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Apr 2021 · 349
Can’t Fall
C Cavierre Apr 2021
Have you ever seen
a car crash?
Would you ride
that same car
after turning back in time,
after seeing the future possibility?
Would you risk the tragedy?

You are the dream
forbidden to me—
too poignant, too peaceful—
too perfect to fall into;
but how could I dare,
dare I resist?
the only dream I’ve
ever wanted to fall into.

Certain that I don’t want to fall;
Certain that I want this.
Certain that I will fall;
Certain that I’m not fooled.
Certainly, the dream is everything;
and I’m certain everything will be ending.
Apr 2020 · 231
Incongruous Thoughts
C Cavierre Apr 2020
Aye, it’s not enough,
but I can’t give more,
for surely I’ll lose
what started this all
—so I must let go.
Feb 2020 · 403
In The Darkness Of Day
C Cavierre Feb 2020
Water dripping and starlight trickling,
angels of sleep appearing—
comfort-bringing in your dreaming,
puffing clouds and wish-fulfilling.

Peaceful sighs and darkened skies,
kindly and gentle moonlight—
harmless shadows under wings of white,
shielding your blissful night.

Cotton softness beneath your head,
feather-light dandelions around your bed—
silver rivers you imagined
lulling serenely toward land of rest.

Soothing, patting hand of hope
beckoning promises of tomorrow—
blessings awakening on your horizon,
fending unwanted future sorrows.
conjured this in the middle of a 12-hr night shift
Dec 2019 · 448
C Cavierre Dec 2019
I’ve seen clearer eyes than his,
but there has never been
a sharper image of myself
back at me
than I see in his.
Aug 2019 · 343
Frenemies With Change
C Cavierre Aug 2019
comes-in sudden, careless,
and insensitive,
without regard to anybody,
least of all me;
wreckage is all that’s
left behind
and guess who’s
stuck to clean the mess up?

Mindless, forceful,
incorrigible change,
you have no self-awareness.
You also have the worst
The best timing?
Really dumb?
Or genius?

Amongst the chaos
and confusion
of your wake,
I learn your one
redeeming quality:
serendipity, meaning,
and surprise.
Well, more than one.
And they’re not exactly

Still, with you around,
a terrible time can turn joyous;
a seemingly unnecessary suffering
contributes to a bigger,
more beautiful story;
and a commoner
like me
has something to look forward to
in the future.
(Only sometimes.)

Therefore, even though
I beg you refrain from visiting often,
perhaps I may be able to,
at the very least, hate you less.
(No promises.)
Jul 2019 · 361
Lovely Dreams
C Cavierre Jul 2019
I dream of love awakened,
Of love unconditional and unbroken
—All kinds I dreamt about—

But have I ever felt it in reality: Doused
In disappointment, I continue dreaming
—All night, all day, forever sleeping—

Of love eternal and enduring
—spared from ever waking.
sometimes, it’s not always so easy to dismiss the temptation of escaping into dreams. more than battles in reality, the one waged against unfulfilled desires can irrevocably tether someone to the safety of imagination with a force that cannot be measured or explained. it can become the perfect trap. it’s a deadly endeavor that many are vulnerable to.

to people whose wakeful hours are very painful,
it’s not up to us to judge. the pain you carry is immeasurable, and only you can really fathom it. however, you are stronger for it. give yourself all the chances you need in reality to prove it— because you deserve it. If anyone says otherwise, they don’t know better. only you do.

surprise yourself. and show reality who’s the boss.
Jun 2019 · 481
C Cavierre Jun 2019
When the lights
go down
and colors
the numbing
Jun 2019 · 1.4k
Title by the Notes
C Cavierre Jun 2019
The man by the flowers
is giving with his tender care

The woman by the shelves
is giving with her dusty hands,

Him, by the trash bin,
gives with his inconspicuous hard work

Her, by the street, gives with the brightest smiles

Them, by the office, gives with their protective minds,

And father gives with his visionary love.

Mother gives with her fine-honed instinct

Sister gives with her passionate dreams,

Brother gives with his inspiring character

Nephew gives with his contagious laughter.

You and I, by our flowers, by our shelves, by our trash bin, by our street, by our office, with our care, with our hands, with our work, with our smile, with our minds, or our vision, or our instinct, or our love, or our dreams, or our character, or our laughter,

We give.
Forms Of Generosity
C Cavierre May 2019
white noise...
so bright...

closed eyes...
too much...

white clouds...
vast skies...
bound here...
can't fly...



so weak...
so sick...
so meek...
so wrong...

"be busy"...
"be something"...
I get it...
I'm nothing...

nowhere to go...
running away...
I wish for...
a gentle place...

end this...

"move on"...
"can't die"...
who decided that...




what's the difference
Apr 2018 · 993
The Walking Farce
C Cavierre Apr 2018
We love, and the more
We love, the more
We hurt.
C Cavierre Apr 2018
I am a hat,
and overflowing with drops of rain,
my use depends on everything else
but myself,
and my hobby is to hang
and wait
and be tossed about
until finally I'm used up.
born as a man and yet living like an object
Jan 2018 · 244
Ye youthful generation
C Cavierre Jan 2018
Our story is of a
heartbreaking youthful nation.

We love in spite of pain;
we harm in spite of peace,

We shiver with drugs;
we preach about morality,

We live in pleasure;
we go on suicide missions,

We crave the dark;
we're safe in the light.

Ours is the fellowship
in eternal pride.
Jan 2018 · 647
C Cavierre Jan 2018
It’s fall
And it’s raining
Outside and you haven’t
I’m faced with doubt—
Your image is fading
like the mist
on the glass stained
words I’ve traced:
“I want to say I will stay
I’ll wait”

Give me a reason not to go away.
Jan 2018 · 444
All Possibility of Self
C Cavierre Jan 2018
The self is the spring of all things—
Of all emotions and feelings,
Of all wonders and dreaming;
Of all horrors and betrayals,
Of all evil and deceptive portrayals.
good and bad both
Jan 2018 · 309
Small light
C Cavierre Jan 2018
In the dark there is a light that
Is so, so small, it can’t have saved me from this—

Indeed it hasn’t: only has pushed me deeper in the dark.
imagine salvation and the distance
Jan 2018 · 385
The Survival of The Heart
C Cavierre Jan 2018
There is the anger, the fear, the bitterness that sprouts ironically
From the heart of care—
If only the heart can be cold; if only it can survive to be:
As cold as care can be.
Jan 2018 · 394
C Cavierre Jan 2018
This madness within has driven me to
but perhaps, it is the loneliness that drove me to
Nov 2017 · 338
C Cavierre Nov 2017
once you realize
you're different
you wanna be normal

then you realize
you're normal
you wanna be different
just an expression
Oct 2017 · 640
C Cavierre Oct 2017
for you
i can love, i can dance,
i can spin around childishly

i will, if i have to,
pass my limits:
i will fight any enemy,
i will face any fear,
i will be willing to change

i can be that guy in
a number of first dates,
i can be that guy
in the sinking ship

i can prove my love,
put me through a test

but you never say
you don't demand
you just spend these idle times
with me
as if you already understand
rough no. 3
Oct 2017 · 463
C Cavierre Oct 2017
the song of the soul
is different from the voice that comes out
sang from the true self
only a few others can pick up
a tune only one, or none at all,
might be able to understand
it plays for as long as a lifetime
there's only one tune
your tune
until other tunes are learned
rough again
(no edit)
Oct 2017 · 466
Towering High
C Cavierre Oct 2017
From up here I see clearly,
the landscape of what we might call home,
I see the millions of lights that belong to multiple lives
in this city

Don't let me be alone,
don't let me fall

From this towering height.

I'm trapped inside my dreams
I don't think I can find the door

Don't let me be alone—

I feel the billowing wind between my toes,
I cover my ears against the cold

Don't let me fall—

I think I hear your footsteps
I think I see your silhouette
But the sound and colors blur

From this towering height—

Break me from this dream
and I won't let go, I'll be all yours

. As long as you're by my side
I can be in towering heights.
Rough but that's fine
Jan 2017 · 705
Cleared Away
C Cavierre Jan 2017
That time that it
There was suddenly a
soothing of the pain
From your breathless,
ever struggling chest,

Washed, cleared away
by this brief, miraculous event,
By the mere thought of
the heavens crying in your stead.
For the people who love the soothing rain
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
Fear part 2
C Cavierre Apr 2016
Illogical, crystal clear--
this contradictory of fear--
I am caught for one precious moment by
the horrible visionary
of my grotesque fate
as promised, the continuation of Fear
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
Fear part 1
C Cavierre Apr 2016
Then fear comes
with exaggeratedly elongated fangs
with gasping breathes and hungry growls in the background
Whose feverish savagery is snapping at my heels
the whole poem is broken into three separate posts, to enhance the reader's experience. they all have the same title
Jan 2016 · 562
Confession of the broken
C Cavierre Jan 2016

broken objects,

Don't like to stick to unbroken ones.

Because, we don't like to feel broken.

And the closer we get to you, to your part of the world that's no longer ours,

The more broken we feel, and the more broken we become.

But if you drag me back into that world yourself, and never let go of my hand, and demand I stay by your side,

I'd probably remain broken for the rest of my life.
Oct 2015 · 843
Fleeting memory
C Cavierre Oct 2015
In the breeze, you are there,

Atop a tree as I sit, I feel you caress my hair,

In the sunset, you show yourself;

You're the crow flapping its wings,

And every flap takes you high—

Farther and farther away from me.
Jul 2015 · 451
Words I found
C Cavierre Jul 2015
I search inside,
And cannot find—
A single word to describe,
What I have in mind

I can only feel—
I can only keep
This secret sealed;
Yet I want the words still

I'm kept inspired;
I admired,
Even those awkward moments I desired

I want our time
However short—

I want to know—
Can't let it go,

But I can't say;
If you'll remain
just the same

If you know the truth—
The words I found—
That this is love—
Will you stay?
Jun 2015 · 2.3k
Perfectly Matched
C Cavierre Jun 2015
You're the wave
That shattered me,
I'm the rock
That stood up to you;
It's been centuries—
I've been steadfast,
You've been patient;
What more proof is needed—
We're perfectly matched
Jun 2015 · 1.0k
All Night Long
C Cavierre Jun 2015
All I do all night long
Is play our song;
I sing to you:
Here's where you belong
Jun 2015 · 2.6k
Mechanical Heart
C Cavierre Jun 2015
What I have is a mechanical heart made up of gears;
it pumps up oil and artificial heartbeats

It was you who gave it life—
It was you who made me alive—

Even though it's already yours,
I just want you to know,
You're the only one it's beating for.
May 2015 · 460
C Cavierre May 2015
I feel like my life
is a house beside the sea
Not because it's going like a breeze,
or I'm forever in a vacation—

But more like
every tidal wave
can swept me away,
at any time,

And the windy gales
can tumble me down,
And the stormy days
can keep me up at night,

Every flow and retreat,
every whisper and shriek,
the water, from its very depth
to the surface,
is a threat to me.

Yet, there are times,
there is beauty
that I can only see
with living beside the sea

After the storms,
the moon comes out
round and glowing,
And the sky would clear out
to show the stars

And I shall see
a vast wonder of beauty
As the water reflects those million lights
And the moon is mirrored in another sky,
Feb 2015 · 373
C Cavierre Feb 2015
My mind is filled
with ***** thoughts tonight
Or rather with
pleasures and desires

I cannot sleep
basking in delight
Touching you sweetly
in my mind's eye

This is the only way
we can be high

I shall dream—
I will not peep
—I'll have you every night
Jan 2015 · 2.3k
Let's Pretend
C Cavierre Jan 2015
Let's clash until one of us can't take it—
Let our sparks create a fire, even if it shall burn us down...

Let us not be afraid of our fate, as long as we'll both be facing it—
'Til the day we both fall down...

Then—there—we shall confess—
Until then,
Let's pretend
Jan 2015 · 6.0k
Forget Me Not
C Cavierre Jan 2015
It's hard to say
when the dead despair,
But I feel it now
I feel it everywhere,
in my bones,
in my soul;
The bleakness
of being forgotten,
The sorrow
of being lived without.
But I'd engraved
the wish I share
with every ****** soul
into my stone;
To the lot
that continue to walk
the land of earth:*
Forget Me Not
Dedicated to those who passed away, and was eventually forgotten.
Jan 2015 · 2.3k
C Cavierre Jan 2015
The moon is shining even in the morn
And I cannot help but gaze in wonder;
If what's made for the night can live in day
Then, why cannot my dead heart be reborn?
C Cavierre Jan 2015
Each droplet of
   tear from me shall shine,
My beauty
   shall stand tall,
I shall bloom
   to the happiness of those I love,
And my love shall stay the same
Until I fall.
I'll name this flow'r "Agape" for those with unconditional love. Inspired by a drawing.
Oct 2014 · 417
Nearly There
C Cavierre Oct 2014
I pace in empty space
through vacant air
I try to find my mind
in each mote of dust;
I sit, recline,
but cannot be fine
I need to find my mind
Oct 2014 · 3.8k
Angel Voice
C Cavierre Oct 2014
Sing for me, angel
Lull me to peace
Let the timbre of your voice
Tremble me to sleep

How lovely is your voice;
How the air sits still when you sing
And how the people cheer in joy
With the blessing your voice brings

Yet, however beautiful your voice might be,
Your soul is more radiant,
More brilliant,
Your laughter a testimony to that shine

Sing for me, angel
Lull me to peace
Give me that angel voice
Let's be best of friends eternally
For my other best friend
Love you
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
C Cavierre Oct 2014
In darkness I am free
In light I live in false security

They say the shadows flee from the day
But they only retreat in my mind

I feel more horrors in daylight
Than I see them in the night
C Cavierre Oct 2014
O how a comfort to exist in sleep
Lovely oblivion so many receive
But so few appreciate

O how true mercy is my friend
Hugged in the arms of weariness
A moment restored from anxiety

O what freedom brings these words
The language of my soul
O what merriment

To read my thoughts on page
Written by another hand in haste
To finish a statement,
To release the containment

O how painful to awake
To rush back to a world of hate,
Hate for greed, lies and disfigurement

And let go
Of this peacefulness
Formerly titled: "These are the things I love"
Sep 2014 · 1.2k
Each tear for this bliss
C Cavierre Sep 2014
"You're sorry"
You tell me
But I've run out
Of forgivenesses for you
"You regret it,
You'll never dare
Do it again,"
But this time the hurt's still there
You ask me
"Where does it hurt
I'll make it better"
But this time you won't
I miss you
I admit
But I won't miss
Each tear for this bliss
Jul 2014 · 1.7k
Time of heroes
C Cavierre Jul 2014
In days of doom
Bloodshed and hopelessness
In days we finally stand alone
Is when we make heroes of our own
C Cavierre May 2014
We are alike skies,
In this world yet out of this world.
The moon, the sun, and the stars,
Represent what's inside
the good and bad floating in us
The low and high

But you are the sky
That holds my eyes.
You trap my heart,
Wrap my attention in a leash;
I follow you everywhere you go.
You always make my heart skip a beat
I don't quite know why

When you are the midnight sky,
The blackest soul I've ever seen,
And the embodiment of night—
A black hole for a mind;
You take all in and mess it all up.
And I know that you could bring me down

You are the sky
That's fear and darkness
And you have a star for a heart
That defeats everything.
You battle fear with bravery,
Not blind to it obviously.
You never hide your suffering
You're untainted by lies;
Noticing you is the proof that
The stars get brighter
when the sky gets darker
Apr 2014 · 4.9k
Brown Eyes
C Cavierre Apr 2014
Hi there,
I see your brown eyes that dare
I see their happiness,
and unpredictable mischievousness,
Warm with crinkles on the edges and all
Promising me an irresistible fall

you there
They said, your brown eyes that dare
Telling me to be brave
and pursue these things I dare crave
Swearing to be there by my side and be
The best of friends with me

hi there
I say to your brown eyes that dare
I see your happiness,
and blatant lightheartedness,
But I see behind those madness and all
That your heart and soul are ready to fall

I'll be here
I wish your brown eyes could hear
I'm now telling you, be brave
Just let go of the darkness you crave
I swear to be by your side and be
Ready for you to lean on me
Dedicated to my best friend
Apr 2014 · 329
Music is simple
C Cavierre Apr 2014
It's the chime in the wind
The calm in the breeze
The crash of the waves

It's the beat of the heart
The words in our lips
The thoughts in our mind

It's the churning of the storm;
The panic of approaching danger
The fear in each day that we'll lose it all

It's the life that we need to make a change;
Simply necessary
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
C Cavierre Mar 2014
How do you rest
after the days
that spins your mind
Into unrest;
Is there a place
that nights are kind
Is my distress
can't be erased
and redesigned
Into a zest
that I dare taste
the hope to find
From a hopeless
pile of 'today's
I can't unwind
There are always stories. Just on the back of our minds. It's the pressure in our chest, the restlessness in our head, the tingling in our fingers, the ache in our eyes. But sometimes, you just can't get it all out. Cause not all stories can be told.
Jan 2014 · 1.5k
to love like
C Cavierre Jan 2014
Days have count
Breaths have weight
The hours bounce
With no bound
Leaving us dead in many ways
Every step
Has its price
Piling debt
Until there’s no more left
Of our lives
So I’ll learn how
to love like…

The* ocean
That’s so powerful and deep…

That’s so vast and unending…

That’s unconditional and enduring…

That’s loyal and true…

That’s brilliant and pure…

That’s clear and sharp…

That’s patient and fierce…

That’s magical and precious…

That’s lovely and meaningful…

*That’s beneficial and growing…

I want to love like all the things in the world
love like you've got everything to lose
Dec 2013 · 997
Joyful Ever After
C Cavierre Dec 2013
A dark heart
full of pride, and fright
For what has been there
Out to hunt her

A lock was thrown
that could really unlock;
The only key
to her heart

She thought it was lost
Nobody could ever found
For it was with
the beast that left her

Yet there’s this stranger
who dared to come close
Dressed with light
with the sky in his eyes

He was just another beast
Out to feed on her
But he was now inside her heart
with just the simplest gesture

A joy that could ****
He said was his gift
So true it could burn;
she’d burst into flames

Shall she take it
then she would turn
into ashes:
a joyful burn

Gladness for the door
that he opened
For her escape,
She took his gift

It truly burned
But she didn’t burst
She just warmed
into glowing wonder

Such was his gift,
she gave him a kiss
And he asked if she would
be his joyful ever after
Dec 2013 · 497
C Cavierre Dec 2013
Within the coat that keeps your warmth
u n d e r   t h e   d i m n e s s   o f   t h e   l a m p p o s t ' s   l i g h t
You hide the glint of your knife
Dec 2013 · 495
We are ashes and dust
C Cavierre Dec 2013
Bemoan and bewail
The betrayed and the loved
For in this world of blood
We are ashes and dust---
For the gladness the world had given us
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