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Jan 2023 · 2.2k
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2023

Swathed in my caution
I search to find my daring
Fire cracks my egg
I've been long since lost
Colours of the creative
Dulled by daily trudge
I hear the wind call
Fearing the might of my wings
Fall before I fly

Guess who's back! ^-^ on my 995th poem too, ***!
I hope everyone's alright in their part of the world. It's long overdue that I reconnect with my past love. Daily life is droll but I'm slowly finding my colours again. I still don't feel worthy of my pen at times but this is a blessing. Hard to believe that we will be in February tomorrow. May 2023 be a fantastic year for you all! I'll definitely be posting more this year. To reconnect to my inner child and creativity. It's long overdue that I try to spread my wings instead of dealing with the constant fall.
Much love to you beautiful souls out there
P.S - Melissa, this one's for you! ❤️
Take care all!
Lyn ***
Nov 2021 · 1.5k
Lyn-Purcell Nov 2021
Smiling over tears
For grief cannot be outrun
Sky weeps over loss
Back again!
Geez, it's been ages. Still working through alot of things though. I dunno why but more often then not, I haven't been able to properly sleep / rest. And my mind has been taking several journies back to the past.
When I woke up, I felt a deep ache in my chest from remembering so many things at ones. Hence this haiku, I wrote it in my journal now and felt the need to share it.

Look, I dunno who needs to hear it but, please know that whatever stage you're in, even if you're really unhappy, you're doing great and while you're here, it's never too late either. Whatever grief you are enduring, outrunning will only do so much. Believe me, I've spent YEARS outrunning mine and it's done me more harm than good because I haven't processed and worked through it. You'll be better in the long run if you slowly and steadily make sense of your pain. It's okay if you crumble. But don't stay down for too long. Stand and walk through it. You owe yourself that much. ❤️🌹

Anyway, Ill be back soon. 🌹
Funny how a pen is always nearby when I feel I've lost my way. I'm still going to a terrible rut, feeling as if I don't deserve even that but I'm grateful none the less for the comfort it gives me.
Much love all, and stay safe out there.
Kind regards,
Lyn ***
Mar 2021 · 1.6k
Lyn-Purcell Mar 2021

A kiss under stars
is the greatest place to be
For they are our sparks

Hard to believe we're in March! Time is really flying by.
This one is just a small haiku for my journey.
Something I've always dream to have, haha!
It's a girlish dream of mine but a dream none the less ☺💜
I'll hold onto it though, in a better time and when I'm in a much better place.
Please stay safe and well all, everyone! You and your families!
Much love,
Lyn ***
Jan 2021 · 1.4k
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021

The wistful beauty
thrives with her mask of legend
Touched by tragedy

Small haiku from my journal. 💜🌹
I feel a bit better today. I find myself reading more and more about the legendary Marilyn Monroe. Shes such a captivating figure.
The one thing I truly admire about her is her strength.
She moved and soldiered ahead even with all that happened to her.
Like the rest of us, she too had her fair share of triumphs and tragedies.
But I must say, her mask of Marilyn is so potent. Marilyn is whom we love yet its Norma Jean who's always left behind. In the shadow of a mask she created. To live up to that image of being a goddess must have been so difficult. I have an inordinate amount of respect for her.
I hope she is resting in peace.
Sweet Norma, I'll always keep a good thought for you
I've ordered another Marilyn book which should be here too, I look forward to reading it. Stay safe everyone!
Much love!
Lyn ***
Jan 2021 · 1.5k
Lady in White
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021

Mist rising from plants
Down the spiral staircase she skipped
The lunelight made flesh

Another mini haiku from my diary.
Not 100% either but I'll get there.
Please stay safe all! 💜🙏
Much love,
Jan 2021 · 2.2k
☽✩ On the Moon ✩☾
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021

Tears bestirs the moon
Heart dangles as willow weeps
Cruel, her love short lived

Another mini haiku from my journal based on the Chinese myth, Chang'e. 💜
So many variants but beautifully melancholic and tragic no less.
If you haven't already, please watch Over the Moon which is a retelling of the story. Great songs, Chang'e's costumes design is sublime [I love Guo Pei's work!] and a lovely tale.
Always and Forever is one of the most beautiful songs sung with her love, Houyi.
As always, thanks for the support! Yall are amazing and blessed.
Stay safe and well out there!
Much love,
Lyn ***
Jan 2021 · 2.6k
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021

I'm always grateful for          
the light of a new day
my cheek

That's not what gets me most
    but you
                            sheathed by sheets                      
                      while by my side

  See the curtain
    of lashes    

      ╰      ╯        
     ╰  I              S  ╯    
    ╰   R                     E   ╯      

So I can
the coffee
of your eyes

Hard to believe that I'm on my 990th poem, that's so insane!
Thanks so much for the continuing support, everyone!
Again, just experimenting with something new.
This one's based on a somewhat of a lucid dream I had,
just holding onto some light in this year.
I'm more of a tea person but with I could use some coffee right now lol.
TGIF, seriously.
Stay safe all!
Kind regards,
Lyn ***
Jan 2021 · 1.8k
Hand of Da Vinci
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021
╖    ╓
╔╝    ╚╗
╔═══════╝          ╚═══════╗
║                𝔯𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔐 ,𝔯𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔦𝔐             ║
╔══╝       𝔢𝔰𝔞𝔢𝔩𝔭 𝔢𝔲𝔯𝔱 𝔩𝔲𝔬𝔰 𝔶𝔪 𝔩𝔩𝔢𝔗         ╚══╗
║  𝔪𝔞 𝔡𝔫𝔞 𝔰𝔞𝔴 ℑ 𝔱𝔞𝔥𝔴 𝔫𝔞𝔥𝔱 𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔢𝔟 ℑ 𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔚    ║
       ╚═╗      𝔢𝔟 𝔬𝔱 𝔱𝔫𝔞𝔢𝔪 ℑ 𝔬𝔥𝔴 𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔪 𝔡𝔫𝔞
                         ║                                                            ║                         
╚════════╗         ╔════════╝
   ╚╗   ╔╝  
╜  ╙
Tried my hand in something new, mirror-writing!
One of the most prominent people to do this was Leonardo Da Vinci though it is unclear why despite all the ideas that have been suggested.
I found it quite fascinating!
It was a bit of a challenge to format, but I'm happy with the end result.
This poem reflects something I ask myself internally everyday.
And what better way to share it than with the 'hand of Da Vinci'?
I will definitely be experimenting more with new styles.
Stay safe everyone!
Kind regards,
Lyn x
Jan 2021 · 1.3k
Phee Nyx
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021

Demons dance on wounds
But for one to rise again
One must find their peace

And to find our wings
We must find our one true selves
Live and embrace it

Emerge from the egg
Is what we want meant to be?
Time to test your wings

Based on a dream I had last night as a bird.
I hope to at least try and live by my true self.
By whom I was meant to be in life, only living by it would I ever soar freely 💜🙏
Jan 2021 · 2.0k
Willow The Wisp
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021

Whisper from willows
To guide you on your journey
Let love be your hope

Mini haiku from my journal 💜
Jan 2021 · 1.2k
Lyn-Purcell Jan 2021

     with  my hope
and     optimism
for the year,     2021         
    but   even so,  I keep the  
   flame   of this  candle
well  -  fed

I    light this candle
in  memory of those
who   have lost their
lives in the previous
year    as   well as to
honour             every
hardworking      soul
in      the      frontlines
In such dark times,  it
is hard    to remember
the   light I implore us
all to keep it all ignited
I   speak   to   us as one
race and one race alone
To all my fellow people
my   brothers and sisters
all      over        the  world
please   keep your candle
lit, never forget what has
been lost. Stay safe    and
well all of you May 2021
be    a    year of blessings
and              successes
The days seem to be blurring more and more.
With all that's happened in 2020, it didn't really feel like a new year and in a way, it still doesn't for me. So much has really dawned on me and Ive spent so much time brooding and just lost in my own head.
Even so, I just wanted to keep hope alive for this year.
So many lives have been lost in 2020.
I pray for all of my fellow poets.
May you and your loved ones be in great health and happiness and if you have lost someone you love, to the virus or not, I pray they rest in peace.
I'm cautiously optimistic so officially [though it's a day late], I wish you all a happy new year.
Keep hope alive in your hearts.
We shall get through this storm together for we are one.
Stay safe out there everyone.
Leave a candle in the comments to show your hope for this year.
🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
Much love and blessings,
Lyn ***
Dec 2020 · 839
Sitting on a Sill
Lyn-Purcell Dec 2020

Flame tongues ravages wood,
licking till its black splints
A mug of cocoa caresses my palms
and my lap became a coaster
Every sip leaves me feeling toasty
My forehead rests upon the glass
console by Frost's lips

Jack's designs were of floral mandalas
Soft as clouds, gentle flakes
Each made with love for no design ever the same
I admire as they rain,
I imagine that they whisper secrets as they fall
Giggling so softly yet as pure as a baby's laugh
Coating all that is viridian in a shawl of white

Cool yet so crisp
Beckoning for all to come out in a rush
For snowmen to be built, for snowballs to take flight
We would never feel your cold touch because
the warmth you give keeps us as one

Seeping down to our laughs,
You keep us close to our inner child
Nostalgia rests upon my lips
And greater still
Are these tender moments of unity
Upon my window sill

Getting into the festive spirit is easier said than done
And understandably so with 2020.
Just something I wrote while on my window sill.
It's rather cold, but I'm warmed by just letting my imagination run wild and thinking back to the days where I would just stare at the window and look at the undisturbed snow.
Something about seeing a fresh coat of snow leaves me so mesmerised.
Any who, I wish all of my fellow poets from all over the world a lovely Christmas. May you all stay safe and well!
I think I'm going to keep staring at my quiet neighbourhood for a while and wait for the stars to appear.
Be safe out there all.
Much love and air hugs,
Lyn x
Dec 2020 · 643
Lyn-Purcell Dec 2020

Starlight on my palm
Peel back the light and you'll see
the scared soul beneath

Worthy of a shard
Of the greatness I've longed dreamed
A loose thread blown far

Pain tugs at my seams
As I am merely adrift
In one grand design

On vespertine days
I pick loose feathers to weave
Wings to fly so free

Annd I'm back!
This year really is something, I'll say that much.
Still feeling lost and out of place but slightly better.
I just wish I could fully calm the tempest of my mind, but one has to keep moving forward.

I hope everyone stays safe and well!
Have a wonderful Christmas Eve all, and a great Christmas!

Much love and airhugs,
Kind regards,

Lyn x
Nov 2020 · 338
Lyn-Purcell Nov 2020

Fighting the dark
And feeling so overwhelmed
Wish for still waters

Fly sooner than hoped
To find what I have long lost
This is my swansong

I dunno what happened but I just feel super overwhelmed and I cant shake the feeling. Things are getting a bit much on my end so I just want to take a break to make sense of things. I definitely will be back and I'm so sorry for not being able to upload as well.
I will be back soon, I promise. I'm not gonna take year long hiatus again just a mini break to get myself together again.
Be safe and well everyone.
Much love to you all
Lyn ***
Oct 2020 · 1.1k
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

One of Fate's traids
Threads spun long with great twine sides
From birth to the hearse

New day, new haiku!
I'm covering the the Moirai aka the Fates now! They were known to be the daughters of Zeus and Themis predominantly, but I have heard their parentage vary: from Chaos to Nyx to even Gaia. One of the best parts about myths is that it's so malleable. They were in charge of the fates of mortals, from who were born to who died and each have their own unique tasks as well. Clotho was the spinner - she spun the threads of life and death to which this haiku talks about. Imagine how that sort of power of life and death in your very hands. It's truly something that is quite amazing to think about as well as terrifying.

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Please take care of yourselves and stay safe!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Oct 2020 · 1.3k
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Fine queen of Carthage
Kingdom grew from a bull's hide
Vow burns within her heart

New day, new haiku!
Yes, the Women of Myth series is ready to be continued! ^.^
Hard to believe that this is my 980th poem! I've extended the list so a lot to come now.
This haiku is about Queen Dido [aka Elissa], the legendary founding queen of Carthage, known as Tunisia today which is located in Africa, on the north-western coast.  I believe her name means 'wanderer' which suits her perfectly, to be honest.

Dido's story is one that is inspirational as well as tragic. Before she became the Queen of Carthage, she was a Princess of Tyre, a city in today's Lebanon.
After her father, King Mattan passed away [In Virgil's Aeneid, the King is named Belus], he wanted his children, Dido and Pygmalion to co-rule the Kingdom. At the time, Dido was married to Sychaeus / Acerbas, High Priest [ as well as and her paternal uncle] who amassed great wealth. The moment Mattan died, Pygmalion seized power and killed the high priest to gain his wealth and riches but it was not to be as Acerbas hid his wealth which Dido found and with it, as well as a handful of supporters, she fled Tyre, sailing the Mediterranean until they ended up in the north-western coast of Africa.

Safe from her brother's wrath, she came to meet the ruler of the land, Iarbas, and sold her land that can be covered by a bull's skin. Dido was as shrewd as she was beautiful. She cleverly cut the bull's skin into strips and used to enclose land for herself and her people, to Iarbas' shock and chagrin but clearly, he was impressed and intrigued. He honoured his word and the kingdom of Carthage was founded. The king watched her from afar, noting that under her rule, the kingdom thrived and he wanted her for himself.

But Dido made a vow to herself that she will take no other man as her husband. Iarbas was not swayed. He wanted her so much that reportedly, he threatened war. Feeling trapped and wanting to keep her word, Dido took her own life. Some say by sheathing a blade into herself on the funeral pyre another, by throwing herself into the pyre itself.

In Virgil's legendary poem, Aeneid, Dido fell head over heels for the Trojan Hero, Aeneas but still, her husband had a firm place in her heart. She took her own life when he was called away, following his duty to the gods.
But to be honest, I rather prefer the original story over Virgil's. For it gives this beautifully clever and tragic queen a more well-rounded view. Though Virgil's narrative is similar and further exaggerates her tragic end through Aeneas rejecting her which majorly contributed to her end.

Dido is a fascinating character to me. She deserves every respect, this wonderful mortal queen. 🌹
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Please take care of yourselves and stay safe!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Oct 2020 · 1.1k
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Swathed in a robe of scarlet snow
with a crown of raven thorns
and skin of ten moons
With her chin upturned, she ascends
With screams locked deep in her heart
None see her for who she truly is
For she is a goddess of stone
before she is mortal
Yet the one who could was now dust
the very one who had the key
to the heart of her Kingdom

I seem more disoriented these days...
Be back soon with more!
Much love,
Lyn ***
Oct 2020 · 528
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Lamenting embrace
Memories are lost in time
Murmurs of a dream

Fortune falls on me
Answers take wing on whispers
Leaves without a care

Shame hinders my heart
The light ascends without me
I await the storm

So much worry and fears in my heart.
I wish I could stay it...
I really do.

Be back soon later with more poems!
Much love,
Lyn ***
Oct 2020 · 406
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Ⓐ ⓖⓞⓝⓨ ⓑⓔⓒⓞⓜⓔⓢ ⓜⓨ ⓕⓡⓘⓝⓖ ⓔ
◬      ◬     ◬       ◬    Aѕ I gινє    ◬      ◬      ◬      ◬
му ραѕѕισηѕ
тнє ℓαѕт кιѕѕ
σƒ ℓιƒє
╱   ╲
╱             ╲
╱                        ╲
╱                                  ╲­
╱                📚🧘📚              ╲
Been a while since I did a concrete poem.
The formatting should be fine on the computer and tablet, it may look a little weird on the phone. To be honest, I've been feeling more tired and lethargic than ever, but yet the fire burns hot when I think of writing...and how much of a blessing it is to me.
Many times where I feel I should stop, I always end up with a pen back in hand.
Though I feel as if I am not worthy of this gift due to my regrets and poor choices of the past, the voices of the stories still linger in me.
And I despite all my flaws and imperfections, I do wish to bring them to life, as they so rightfully deserve.

I'm still working on extending the Women of Myth list, so it'll be postponed for a little longer but I will be sure to let you all know when it's back. I just have a lot of reading to do, haha.
Be back soon.
Stay safe and well, everyone.
Much love and air hugs,
Lyn ***
Oct 2020 · 300
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020
The bluebird ***** a beat
to the ripples of a lone pool
as she wonders why she cares so much
about something that she never

Oct 2020 · 667
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Today's yesterday
Becomes many yesterdays
Flow like lifetimes past


Leaving me adrift
As my heart now sprouts its wings
Yet cannot take flight


Cuddled close by dreams
All I want I wish to be
Then the feathers falls


Tomorrow echoes
As I reach to grasp its call
I fear the days past


For dry ink can haunt
Feathers plucked by every taunt
Sleepless heart weeps raw


Am I of the light
Am I worthy of the heights
or worth a twinkle


My heart on my lap
Mind abed on sea of grass
As I count the days

Mini haiku story...
It's one hell of a bad habit, being lost in my own head, my thoughts.
The years have gone by, and I find myself wishing more for a reset button.
Yet, I also wish to learn how to forgive oneself.
Theres so much I want to do, so much I want to prove to myself that I am capable of. I pray that the coming year will be one of deeper self reflection with the goals I have in mind...
I so wish to be a talented poetess for writing has been there for me through thick and thin.
The more I fall in love and improve, the more my heart aches...
I gotta keep moving forwards though
I cant die and not try, not yet,
Not yet...

Be back soon with more poems, thank you everyone for all the love and support, really.
Stay safe and well.
Much love,
Lyn ***
Oct 2020 · 716
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020
Days of vespertine
Where stars bathe within valleys
Before they shine bright
Mini haiku! Feeling somewhat better compared to yesterday. But I know I have alot to work on and alot of things I need to unlearn.
Im gonna make a list of things I need to do for the coming year, such as courses and all.
I want to finally be able to trust myself again.
So that way I can shine purely, without shame, guilt for fear.
Ill be back again soon with more everyone.
Please stay safe and well.
Much love,
Lyn xxxx
Oct 2020 · 290
Query Within the Cage
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

I feel the cracks pulse
Though they lay so skin deep
I'm so weary
And fearful
And then I wonder, why
Why do I seek healing from
the thing or things
that harmed me most?

Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020
Against the black of the sky, her ******* lay
Stars swirl and twirl about the poetry of her snow-skin
Rose lips part in joy as the seas in her eyes play
On her heart of palms, her light has a shadowed twin


Stars swirl and twirl about the poetry of her snow-skin
As she bathes herself in a Milky Way's core
On her heart of palms, her light has a shadowed twin
A musk rose-scented beauty which she does all she can to ignore


As she bathes herself in a Milky Way's core
Starlight whispers lullabies to still her fearful heart
A musk rose-scented beauty which she does all she can to ignore
With eyes downcast, she knew that she was broken from the very start


Starlight whispers lullabies to still her fearful heart
Her locks a weeping rose willow over a mystic lagoon
With eyes downcast, she knew that she was broken from the very start
We may not see but we sense her pain, the light of the very moon

One of those days but what can you do?
It's strange how a piece of music can perfectly capture your feelings without words. Clair De Lune just suddenly played and I was just...surprised.
As if the universe knew how I was feeling. I always appreciated such beautiful piano pieces but this, in my current state of mind, made me love it's beauty all the more.

I just wrote this pantoum poem as it played...
I'm still extending my list so hopefully, I will start them up real soon too!
Thanks so much, everyone.
Please stay safe and well!
Be back soon!
Much love,
Lyn ***
Oct 2020 · 355
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Hear the call of dreams
Mind races as I give chase
Towards my true fate

Pounding headache but I wrote this mini haiku.
So much inner turmoil that Im trying to work through but thats the human way.
Still trying to make sense of things and the only way is to trudge through the storm knowing that Ill find the peace soon. Whatever comes, I hope I will be strong enough to see it through.
Still working on the list for the Women of Myth as well. I'll defo give a heads up when it's starting up again.
Stay safe and well everyone
Be back soon with more.
Much love,
Lyn x
Oct 2020 · 1.3k
Nature's Serenade
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Hear the hush of the wind dance above
Through lush lands of green eagerly spread
Birds soar and swoop, butterflies kiss foxgloves
Laughter rings wherever humans tread

◦•●◉✿ ⚜❃⚜ ✿◉●•◦

Through lush lands of green eagerly spread
As glass blades sway soft and sweet
Laughter rings wherever humans tread
On nature's palm, they openly meet

◦•●◉✿ ⚜❃⚜ ✿◉●•◦

As glass blades sway soft and sweet
Birdsong heard near and far
On nature's palm, they openly meet
A simple serenade to forget life's scars

The day's a grey one but even so, I wanna think of something sunny and happy. While looking for courses to try, I found a new form of poetry to experiment with - pantoum. Pantoum poems are described as 'a poem of any length, composed of four-line stanzas in which the second and fourth lines of each stanza serve as the first and third lines of the next stanza. The last line of a pantoum is often the same as the first.' [Credit goes to this site:]

First time doing this poem, and I think it turned out really well.
I just pictured myself at a park and focused on my senses.
I think I may do more of these, I'm really happy with the end result! ^-^
Thanks everyone, wishing you a good day/afternoon/evening/night!

Stay safe and well!
Be back soon!
Much love!
Lyn ***
Oct 2020 · 534
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Under the light of the moon,
my mind races as I chase its tail
The sweet taste of happy thoughts
soured by the bitter screeches of life

Everything seems to scuttle through the cracks,
jumping and voiding every lance of light
As the flowerheads bobbed in the hooting wind,
ever earnest and every more grateful

But I am voiceless. Agile I may be to skip and
stay keep my cloak of shade, the panic grows in
its fat and I can't stop hearing hums
For the warmth in me comes in waves

In flames that flicker and smoke my lungs without fear
As I race forward to find my tranquillity
so I can stop feeling so wild, to **** that feeling so fierce
And not face the light that will scorch me so

Been a while since I did a new form of poetry. This one is called a Nocturne - a free form poem that set at night. It has 16 lines in total and sometimes can come in 4 stanzas.

Not feeling 100% but I want to make use of what's going on in my mind,
which is a thousand things a second these days with anxiety burning very hot in me.

The more I remain lost in my head, the more the urge there is to escape it. Have you ever thought of the mistakes you have made, and feel like the worst person alive? Even though I am scared of being in the dark,
I fear the light more as it feels somewhat like a scope at times, y'know?

Especially in this day and age, so I suppose the symbolism of a rat scurrying in the dark is rather apt. But it is a cycle of thought I am trying to break,
The more I read about poetry and study it, the more I am both grateful for it...and in a way, heartbroken too. I feel like I need to trust my skills more, I suppose.

I'm still making the list for the Women of Myth series as I have some new ideas in mind. Maybe next year, I will take a short course on poetry as well.

It feels good to write free verses again, I'll admit.
I miss writing really long ones so I'll definitely go back to doing so.
Please stay safe and hale, everyone.
My regards to your families.
Have a wonderful day!
Be back soon with more.
Much love,
Lyn x
Oct 2020 · 345
Lyn-Purcell Oct 2020

Vibrancy seemingly drains before our eyes as we age
as beating hearts become things so gaudy
It never fails to break me though,
for people to be seen as a mere colour,
and not someone like me


I'm back!
Jeez, things were really picking up on my end.  [And still is, tbh]. But I dont want to be lost in my own head as such so I want to continue writing poetry.
This one has been in my written diary for a while now.
B.B.C. stands for  'Beauty Beyond Colour'
There is beauty all around us, we all just have to be willing to see it.
The world seems so much brighter as a kid. I really miss those carefree years.
Now, it seems so bleak and harsh and just judgemental.
No one is without flaw, we are all human. All beautiful in our own ways.
But I'm someone who believes that the things we learn, we can unlearn as well, if we are willing. But we need to understand that that in itself is a journey. Granted, it'll take time but it's well worth it in the end. All that is needed is patience and persistence.
I just want to live as honestly as I can, in truth.
And to see and appreciate all beauty beyond colour.
This applies to my fellow man as well as nature.
I will be picking up next week with the Women of Myth, I just need to extend my list. I want to shake things up.

Hope everyone is staying safe and well!

My regards to all your loved ones, stay healthy and hale, all!

Much love and airhugs, yall!

Be back soon, yall!

Lyn x
Sep 2020 · 750
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2020

Dew bejewels snow skin
Lounge under the cypress tree
Where the air is fresh

New day, new haiku!
Slowly getting there today. Thank you to all who sent me kind comments, I really appreciate it! Truly, they are lights that make the days better by far.
Free verses are still in the works too.

This haiku is for Pandia, a minor goddess of sorts. Said to be the daughter of Selene and Zeus. In some myths, Pandia is a epithet for Selene herself. Again, theres not much on her at all but still. Even the most minor of goddesses should get some love, right?

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Please take care of yoursels and stay safe! RIP to Chadwick again 💔
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Sep 2020 · 672
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2020

Body of the sea
All life swims about her womb
Don't lash her fury

New day, new haiku!
Still not feeling so great but I want to keep writing. I apologise for the inactivity.
I'm working on some free verses too. I'll let you all know when it's about to drop.
This haiku is for Thalassa, the primordial goddess of the seas.
She gave birth to the Telkhines, the four sea gods. They were also said to be warlocks and blacksmiths as well. Thalia was also the mother of the sea-nymph, Halia. This goddess was said to personify the very Mediterranean Sea and was a figure in Aesop's stories.

Being that her 'body is the sea', this poem is a reference to motherhood as well. For in her womb, various types of life, known and unknown.
And we as human begins defile her body with *******...
So sad...

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Please take care of yoursels and stay safe!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Sep 2020 · 1.3k
Lyn-Purcell Sep 2020

Heart breaks with a beat
For she pines for this hero
Loathed to give him up

New day, new haiku!
Yesterday was such a terrible day... Even now, I feel so disoriented but I wont let it stop me from writing.

This haiku is for the nymph, Kalypso. She predominantly known for her role in the Odyssey. When the hero Odysseus was shipwrecked on her caverns and caves, she kept him there for many years (seven, I believe) for she was in love with him, even promising him youth and immortality but he was not swayed.

All he wanted was to go home. Hence what this haiku references, her pain and unrequited love for him. Even though the gods commanded she release him, she was loathed to do so but complied.
Alongside some tragic elements, theres an air of possessiveness around her as well.

A mix of various emotions but in a way, it makes her all the more human to me.
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Please take care of yoursels and stay safe!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 1.3k
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Luck floats on her palm
Her rudder turns the blessed tide
Fortune favours bold

New day, new haiku!
This haiku is for Tykhe, goddess of fortune and luck.
Her symbols were a cornucopia and a rudder. Chance and luck poured from her like a tide and she was well in control of it.

There are many variants of who her parents are, some myths say Zeus, others say Oceanus and Tethys. She was also linked to the Moirai, the goddesses of fate who will soon make their appearance soon.
The last line is a link to one of my favourite Latin quotes 'Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat', Fortune favours the bold! And it fits as this proverb is linked to Tykhe's Roman equivalent, Fortuna.

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Please take care of yourselves and stay safe!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 659
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Horn of plenty spills
Bread and wine sustains all man
She holds up the torch

New day, new haiku!
Not feeling 100% today...
Such a sad day overall in truth 😔 RIP to Chadwick Boseman, T'Challa of Wakanda. My heart is so broken, my condolences to his family 💔🙏
The coming week Im gonna see a doctor too. I hope that goes well.
Now, for the usual daily haiku!
This one is for Demeter, mother of Persephone, daughter of Kronos and Rhea and Goddess of Agriculture, but also health and marriage as well.

Of course, she is known for being apart of her daughter's myth. She fretted so much when Persephone was taken to the underworld. She was also known to be a grain mother for humans. The horn of plenty aka the cornucopia is one of her symbols as well as the torch hence they are referred in the haiku. The motherly figure who always gives and provides. Its very fitting, isnt it? A light in the darkness. A hope in the fear and dread.

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Please take care of yoursels and stay safe! RIP to Chadwick again 😭💔
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 421
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Her heart burns with ache
Swept away by grief's mad tide
Cursed to know no rest

New day, new haiku!
The Younger Charites and the Furies have been completed! Now onto other women of myths, haha!

This haiku is for Lamia. Some myths say she was the Queen of Libya, some say she was just a regular woman. Some myths also say she was the daughter of Poseidon.

But she was known as a great beauty who caught the eye of Zeus which led into a love affair. Of course, when Hera caught wind of it, she was enraged  [we all know how reputed her rage is], and seeing how she could not take out her rage on her husband, she took it out on Lamia. Now it varies on how exactly, but either Hera did away with Lamia's children herself or she made Lamia end them herself. Worse of all, there's a version where Hera made Lamia devour her own babes.

No matter how, the end result is the same. Her children's lives were snuffed out. And she was turned into a monster. Again, some say by Hera but I have read variants that said that it was Zeus, curiously enough. The reason why Zeus did so was so that she could exact her vengeance upon the children of others.

On top of being made a monster, Hera twisted the knife further by cursing Lamia with restlessness so her heart will know no rest. She gouged her own eyes out but that didn't ease her pain because she couldnt unsee her children. Some myths say that Zeus gave her the power to remove her eyes himself.

Lamia's story is seen as a cautionary tale for children to behave.
Be it a phantom, a demon or an envious child eating monster, her origins are just so tragic. I truly feel for her...
Due to her depictions, there are links to her and the gorgons, vampires and succubi.
She is also linked to the Empousai [a shape shifting phantom who has a copper leg and was reportedly created by Hekate for purposes unknown], a Mormocyle [a female phantom whose name roughly translates to 'hideous/terrible wolf']. Lamiais were demons/phantoms who had the power of illusion. They take the form of a beautiful woman to lure young men to their deaths. They were said to have a snake's tail instead of legs.

Alot to take in, I know! I'm just a mega nerd for this sort of thing, haha!
But still, Lamia's story is so sad and tragic.

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 823
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Break beneath the whip
For anger's unceasing flow
Under winged shadows

New day, new haiku!
Just when I thought I was getting better, I feel unwell again.
Just my luck, I swear...
This haiku is for the last of the Furies, Alecto. Alongside being the Goddess of Vengeance, she was also the Goddess of Anger. I believe her name translates into 'Unceasing Anger'.
She said that she punished criminals who committed crimes of anger, especially against others.
There is one thing that I find very interesting about the sisters as a whole - how the lines of vengeance and justice are completely blurred.
This sort of philosophy of vengeance and justice will always fascinate me.  

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 827
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Scream, her claws are sharp
Oathbreaker, she is justice
For your eyes wandered

New day, new haiku!
Still focusing on the Furies and feeling much better today too! This haiku is for Megaera, know as The Jealous. I believe that is the case because as one of the Goddesses of Vengeance, she punishes oathbreakers.

Anyone who has broken any sort of oaths as well as punishing infidelity, especially martial infidelity. I always believed she is known as the jealous because she embodies the rage of a loyal partner who was scorned by their lover due to their infidelity. So poetically ironic in my opinion.

So this haiku was written with her voice in mind, in why she is exacting justice as well as a good partner's vengeance.
One curious fact is that her own parentage has been called into questions as some say that she was the daughter of Erebus and Nyx and not born from the blood of a castrated Uranus.

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 891
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Swathed in blood-wet robes
Bat wings stirs her viper curls
Soul of vengeance burns

New day, new haiku!
Now that I have the Charites and the younger Charites out of the way, I wanted to focus on the Furies, who are among some of my favourite goddesses! The Furies are also known as the Erinnyes, and are known to be the goddesses of vengeance and each of the sisters punished different crimes. It is said that the Furies were born from the blood that was spilt when Kronos castrated his father, Uranus.

Tisiphone [aka Tilphousia] was known to punish criminals who commited homicide, patricide and fratricide. In the first line of the haiku, it is a reference to Virigl's Aeneid, where he described Tisiphone as being "clothed in a blood-wet dress." I changed it from dress to robe because in Ovid's Metamorphoses poem, she wore a red robe with a snake about her waist; which leads into line two. The Erinnyes have been depicited differently over the years but what stuck with me growing up was the image of them being like the gorgon sisters only; with bat like wings and snake-like hair.
And of course, the last line speaks of her role as a goddess of vengence.

Like her sister, she is a woman to be feared. A blood soaked beauty. It is quite fitting for her and her sisters to be servents of Hades and Persephone, punishing those criminals in Tartarus...

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
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Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 2.7k
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Golden is her laugh
To welcome friends near and far
Kindness is her strength

New day, new haiku!
Feeling slightly better but I'm making sure I dont overdue it.
Hard to believe that this poem marks my 960th poem too! Just wow!
Now for the last of the young Charites, children of Hephaestus and Aglaia [aka Kharis, one of the three Charites].

This is Philophrosyne, Goddess of Welcome, Friendliness and Kindness.
Again, not much on her but I see her as someone who also possesses childlike qualities, just wanting to see the best in everyone and everything. Making friends all over the world, and she treasures them deeply. This is based on some people I know in my day to day life.
Despite how cruel the world is, I still believe in the power of kindness...but I've learned to be cautious with it, as when people see kindness they may take advantage. Ive learnt this the hard way and I think I've gotten better at establishing boundaries with said kindness too.

Be kind but also dont be afraid to set boundaries. Welcome people from all over the world as you have friends you have yet to meet!
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 524
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Willow-swift beauty
Flowered fruits have earned her praise
For she is acclaimed

New day, new haiku!
Taking it slow and steady as always.
Three of the Charites, children of Hephaestus and Aglaia [aka Kharis, one of the three Charites] down and after this, one more to go!
This is Eupheme, goddess of praise. And again, there isnt much on her but like her sisters before her, I wanted to give her some character.
I picture Eupheme as someone who is diligent and hardworking at her passions, someone who is worthy of praise because of how much heart she puts into her work. I wanted to make her more human in that regard, you know. This is something we all deserve, praise for our passion.
Please just keep at what you do and be honest and open too.
The best is yet to come, for us all!

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 2.3k
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Sigh with every stitch
Her hands soft with abundance
Smiles with sweet prosper

New day, new haiku!
I went from feeling better to feeling ****** again, just my luck!
I'm gonna book an appointment on Monday, I cant take this anymore.
Sorry for the late upload!

Still focusing on the younger Charites, children of Hephaestus and Aglaia [aka Kharis, one of the three Charites], this is Euthenia, goddess of abundance. Like her sisters, there isn't much on her.

Like nothing at all, so I wanted to give her some character, I picture her as a woman who has childlike qualities, like innocence and such.
I remember that I found sewing (cross stitching to be exact) so hard at first, but I enjoyed it when I went to the after school clubs and I was so proud when I was done. A fond memory of mine..,

For some reason, I dont know why, but I also see her with the endearing qualities to that of Marilyn Monroe.
Could be that I've been reading up on her alot these days, she's so renown yet so enigmatic at the same time.
She truly has dichotomous nature which I find so appealing. RIP to her.🙏

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 642
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Pure as baby's breath
Veils be blessed with good repute
when two becomes one

New day, new haiku!
Feeling better today, too, slowly but surely!
As promised, I'm moving onto the daughters of Hephaestus and Aglaia [aka Kharis, one of the three Charites] and the first woman of myth is Eukleia [aka Eucleia], who is a goddess of good repute and glory.

There isn't much on her per say, but she is linked with Artemis. Sometimes, people take Eukleia for Artemis. Well, that's what Plutarch did anyway.
Like her mother and aunts, she was known to be an attendant for Aphrodite as well as representing the good repute of a pure bride.

Baby's breath is known to symbolise innocence, which links in with a beautiful bride in white and I always like to think that Eukleia blesses the veils of every bride before they walk down the aisle.
I wanted to paint the image of a final blessing for a woman before she walks down the aisle to be one with her other half.

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 554
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Fair and bright beauty
Light feet revel with swift song
Joy blooms in her soul

New day, new haiku!
Feeling better today, haha!
I'm onto the last of the three Charities, Thalia. (Not to confused with Thalia the Muse, haha!)

Again, there isn't much on her as she is depicted with her sisters dancing.
But she does have a connection to spring. Her name, Thalia, comes from the Ancient Greek word, 'θάλλειν.' The Greek word 'thállein' means"to flourish, to be verdant - hence the connection to spring.

I also found that her name is also an adjective used to describe festivities, banquets and such.
Now that the main three Charites are done, I will be moving onto the younger ones! ^-^

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 616
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

She with cheeks so fair
Her eyes dance with merriment
Love encrowns her brows

New day, new haiku!
Still working on feeling better too.
Now for the second woman of the Charites, Euphrosyne.
There isn't much on her per say.
No particular story that stands out, just that she is depicted dancing with her sisters. And that there is a mosaic depicting her with Akratus, servant of Dionysus and demi-God of unmixed wine.
Even so, she always struck me as lovely and joyous.
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 576
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

love is
a gamble,
I'll give all I
have or nothing at all to feel your warmth

Tried out a new form of poetry, a tetractys, which was invented by Ray Stebbing.
It consisted of 5 lines and with the syllabic count of 1-2-3-4-10.
I tried this out now with a quote I've had written for a while now,
and it fits!
I may try a double and triple tetractys poem later, haha!
It feels so good to try different forms of writing!
Be back soon with more!
Much love,
Lyn x
Aug 2020 · 461
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Milk maid with gold crown
Rose-tinted cheeks glow with warmth
Smiles with loving grace

New day, new haiku!
I'm feeling alot better today, thankfully!
I'm going to be working on the Charites now.
The three goddesses of beauty, grace, joy, dance and song and I'm starting with Aglaia, who was also known as Kharis, and she was the wife of Hephaestus. She brought him much joy, splendor and glory (which is what her name translates to) and bore him children after the whole Ares-Aphrodite incident.

She gave birth to four more Charites with Hephaestus which I will write about about the main three are done. The Charites are depicted as beautiful naked women , I've seen alot of art and I remember seeing an ivory story of them in a museum with some friends. They truly were gorgeous to behold.

I truly believe Aglaia is good for Hephaestus, he deserves some love and warm, and I wanted to show that in the haiku.
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 685
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Fire in nymph's eyes
Hips sway with star-studded scales
As lips feast on flesh

New day, new haiku!
Still not 100% but slowly but surely I'm getting there.
This haiku is for Echidna, also known as the Mother of Monsters, and one of the deadliest mythical creatures around. She is the wife of Typhon, a Storm Giant, and (depending on the myth) is daughter of Tartatus and Gaea or Phorys and Ceto.

She is known to have the upper body of a beautiful woman and the tail of a reptile. She became known as the Mother of Monsters because she birthed some of the most legendary Greek creatures, such as the Gorgons, the Chimera, Scylla, the Sphinx, the Nemean Lion and many more.

As terrible and powerful as she is, I find there to be a certain level of charm also. I wanted to picture a woman who is fiery, terrible, powerful and yet seductive and I hope I did so in this haiku.

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 921
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Born in chaos dawn
Led by her defiant heart
Rise to conquer plains

New day, new haiku!
Still not feeling 100%, but I'm getting there.
This one is for Gaia, Mother Earth, wife and mother of Ouranos (Father Sky to her Mother Earth) and mother to the Titans (which includes Kronos and Rhea).

History certainly has a way of repeating itself. Before Zeus rose against his father Kronos for the position of King of the Gods, Kronos did the same with Ouranous. Though he birthed children with Gaea, he reputedly hated them and sealed his Giant-children back in her womb. In an act of defiance, she rose against him and Kronos joined, for he loathed his father. When the battle was won, Kronos became King of the Gods...before the prophecy came to him that he too would be deposed by one of his offsprings. When this happened, Gaea sided with Zeus and helped him rise to Kingship.

Well, that was until he sealed her children in Tartaros after the war was won. When she tried to rise against Zeus, all her attempts failed.
I made referrence to Tartarus and the battles she fought with the first line
And Tartarus was seen as a pit that lies deep within the Earth (that was his body apparently and she gave birth to the Giants by mating with him).
Gaea too is a bit of a badass in my eyes for rising (and winning) against two Gods at least.

Nature always wins (reference to Poison Ivy hehe)
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 683
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Gentle gardener
Heart screams when her fruits are plucked
Hope comes bolting by

New day, new haiku!
Yesterday, I just suddenly felt so weak and exhausted so I couldnt post this. I'm feeling a little better though but still so weak...
This one is for the Titaness, Rhea, the Great Mother, Queen of Heaven and wife of Kronos.
The haiku is alluding to Zeus' birth story and his eventual take down of his father.
You see, Kronos too was told a prophecy that one of his offspring would replace him. So every time he and Rhea had a child, he swallowed them.
I've seen the paintings for this depictions and...all I can say is wow really.
Just wow.
Rhea, mortified and sick of this, wanted to at least enjoy the fruits of motherhood so when she gave birth to Zeus, she his him in a cave and put a rock in baby clothes. Kronos didnt notice at first and just swallowed it and in a variant myth, he was raised in the cave and another said he was sent to Crete.
This situation is much the borth of Perseus with Danaë, and yet again another case of meeting ones destiny in desperation to avoid it,
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 339
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Scar on regal heart
Her brightness shields her venom
Words she built shall break

New day, new haiku!
This one is for Phaedra, a Cretan Princess and sister of Ariadnê.
Though I know of her, she is one woman of myth I do not like.
After her sister ran off with Theseus, Phaedra herself fell in love with his son, Hippolytus. When he rejected her, she decided to write a letter to Theseus, saying that he had violated her and Hippolytus was killed.

Now the matter of his death varies from myth to myth. In one variant, his father cursed him, using one of Poseidon's curses to do so - i.e. a sea creature dragged him to his watery death. In another variant, his own father ended his own life, and another said that Dionysus sent a bull to do the deed.

To make things worse, Phaedra was his STEP-MOTHER, the second wife to Theseus. *Lyn gaves herself a big facepalm*
Given all this, strangely, she was seen as a tragic character in mythology. Personally, I don’t understand why because I found her to be spiteful [and that honestly hasn’t changed when I read more on WHY she was so ‘tragic’].

In a small variant myth, Hippolytus rejected the Goddess of Love herself to stay faithful to Artemis, for his faith in her was unshakeable. [I still find that to be very admirable as hell.] As expected, Aphrodite was enraged by his ‘snub’ and to punish him, she cursed Phaedra to fall for him. So
I think what makes me dislike her is the whole ‘If I can’t have him, no one can’ attitude. Just because of his willingness to honour a goddess, to stay faithful to her, a woman [or women] sought to effectively destroy him for it! And what better way than with her words, right? Words may be light but they carry so much weight, this applies to us all. Everyone one regardless of gender.

They are the most powerful and dangerous thing in the world in my opinion. Ironically, the name Phaedra is derived from the word ‘phaidros’, meaning "bright" and well, I don’t see much that is bright about her because shes not being painted in a good light. [Pun intended!]

There is a variant myth of Theseus taking Hippolytus’ life after reading Phaedra’s letter and in her grief, she took her own as that is not what she wanted.

I suppose what makes me dislike her is how situations like this happen in day to day life, which is not only sad but also really scary too. Even with the myth of her doing what she did because she was cursed by Aphrodite, to me that is no justification. Words are like actions, they all have consequences. I know we are all human and all, but the lesson I took from this is to mind what I said because it may come back to haunt me. At some point in our lives, we have all said something that we regret. But we live and learn and grow. Especially in this day and age now.

Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support 🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
Aug 2020 · 571
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2020

Sleeps with skein in hand
Wined promise upon her lips
Threads hold up labyrinths

New day, new haiku!
This one is for Ariadnê, the Cretan Princess who is heavily associated with Labyrinths. She is also seen as a goddess to some to!
This haiku alludes to Theseus and the Minotaur to which Ariadnê is included in. She supposedly fell for Theseus and helped him to slay the Minotaur and they eloped but he left her. There are many variants of why, her being in a relationship with Dionysus (lover and in some his wife also) or that he was bored of her.
Even so, this haiku does hint to the Minotaur with the first and last line (threads have also become her symbol also) and Dionysus with the second line. The second line also hints her natural seduction also which I imagine Theseus and Dionysus found her to be too!
Anyway, thank you all for growing followers, I'm forever humbled and grateful for the support🙏🌹💜
Here's the link for the growing collection:
Be back tomorrow with another one!
Much love,
Lyn 💜
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