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Jeremy Betts Mar 30
Life can seem like a nightmare
I'm afraid of all of the time
I release my flair in the night air
Noticing all the fear is of the same kind
I more than recognize the familiar glare
The eyes looking back at me are mine
Aware that I'm unaware
Fair or not,
Witness my paradigm

I could bare a thousand screams, A thousand wounds, scars and burns.

I could **** a thousand men for a moment in the eyes of god.

What I wouldn't do just to carve a crevice out of the world

Just to show the mark of a mad man craving truth.

Put a knife straight to gods eye if it meant the blood I shed made one less person cry.

I've beg for forgiveness and broken every bond looking for an out.

I've come again trading my soul for a chance for others to hear my shout.

You'll be ok.
Doubt is a strong feeling. It grips us everyday. Sometimes we make deals with unnatural things. like platypuses.
Ken Pepiton Feb 2021
Assuming control of the pen, from afar,
my mind’s spring leaks
trickling pasts through your present
to waken the hope that is in you,
you know
the taste of good and evil.
You discern flecks of the fruit in your stew.

Who brought these gourds,
who poisoned the broth of the good life,
who’s hate do you hold, in your beggar’s bowl,
This is at least a half hour read at,
maybe 10 minutes each loop on speed,
but it has 2 cool images and blue jays singing in the background,
if you play it right. It's a chiral stack of itty-bitty points -
make of it what you will, slip the knot of all you knew...
Traveler Aug 2020
Why change ways now
Let the devil take a bow

Like when we were young
Getting high and having fun

Scrub the paradigm shift
All this foolishness is bliss
A one-way road to the abyss

Don’t concern yourself with bigger things
Being right is preordained
After all
The Mountain is going to catch you
When you fall
Just stand tall

It’s them or someone else
Your victim knows it well
Come and join the party
Propaganda sales

The stock markets doing great Wall Street is having a feast
Pay no attention to the millions in the street
Voting blue will not save you
Voting blue will not save you
Voting blue will not save you
Resistance is futile
Traveler Tim
Defy the paradigm,
The escapist void,
Lines of code I refuse to obey.

I defy,
All emotionalogic.
I make no sense,
Or a dollar that pays my way to ignorant bliss.

'Tis the streets upon which I so selfishly make my way and,
My gears turn with no source or destination.

I am the,
Status quo of the chronically out of place.
Take that next step,
Show me.
SpiralDancer May 2020
Corona created chaotic choices.
Crumbling and collapsing decaying capitalism.

Birthing conscious awakenings in all corners of the world.
Kindness became the new currency.

The spoon fed fear, once zealously swallowed.
A Grimm bed time story for children grown up
Always thirsting for more,
having known nothing else.

Before the tide turned.
Before the silence.

And the old ways, became the old ways.
And the new ways -
Free will.
Still feeling like dress up clothes
not yet feeling the fit.

But with the courage and curiosity of pioneers,
We learned to feel comfortable in our own power.
We grew into our new skin, as we shed the old.

Conscious awakened.  
Now flying freely.
Free birds flowing on clear currents.

Skies of infinite possibility
Illuminating landscapes of love,
Dancing in footsteps of joy
Draped in New dreams
and hope
On a newly
birthed Earth.

We called that time,
The Beginning.
Written March 23rd.  This great pause for us all is filled with opportunities to shift the collective into a new way of being
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