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Zead Jan 2015
Alive and dying.
Ashamed like who I am
My favorite thought is now my worst nightmare
Hatred for my desires
I could let my heart decay no problem
until i realize I’m still alive once more
the ending won’t be happy
the hope for a new beginning is real
far away from utopia
as Cassiopeia cries for the Orion
and bound to Cepheus
Zead Sep 2015
lifestyles and culture
political stance and war
funerals at last
Zead Feb 2015
Perhaps I must forget about you, or else you won’t be
But I’m scared of forgetting about you that you also might not live free
Our friendship, my imagination and what it makes me see
Truth is, it doesn’t seem like writing about you will make you come to me
I don’t want you to just be the earth, a finite piece of dark matter, as real as space
It hurts to think that I will move on without you, and never see your face
And the beauty and righteousness, the growth from an unlocatable place
Yet for the same very reason, for you to ever appear anywhere in actuality, it would take a gift gift of Gods’ grace
I don’t want you to be lost~
I just really don't want you to be lost. forever in the past like you weren't ever supposed to be and yet i know you like my best friend. If lovers were children, that's what we'd be... oh wait. heyell nahhhhh. sorry XD love you .ugh. i'm going crazy.
Zead Jul 2014
you acknowledge a concept
no matter how you do
and when you grasp onto it so easily
you now know it is time
to critique the painting
to write the song
to film the scene

in order to express to one another

means to lose what you knew
at one point you played around
to only discover all harmony
but to only tear off a piece
and feed that alone to the others
once it was mastered
was as if everything else was forgotten
buried back into the depth's of your heart
to never be found again
unknown beauty
infamous tragedy
written while jotting down my second opus. in acknowledgement to any riff or any piece of art-that i couldn't bring to life.
Zead Jun 2014
It hurts to know
i'll always glow
in ways, i'm special
a slightly cracked shell
is how i feel
makes me wanna kneel
to those around me
like them i wanna be
aware of who i am
alternate choices spammed
i see myself trying
your eyes cause me crying
no sensuality
confused sexuality
we all exist inside
filters of illusion reside
Pieces you shatter
to me that matter
your response after
creeped out flatter
too far i go
more than i know
no more time to waste
stay put in your place
no. i am not autistic
Zead Apr 2014
and as the eclipse meets the eye of a fish
so does the Holy Spirit stand in your midst
please go and find for yourself, that one day you may realize
how much more there is than what meets the eye
does the fish ignore what is outside of the water or does he respond
by any chance is there any astonishment in that consciousness of a fish
but before you think of it
decide for yourself whether you would gain from it or not
would that fish desire to know about it or even try to live for it
'*** little does that fish know
that eclipse is what controls the tides
i think God doesn't show himself to everyone because many would choose not to follow;acknowledging the grace of God. ignorance is bliss
Zead Aug 2015
You have only created what already is created
Even in your own individual thoughts, are those not your own threads of perception
you were created, but you didn't create yourself

I believe that our knowledge is given off of a foundational Creator
our mental data, given off from the original to you
like the strands of DNA, and how they have the same from their physical creator
But only less information is given and our limits come to being

that is what makes us who we are
what already is
what already was

or else, just give in to the idea that we are God
or that God is dead, perhaps never was alive

could we be formed from something like such?
Our source of life must come from life

Even in our sources of electricity, from that which is "not electricity"
you can still convert electricity from it
where electricity is found

energy cannot come from non energy
nor can life come from non life
however its synthesized, the pieces of consciousness must be found
Zead Oct 2014
In our pain, we see everything
Knowing our ignorant pathetic feelings of guilt, is for our God
It makes us try to not refuse the truth about life and the colors inside,
We are loved for a sake greater than we can see
But even when our views are from the lake, the shore and the grass
The riddle was never solved without Love and Its grace
And the lie wasn’t denying that my lsd was poison
But that the foundation of it was the cure
it just isn’t actuality
but in reality you reap what you sow
Not by your own understanding, your idols are a joke
But little does the fish know that the eclipse is what controls the tides
Zead Jan 2017
My father never left me
I came to him every day
I knew he loved me
And he disciplined me for only good

My father never hurt me
Unless it was for fun for me
He thought precious things of me: For me
I was drowned in love

My father never knew me
i grew into my own
I neglected his love that God planted in him for me
He grew old and weary and began to drive me crazy

I never knew my father
i began searching for him
When I found him. I recieved love and pleasure
I found myself lost as i called for my daddy

My father is my daddy
He made me his plan with his lover
To nurture me, support and take care of me
The way I've always known him is as my daddy

My daddy is not my father
My daddy does not exist
The ******* i *** while in my bed annihilate me
My inadequacies face me eye to eye

My daddy loves me so much
I keep his life going and going
He knows God and His blessings by me
His passions are the cosmos of life's reality for me

My daddy is who i realize he is
My daddy is who i realize he is
He was my daddy and always will be
He was my daddy as my heart lost my daddy
Every first verse is my biological father
Every second verse is my "gay lover"

except the last verse, it goes for each other line.
Zead May 2014
You feel so alone, the truth about life
A way to comprehend, the colors inside
Deceptions at hand, what's originally right
You got to be careful, it's a beautiful light
Reality is unknown, what everyone else knows
As if I ever knew, to me will never show
In His image, is what we are
Unimaginable thoughts, this may be of sin
The fall of man, no clarification
Free will is proven, within your boundaries
Beyond you see, even with the mainstream
You stream mainly what, you choose what it is
In what context, your mind is your limit
And free will is fake, your perception is wrong
Your feelings are gay, a fool is how one reads
How one understands, can none be there
Where i go, my own land
Alone we are, together we think
The lessons we learn, the styles we live
Yet we forget, as infinities twin
No more than zero, it's such a joke
To ask for us, below the core
Not for us, our being is just
The first poem I wrote. I was just writing my thoughts down and ended up in somewhat poetic form. And that is how I started getting into poetry. This poem is extremely personal. And precisely one of the most accurate scripts to ever describe how I felt at one point in my life.
Zead Apr 2015
people who are obsessed with
are just
infatuated with themselves
Zead Jul 2014
back from stepping into the world
that filthy hole, its nice to climb out
God's promise so true to my soul
though my flesh so in denial about it all
my vibes rejuvenated again
ease at last, ease at last
i'm back where I started in the best possible way
Zead Oct 2015
One thousand large books
a painting never finished
a song never heard
... your heart, lad, your heart
Zead Jun 2015
This is not mine!

your diamond ***
intense compaction and heat
clear like hash gum
red as a cherry until it pops bittersweet
the end is enough
but victory feels naught
years of blood I cough
and hate is what i'm taught.

Away from sane
Pleasures of pain
Try and keep the loose locks chained
Realities plane
From what we gain
Oh life is tamed
From heart to brain
Your name is bane
Now I’m the same
These maggots of shame
Express my frame
The life of death is but a game

The fowls in your lies
They **** out my eyes
Streaking fire harmonize
Along the lines of mental suicide
now lost in higher skies
Known like when a ghost dies
Inegligible melting wax
With a sea of philosophical facts
Tearing your nails for satisfaction
incomprehensible refractions
why try to grasp such fractions
to only destroy your foundation?
like narcotics and communication
or the vane abyss of dead relaxation
Zead Nov 2014
Without an authority, you are your own authority. But yet what do you perceive? Right and wrong? Truth and false? 

So can you observe within yourself?

Did you observe anything before ever observing what is inside of yourself, or was it afterwards? what floats inside of you is only what floats outside of you:
is this not how you come to being? Are you truly finding yourself? Or what are you finding about yourself?
(Your opinion is only a reflection of the exterior from yourself; But that is beyond the point.)
If there truly is not an authority, and if you are the authority; how can anything exist from you alone?

know that what you perceive isn’t from you. It is only within your consciousness.

Truly you only know that you exist because of what exists outside of your existence; although you are not proven to exist without the absence of your existence.

Whatever you trust in isn’t from you; and only faith can be what you believe in. So whatever you put your faith in
it can only be of your own knowings, but you cannot have faith in yourself alone.
Zead Aug 2014
You can’t deny what is justified
Neither the wrists that were crucified
And at the peak of His sovereign grace
And the crown that pierced the top of His face
And we destroyed in our eyes a chunk of mud
And yet; He saved the souls of Adams blood
He forgave our ignorance and tall some grew
And many today through Him become new
We were granted a gift you see
One so unnatural it shouldn’t be
We know it so well it’s like we don’t care
But truth is you look at what else He’ll spare
You glance at the list and we’re bottom to top
And everything else is washed with a mop
So may it never be! As Paul would say
To belittle such a privileged way
I can’t save you from your delay
But sovereign is the Lord through Him you may
The invitation is written in us now
And it’s your choice where you’ll be when our knees will bow
Maybe I’m saying this a little too lightly
Understand when you’re given a rope, you should hold on tightly
For crying out loud do you still not comprehend
That others given a soul aren’t lent a hand
as a being in God’s creation alone
and made to accept a debtless loan
Through a process foreign to things known
And here we lie guilty and not blown
In all evil is God given wrath
No escape from a hopeless death
So as not so mind-opening as I wanted to be
Think to yourself about this significance and see
What we live in this life is passionately hated and despised
But yet it’s still your choice to either be loved or denied
For our helpless minds were those wrists crucified
You can’t deny what is justified
Hell was meant for satan and his demons. The second they turn away…BAMMMM WRATH! ! ! and same with all evil should I mention. That’s where we come in. I know that God wanted us to give grace and gifts and mercy and forgiveness to. It wasn’t just anything, not just any random concept. He decided that we were going to exist for this meaning. It’s His sovereign side too. Because Jesus’ blood was shed for all man with the blood of Adam. Not spirits. Can you still think insignificantly of yourself? Not that you are what you are acknowledged to be in relativity, but that in all bondages of life and nothingness, you can feel the ones you seek for when in logical terms you should never have been able to.
Zead Jun 2015
And when we die alone
We will reap what we have sown
and though we live like eternity
is promised to our destiny

mercy sky
mercy sky
mercy sky
mercy sky

it's not for all who know or see
but for those who ask for faith to believe

they are free
i don't own my iniquity
mercy sky
i'm not dead
i'm alive

mercy sky
mercy sky
mercy sky
mercy sky
*sighs*  my hope. i've been singing this every night with my guitar before i go to bed.
Zead May 2014
The sick passion we have
Instead of practicing, we envy
We look at the arrogant one
Who brings us down
We scoff at his righteousness
We would love to call him out
Not to teach him his mistakes
But only to bring him down
His perfection: too blind in envy are we
To see his arrogance is that of his weakness
There could be fellowship in both of you
Yet instead we remain, stirring the tensioned brew
Zead Jun 2014
I'm too plugged in
it's beautiful though
can't see myself
so i trust in you bro
don't want to die
but want to be
can't give in to
the clouds move in
because you thought
now sinking within
please don't explain
'*** i don't even know
but please tell so
the parts that show
my life mistakes
have taken me far
unknown i see
here i lay subpar
no! i don't use drugs
Zead Jun 2014
At first
I thought my insanity left
But instead
my sanity came;
sanity insanity detached yugen mizpah alone together perspective same came instead thoughts inside
Zead Dec 2015
you just don't know, until you are
and expressing that state of loss
of everything
it's all an illusion
but death is only a new way to live
it's already over, right? i mean like dude
don't give into this world,
though i'm scared that you'll die in it
for some reason, you won't even know
because you can let your conscience go
instead of growing from your conscience
but in all justifications
i love you
all of you
listening to lapfox, thinking about the abyss of lost souls as we all are.
Zead Aug 2015
(takes deep sigh with voice pitch going down)
guys... i don't do drugs. that includes **** and alcohol
Zead May 2015



looks down
I love You
Zead Nov 2015
the more simple
the more complex
the more deep
the more at rest
Zead May 2015
I mean like...
i feel like God is telling me to do something right now.
But then i think of it.
Its probably just me.
I don't know
Maybe i should do it
Maybe i didn't do it
I hope it's not Him
Because im going to do some else first
Do i feel guilty about it?
No... not really
But i can't help it
If only i let myself not be lost
Since i don't do everything i know is the right thing to do
Stress is on me
Smoke a cigarette
And rest
My obedience is a joke
I believe I'm in His mercy
But if i am
Its certainly not because of mine own will
So let's make sure that this ending is happy
Zead Sep 2015
A time to break is a time to cry
A place to cry is a place to express
To whom you express is to whom you have a friend
The friend of mine is the home of mine
Where my home is found is where my way of escape is found
My escape is my new life
A new life is a new love
A new love is my God
My God gave me love in the time of need
My God has placed my new life in me
My God was to whom I escaped
My God is the home I seeked
My God is where my Friend is found
My God is the epitome of my expression
My God gave a new tear to share
My God broke me: Because He made me new
Goodbye TX
Zead Jul 2014
the things I wanna see
the things I wanna be
the fragrance and what seems to appear
when my mind creates what isn't there
just look away and feel no despair
i'll never be anything to "you"
no that I know you, I actually have no clue

and my mind will rot away,
discovering more to know less
what I dine for is never sane
at least for you, your at one point quenched
but for me, the drive is from getting lost
I always thirst for more

out of ignorance once I bore
a cup of sand I once held
the gratitude I had was hidden from my conscience
but one day I stumbled upon a beach
the sand in my hand
no longer the same for me
I tried dropping the sand into its place
I observed a rejection of tension
I switched what was in my cup
I couldn't bear no more
I need a sand box
I need more
even if I owned one though
it could only be no more to me
this pattern of reality
it crinkles me as I can't live without it
how can I explain? only what I wrote while chilling in a coffee house above can hopefully connect with you. if not-then i'm sorry for your waste of time. I go deep. either it's a vague piece of garbage or one can somehow relate
Zead Aug 2014
Ohh the shattered vase of your heart
And the colors that refract
You are my lsd
You are my water
Quite tainted water
I stopped drinking from you a long time ago
But I still haven’t recovered
I want to love you
But I simply can’t live in reality’s lie
Your quest is ignoring the conclusion
That there is no foundation in your ways

I’d make you feel how you would do
But I know that my eyes were a gift from God
As they are slowly blinding down
I know that my sight isn’t true for me
like yours
once tools used in vanity

Ohhhh imaginary mizpah
My delusional YUGEN
Incessant love and fear under tamed pain
******* the harlot out of me

I can’t tell you enough
It’s foolsgold
Please love
No gender will be it seems in the gates of Heaven
And every emotion more magical than any tongue

Be the painter of with-in-side your veins
And craft from what you create-not destry
I envied, you Were my world
But don’t envy the world
Whatever yours is
It’s just us in the midst of spirit D-DAY

I hate writing songs for you
It makes them old and die
Too weak to say no
For your granted *** sake

Please forsake your ways ------ ---
I need you to ******* become sane

Be stubborn now be broken later
Get broken now and become what matters.
I know what you want
Fantasia is your middle name
But reality has another story
And when you realize
That your mind is limited
But can see beyond it
Then you can care less about all of the things that mattered to you
Zead Jun 2014
Forget the ones that look down on others for only running a sandwich shop
Forget the ones who abide to the standards of illusion
Realize the grief you shoot into the masses
I despise everything you are
It’s not that you’re professional
It’s what professional made you out to be
Your eyes eroded from money and alcohol
Your pride creates the shame of the humble
And nothing else pumps through your veins
the homeless, your worst nightmare, nonetheless have such a more colorful heart than yours
You’d **** us off to rule this worldless plane
If only you didn’t exist
Could we be free of this *******
What do you have to offer?
I want to know
Can u even give a needy person a hug?
So please-stay away from my life
The tools of death you’ve made
Used for protection from the innocent
I’m no better than you
But I want to try and make truth
Because we are all selfish
But selfish isn’t what we’re made into
Zead May 2014
you feel lonely,
not at home,
don't know where home is,
but you aren't there,
there as in that place,
and reality falls,
your heart can't grasp it altogether,
but it's alright,
*** in the end,
you will find what's right,
like the rope being cut with a saw but the magnets try to meet and drill through the barrier anyways,
my art,
ones ****,
ones destiny,
but can hurt many-goodnight manny
yea. i pulled this out of my face while counseling someone about stufff.
Zead Jun 2014
i now realize
that all of my art will
eventually mean nothing to me
in the end

the mountains were valleys at one point
just can't explain
Zead Jun 2014
"The ocean, the shore, and the grass

The difference between them three"

Can one see where I am?

Here laying in the grass,

Following up to what appears

To be whatever it appears to be

I can’t tell what I need

So content without

But so colorful when you look out

The shore

Like therapy that leaves its mark

I need to be washed

The remains of the abyss

Sink me in

The agony of the hot sun

Wearing me out till I become none

I need to go

Where the tides say no

The ease of the lake

My past feels fake

Will I ever respawn

‘*** now I’m forever gone
was lost in the first place but thanks to subjectivity that i know that.
Original interpretations
Lake-my “fantasy”
Shore-the revealed desire within me
The grass-before ignorance was known as bliss

take this how you want
Zead Dec 2014
What is the point of it all?
If we don’t follow God, we will fall!
What is the point of it all?
What is the point of it all?
My records slightly breaking week after week
Sinning more, sinning less,
Giving in to God more but my life is bleak
Thanks to pride, we hate our mess
His will be done, His will in us
Fun is not the key of being free
But to stop refilling our eyes with ****
walk instead on the narrow path towards the wisdom tree
But in all knowledge of truth, why do we fear love?
What is wrong with our songs?
In pain we tease an audience
Blinding down the eyes in need
Like succubus is our middle name
How deaf we can be towards ourselves,
Whom we hide from in shame
Our purpose is vain
We live in-sane
Shining down the light into our broken glass hearts
There He is, our Savior,
The Body we are, and all of its parts
a family that we love
Ourselves in harmony,
The question still remains
Why do we fear love?
Zead May 2015
The suitcase
After unzipped
Was thrown off a cliff
While all were blindfolded
And obligated
To only hear the sounds
Zead May 2015
without the absence of law, what would be poetry end of thee
as the tongue is dead without its mind
and a perception is no more than an illusion without a beat
our us's and we's and feelings of these
as if we take not the time to realize that pleasure
is our cover up for weakness
validity, purpose, meaning, what's your reason?
rocks have no bottom, and we only know their boundaries by their surface
if by whiskey, you mean be syntactic ambiguity
Zead Jul 2015
I'm singing a song from back in the old day
I'm singing the song of today
'Cuz time never changes with nothing unrevealed
No matter what they say, time is grey

I live in a society just as all the other ones
I live in the cultures of today,
Cuz time never changes  with nothing old or new
No matter what they say, time is grey

I'm calling on a God, the one from forever ago
I'm calling on the God of today
'*** God never changes, (while) traditions have their phases
No matter what they say, time is grey

I'm fighting a war that was fought many years before
I'm fighting the war of today
'Cuz war never changes, just a day with different faces
No matter what they say, time is grey

I'm dying a death, no surprise we'll all forget
I'm dying the death of today
'Cuz death never changes, with us stands be still
No matter what they say, time  is grey

I'm singing a song from back in the old day
I'm singing the song of today
'Cuz time never changes with nothing unrevealed
No matter what they say, time is grey
Zead Jul 2014
A cry for help in a helpless city
Beneath the rocks is the vibe of many
Can’t expect to see things change
Have to accept that I am strange
Continuing on with my own life tasks
Forgetting that all I want to be known
The idea’s that can’t be seen without masks
Hiding the  that we are together alone
Together alone; is what we are
Together alone; it’s what we are
Keep losing and you’ll doubt
Keep lacking and you’ll feel
That your knowledge is only of the known
Seeking for the unkown
In all of us can’t we bring
The control of feelings
It’s when I’m like this
To comprehend my line
So far gone from the strips of teaching
No rules
A particle in the ocean
Others touching
Others leaving
Others sticking aside
To see in their own way
On How we collide
No proof
No fact
But we think
That along we can ride
It’s when I’m like this
No words can express
To pin point success
Shaking from not being able to explain
I am alone
I am crazy
My art ***** pleasingly
I laugh at my desperation
I cry about my satisfaction
Vice versa
And beyond
Cleaning up my head locked bind
If you can comprehend
Then you can understand in your own way
Hopefully you do.
Out connection is my quest
Such a silly name
But I can’t
Recall another game
I don’t even  
I love and I hate
Disconnected fate
U know who you are
But not what your apart of
From always knowing me
This place I cannot see
I can’t ever wright enough.
My writings will loop again.
Such shame.
But every coin has a different perspective
I am ******-delic
Zead Jul 2014
Simplicity is bliss, but can’t live with it
I hate knowledge, it makes me wanna die
Can’t live by myself, please touch the surface
Of my consciousness, so that I know
We’re both here, together alone
We see stare at each other, standing on top the earth
We would die even if, we could dwell inside
The rocks never come out the same, no stable therapy
And as u go on with your life, you trouble yourself
Living and not finding, your purpose and being
Zead Dec 2014
For what part of the universe is your mother?
What half of anything did you discover?
For in all relativity: balanced from the center
How amazing to be around you, alone is us together

Your angle, loved in my reflection
Our friendship, unclear satisfaction
As two fishing lines cross in action
Communicable *******, communicable companion

This is no love story
There is one and just another, sincerely
How all things are portrayed in harmony
Like the north star, ignorant of its little family
Is it a gift or a curse that it's impossible to express just about anything?
Zead Aug 2014
alone in this world, such beauty we miss
brushed off your shoulder, your ignorant bliss
want to become, just anything recognizable
just knowing where i am, it's  nothing diagnosable
responded to like aspberger's, questions asked like a brother,
laughed at like down syndrome, trusted like no other
feared like a socio, observed like a nobody
known to have multiple personalities, some have wisdom others folly
one is called hippy, the other a christian
my nickname is straight edge, i was born with charlie manson
avoided like eric, and alone like dylan
eye for and eye as one opens the other
but all still remain closed, together alone
like music, translations truly unknown
Zead Jun 2015
Why would i back away when i got the whole universe offered to me?
My knowledge is blind
for this time
we are configned
to lies
Zead Aug 2014
You let me go my own way
so that i remember
no other way can be satisfying

sometimes we forget who we are in this life
yet only because of this life do we desire what we're not
in many other filters would i have never seen this

it is once again an illusion to find yourself
the foundation of reality is not the soul
but only what is plugged into it

My foundation is God
i was created in His Image
no other way can come to grips
Zead Apr 2015
I can’t tear you off
But I can’t let you destroy me
How can I not be you
If you are me?
Here I lay
On my knees
Screaming as It disintegrates away
In hopeless relief
Zead Aug 2014
like it’s insane to be insane
We’re only here to disappear
My heart is crushed so what’s the rush
Just grab a gun and have some fun
In light year terms, this is already happening
Abandon ship, let’s take a dip
And we fall in to see our sin
My knees are bent time to repent
My sorrow’s gone like there was none
In light year terms, this is already happening
Zead May 2014
when u were 14 havin all the fun there was
as if it was a dream that was never exposed
the original intent left without saying goodbye
and the mourning starts before it's caught
your conscience finally breaks out of it's shell of glass
it's evil plan- to not break out until it came to pass
so that you can be told a message not so talked about
but still if not-the most famous message of them all.
the note reads "your already dead inside"
and well with is as well without
u cry inside as the laugh roars out
so needy, so selfish ,and no one to talk to when your sad
especially with your acquaintances that are just as bad
this is the beginning, the kick-start of all your trauma
more perpetual than gravity weighing you down
to the abyss you go, crushed as a mount'
every drop of rain, everywhere at once
there is no doubt that your a dunce
and well with is as well without
you can try to get back up without the bends
but of course you end up wearing a thick lense
the cycle remains as existence runs dry
and there you are trying to just pry
at home is where one wants to go
but the trail back is found where the wind blows
no fun in anything no more
to think what was there when you were only a kid
the great time before your emotions hit
now remembered like it never was
the ******* of it all, the population that called
like better if you didn't know
but truth is, you reap what you sow
Zead Jun 2014
Oh wonderful God
you are so awesome

my heart is my hearts desire

i recognize you in my thoughts

the concepts i can't live without
so complex i can't come about
the concepts i can't live without

so normal to ever ignore

can't grasp onto my own thoughts
because of my mind that is cursed
can't imagine my own dreams
places that words don't dare to try
the devil likes to tinker inside of my head
confuses me in my own land

I swear you still planned from my imagination
can't imagine what you've planned
You gave me the will to see
unknown places of mystery
tho we are all sinful. God will take every part of us and make it Holy. i have the imagination of a four yearold. and it is hard for me to not think about it. i wrote this a while back. it was probably unfinished but hey. i might as well just post it. because to those who can relate to this deep concept will relate in his/her own way. but i think that this is a beautiful acknowledgement even for how blandly written it is. if you think our imaginations are nothing to God, think again. for He Created what he found good, He created us in His own IMAGE.
Zead May 2014
imagining that place, your heart has seen
as if you were there, you know what of it
it will never exist , your memories are fake
delusions alive, conscious' despair
you dream in the day, but bare in the night
you lurk for its kind, resemblence of old
but here is not there, and your heart becomes broke
because it is what you think, that it is-what it is
and it's beyond of thought, that one cannot grasp
but if it worked out, your emotions would calm
i just wanna know, what you're all about
i've never seen the mountains, i've never seen the oceans
the're not special to me, the heart does not concern
and just to me, my love is all i would grasp
because i can't understand, where exactly you stand
the kind of love, for seeking of it
it's not that i care, it's whether it's legit
i feel so lost, without any of it
because i know any amount, while it doesn't exist
like tearing a limb, is kind of the gist
no way to explain, our small matter of gray
we'll never gain, within this plane
Zead Apr 2015
You are here through all of this
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