Yeah she’s s---o,
Very, pretty, ugly.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

A bird chirps to get me out of bed,
But I am still resting my head and I don’t want to get up yet.
It’s nice and cozy under these blankets
And I haven’t got to go to work today,
So I am deciding what to do next.

I will get up, but I don’t want to.
I will make myself a nice breakfast
And for lunch I will have soup;
But I will not be cooking tonight because I have a date.
I must not be late.  I think she said to meet at eight…

Or was it seven?  Or half past?  Oh well.
I will figure it out;
I have no doubt,
Things they will all be just swell.

I am sure she will text me before then,
So I can pretend that I knew all along…
Maybe I will finish writing that song,
That I have been working on.

It’s so nice and warm beneath my quilt,
So why move at all when I can be happy being still?
But still I am hungry, so up I will get
And make myself some toast,
But I am so bored of bread!
My body needs sustenance and I think I need porridge;
My stomach will just have to be patient for a while
And somehow I will manage.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Project Progress

Born under a black star, progress has been made,
But birthdays come and go and I still cannot act my age.
Destiny has been calling; it is time to pick up the phone.
Plans are in place and construction has begun, to build our new home.

There are many pieces of my jigsaw heart that need to fall into place,
But when she does arrive and I can see my future being with her,
Things will change.
Apathy will be shot through the heart.
I will have a change of heart.
Love has only ever broken my heart,
But she is coming, she is here, she is leading me onto the next part.

Growing up and growing old, but remaining young at heart.
Things are forever in creation; I think it’s time to build a nation.
A Kingdom of mine with a Queen for my Wife;
Maybe even raise a child and show them that this life,
Is not as bad as I say it is.
Tell them one day they will raise their own kids.
Tell them one day they will love like I do.
Teach them Carpe Diem, before it is through.

I will not shield them from the realities of this world,
But I will protect them from all who want to harm my boy or girl!
I will be their body armour to any and all danger.
You had better walk away, if you even think of causing harm to her!
Or breaking his heart!  Because I will get you to being gone!
This is my family!  My blood!  My passion!  Our home!
And my Wife will be linked to me through sickness and poor,
Through a psychic connection and onto the riches of everlasting love,
Because when I love you; you know it’s for life,
And if you ever doubt my feelings for you,
Look directly into my eyes
And you will see,
This is the real me.
I am love.
I am creating a palace,
Where the two of us can live.

I am writing my heart down in blood, sweat and tears on every page!
I am so passionate about love; so passionate it aches!
But I am more focused now, than I have ever been.
I now know I can only accept the best for me,
So she can get the best of me,
Because the best of me, on a good day, is sweet

I will change my image and change my ideals.
I will change my mind and the way that I feel,
But my complete devotion to my soulmate will last throughout the ages.
I have waited for her for this long;
What’s a couple more pages?
I will continue to write; I will continue to wait.
I will buy this, I will look for that
And I will be ready…

When loves does find her way.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Public Cyst

The public cyst, from the big bad city,
The one who tells you, how to be pretty
And sell yourself, for the dollar;
Let the general public attach a lead to your collar.

Be exactly what they expect you to be,
Then let them condemn you, after they stopped you being free,
To express yourself, musically or poetically;
For their policy, is to simply make you agree.

They only buy your work, if it’s deemed cool by the magazines,
Which are only deemed cool by word of mouth;
So maybe we should all let out a scream and shout:

No to the government,
Yes to empowerment.

No to taxes,
Yes to investment.

No to prejudice,
Yes to justice.

No to inflation,
Viva la revolution.

Yes to freedom,
Yes to salvation.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Pushing love away

We accept the love we think we deserve.
I think I deserve more love.  
I have fallen so deeply into love with her,
But she didn’t notice, didn’t feel the same,
Didn’t love like the love I deserved from her.
The words I cannot speak have left me undone.

I have fallen in love too many times for you to take me seriously.
I understand why they all say, they do not believe in me.
I am incapable of being loved; that is why I remain alone.
It doesn’t matter if I ever get to share my love;
It is obviously not as good as I have always bemoaned.

I keep on saying nobody loves me as much;
But the truth is I cannot love, because I am unworthy.
I claim to want a perfect wife,
Because she does not exist.
So I remain out of it.
Come along and hurt me.

Luck or love?  To me, it’s all just a myth,
Or a thing that other people easily give.
I have never had it,
Because I never gave love,
Like everybody else does;
So cheaply.
My love is worthless when everybody,
Is so **** good and I am damaged goods,
In need of trust and unable to give it.

Read the script and play your part,
As you tear my soul and stamp on my heart.
Love me please, but stay away.
This is my every day pain,
And the face does not change,
Like my mind will…eventually.

I push you away to set myself free,
Of the chance of being hurt, or knowing misery,
Because all love has ever done to me,
Is **** my insides and stain my esteem.
I estimate I will find a mate…
I hope she can see through my barriers,
Because I have no strength to agree,
So I still hope one day she will get me.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Push on through

The world is a scary place and there is nowhere left to hide;
The nightmares are hunting us down and they are crawling inside.
Run from your life, they are coming to get you;
Keep on going, push on through.

Do not allow yourself to become boxed in;
Caged inside a nightmare of a life, with no sight of a key.
Set yourself free from their bonds of security,
That keeps you trapped in debt without any hope of release.

Push on through to the other side of the night
And in dawns breaking light, you will save a life.
Save yourself from your home made evil;
Fight away the beast and search for all the beautiful people.

Go forth and multiply; this is the spell we are under.
Instincts so old, they are humanities goal
And they drive us into the arms of our lover.
Without a love to hold, this world would only **** those who do;
But with love we can make a change and push on through.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Q & A

Can you tell me please, how am I meant to live?
Can you answer me?  Do I need your forgiveness?
Can you tell me please, what am I meant to be?
Can you show me something in me, I have never seen?

All those nights I’ve worried about my health;
All those mis-spent moments, I could have been somewhere else.
In another world, or another reality;
If things were different, would I really be myself?

Won’t you answer me!?  God someone tell me!
Won’t you answer me!?  God can you tell me!?
Won’t you answer me?  God why can’t I be;
Something different to what I was meant to be?

And if our fate is already written, then what does that mean?
Are we living our lives on the edge of our seats?
Or are we even living at all?
Or are we just moving through our time like fools?
Who cannot see the bigger picture in which we live?
If we’re falling apart, is that our destiny?
And who has all the answers to all of the questions?
And would you like to live if all your questions were answered?

Won’t you answer me!?  God someone tell me!
Won’t you answer me!?  God can you tell me!?
Won’t you answer me?  God why can’t I be,
Something different to what I was meant to be?

All my life I’ve wondered, is this really it?
Is this all I’m ever going to turn out to be?
And I’ve always thought, I’d be much more than this;
But I guess this is just the way things have to be.

But there’s just one question I’d like to ask;
Before death comes to take me, can I have one last chance?
And please allow me to ask you this question, before it’s too late.
If I’d have changed my world would I really have been myself?

Won’t you answer me!?  God someone tell me!
Won’t you answer me!?  God can you tell me!?
Won’t you answer me?  God why can’t I be,
Something different to what I was meant to be?

Are we just changing our future dreams?
And moving them into something we can reach?
And if all that we want is always out of reach,
Is that really just the way life is?

And if all that we have is all that we need,
Would it mean that we couldn’t continue to live,
Without having it all just taken away?
Could we not be content until our dying days?

Won’t you answer me!?  God someone tell me!
Won’t you answer me!?  God can you tell me!?
Won’t you answer me?  God why can’t I be;
Something different to what I was meant to be?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Queen *****

There is only one Queen *****
And she knows who she is.
She could have been even more to me,
If fate hadn’t intervened.

Oh well, cele vie, my senorita she will never be.
Just a beautiful heart, hidden within.
But never hidden from friends,
Always love given to them,
From Queen *****.
My heart goes with you always.  I miss you Vic.

I have your photo on my wall, next to Eva,
You were both there when life was enjoyed,
Before I woke up from the dream.

Mostly forgotten now, but never you.
You shall always be remembered,
I want one day to introduce my wife to you,
To show her someone who knew me, when I was truly me,
Full of love for my Kryptonite;
I love you Vic.

I simply offer peace, love and empathy;
Remember love is the greatest of all things.
Much love to you Vicky.
You are always a good friend to me.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Queen of Goth’s

She will be sitting in a graveyard,
Waiting for her love.
She will be the Queen of Hearts;
She will be the Queen of Goths.

The Queen of the tormented being,
Will come to me like a darkened dream
And show me everything she can see,
In our future underneath the moonlit scene.

The Queen of despair;
The Queen of tomorrow.
The Queen of forever.
My Queen of Goths...
I am in love with your sorrow.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Do we like rock music because we are depressed?
Or are we depressed because we listen to rock?

Do we smoke **** because we are depressed?
Or are we depressed because we smoke ****?

Do we smoke **** to feed our need
Or do we simply have a need to smoke ****?

Do we shoot guns, because we like to destroy?
Or do we destroy, because guns are easy to shoot?

Are we bullied, because we are weak?
Or are we weak, because we allow ourselves to be bullied?

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Question marks behind your eyes

Why do you have love hearts in the centre of your eyes,
When you look at me?
Why do your iris’ glow a different colour,
Each and every time we speak?
Why does your smile rise, when I appear out of nowhere?
Why do you think about me, when I am not even there?
Why do you find me attractive?
Nobody else does.
Why are you always waiting,
For a time when there is an ‘Us’?

Why are you bothered if I don’t notice your look?
Why do you mention me when you are talking about love?
Why can you not concentrate when you are reading your book?
Why do you persist, where other people have given up?
Why dream at all that I could be the one?
Why think of me when you hear a love song?

Why describe me when talking of your ideal mate?
Why never speak until it is too late?
Why keep it secret, the way that you feel?
Why be scared of rejection, when only love can heal?
Why not take a chance at a thousand ‘I love you’s?
Maybe one day I will say, I love you too.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Life goes too quickly
And death can come in an instant,
So say what you must,
Before you miss the chance to say what was meant.

A flash of bright light
And everything changes.
So choose to make a choice;
Do not let ok become a maybe.

Regret nothing that could not have been changed;
If you would do all you could,
Then how could you have stopped things from ever being this way?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Quite Interesting.

Why am I watching this show on T.V.?
Because it has Stephen Fry and he is so funny.
He is so intelligent, compared to me;
But QI is wonderfully informative.

I learn general knowledge and bits of nonsense;
But even the nonsensical starts to make sense.
Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey say funny things,
Whilst Alan Davies just seems a bit dim.

This show is great, it’s so good to watch;
Thank Dave for playing QI so much.
They must be careful not to say the obvious answer,
Because the screen will buzz loud and bring much laughter.

They guessed you would say that,
When the real answer is stranger.
So stick your hands in a sharks gills,
To protect you from danger.

General Ignorance will catch them out
And make them say the wrong answer, no doubt.
So watch QI, it’s quite interesting;
It’s the comedy show that just keeps giving.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

What happened to the radio stations?
Burn the playlist, music is in a depression.
The songs I heard today said nothing
And did nothing for me.
I pity you for having to hear it on repeat.

I know every song cannot be a hit,
But today all I heard was (Fill in the blank).
So much so that it made me think,
Twice about ever again listening.

Three songs played and they were all the same-lame,
So I changed the state of play and won’t be going back again.
Boring songs with boring choruses;
Tuning in to only misses.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Rainbow in a hurricane.

Living life like a, hurricane and I,
Can’t explain why I chase loves holy grail and I;
I’ve got to try harder, to get myself higher,
Because I could love you, the way I used to love her.

There’s a rainbow in my hurricane;
A million colours, between my sun and rain.
Love is here and love is all around;
It’s so easy to lose and so hard to be found.

But I don’t know how to cross through a rainbow,
I can’t tell you how to swim through snow.
I can’t understand how to make my karma flow;
All I know is; you make my heart glow.

Seasons come and seasons pass on by,
But I’m still here with you wanting to get high.
Clouds above still paint, pictures in the sky;
I want you to help me pass the time.

Love is real and sometimes broken in two;
It’s too hard to find and so easy to lose.
Promise me your love and you can have my heart;
Love me forever and I will never depart.

But I don’t know how to cross through a rainbow,
I can’t tell you how to swim through snow.
I can’t understand how to make my karma flow;
All I know is; you make my heart glow.

Kiss my lips and I will hold you close;
Say you love me and I’ll tell you all I know,
About love and how to feel so good;
Promise your heart to me and you can have my love.

Living life like a hurricane and I,
Can’t explain why I chase loves holy grail.
There’s a rainbow in my hurricane;
A million colours in the sun and rain.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

From the sky I fall forever;
Warp speed, light years, I can fly!
Further down I plummet towards you,
Through the wings of a butterfly.
Forever falling, sweat is pouring;
Silence is golden to the eagle at my side.

Faster, faster I travel along;
The new born sun shows rainbow blood.
It’s cold up here; I am going for a free falling song!
But the words do not mention what I have become
And what I will become.

Inside a sunbeam I disappeared.  
They dropped me off a cloud
And now my destiny is beckoning me to come down here.
And then with a crash, I splish! I splash!
I change into a vast ocean mass.

Now I am surrounded by H2O;
I have a place I can feel at home.
Through endless currents, I float along.

I cannot swim, but I can adapt.
I am a raindrop no more; I have become an ocean.
I told you I would be back.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

From the sky I fall forever;
Warp speed, light years, I can fly!
Further down I plummet towards you,
Through the wings of a butterfly.
Forever falling, sweat is pouring;
Silence is golden to the eagle at my side.

Faster, faster I travel along;
The new born sun shows rainbow blood.
It’s cold up here; I am going for a free falling song!
But the words do not mention what I have become
And what I will become.

Inside a sunbeam I disappeared.  
They dropped me off a cloud
And now my destiny is beckoning me to come down here.
And then with a crash, I splish! I splash!
I change into a vast ocean mass.

Now I am surrounded by H2O;
I have a place I can feel at home.
Through endless currents, I float along.

I cannot swim, but I can adapt.
I am a raindrop no more; I have become an ocean.
I told you I would be back.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

History is anything that has already happened.
The future is anything that will, or could, possibly happen.
The present time does not exist, it is already gone;
Not even a chance to place a full stop,
As existence is constant, evolution permanent.
All stupid questions have never been relevant.

Living a life of apathy is not a God send.
It hollows me to not care about pleasing others.
Write the words that make you happy in the end.
Paint my dot-to-dot with any colours.
In front of you all stands a giant wall.
A barrier between us to save me when you fall.

Now is the time to draw a line under what I have said.
Cross out your anger,
As your picnic hamper is glowing red,
From all the second cheapest wine you could order;
So casual this disorder.

You think you exist, therefore you do not.
I have already lost everything that you think you have got.
I didn’t miss a single thing.
All I want is for you to say something.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020

Shot a rebel through the heart.
Cancer kills but life is art.
You tried to put a stop to all that we are,
But we are too hot to handle; you can’t grab hold of a star.

Fire your guns; I’m invincible.
Speak your words; I’ve heard them all before.
Condemn a man for condemning your war.
You will never stop what we are.

Your system of control and degrade is beginning to fade.
Push my buttons, I’m a microwave,
Blowing through your wall like a hand grenade.
A tongue so sharp, I’m a razorblade;
Cutting your lies apart…your truth cannot be saved.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Razorblade Highway

There’s a razor ripping up the high way.
It’s already a bad day and it’s only Monday.
If I could change all the words to what I meant to say,
I would only change ‘I like you’ to ‘I love you Babe’.

It’s a good time for me to be leaving.
Doing ninety but I’m still not speeding.
If I did I would no longer be dreaming,
About a future where they make me her sin.

I couldn’t care less about my apathy,
But it’s a part of me, like my hair, eyes, hands and teeth
And there is no way for me to get rid,
Because this is the only way I know how to live.

An island in the sun?  Never lived on one.
Took a vacation once, but still never managed to catch the sun.
It keeps on running on gaseous energy;
Burning bright for you and blinding me.

It’s not a good day for me to be having a bad day.
I couldn’t say what I wish I never said.
You have a barrier; I get in my own way.
There’s a conveyor belt running through my head.

Off drops another thought, acting on instinct.
The free will of the naturally gifted.
All I do I have spent a lifetime learning.
A fading star will not keep burning.

Live a life less extraordinary.
Pick up a dictionary, write a new story.
If you are only searching for the glory,
Then you will only ever fail to truly,
Know the truth of a one heart butterfly.
Cease time and make way for a smile.
Let her through to see the inside of you,
Or hide away in the deepest blues.

I couldn’t contemplate not being in love again.
If I did I think I would meet my end.
There’s a reason for me to carry on…
One day I will be left as loves carrion.

I could lie, but I don’t have it in me.
I could shout out loud and scream!
I could hide away and never be open;
But what would that make me when my shell is already broken?

Nothing to hide but the deepest secrets.
They are hidden from me just like I need them to be.
If I exposed myself to the truth of human nature,
I would cry and fall down dead by a razor.

People ****!
At being in love.
They don’t care that I don’t care and you don’t care enough.

I cannot take all your deceitful back-stabbing.
Take a second…look at who it is you are grabbing.
I am not your hot property for any time;
I am God’s gift!
To the art of crying.

I have no strength left to put up with your selfishness.
Take it all back.  
I tried my best to get past your past,
But as you confess to a string of adultery,
I pick it up, wrap it around my neck,
I take a lovers leap
And I am finally free…

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018

Missing home, because I feel at home;
It’s difficult to accept change.
Walking in circles with no direction to roam;
Remembering all those other ways.

Feeling lost, like I am trapped in a six foot box.
They say cats like to play in empty boxes.
Dancing on, never learned to foxtrot;
In this place there does not exist any foxes.

Waiting on change, waiting all day;
Waiting for tomorrow, waiting on change.
Tomorrow is a whole day away.
24 straight; try reading again.
Lost my place, found my pain.
I need my independence to make a change.

Cannot cook because they will not teach me.
Feeling bored, like I have been here for eternity.
All I want is a little normality.
That is not my reality.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020
Reality driven.

Hand on heart I love you.
From the start my love has been true.
So beautiful, as soon as we met.
You caught me looking and I was trapped in your net.

Stuck to you through thick and thin.
You are on my mind again, I think,
About you nearly every day.
I still desire you in every way.

I want you bad, to be good to me.
I have always needed you to let me be,
The one you love until the end.
This is no time for me to pretend.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

In broken pictures you are stored inside my mind;
In jagged edge stories you are remembered from time to time.
In thoughtless actions I believed in your lies.
Now all memories have been damaged and lost
And the truth is hard to find.

In an unknown future, I know nothing of what is to come;
We no longer come together to face our fears head on.
We used to believe in this game we play called love;
Now we have nothing left, so we become undone.

With tears we wash away all the pain that we feel;
I used to wish I could still hold you and have you near,
But no longer do I need you, because I have begun to heal.
Passion soon dies and as I stand alone, you will soon disappear.

In love again, I find my happiness;
Now I have someone beautiful I can undress.
Now I realize that this new love is the best;
Broken hearts heal, so you will no longer be missed.

A new lover brings a new love into creation;
No longer a life of strife with a love that became vacant.
Now a real love is found;
This love is a revelation!
I can be happy in love.  
I am happy!  


(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

I’ve got a heart that is made from crystal;
I find diamonds behind your eyes
And if there is no way that I am losing you,
Then I guess I’ll be doing alright.

You wear a black tiara upon your head
And you have Cupids arrow stuck inside your mind.
I hope he sent you here to comfort me,
Because I need you to kiss me tonight.

If there is nothing left to lose, then give me hope or something;
All I ask of you is that you send me a sign.
If we lose all we have and I never get to see you again,
I know the angels will be cursing our luck, because of our plight.

Up there in Heaven they decided to put us together
And only you can tear this love heart apart.
If only we could make love last until the end of time,
We could be so happy with each other under these stars.

When I rise, I want to rise with you already up there;
If you’re still here, then I will never want to leave.
But if you’re waiting for me in Heaven with your loving care,
I will accept my fate and live while I can; but this life I will not grieve.

You are a golden heart in a land without colour;
You’re a morning sun in a land without light.
I know in my heart I could be with no other,
Because you are the purest love and my reason to rise.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

All these clones, these human drones,
Who destroy with their creations.
I am left alone, to bemoan,
The loss of the legendary situations.

The death has come to take them all away
And time floats away with the fairies.
Wishes wished upon shooting stars,
Never got me far enough to land in Brooklyn,
But I am still cooking up new recipes.

Adding ingredients;
Still always listening and looking,
And in my own way I find myself in the words of someone else.
I live inside ’The Book of Nothing’.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Refresh your soul

It’s time for a change.
Things can’t remain the same.
The time is done,
Move on.

It’s time for a fresh page to write upon.
Throw old dreams into the chasm and write a new song.
All things they end and begin again.
It’s time for a change.

The cranes have come to build upon,
The nest that once stood here.
Summer is gone, the fading sun,
Will soon have disappeared.

Life continues.
The news is not new.
Start afresh,
Refresh your soul
And change,
Become anew.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I’ve lived this death a thousand times,
Each time you let me go.
My heart has always been divine,
Whilst your love has only ever left me with sorrow.

So I kiss goodbye to a dream of tomorrow.
The last time I shall now see you is in the morrow.
For you have let me go, to save your own sanity.
So I shall leave you in peace
And find some self-loathing in which I can wallow.

This contemptuous place, that replaced your womb,
Has engulfed my hope and left me to my gloom.
The darkness draws over me like the ending of a book;
There is peace.  There is silence.  I have now become entombed.

So think of me as they drag me down to The Devil;
For I know all your secrets, but shall never tell.
Because I love you forever.  My love is eternal.  
So please be there for me, when I leave this *******.

For this is my purgatory, in which I must pay;
But then once more, I shall rise to see your face;
But after this life or the next, we shall each rise to see God’s grace.
Reincarnation is finding my love again;
But I can no longer, watch you slip away.

So once and for all, we shall stand before God!
We shall tear out our hearts and throw them on the floor!
I shall tell HIM only once!
I love her…
She loves me…
We have lived this life enough!

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Love is a job.
Dating is the interview.
Rejection stops me applying to be with you.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

You are a very long way away
And in front of me stand a thousand rejections.
I am not going to fight my way through all those deterrents,
Just to reach you and ask you out
And then you become one thousand and one.

If you ask me out, you already know what I will say.
I will say yes, only to you, with no other do I wish to make,
A true love connection.
If you want to fall in love with me
And you want to hear that you are heaven sent,
Then ask me, say you want me; my heart has already been won.

This is our time, our day.
Are you my true love?  Or are you another rejection?
I am only interested in commitment.
Are you Valentine and Va Va Voom!
Or so quick to be gone…
Time to move on.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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