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Mar 2020 · 674
now that you've moved on...
Endless Horizon Mar 2020
Sedate me with your stare
Bring me high above the clouds.
Your touch is exhilarating;
In the cover of darkness our hearts meet;
Our fingers, our thighs;
A secret is burgeoning.

You keep on stealing from me.
Your glances.
Stop; don't stop. Take it all.
My doors are unlocked.
But what does it all mean?

In my mind I rest my head,
On your shoulders;
My hands are reaching out to you
Yet our hearts never felt so far away.

Can I tell you my secret?
Your hands are rough,
But I want it around mine.
Do our lips fit like puzzles do?
Come on, lets fan the flames,
Of this candlelit romance.

Is it really you I'm meeting in the dark?

My head keeps hitting the window;
Potholes on the road.
Another day. Another dream.
The airwaves between us are silent.
Am I a fool for honing in on your signals?

It's so exciting, my one-sided romance.
I was preparing myself to hear this news.
Its okay. All I can do now is laugh.
I wonder when I'll feel like this again.
Aug 2018 · 596
Endless Horizon Aug 2018
Nothing feels like this.
Empty feeling
Droning on
And on
People are behind me.
Can you stop? I don't want to think about that right now.
Right now.
Right now.
Can you leave?
Can I leave you?
Jan 2018 · 803
The Way
Endless Horizon Jan 2018
You can't love me
The way I want you to
The way that I do.
You can't look at me
The same way that I do
The way I steal some
From across the room
That sometimes you do too.
You can't hold me
The way I want you to
Because I want you to
Hold my hand
And my heart
With you to
Where I'll say 'I do'
And you'll say
'I do too'.
You can't love me
The way that I do
And you won't love me
The way that I do
Because you don't
Share my view
Or see things
The way I do
But now
I'm not
The only one
Looking at you
The way I do
And loving you
The way I do
And I know he can do
So much better
Than what I do
So stop pretending
Not to know what to do
Because you know
And I know too
That you should
Chase that feeling
Grasp it
Hold it
And cherish it
Before it bids
Chase it for me
My friend
Before he, like me
Gives up too.

You can't love me
The way I want you to
The way that I do.
But love him
The way he wants you to
And want him
The way he wants you to
For I know deep down
That you want him too.
how sad
Jan 2018 · 4.4k
Don't Leave Me
Endless Horizon Jan 2018
Please don't leave me.

All I want is to talk to you once more

All I want is to have one more day

With you

Excuses are all I can make to persuade you

To make you think otherwise


All I want is to have one more hour

With you

I will do anything to stop you from leaving




All I want is to have one more minute

With you

I will remind you of the good times we had

As well as the bad.

But who wants to dwell on the past

When you have

The future.

Do you see it now?

Do you see us?

The ones holding hands by the bay

The ones watching the movie together

The ones with their heads leaning against each other

And their hands in each others


They look inseparable


I thought we were inseparable


I thought we had forever

But forever is about to leave



Don't leave me


All I want

Is to have




With you.
hello again.
Aug 2015 · 696
Endless Horizon Aug 2015
In the dark of night
Deep in my slumbers
My mind wanders.
Trees swaying
Glass gleaming
Snow falling


I see us.
Frolicking in the fields.
What fields?
The fields of lovers.

I see us.
By the moonlit bay
Leaving the rest of the world
Behind us

I see us.
On the top of a mountain
Embraced in each others arms

I see us.
Just how I
Pictured it to be

It is a shame
That what I see
This perfect fantasy
Only exists
Aug 2015 · 861
Endless Horizon Aug 2015
I plead,
Take me back!
Take me away from here!
Take me from this horrid place!
The lies
The deceit
The greed
It is pungent, it is putrid
You can see it in the air.
Spreading like wildfire

Oh, take me back!
Take me back to a land
Where the grass is always greener
Where the skies are azure
Where the birds chirp
Where the trees sway
Where the breeze flows gently.

No one is there to answer me
As I lay on the damp, dark ground.
I could feel myself slipping away
Into nothingness
Or perhaps
Into a deep sleep.
I cry my last
And see
That they were there all along
Standing idly by
Never stopping to mind the now cold body
Lying on the sidewalk.
Aug 2015 · 1.0k
Endless Horizon Aug 2015
My heart has been
Yet I seem to be going in circles

I yearn for something
That I don't seem to understand.
This feeling inside
It is consuming me.

Should I let it continue?

should I surrender?

My heart has been

Yet my heart always leads me back to you
Awwwks. Okay nvm. Just a quick one as it seems that it will soon BE A YEAR since I made my first trending poem, *In another city. In another town.* I'm so happy with what I've accomplished this past year. Thank you all so much :)))

Shoutout to Blackness and Winter Silk bc why not :) #spon
Jul 2015 · 604
Three Years
Endless Horizon Jul 2015
Three years is a long while.
A long while indeed.
Three years is enough
To forget
The memories of you and me.
Three years is enough
But still, I haven't forgotten.
I haven't let go.

Three years is a long while
For me to forget.
But my heart still skips a beat
Whenever you lay your eyes on me.
It's been a long while.
Jun 2015 · 550
Leave Me Here
Endless Horizon Jun 2015
I still remember the day
When our arms would go around
Each others shoulders.
I still remember
You acting crazy
And asking me to do the same

I still remember the day
You became another person
And when I didn't approve
You left and went to someone else
Don't you lie to me,
You're the one that started it all

Where has it all gone?
Memories of us now undone
Why did it have to end?
After you went down that river bend
You don't need me anymore
Just leave me here and go!
May 2015 · 567
Loving Without
Endless Horizon May 2015
My body cannot comprehend,
My mouth cannot utter,
My mind cannot construct thoughts


At the thought of living life without
Talking to
The one I drool over every single day.

It seems like I can no longer function.

But I know
That the one I drool over
Does not answer to my affections

It's as if I can't stop thinking about
Can't stop living without
Can't stop loving without

Something that's on my mind. I can't let go. But I must.
May 2015 · 738
Endless Horizon May 2015
I wait for the kettle to simmer,
For the whistle to stop blowing,
For the water to cool down.

But the water just keeps on getting warmer and warmer.

And I'm waiting.
For it to simmer down.

But that looks like that's not gonna happen.
Since I forgot to turn the stove off again.
Simmer down sir. Simmer down
May 2015 · 1.2k
Endless Horizon May 2015
I guess this is it.
You had your final straw.

Your clothes are strewn about on the floor
Waiting to be folded up
To be tossed in a bag,
And carried far away from here.

Your belongings have all disappeared.
You took them all, remember?

I guess this is our final hour.
I guess this is
My final

May 2015 · 749
Passing By
Endless Horizon May 2015
Back then...

When I would walk past you,
And when you would walk past me,
We would greet each other,
Good morning,
Good afternoon,
Good night.
And be happy.

But behind the scenes,
You weren't happy.
You weren't having a
Good morning,
Or a
Good afternoon,
Or a
Good night.

Instead, you were dealing with so much sorrow and pain.

When I would walk past you,
And when you would walk past me,
We wouldn't greet each other,
Good morning,
Good afternoon,
Good night.
And be happy.
You would just pass by me,
Like I never even existed.
Something happened. Very sad and troubling times indeed
Apr 2015 · 726
Endless Horizon Apr 2015
I look into your eyes
And see the whole world spinning.
Flashing lights, bright skies.
You'd be there to brighten up my world.

But now, the world has gotten a bit darker
As you lay in your box of wood,
Since you're no longer around
To light it up.
Something quick I whipped up from the numerous poem drafts I made months ago.
Mar 2015 · 902
Endless Horizon Mar 2015
It can't happen.
No, it just won't.
Will not, Should not.

This love will lead you nowhere,
Down dark alleyways and
Filthy backstreets.

The only solace you will find
Is by retracing your steps,
And walking back to where you started.

It can't happen.
Will not, Should not.
I am already in love with

*someone else
Mar 2015 · 662
Endless Horizon Mar 2015
This mixed feeling leaves me breathless
I cannot comprehend nor wrap my thoughts around
The fact that people find me of worth.

Worth of energy
Worth of time

Worth of *friendship
Mar 2015 · 455
No [10w]
Endless Horizon Mar 2015
That's all that can be said.
Just plain
Mar 2015 · 1.3k
Endless Horizon Mar 2015
Sleepless nights and
Requirements to accomplish
Just makes me think
Of the one thing I'm mostly deprived of.

Next week is the last finals week of the whole school year for us, so every requirement is due next week too. Sleepless nights and endless amounts of stress ensues.
Feb 2015 · 920
Their Greater Good
Endless Horizon Feb 2015
Those people,
Doing things
That they shouldn't do.
Those people.
By day, oblivious
By night, nuisances
To us.
I feel guilty for even
Saying a word
I feel like a gossipmonger.
But, like all things that seem bitter.
It's for the greater good...

Their greater good.
Something happened recently.
Feb 2015 · 613
Way Back When
Endless Horizon Feb 2015
Way back when
Somebody loved me,
It was all fine and dandy.
All the time we had together
I cherished them.
The memories still play in my head.

Way back when
Somebody loved me,
She was there to guide me.
Even the darkest of times
Would turn to the brightest of days
Because of

Way back when
Somebody loved me,
Everything seemed beautiful.
It was all fine and dandy.
And I was at last,
But that was
Way back when
She loved me. alter ego speaks once again! I have a fever, so I'm currently at home while my classmates are suffering at school! Mwahahaha! Staying in bed and sleeping all day gets you thinking. (to the people who know me in real life) I've never encountered a 'relationship' that both parties had mutual feelings for one another (not that I know of)(thats so sad i know). So I pondered on what it'd be like if we did love each other...and this is the result of all that pondering.
Feb 2015 · 452
Endless Horizon Feb 2015
I don't know what to feel anymore.
This is against all I've been living for.
Against everything.

I should accept it as it is and
Just move on
I should be the friend that I am
I should be a decent human being

Yet this is against all I've been living for.
Against everything.

I don't know what to feel anymore
Because I feel
Feb 2015 · 912
An Identity Crisis
Endless Horizon Feb 2015
I believe somehow, in some way
We all go through an
Identity Crisis.

Whether it be
Deciding who we want to be
What jobs we want to take
Who we really are inside
We question ourselves.

I know, because I have.
I questioned myself an innumerable
Amount of times.
And somehow I still can't
Make up my mind about it.

But don't worry.
I will arrive at an answer soon.
And I hope
You will too.
Something very personal to me and to a few friends of mine. They know.
I wanted to make this poem because I was just questioning the inner me, if you get what I'm saying.
Feb 2015 · 985
Finally. Free.
Endless Horizon Feb 2015
Today wasn't like any other day.
Today is a special day.
Today is the day
...That I forgot about you for a moment
...That I didn't care
...That my problems seemingly vanished
...That my wrongdoings were forgiven
...That I made new friendships
...That I mended old ones.
Today is a special day
Today is the day that
I was finally
Feb 2015 · 1.7k
Endless Horizon Feb 2015
No more than a confused human being.
I feel like I have lost my way.
And it's as if I can't retrace my footsteps.

Feel so horrible inside.
The past few years, harboring a secret
Deep down inside
Keeping it locked in a safe.

Can't feel guilty anymore.
I've changed,
Or, at least, I hoped so.

Am a confused human being
Still making my choices.
And I hope when this is all said and done
I won't be confused
My alter ego has spoken once again. Shoutout to Intern, Winter Silk and Blackness because reasons.
Feb 2015 · 893
You're Still Looking
Endless Horizon Feb 2015
It has been a long time
since our eyes have met once again.
Yet, I have gotten stronger
I have gotten wiser
from the being I once was.

From the being that fell in love with you.

I know that now.
And I won't let it happen again.
But I find my efforts at self control futile
as every morning I still search
for you.
I stop and think:
"No. It's over. I'm done."
And I carry on with life

Like nothing ever happened.

But now so suddenly
you, who didn't care about me,
you, who didn't even turn to look my way
you, suddenly did.
And I don't know what to feel inside.
Happiness, joy, excitement, hope

But know this.
If you're looking for another shot.
You've got it all wrong.
You're already too late.
The people who know me in real life will probably figure out who the subject of this poem is.  Lol. Actually no, only one friend that can figure that out.
*To that friend: I actually don't feel happiness inside okay, I just feel really annoyed. That is all.*
In other news, sorry for making it really long. I just don't know how to express this in 5 stanzas below. Do you see my problem?
EDIT: I forgot to mention I'm back from my hiatus! yay! I shall be posting more poems here as my thoughts have all accumulated and I actually have material to write about now :)
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
A Time Long Gone
Endless Horizon Dec 2014
Sunlight beaming through the windows I
did not expect what I’d found.
Brown faded boxes scattered to and fro
little did i know what I’d find right below.

In one box, as normal as the others,
I found a friend from years long past.
My teddy bear...unwashed,
its ears weirdly bent, its eyes on its last.

Then, the memory hits me.

Back to a sunny day,
a time when I needed not worry
of complicated things.
A day just spent with this bear by my side.
Frolicking the fields and
getting my shoes ***** from all the mud.

Oh how I yearn to live in a time long gone,
when it was all still simple
and when it was all still sweet.
A poem I wrote as a class assignment! Just revised some lines and added new ones bc it wasn't concise enough.
**I want to post new poems but I can't because of all the homework and schoolwork I have to do its annoying***
Nov 2014 · 13.6k
Endless Horizon Nov 2014
Every time I look at you
I can feel my whole world crumble.
The ground beneath my feet shaking
trees rustling, concrete cracking.
Buildings collapsing.

Every time I look at you
they always seem to follow.

Every time I look at you
I can feel an earthquake
erupting within my heart.
Shaking the ground beneath my feet
my walls crumbling
my senses dulling
my mind wandering
to a fantasy of you and me

Every time I look at you
the ground collapses
and I fall
and keep falling.
Because I know
that you won't be there
to catch me.
Just a short one literally before I go to sleep. I wanted to post something else, but it was with a friend so I don't have it with me.
Nov 2014 · 529
Endless Horizon Nov 2014
I may have came uninvited,
but I hope you find solace when I'm gone.
I may have crept up on you,
but I hope you'll remember the times when our eyes met.
I may have cast a bad impression,
but I hope you'll find somebody who'll make a better one.
And now on your special day,
have another year to yourself.
But if I may ask of you a favor,
please forget me,
as I have forgotten you.
Nov 2014 · 700
Endless Horizon Nov 2014
These past few nights,
eyes sore, muscles aching,
I value something.
Something I've never valued before.

Time is precious,
that's what they say.
But why doesn't time
find favor in me?

So much to do,
so little time to do them.
Can my troubles just
fade away from existence?

Time is precious
that's what they say.
But why can't time
do them so quickly?

These past few nights,
mouth dry, hands hurting,
I value something.
Something I've never valued before.
Just a thought. I wanted to post a new poem, so I made this up in five minutes. It's not my best but...hey at least I posted something :))
Oct 2014 · 2.0k
Fragile As Sand
Endless Horizon Oct 2014
It has depleted.
It ran out.
I used it up.
And now it is time.

But I didn't realize,
That I depended so much on,
I built so much on,
I made so much on,
something as fragile
as sand.

Now I am suffering
the consequences.
But since,
I have moved on.
I no longer rely,
on such a depletable resource.

It has depleted.
It ran out.
But it still feels like
I can't continue without it.
Endless Horizon Oct 2014
A boy stood proudly outside,
the front steps of his home.
A note and pen in hand,
Basking in the wind that blew,
the trees that swayed,
the ants that crawled upon the stone.

Eyes that saw the world,
examined through a different lens.
Eyes that saw the beauty of a single seed.
Eyes that saw the significance,
of a rock tossed in the pond.
Eyes that saw the fascination,
of a plant once spawned.

Sunshine seemed to follow him wherever he went.
But the rest did not agree.
When he tried to speak,
the beautiful objects he saw,
the complexity he’d seen,
they seemed to put a tape over his mouth.
He tried spreading sunshine.
But it was quickly extinguished.

They told him to keep quiet,
they told him to keep it to himself.
They told him it wasn't right
to voice out such audacious findings.
They told him to shut up.

He went home with this thought,
looming over his head.
Every day, of every week, of every month.
Of every year.
It changed him.

The eyes that once saw,
The ears that listened,
The mouth that could only find itself,
spewing words of life.
They all had left him.

His mind was caged.
Thoughts bottled up inside.
Beauty was replaced by ignorance, misery, death.
He became like the others.

And I would dread the day when
his curiosity would be curious
no more.
This has been in my mind since I met a person who was told to keep quiet. I made this for a project for school, but since I was planning to write a similar poem, I'm just going to post it here for all to see.
Oct 2014 · 890
Confined, Caged
Endless Horizon Oct 2014
It is all I can describe it.
This, is what I carry on my back
This, is what I feel,
deep down inside.

in a gray box, trying,
to one day get out.
To be free. To roam
the wilderness of this world.

And when I am free to do so,
I take this privilege for granted.
All I seem to do is mess up.
To bring disappointment.
To bring scorn.

When I do so.
This privilege slips away from
my fingertips
It is taken back, revoked.
And once more, I feel like
I am

*C a g e d.
Yes. I just had another restriction placed upon me. And it is as if I can't do anything anymore. But alas, I should wait until these restrictions are lifted again.
*woah guys this is my 30th poem ha!*
**Thanks to all the people who faved, commented and followed through the weeks/months that I been here in HP! You guys make writing poems even more enjoying! :)**
Oct 2014 · 2.2k
Rewind The Tape
Endless Horizon Oct 2014
There is something tugging at me,
through the years.
A question clawing away,
in the recesses of my mind.

I feel like outdated technology.
I feel is as if I cannot keep up with
the rapidly changing times.
I can rewind.
I desperately want to rewind.
But everyone will leave me behind.

But it is as if I do not belong,
in this time. This place.
I can't bring myself to conform.
I can't be compatible.
**And I do not know what to do about it.
Well I do feel this feelings. But don't worry I'm writing through perspective and therefore exaggerated everything. Seriously though, it seems as if I belong a decade ago :)
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Endless Horizon Oct 2014
I stepped into a room.
An empty room.
The seats were covered in white cloth,
The tiles were unusually clean.

I sat down on a chair,
shifted my place until
I felt comfortable.
The rips and cracks on the leather,
they didn't bother me.

The procedure begun.
Electric razors skimmed my hair,
severing connections months in the making,
and, in an instant,
they started falling
like snowflakes when it snowed.

But it is as if every strand of my hair
carried with it, a message.
A signal. A dream.
And as the metal blades closed in,
they fell to the floor, swept up, and thrown away.
And it was as if
it took my dreams with it.

Just as quickly it had begun,
the procedure was over.
And, I could already feel some part of me,
was gone.
They handed me a mirror,
and I saw myself in the reflection.
Nothing had happened.
Nothing had changed.
But deep inside, something did.

Because I had let it.

I stood up,
brushed the dust off,
and left the room.
Knowing that I'll be returning here again,
quite soon.
Sep 2014 · 603
Wait For Me
Endless Horizon Sep 2014
Wait for me,
by the corner on an empty street,
an umbrella in your hands,
and a suitcase in the other.

Wait for me,
when the skies turn tangerine,
when the clouds become colored with pink.

Wait for me,
even as the raindrops start to pour,
when streaks of light rip the air.
Hold on,
even as the clouds start to roll in.

Wait for me,
when the skies turn jet black,
when the clouds become colored in gray.

Wait for me,
by the corner of an empty street,
an umbrella in your hands,
and a suitcase in the other.

Please, wait for me,
and I'd do the same
for you.
Tried my hand at mirror poems at the suggestion of a friend and because I have nothing to do.
Sep 2014 · 712
Endless Horizon Sep 2014
Shallow breaths,
fists knuckled,
beads of sweat forming on my forehead.
The tension was very palpable,
and so was the nervousness.

I remind myself, take deep breaths,
but as the time draws near,
all I can do is watch,
and to hyperventilate.

Shallow breaths,
fists knuckled,
beads of sweat forming on my forhead,
The tension was very palpable.
And I was nervous.

I didn't know if it was because,
of my impending performance,
or if it was because,
of the events that would happen when this is all

An experience I would like not to relive again. This just popped into my mind today.
Sep 2014 · 901
The New Me
Endless Horizon Sep 2014
The old me.
Used to walk in the other side of the road.
I woke up on the right side of the bed.
I was much different from the others,
and I didn't know

The old me.
Wondered and pondered,
thought and thought over
and over
to why I was like this,
to why I was different from the others.

The old me.
Gave up so easily,
a battle that can be effortlessly won,
by just a simple
lift of a finger.

I fell, into the cold hard ground.
I was down, and I didn't want to stand up again.
But I realized,
that it was okay to be so unalike.

Now, whenever I'm feeling down,
I pat myself on the back,
breathe in and out,
and I finally
get up.

Because this is
*t h e   n e w   m e
Something that was in my mind floating through dozens of other worldly thoughts. This came to me after hearing a song on the radio. And I simply expressed what I felt in this gem.
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
I Once Believed
Endless Horizon Sep 2014
Foolish men.
You trust all that is around you,
you rely on the deceit, the deception,
like it is worth dying for.
You foolish men.
You’ve gotten so good at lying
that you can’t even tell the difference,
between your truths,
from your hollow lies.

I once believed that I can live happily ever after,
just as I’d watched in the movies.
I thought that I can have powers, cast spells,
and travel to a time before my own existence.

I once believed that,
I can fly on broomsticks, that I can make objects move with my mind.
I believed that I should just leave my cares behind,
that I should run away,
instead of facing the problems of life.
That even if words would afflict me,
or if the world persecutes me,
I should do nothing.

But we shouldn’t believe everything
that passes through our ears,
for we invest too much in these.
We should remember,
that we pour over worlds that have been imagined,
and that we watch scenes that look all
too good to be true.

Do not let these falsehoods keep you restrained.
But instead, let them make you better.
Let them make you bolder, fiercer,
and let them make you achieve.
Achieve in what was thought to be impossible,
what was thought to be unobtainable,
what was thought to be unachievable.
Don't let these lies keep you down,
because it is "I once believed" for a reason.
And that reason is,
that you didn't let the lies succeed.
My spoken word poem for school. Sorry if it's a long one :)) I know the topic is going in all directions and I'm sorry we had to do a poem on a specific topic and I just tweaked it a bit to make it seem hello poetry material so. Hope you guys get the message behind this one.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Not Today
Endless Horizon Sep 2014
In that cold, moonless night
my feeble mind raced through
a thousand thoughts.
But those thoughts,
cannot describe what I was feeling
as I was giving my own life away.

As much as I wanted to start over,
I convinced myself that it was worthless.
I had already lost faith in the things around me,
I'd lost faith in the things I treasured most.
But most of all,
I had lost faith in myself.

I'd always left the door ajar,
hoping that my miseries would finally come to an end.
After all, I thought,
would the world be any less different
after I had passed away?

I waited,
and death came.
He had knocked on the door,
and said his warning.

Weak was I, not far from surrendering.
But at the last moment, I remembered.
The thousand thoughts, memories, feelings,
all coalesced into one faint memory I'd myself had forgotten.

One one overcast morning, the sun still rising,
a friend said,
"I believe everything turns out well in the end.
If your life is still sour, then it isn't the end."

Like a violent stampede hurdling down a hill,
or a tsunami reaching land,
every part of my faith was restored.
From the things I had once doubted,
reassurance came flooding back.

He gave another warning,
before kicking the door open.
I stood in front of him, and said:
You are going to leave this house now. There is no one here to take.
Yes, I gave up. And yes, I decided to take my life away.
But He changed that decision, and turned me around.
And guess what?

**Today, isn't my day.
Something I wrote weeks ago, but was left here because it was too long, so I chopped it up a bit. Currently working on a poem for school, so I'm posting this as a compromise.
***(Thanks to Winter Silk for letting me borrow some lines from one of his poems)***
Aug 2014 · 786
She Is The Center
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
She is the center of my life.
I, merely a planet revolving around her, a magnificent star.
She simply is...
The foundation in which I lean on.
The warm sun to end the sinister night.
The lush spring after the harsh winter.
The red rose standing tall among the withered grass.

And above all,
*my friend, and my one true love.
Looking, seeing and feeling things from another person's shoes. Just a short one to ease my mind of the problems of this world.
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
The Mountain Lady
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
On the top of a magnificent mountain,
where the air was cool,
I met a Mountain Lady, hiding,
behind one of the trees.

She seemed to have an aura around her,
a light emanating from deep within.
She was adorned in the finest of silk,
in a color, I've never seen.

The wind was as if,
obeying her every command
The trees as if,
greeting her in every footsteps.
Even they were so captivated by her.

As thirsty and hungry as I was,
she gave me things to eat.
It was the most delicious
food  I have ever tasted.
And it was the most
quenching liquid that I have ever drank.

When I was under her trust...her control,
the humble lady decided to act.
Emerged out of her fingers,
were sparks of lightning.
They hit my chest.
And I felt as if I was stabbed,
with a thousand of the sharpest of knives.

I lost my breath,
and fell to the ground.
Her silk dress ignited in flames,
the fire consuming her,
before she transformed into a hideous being.
She rose from the ground,
flying out of the mountaintop.

This is all I remember,
of how I met the captivating Mountain Lady.
For I never woke from her evil spell
*a g a i n
A fun trip to the mountains inspired me to write something about where I was...the climate...the trees. Good thing though I didn't make a mess of myself.
Aug 2014 · 4.6k
The Girl Next Door
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
I have met a girl,
much more different than,
the girls I have come to know.

Right next door she lives.
I catch glimpses of her sometimes,
taking her dog out for a walk.
And I catch glimpses of her,
waving back at me.

Yes, I have talked to her.
She has the most amazing voice,
the most beautiful eyes,
and the most quirky of personalities.

I feel that I am meant for her,
and she is meant for me.
It is a dream come true.
But the only problem though,
is that she only exists,

**inside the pages of a book.
The problem is nowadays, that the people we really need...the people that can make a difference, only exist inside works of fiction.
If only they existed in the real world...
Aug 2014 · 693
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
Quick! The seasons are changing.
Grab your belongings, and put them
all behind your back.

Quick! The sky is waking up.
You must hurry, my darling,
for it will catch you before you even set foot,
on the freshly fallen dew.

Quick! The flowers are blooming.
Here is a rose, to remind you of me,
when you are melancholy.

Quick! The sun has risen.
Go now, my darling,
and never look back.
I am going on a long trip, so this is kinda impromptu!!!
Aug 2014 · 550
Why Didn't I
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
I now remember,
all the times I had with her.
That day at the park,
that day when I treated her to dinner,
or that day when we went to the movies,
and stayed for far too long.

I now remember,
all the things about her.
Her gorgeous eyes,
her bright smile,
or how our hands fitted perfectly.

But those things don't matter anymore

Now I've been left with this
aching pain.
I've been spending sleepless nights,
still thinking about her.
Oh why didn't I see,
just how much she treasured me?

It was foolish of me
letting her leave.
If only I can turn back time,
to spend one more moment,
one more second
with her in my arms.

Why didn't I show that I love her.
Why didn't I show that she meant the world to me.
But these things don't matter anymore.
Since now all I have,
is myself to blame.
***Something got messed up and I accidentally deleted my original post (sorry to those who faved and commented :<), so I'm posting it again with minor alterations***
Aug 2014 · 6.7k
Such A Hypocrite
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
Such a hypocrite am I.
For I promised to stop loving.
I promised to continue the journey.
But such a hypocrite am I,
Because I cannot bring myself,
To move on.
Such a hypocrite am I.
For I still love,
Even though,
I should be,
letting go**.
Something to express in this short one. Perspective is a powerful thing you know.
(shout out to my good friends Winter Silk and Blackness!!!)
Aug 2014 · 1.9k
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
You foolish men.
How could you operate in this manner,
In a greatly fallen world.

You foolish men.
How could you think,
you can control society?
But I think it is society
that controls you.

You foolish men.
How could you say something so imperative,
but when you turn back from the crowd,
do exactly the opposite.

There will never be a perfect man,
in this greatly fallen world.
Foolish men run rampant,
they could be anyone.
But what matters is what you do when those
foolish men arise.
Aug 2014 · 9.6k
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
She is sitting by the table...eating...laughing.
Well I don't care what she's doing,
except her reaction when I ask her my question.

I approach.
But I feel like a blindfolded pilot,
on his way to land his airplane.
Unable to discern right from left.

I freeze.
Feet from my destination,
all my muscles stop moving.
I stand there like a statue,
thinking if I should really ask.

I turn around.
Throats already dry...
My head turns the other way,
and so does the rest of my body.
I couldn't help it. I can't.
Even if I had enough guts to say anything to her.

Another day goes by,
without saying a word.
Its not that easy you know,
because I'm just too

Shyness. It plagues everyone. But all you gotta do is ask.
Short one before I go to bed :)
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
I came to an art show,
where a friend stood proudly beside his painting.
Many people liked it,
and it made him genuinely happy.
So I tried making a painting of my own,
and I hung it beside his.

Seeing all of the other artists’ paintings.
Beautiful palettes of color and hue.
I could see why flocks of people
were huddled up in front of it,
praising the artist for his tremendous work.

I made it my goal to improve my painting.
And so I did.
People liked it, huddled around it, praised it.
And I genuinely felt happy.

My other friends saw how lovely,
all the paintings were.
So they decided to make their own,
all of them, three.

I was astonished…proud…happy
to see people huddled around each of their paintings,
praising them for what they did.
And they felt genuinely happy.

All was good, until one day,
when one friend said,
“Hey, let’s make this fun and interesting, and play a game,
whoever gets the most praise at the end of the year,

I didn’t want this to be…
I never wanted this to be just
another competition.
Just another stage,
to brag how great they are.

I hope,
that this will never come to that.
You are all artists in your own special way.
You don’t have to get all the praise,
to know you’re good.

Continue making those awesome paintings.
Never stop improving them.
Because one day, I know,
people will start huddling
around yours.
Sorry if it's long guys. This is something thats happening to me, and the thought would be lost if I cut some stanzas down. So sorry again :)
(you know who you are students, peace yo)
Aug 2014 · 8.4k
A Beautiful Field
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
I once found a field,
A beautiful field.
A field that humans have not disturbed.

I lived by the trees near this beautiful field.
But I lived in complete ignorance,
as two men, each with a *****,
came to the middle of the grass,
and struck down a wooden plank.

Before long, my forest disappeared.
Instead of grass growing,
The only thing that surfaced,
was the pale gray stone that was laid there.

I watched as they dug deep into the ground,
where tall boxes of stone and glass rose.
They stood proud against one another,
one building higher than the last.
But they blocked my view,
of a once beautiful sky.

Before long, the field turned into a city,
Cars and buses drove though the winding streets.
People soon started to appear,
and the field I once knew was long forgotten.

A fountain has now been placed,
where the pioneers have struck their plank,
With no tree in sight,
I throw the last seed into the water.
Where it settles to the bottom with coins and marbles,
never to sprout.
Poem that I wanted to share. It's long, so I'm sorry. But this isn't my longest lol
Aug 2014 · 2.2k
The Ocean Floor
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
I am searching through the ghastly depths below the seas,
Where the sunlight still shines through the waters.
I find an interesting village...A haven for creatures in this
Dead, lifeless ocean floor.
I did not know so much life teemed through this rock.
Intricate sea creatures swim through the teeming corals
like red liquid flows through narrow blood vessels.
Each with a purpose, each with a task.
One species benefits the other, and vice versa.
The sea cannot live without one, and one cannot live without the other.

This makes me question the point of me being the world.
Am I something of importance,
Or a seemingly dangerous virus?
Really, I cannot tell who I shall be,
Until I live out the rest of my life, and find out,
Who I really am, and the person that will grieve for me the most when I'm gone.
I seriously did not give this poem much thought. Kinda just went with the flow here, no pun intended.
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