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36.3k · Apr 2018
Her Favorite Song
Colm Apr 2018
The universe puts her headphones on
And plays her favorite track
The raindrops in the meadow burst
And soak the earth
And with her feet up on the world
She smiles from ear to ear
And plays it back
What songs does the universe listen to? Is there a more beautiful sound than the rain falling in the secluded meadow. Truthfully, I don't know. But I do love the sound of these words as they roll off the tongue. YUPP!

BIG THANKS to everyone who liked, commented, and helped make this verse the Poem of the day (on 05/18/18). I really appreciate it! You can listen to me read this poem live on SoundCloud. Just follow the link and have an awesome day!
19.8k · Feb 2019
A Cry For Quiet
Colm Feb 2019
The moment someone knows me
The moment someone sees
I exist
I am present
I am back to being me

And so I go where noone knows me
To where I'm openly not seen
To not exist for a few hours
Is such a blessing
Not to be
The January Lasts

It's not about non-existence. It's about getting away from the self without reset. It's about being... Refreshed. And we all do that differently.
15.1k · Apr 2017
Colm Apr 2017
Goodnight father
Goodnight sun
Goodnight detestability of day and enjoyment of all things costly and fun
Goodnight to you
And goodnight to me
Goodnight dear bed frame and thank you for this, your stability
Goodnight my pillow
Goodnight my bed
Goodnight and would you carry me, over the moon and back again?
Goodnight to you, to these honest things, which I may or may not mind first thing in the morning
Goodnight my distant memories
And goodnight to my favorite mystery, to your quiet and kind consistencies
For it’s a good night I offer, honestly
A good night from another
A goodnight from me
Goodnight my father
Goodnight to your son
Goodnight moonlit stars and spinning earth
Though the turning therein has just begun
Goodnight my Lord, goodnight and please, watch over those in need of sleep
Goodnight my God, a good night to you
Good night you have been, good to me
12.5k · May 2016
Bird In Water
Colm May 2016
I am a bird beneath the waves
Though it be dark and blue and deep
My wings are not best suited to the sea

Though lofty heights are known to me
It’s beneath the waves I wish to be

To see the fish and how they breathe
Through coral and the crystalline

Though I am free
With neither cast nor current in-between
I am a bird beneath the waves
I do not belong within the sea
You've heard of a fish out of water story? Well this is the opposite. A bird in water. :p
12.1k · Jan 2017
True Leadership
Colm Jan 2017
A true leader is a selfless soul,
One who thinks not for himself,
But for the others, for the many
For the halves and for the whole, of humanity

Regardless of age or importance to man,
It’s not in the memory of their great names,
In with which we stand.
But in the willingness to mold
One’s self into a servant,

To humbly hold the troubled hand,
And to become the kind of person who doesn’t abuse,
The right to demand

But instead, looks to enable others,
So that they might just begin, and begin again

Because all of the power in the world,
Can be abused, and removed if misused

For this, my dear leaders, I ask of you,
To not lose yourself in the arrogance
Of discovering that you are indeed you

Because true leadership is not about you
And leadership, will never be about you
So before you lead, would you let go of you
That way you might win in spite of you
It's not about you. And it will never be. And to make it such... Is such a shame. RIP.
Colm Dec 2019
I miss you like the December earth
      Misses the sunlit rays on a cloudy day
Cold for you I yearn each dawn
      And churn and burn as the aching Pacific waves
A crashing hope upon wishes bent
      At 11:12 my world set straight  
And all that a man can do is wish
      That this will be the fated day
You walk into my life
      And stay
A storybook demands this stop. As Hollywood would guide me down the inevitable plot. But as for me and my house, I wait and burn for a deeper love.

Ick, screens are so shallow. LOL.
8.6k · Dec 2016
Yukino Tanka
Colm Dec 2016
Lightning in the skies
Saturated clouds above
Moisture in your eyes
And should the rain ere reprise
Would you always stay beside?
7.4k · Jul 2017
Embrace Like This
Colm Jul 2017
I hope that one day
She will come to me when she is tired
Because rest
The pure rest of a resounding peace
Is something which I too desire
And can provide her with
To be like this.
7.0k · Jun 2017
The Introvert
Colm Jun 2017
Izaak is an introvert
Izaak likes his room and board exactly as it is, so that he isn’t bored
Quiet in his apartment, just as he was in his dorm
But soon his people started telling him, more and more
That he needs to get out more
That he needed to go out an explore
Just in case he ever should look back and wonder
What exactly it was, like if he wanted more?
And so he tried and so he went, out into the world
He spoke and socialized
He brought, and bought and spent until he himself felt very spent and worn
Because Izaak is an introvert, and for the outside he wasn’t meant to be
Let alone to be reborn, and so
After all the stretching, the social pains, the growing norms, which were not wrong
Just different, he was both different, and the same
And in his room, he was welcomed him back
Once again, to the walls of printed ink and paint which he himself did create
Because Izaak, did indeed need to see the differences within his own eyes
But only in time to better understand and represent
The quiet life which he was meant to lead, inside
Because Izaak is an introvert
And no introverted thing is ever truly a waste of time
There is both the stretcher and the stretched. But in the quest, there is nothing wrong, just different. There is just preference. There are just different kinds of songs. All to be sung at the appropriate time. Beneath the sun, and the moon, and the monsoons heavy throng.
5.3k · Jul 2017
Colm Jul 2017
I want the back of your head
I want the smell of your hair
I dream of it
Or so I've been
Asleep for many years
With arms in shape
But not for me
But to carry the weight
To preserve the strength
To ensure the future of our family
For this desire
For this my soul weeps
And my arm ache
I want you more than I want me
The memory is what gets me. Be it not mine to keep.
4.9k · Jun 2016
Like Boxing
Colm Jun 2016
Poetry should be like boxing,
Short, swift, and powerful.
To the point and presented so that you never see it coming.
A hook, a jab, a firm right cross.
Hard hitting and unforgiving,
Never what you are expecting.
Watch it on your cable boxes,
Cheer and scream till you're obnoxious,
Because poetry should be like boxing.
HOLY COW GUYS!!! Thanks for all of the love and support you guys and gals have shown for this piece. Thank you!!!!! Jab, jab, hook!
4.7k · May 2018
To Whisper (a tanka)
Colm May 2018
This is the wind born
As it wimpers through the trees
A willful whisper
Midst the meadow mindfulness
Willing it will ever be
To do what? To whisper in your ear of course. (:
4.4k · Sep 2018
She Is Ember
Colm Sep 2018
You are ember with less orange
You are tree bark true and brook trout at play
You are earthy as the hollow dell in the Catskills still
Turning as the waterways

You are ever moving, always slight
Looking back over those delicate shoulders of yours
To the footprints of me
And in the time spent therein not a day’s older

I don’t know her name
But I know what I see
Passing. Glances. Scent of trees.
4.4k · Dec 2016
I Will Wait
Colm Dec 2016
Hear the howling cold of winter
And know that warmth is in my heart
Waiting for you throughout December
With outstretched hands and spirit renewed
Know that every year I will wait for you
Through the wild cold of winter. (:
4.3k · Oct 2018
Open Skies, Open Heart
Colm Oct 2018
The rain falls heavy on my heart
Directly and fervently
With a subtle patter to be heard in part

Reflecting only as tired can be
In being our separate, you and me
We are bound by these, such worlds apart

With ribs thrown open like lighthouse doors
And parted seas, as shallow as these
Such broken chances leave their marks

In pouring self out ever slow, in all these ways
The rain, it falls heavily every day
My life is kept from you apart
Perhaps separation is a matter of perspective. *Nods* And this may sound terribly dramatic. But context. (:
4.3k · Dec 2016
A Haiku For My Shadow
Colm Dec 2016
Slowly following
Never will he let me be
For eternity
So My Shadow Is To Me
4.3k · May 2016
Pouring Down
Colm May 2016
This day is like the pouring rain, heavy falling and hard to swallow.
Dark as the memory of an old embrace,
Cold and mellow, like the cousin of a summer day.

Yet within this rain we are unchanged, just not the same.
I see the water as it cascades,
And floods the streets, to wipe the dogged dirt away.

It’s in my ears, it's on my mind, like a booming sigh.
The raindrops on the soggy ground.
Flooded I am washed away, but not far enough to leave this town.
Sometimes storms really creep up on you...
4.2k · Dec 2016
A Tanka For Her Tired Eyes
Colm Dec 2016
Curl up in my bed
Do not wait for me to sleep
Dim the lights slightly
And when I return to you
Wrap your sleepy arms round me
Because my bed would and will always be open to her
Colm Apr 2018
Though hours of silence
May stand still between two hearts
There's nothing between
Your chances and your own hope
With opportunistic eyes
Because its better to ask and to try and know. Trust me.
3.8k · Jul 2016
That Which I Built
Colm Jul 2016
You see this building? I built this building. But nobody knows that I built this building.

I can only assert that I did build this building, and refresh my own memory of building said building.

But at the end of the day, it's just an old building. And ironically enough, I've never stopped building.

There are a few other people who helped build this building. Like myself they can say that they did build this building.

And even if all of our name were there on an engraving, it would never truly be anyone's personal building.

Because we built it for those, so that they could start building. So that they could get going and build their buildings.

Because the framework we built was a structure of learning. And we each taught ourselves through the process of learning.
It's true.... :D
3.8k · Jan 2017
Colm Jan 2017
Alluring eyes like waterfalls flow right on by
See not the graffiti on the rocks
But the beauty which resides
Deep inside her watery eyes
3.6k · Jan 2017
Creative Tanka
Colm Jan 2017
Be not mistaken
I'm here as a creator
Your words hold no sway
Over my designer's eyes
So keep them in your own lines
There are two kinds of people in this world.... (;
3.5k · Jan 2018
It Is Like Boxing
Colm Jan 2018
What I do really is like boxing.

I throw out punches and mix with jabs.
Hitting the bag or person I see.

And if it comes back to me, at me?
I hit it again until it stays away.

Like boxing you see?
Most honestly.
Follow up
3.4k · Oct 2018
Rainy Snack
Colm Oct 2018
Granola pattering between my teeth.

Rain crunching beneath my feet.

Wait a minute...

Was that what it ought to be?
Quietly mind you. Not the rain. Me.
2.9k · Feb 2019
Colm Feb 2019
It's electric friction beneath the feet
Like stockcars locked on the inevitable path
Matching until meters burst
Exceeding the limit and flying off the track

With powerful pinpoints and frustrating fault lines
And the breaking of makeup on the skin most bold

It is a poker face across the way
And the frustrations of knowing that the crowd turns cold
Whenever you've failed to play perfectly within the fold

Is the realization that you are IT, and all that which influences the bouncing ball
2.9k · Nov 2017
Cold Mornings
Colm Nov 2017
Cold candy
Pop rocks bursting in the morning hail

My mouth a mess and mind untested
Tired and still

The morning reaches out to me
But nothing gets better at this time of day

I wish my words could carry me
Like I carry a them, away
Nothing feels worse.
2.8k · Mar 2017
Clouded Fly
Colm Mar 2017
The clouds racing across the sky
Remind me that my chance to live
My window into this varied life
Is rather short-lived
And that one day, as I certainly know
I'll be able to fly across the sky
Beside the clouds
But never high enough to look down
At least with this particular set of eyes
Can't wait...
Colm Mar 2017
I feel so tired
I can barely breathe
My chest is concave
Like the narrow dell
Soaking up the rain
And pulling in the leaves

And though I’m not hollow
I am not whole
And though I’m weary
It is not my soul
Which cries aloud
Unto the the trees

Except for your sound
The sound that is
Of when you sing
And walk beneath
This canvas of leaves
Free as your feet

But the soles of my shoes
And the lids of my eyes
Are now heavy
As my head it lulls
And wants to roll
Back to the ground

So my pillow now
Is underneath
The hooded wood
And as the world
Slowly closes round
It’s you I see

Within the leaves
Beneath the trees
Looking up. Looking down. At you. At me.
2.7k · May 2017
Cold Brew
Colm May 2017
Let the wind and rain on this dreary day refresh your mind, and seep into this, the very corners of your soul. That way we can drink in the storm together. Instead of our midweek coffee, hot, we'll brew this Friday morning cold, and sip until the weekend appears. Polite and unfolding, as the packet of paper and its peers, for the cream is sweet enough for the cold brew itself. And so I ask of you. Would you drink in a metaphor or two with me, just for a break? In order to take away, from the truth of day which has yet to grow but an hour old. Let the wind and rain suppress all thought, as we sit beside, in the room of old. Breaking, waiting for the will-less voice which always seems to sleer and say...get back to work you sleepy, seeping, sipping souls. Take your supposed spice coffee calling called cold brew and go.
From a windows. Shockingly enough.
2.6k · May 2016
Tide Pools
Colm May 2016
Deep, somber, reflective pools.
Stirring by an ocean of blueish gray.
Vast as the mountain and all of its roots,
Clear and deceptive as the piercing light on a cloudy day.

Not flustered by the coming storm,
But troubled instead when it is blown off its course and swept away.
Unshaken by the torrential downpour of warming rain.
For cool inside they will ever stay.

Such pools as these are ripples away from some escape.
Yet when all other pools would've walked away,
They stir themselves and still remain.
Fixed and introspective.

Much like the tides which arrive anew with each coming day.
These waters rise and though they reach,
The wonder and bewilderment is never washed away.
From within such pools.
"The most amazing thing to me about the sea is the tide."
-John Dyer
2.5k · Apr 2016
Cup Of Tea
Colm Apr 2016
The waitress asks what will it be
And I respond with quite ease
No dish or side this time for me
But a cup of tea if you would please

Though graciously she does agree
That half past two is time for tea
She soon returns with what I need
A cup of tea if you would please

A purple *** she sets by me
With spoon to stir the boiling tea
I calmly raise my cup to thee
To a cup of tea if you would please

As wisps of steam drift up with ease
The rolling in my tum decrees
This chai delight empowers me
A cup of tea if you would please

No sugar will I ever need
To taste the apple and the seed
The spice of life which sets me free
Just a cup of tea if you would please

Now comes my check it's time to leave
And the bottom of my cup I see
One final sip to go with me
A cup of tea if you would please

2.5k · Jul 2019
A Blueberry Haiku
Colm Jul 2019
Haikus are like Blue
Berries bursting in my mouth
Always gone too soon
If you liked, please add it to a collection and say "Hi! Blueberry Pancakes Please!!!" (;
Colm Apr 2018
Foolish to revive
Anew on an April's day
Stormy sentiments
Devoid of such rainy eyes
But full of such snowy woes
Snow in April? Like a true northerner I am neither shocked nor surprised. Just wonder when the Springtime will finally be upon us. (:
2.4k · Oct 2018
Lack Of Light (HGS)
Colm Oct 2018
Dedication has a name
It was on your ID
But I couldn't see
Because it was too dark
And I didn't want to be a creep
Honda Grillllll

2.3k · Sep 2018
Towards The Sky
Colm Sep 2018
Reach into the nothingness
Like a warm breath slipping into the cold night
Hands outward, eyes open, upwards towards the sky

Embrace the silent subtle voice
Which hides behind the daily routines
But is no less mindfully alive

Cast images onto the fog itself
Until you've seen the many dreams which you've procured for yourself
In this cloudy life

Breathe with the forgetfulness of evey waking step  
As you amble through these miles set
With jawline firm and eyeline slight

Smile at the passing sight of another universe in tow
Which ambles by and out of view
As your inward story comes alive

And live not in line with every Crow on any high wire
But fly as if there were no tomorrow in your quiet sigh
Upwards and towards the sky
Expression, Intuition, Dreams, Escape, Imagination, Individualism.

That's what these are all about. Coming together to make this.

Towards the sky
2.2k · Jul 2016
Colm Jul 2016
Though weary eyes are still worth seeing,
Sometimes the sight isn't worth the time.

I'd encourage you instead to rest,
And escape from yourself within your mind.

Just go close your eyes and be at peace,
Embrace the darkness with remind.

Like a weary ball of worn out string,
Sleep quietly until you unwind.
When I'm tired... I unwind. :D
2.1k · Sep 2018
Remembrance Now
Colm Sep 2018
I'd forgotten here
That the most beautiful place in the world is round

That the future I see beyond the horizon Is now
Above this place
My hometown

I'd forgotten here
But I remember now
Staring at that purple sunset. Looking back at me.
2.1k · Sep 2019
Just Let Me Feel My Feelings
Colm Sep 2019
You’d have better luck storing rain in your mouth
Steadying quiet clouds with your eyes

Mere perfection doesn’t exist I see
And the cake is a lie

It’s the desire to interject
And infuse
Which I push against

Yourself insinuating from which I hide

This look says me
Let me feel my feelings felt
Or else there is no point left alive
A name would be too personal here. But I will say that there was once a time, when my intuition was very right about something. And in that moment, I felt awful about life. Because I knew what was happening, and yet the other person, who was supposed to reassure me of such, only furthered the deception and tried to comfort me with kindness, not truth. Which is something, to me, that is super personal. Don't forcibly stop my feelings felt, unless you have a **** good reason for doing so.

Just Let Me Feel My Feelings Sometimes. That to me, is humanity.
2.1k · Feb 2017
Colm Feb 2017
When I see this
When I hear that
And when I am most hallowed out
The arrogant side of me saunters in
And quietly says, something boisterous and aloud
“Let me show you just how I can be“
It says most confidently
And yet I wonder those words
And if my arrogance also says such things to me
Totally laughing at myself!
2.0k · Apr 2017
Falling Rain
Colm Apr 2017
My voice is in the falling rain
A crashing rolling weeping realm
My song of storms proudly proclaims
These clouded skies are falling down

Back to the earth from whence they came
A moist collection careening down
To crash into the waterways
And sing my song clear and aloud

Into your ears I whisper rain
And share my secrets so profound
As droplets cleanse the concrete stains
They sweep away the sorrow sounds

So here I sits by window panes
To smell the sky and taste the clouds
Though thunder rolls and storms berates
My song remains like falling sounds
Sometimes when the words are just right. They just all align and walk through the door together in unison. Or at least so it was with this creation. Be sure and listen to me read it on my SoundCloud account. Link below. And thank you for reading, sharing, commenting, and following along as you feel called. (:
2.0k · Mar 2017
Like A Spiderweb
Colm Mar 2017
You shake me like a spiderweb
Reverberate the edges of my mind
Until the very essence of you spreads
And you are attached
To every corner of every structure
Which I've slowly built up inside of my head
Shaking isn't always a bad thing. (:
2.0k · Feb 2017
Red Eye
Colm Feb 2017
Red lights in the night sky
Twelve eyes
Blinking at me curiously
On top of towers which fail to pierce the sky
They wink at me
Almost knowingly
For I am tall and lean like these
Blinking often into the night
Clearly in sight
But rarely ever truly seen
For more than an instant
Or more than a two eyes
Just for a moment
Like the red eye passing by
I blink
Because I'm still alive
Four towers in the night sky. Pass Me By.
2.0k · Mar 2017
The Arrow
Colm Mar 2017
An impossible shot
Through cast iron ring
From incredible distance
And yet how is it possible
That she never misses?
Impressive. To say the least.
2.0k · Jul 2016
Warm Embrace
Colm Jul 2016
Reaching out,
I pull her closer to me than ever,
Her back to my front as we mold together.

Like a pair of spoons on a table top,
My arm around her waist to stop her every shake.
Embedded in my warm embrace.

I hear her breath caress the air,
And smell the fragrance of her hair.
Little does she know that I desire whatever scent she wears.

Obscured by shadows her sleeping face.
I need not see to know that she,
Is in love at least with my embrace.

So tender and so tremendous.
Her warmth the most magnificent,
Of every feeling to be expressed.

By sleeping beauty I'm the beast,
Her heart a steady soothing beat.
Though intoxicating as she may be,
I only desire her next to me.

Don't wake me please from such a dream,
For she is the fairest girl I've seen.
With longing eyes of crystalline,
And a whisper soothing as a stream.

How could I ever let her go,
Perhaps if somehow she did know.
That my embrace holds all of me,
And to break that bond is to shatter me.  

Though the clock may say it's time to leave.
I hope that in my embrace she'll stay,
Forever right here next to me.

Image Via: Google Search
If only... If only indeed... :D
Colm Sep 2019
You strengthen me
Stretch me tall in fond pursuit
And call my waking trees to move with subtle hints

Familiar as the folding sound
Between quiet rustling parchment leaves
Becoming new our newest sounds as an inkwell drawn

Like a sunlit jewel your dulcet glow
Is stumbling down a penciled path of painted memory
Colored by every season anew with the hues of you

Don’t cry when I am no more seen, my felicity
It was always and with you in mind
That you made me want to try
Painted Words Between Distant Mailboxes is built around a song, a sketch, a classic story. Separated by time and space no more. These lovers turn now, to face a new fate, having not been left alone in an empty word. "Through the long and lonely night." We persevere until the dawning bright. Shines back at us with joy.

2.0k · Mar 2019
Her Wet Hair
Colm Mar 2019
One memory
Would endure everything
Always coming back like the bounding footprints left beneath each drop of rain
And that is
The smell of her hair in the morning air
The stringiness and collective song
The shortness of breath
The vibrance of wave
And all at the length of a violin's strings born long
Torn is such a memory of song
Between fondness and regret
Her Wet Hair
2.0k · Apr 2017
The End Of An Era
Colm Apr 2017
It’s that moment in the parking lot
When you realize that it’s all over
That the end is here
Your future is near
And your present surroundings will not always be
I never really tell the backstory behind verses. And there is a reason for that. Sometimes I don't really want to own to it or take the time to explain the situation in its fullness (so as to do it justice). But I'll oblige here.

This one is about the end of an era. That moment when you realize something is over. High school, college, a sports venue, a relationship, a job, or whatever it may be. It's that awkward intersection which can either appear promising or terrifying. The future unknown and all of your old comfortable memories stretched out behind you.

I wrote this verse with a particular location in mind. A particular time. Back when I wasn't aware that all good things must come to an end.

2.0k · Dec 2016
Heartbeat Haiku
Colm Dec 2016
Hear my heartbeat now
With ears pressed to humble chest
Ever calling out
Short and sweet
Colm Mar 2018
Knowing a name
A face
A distant friend
Isn't enough to say
That you can
Because you cannot
Do so much
As pretend
Because you have not
Yet since
Been invited in
Mhm... It is what it is. All I can do, is be. Me.
1.9k · Mar 2017
Running In The Rain
Colm Mar 2017
As the rain falls down
So my feet sound out
And pad the coated asphalt ground
And the truth is there for me to find
That running warm and in that storm
Those were the best few miles of my life
Truth. (:
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