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11.5k · Sep 2019
Yuki Sep 2019
I stopped looking
for my other half
in other people
the moment I realized
I was already whole
within myself.
I find no shame
in my solitude
now that alone
I do not feel lonely.
2.8k · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
I have been trying to heal
by tearing myself
to pieces so far
and isn’t that
also a start?
2.6k · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
The gaze between
two souls that
see each other
for the first
2.6k · Jan 2019
The Aurora
Yuki Jan 2019
I have been blessed with
a rose of blue petals
upon which I could read:
I will wait for you
‘till the end of time
on the other side of the world
to admire the most beautiful
northern lights
that are nothing compared
to the blue of your eyes.
2.0k · Jan 2019
My place in the world
Yuki Jan 2019
I’m playing with
the little globe
at my writing desk.
I let it spin
and spin
and spin
I pause.
I suddenly feel too
How many places
have not been discovered
How many lands?
I keep telling myself
how pointless and
worthless my existence
must be
in a universe
like this.
In the silence,
the beating of my heart
can almost exceed
the noise of my thoughts.
Each pulse is stronger
than ever.
We are told that
the heart is the same
size as the fist.
My hands are not that
big and so
neither is my heart.
I keep forgetting
its value, though.
Isn’t the heart also
an undiscovered land?
Sure, the doctors
could tell me all
its functions one by one.
They could illustrate me
its structure to a tee.
But they don’t know
the reasons why a heart
keeps beating even
when it’s tired.
Or why it doesn’t break
when it cracks.
Tell me about the way it
loves me even when I don’t,
even when I’ve hurt it.
I want to know why
it doesn’t explode
when it is so full of passion.
Isn’t it grand?
Isn’t this enough?
I am the universe.
1.8k · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
Myself loved to play hide-and-seek.
That game went on for six years
I almost started to believe
that I lived in it.
My happiness used to hide in any place –
behind my smile most of all,
so that nobody could find my sadness
underneath it.
I’ve always had this weird cough
since I was fourteen.
I sometimes thought that
it was my own sadness trying
to find its way out of my mouth,
just to suicide itself on the pavement.
Tired of being in the dark
but too scared of the light.
The first time I said out loud
I was gay,
I cried so hard.
I used to think I was
But once my father asked me:
«Who can tell what normality is?».
Today I am twenty years old and
I’m who I have always supposed to be.
Myself has grown up
it doesn’t play hide-and-seek anymore.
I am finally able to say
that the true meaning of “Pride”
is to not be ashamed
of who you are.
It’s to be thankful
for you you are
with no ifs or buts or if onlys.
It’s to look in the mirror
and see not a burden,
neither a failure.
Instead a heart and a soul
from which you find strength and love.
I have spent so many years
committing hate crimes against myself.
Now I’m working so hard
on loving me and
it’s not ******* easy.
But here I am
out of the closet
enjoying the light
I’ve been missing.
1.6k · Jan 2019
A farewell in four lines
Yuki Jan 2019
I reach out to touch your face
but find a void.
When did you
become so distant?
1.6k · Jan 2019
24 carat
Yuki Jan 2019
What I like about diamonds
are their splinters,
the thorns of the rose
you picked up in winter.
1.6k · Jan 2019
Emotionless by now
Yuki Jan 2019
The hardest pain is the one
that you will not feel
because your heart
has already experienced
death before.
1.3k · Jan 2019
Late night thoughts
Yuki Jan 2019
How do I forgive my eyes
for their weakness
turned to tears
in the middle of my sleep?
For all the times
I’ve been awake at night
apologizing to the pillow
for never being able
to keep it dry.
1.3k · Jan 2019
Ode to women
Yuki Jan 2019
You, creature of
Object of my
Soft voice,
rose lips.
Body shaped like
Your curves: the waves.
In you
the storm and
the quiet.
Sunrise and
Sunshine and
Childish and
And all in one word:

W o m a n
1.2k · Jan 2019
May the odds
Yuki Jan 2019
To the lucky ones
in whose hands
a ladybug has landed
I wish to not
search for a sign
or better a guise
to be great.
1.2k · Apr 2019
Yuki Apr 2019
It is already sunrise and
it’s time to say goodbye
for I do not want to be
mistaken for the moon,
living under the spotlight
of her beloved sun.
1.1k · Jan 2019
My rebirth hymn
Yuki Jan 2019
It’s an ode to myself
the one enclosed in this ink
in the middle of the page
as a symbol of a heart
that got rhythm
after years of silence
thanks to my pen only.
1.1k · Feb 2019
Like in fairy tales
Yuki Feb 2019
The Little Mermaid gave up
her voice so as to be near
her beloved prince and
that’s how little girls
are taught from the
earliest age that
as women the price
to pay for love will
always be their silence.
1.1k · Mar 2019
Yuki Mar 2019
I fell for you
but you were
already gone
as soon as
I got up again,
like a magician
through a trapdoor.
That was the time
I began to believe
in magic.
1.0k · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
The lion is called
king of the forest
for its beauty only
because it is well known
that the one who
fights every battle
is the lioness
living under her
hungry king’s thumb
and remembered
by no name at all.
Yuki Jan 2019
I’ve never loved myself enough
to love another human being.
Love is practice and I’ve
only practiced hate.
I’m a mixture of
fear and boredom.
Never understood what
could make other people
My favorite hobby
has always been guessing
what could hurt me
the most.
And then do it.
How am I supposed to know
joy and gift it?
985 · Jan 2019
Trust issues
Yuki Jan 2019
When you’ve got
your trust broken
by someone who
you counted on
there is no glue
in the universe
sticky enough
to put the pieces
back together.
906 · Jan 2019
Better than a Monet
Yuki Jan 2019
We are all museums
of anger and discontent
and we feel obligated to
show our artworks
to the world.
901 · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
I lost many people
in my life but
at least I got what
I deserved:

self love.
885 · Apr 2019
Yuki Apr 2019
I’m destined to have
eternal moments of
catastrophic drought
inside of me,
even if my heart
is an immortal
castaway through
the most brutal
storms of my soul.
879 · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
I try to find the way
out of this chaos
that lives inside my head.
I stop myself
few inches from the exit.
I turn my back
and get lost again.
On purpose.
790 · Feb 2019
Yuki Feb 2019
In the coldest of days
through the sighs
of the wind
I still was aflame
for I heard your voice
calling my name.
750 · Feb 2019
Yuki Feb 2019
In my heart a
marching band
is playing
“Ode to Joy”
and I can’t help
but sing along.
743 · Jun 2019
All lives matter
Yuki Jun 2019
To all the people who
leave their homeland
to escape from their lives
unaware that they
won’t make it alive
on the other side,
oblivious to the horrific
idea that they will
scream and cry
while watching their
babies drown and die:
may the waves carry you
in a better world
than the one in which
we are living now.
743 · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
You were the moon,
I was the astronaut.
I waited years
to taste you.
I finally reached you
but I could only touch you
between a jump and another.
710 · Dec 2018
Yuki Dec 2018
What is love?
Everytime it slips from my mouth,
the word sounds goofy.
I suppose we attribute meanings
to things,
by the way we
have experienced them.
What is love?
I don’t know how to love.
I’ve never loved anyone with my whole being.
I’ve never hold love’s hand,
never went out for dinner with her,
never took her to breakfast in the morning.
Whenever me and love happen
to go out for a walk,
I always find myself two steps behind.
That’s why I’ve never seen her face,
never touched it,
never caressed it.
My hands are made for break things,
instead of holding them.
I’m not good with people,
probably because of my social anxiety.
That makes me bad at love.
Or, better yet, at everything I do.
I got a tender heart.
I swear.
But I guess it doesn’t work anymore.
I’m scared.
Will I ever be able to catch up
with love in this endless walk?
Will I ever see her face
and tell her I love her,
that I know who she is?
Or maybe I don’t have
to run to find out.
Maybe I have to get out of bed and
702 · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
You tasted me
thinking I was going to
become your favorite meal
but as soon as the
plate was served to you
you said it was insipid.
636 · Jan 2019
Stone-cold tripping
Yuki Jan 2019
Our mind is so
mysterious at night.
It travels to someplace
far away
and come back before
we can even realize.
We don’t remember
the journey,
neither the space-time
continuum in which
we’ve been projected.
At times I ask myself
if my real life is
the one I live in my
If what we call reality
is in reality a dream.
We are just wanderers
searching for a place to call
We are not at home
in our own homes.
When we lay in bed
at night
we seek something
in which we’ll fit.
Something that will suit us
And then we wake up.
Our shelter cracks
and we are driven
into our miserable lives.
So what is the
aim of all that
633 · Feb 2019
Yuki Feb 2019
The soul has
its own weight
and I felt lighter
when you went away
not knowing if mine
was gone for good
or gone with you.
606 · Feb 2019
My fragility
Yuki Feb 2019
My fragility is a shared space
in which anyone feels free
to stay for a while
make a mess
and leave.
583 · Jan 2019
Save the last dance for me
Yuki Jan 2019
I’ve never been good at dancing
but I tried my hardest
to not step on your feet
on the dance floor
just to prove to you
that I always made sure
not to trample on your heart
even if
I’ve never been good at love.
But right now
I find myself
dancing all alone
with an empty heart.
560 · Jun 2019
Make me heal
Yuki Jun 2019
You are the air
which fills my lungs.
What a pity it is
that I am asthmatic
and find it hard
to let you in.
In an eternal effort
to breathe you whole
I end up searching for you
in every spot of my
tyrant anxiety who
prays for us to be apart.
Yuki Nov 2019
What difference does it make
to be different in a world of equals
if your heart feels equal
to the ones of those who feel different?
The connections between souls
just as broken as yours,
what difference does it make?
They’re just lighter
less than twenty one grams.
You’re just lighter
leaving pieces of your soul
in others’ splintered hearts.
What difference does it make
if they feel heavy while carrying
your love, your grace, your strength?
Because this is what you do
and you still have so much to give
but what difference does it make?
549 · Jun 2019
The ethereal art of crying
Yuki Jun 2019
And I am not in the mood
to look at the moon.
Show me the sun
in the hours of its rise
so my eyes will pay the price
for letting the memory of you
vanish from their dark irises;
those which will burn
along with the sun
and will have a reason to cry
while looking up to the sky.
536 · Feb 2019
Wishing on the stars
Yuki Feb 2019
Why making wishes
on a dying creature
as a shooting star?
So beautiful death
can seem if seen
from a distance.
For me comets are
named after all the
people who decided
my sky wasn’t their
place anymore.
534 · Jan 2019
Losing games
Yuki Jan 2019
Life is a game between
you and yourself.
You are going to lose
at some point anyway.
Find something worth
losing for.
What would make
your defeat compelling?
Grab it and call it
a victory.
#life #yourself #fight #losing #defeat #victory
527 · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
Blessed are all the dreamers
who see the sky smiling
while looking at the crescent.
526 · Feb 2019
Yuki Feb 2019
How do you walk
through a mind
filled with items
without fear of
having to pay
for the damage
if anything shatters?
524 · Feb 2019
Permission to be
Yuki Feb 2019
Give the gates
of your heart
permission to
be wide open
but make sure
not to let winter
settle in your
feeble bones.
520 · Jun 2020
Start over
Yuki Jun 2020
I am not who I used to be
and that's a shame
but I am better off
without my soul of yesterday.
509 · Jan 2019
Fall of a lightning
Yuki Jan 2019
During the storm
the lightning falls
undaunted towards
the earth heedless of
the damage it will cause,
choosing to come into
existence anyway
to embrace life.
So be your own lightning
and trust your vibes.
504 · Jan 2019
Commuter’s daily life
Yuki Jan 2019
Sitting at a window
seat on a train

looking outside
feeling kind of nostalgic

watching my life
pass by together
with the landscape.
503 · Jun 2019
Yuki Jun 2019
Because fear
becomes essence
only if you let it be.
So stop seeing it
as a reliable friend
to whom you confide
how scared you are
of happiness.
talk to your joy
and let it convince you
how fearless you are
of the fear itself.
469 · Sep 2019
Before the storm
Yuki Sep 2019
Be the thunder that
breaks the silence
if noise is the only way
you have to be heard.
Be the thunder that
breaks the silence
after a lightning
triggers its violence
against your fragility.
Be the thunder that
makes the storm come.
441 · Jan 2019
You were my person
Yuki Jan 2019
I wish I could erase you
completely from my mind,
but I saw my reflection
when I looked into your eyes.
So how am I supposed
to forget me?
440 · Feb 2019
Pink slip
Yuki Feb 2019
Ever since you left
I’ve been wondering
what it’d be like if we
were just parallel lines
never destined to meet
instead of two rusted cars
with broken brakes at a
crossroad without signage.
429 · Oct 2019
My unborn adolescent self
Yuki Oct 2019
Each night I find myself
grieving the death of
my unborn adolescent self,
the miscarriage of a body
which was already alive
but never dared to live.
How broke do I have to be
to put all the pieces
back together again?
Time’s only direction
is forward.
My mind’s only direction
is backward.
I only know how to speak in words
I didn’t have enough courage
to pronounce in the past.
My eyes only know how to stare
at suns already set and crescents
which are now full moons.
My heart has never loved before
and now it’s trying to do it
like a sixteen-year-old.
My unborn adolescent self,
the miscarriage of a body
which wasn’t really alive
and dares to live now
when it is too late.
420 · Jan 2019
Yuki Jan 2019
The best part of being alive
is that you got to decide.
Never settle for less
than what you can aspire.
Don’t listen to people
who determine your worth
by what they see on
the outside.
You have a thoughtful mind
and know exactly the value
of your heart.
Your happiness is in your hands.
Don’t you dare let it
slip through your fingers.
The hate must not
influence your mindset.
You are you.
Think like you.
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