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348 · Aug 2019
Colorful Haiku
Colm Aug 2019
No coloring known
Is such as described by man
Ever seen alive
Tuesday 12 - Just one of many verses
348 · Jul 2017
Be (a look into the future)
Colm Jul 2017
I want to be able to say
That I saw you not as you were
But as you could be
As you will be, and would be
That is of course
Only if you desire to be
When I look into the you know what I see?
348 · Aug 2019
Colm Aug 2019
You are the girl across the yester year
Like a memory bound town
Vague as watery days spent in summertime swimming pools

And now, we have the same ears for similar sounds

The same ears for similar sounds
348 · Feb 2019
Shining In The Sky
Colm Feb 2019
Those who are not just "I am"
Glow like stars in the night sky
And serve others
Even if they do not know it
As guides
In the absence of light
Is where they shine most bright
Not burning out fast, but slowly in time
348 · Feb 2019
Life A Bridge
Colm Feb 2019
Winding these words
For a rope to you
Across a narrow bridge collapsed
Will you
Outreach, outstretch
To catch last
At the end where we both
Find findings true
Poetry A Rope
347 · May 2019
Falling (A Tanka)
Colm May 2019
As summer leaves leap
Out of trees and river mouths
Broken stars reign down
Like a tripping set of stairs
Out of saturated clouds
A tanka which exists between the death of Summer and the passing of Fall. The rain, the stars, the leaves, and all which falls on all.
347 · Oct 2018
Broken Line of Sight
Colm Oct 2018
Hide and seek
With impossibility
As no such tired runs far enough away
To escape the eyes
Tired... Eyes...
347 · Nov 2017
Colm Nov 2017
A word from noone
Means nothing at all

But a word from someone
Of significance

Is more harmonized than the angels’ song and more beautiful than the most heartfelt verse to ruminate within the soul
They do mean more at night.
347 · Mar 2017
Fall Asleep With Me
Colm Mar 2017
The smell of skin
Mixed with deep breaths in the dark

As quiet minds
Slowly unwind
And let go of the thoughts inside
Like shooting stars
We fall in line
Most quietly here side by side

Within this bed
All that could've been said
Has faded like the setting sun
At least until the morning comes
Until you smell the coffee
And hear the distant purring hum
Of the ceiling fan
Let your heart beat slow until we speak again

Because there is no safer place
No secluded cabin or basin by a mountain face

There is only you
And there is only me
And the edges of what cannot be seen

Like the trust we keep in each other
So completed
Which results in an expert exclusivity

So you know that when I say I can
I mean thay I will indefinitely
As you know that you could for me

Because no other eyes can see
The certain way the palmtrees sway
Longingly beside the sea

So if you ever desire to sleep
While lying right here next to me

I wouldn't mind such a memory
In fact I'd cherish it, hold onto it
And try my best to forever keep
The essence of your tiny feet
As they passed by my awkward knees

Provided you don't mind my skin
Or the smell of my cologne which I always keep
For as surly as the sun will peak
Near by my side is where you'd be

And slowly as you succumb to sleep
And drift into a pleasant dream
I'd close my eyes and be at peace
Just knowing you were next to me

There in the dark
Where our deep breaths meet
Is where I hope you'd fall asleep
Good night.
346 · Jan 2021
Speaking Words of Wisdom
Colm Jan 2021
..Hug the world and..
E   M   B   R   A   C   E
You don't have to love
Lose your steadfastness
Or even change the un
Be true and moral, grace
Tolerate, don't cheat or hate
346 · Mar 2019
Mean, Doesn't Mean
Colm Mar 2019
The love of my life doesn't mean
Heart and soul
It means choose and choice
Part and whole
Mean, Doesn't Mean
346 · Nov 2018
Observing A Vice
Colm Nov 2018
The struggles and vices of another.
Are no less genuine to them, than you are to your own.

For we all have scars, and struggles, and little selfish lies.

The kind of thoughts that say that THIS or THAT or HE or SHE...will satisfy.

When they will not. And you know it.
Trick is finding someone you can respect.
346 · Nov 2017
Time Passes
Colm Nov 2017
The lack of the eternal
  Within my own eternity
    Has never bothered me
      Before this
        Before today
          I cannot am
            I cannot want
              I will not be
There's no turning back
346 · Feb 2017
His Night, Her Day
Colm Feb 2017
Darker than the shade beneath the heavy trees on a moonless night
So my heart has been when my companion is thee
For we are more different than the sun and the stars
Than the earth and mars
Never to be crossed but ever cross at the universe
For placing us this far apart
You throw me underneath the evergreens
Like the very shade of which you sing
Dark as the midnight hour and cold as the dawn of each new morn
Where not a glimmer of hope has a chance to stay
This is why we both must find another way
To tear ourselves apart from the sky
And to rotate the distance and turn away
Hence why the sunlight and the shade are not the same
For they are the inverse and the opposite
As you and I are night and day
Random... Good night!
346 · Mar 2021
the ink
Colm Mar 2021
our nature is not inkwells
our tongues are pens
our will's to live
345 · Dec 2018
Pity The Foolish Tongue
Colm Dec 2018
When they curse and cry and weep and wail
When they try and throw you down like a stone
Don’t sink or slurk, but float
And that alone will be enough, to know
Pity The Foolish Mouth
345 · Jun 2018
All In All
Colm Jun 2018
Who knows the path most meant for you?
Who knows the meaning of it all?

Who knows how many trees bear fruit and precious leaves which fail to fall?

Who knows which way the wind does weep?
Who knows the path each snowflake takes?

Who knows the choices we wrestle with?
Who knows the trouble we ourselves make?

Who's at the end of the lonesome road?
Who's name is the only name to call?

Who knows the WHY behind the world?
The answer is the ALL in ALL.
From the Sleepless Feet collection.

And forever he will reign. Regardless, but most pleased by my praise.
345 · Dec 2019
Inevitable (loop)
Colm Dec 2019
Your mind — Full of itself
Your heart — Lying
With all ambition but a distraction
Don't try of you will lose yourself
On such small things
This blasted verse. This ****** thought. Has been in my head for weeks on end. Because one of my problems is that I value my own thought and forethought too much. Eventually traveling the same paths over and over again just to see if I can be, at peace there. When God alone is the purveyor of peace of mind. Not me. He.

End. Hopefully.
345 · May 2018
Colm May 2018
Pull the paper from the walls
   The color from the tiles beneath
Pull my mind from the strangers way
   And title me, not as one thing
But as first and foremost, THE SON of a king
To him all goodness is owed. Amen.
344 · Mar 2018
An Observation
Colm Mar 2018
Those two are like jazz
In both song and spirit
Full of unexpected twists and turns
Highs and lows
Peaks and valleys
Moors and mist
A pairing of interesting interactions described. That what this was meant to be. A few words about one reflection on two people... Good Lord, I hate mathz.
344 · Nov 2017
Tall Trees
Colm Nov 2017
The great woods are
But a memory to me
Of a time when my words clung to the branches of trees
Before the fall
Great indeed for their inherent value
For their intrinsic worth
Were such words and such times to me
I need to walk that path again.
344 · Aug 2019
Excerpt From An Old Journal
Colm Aug 2019
No matter how hard we fight...
Natures rain falls regardless...
Even if we hide.
Colm Feb 2021
You don't see me when
I cry, or spill over, you
see me when it rains
343 · Apr 2018
The Listener
Colm Apr 2018
Listen to the rivers run
Your mind with far away

Hear the words of another lover and stay
Be it near or far away
From all others

Focus on the one thing that matters
Until all other matter does fade

As you hark, attend, harken and heed
Be careful not to let the kindest voices
Waiver until they fade and let you slip away
From all others
About sound and listening and truly hearing. How valuable is the latter in life, when the words are a last ditch effort to help.
342 · Aug 2017
What I Am
Colm Aug 2017
I'm not a well you can just keep drawing water from
I'm not the sky because the rain will not always come

I'm not the earth, I am the opposite
I am a man, I am alive

And I'm in love or could've been
If it hadn't taken you this long to try
*head shake*
342 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
As liquor should be locked up
Too strong is it
A drink for all

So also should these chambers be
Refined behind iron
Pad and key

Not opening to doors like worlds
But renewed in truth
Baptized in study
And blessed by the best footprints in all

No educated mind can bare
The suffering of one
Let alone the many within these empty halls
342 · Jul 2021
A Feeling Once Felt
Colm Jul 2021
Such love stretches out above mountains and trees
Into distant nights and ocean valleys deep
Into stars and seas
Where only the masked and glowing beings beam
And words go without sound nomore unseen
Such is love stretching out into this universe of being
Until they're shared by you and dissipating from me
Colm Sep 2022
As I walk

Through the mountains of elevated responses to be

I look bout and feel, breathe in and see

A new outward being

Almost proud of, in me

Anew breath, a new earth

As I find newness

Where there was no patience in me


As I walk
Around this time - SJ
342 · Sep 2019
Colm Sep 2019
Some days you just feel
As man was not mean to be
Often times, it's just how a thought strikes me. The light in a certain way or whatever. It doesn't necessarily dictate the mood for the entire day. It's just a small, short, burst of poetic perceived truth.

341 · Mar 2017
Indivisible Clouds
Colm Mar 2017
Did you know that when it rains
It secretly rains on us all?
Buildings or not
No state or county line alive
Can divide those underneath from which it falls
The glorious sky
The bellowing sky
Which opens up its eyes every morning
Just to look and see that we are yet still alive
And even though that same old sky
Which connects us though cannot love
It’s only because of such blessings from above
That we can learn to live and love at all
On that note...
341 · Apr 2017
His Words > Mine
Colm Apr 2017
After so many words have passed my lips
After being so warm
Like fire on the edge of my fingertips

I amazed by what I find
Both within me and within this
My seemingly same old somber mind

Because all of a sudden
The same old feelings
And the same old wooden stirring stick
Have broken into a dozen pieces
And suddenly I am settling in
After weeks of feeling uncommonly mixed

This is a different side of me and yet the same
With a broken stick cast at my feet

How I want to share
Because it reminds me
Exactly how I would like to be
But to be like this forever and always
To be locked in this form exclusively
Would be nothing short of torturous for me

So I’ll search for new words with this month
And try and find a way to stretch
The same old somber sayings which
Always seem to bunch up in my mind

So I’ll search along the wall of time
From here until the very end
Until I find the truth within
Where his words begin
And my words end

For only his words are perfect and kind
And enough to restore my peace of mind
His words are enough. But mine will never be. And this my friends is alright with me.
341 · Jul 2018
Contrast Of Seasons
Colm Jul 2018
I love the warmth of heart as a home run is hit in the July heat.
The simmer on the weathering skin by the Carolina beach.
The grilling asphalt beneath the feet of the inquisitive kid.

But above all of this, both prestated and said.

I love the old worn wintery ways, the weathery, the cold and gray.
Where the days are as short as the ticks of a clock.
And the words turn slower somehow in due time.
Like the mirror's edge, I end and yet, know that I age a little less in the wintertime.
Northern Heart... To always have.
341 · Feb 2019
My Love of Years
Colm Feb 2019
Leave me bare as the trees
Born as the flowers
And blue as the summer sky and then
Watch the falling leaves devour the sidewalk clean
Until the ending rain beings to freeze
And falls like feathers
Again and again
The January Lasts

A literal title
Colm Sep 2019
You didn't get my message
And I trusted the trees
So earnestly
To deliver it to you
With speed
I'm afraid
No such service exists
Makes me laugh lolol
340 · Apr 2019
In A World At Peace
Colm Apr 2019
Familiar as clock chimes from younger days
The reinforcement of fact, and that
No matter how little my ability to stay, may be
When the time is right
And the world at peaceful lingering, I
Is where we will find and stay
Remaining in a gentle, outlined memory
340 · Nov 2017
Absence And Presence
Colm Nov 2017
Nobody dreams anymore when they sleep
How they wake to find
That their dreams of the day are not met
Will not meet
How long will this nightmare continue to be?
Like a daily life with eyes wide shut
Squeezing tightly until its extinguished from me
Of Dreams
Colm Nov 2022
Color grows above
And wrestles darkness down slow
Behind the mountains
Peaking into wondrous lost
The next day is found awake

A set of colors and dreams and thoughts
Colm Mar 2021
the harp of my heart
waits quietly for your breath
breathe into me warm
we were evergreen is underrated
340 · Dec 2017
Running Water
Colm Dec 2017
Drop a smooth stone in a pond
And no one sees the ripple
Skip a stone on a running river
And the ripple is consumed
My publish poems option keep erroring for some reason - So I'm working out of my drafts - Tell Elliot please. (:
339 · May 2017
Amidst The Saltwater
Colm May 2017
There is a glass box in the ocean
Invisible to the nautical eye

How it hides beneath the subtle waves
As the breakers and boats berate the tempest skies

For amidst the ocean of unending salt
Amidst the darkness of the currents below

There is only this
An ounce of freshwater in a box of glass

Unfound, both in and of itself
How it will ever preserve and still outlast
I'm tired.... (:
339 · Mar 2018
A Laugh At Self
Colm Mar 2018
And you want to get lost in the recesses of your mind? There is only you there, what do you expect to find?
Hahahaha... Taken from a converted notebook.
339 · Mar 2018
That Certain Whipping Wind
Colm Mar 2018
As the wind whips through the valley, so do these thoughts breeze through my mind.


Contemplating you and then some, other someone, some other time.

Steadfast and true as are the rooted trees of are.

Not ours mind you.

Though the wind itself is never so consciously on my mind.

You are.
At times.
On mine.
All breezes you never see coming... No duh lol
338 · Apr 2018
Regarding Such Feelings
Colm Apr 2018
The height of the stars
The depths of the ocean
The colors of the flowers
And the warmth of a summers morn
No human heart nor hand to hold
Is responsible for making you
Feel with such feelings as these adorn
To love is to try. To forgive is to forget. And such choices go beyond mere human fleeting feelings.
338 · Jan 2018
My Linchpin
Colm Jan 2018
I am a man of little blocks
The world it tears me down
And when I'm broken on the floor
He picks me up
And gives me the support to build around
My God - My center
338 · May 2016
One Kiss
Colm May 2016
Am I dreaming again?
I don't honestly know.
With my tall frame a twist,
And you on your toes.

That one kiss shattered time,
And yet held it in place.
These old light posts remain,
Having witnessed embrace.

Not another in sight,
To have seen what we'd see.
Your lips resting on mine,
Beneath wood and the green.

In that moment my friend,
The earth did cease to spin,
In that moment it held,
And I kissed her again.
337 · Oct 2018
Relational Wish
Colm Oct 2018
May rivers flow into streams
And stray in whatever direction they need
In order to reach the inevitable sea
To all those that have passed me by. I wish you well. I wish you peace. I wish for you the inevitable sea, in which we all must swim. Forgive, yes, but also flow away from me.
337 · Mar 2018
Taller Still
Colm Mar 2018
I have always been a shadow tower

With arms of bended steel

Love me, hate me

Do with me your opinion what will

But never will I change as this

Or let my shadows lack therein

The will to see it though and thru

And deliver it with a furious will
With a sly look mostly
336 · Jan 2019
Colm Jan 2019
My heart is scratched
But I won’t say or sway
Or look at the gaping space within
Guess it was never known
That I felt this way
Colm Jan 2019
When the sun and moon and stars align
And the darkness is most bitter sweet
On the backside of our turning time
With inches meaning less and less
It's where our two perspectives meet

And when the rolling river cuts its path
Down beneath the deep, the grand abyss
As the ages pass on through and trough
That's when I will recant
That’s when I will return to you

For as the arrows fly and pass you by
So the winds of change flow steadily on
Both forward and through every tree
Yet inching towards to former fount
Only when in stillness will I ever be

For it's between this heaven and this earth
Between the sun and moon and land and sea
It is WHEN we only care about
When it ought to be the man to be

Heaven our impatience
Earth our wonder
Wind a wandering mind to keep
Between is no other
When? WHEN.
335 · Oct 2019
Memory Sky
Colm Oct 2019
Clearer than any settled pool
Brighter than any firework sky
Fresher than any daisy or flower
More real than any polished rock to remind

Falling fast and furious in mind
Like a stonework leaning slow built tower
With a buzzing hum as a furious fly
And sanguine light midst reflective pool

I remember it like it was yesterday
Because it was just 3674 days ago
I remember it like it was yesterday - Because it was just 3674 days ago
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