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Northern Poet Jun 20
Nothing can mean anything
Anything at all
Everything or nothing
Can end in nothing at all

Everything can be lost
But what’s lost can’t be found
When you have nothing
You don’t have anything
And silence won’t make a sound

Nothing can be emptiness
Where everything falls apart
Everything is lost
And you want to find the start

Nothing is forgiven
So forgive
And forget
Take everything you can
And leave
Jeremy Betts May 17
Know that I know
Failure is unstoppable
The situation is never unlosable
Trust me,
I'm already the biggest loser you know
How did I get over here?
Where do I go from there?
I don't know
How deep can shallow go?
That's probably something you should know
Terminal velocity, terminal illness, hospitality's critical
There's only so fast ****'ll flow
Don't you worry though
I'll find the lowest low
Thee frequency is what's incredible
Watch me make the possible impossible
The predictable shockingly unpredictable
Knowing is half the battle
A cartoon told me so
Still waiting for it to help slow the fall though

Pax Mar 17
Does your love that shallow?
              Is it just for show?
     or does it hard to swallow?
                           Are you that shy
    to evade me, then why lie?
I know -  I’m old and weary
so I worry,
I don’t want
to be played sorry.
just better not to like me at all.
solEmn oaSis Oct 2023
I try and tried to read every Rhyme of that kind
for my tired spare tire was trolling in my mind
because I just got hooked by a puzzling word not just that Easy to find
beyond that little title is like a chime, that for me seems an Essay to bind

7 days ago or even more than not a long way to go
24 hours hit and run and ruin my ego doing the lego
I'll be loving reading your right and wity poetic words of wisdom
I'd rather either be your stalker or a Wanna Be r y n with seldom

somewhere in any Comment
Somehow eerie way i meant
through constructions of your concrete days work of art
though I had been deeply fallen unto a crate Shallow Chart

~ ~
! ! !
( /_. )
. . .

I might be coming back always good in here
a night or two consecutive days I can dare
triangle with exclamation that joints without a Dot of Doubt
terrible width of auction catch points to washout lot of bout

going once
going twice
going trice

rolling dice ...

🎲 🎲 🎲 🎲 🎲🎲🎲


yesterday is friday the 13th
yesteryears maybe seventh
decade of the eight wonders of the world 🌎
cascade daily five capital of deary word 🅿️

Oct . 14 Saturday 2023
hello idol ryn ...
once again ...ur thoughts
in a way of spoken words feels my self digging your feelings behind infinity and beyond of what's really in it with your two stanzas of extravaganza...
and so.. I am so inspired to inscribed my syllables from my weirdest reaction in this very moment and I want it to be ...
the way it used to be ❤️🎵©️
Simple Aug 2023
i needed
ended succeeded
shallow thoughts
as you talk
only to just get in
my stupid heart

tear me
and rip me
into parts
long lost love
your pride carried high
as you lied
sing me a song
maybe i won't cry

"i won't hurt you"
is the biggest lie

fall into you
ill turn blue
you'll take the hue
out of my room
it'll affect my mood

drown into
my tomb
will never see you
as my groom

taken advantage
as always
i can't escape this
taken all i had
aren't you glad?

use and abuse me
this isn't new to me
try something new
it might just come
full bloom
at the next full moon

at my open casket
ill tell you where the love went
was your time well spent?
I S A A C Jun 2023
my roots weave a basket in this shallow ***
wish i got more than i got
wish i got what i sought
my face feels different in the mirror now
shot with an arrow but it i caught
the only thing i could ever stop
wish i got what it sought
abby Nov 2021
“you’re so beautiful”
“you’ve only seen my body, don’t forget to explore the mind’s eye”
i don’t think i’ve ever been genuinely loved. there’s always been an ulterior motive. i wish someone would take the time to gently care.
PS Aug 2021
They say that love is blind
The truth is just, love is pure.
She is patient, she is kind,
She’s unrefined and yet, demure.

Through her looking glass she sees
Spots of flaws and marks of pain
Why do you cry so much, darling?
How can I never make you feel that way again?

Love should know that beauty fades,
She should know that looks are weak
But love cannot be easily stuck in place
Not all who claim to find can truly seek.

Are you the measure of the man?
So wonderful in writing
But is your face too faithless
Shockingly unbeguiling.

Is love so shallow that she can’t see
How you give her the world?
But is it her prerogative to be
After those who make the heart twirl?

Will love be another one with a seven
With plenty of zeros to his name?
How does her nature suffer
When it is love you seek to tame?
She is personified.
Punyaa Jun 2021
Holding scars on shallow soul!
Struck in dark loopholes!!
Faking smiles! Behaving the way i am supposed to..
Towards all those adversities I am exposed to.
Waking up with tender eyes,
Loosing myself in disguise!!
Dodging my own self!
Hiding all my emotions in deep shelves!!
Blaming every possible reason for this void,
It's always there, even if I try to avoid.

Becoming something I an not..
Being happy by heart feels too hard than I've ever thought!!
With this poem I've tried to define the way I feel..  everyone wants to be with cheerful souls, many times we have to pretend happy even when we are not.. especially when we don't know the reasons making us feel depressed.
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