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22.2k · Mar 2014
I friggin love Star Wars...
Lightsabers and blasters
Jedi and Sith
Snow Speeders and AT-AT's
Let's blow up the Death Star!
Dagoba awaits!
Use the force Luke
There... is... another...
Ewwwwww she kissed him!
No. I. Am your father!
Never tell me the odds!
Yup. I'm a nerd.
18.7k · Mar 2014
Bad Woman, Bad Woman
Her lips may drip honey
But her teeth drip blood
She'll spend all your money
She'll squander your love

She's got no good intentions
She's got no noble cause
And all her inventions
Are deadly as claws

Beware the Bad Woman
She's pretty as a follower
She's bad things a-comin'
She'll leave you sad and sour
The blues baby. I'm talkin' about the blues
17.1k · Jun 2014
Life is a lifelong
Balancing act
Time that's wasted
Never comes back
But hear my quandary
It's really quite queer
What happens when my job
Conflicts with my career?
What happens when my schooling
Disrupts my education?
When federal government policies
Keep me from graduation?
What happens when my GPA
Keeps me out of universities?
What happens when what I need to do
Conflicts with my responsibilities?
12.3k · Jul 2014
My Feet
I think I'm on my feet again
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
Don't know how or why or when
Can you feel it? Can you feel it?
I think I'm on my feet again
Can you hear it? Can you hear it?
Tell me where do I begin
I can't hear it. I can't hear it.
Recovery is a process
7.9k · Aug 2014
A leather chair
It's comfy
And the headrest actually fits!
The woman
A nurse of some sort
Explains **** near everything
"This does blaahhh
And that does bluhhhhh
And this other thing does
Let's just get it over with
Then in comes the dentist
He's an oral surgeon
He tells me his name
And hooks up an IV
And in goes the anesthesia


A comfy chair
I must be coming to
But in the office?
Then I hear the cat
I'm home
What do you mean?
All I can eat is ice cream?
And mashed potatoes?
Ughh... I wish I was back asleep.
Got my wisdom teeth pulled out today. So that's fun
5.7k · Dec 2013
Lessons From A Skyscraper
As my soles strike the concrete
My soul soars across the skyline
And I catch myself considering
The constant conflict of life,
I'm confounded
By the concept of beauty
By which we're surrounded

Then I see a skyscraper
And my mind goes ballistic
With a sudden epiphany

Each window holds a story
Of a person or a family
Facing challenges like me
And the whole of humanity
I stand there
As I consider the potential
The knowledge
The beliefs
And I begin to entertain
The ludicrous notion
That maybe
Just maybe
The world isn't broken
If all of those windows
Set aside all adversity
We could face any problem
With the highest degree of certainty
God gave mankind that old Rock and Roll
So maybe just maybe it can save my soul
God gave to mankind them old moody blues
So that my good friend is path I choose
So here I sit
And strum my guitar
And with each note
I wage holy war
5.4k · Nov 2012
Enough Depressing Poems!!!
What's with all the sadness?
What's with all the grief?
What's with all the broken hearts,
That cannot find relief?

I know this world has sorrow,
And often beats you down,
But why dose every poet seem,
To always have a frown?

Do they never see the beauty?
The wonder that I see?
Instead of death and chaos,
Can we get some harmony?

The sky may gray in winter,
But summer turns it blue.
And though pain plagues the best of us,
We have to push on through.

So what's with all the sadness?
what's with all the grief?
I see the world with gladness,
And that's my firm belief.
4.9k · Jul 2014
Temple Pine
I sit
Oh Lord in wonder
Within Your temple pine
And as I sit
In awe of it
I see Your great design

The slate grey clouds
Form arch and roof
The pillars
Rugged trees
The courtyard
Cobbled with grass
And leaves
This poem was written about my favorite place on earth, Pine Haven Christian Assembly. It's a beautiful place, with beautiful people, and a beautiful purpose.
4.4k · Mar 2014
The Bittersweet Bystander
He watched as she fell
He watched as he did what he had to
He watched as she hit the ground
He listened
There was no sound

He watched as their world split
He cringed at the spectacle
Unfolding before his eyes
He listened
There were no cries

He felt the shockwave
As her reality exploded
He marveled at the colors the wound
He listened
And then it boomed

  ­                    Anguish

But hold on child
This is not the end
This is just a pothole
On the Warpath of Love
So look to the Bittersweet Bystander
His hand extended now
Take the help he offers
You need it to continue
Even in the worst disaster, there's someone. You might have to look hard, but the Bittersweet Bystander is there
4.2k · Mar 2014
Meaningless Ramblings
March in Minnesota
Still a solid four feet of snow
Two flipping inches of ice
On every flipping road

High school lunches
All the nutrients in the world!
For a six year old maybe
Or a terribly anorexic girl
Sorry. I gave blood shortly before writing thid. As such, it's a little bit... off...
4.1k · Nov 2012
Punk Rock and Cyanide
Don't knock what you've never tried
Lock box with a heart inside
Six shots from a forty five
Punk rock makes you come alive

Black-hawks in the clear blue sky
It's ad hoc but you can just get by
On Poprocks and cyanide
Tick-tock time to decide

What made you think that you could take me down?
The method's flawed, but the strategies sound.
What made you try to hold me back?
I hope you're ready for the counter-attack.

Backhand and you feel the heat
Grandstand 'till you take a seat
Kickstand just to keep your feet
Firsthand watch you admit defeat
4.0k · Nov 2012
Midnight rain on the window
Memories of you
My strings sing a melody
My heart sings it too
              The amplifier hums
As I pluck each new note
Wishing for what was
Thinking over what you wrote
             So I sing a midnight melody
Play a song that reminds me of you
And my heartache sings the harmony
'Cause you don't know the damage you do
3.2k · Mar 2014
I Created a Language Today
N'chosi bashana co tyu raitiko
Sa lawa K'foga to yasho m'koko
A'wari Manala potesy sko'ma
N'gesi, Nigosi, Namasi choma
Amali tokr'rme dun'krenksi gawet
Dol'trenti moraki alkanti un'get
To yasho potesy salaka colo
N'chosi sa lawa n'gesi d'yro

Know what I'm saying?
Of course you don't. I don't even know what I'm saying.
3.2k · Jun 2014
At the Mountain
I stood
On the edge of the sky
As the Mountain danced below me
I stood
In blanket stars
As the trees sang melodies of old
2.6k · Nov 2012
As It Goes
Time marches on
and also do soldiers
and widows
and orphans
and property holders
and days become weeks
and weeks become years
and rain soaks the ground
and also do tears
2.4k · Dec 2014
If My Mind Were A Museum
Signs point in different directions

Every memory of every sunrise
Every beautiful melody
And so many images of her.
Some sweet
Some candid
Some sad.
How can we revel in the joyful
Without knowing it's opposite?
Every delicate poem
Every lyric yelled
Every painting
Every sculpture
And in all of them,

Models of molecules
Diagrams of data
(Where are the equations?)
Math is forbidden in this museum.
All gathering dust.

The greatest of men and women
Julius Caesar
Marc Anthony
Rosa Parks
Elinor Roosevelt

Maps and charts
Famous cities of old
The halls of Montezuma

Phantom Kangaroos
Homemade Bazooka
"That made the news?"
And Bubblegum the Baluga

The Raven Empress
Flaming mattress
Sharks with lasers
Pandas with Tasers
What the heck just happened?
2.1k · Feb 2015
Paradise Lost
This place
This perfect paradise
This sweet oasis
These people
These beautiful, wonderful people
The family I found
These times
These glorious times
The memories of gold
Tears freeze on my wind chilled cheeks
As I walk the asphalt warpath
My mind is in the days now past
And haunting laughter reverberates
I failed you all
I failed myself
And now my paradise

2.0k · May 2014
Dorm 11: A Paradigm Shift
Twelve days.
That's how long it will be
Until the last thirteen years of my life
Mean almost nothing
Twelve days.
Twelve days.
That's how long it will be
Until the relationships I spent
So much time building
Fade away
Twelve days.
That's how much time I have left
Until I'm forced into a world where
No one knows my name, my face, or
What I've done
The image of myself
That I spent my time building
An unknown.
The work
My self identity
Without my permission
Forced to rebuild myself
From the ground up
Who will I be?
Who will I be?
Who will I be?
College. I'm kinda freaking out.
1.9k · Nov 2014
Oh My Fair Skinned Sister
What am I to do
Oh my fair skinned sister?
You are family to me
Yet I fear I may be forced
To bring the news
That I'll not be returning

I fear that if I do return
It will be on my shield
Not with it
As the Spartans used to say

Here I stand as Leonidas
Foolhardy and bold
I watch as I crumble
As my phalanx fold

So what am I to say
Oh my fair skinned sister?
How long will you mourn my absence?
Before you forget
And carry on?

What am I to think
Oh my dark haired sister?
What am I to feel?
You have been my guide

What am I to be
Oh my bright eyed comrade
My cheerful compatriot
My dearest friend?

Sing to me
Oh my fair skinned sister
Some sacred sonnet to save me
Play for me
Oh my fair skinned sister
Some long and lingering lyric
Some sweet melodic line
Some hypnotic harmony
To save me from my mind
1.8k · Dec 2014
Complacency Kills
I need to write a happy song
Something to break through this
Grey fog of emotion
This putrid state of
This perpetual cycle of internal mental apathy
After all

Complacency kills.
Apathy, complacency, and monotony are among the deadliest of poisons
1.8k · Dec 2015
I Need To Get My Punk Back
Kick in an amp or something
Break a couple rules
Let out all this angst at nothing
Just break down and rock

I need to cut The Punk loose
I've tied him up too long
Let me ease my ******* loud-mouthed soul
With some nasty
Rock 'n' roll

Let me yell until my voice hurts
And play til my fingertips bleed
Feel the beat that my gramps said would send me to Hell

That sounds sweet.
my gramps never actually said I'd go to Hell, but it works in the poem, so.... whatever.
No delusions of grandeur
No misconceived notions
But there's a thing that beats in my chest
Like the winds against the ocean

I don't crave glory, fortune or fame
I don't even care if you remember my name

I want to be there
On a brightly lit stage
Me and my guitar
Making art
Turn the page

Not in it for the women
(I'm happily spoken for)
I don't do drugs
(They're stupid, and make you poor)
I don't want to get rich
(Money corrupts)
I just love rock
(Stand back. Watch me erupt)

It's all about the music
And what it does for you
I don't write for me
That's for other musicians to do
So if you ever hear me playing
And it stirs something in your heart
I'm doing something right
I'm just doing my part
Seriously. I only play music because I love music. If I can live off of it, sweet. If not, I'll find something, but music will still be there.
1.7k · Nov 2012
The wit of the tongue is brevity,
The wit of the mind is thought,
The wit of the soul is levity,
The wit of the fool is naught.
1.6k · Nov 2012
Tell Me
I call her baby
she calls me my name
I don't let it phase me
'cause the meaning is the same

I know she can't treat my disease
but broken hearts will mend
This is our beginning
can the means justify the end?

And she said

Tell me
I'm not just another girl
Tell me
I'm not just a pretty face

And I said
Am I just a ***** up?
I was made for more.

You're a long way off kid.
Not a single thing about you is ******* up.
Well, nothing but your self image.
That's way out of whack.

You're a good kid.
Where'd you get the idea that you're a ***** up?
Not from me. That's for sure.

So stop listening to the little man on your left shoulder.
He's got nothing good for you.

Dost thou even go here?
Can thou even read?
Doth thou know the website thou art on?
Poetry be what we breed!

Ye foolish man!
Ye simpleton!
From whom unrefinement flows!
Thou shalt not write,
On a poetry site,
A work of ****** prose!

Oh yeah? Watch me.

Hello beautiful people. I'm in the mood to philosophize. And this being a poetry site, let's make the topic poetry. (WARNING: this piece will be filled with opinions, personal beliefs, and probably a little butter. If you don't agree with anything I say, good for you. Way to have opinions. AND WHATEVER YOU DO. DON'T SUBSTITUTE MARGARINE FOR THE BUTTER!) Ok, so poetry. I like poetry. And since I'm the one writing this, I'm gonna tell you about my philosophy, and my personal style and influences.
My philosophy that I try to live by is minimalism. Which is NOT laziness! Minimalism is quite difficult really. Anyone can write a nice fluffy poem (and yes, nice fluffy poems can be dark pieces about death and the like.) What minimalism is to me,  is the stripping away of all of that fluff to get down to the raw emotion of a piece. An abundance of words pollutes the emotion.
Now, my stylistic mumbo jumbo. My aesthetic has gone through a few phases. A lot of my work is very modernist. What that means is that it deals a lot with... well with failure. Failure of the human race, failure of people, and my own personal failure. But also with separation. Some prime examples of my modernist works are  "here I lay a martyr" and "of my faults and follies"
The next phase is when I started writing music for my band (Bisclaveret Marie, we're on Facebook. Check it out.) I became enamored with a man by the name of Jack White. (yes, that Jack White. The one formerly of the White Stripes.) Also the source of my minimalist approach, Jack revived my love for the Blues. When that came crashing into my poetry, it was definitely for the better.
The next phase was surrealism. The use of images and metaphors and weirdness to paint a picture of the emotion I choose to write about. (I don't really know how to describe this, just go read Though There Be Dragons, A Journey Through The Mind of a Madman. It'll make more sense.)
And most recently the Blues have seen a renaissance in my work. The simple lyric structures and rhyme patterns tickle my inner minimalist.
Yeah, so that's my spiel. If you actually read this, you freaking deserve a medal
Let's make these a thing. Tell me about your philosophical jim-jam, and tag it with hardcorephilosophy and proseonapoetrysite
1.6k · Aug 2014
The Working Man's Prayer
The body is weary
The spirit is drained
Lord sustain me
Set my heart aflame
Guide my hands
In every act I do
Let me work
As though I work for you
Lift my thoughts
To dwell on higher things
And let the words of my mouth
Be like the song the sparrow sings
Lord the mind is willing
But the body
I've been going and going for so long. I haven't had a chance to really rest.
1.5k · Dec 2015
I The Wicked Son
My confession
I'm a wretch
A miserable
Broken soul
Stained black in sin
I am shattered

But I am reborn
Scarred, yes
But reborn
Cleansed in fire
Pure crimson

I will dive
Swallowed whole by the sea
The purifying surf
I will never surface
Yet I will never drown

I The Wicked Son
Drenched in Saving Scarlet
I know you hurt with wounds from my hand
But sweet Venus, I'm this night a new man
1.5k · May 2014
When I said wouldn't change for you
I didn't mean I'd stay the same for you
I'm changing 'cause I want to
I'm changing 'cause I've got to

The me I've been is no longer feasible
I realize now most people are seasonal

But it's not about other people
My priorities are wack
My motives are turning evil
And I need to turn them back
It means what it says.
1.4k · Jan 2016
For Venus, My All
How can I
Mere mortal man
Write verse and rhyme of Venus?
For She is Herself
These black days
These barren days
That turn my soul to ash
And char the fibers of my soul
And all because I must be away from Her

I am drained
In the absence of my Venus
I am pained
By the space now forced between us

But I will overcome the fractures
Not bested by this distance
For always has She been
Just beyond
The morning
The  horizon
The road
The hallway
Yet through these barriers
I have persevered
I have roared at the enemies that keep me from Her
I will not rest
I will not be satisfied
I will wager my everything on Her
For Venus
My all
I love your soul, fair Venus.
1.3k · Jun 2014
The fiber of my being
The placement of my priorities
The core of truths validity
My moral compass and sense of duty
The spark of my life and ingenuity
I've been doing a lot of soul searching. And I have decided who I am as a person, is by no means the person I want to be. So I decided to change, but giants go down easy
1.3k · Feb 2016
And Still, My Love Is Yours
Warm tears run down my face
The pain to great for my heart to bear
It breaks
At losing you
But my love is tenacious
And yours alone, my Rachel
I have caused you heartache
I have brought you shame
But know that you are sacred to me
A gift from God
And still, my love is yours

I am not yet complete
Not yet competent
Nor worthy of your love
Yet in vows now written
And still, my love is yours

My soul is wrenched from it's moorings
My mind now must face my flaws
No longer can I hide in false naivety
And still, my love is yours

Mark my words, Sweet Treasure
Watch for the day, My Beloved
For I will make you proud

*And still, my love is yours
I love you more than life. I will return the man you deserve, and the man I deserve to be. And Still Will I Love You.
1.3k · Jan 2015
Peace. Finally
Through turmoil and tragedy
I am at peace
I float in a cleansing sea of crystal
Fed by the River
Which flows from the Bema Seat
I am washed
The color of life
The color of death to myself
And life
I am at peace
1.3k · May 2013
For the Girl
Eyes alive as fields in spring,
A face that glows in love,
A tender heart now willed to sing,
A girl, as fair as a dove.
1.2k · Mar 2016
I Am Lonely
I am a broken man
Who doesn't know how broken he is
I am an addict
Who hates the drug

I am lonely

I can feel my isolation
Every night as the demons I dream of
Spill over into my waking life

I am lonely

I hurt the people I love
I act before I think
I am the most destructive force I know

I am lonely

I am so lonely
1.2k · Feb 2016
Painkillers and Platitudes
Every muscle in my body
Begs me to run
To chase your car
But then your taillights crest the hill
And disappear beyond

My mind lingers on you

Are you wearing your seatbelt?
Are you alert and emotionally sound?
After all
A distracted driver is just as dangerous
As a drunk driver

And no
I am not ok right now
Fear and feelings and Hydrocodone
Cloud my mind
Every time I watch you leave
Hurts more than the last

But this weekend was amazing
I had so much fun
Felt so loved
So safe

This weekend was not wasted
On painkillers and platitudes
This weekend was real
Tactile and truthful

My love is relentless
And I will pursue you
To the end of the earth.
1.2k · Apr 2016
Adjustment Issues
Time and time again
Transplanted from my comfort zone
To a new place where I have no friends
Shipped off
Away from those I love
Forced to start over from scratch
In a new and hostile living environment
Thrown out
Kicked to the curb
Sent sprawling to the pavement
Isolated once again from all I'm used to

Is it any wonder I'm messed up?
I've got nowhere to call my own
I've been forcefully torn away from
Every place I've ever called home
I saw a therapist the other day. He said I have adjustment issues. I'm inclined to believe him.
1.2k · Mar 2015
The Final Bulwark
I find myself stuck.
Unsure if what I told you
Was a mistake.
Unsure if you really don't
Think less of me.
If you're just saying that so as not to upset me.
Oh well.
I can't change what I've done.
Let me into your head
Let your thoughts wash over me
Like waves
Let me live on, for eternity
Share with me
Your ways

Take me beyond the iris
Past the pupil's supermassive black hole
Let me soar behind your beautiful eyes
The doorways to your soul

Let me touch your imagination
Let me feel the creative burst
Let me wrestle your fears
Let me sail through your tears
Let me live here, in your mind, immersed

Stand with me now in my wonder
In this place you alone understand
Though far off I do hear the thunder
Let me stay, let this be our wonderland
1.1k · Aug 2014
Man that I am
Man that I was
Both are men
That I seek to forget

But here I am
The man I've become
The product of my decisions
No longer

But I take heart
For I am young
And mistakes
May be attributed
To youth

Yes I will learn
To be the man I'm becoming
And to make him a man
Worth being
It's funny how the deepest introspection seems to come at times when you should be asleep
1.0k · Jan 2013
I Am
I am a creator,
a builder
a maker.

Bringing substance to the void,
brings me the greatest sense of joy.

A blank page.
A clean slate.
I draw out form,
and bring forth shape.

And I am a musician,
a lyrical magician.
The man.
The myth.
The mission.
My own unique rendition,
In every composition.
Can you identify my theory?
I'll be shocked if you're correct.
If this is sonic engineering,
then I'm a sonic architect.

And I am an inventor
A leader,
A dissenter,
A believer,
A protester,
A deceiver,
And a mentor,
A compatriot,
An apprentice,
A confederate,
An accomplice.

And I am a teller of stories,
of horrors, and of glories.
And I am a writer of tales,
of triumphs, and travails.

And I am a creator.
A builder.
A maker.
A musician and a writer.
Not a lover, nor a fighter,
Not a fixer,
Nor a breaker.
Not a giver,
Nor a taker.
I am a creator
My name is Carl.
Carl the Untouchable.

One day I saw a picture
In the paper
Of a girl.
The caption read
"KIDNAPPED! The Princess of the World!"

So I opened up the article
And I began to read
About a terrible villain
Whose heart was filled with greed

He stole the princess
Late one night
And when the morning came
The world awoke to find
It's greatest heroes had been slain

And in the face of dual disaster
No one had been found
To liberate the princess
And bring her captor down

So with a sigh I folded the paper
And opened my closet wide
And dug through all the useful things
I had kept inside
I found a sword and a wooden shield
And strapped them to my side
And also a blue bicycle
On which I planned to ride
In morning light so radiant
As spears cast from the Sun
As glimmering shafts of daybreak fall
The blanket fog of cool of night
Is pierced and soon is gone

May my love to you be Sun
And my words be to you light
And may they pierce your shadow shroud
And bring your soul to life
971 · Sep 2014
The Blood-splinter Moon
I searched beneath
The blood-splinter moon
For the man
Who knows my name
But I found him not
In the world about me

Look in

To the desperate broken corners
Of the soul

Look in

To the fears and demons caged
Or are they?

Look in

To the hidden regrets
The repressed memories
The guilty pleasures not forgotten

Look in

And when you find the man who
Sees this all
And still will know your name

There is only one
Think about it
971 · Dec 2013
That's Life!
I once met a man from Kalamazoo
Who bore on his arm an anchor tattoo
One day his lover
Ran off with his brother
Whatever was the poor man to do?

He sat down on a bus bound for Georgia
But somehow he wound up in Maine
And there he said "***** it."
He pretty well blew it
And got on a boat bound for Spain

When the captain was making his rounds
He saw the man grinding coffee grounds
And he saw the mans ink
And he stopped to think
"Is that man a part of the crew?"

That's when the captain's daughter came up
And asked the man if he could spare a cup
When the man met her eye
He nearly did die
For the beautiful woman he spied
I got bored of the hyper-freeform stuff. So I decided to write you all a little limerick.
892 · Oct 2013
What will I do without you?
You've always been around.
You never missed a birthday,
And you've never let me down.
Your humor lighted atmospheres
Your wisdom enlightened minds
Your knowledge built up through the years
The love that we'd always find.

But what will i do without you?
You've always been so proud of me.
The pain at the thought of losing you,
Makes tears well up in me.

I love you grandpa.
My grandpa was diagnosed with pancriatic cancer today. It's a really hard blow. He's been one of my biggest supporters in my life. He gave me my first guitar, but even more importantly, he taught me about life, and honesty, and hard work. He taught me about respect, and perseverance, and loyalty. He's a great man. I wish you could meet him.
854 · Dec 2015
Sepulcher of the Muse
Every ounce of me wants to write for you
But I can't
Something will not let me.
So I sit awe struck
Dumb struck
Love struck
And search and search and search and search and search and searchandsearchandsearchandsearchandsearchandsearchandsearch
My brain in a desperate, wild hunt for words worthy of writing in your honor
Yet I fear the well is empty.
I fear that the grand fount of creativity has run dry.
That this is what comes of an attempt to write of you is proof enough to me.
Where have you gone, oh Muse?
850 · Feb 2014
Let's see...
Ooh! No...
What about...?
Maybe if I....
I could probably...
Ah ha!
Let's try...
Never again.
For the love of!
Writers block. We've all been there.
847 · Nov 2013
You told me you fell
And that you hit your head
You said to leave you alone
And that you just wanted to lay in bed

But I can't help myself
I care about you
It's just in my nature
So there's nothing I can do

I sit here
And worry
And worry
And think
And worry
And wonder
And my heart starts to sink

Does she have a concussion?
A herniated disk?
A fractured skull?
Could she have broken her spine?
Then logic interjects,
"She's probably fine"
But my imagination
That beautiful beast
Drowns out my logic
And the worry won't cease
Oh God.
What if she's deceased!?
What if she's dead!?
What am I saying?
I know she's alive
She has to be.
She just has to.
Oh God
I hope she's ok.
There's nothing worse than having a vivid imagination when it comes to worrying. (Just to be clear, this poem is supposed to be comical. I'm not actually like that.)
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