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Aa Harvey Jul 2018
The end of this beautiful life.

Holding on to the edge of the world
And we are all about to lose our grip!  
Wishing I could have been anywhere else!
When all they told us never cured my fear!

I've been told that this is the beginning of life,
But everything is just not what it seems…
All I wanted was a love to be strong,
But I can never learn how to forgive!

Summer dies and the sun no longer shines,
In this little town I don't call my home.
I've been told that the good will out,
But I can't even stand up, to stand alone!

Feelings change but the day is the same
And I guess that's why nothing will ever change!
All along I knew that they were all wrong,
But I could never find a beautiful way!

Bitter lies are all I have ever heard
And now I never know who I can trust!
In this life we are given just one chance,
But I could never raise a smile to the sun!

Blind my eyes, give me cancerous bones,
It's just another Devil's cunning trick.
They keep on saying that things will get better,
But I have seen so much that I can no longer believe!  

Where is the hope, of which they spoke?
Another promise broken and another disease.  
All that they did never affected me,
It just left a black hole in place of my soul!
In these days of having everything we crave,
Why can I not just get a little hope?

At the end can we stop pretending,
That the better times are up ahead?
I’ve seen you all and I will watch your planet crumble
And I will leave this place to burn and have no regrets!
If all we are is just a dying breed
And we are underneath a dying star!
Why can’t we do what we know we must do?
I guess our greed will leave us all dead in the end!

Humanity, where is the humanity?
We have no reason to carry on.
Our times has come, under a dying sun
And soon we will all just be gone!

Beautiful horizon I see you fading away
And all that’s left is a stump they used to call an oak.
If we can’t stop then what will become of this place?
The pollution mask will not protect you from their smoke.

It’s the end of a beautiful world
And it’s a place I do not even recognize!
It’s evolution and the beginning of a species reborn,
Because in the end all we have left to do is die!

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The end of this party that we call love.

Fire lighter’s and raise them high,
The time has come to reach the end.
The end of all those things we did.
The end of you, the end of me; we are at our end.  

From a pit, I whispered to you
And all you saw were lips that move.
In silhouettes I made my move
And I fell so deep into love with you.  

A thought of loss for you my dear;
My wish to start a life apart,
Has never brought you to feel so near…
Why are you still here?

Sorrowful but satisfied;
All the tears I cried, I wish I had never cried.
So sad to see you later with your beautiful smile,
When all I want to see is the end of all time.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The equation of the hopes and dreams of a thing that does not exist.

In a galaxy of stars, I am less than nothing.
In a land of billions I am an infinite fraction.
Sat in a bar, I am not even worth mentioning.
No passing glance, no chance of romance,
Never even a pleasant distraction.

Surrounded by people, I am nobodies equal,
Less is more than I can be; I am divisible by zero.
In a strong man contest, I am worse than feeble.
Neither good enough, or evil.

I am a mirage waiting for the sun to shine.
I am buried beneath a zillion grains of sand.
Never to be discovered,
Never looked for.
Never needed;
Not a man.

I do not even register on the scales of time;
Nobody has realised.
I do not really exist…
Empty, worthless, empty, worthless, empty, worthless…

Just air without ingredients;
No oxygen, no chemical reaction.
I never made a dent in the system.
No crater left, nothing remains;
I never affected anybody’s brain.
Zero, zero, zero

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Existence

In the eclipse of a memory, where dust is still falling,
There remains a voice, long since lost, that is still calling,
Like a blast from the past, never shaken into reality.
There is it again.  Who could this be?

From the wreckage of a life,
I walk as a tall, dark, gruesome stranger.
The ghosts of yesterday are at mirth with killing strangers.
Like three blinded mice, or three no evil monkeys,
A vision has appeared to blow a kiss and set the love inside me free.

Now the passions of love crash into my life like a tsunami.
A believer is reborn upon the sands of destiny
And from the great ocean of time, there crawls a beast of burden;
Work done, journey taken, snake ridden through the forsaken,
With their green eyes of loneliness forever spitting lies.
Alas, they shall miss, but continue they will for they are bitter chimes,
Of a grand-mother clock ticking the last tock of its life.

As its world crumbles into dust, into dust…
The gates are sealed shut.
Chains reaffirmed;
The sentence has been passed…
There will be no return.

Forever banished into a heart of stone;
Locked up, locked inside; locked away.
No key thrown,
To a life without truth;
Simply goodbyes.

My wings are an echo of misremembering’s and old wishes.
I am empathetic to your plight,
But stone cold silence is my only mistress.
All spoken words are heat seekers, sending love/hate into every soul;
Even those without light, who only crave gold,
Can be heard to softly whimper at what they could have had,
If they just took a chance.
If only you took a real shot at romance.

Love is no angel riding in on a horse called Silver.
All I see are phantoms of angels;
Truly serpents of slither.
Through all of our minds are the twines of their path;
We are connection, we are rejection,
They never looked back at the chaos they caused,
As they passed through our lives like we were The Doors
And now we are one of many;
One too many had to fall…

And so we are done.
So we are gone.
Ashes to quick dashes.
Priceless and none.
Upon this deathbed I sleep alone.
I was a king of fools…
You displaced me from my throne.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The eyes cannot lie.

Some days it is harder to fake a smile.
Just leave me alone!
I’ll be fine in a little while,
But at this moment in life,
I cannot be ‘Oh you are nice!’
I’ve got to sacrifice this vessel, for time,
Is taken again; the pain is the same,
But the riverbank beauties are still so far away.

All I want is your empathy;
But you are not even looking in my direction.
I am a portrait of perfect imperfections
And the untold story of a man on his knees,
Clawing at life; it hits from 360 degrees
And every time, I ask myself why!!?
My subconscious tells me, this is your life.

I am no taker of another’s property,
But why, oh why, must I be me?
Let me be another broken creation;
One who doesn’t have to suffer this agony!

Love is on a permanent vacation.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
The Fallen

We are the burners of the future in our hands.
Singers for the condemned; the eternal believers at the bitter end.
So prey for salvation or a miracle my friend,
Because hope is needed now, more than ever, I guess.

We are drowning in lies as the fires rise
And your lie after lie leaves our lives on the line.
We are doomed to die alone with no-one at our side.
We accept this as given; so purify.

Your sins are forgiven, but never forgotten;
We are the children of Eden; the tears of God.
We love our lies; we are completely smitten.
We thought we ruled our planet, but now we are lost.

Our generation believed we were somehow different,
But our past has taught us how wrong we are.
We trust in our souls; we are completely committed.
Our fate has been sealed now we’ve gone too far.

You disappeared like the end of a rainbow;
No gold at the end, for the fallen children.
We need to know it all, but what do we really know?
We walked alongside God, but now we are The Fallen.

(C)2012 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Flibbertigibbet

Such a ludicrous name, unto you may never have been heard;
But The Flibbertigibbet Demon lives in the land of words.
They hide there in The Thesaurus, in front of our eyes,
Like The Devils spies in paradise.

The bookworm with tapeworm, failed to see The Flibbertigibbet;
But then one day The Bookworm, just happened to come across it.
It stood out from the rest, because it didn’t sound human;
Then I read the description and it simply said Demon.

The demonic disguise, lead to the corruption of the mind.
It is now forever entwined, with the Flibbertigibbet inside.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Funeral March

Surrender upon death; take your last breath,
As you took your first, to feed your thirst.
Now lie in the hearse and hear their verse;
Their poetry, their thoughts, their morose words.

Only the dead have seen the future;
There is nothing to see.
I would have had something important to say,
If only you’d have let me.

I want to leave, I want to stay,
But I’m neither here or there.
Just somewhere in between, I think.
I don’t know that you don’t care.

The Devils Angels came to speak;
To take me down, to terrorise me.
A town with no name; some call it Hell.
It is now my home; I will never be free.

Go have faith in your fictional God;
I have lived in his cold dark world.
Heaven or Hell or somewhere else.
Pain and misery is what you must behold.

He’s going six feet underground, his life is no more.
If only he had fought a little harder, we wouldn’t have to mourn.
So all you could possibly preach, to me is lost in translation;
For good and bad are equals forever and there is no salvation.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
The future changes

Day light shines in to my eyes;
Why am I always surprised?
Another day, the time still moves into an unknown future,
That nobody can truly view, I’ll wager.

People leave echoes in history.
What will be the meaning of my story?
Will I be famous when I grow up?
Or will I be lost inside the history books?

The hopes that I had, I gave them all away;
To apathy, procrastination and thinking no way.
There was no more hope in the bottom of the box.
It was taken long ago, so when I arrived it was gone.

The future is changeable and I am unable,
To think of a better time that has not yet arrived.
I wish I was unrestrainable and nothing not capable,
But the truth is a trigger and I cannot survive.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The future is unwritten.

Stop-go motion; let all the clocks be smashed.
Forwards or backwards, how do you feel about that?
Onwards and upwards; no turning back.
The future is unwritten, so here is a pen and a notepad.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Future Kids

Since the day I met her I could only write about love,
But the times they are a changing.
I have finished writing my ‘Marriage’ book.
Twenty six done.
Don’t know what I will name the next one;
But I know one thing,
I will find a new subject to dwell upon.

Poe wrote about death in his poem ‘The Raven’.
I don’t want to write that;
I want to write about changing.
Changing my mind on a daily basis.
I could make this up, but you would see through that, my Loris;
So the truth is what I will hope to say.
You can criticize this, but I can’t write about love,
So I will open my hat and use a wand to create a flower!
And watch all petals fly away.

A dandelion blooms and inspires an audio musician,
Every hour,
Is different.
If poetry could pay my rent,
I would never have to work again;
But for now I do,
Because I want to improve.
Decided I can’t write a tune;
So I will tell you,
The feelings I have kept silent.
If you know a way to bring peace to my mind, I will try it,
Because I want to make the unhappy smile.
I have no money to give, so I will have to run a mile.

Charity starts at home,
So I will pick up a microphone,
Auction off all I own;
Remove that garden gnome.
I have no need for frivolity.
“I would wish for world peace.” Bite me!
Say something that matters.
Don’t deny the greenhouse effect.
With my last dying breath I will say you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Because we continue,
Humanity is an endless dream.
If I couldn’t see the sunshine,
I would still enjoy the rain and be happy to just be.
Some may say, you’ve changed;
We have never heard you being so positive.

Well these are the days we have to make a difference,
So we had better use them wisely and leave a future that exists,
For the future kids.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The Goddess of Love

The exuberant fire that burns within my soul,
In that first embrace of a lovers smile,
Shall forever be held, in equality to the power of love.
Her servant shall forever wish for her luminous, infallible, tongue,
Which speaks of true love without a word conceived inside a lie;
For immortal shall be our love, until the end of days, to the grave.

In her face I can see God’s grace; the innocence of a babies cry.
Such trust can be forthcoming, towards this woman; this play.
This story of our lives, entwined hearts beating together;
For in her presence I find Heaven and shall be content forever.

This guiding star; the singular, most radiant concubine.
The love of a life, until the end of a destiny in the making.
Such joviality to be found, wherever she may go, in any loving line;
For this fugitive of love, shall wait forever to become her king.

She ignites an intense feeling, like a perfect literature.
Such a word of beauty does not exist,
To describe my love for her.

Her eroticism is the petroleum, tossed onto my passions fire;
For she is perfectly, but never overly, garrulous.
She could talk for England, about the condemned boy; her desire.
The one who speaks truth from the buxom and is never fatuous,
When speaking of her, for every syllable is bold and required;
For in her eyes, this ambassador of love has become enthralled.
I have fallen in love, for my soul speaks from the heart, undying;
Eternally worshipping this idol.  This Goddess of forever more.

A forever love, or just a target for a cursed tongue?  Who knows?
Nevermore a word of harm, spoken to the exotic Queen of future.
For I am her ardent follower, into the abyss of the blackest hole;
An uncertain, unattained as of yet, unknown destiny of this suitor.

For she sees my insides, and in her bed I cannot lie;
I cannot deny my adoration and fixation for her unchaste mind.
For intoxicating is her smell, her natural scent of amore, my diet.
Her lust is my need and in her soul I must become a requirement.

She has fallen from the stars and landed in my arms;
For in her I have found religion and immortality, for she is genteel.
She is reminiscent of happiness obtained, she is optimism itself!
She is hope, glory, blessed, sophisticated; true to me and for real.

I can trust in her words to never bring death to my door,
For suicide is no more welcome here, for I have perfection; behold!
My freethinking words, simply speak of devotion to my superior;
For her intellect shows obedience, to all Gods of love.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The heart I hide

All your feelings went away;
They are fading in and out again.
Tried to push them out of your brain,
But some thoughts are yours to keep always.

All you ever tried to say,
Is lost upon the wind.
Every word; taken away.
Defeated, broken; silence is king.
Break apart and start again at the end;
Making and breaking friends.

Never lost so much to love;
Can’t seem to find anyone to hug.
Tears tell the world your heart is healing, so stay away!
Fear keeps you from being all that you are;
The lover has never felt so old and so grey.

Youth is a distant memory;
The man you used to be,
Is only a shadow of his former self…
Oh my God!  What is this fresh Hell?

Your heart is surrounded by spikes.
Nothing looks wrong with me, you’re right,
But if you saw the feelings I hold inside,
I think that you would join me as I continually cry.

Water trickles down my face,
Never to be replaced or wiped away.
Every piece of me wants to leave,
Because without love; I can never be.

Helping hands covet my heart,
But I am too poor to pay their charge.
Healing minds haven’t taken the time,
To figure out my empty mind.

I am a story never told;
No new requests for me to disclose.
I am wrapped up tightly in bandages, inside my head.
Nothing to lose when you have nothing left.

A quiet voice speaks to me;
Reminding me of who I could have been.
My conscious thoughts are my gravity;
Love promises kept, no reward ever seen.

Pretty eyes just pass on by…
They cannot see the heart that I hide.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Human Condition

I’m a speck of light in the distance of humanity.
Everybody continues to live their faithful calamities.
Life as we know it has hit an all-time low.
You may be human; I regret the fact that to you I was ever known.

I am a being on a separate wave
And I have been washed onto another plain
Of existence; for you are no longer of any consequence.
I have risen above the need for life
And I exist merely in your distance.

Your humdrum, bubble gum, pass me the gun,
Lives are wasted on both of us.
Now I only despise where there used to be smiling eyes.
No more teeth showing menace;
Just an empty face disappearing in the distance.

You are robotic, cheating, evil things, choose your own fate.
I am away; so far, so far away
And all I hear is a fading memory talking to me.
The illusion of humanity once meant something to people like me,
But you took it all and kept on coming back and taking more
So nothing remains from the echoes before the fall.

I am calling time on all mankind.
All human beings, I am drawing a line.
I shall never cross over and head in your direction.
I am gone from you, so keep your (   ) intentions.
You are dead to me; as dead as can be.
You can keep being human; you and I are different species.

I am a personality divided,
Neither human, nor livid.
Just drained by humanity;
I am done with it.
I am beyond your stupidity;
Such inane conversations.
Way station.

The Human

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The id, the ego and the super-ego.

You and I, we have a connection.
Let us be joined at the hip; my hearts resurrection.
I rise once more to beg, to implore!
For a chance to be loved by a woman I adore.

I am infatuated and this desire cannot be sated.
No going away, until I know how you feel.
Are you currently dating?  
Are you loved and is it real?
Have I already waited too long,
Longing for your love, for me to become;
To ever be considered as ‘He could be the one’?

Is your heart repairing?
Am I being awfully daring,
By confessing my desire to be forever yours?
Do you think you could become my true lover and so much more?
I can be truly caring, or I can leave without sparing,
A second thought,
For what might have been…

If this is the case, then just place a full stop.

Leave my heart to just drop.
I will fall down on this spot;
But then I will move on…

…for I have no time for silly daydreams to be wasted.
No wishes thrown away on a love that is ill-fated.
I am searching for love in all the wrong places,
But if you want me, then you have got me
And I will be ‘last seen back-flipping’; so elated!

I will never stop smiling,
As long as I know we are both trying,
To make this love last,
Like it could be our last.
If it never existed, then why do I feel like this?
Devotion to you, words unspoken leave me mute,
So turn up the volume by embracing me soon,
Before this romance is gone and I am left licking my wounds.

You are out of my league, but if you really want me,
Then guess what, I am all yours, three sheets to the wind.
In love I would be your faithful steed
And I would lead you to safety, beneath giant redwood trees.
Even if that meant taking you over-sea’s,
Then off we would go; choose your good ship, please.

Which heart do you want and am I placed at number one,
On your list of contenders?
You are seeing my true being, no pretender,
With suave one-liners non-existent
And no lies for promises, that are gone in an instant.
I am genuinely attracted to you my gorgeous beauty;
My jaw drops, my heart stops
And then it beats at double the speed that it should be.

And all of this I do,
Because I want you,
To love me the way that I could love you
And if you know that will never be,
Then please, kindly, tell me;
Because you are a sunbeam
And I am in need of photosynthesis energy.

I need your love, so pick me up,
Or whisper goodbye and I will retort the thought,
What might have been, if I could only have been,
Allowed to fall for you…

What a life!

And imagine what could have happened,
If you had fallen for the ‘id’, the ‘ego’ and the ‘super-ego’ of ‘I’.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Image

A thought cannot be tamed.
Many have tried and failed before.
A thought will never be chained.
Our minds are built without walls.

A word will not be changed,
For it is written down in ink.
A poem will say exactly what needs to be said;
Its effect will depend on what you think.

A painting once seen will never be erased,
No matter what anybody may say.
There is no way to contain art.
The story will find a way.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The internet is of no use to people.


(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The labyrinth of our mind

In the labyrinth of our minds, the secrets of the brain still hide
And maybe in the days of our lives, the answers we shall find.
The key to our knowledge and our lost memories preside,
In the basement of our unchartered minds,
In our subconscious lost time.

One day we shall find out all the secrets hidden within,
The pantry of our minds kitchen, which creates our feelings.
One day we shall realize how to spy the mysteries locked there in,
The safe of our conscious and subconscious labyrinth.

Our dreams and our nightmares are a glimpse at another wonder;
The original wonders of the world are deep within us, to be plundered.
We as humans shall take all we can get as we delve under,
The skull of another human mind in search of a new treasure.

What lies beneath the truth and the lies we all do speak?
What lays hidden under the shell of our sanity or insanity?
What will they think of next to invade our personal sanctuary?
In the deepest recesses of our labyrinth, our brain, our memories.

The doctors and nurses, the psychiatrists and psychologists,
Are a fingertip away from knowing the reason for our existence.
All we have left to discover is covered with the bone of our heads;
The brains functions have been unraveled partly.  
Now we seek the rest.
We wish to know all the answers, so we dig like archaeologists,
Deep into the minds of the men, the women and the kids.

One day our T.V. will be linked directly into our brain cells,
So we can see the thoughts of our fellow humans and animals as well.
We shall unlock all the mysteries of the human mind given time,
But will we like what we see, deep within the labyrinth of our minds?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The lady in the flowers

The lady in the flowers with the white cotton dress;
It flows behind her and clings to her, as she gathers her bouquet.
With her crown made from picked daisies, she looks like a Princess;
Her smile shines like a sun beam on the fourth of May.

In this magical place, we are lost no more; we are in love!
Good Heaven’s above, are sending signals to us.
As she dances through the tulips,
She is soft to the touch and receptive to my advances;
Ladies in lavender do not give second chances.
But she is truly forgiving all my misdemeanors;
She is a vision in white and I want to be dancing with her.

As the path made from patches of grass,
Leads us into a beautiful future;
I am at ease in this place of peace.
She passes through reeds and then I lose her!

She vanishes beneath the water and all I see is her waving goodbye.
Oh my!  Where has she gone?  I am screaming on the inside;
But as I dive in search of her, I find myself… a wonder land.
I had never imagined that this dream could really have happened.
Into the water and through to the other side;
I climb out into her arms and again off she glides.

So once again I give kiss chase;
In case this time she is gone for good.
But she is never really leaving me;
She is just leading me to a place where we can be in love.

The leaves are multi-coloured
And this place has forever been hidden from all before.
She has welcomed me into her fantasy;
I can be a part of her world.

She skips through clear puddles
And in each of them I see my double.
I am a stranger on the inside
And I am rather befuddled.

But she is the fairy light I follow morning until night
And with all my might I shall become a part of her life.
Out into the clear, there is so much to see and to hear
And whenever she is near, blue birds suddenly appear.

A blanket is waiting next to a hamper for two.
We can rest now we have found each other…
Love is in bloom.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
The land that lies

Happy dancer, singing songs,
Knowing that the end will come;
But which is the end and which new beginnings?
Waiting on the end of the beginning, is this the beginning?
This all started a long, long time ago,
When I thought I was winning, but now I know.

Remove the light from around her;
It has no use in being my magnet.
Turn the music off, for I am empty
And she could only ever be tragic.
Dancing alone at the end of the night,
Crying in the morning as I lie.
She is only looking lost,
Whilst I am truly falling.
She has never even seen me,
She has not heard me calling.
She has never truly been searched for,
For I have no power to remove my walls.

Sad boy blues with water eyes,
Stares at happy dancer with such despise.
His dead eyes reveal no fury;
The hate is hidden, His jealousy forbidden,
But never silent, truly.

Maiden calling, watches them both and laughs.
She lives in her bubble head as she lies her way to bed
And all that she knows could be contained in a small paper bag.
Her mind could be printed onto the tiniest part of a pinhead,
If only she could remember to not forget;
Maybe she could be more than the worthless words never said.

These are the people at the bottom of the barrel.
Three for the price of none.
Take them and all those singing without knowing of Axl.
Take this rose to free my hands for the gun.
All these people seen through drunken eyes,
Bloodshot eyes see fools in disguise.
All that is left in this pit at night,
Is calling cards and fake profiles,
Lists of idiots with studied lies.
Unknown numbers for adulterous wives
And I am so tired…
I am so very tired.
So tired of people with crocodile cries in the night,
Over people who do not even matter,
So why do I lie?

Suicide is not a surprise when the truth is seen at last.
I have lived in your land of lies
And still you wonder why there is no turning back?
Once choice is made, love is no longer your slave,
For the beast has been released and is free.
Free to leave you behind, free to fly,
Free to find a place to hide
And when I am found there is no more left to say.
What more needs to be said to someone who walked away?

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The last words

I strike a match to strike a chord;
I would rather watch than to be adored.
The things I lack I hope to find,
Before they take it all back;
My love is forever yours.

Allow me to ignite your passion.
I never guarantee satisfaction,
But if you find you like my actions,
Then I will start a conversation.

And so the flame bursts into life,
The yellow, red and orange light,
Rises up to signify,
The meaning of the words that I write.

If you can see me in the dark,
Then you are a better woman than you think you are.
If you can understand my thoughts under these stars,
Then I hope you find the message I am sending from afar.
Over oceans and rocky mountains;
Everything written down, endless fountain’s.
Piles of books, so deep, I am endlessly counting;
The answer is only ever, “Shouldn’t you be writing?”

My head is full of do not forgets;
My life is filled with nothing but regrets.
My love for you is step by step;
Growing into happiness
And now our flame is burning bright
And now our love is more than nice
And now our hearts they are entwined;
We are bound, to be alike.

What’s mine is yours,
My thoughts I give;
Never live the way I lived.

The flames of love inflame through every page;
The words may blur into one being, but they are never the same.
I will continue to try again, to hopefully allow you to see my brain.
It runs like clockwork if the clock was broken.
No cuckoo alarm, no words unspoken.
No need for alarm, it’s just a drill I am holding
And everything I say is fixed…I am only joking.

So serious about being forthright;
Too truthful behind my sun glass eyes.
This life I truly despise,
But when I am loved I feel so alive!

The smoke stills; burn my cigarette.
The tray of ash, my resting bed.
The times I had I will never forget,
But every light goes out in the end.

So never do the things I did;
Never live the life I lived.
Never say it if you don’t mean it;
I loved you all…so close the lid.

Another flame will burn.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The lifeblood

Water is the lifeblood of us all.
We take it for granted;
But without it,
We would be no more.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
The Lighter Side of Hell

Pain is just a word and you shall get your just desserts,
If you can survive this Earth and all it has to tell.
The vision, the touch, the noise, the smell.
The feeling of injustice…
The lighter side of Hell.

Heaven is a nice idea, but I live here on Earth,
Down in the dirt, with the slugs and the worms.
Amongst the filth, disease and corruption;
The insane, the missing, the distorted failed abortions.

The man with 666, nailed to the crucifix,
Next to his nemesis; your Jesus,
Invites you all to a red meat banquet,
At the Hell Hotel; oh, you’ve got to make it.

The cannibal course,
The devilish desserts.
All inclusive of course;
Come feed your thirst.

The dancing flames and women in leather;
A servant of Satan, forever and ever.
The dead shall walk the Earth and Heaven too.
If the Master only had his way,
The head would be served unto you.

It’s not too bad, down here in Hell,
Once you get past the blood and that God awful smell.
But humans are messy, they spill everywhere;
Our staff are at hand, always happy to help.

A stretch is it Sir?  Very well don’t scream too loud;
Our reputation precedes us, we really are quite proud.
We don’t just torture, for the sake of torture.
We’re organised, we have a union;
You are either in or you are out.

The fires quite cosy, when you are not getting burnt;
Those tricksy little devils, when will they learn?
Occasional stabbings and whippings and things,
They’re a part of the experience; come on now, it’s your turn.

Enjoy the lighter side of Hell,
For it is only the beginning of time.
Remember the lighter side of Hell,
Because soon you will be praying for the end of time.

Because Hell has a dark side, a pit of hopelessness;
A place to punish you, to leave you helpless.
Such pain and brutality, I salute you, good luck!
You’re gonna need it my friend, because the truth is…
You’re ******!

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The light has gone

You are my empty space and you have destroyed my soul;
You’ve never given me a true or real feeling.
Everything I thought that my heart had known,
Was ended by your super nova lies and you left me with nothing.

You have a hollow heart and a misplaced soul.
Everything you touch, you break; your hand is still on my heart.
You are empty of love and you steal all hope;
You are the death of love and the muse to my disgraced art.

You punched my heart and gave birth to love
And then you killed me from the inside.
You are a disease of the mind and an eclipse to my sun;
You only leave me blind, because I need the light to shine.

I am trapped here for your amusement;
We are trapped by love and the deception rules.
You knew the truth, but I could not see through it, so now I resent,
Every word you speak, because we have both become fools.

Secrets and lies, just to pass the time.
The heart aches; then it breaks, when the love dies.
Pieces put back together could never fix this love life.
Gone is our future, dead is our past
And love’s light has faded from our eyes.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The long road to nowhere.

My thoughts are like a box of frogs;
The top comes off and they are all gone.
I have no control over all of that which I have lost.
In separate directions my life I could lead,
But I am sat snoozing in the passenger seat,
Not caring about the final destination,
Because all that will cause is more depression.

A mind of wires, all connections are unknown.
I have an idea on speed dial, but I have no phone.
Save me from myself and my disease;
The apathy that steals my need for anything.
My lack of you is only hurting me,
But I am way past caring because it is a quarter past three
And all I can care about is the fact that I cannot sleep.

No mystery on the T.V. can keep my interest,
Because I have no money,
So I cannot eat at a restaurant.
Where is the morning sun?
All I can see are dark clouds up above,
As I look down on my dead garden.
I beg your pardon; you want a rose-tinted kingdom?
I do apologise, we are all out of those.

The clothes are old, the air is cold;
I am cold, beneath my throws.
Where did my life go?
Why must I alone, remain alone?

Three parent babies and I am still not needed.
I am not being selfish, by thinking only of me,
Because I lack any kind of understanding,
As to why you are not standing,
To give them an applause.

No dictionary diction for the Dictaphone tonight,
Because I am just typing the story of our lives.
The things on the news, the ‘truth’; their views.
A world like this is a magical place,
With your face.
But my Facebook?  It is a sorry state,
Of getting lost in their repeated affair’s.
The last person to care,
Was last seen saying “I do not care.”

So there you see, this humane being,
Is nothing without love; what else could I be?
A man without a woman; a fool without love.
I am all these things and still I see,
The emptiness of trust.

Stop the silence, speak the truth.
I am so tired of sounding so blue,
But I have no other mood to choose;
So I feel the blues, I sing a tune.
I sing to you from my endless dunes.
Sand pit memories washed away with all we see.
The all is lost moment…fading memories.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The love plan

You can’t plan for love; you don’t decide who you get.
You can want someone and keep their picture in your head
And you can know that the two of you would be good together,
And maybe they could be the one you need to be with;
But you cannot plan for love, marriage and kids.
The spark is either gone or it is lit.

If they ignite your passion and then your heart,
Then there is a chance it will never fall apart;
But if they are your other half in decades to come,
Or if they are someone that you once loved,
Only destiny can decide what is meant for you.
Love is a pin stuck in a globe;
A place you are yet to view.

Maybe it will be better than it looked in the brochures,
That drew you together in the first place.
Maybe it won’t work, or be replaced with an unfamiliar, or familiar face.
A person you may have imagined may suddenly appear out of the blue.
Anything is possible when two hearts attach
And there is no turning back once love is within you.

Love will burn so hard, that you are left feeling starved,
Of a desire to be anywhere other than in their arms.
It will change the person you are; alone no more.
Have you been thunderstruck by love?

Colliding stars which explode together to create a new system.
Hearts begin to beat a new rhythm.
A new way of thinking.
Be sure not to miss them.
The light that appears around the one;
The two stars are far away from being together,
Until they become a sun.

Then forever more they will shine a vision of happiness.
The best version yet.
The best version there is…
A lovers kiss.
And when they shine together, others shine,
Stars alight and align.
The original big bang,
Brought to you anew.
Love changes your view.

We were all dust and bones until we find home.
Built from particles and atoms.
Molecules gathered together and now we are together in this moment;
No longer alone.
You are Eve.
Let me be you Adam.
I wish you were love,
Because love is all I know.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
The Meaning of Life

All I was and all I could have been,
Has been washed away by salty tears.
Memories I could not forget,
Are all I have left inside my head.

Thoughts are no longer processed here,
My brain has gone on strike.
All we want is to find a cure for this hurt,
But there is no salvation in this life.
Or the next, so what shall we do?
Give up trying just like you?

Maybe the light will shine for us one day,
Maybe the light will show us the way.
For you and I to be saved
And for this hurt to be erased.

There is the light I told you about,
The one to take away all your doubts
And answer those questions you asked.
How did I know this day would come to pass?
History told me this day was come,
My destiny was written in a former life,
Inside a gun, on the day I was born.

The meaning of life is to fulfil our destiny,
I now know the answer to what our destiny is.
Simply put; it’s not too good,
For our destiny can only be fulfilled with the aid of a bullet.
The meaning of life, the other big question,
Is birth, life, death and Heaven.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Mighty Lion

The Mighty Lion, standing proud.
All things beneath him; nothing as loud,
As the roar of this beast, in the middle of the night.
There is no other creature for him to fear
And he has wisdom behind those amber eyes.

So stoical, he stands there;
As he is observing his plain.
All others are running around so quickly,
Whilst he remains unruffled,
With his courageous heart,
Behind his mighty mane.

No challenger approaching; no chance of defeat.
The Mighty Lion stands proudly,
As he rules over all that which he can see.
From the birds in the sky,
Down to the insects beneath his feet.
The Mighty Lion rules with razor-sharp claws
And he can end any fight by simply showing his teeth.

His counsel is sought, to settle neighbourhood disputes.
His decision is final; his words speak only truth.
His eyes can see through liars, as he gains knowledge from his Pride.
He stands there, remarkable, in his domain
And his view is always right.
He knows all of the stories that spread around the group.
He has an army of animals on his side.  
They are under his leadership.  
They are his motley crew.

The Mighty Lion stands apart,
For he is truly their King.
He has earned his place at the Head of the Pride,
But still, he walks alongside all others
And he fears nothing.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The moment I knew.

As I turned the corner to climb those steps,
I looked up and saw you and I lost my breath;
You took it away, as I was stunned by your stunning beauty.
I heard my heart speak, as it spoke to me…

It simply said “Wow!” and at that moment, I fell;
So the time has come for me to tell.
You were dressed in white, next to a window of light
And as I looked deep into your eyes, I saw sun shine.

I was looking for someone with fire in their eyes
And yours held the sun itself, so diamonds came to mind.
I was left speechless as you softly spoke
And as I arrived at your feet, my voice and I rose,
To speak unto you, while I was falling for you
And from that moment in time…I knew.

If I had the chance to tell you of my feelings,
I had to tell you, I have been day-dreaming,
About possibilities
And reasons why not (times infinity)…

But a single thought still remains.
What if she said “Ok Babe”…to me?
Just think of what could happen;
Just think of what could be.
Here’s to risking everything.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Monster

With evil in hand they travel the land,
Forever searching for the lonely man.
His name unknown, but his story has to be told,
And now he lives in the darkness all alone.

Beneath the moon, his only light,
He disappears every night.
Never to be seen in winters gloom.
He is never seen out, for he is trapped in his doom.
Ten locks keep him in place, to keep the bad times at bay.
There hides a Prince beside his grave.

Still they search the high places and low,
In every inn and in every home.
They had the judiciary hypnotized.
They could never be stopped and now he was in their sights.

What’s black and white and read all over?
The front page photo makes him look much older.
Life wore him down and now his eyes have sunken deep.
His council disbanded and worn out souls on his feet.
As his doom closed on in there came a knocking upon his door.
Still half asleep he casually opened the way to all the evil in the world.

With fearful steps and eyes of wonder,
He stepped into the light from the spell he was still under,
And there she was, the lady in white,
And all around her shone a luminous light.

She said “Come, hurry, we must leave this place!”
He did not understand but the look on her face,
Screamed out to him, “Love is in need!”
So with two winged-feet he dived right in.

She took his hand and they danced through the snowy trees,
Until he finally said “Wait!  Where are you taking me?”

Above the trees and beneath the clouds,
There came a wave of smoke and the local’s did shout.
The fire raged and burnt every page he had written.
He didn’t know why, but there was no other way for lovers bitten.

When people do not understand a new design,
They change and find rage and the lies darken their minds.
He always knew he was different, but he has a heart,
If only others could see it, maybe they could change who they are.
Evelyn could see the real being, not the horror movie monster.
Unfortunately she was the only one, which is why he ended up with her.

As the rain fell all around him, he raised his coat to protect.
He raised it over Evelyn’s head
And together they found what needed to be said.
As they stared deeply into each other’s eyes,
They spoke and they laughed and they smiled and cried, at long last.
This love was no longer a surprise.

They were to kiss and soon did they fall.
One day they would wed, but first the wall and the door.
As they approached the castle gates,
A pair of guards stood still and their captain did wait.
“Who are you and what do you want?”
“We must see the Queen, at once!  At once!”

“It’s far too late for your kind to be here.”
“But the Prince is in need!”
“What Prince?”
“This one here!”
“He ain’t no Prince, under that hood is a beast!
Franken What’s-his-name,
I thought he was deceased.”
“He is, he died a long time ago,
But he saved the Prince before he had to go,
And with this wax seal, which has never been broken,
We can pay your toll, so you must accept this token!”
The authenticity could not be denied,
The gates were flung open
And there stood the beautiful palace of lights.

A meeting occurred and voices were heard,
But only one person had the final word.
The Queen raised her being and her voice and all fell silent.
“The Prince has returned!”  She shouted to the backdrop of violins.

The music filled the room and the corridors.
A piano was played as loud as the sound of the endless calls.
Doors were opened, windows too for all to hear,
“The Prince is to be married after all these years!”

The heir to the throne stood next to his new wife.
Evelyn was crying tears of joy,
So The Prince wiped away the tears from her eyes,
And with a kiss the service was finished.
A Prince born anew; a Queendom not diminished,
But growing ever further with change each passing day.
The darkness disappeared slowly…
Evelyn was the only way.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The Musician

I need a singer, to sing me a song;
Anytime of the day, I will need her love.
I need her beauty, to shine as she sings;
Or I need to hear her scream in sympathy.

My eternal sunshine, you look divine,
Beneath the light that shines, to show me your smile.
My love is yours to behold, my life.
I allow you to see through me; to see inside.

To see what is real;
Like the pain I feel without you near.
I wish this heart would pick a new career;
Because it is useless at love; it’s like me - a loser.

All I ask for, is you to sing a song I choose;
A rock song, a reggae number,
An indy tune, rap, comedy or something other;
Like a poem I wrote, after having a ****.
My poetry has rhythm, so any poem could become a song…almost.

But if you find a song of mine you like;
Take it within your soul, for the rest of your life.
For I shall always write another,
For it is my hobby, my job, my love, my career.
So I pray you hear the words I speak;
For one day I could write the words for you to sing.

If you understand me,
Then be with me.
Read all my poetry and songs…
If you want to know the real me.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018
The Musketeer

People don’t want to hear negative truth,
Even when they say they do.
If I told you of my life,
You would disappear out of sight.
You only want to see smiling faces;
You don’t want to hear I have no light.

Bury me with good intentions.
Say cheer up to bring me down.
You want my love? You cannot have it.
You have not earned anything from me but a frown.

My face a portrait picture;
The eyes occasionally move.
I only look up from my despair,
So that I can see right through you.
All I see is no reflection of me.
Such empathy, such apathy.
Why does nobody feel like me?

I relate to all, only through things I saw.
There is no love for me anymore.
All you say contains no truth.
I am broken, beaten, used.

If I fall for you, I will fall alone,
Because you are already lost without your phone.
All I own could never buy your attention,
So endlessly I fail to mention.
There was a time I stood for you only;
That time has passed because you never secured me.

So at long last the time has passed,
I am standing alone at an impasse.
None shall pass, goodbye I’m leaving,
For I still protect my every feeling,
By saying naught of my ten thousand thoughts,
That I wish I had said before I left.
Now not one negative word will ever be said,
About the idea which I protect.

The lies have been said and I have faced death;
Stared right down the barrel into nothingness.
With my last dying breath,
I will hope to somehow see love again.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Mystery of the ‘e’.

What can be caught but never tamed?
What can be attained, but never detained?
What will never cease?
If you could only see; would you still require me?

If you had been shown, what wasn’t normally known,
Would you have believed what you had read?
If you know the answer, you would not have asked the question;
Still you ask with a fear of regret.

What have you found to solve the mystery of the ‘e’?
Have you gained from this experience?  Do you see what I see?
Let it lighten up your heart, with the joy of discovery.
Find your inner child, your inner being, or your split personality.

This is the way, walk into the light.
The police would like you to give them a statement.
Do you know the answer to the mystery of the ‘e’?
Of course I do, it’s obviously (…).

If that is what you have found,
To solve the puzzle of the ‘e’.
Then enlightenment is yours to behold friend;
So enjoy your next mystery.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The next door

Like a bird released, I am now flying free.
A wide open future, my eyes are at last able to see,
Beyond the horizon there are a million possibilities.
Destiny is beckoning, fate is silent and I am awakening.

No longer boxed in; no longer unable.
Nothing standing in my way now; able to trust in the faithful.
With wide open arms I am welcoming all love into my cosmos.
Come be with me, promise yourself to me
And I will be yours forever more, my rose.

I will give you my heart if you fall in love with me.
There is nothing that could tempt or distract my energy.
So totally focused on always trying to impress;
I am a version of true love, never discovered, nevertheless,
I am still shining my beacon heart like a sunbeam through your window.
If you are ever in need of joy, let me be your prismatic rainbow.

Follow me to the end of the Earth;
Allow me to show you what this life is worth.
Let me be with you when you feel alone
And I will give to you all I have,
All I can give;
Help my silver heart become gold.

You are my planet; let me be your moon.
Your love leaves me spinning and looking out for you.
Stick with me and we will build a love that lasts.
Hold me close, so that I can never run away;
Help me to create our out of this world romance.

As I walk into this unknown future,
Fearful footsteps disappear.
Beauty opens my heart to love;
My ears are open to hear.
My smile has returned and my voice is speaking once more.
I will always go forward with you, if you let me…
Will you walk with me through this next door?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The night fisher

The night fisher waits patiently;
No conversation necessary.
His wife at home with hand on phone,
Is disturbing his peace.

They met as childhood sweethearts
And now they don’t even speak.
She talks, he listens, they get along;
But they haven’t kissed in weeks.

She says she has to dash.
The food is in the oven, the doorbell rings,
There is another call
And the baby needs its ***** changing.

He says goodbye without I love you.
They haven’t spoken in a while.
He can’t recall the last time he meant it;
He turns back to his solitude and raises himself a smile.

It’s peaceful now,
He can relax,
Not worry about who she is with.
He knows one day he will kick the bucket
And someone else will raise the kid;
But he is not thinking about that now.
He came here to forget.
He comes here every chance he can get.
Some claim that he is wed.

A ring upon his finger is only a disguise.
He wears it only for one reason…

To keep away more lies.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The other side

A lady crossed the bridge to the other side;
She didn’t know exactly what she would find.
But this was her time, so on she went;
She has never been seen since and she will not be seen again.

Her make up ran as she walked fearful steps;
The wind beneath the willows blew across her dress.
She thought she would fly or be forgiven if she confessed;
But who can say what we will become, when there is nothing left.

The moon above, her only guide, as she walks through the shadows.
It’s cold up here above the world and life just seems so hollow.
Why is nobody with her when they all fell as one?
Her hand upon the coarse rope bridge,
The leads her away from all she has known.

Darkness is all around and the stars are endless;
All she ever did was try her best.
But now she is the ghost who passes through the night;
The lady on the bridge can at last see the other side.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
The Passion Has Died

The night I found you,
I saw the Devil in your eyes.
I knew you were the one I wanted,
For I saw your naughty side.

I think, I thought I’d found my Heaven,
When my head was between your thighs.
I think I found my Heaven,
That night I heard your cries.

Oh how things were different then;
It seems the passion has died.
I no longer hear you moan;
I no longer feel inside.

I wish things could be different;
But time was never on our side.
I wished to have your love forever;
But our love has simply died through lies.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The Path

The path I have followed has many twists and turns;
I have walked alongside angels and behind me my demons still lurk.
Quick to seize upon a trip, or a slip of the tongue.
Without a vice I would be nice;
Every day I tell myself that I smoke too much.

Still I continue into the unseen ahead;
I can only keep on walking, knowing I have never tried my best.
I will not try to persuade you to join me on this journey;
For this is my path to walk alone.

So I will continue to journey onwards,
Bid you goodbye and thank you for the talk;
Because you have a path of your own, which you alone must walk.

In peace for once, I slow to a crawl;
No energy left to put up a wall.
So inside they creep, the darkest of thoughts.
This is just a part of my story;
A stepping stone on my long walk.

Careful of placing my feet and lost to the world;
I have travelled along with no guide to show me a real love.
Forever searching for warmth in a life left so cold;
But pure of heart is my choice, so my future I must endure.

As years pass on by, the scenery changes day by day;
The thorns in my life will be replaced with milk and honey.
So I will continue, because I know this is the course I must take
And one day all this rain will transform and become sunny.

True north is the only way I know I am heading;
All the painful memories, I am slowly forgetting.
Forwards I march, into the distance,
Leaving no crumbs behind me as I walk.
I have no intention of turning my back on what is ahead of me;
I intend to embrace and feel it all.

The good, bad and the ugly;
The happiness and the tears.
I have followed this path for a lifetime
And my journey does not end here.

This path stretches out ahead of me,
Until the time my feet cease to move.
I have walked barefoot through the fires of Hell
And I have walked many miles in your shoes.
I have carried the weight of the world upon my shoulders sometimes;
I have put my thoughts down to rest, among the lines that I write.

I have let go of everything and what I miss the most;

Is the thing I never had…

…the knowledge of where it is I am going
And when it is I will know, where to go.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The person you are looking for does not exist anymore.

There once was a stalker who didn’t get the hint.
Everywhere he went she followed him;
She was so dim.
She couldn’t get the picture out of her head.

She was fun for a day,
But time moves on, so walk away.
Don’t be some crazy who is still searching for the lost.
It is gone,
It is gone,
It is gone,
It is gone…

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The Phantom of the Opera.

It may sound strange, but the books don’t work
And I am all out of luck.
I would start again if I could meet another Her,
But that time has all been loved.

A second chance at a once true love.
I am not just another fish in the sea.
I would give love back, if I only could
And then, maybe, you could love me.

Never to be attained,
Only seen through sunglasses and reflections of yourself.
If we are both the same, then you too cannot be saved,
From this self-inflicted, back-firing love spell.

I am cursed, to speak in verse,
Like a haunting message from beyond the grave.
Without love I would never have tried to be heard
And you would never have known my name.

Some people say love lets us know,
But I think it blinds my eyes.
When I am old and grey, the me you think you owe,
Will be a long time gone, up into the sky.

I desire no thanks, because I took a chance,
That the words would fall into place.
I am a selfish humane man, who never learned how to dance,
Because of my Phantom of the Opera face.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The Phobophobia Collection – P is for Phobophobia

I’ve got 99 problems and my woman does not exist… so she ain’t one.
I’ve got 99 problems now my woman is gone.
I used to have one hundred problems
And only one that mattered;
But now the only thing I have got,
Is this feeling of feeling shattered.

I have dreamed of not having insomnia,
For what literally seems like forever.
I truly can’t be happy,
Rain or shine or any weather
And whatever the occasion I am down in the dumps;
Found this manic personality and man it *****!

Oh look; I have met a beautiful woman.
Oh my!  She must be my true love!
She said hello!
Oh she must be the one!

But now she is talking to somebody else,
On her stupid phone…

Thank you life; I really taught myself a lesson,
To never even try to be happy,
I will never have a family,
So I’ll fetch myself some rope
And a broken pen
And a rose for my rose,
To remember me when…

I woke up depressed again…
I did not go to sleep this way.
I had an amazing nightmare last night,
But all memory of it has gone away…

Half way through a conversation,
Or when I pass through a threshold,
I sneeze like I have a cold,
But I am not ill, or so I have been told.
Where are my keys?
What was I talking about?
What the Hell!?
Where was I going?
Did I put the food in the oven?
Or did I leave it out?
Did I lock the door?
I will check once more,
Then I will check it again and again
And again to be sure.

They say I mask my sadness,
With my pathetic attempt at what I call humour;
But I refuse to listen!
And laugh like a mad man,
As they spread their vicious rumours,
About…my precious!

If I had an imaginary friend,
I guess that she would have to be a Princess,
For she could only ever exist, inside my head
And she would eventually leave, because I am so very boring.
I have no desire to speak to men,
Because their conversations only leave me snoring.

Why do you look so les miserables?
I was born this way!
I have apathy to faking smiles;
Get out of my way!
I have to leave this planet,
There are far too many people.
There is a call for you…
I don’t want to speak, I can’t take the trouble.
I foresee a future and it will only be evil,
Asking “How the Devil are you today?”
I sarcastically reply, oh yeah…I am great!  
With no smile on my face
And my dark empty eyes…
How I hate human beings…
Donnie Darko had it right.

Send me a new broken engine,
So I don’t have to speak to them again…
But…I want to be your friend…
Well I want to get to the bitter end…
But I want to be your girlfriend…
Believe me you are all better off if I am dead;
Rather that, than have to deal with me and my lack of empathy.
So much empathy!  
It is killing me!
Hannibal Lector’s got nothing on me…

I guess I had better stop writing this truth,
For I don’t want you to see my ugly face or my mania.
My body’s dysmorphic disorder is no stranger than I am;
But there is one in the mirror.
Who is that arrogant, narcissistic man?
I will self-diagnose…but I will not type into Google ‘Thanks’.

The past is still the present
And I guess I am agnostic when it suits me,
But I want to go Heaven!
I don’t believe a thing
And I am sick to death of my repeated reincarnations.

My entire existence is flat-lining;
So worthless, like everything,
And I feel so tired, like, all of the time
And I can’t even rhyme,
So I repeat the same lies.
So tell me what is the point?
There clearly is no point…

Stop writing this garbage,
Nobody wants to read it.
I don’t even want to have to write it,
But I am enslaved and completely compelled…

I guess in a while,
I will reach the finish…

Oh my God…
What is this fresh Hell?

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The Poem For Every Female.

I Love You.

I love all females.
No female is ugly.
No female should ever feel lonely.
I am with you all; you are all in my heart.
This poem is my gift to you all, you shining stars.

I love you all.  You bring us love and empathy.
So to you all; I dedicate my everything.
I share my kindness with you all,
For you all are truly beautiful.

You may not know how to show your love; just like me.
So take this from me with love, all females – my empathy.
You are all simply magnificent, a Queen of the Benign…
I kneel before you all, to simply tell you… You shine!

What do females want?...

Love…Danc­ing…A little Romancing…
A Friend…A Good Listener…Cuddles… Kisses…
Occasional spontaneity…More than 3 wishes…

Loving…Singing…Some Showing of Emotion…
This…That…Wh­atever the Hell I want!...
Relaxation…No need for straighteners…More Make-Up…

You, Him, or Her…A Care Bear…
More, more, I want it all!...I want to see you care…
I want the Flowers…I want the Choc’s and Wine…
Come Here…Go Away!...It’s Time…To be a Bride…

A Kid…A Ring…A Telephone Number…Something…
A Prince…A King…A Lesbian?

To be treated as they all are…
Beautiful and Unique.

Anything I did not add to the list…
Tell the one that you love…
And we shall hope that they have been listening.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The poem with no name.

There is a black raven at my tail, as I walk down the street;
It foretells me my tale will no longer taste so sweet.
The end is nigh, I hear from upon high;
In darkness I hear, the shriek of the beast.

I am coming to meet you, my maker;
Are you sure you are ready to meet me?
I will courteously scream at you, what have you taken away?
My life, your judgment; what a price to pay!

Too short was this living; your retort had better be good!
No I don’t understand!  Who on Earth could?
This darkness you befell upon me is bitter indeed;
Without you to blame and scream at, what have I left to bleed?

A soul snatched from this world and elevated beyond this life;
In God’s eyes I find meaning, to my premature demise.
What countless men before me, have suffered the same fate?
I see two angels at God’s shoulders; I guess he sent his Devil away.

I kneel before benevolence and beg for forgiveness.
The voice of angel’s raise my spirit;
Their songs of joy are relentless.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Poet Condemned

I have opened my mind and unleashed Pandora’s Box.
My mind is now open, but my will is now lost.
Freedom of the mind; open and clear.
We couldn’t see the demons, but we can feel the fear.

Laying down to rest, my mind springs to life.
Wake up!  Wake up!  It’s time to write!
How?  I’m exhausted!  I can’t think of a thing.
Nonsense!  Write a line…And then do it again!

Your soul pours out your head, like a waterfall of life;
But as your mind opens up; the demons creep inside.
You have opened your mind and let in damnation.
Now the demonic voices; you shall forever be hearing…

Write us a rite!  An incantation!
Call us up, another demon.
Write us a rhyme, so divine and sublime,
That it shall be remembered,
For the rest of time.

Another day.
Another dollar.
Forget the squalor that surrounds you.
The island of your bed, amongst the dirt shall stay true.

Throw it away!
Find it another day.
Write another poem!
Try to look happy.

So what if your hope and faith have disappeared?
Just speak the truth, I have never lied; you will always hear,
That dark voice creeping, upon you once more…
You are tired and you have written all the poems you can…
Now write us a book!

Make it really interesting for the little people;
Oh and you’ve got to add a few Demons.
Do it!  Do as you are told!  Write me a book!
I don’t care if you are tired.
Write it and make it good.

Now the book is written;
I’ve told the stories meaning.
The book will become, ‘The Books’
Of this poet’s Demons.

So now ten years later, I sit on the beach.
I have a wife and kids now…and I still have my Demons.
My Demons and I have grown to like one another, at last.
I know I am The Poet Condemned…
But at least my demons are a good laugh.

So I sit here at the end of another poem…
Hello Mr. Demon, yes I know, I was just starting,
To write another poem to appease you…but now I’m retiring.
Because I can’t get a publisher…
So Mr. Demon; it’s time for you to be going.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The Poetess

I need a Poetess to steal my heart,
In the depths of the dark night air,
That carries her cries, near and far…
I see before me,
An angel of my forever heart.

Her words shall guide me towards her heart
And in the depths of the dark,
I shall let her take my huge heart.

For I have no need of it to live, when I am with her.
She keeps me alive, with her Heavenly words.
Words of trust and promises of faithfulness;
These are the charms of The Poetess.

For she could be trusted to speak from the soul.
I could once more stupidly believe her promises to never go.
So I write you a poem from the bottom of my soul;
You words are worth loving;
My Magnanimous Noun.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The rage inside

Am I a clockwork man, or a clockwork mouse?
Would I still be the same man, if I let my rage out?

Am I a jigsaw piece of a master plan?
Or a glimpse of art in a foreign land?
Am I a way of seeing, or a way of keeping the peace?
Or a weapon of choice inside your hands?

Am I blessed by God, or cursed by The Devil?
If I have never lost my temper, how have I learned to stay so civil?

If a box of tricks is Pandora’s Box;
Then why are there no locks on Pandora’s Box?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Realm

Pleased to meet you; pleased to deceive you.
Please I need you to join the queue.
Break the silence, with needless violence.
Take from the taker or try to keep our secrets inside of us?

Whispers fly beyond the walls;
For all these days I have heard them call.
In a stranger land what are we waiting for?
Down on our knees we must please them all.  

If all we have has been taken away;
Then we must be the hopeless and the faithless.
The lost will never be saved.  

Digital and spiritual;
Everyone is guilty down here…we are all criminals.  
Liar’s burn, so take your turn;
We are all liars in a liar’s lair and this is all we deserve.  

Faces in the walls staring at us as we pass;
What chance do we have to make amends and pay them back?
Superstitions, a lack of religion;
We never believed until we were upon the rack.  

Needle nails pierce our skin;
The drug is within us, so deeper we sink.
Losing vision, losing my religion;
In this nightmare of an afterlife, I need some medication.

But there is no cure and no saving grace;
This is the end of us and the beginning of the eternal pain.  
Banished from Heaven and forever trapped in Hell.
If all we need is a key to our prison,
Then we must make a deal with a Devil.

But your soul is worthless now it has been ripped from your body;
So you will never be released and nobody is ever sorry.  
As fires light up the evil and the screams become deafening;
You will realise that there is no way out,
From this blood and skulls realm…
And the pain is never ending.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
There I am.

I walk on a razor’s edge with added violence.
One foot in the past, one foot in the wrong
And all is gone.

You want my soul to sell, but I regret these words are mine.
I give away the thought of it all.
If only you had to see your world through my eyes.
I have no strength left to fight, or climb the walls.

I cannot reap an empty field,
Where my tears of fire have salted the earth.
If I allow you into my heart, I will only decay;
For what it’s worth.

Inside a nightmare is where I have to live;
Visions all shrouded in mystery.
The hysterical cannot think of peace.
The path forwards is always through,
So come with me.

Seize destiny, if you care.
In the pit of despair, I gasp for air.
You are never truly there with me, so you cannot understand.
You only care, because I seem not to.
One of us is better at this;
You are all a better man.
I am nobody’s truth.

Rise above it; accept you cannot truly see,
The whisper’s that swim around inside of me,
From the pit of my burning stomach,
To the very edges of my finger-tips.

They gather in waiting, until one day they come bursting through.
They destroy all ideals, as I speak about me, not you.
I cannot live with such apathy.  I will never feel the same.
I love you now, but on a shattered bad day,
I will never to be seen again.

The person I was became invisible, never to be seen on your wave.
I become another person, with each and every face.
Life cells grow back to replace the old.
The only continue is my soul.  It’s all I own and all that I know;
But what do I know?
I am lost without your hope.

Lust is a word, like love;
These feelings come and then they go…
I stare into a hall of mirrors,
Wondering which one is the real me.  I don’t know,
Or care which one is true-self.
I guess I will never know.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
There is no fate…

There is no fate but what we make it;
So seize the day before it breaks you.
We are all left alone, feeling naked,
When our fate changes; who knew?

Something buried, deeper, deeper;
Something never said, under a wasted breath.
Deeper we sink into the hole; we can never become our own healer.
Living inside a memory of all that could have been, but was left unsaid.

Memories, full of ghosts;
What must I do to let them go?
Twice never seen, beneath the bleach;
Hidden dreams fade away to become never seen.

Hidden within a dark memory,
Is the freedom we are all seeking to set ourselves free.
But we can never attain what we need,
To give us all the freedom we each seek.

In misery we are becoming;
Becoming the thing we hate the most.
In sympathy they are destroying;
Destroying the last morsel of a life of ghosts.

In danger of becoming, in danger of saying;
In danger we become quicker to solve the problems we are having.
The future is unwritten, the past a memory;
The future can never be attained without a sacrifice,
So do what you must to become the change that you seek.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
There is no money in poetry

The foundations have been laid, now the money needs to be made.
I want to become a full time poet; how do I make this pay?
Is there anybody out there willing to offer a helping hand?
If poems were worthy £1, I would have made a grand.

What is poetry worth?
I know the value of words;
But what hope is there for a future,
When poetry is all free, just like music?
We live in a changing world.

Still seeking a publisher;
Still seeking inspiration.
Still seeking enlightenment;
Still in need of a vacation.

I write at least one poem a day; now I’m on book twenty two.
I like that Twenty One Pilots song they are playing;
I wish I could know what you think.  What will it take to prove,
That people like my poetry and the words that I use?
No other job will ever inspire me, I have a vocation;
This is my truth.  This is what I do.

Please send a sign, or a contract to sign;
It’s a sign of the times, that there is no money in rhymes.
I’m not asking for much money; just enough to live comfortably.
I dream of having my books published; no I’m not being funny.

I’m deadly serious; this is what I need, what I want.
I want to be a poet; I will do whatever I must.
My life is too short on this Earth to be lying, in the sun;
I must write, I must yearn; I must believe and I must trust.

One thousand poems written; some good, some bad.
But the majority are welcomed with open hands.  I gave it all I had.
I am still a novice; I am always honest.
I am getting better with age; even if this poem doesn’t show it.

This is truth, this is real; now let it pay for my meals.
I am humble before all poets; if you ask I will kneel.
I will beg you to just take a look at my works;
Do not judge me by just one poem.  That is all I ask;
Surely this I deserve.

No poet can always be perfect;
My style may be different to theirs,
But we are all worthy of your notice…

Let us know that you care.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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