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1.7k · Aug 2018
Honda Girl (HGS)
Colm Aug 2018
To the cutest girl
   Amongst all the lunks

Purple, white and black as the sky
   (As you know)

Hard work and a trusty Honda
   Such things will get you anywhere in life
   Be it an outcome which requires this
   Such slender *****

Enjoy your night!
Gotta love *****.

1.7k · Apr 2017
The Social Truth
Colm Apr 2017
In this world of socialness and social media there can only be one God. And he does not share, comment, like or retweet.

Written a long time ago in a fit of honest rage.


Well... Not really rage. Call it annoyance at how things are.
1.7k · Sep 2018
Threnodic Voice
Colm Sep 2018
Inches away from you
        Never there but ever present
        As your breath is lifted up unto the heavens

Elevated is the air upon your words
        Escalated, the anticipation of your voice
        Among the noise

Where the only scene to see is peace
        Held quietly in reverie
        And respect for your mere presence

Find with ease
        The smile of the self-reveals
        A quietness of hearts appeal

Not to be seen
        But to seek the conversation speak
        And to peak the words of interesting

Mere inches now away from me
        With no voice let to find the time
        Or threnodic melody

Don’t let me down
        My inward voice
My articulation often fails me because I secretly want it to fail (so as not to try again). But still, when she walks by, this is what I often hear. Inspired by Goldmunds - Threnody |
1.7k · Mar 2017
Running In The Rain
Colm Mar 2017
As the rain falls down
So my feet sound out
And pad the coated asphalt ground
And the truth is there for me to find
That running warm and in that storm
Those were the best few miles of my life
Truth. (:
1.6k · Apr 2017
The End Of An Era
Colm Apr 2017
It’s that moment in the parking lot
When you realize that it’s all over
That the end is here
Your future is near
And your present surroundings will not always be
I never really tell the backstory behind verses. And there is a reason for that. Sometimes I don't really want to own to it or take the time to explain the situation in its fullness (so as to do it justice). But I'll oblige here.

This one is about the end of an era. That moment when you realize something is over. High school, college, a sports venue, a relationship, a job, or whatever it may be. It's that awkward intersection which can either appear promising or terrifying. The future unknown and all of your old comfortable memories stretched out behind you.

I wrote this verse with a particular location in mind. A particular time. Back when I wasn't aware that all good things must come to an end.

1.6k · Mar 2017
Cliff Diving
Colm Mar 2017
The point of realization is a scary cliff to overlook
Higher than you've ever felt and lower than the lowest of lows
There is no telling which way you should venture
Or in which direction you should go
Because the fear is what makes the venture an adventure
And only at the bottom of the jump will you know
That the fear which you were feeling
Was only fear of the unknown
But after the jump... After the splash.... You are free at last!
Colm Oct 2018
I wish our waves would crash
Our stars would pass
At a lesser distance, magnets meet

Our shoes to shed beneath our feet
And boots to knock together in the rain

I would wish the sun and moon to cry
And to always be the same
And that time would pass more slowly now
When observing your most youthful frame

Would you hear it as a rustling
As a crashing of waves within echo ears?
Would the sand between our fingers stay
And forever be the same?

You’re my type of breeze
The height of trees
Whispering in the arms of wind


Oh snap - HondaGirlSeries
1.6k · Apr 2018
Colm Apr 2018
Though I do not know
   Where you are at present
       I want you now more than ever before
More than the ink in my pen
   And the quiet corner of my world
       (which I also adore)

   Than any father or mother
       Stranger or friend

Because I want you my other
   More than life itself
       Yes, I want your times itself to spend

On anything and everything
   Our hearts
       Our ears or eyes desire
Because I want you more
   Than even my former self
       In this moment it's you I desire
Desiration | de·sire | dəˈzī(ə)r | noun | 1. a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.
1.6k · Jul 2016
Behind Closed Doors
Colm Jul 2016
It's down the hallway,
Hovering just above the tile floor.
It's wallowing in the wake of the last man's grown mistake.
Because you cannot see the quiet struggles behind closed doors.
1.6k · Apr 2017
Colm Apr 2017
By the time you get
What you so badly wanted
Within this world
Within this life

You probably won't want it anymore

That is a consequence of life
Of the long hallway
And the time that it takes
For you to commit
To walking through that distant door

Whatever it is

By the time you get to that fame or fortune

*You might not even want it anymore

By the time you get the fame you desire... You probably won't want it.
1.5k · Jun 2018
In A Rainstorm
Colm Jun 2018
As close as the rain which runs down the veiny leaves of the poplar trees. Closer still to you and to your thoughts do I wish to be.
Slowly as I did, to descover this desire within me.
1.5k · Jun 2016
Colm Jun 2016
Such moments are not gone forever, they will return.
They are on hiatus.
Taking a break from the stranded places in the tapestry of life.

I am weaving, working my way onward.
Walking the path towards a certain someone.
Who someday I might just be able to call my own, my wife.
1.5k · May 2017
Her Outline
Colm May 2017
She’s always walking away
And at a pace that’s too fast for me
And even though I walk alone
And rather quickly
She is always walking steadily
Away from me
Colm Jul 2019
You were a fourth born, snow-born, breeze
Wild as the first sight of a western scene
And I was surprised, by the furious snow
As I didn’t expect you so early that Fall
Not furious... She was... Wild!
1.4k · Jul 2016
Warm Embrace
Colm Jul 2016
Reaching out,
I pull her closer to me than ever,
Her back to my front as we mold together.

Like a pair of spoons on a table top,
My arm around her waist to stop her every shake.
Embedded in my warm embrace.

I hear her breath caress the air,
And smell the fragrance of her hair.
Little does she know that I desire whatever scent she wears.

Obscured by shadows her sleeping face.
I need not see to know that she,
Is in love at least with my embrace.

So tender and so tremendous.
Her warmth the most magnificent,
Of every feeling to be expressed.

By sleeping beauty I'm the beast,
Her heart a steady soothing beat.
Though intoxicating as she may be,
I only desire her next to me.

Don't wake me please from such a dream,
For she is the fairest girl I've seen.
With longing eyes of crystalline,
And a whisper soothing as a stream.

How could I ever let her go,
Perhaps if somehow she did know.
That my embrace holds all of me,
And to break that bond is to shatter me.  

Though the clock may say it's time to leave.
I hope that in my embrace she'll stay,
Forever right here next to me.

Image Via: Google Search
If only... If only indeed... :D
1.4k · Dec 2017
The Only Constancy Is Change
Colm Dec 2017
For every tree unborn
For every stone unturned
For every page in every book
In every bindery which will burn
Quietly in the fires of industry  

There is death
And there is time
There is life
And there is change

And there's also the light between the leaves which fades
Until it is out of sight
And consumed by this
The lack of brightness within night

For just as acorn stems to tree
So also you will see your growth
As tall as ever it was meant to be

So you need not worry about such things
Because the ink is dry
The life is lived
And the only constancy is change
He is change if you think about it.
1.4k · May 2017
Not All Is Blue
Colm May 2017
It’s between the veins of blue and gray
Where the secrets hide
You’ll have to look awfully close to see
The pieces therein  
Within my eyes
Nobody stands that close... Because they aren't allowed. (:
1.4k · Apr 2017
Child Of The Rain
Colm Apr 2017
Blessings upon you child of the rain
Who walks so freely beneath the clouds

How your life is filled with a freedom of heart
And a clarity of mind, which is unrivaled by
Even the most ill motivated and questioning eyes

Blessed are you

Because you understand the collective side
And the joy which can be found inside
When all around you is pouring down
And falling out

When so many others are hurrying up and scurrying about
Just to curse the sound
Of the falling rain

It is you alone who are not afraid
Of stepping out, and soaking yourself
Be it skin and bone, one and the same

How you welcome the storm without concern
And dance and sing without reserve
Amidst the downpour of the rain

Like a child who was never taught
Or even told to try and abstain
From such innocent things

For you are alive and always well
Within this, the present moment
Most endlessly and without restraint

How you throw your arms around the sky
Most lovingly each time it cries
To comfort it

To hug the storm without remorse
And to appreciate the summer’s day
For what it is, devoid of heat

Oh childlike, child of the rain

It’s because of you and your carefree ways
That I wish the storm could ever stay

And perhaps one day
That we two could play
Right here alongside, within the rain
Listen in -

Goodness gracious... This verse consumed my life for a few hours. But I really like it. Thanks for commentin and throwing a thumbs up my way whenever possible. You are awesome!!! (:
1.4k · Mar 2017
Pine Needles
Colm Mar 2017
This is the path before my feet
Which I'd like to share

The wet grass, the grey clouds, the pine trees
Poking the sky to run their fingers through its hair

Surrounded by the kind of limbs which always thrive
But do not necessarily care, about a man's feelings

How they have listened to me throughout the years
Until my voice is my own in mind

How their echos and their shadows, have carried me in the past
When I was there, and had more weight to bare

But not this time, which is exactly why
I hope you could see both here and there

Beside the talking pines forever
How I hope to walk, without care

I'd describe it for you if you'd ask me
*With a piney laughter in the air
Written before the weather turned to grey. But hopefully not to snow again.
1.3k · Sep 2019
Breathing, Swimming, Being
Colm Sep 2019
There is more to living
Than just a breath
Or a heartbeat being

Just as there is more to swimming
Than the ocean
Freshwater streams
And the pools filled with meaning

Simply put

There is always more
To be
Than being
I love it when my mind turns off. When my thoughts are no longer thinking and I can finally find myself, simply being, in the words. You know? That peaceful rest where your eyes are full and your mind is quiet with thought?

It's like the settling of the sea after a cup of wavy caffeine. Awake, alert, alive, but free. One with the simple truth of being. I am, though I will not be forever. And THAT is OK with me.

At peace and loving it.

1.3k · Aug 2018
Your Song In Autumn
Colm Aug 2018
Like a cool breeze which weaves itself through the willow oaks,
So does this subtle sound cut deep through me.

Wavering on a different kind of bow,
Reverberating the ink below into a different kind of note.

So much so that when I hear the sound of the rustling leaves,  
I dare not sleep, without a smile inquisitorial.

Not that sleep was an option amongst the trees,
But I digress
And with conclusions leave.

To forget the song of you for awhile, until you return once more,
Rustling as you please.
Really quick while I have a firm grasp on its tail. Poetry to me, is so very much about me, and yet nothing about myself at all. It's like a window I see that keeps opening and closing, entering and exiting the opportunity to speak, be it to noone at all (outside of yourself). And the sharing and collection of these reflection is the safest form of anonymity I've yet to find. Like a codex with only a key once defined, and named to the person or place that originally inspired. But most importantly, poetry is the option to slow down and smell the flowers. Only in my case, a flower is a memory, a possibility, or a hope that could not yet come to be. It's everything and nothing at all. A heavy substance without recognized weight until otherwise told. And the best thing is...if I don't want to. If I don't feel called or if I don't take the time. It won't, exist, at all. At least in the form which it would've found in that moment. That's what poetry is to me.

And this was about a certain Snicket song. Wordless it says, so much to me...or nothing at all. LOL LIFE.
1.3k · Dec 2016
Colm Dec 2016
The emperor, the conqueror
Commanding every confidence
Cold, calm and under control
A version in the past tense

A shadow lock atop a cliff
Staring into the abyss
Humanity is underneath
The very point of his fingertip

And yet he waits for what might be
And casts his eye on every scene  
Having seen the way the world did bend
Beneath the bow tyranny

His hands hold out and underneath  
The sovereignty which is at hand
But always will he watch the streets
For the enemy of every man
1.3k · Feb 2017
Small Minded
Colm Feb 2017
If you mind
Their small mindedness
Their mindlessness
Will become the beast which kills the creative genius
1.3k · Nov 2018
What You Ought
Colm Nov 2018
The answer is not
To wander
To lose one’s self in the wondrous thought
Or to throw precaution the wind


One answer which will travel much farther
Is to simply do
Whatever it is
You ought

That which you can
A blurb about something I learned long ago. Saying isn't doing. Declaring you will or would if you could, isn't doing. Life waits for noone who hides behind a when.
1.3k · Mar 2017
And So I Wait
Colm Mar 2017
The strongest men are not made of steel
They’re not born of iron or lined with ore
No the strongest men will wait and endure  
For whatever they want
Until the world turns no more
And So I Wait
1.3k · Jan 2018
Little Screens
Colm Jan 2018
When did our altered
   culture decide
     that WE
       would be happy
         with our little screens
           and such little stillness
             within our lives
Sad really
1.3k · Jun 2016
The Naked Egg
Colm Jun 2016
Comfy seats, yellow walls, hot coffee and Chai tea.
Tall tumblers filled with ice, and faces warm, quiet and friendly.
A rugged sign hangs just outside, to welcome those who are hungry.
If golden treasure lies inside, this Naked Egg is such a treat.
Now's not the time to question taste, you could pick at random for goodness sake.
There isn't an item on the menu the wouldn't make most clean their plate.
Sidewinder fries await inside, a torte, a Florentine, a bean.
The whole farm perhaps for your appetite, or a western omelet smoked with cheese.
New deli items await your taste, just choose your meat after a certain time.
And if your cup is ever in need, they'll refill your teapot every time.
Don't be a hot mess, just order one, and you'll be happy that you've come.
To be at the Naked Egg you see, is to see how flavorful life can be.
True, true! :D
1.3k · Aug 2017
Colm Aug 2017
I haven't felt at home since then
Since I've woken up
No dream can last
All nights must pass
And rise again

But my realization hasn't changed
The way things are or could've been

Look back and see the same old day
Not as it was, but as it is

No amount of time can change the fact
Or the truth therein

That we are searching, ever searched
Alive within for but a short time
1.3k · Jan 2017
Mountain Top
Colm Jan 2017
Sometimes I wish I were like them
That I could see such alluring sights
And that in likeness shared with them
I knew the fear of such trembling heights

But then I’m reminded in my mind
Of my own mountains which arise
With every dawn until the dusk
It’s my own Everest I must climb
Climb young man. Even when you're tired.
1.3k · Nov 2018
Colm Nov 2018
Show me a world
In which I’ve slowed myself down
To the point where I can see my own point of mind
My own line and where it ends
And when
Laughing at myself. Receding. Smallness of mind.
1.3k · Jan 2017
Watching The Waves
Colm Jan 2017
If each wave on the sea
Was but a single life
We would all come crashing down
Around the knees of our children's lives
1.2k · Apr 2016
Beautiful Girl
Colm Apr 2016
There is beauty in the meadow,
In the trees and in the sky.
There is beauty in her hair,
And in her lavished auburn eyes.

There is beauty in the summer,
There is beauty in the fall.
And there is beauty in her manner,
And her voice with which she calls.

For there is beauty all around us,
And there is beauty to be found,
And yet the beauty which I seek,
Is not so visibly abound.

It is a beautiful enticement.
A clever thought revealed in time.
For what I want is beyond vision,
And what I seek is within mind.

1.2k · Oct 2018
Miss Mist
Colm Oct 2018
Beautiful, sweeping, seeping mist
  Don't weep for me your gentle tears
  But kiss the trees as only you can
Before their youthful leaves turn Gold
  To be plucked or pulled down by the wind
Bewitch the spell till summer comes
  And turn the Falls' head with drizzlin'
As you clasp bare limbs in paleing hands
  Would you kiss the trees as only you can?
Ms. Mist. Would you kiss the trees as only you can?
1.2k · Mar 2019
Her Life In Charcoal
Colm Mar 2019
A splash of color beside the eyes
With ravens lock or barley bright

A starlight freckle on either side below woolly rise
Where pale skin moonlight meets heavy misted

As I scratched away and bent my back
To curve her own ever so slightly twisted

How I drew my girlfriend on a page
Until she then in dimension existed
Amazing how the spine of a poem can shape the work entirely.
1.2k · Mar 2017
True Life
Colm Mar 2017
Occasionally, you may be impressed
Because someone else came close
Someone else seemingly understands what you hold most dear
Be it inside or out
But the mistake is to assume that because they seem
They are the same
When really, true life is all about graciousness and kindness
A willingness to mold and be molded
That way you will become, as they are also becoming
1.2k · Apr 2017
Crowned With White
Colm Apr 2017
I see myself
Years down the road
My hair thin
Just as my fathers is now
Just as my grandfathers was back then

I see it clearly
White as snow
How the realization falls on me
That only in that time will I know
The meaning of true tiredness
The weariness of aging eyes
Which have seen the full duration of life

And looking out
From here inside
I realize that within my skin
A younger man will always reside

Even if my glasses one-day need frames
Or my love passes away before my eyes
Or something along those lines

I will probably write forever and always
Throughout every hour
Of the day and night
Because once the mind is awake and alive
It cannot stop perusing what is right

How I see it clearly
In this moment know
That the white which rests atop my head
Will not forever be of snow
Bald from Piebald, crowned with white
1.2k · Nov 2019
When : Eclipse (2)
Colm Nov 2019
When you stand in the doorway
Beautifully outlined by its brightly lit rays
Your curves an eclipse of immaculate Dawn
The sight of you alone brings new contrast to day
Not all of these verses are about me. Like this one is about a simply beautiful sight. Quick and to the point like a passers-by.

Why is it that all of the prettiest sights never last for more than a few minutes?
1.2k · Dec 2016
Christmas Reminiscence
Colm Dec 2016
He puts on his headphones and walks through the house.
Weaving between the family members, and the memories, darting in and out.
With only the Beatles, and an empty cup, to console himself.
He is happy to be set apart on Christmas Day, standing right beside the remnants of his former self.
Merry Christmas to all!!
1.2k · Apr 2017
Would You?
Colm Apr 2017
My shoulders a mountaintop
My mind a sky
Would you climb?
Will you fly?
Just a clever little thing to keep in mind.  Hue hue.  (:
1.2k · Mar 2017
A Soft Rain
Colm Mar 2017
Let the morning rain fall
And pat your head
As softly as if I were there
1.2k · Dec 2016
Steel Heart (for Pittsburgh)
Colm Dec 2016
Build me like the city streets
Strap my bones to solemn steel
And give me an expression without inability

Prop me up like the towering buildings
And bend my back to the labors of industry
So that I might just understand
What it means to hear the steel heart beat

Let these words go out from here and heal
Let these voices reach and touch the meek
Let the rhythm within my soul preserve
And the minds amongst us finally meet

So that we could savor a moments peace
So that we could pad the snow laden ground
And meet where the steel heart slowly beats

For we are the blood within which seeps
As we rise to the surface quietly
Teeming with life and full of desire
To actively ponder and passionately seek

To understand the truth within
For we are a vessel most unique
To reach the travelers of time
And to mold such minds as they do sleep

For anytime such blood cells meet
The steel heart surely can be heard
In unison with every beat

Be it underneath these city streets
Let such an expression be heard by more than me
Written for my friends in the city Pittsburgh
1.2k · Jun 2019
Wolf And Sheep
Colm Jun 2019
Sometimes I'm the sheep
Lost in a meadow with everything to graze
And sometimes I'm the wolf
Face deep in the fiery blood and steam
And Both I've Been To Be...

A small representation of how I approach my writing. I find that I am either disinterested, lost and in need of a Shepard. Or the opposite. Consuming and feirce.
Colm Feb 2021
Cold coffee settles me
And stirs the morning into dew
In a warm body
1.2k · Apr 2017
We Are Ocean Minded People
Colm Apr 2017
You’ll have to let me know,
How long that fragile peace will last.

How long you’ll be content with not knowing why something bothers you,
And why such thoughts will not settle and pass.

Would you let me know then, and how that was?
So that I can say, I've been there as well.

For the truth is that, most people are meant, but not for us.
Such people are nice, but not enough.

That is, in time.
They are dulcet and sweet, but cannot satisfy the vastness, or thirst of an ocean mind.
Not today, or tomorrow, or next week. But in due time. Perhaps also in mind. You'll see what I see from this other side.

*slow and honest nod*
1.2k · Dec 2016
Beautiful Irony
Colm Dec 2016
Is it ironic that I returned Mr Frost only when the snow first began to fall?

Yes I would say, that's hilarious. And an obvious irony she would call.

Like a sunset fading in the west, much like her favorite day of all. 

It appears to me on such a day. What a beautiful irony for all.

How humerous is it that she loves Frost, even though it must destroy the Fall.

As a pedestrian I walk towards winter, across the bricks which they call mall.

With a chuckle and a quiet tone, my words pretend to be appalled.

And all I can do is shake my head, at this beautiful irony for all.
1.1k · May 2019
Colm May 2019
No more multitude of messages
Wasted words poured down a cavernous collapsing career of communication
Instead, crashing doors will be all in ears
Reverberating, on the day I leave this place for you
I much HATE miscommunications.
1.1k · Jan 2017
Running Poetry
Colm Jan 2017
His heart is a furnace,
Burning ever, furiously

And in the brightness, there is no language,
To try and describe what it is he sees,
Within his eyes of steel

He laughs at life, and grits his teeth,
To bear the weight upon his chest

A road of Tankas beneath his feet,
To pave his way,
Both in and out of the wilderness

And to speak his sound, is most profound,
But it will never sound out quite the way you think

Because his word are but a memory,
A jarring song, which for some reason,
He never bothers to sing

So you can wait, and you can hope,
That steely glance you might just catch

But hold your breath beside a furnace,
Because all things good, and all things burning,
Will not forever burn nor last
Isbl - isycm - Someday we'll all be found - The Furnace
1.1k · Mar 2019
Steaming Tea On A Windowsill
Colm Mar 2019
Wisps of steam
Arise from dead leaves
To grace the presence of my windowsill
And the snow
How it blows and falls between
My future and me
But in the immediate reality of me
Is tea
Steaming Tea On A Windowsill
1.1k · Jul 2017
Colm Jul 2017
Life is one wave
After the other
And the swells and lulls
In between
Sometimes they hit you, and sometimes there's calm
1.1k · Aug 2020
Colm Aug 2020
Waves, cutting snow, soaring star beams incomplete
From the ocean lows to the burning hot asphalt sharp beneath
And in running these risers with both fire and ferocity shown
Burn brighter than moons and more fervently than fires
Over a misty river breath breathed out all at once alone
Just as rings of power are now deadened by time
I cannot even begin to describe
These feelings of mine
I cannot even begin
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