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Dec 2017 · 478
Torias Dec 2017
I truly am sorry
If you didn’t know.
I never text,
But if I could let you know one thing,
It’s that you do cross my mind
Every now and again.
You met me as the shell of the person I used to be,
You filled my heart,
And I am forever grateful.
I couldn’t be what you were looking for,
But I do hope you find the life and the woman meant for you.
I hope you have happiness.
And even if we simply went different directions in this world,
I wish you well.

Love always,
The girl who wasn’t the One for you, but some day you will be so grateful that she wasn’t.
10/20/17~ I had to learn how to say goodbye
Oct 2017 · 382
Winter Clothes
Torias Oct 2017
I pull clothes from the back of my dresser, and it hurts just a little because they smell like senior year, you, and the way we used to feel.
Oct 2017 · 321
Torias Oct 2017
Think maybe I was meant to be your September.
The colder it gets,
The colder I will too.
Football games and Ferris Wheel lights can be memories of last week.
“You will find the one some day,” I say,
So you tell me you wish it was me.
“I know.” But
Let’s just call this September.
9/29/17 ~ Seasons change and another month falls off the calendar
Oct 2017 · 292
Backward Glance
Torias Oct 2017
I don't think the pain comes from wanting you back,
Because I don't.
But I think sometimes I remember the way it used to be and the way you used to make me feel.
We reached the end of us,
Now your story has taken a dark twist,
And there was a time when I would've wrapped my arms around you and held you up.
Maybe you thought she would do a better job than me-
You bet it all on that other girl,
But now you are all alone.
And I still hope your childhood dreams come true.
Though I am far too busy to worry about where you are now,
What you're doing,
Who you're with.
I guess it's true that time works wonders,
We used to be so completely intertwined.
Now I can't say you are so much different from a stranger.
Oct 2017 · 301
Torias Oct 2017
I put that bottle down
When I hit rock bottom.
I think I was in a free fall
So I could one day fly.
Playing games,
Wearing an empty heart,
And lighting matches so they could burn out.
But the feel of a stranger's kiss means nothing,
Just a wake up call to walk away
And find that real, honest thing
I was searching for.
Then feeling that fire in my soul that I missed so much
Set those bridges ablaze that only led to places I didn't want to go.
And to everything there is a season,
A time to see, to plant,
To harvest.
The time has come.
I have always wandered,
But now I am adventuring with a purpose.
9/14/17 ~ I think I had to break so that I could see what I am made of.
Sep 2017 · 457
Torias Sep 2017
I can see in your eyes,
And feel in my heart.
Do you know why we are drifting?
I am not the only one to change in this.
I am too wild,
Yes, I am reckless
And hard to catch.
I know, but I see hesitation in your smile.
You hate this person,
And I cannot stand to stay if you will sit
Atop a pedestal.
Life keeps pulling us in our directions,
And you've fallen into the arms
Of someone
Who looks a lot like Jesus to you.
And if he is to become your whole world,
Then I cannot be a part of it.
And if he is to become your theology,
Then I have a different faith.
Maybe fate will tie itself into the knots it wants,
But it is hard to hear you from this distance,
From here, I can't make out what your face looks like anymore.
9/9/17~ It’s okay, you don’t have to understand. I just can’t believe how different our paths have became as we’ve grown further away from childhood...
Sep 2017 · 337
Book You Write
Torias Sep 2017
If you ever think that you are a story no one would ever read, then there is something you don't know. You are more than that. You are the girl that people can't get out of their heads. They'll run in circles if you asked them to. A mystery that no one will ever solve unless you want them too. You are the woman that people write novels about. The classic and the modern. Someone who will never quite escape their minds, because you are so very extraordinary. And it is scary to know that we will never come across someone quite like you because you have that special glow.
8/25/17~To my $10 bill
Sep 2017 · 1.6k
Breakups for Dummies
Torias Sep 2017
-4.   Know this is the path to a     breakup
-3.   Try to fix things
-2.   Ugly cry in a car because you
         know everything has all gone         so terribly wrong
-1.    Get drunk, get high, smoke    something      
  0.   You break up
1. You don't know how to feel
2. Cry into your pillow at night
3. Convince yourself you did the right thing
4. Dream about him
5. Cry more and listen to sad songs
6. Hate being awake
7. Think about posting indirect messages to him
8. Write letters. Lots of them
9. Google what to do
10. Consider taking him back
11. Google why this happened
12. Forget the bad stuff and only remember the good memories
13. Google if it's your fault
14. Talk about him 24/7
15. Make plans to talk to him after a month
16. Lots of quotes saved to your phone
17. Screenshot things that make you laugh too
18. Miss him
19. Be a better friend
20. Binge watch
21. Occasional setbacks
22. Remember that he was an *******, and he made you hurt
23. Talk to other guys
24. Compare them to your ex
25. Start to be see that you're happier
26. See a hopeful future
27. Run into them
28. Feel like the world is crushing you
29. Find out they've been seeing someone else
30. New music playlist, "Moving On" featuring songs about karma and awful exes
31. More writing
32. Throw away his ****, delete his photos and number, unfollow him on social media
33. Keep busy
34. Realize this is the end. The for real end
35. It gets easier, and you get stronger
36. If he begged you to come back what would you do?
37. You wouldn't even want him back at this point
38. It's been one month, and you didn't notice like you did when it was 1 week
39. Friends. Friends. Friends.
40. Enjoy being free and doing things for yourself
41. Those songs don't hurt the way they used to
42. Start thinking about other things
43. Feel proud
44. Focus on what's really important to you
45. Keep going
46. Smile
47. ...
Sep 2017 · 182
Torias Sep 2017
When do I think of you?
I think of you
When I'm lighting
A cigarette.
You take the edge off,
But I know you're only killing me.
And after, I'll only be left with
Smoke and ashes.
Aug 2017 · 312
Keep On
Torias Aug 2017
Get up girl, you got **** to do. Those tears will dry and you'll be alright. It'll take some time, but you know that, so let yourself feel, but don't dwell, don't let your head go under. One day, this'll be a scar on a girl you once knew.
7/22/17 ~ Maybe I'm not the only one to need this
Aug 2017 · 351
Tables Turn
Torias Aug 2017
Watch you
Miss me
All it takes is time,
Watch me
Walk away
After missing you
The long while.
All it takes is time.
Aug 2017 · 412
"Hey, beautiful."
Torias Aug 2017
If you think you're
the only boy
to say that,
you are
Aug 2017 · 813
Miss Me
Torias Aug 2017
One day you're gonna miss me. And maybe that day hasn't come. That day doesn't have to be today. It doesn't have to be soon at all. In the cycle of days, you can pack your life so crowded that there will be no room for me.

But eventually there will be a crack to slip through, and there I'll be.

You'll wake up one morning. Or be climbing into bed. You'll be riding in your truck. Cracking open a cold one. You'll be watching your feet leave tracks in the snow or mud. Your phone will go off. You'll be out with someone new.

It doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing. It doesn't matter how long it takes. You're going to think of me. You're going to remember my touch, the way I smiled, walked, cried, danced...

Then you're going to miss how I cared. Miss seeing me. Miss me saying, "I love you." Miss the way my words made you feel. You'll even miss the prickle on my legs when you ran your hands up and down them.

Like old letters I wrote you and things I gave you, the memories of me will spill out from places you didn't know they'd hide.

One day you're gonna miss me.
Jul 2017 · 225
Things I Do With Your Mouth
Torias Jul 2017
I run my tongue along my teeth
And it feels like it should be yours there
Because I put words in your mouth anyway.
7/28/17  I don't even know what to say. You left so few words, so I had to figure out what your mind meant.
Jul 2017 · 199
Torias Jul 2017
Well he blew me a kiss before he got in that car of his,
Then a few miles down the road
I realized he was never coming back.
Jul 2017 · 292
Torias Jul 2017
He listens to the old stuff cause it's better than the rest
And he tells me my taste in music is the best.
He likes to text me when he's too busy for a conversation to keep.
And he goes to bed early, but he doesn't get much sleep.
He's likes clean, but he works in the dirt.
Talks nasty because he was a gentleman first.
Tell me he'll quit whatever vice, never lie.
And he doesn't know about zodiac signs.
Holding hands doesn't still his fingertips
And I never figured him to have such soft lips.
He thinks he can keep his crazy promises
Because overall I guess he's an optimist.
And he's rough and mean and rude but he
Says he doesn't like much, but he loves me.
7/15/17~ Cause let's give some credit where it's due
Jul 2017 · 320
Night Mind
Torias Jul 2017
What's going on in this mind of mine?
I say the past is the past but maybe that's a lie,
Because every night I find myself crying.
No, I couldn't tell you the reason why,
I feel guilty like this life is a crime,
So what's the point to keep trying?
Then I wrangle my thoughts to keep em in line
Though it's the dark place in myself I always find.
Tell me to rethink what's going through this mind,
Tell me again that I'm beautiful and kind.
But soon the hours in the day start to grind,
And it's back to the fight to even climb.
I've played this track too many times.
And since every bad thought rhymes,
I pray for a change.
Jul 2017 · 479
End of the Beginning
Torias Jul 2017
Beginning of the end.
Seems crazy to think about the days when
You couldn't get enough of being my boyfriend.
A million text messages everyday you'd send,
Now I'm lucky if I get ten.
What are we doing? Are we playing pretend?
Used to get a "Good morning, beautiful" when I'd wake and
Everything's divided between now and then.

I've got my bags packed but I can't seem to leave.
I try so hard not to doubt because I want to believe
Because I don't want you to go away but we've
Become something I never dreamed.
Can I play naive?
But when I feel you pulling away it's hard to breathe.
This doesn't make sense, let's think a minute please...

These days, I listen to break up songs,
But I keep a happy beat so I can sing along.
It's not all sad, sometimes we talk for so long,
And it feels like we're playing ping-pong,
Was I going crazy for thinking it was wrong?
But then I watch the clock, and I realize you're gone.

So I find my own thing to do,
Seems like you only want me when I pull away too.
Right now your edges are bleeding blue,
So I wait for you to change your hue.
As I'm lacing up my walking shoes,
Where are you?
You got a new tattoo,
I guess now you're disappearing into Blink 182.
One day I'll see you clear in my rear-view,
But today I hold on because it's hard to say adieu.
7/16/17- Steps to fixing us
Jun 2017 · 631
With This, I Am Done
Torias Jun 2017
Sometimes you make me want to die
Because no one can hate a dead girl.
Then it'd just be sad and I'd be only a waste of talent and life.
But even death cannot solve problems
As it's bound to only cause more.
And besides, it would never grant you the ability to see things from my point of view.
You'd only lay the blame on someone else because that's what you do.
But I don't want to die.
I'm scared for my life that I won't live,
Actually live- something further than simply surviving.
Is this the angst of every fledgling I feel?
I want to jump
And fly
Because there is no cure for every problem.
There is push on
And there is pray.
Jun 2017 · 516
Changing Days
Torias Jun 2017
My seasonal crushes
Are like the changing days,
Here to make my heart beat
While they come out to play.
My seasonal rushes
Always fade away,
I'll remember them
Even if they aren't here to stay.

I loved winter for so long
For his pure glow.
Looked like a blanket
But he was cold snow.
So much time thinking I belonged,
Still it never felt right
To keep something
As only a glittery sight.

Then came summer.
Felt good to melt my cold bones.
And what a stark difference
That I didn't feel so alone.
He was fiery *******.
Gave me a sunburn to call a tan,
Got a heatstroke and realized
I needed a fan.

Autumn is beautiful leaves,
Like the ones he rolls and smokes.
Mellow and no extreme,
Easy personality to take and soak.
Autumn is beautiful but leaves,
Never sure where to expect him,
All I could know was that
I'd see him every now and then.

Spring, you are so sweet.
I never minded April showers
When you are so warm and clean,
So I could talk to you for hours.
You're really hard to beat.
You are a possibility.
My here and now,
A different probability.
It's crazy how much changes with time. Years give different destinations. Months are mile markers. Days set your sail. And seconds can have you stopped to smell the roses, or they can knock you miles away.
Jun 2017 · 505
Is This Awakening?
Torias Jun 2017
Reckless maybe
I don't see consequences,
No trespassing sign fences,
Can't stay on the benches,
So I'm down in the trenches.

But I'm alive,
So bet the wages,
Fight the cages,
I feel the rage is
Hard to keep, to gauge.

So maybe I'm scared
Living the only life that's there,
Too short, why care?
Still every night I send up a prayer,
Be naive or become a player?

Listening for the voice,
Can't believe I finally got the choice
So why do I hear white noise?

Let's go talk to the boys
We all like to play coy.

Maybe that's in my head,
Can't tell whether to follow where I'm being led
Only certain times to be fled
Because what will I regret just
before I'm dead?

Take me on a ride,
I like your passenger side,
Feels like it wasn't a lie.
This time I'm the one who tried.
I live, breathe this pride,
But I don't wanna if that means hide.
Jun 2017 · 618
Torias Jun 2017
Babe, you know
You can always climb under my skin, you know my heart plays for you a song, my brain is at your disposal.
Strip my lies, my feelings, my identities. You tear them so they melt away.
Dig down find
Your shovel hit a rock, maybe treasure. My center, my skeleton, that's all I have to give. I can't promise you will wander further than that, but it's your choice to get there, your choice to take.
Jun 2017 · 480
Torias Jun 2017
Turn on the radio baby,
Play something country,
Make it an oldie.

Something sad sounds wrong,
Just make it a love song,
One we can sing along.

Honey, say you got nothing to do.
Kick off our shoes,
And we'll pretend the lyrics are about me and you.
Jun 2017 · 611
Torias Jun 2017
I've got some stories
So spread the word.
Things I never knew I did,
It's those rumors you heard.

What all have I done?
Let's hear a few.
Now I'm a leading lady
And, babe, you're a star too.

Now shame on me, I'm caught.
Cause now my pants are on fire.
All my life, I told the truth,
So now call me a liar.

And doesn't word travel fast
When some lady calls me a brat.
No, I don't know her from Adam,
But she says I should be slapped.

A psychiatrist I've never met
Says I'm absolutely crazy.
"Get on medication, get help"
Because that isn't a little shady?

And others write me lines,
Where are they hiding in the dark?
Someone told the hungry fans
I would have *** in a water park.

Guess I'm a ***** now right?
Now I'm assigned the part of slutty.
But no one cares that backstage,
Someone's trying to sabotage me.

Now my life has some fan fiction,
So I hope you enjoyed my show.
This isn't end, but let's watch
Roses and my reputation get thrown.
Oct 2016 · 872
The Magician
Torias Oct 2016
'Twas quite some time ago,
Since I was hardly full grown,
And I found myself in a traveling circus show.

They called me the Great,
Cheered when I walked through the gate,
Because I was the one for which they would all wait.

With a proud, young grin,
Take my hat by the rim,
Never cease to amaze the ladies and gentlemen.

I met a girl who said she'd only one day be a wife.
So I offered her the glamour of my uprooted life,
She took a vow, a tarnished ring, learned the art of throwing knives.

She carried a kid on the ride,
We sat side by side
Though I didn't know where, when sometimes she'd hide.

Even so young as this
I got myself an apprentice,
Like a brother, who almost finished my every sentence.

We performed all the tricks,
Trade off or switch,
It wasn't long before I could see us as rich.

Then one night, as the show was leaving,
She pulled me aside and with sob-filled pleading,
Begged to stay for the baby that was teething.

Said she would go,
If I left, I'd be alone,
But how could I choose between my love and my home?

I left her late in the night
Snuck away when she closed her eyes.
With that poor old baby who loved to cry and cry.

Then when a few years or so had passed,
And my apprentice had disappeared long back,
I went back to my wee little lass.

But imagine my surprise to see
She had more children than the one from me,
And to think she'd also stolen my dear apprentice, Henry!
Oct 2016 · 520
Tropical Shirt:
Torias Oct 2016
I know you're trying to be nice,
And I know you're just nervous,
But I'll never treat you the way you deserve.

You curse the world,
Then go praise me,
I'm not the person you want me to be.
Jul 2016 · 604
Woman in Red
Torias Jul 2016
Where you from?
He asked,
Can I get you a drink? Wine?
She said she liked red

He watched her
From across the table.
Eyes lingered on her lips.
She said she liked red.

Playing cards,
The room was filled with smoke.
He offered a Marlboro
She said she liked red.

And when they left,
He told her he had a car.
She went because
She said she liked red.

In a hotel room,
As she unzipped her dress
For his hungry gaze.
She said she liked red.

And when his blood dripped
From her hands
And it was done,
She said she liked red.

Based on something I watched once
Jul 2016 · 2.5k
You Don't Get Me
Torias Jul 2016
You don't get me,
You never have.
When I ran away,
Were you even sad?
You wanted me gold,
I tarnished in your hands.
I fell through your fingers
Like grains of sand.
You don't get me.
Especially not when
I told you to call me
Kylo Ren.
5/14/16 Felt inspired XD Should I mention the rights to this character belong to Disney or something?
Jul 2016 · 621
Waiting Room
Torias Jul 2016
We were waiting when we met.
I turned and you sat.
And we were both in transition,
You bobbed your head to the station.
I bit my lip because I knew you were watching,
We met eyes; You tried dodging.
They called your name, then mine too,
A little piece that we now knew.
For you they sent
You stood and went,
Perhaps we'll meet again,
Knowingly they watched, and then,
I imagined how you'll bloom
As we waited in separate rooms.
Jul 2016 · 1.4k
Rose Girl
Torias Jul 2016
She wrote about roses,
A petal in every prose.
She talks of someone and glows
Hits the breaks and slows.
Who makes her bloom?
A lost bride or groom?
Something grown in the wild?
A sweet little child?
Her sorrow is a garden,
Heart will never harden.
She wears her words like a crown,
She pulls them up from the ground.
A story weaved into a wreath,
Memories picked like leaves.
Poems like flowers in a bouquet,
Who does she silently serenade?
Jun 2016 · 631
Torias Jun 2016
Frosty beads of sweat,
Like diamonds on her necklace,
Gather at hairlines
Jun 2016 · 426
Summer Drink
Torias Jun 2016
Remember when I called you cold?
Even if I was right,
What was so wrong with that?

And after being burned
By the sun,
I'll jump into your icy vat.

If you want me to,
I can be your warmth,
And you can be my hat.
May 2016 · 321
The Cigarette
Torias May 2016
I  dropped the cigarette,
Ground it into the dirt,
Watched the embers die out.
They told me it was bad for me.
I guess they're right.
I dropped the cigarette,
Let it die out.
May 2016 · 663
Honey, Honey
Torias May 2016
I was too slow for you, honey,
Like cold honey.
You never grew tired
Spinning your wheels, burning your tires.
Now look, it didn't take long
Because you've already said "So Long".
On the floor when we'd lie,
I guess you were always just a lie.
It isn't something I miss,
I just need to know if I was once your only Miss.
I think probably not.
I think it was all for naught.
May 2016 · 2.5k
His Door
Torias May 2016
I had to close the door.
Because you were-
We were
Becoming strangers
Getting to know
Each other.
I had to close the door
Because I need to
Have faith
He will open another.
May 2016 · 843
A Bird's Secrets
Torias May 2016
Scattered like seeds,
I've told my secrets here
And there.
Never too many;
They don't root anywhere
Or get a chance to grow.
No little birdies can go and spread them around.
May 2016 · 411
Torias May 2016
Everyone is smiling
And they aren't happy
They're laughing
At nothing
And I'm just so tired
Can you please just stop lying
You aren't happy
It wasn't funny
And now you're so mad
At me
Because I peeled off your mask.
My heart is pounding
And I'm shaking
But I'm not suffocating
May 2016 · 332
The Exception
Torias May 2016
He walks in
His head never down
And his eyes never frown

A boy to never
Play by the rules
And won't ever
be taken a fool.

He does not lose
Because the world is his
A bomb in the hand of a little kid

A fire to blaze
In fire he will douse
Never to let a flame die out
Apr 2016 · 381
Dice Heart
Torias Apr 2016
Okay, here it is.
You drive me crazy.
Some nights I want you to just kiss me already.
And then other days, I want to strangle you.

And then you smile at me like I'm the reason you're happy.
Then you go and make her feel that way too.

You say something mean
And later tell me you are interested in me.

Say it doesn't matter,
Say the opposite.
And then "What do you want?" You ask me. "Is it me?"

But I don't even know who you are.

Apr 2016 · 453
The Girl
Torias Apr 2016
I am not the girl who sits by the phone waiting for you to call

I am not the girl who will tell you that she misses you

I am not the girl who will whisper to you how she really feels

I am not the girl that will ask you to come over tonight

I am not the girl you will drape your long arms around

I am not the girl hanging onto your every word

I am the girl you are frustrated with because I am not that girl.
Apr 2016 · 591
The Light
Torias Apr 2016
Am I like her?
So brilliant, so kind,
Ahead of us all shining high?
Laughter a song,
Silence a book,
Stories told
Don't need a hook?
A lovely goddess
That makes you sigh?
Or am I just a lamp you wouldn't buy?

Apr 2016 · 497
Torias Apr 2016
Deleted what I feel,
I know what I should do,
But what fate will that seal?

Apr 2016 · 624
Torias Apr 2016
The universe is trying
To tell me something
Leaving clues for me to find
Hinting something
But I haven't solved the puzzle yet.

Apr 2016 · 709
To Me, To You
Torias Apr 2016
I hope you don't shy away from opportunities
And sometimes live in the moment, but don't take unnecessary risks and make avoidable mistakes

I hope you learn that it's okay to make mistakes and learn to enjoy learning new things, even if you aren't good at them

I hope you don't give up and miss a chance to see what you could have accomplished
However if you do, I hope you don't dwell, and instead move on, making the most of the door you've chosen- it may be better than you anticipated.

I hope you make new friends who will teach you and help you grow in the direction you need. Don't let your old friendships fade when time seems to be an obstacle.

Love and forgive yourself. You make mistakes. So does everyone else. I hope you won't take things so seriously and personally because you
are you.

Speaking of which, do you. Don't let yourself be ruled by others' opinions because in the end, shouldn't you be doing what you love, not what they do. That's for them; This is for you.

Give yourself to relationships making sure you invest in the ones you care about. Cut negative, unnecessary sources from you life. Learn to say no. There will always be that person, so you might as well learn how to do
it now.

But I want you to live. I want you to experience so much, realizing you only get to once. Try new things a least once. Listen to advice, decide if it's worthwhile. I hope you always do your best. Live like the movies and mimic the cliches, making sure you are original too. Let your heart beat and let yourself feel.

Apr 2016 · 310
Torias Apr 2016
The precious stones I collect,
I share some with you
Always picking them up
Don't even notice when our rocks have fallen
I know I should have a basket
But it's so like me
To think I can hold them all on my human own.

Apr 2016 · 355
Empty Soul
Torias Apr 2016
So foolish
Seemed wise,
I thought I saw something
In your eyes

So foolish
Seemed wise,
But the light had gone
And died

Apr 2016 · 1.0k
Little Girls
Torias Apr 2016
Where did they go?
Little girls,
They grew up and became clones.

Feb 2016 · 357
Torias Feb 2016
Never a smile or a laugh when it's me talking.
You move when I come near.
Are we the same pole of the magnet?
My eyes can never leave you for long,
Yet yours are trained to anywhere else,
And they never meet.

Feb 2016 · 632
Torias Feb 2016
I thought I wanted you,
Hoped and prayed you'd be mine,
But I can't understand why,
If given the matches,
I would burn the bridge.

Feb 2016 · 501
Torias Feb 2016
Your arm is always there
To snake around me
And when I am weak,
Even when can't stand it
I want to fall back on you.
I want to thrash against it
Want to scream, cry, fight,
But my fist is only caught by shards of mirror glass.

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