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Jan 2020 · 249
she was princess
kneeling as slave
saying to him save

my heart from sinking
at deepest of thinking

the thief came
say to the police
you are under arrest
the police was jailed
as he had laziness

the boy chased the lion
the lion hided at gun
the boy shot the gun
the lion got over the sun
he printed his shape
over the face of the moon

the cold came as the spider
the man rushed the fire
the cold escaped faster

what a matter
he forgot his words
his role was a hero
at famous film
the important were the words
the succeeded over films
that film
the overlap judged everywhere, and the problems increase
Jan 2020 · 195
the ice downs
the ice downs
your life downs
as your appearance
show how you lose

stay up
look at the ice
white his
having fare

and loving here
he tells no death
story that tells
that life turns
he wheel serves
the man who suffers
to be upper
live as eagles
who look down
saying, creatures
small as ants
or live as hyena
who eats corpse
and smell worse
the challenge is good and try to be the success
Dec 2019 · 395
What I say?
I talk everywhere
I find you there
the time makes hear
comes from near
to root one tale
with two hearts prepare
and tell to the atmosphere
the holy loves and read
imagine I find your face
pulsing with every pumping
me to look away
my soul tells and can appear
will open hear
every one beloved that his lover sees him and watch out so he tried ti be good and smart
Dec 2019 · 176
she always talks
says and orders
say something'
you stood as a stunt

coming from ancient
saying no word
she has gone

crying with tears ascending as rains
shouting at the crowds
that is my fault
they stretched thier lips
as they do not know
what you want?

you screamed at them
a mad man they called
you believed that
running so fast
shouting at the space

i love my darling
reaching her home
your sound is hardly heard

when you reached there
you could not even stood
you screamed so loud
but she could not hear
as your sound was not so aloud
you can't ever move
but the waves blow against willingness
she had another one
whose word fly to heart
no matter if he is honest
no matter if he has trust

the lovers need to control thier wishes ,tempers and efforts
Dec 2019 · 393
My heart
My heart was broken
Who could repair it

Everyone looks in
Saying hard vision
It can't be fixed

As the sight was in
Digging at deepest
And it was the smartest

When they asked
Where she must

My heart said
She let her sight
And leave me
If she could return
Or took what she had
she saw me with her brilliant eyes and let me ill. she travelled. may she take a remark or pay attention
Dec 2019 · 344
The day we meet
We meet on one day
I don 't remember it only
But the date by hour and minute

I can hear it saying
Be brave and look forward
The world smiles among piles of sad
As the burden bowed your back

My back will not belongs to me
As I want my body has no back
To see you without any lack

I will not see your annoy
Saying you give me your back
It will not be as I will have ask
,pray to my God
To see me without any back

I still watch the waves of happiness
Carrying smile of my lover lips
To make the sun more bright and shines
And moving the silk of gold
That is the throne over your smart head
To convert my head
As the pole of electricity to attract
You and to attract my eye
love is great when it became so clear
Nov 2019 · 338
The immigration
Oh no jobs
The difficult is surrounded me
I suppose I will fail

Down down at the deep of the well
The helper will not save me
His rope was so old and jagged
His bucket was there
But it was so damaged

The land which I was on
Will be fallen over my will

My will is vanished
As the light of candle
Try to resist the wind
The dark united with the wind
To hide all things at mind
And the light could hide
So the difficult succeeded
The wall of failure covered
High ,there is no light
the save of jobs needs only minds and great vexperts
Nov 2019 · 516
Something is getting
My head asks what is the matter
My heart does not know the trouble
The sun shines more brilliant
The clouds draw imagine of beautiful pattern

The butterflies fly in the two rows
Dancing a smart dance as the great dancers
The leaves salute the winds with great tending

The winds pass so light and so guide
My mind asks and the world responds
The love appears and the peace governs
The world bows even the hate increases

The killing draw an optimistic imagines
it greets these were killed
and accuses these killings
Even the most powerful supports
Even the world tries to close his eyes
The freedom opens its arms
For long hugs for these downers
For who wants to get their land free and  peace

Even they expose to dead or gets injures
Their blood will the sign for the world letting them down
They will complain to the God for this unbalance
The justice is crippled,  the justice will lead to the death
the world watches the killing of Palestinian and says no word.
Nov 2019 · 353
They paint red
They paint red
She is happy
She is a great artist
She draws a pattern
She thinks it is the finest

Gaza's streets are filled with red

It may be surrealist
You must blind your heart
And say as the world  told
Thanks thank God
As you created like that
Israel killed these animals
As they do not deserve to be lived
You must solid your mind
And dance, dance very fast
And drink barrels of highball
To see the world's talk
To see how it is so having tale
that Israel is doing well

it may paint of realistic
it reflects a view of fact
telling Israel is the master
Arabs must bow and worship her more

It may be line
And see how Arabs are awful
They don't deserve a1ot to be wonderful
**** , **** with your powerful
To destroy Arabs at all

It may be a cartoon
they tell Arabs doing as Tom
Who looks stupid and will fall
Doom to undeveloped persons
****** over that world
Which encourages the unjust
And she will **** ****
As the baby does with his doll
the killing occured aty Gaza and world encorages the killing
Nov 2019 · 260
Cancell the projects
I will write a paragraph
The pamphlet will be announced

They put our photos at that document
The passage is remarked

All left the speech, went to the image
Mine, that is the great fault

All these me in great advantage
The war inside me made great damage

I said after I heard some words
If they saw hers the projects will be advanced

The jealous took my hearts
My heart divided into parts

Every part became heart and enemy
Carrying weapon and army

I shouted and cancelled the project, finally
the love makes one see te world into the eyes of his beloved
Nov 2019 · 701
I see you at the moon
when it is complete and renew

I see your smile at blossom
brings at spring at happy mood

I could hear your laughter at the water droplets
making the world had life present

spreading its wings
covering the love to stand

your smart face makes me great brilliance
love is the greatest and cleanest message all over the world
Oct 2019 · 345
Gun and gone
Are equals in killing
When lover knew the beloved would be gone
He would take a death as crown
And he hate the life as it became closed
The ring of world got so narrowed
He could not breath even it was tight

The sad came as a giant, everything would be destroyed
The smile had been dead and the life was blocked

The gun killed with easy movement
A press on the trigger with less concentrated
The bullet flew with shocking move
And the death angel attached
Hand by hand shoulder by shoulder was stuck

The blood bleed and  the eyes were rolled
Then looked at the high point up
The hands dropped , the legs were weakened
It could even move and one dropped
Last called corp.

Gun draw circle of blood
Moving its hand with red
Gone is the word closing
Every hope had champed
What a life that makes faults as non return road!
the life needs hope and destroyed it is the bad fault
Oct 2019 · 312
let me
before i say
let me
kiss you
only your hand only
as i can not do

my nations habits' prevent me
my will blame me
as i want to see
you so clear
as an angel comes near

and kidnapped a wealth
that for me my worth

but i will have no mercy
I whispered
into the inner spirit ear
I love you
and enforce taking your heart
and run away

could you catch me?
the love makes every thing so white and clear. the black point goes away.
Oct 2019 · 328
between all
between all you choose me
between all your eyes look me

between all i choose you
between all my eyes i choose you

between us there is a deal
do you know?

our hearts write it in clear
like the sun comes near

like the trees move when winds appear
repeating your name in repeat

telling all world one word
yo are to me and i am to you  
that is the fact in clear
the love is the holy tie between two hearts and it is ending with marriage
Oct 2019 · 342
The travel
Oh! I will not stop
I still think at that
She salutes me

With a word
With a promise
With a look

Every bone
Makes the sun

At the foggy days
At the dark night
As the moon comes
No the sun

And I will travel
By the train
The rocket
fast and speed
the love is the deal between two hearts.
Oct 2019 · 369
i love you
how can i see?
how can i let you

you told me
you hate me
and be away

but i love you
i will not as spider
who ate the gift
then her beloved
what does he get?
he became the martyr of love

the scorpion did the same
so every man must kiss his beloved
leg and hand
as she loves him, and let him love
, let him in life sustain
what a gift!

i am not selfish
i will let you at finish
but i will push
any one will hurt or tend to polish
your honor and makes it *******

i will be as the great fish
who will face every worst fish
and may **** myself and you live
long happy , you deserve
love is the spirit that deals between two hearts
Sep 2019 · 408
the wealth
i will worth
that great wealth

to be wide of her
as the rich one

heard me
noticed me

how i talked
about her

he spies
he sends eyes

until he sees
he loves

he tells the offers
and i had chances

to be rich
or have her smart

but i love her
i let her know

any more
she does know

i become wide
i do not take that amount
which makes absent
to any mind
the man loves her, he wishes every good to who beloved. and he can sacrifice for
Sep 2019 · 543
confirm your love
she talked

i asked how ?
she said confirm

i do not have  enough
knowledge to swim

at oceans of your love
you know i am not sailor

or captain of navy of your heart
i am only one who likes your smart

i am not that pilot of planes swarm of your head
which knows the truth or who making fault

i am only wondering of your look
i am not farmer who grows the plants

of your eyes which are growing of your look
spreading fruits of hope and love
at my heart

i am only visiting the rose of your cheeks
i am not humours of your sweet souls

i am only remarking the sweet berry of your lips
i am diving at the ocean of your love

save me, help ,help
the love is the great ocean who has severe waves striking each other. the lover has a magic which can control with the other
Sep 2019 · 419
When the rains downed
When the clouds appeared
When the sun be absent

When the thunder was heard
When the lighten was seen
When the birds hide

When your face attended
When your spirit appeared
When your lips opened
Showing shiny look

The sun was coming
The warm was ascending
The universe was laughing
The rosy colors were dancing
the absent of love making the world cahnged and the weather tended to be worse.
Sep 2019 · 291
The broken wings
Her child was downed
Downed to the downed land
His wings were completely destroyed
The hunger animal approached

She screamed, "Help my juvenile!
He was so little
He can't face that awful

His wings were damaged
Oh! My God help him
She looked wide

The birds could not rejoin
They knew who would join
They escaped as the rain

Fallen wide of the kind land
In spite the kind should demand
The mother knew there is no gain

Except pray to his God
As she knew the wild could
Snap him without any tick

So she closed her eyes
Flew wide, wide
While her tears ascended

As the flow of anger and trembled
Water as the man was deliberated
As wild
every one has hope. when that hope is evaporated, man could be fall and lost his aim.
Aug 2019 · 239
Say to me hello
As may know
How my beauty will return

Smile to me on the morning
And show your spirit shinning
To see how my beauty will gain

Wish to me a good day
To cut the rocket in away
And know my power will sustain

Do not ever say bye
As the differ will try
To show how my age may not return

Show me how your sight
That makes my day bright
Every wealth, I will gain
the morning greeting opens the closed hearts and make the selvs out of thoughts
Aug 2019 · 562
a word
was prisoned at my throat
wanted to be out
desired to be known

but it was stuck
another came and shared
shoulder by shoulder, foot by foot

third made a crowd
it got in enforced
the tongue was found
opened but could not

she pointed with her gold finger
slowly and get calmer

the words got so clearer
i love you
he noticed and wanted to see what the feelings are?
Aug 2019 · 424
like the act of cat
when rat is chased

chat, chat
mock every heart
trying to be so kind
and let him feeling with hard
that is the most human act

chat ,chat
mock yourself
say i am the Jinn
know everything
but you don't gain
the knowing of the end

the back of the girls moved
the eyes of men becom wolves
the devil tried to act as angel in move
and they thought they did the right do

chat, chat
the wine was poured
the mind was idled
the hearts wanted one thing
the devil flew and might bring
the angels to see the fault of that one
who surely was challenged and chosen
by the God

chat chat
when the angels was brought
the kind spirit attended
the devil spreads the fault
some of men and women escaped
and others might fell into the hell
they obeyed their demand
and forgot thier God
everything went well out of the devil and the fault, when one obeys himself it might leads him to the worst end
Aug 2019 · 479
Why don't you talk her?
Amazing and brilliant
Her sight is sharp and is interacted
My deeper heart calling, "I surrounded"
Her talk is low but is understood
Her hair as the waves once up other downward

She walked as the dear coming to hunt
Not is hunted by she will hunt
All are amused and surely asked
Who is that smart, we must engaged
Get fiancé act or marriage at fast

The crowds get in struggle that will begin
But she goes and evaporates as the vanish
That is the end and the finish
the beauty one comes and says no word. all wants to know and have a look
Aug 2019 · 563
worm is around body
knows every dummy
go wide and return lazy

worm, worm worm
means circling around
to remind the back of history
your that is great demand

but you will walk late
late as the light will be crippled
but the important to know the step
every step leads to the end
read the time, aims to the coming

you will prevent the worst
if you returned and remembered the past

what does you lose if you walk as worm?
slowly but know the step
and study today to face the next day

past, now future and follow your mind
to lease sad and increase your happy
or even lives without any any bad memory

God will return your right
even the night gets short or becomes weight
the times will go and you must take you turn at the first
Aug 2019 · 625
The time comes
One day they  called each other
One day they dreamt to fly there
And wipe every fault they gain

The faults are burden over hearts
As the heavy loads over birds wings
Can they fly over clouds?

One was consisted of two parts
Soul and body , that is two things
Soul is created from light parts
It demands good things
Its home is the heavens
Under the throne of the God

The body was created of the mud
It demands and gets down to the land
It asks to get every desire or want
Even it leads to do the faults
It  leads to bad and to the underworld

The day now is coming
The souls are answering the calling
At the ancient to pilgrimages the holy home
They circled around the Kaaba with happy
As the planets  are doing around the sun
They also pray one God

They feel with great funny
The body are running in compete
Who will introduce its faith and confident?

The tears are overflowing to wipe faults
The hearts are moving số rapid with acts
The tongues are singing the deathless songs,”
We respond you our God times and times”

They are walking between two hills
Asking for mercy getting from up
Searching for forgiveness that is the demand

They moved to mount
Asking their God for accept their trip
Not return them with being refused
They demands peace and the heavens reward

Then they introduce the guidance
Showing they will sacrifice for getting the world
Happy and has purple and green action

They throw the devil at the feasts days
Every day to confident the holy deals
That the dismiss the devil and will not follow him
The men and women shaved and cut their hair

In order, to show they will begin
A new born and clear their brain
From bad thoughts these máy gain
Bad faults, they travelled to wipe and drain
It from their body as the fallen rain  

They return homes in white and clear
As they were born in white and green
the muslims go there to show their faith and honest and wipe thier faults and asking forgiveness
Aug 2019 · 404
Under water
I am the worm
I can be harm
I can be calm

I am the worm
No matter people like me
No matter people hate me
I am the worm
I can be little
Down, down and brittle
I am the worm
I can be big
Fears any thing
I am the worm

She met a great snake
She said with astonished
That the worst
She ran and escaped
The snake said with the confident

The worm said,”
That is calm
I will have a rest
That is a cave
She entered the opened
Mouth of The fish
The fish said ,”oh! My God
That is the great present
I will swallow it in one amount”
The worm said,”
Oh please, can I be heard,
The fish said,” tell me!”
The worm said,”
I know a place
Where a great worm has
A great meat without bones
You can swallow it
Without any hard”

The fish said,”
Guide me, guide”

The worm said,”
You promise , you will not eat
And let me
The fish said,”
Yes, that is my promise.”
The fish said at himself,’’
I will eat the great worm
After I eat that worm
When she guided me to the road”

When the worm reached
She pointed to the big worm
Who was the big snake
Who ate the fish
And the little worm hided
the life is the greatest danger. to get your life safe, you must have a great mind
Jul 2019 · 518
The rains down
The rains down and dig the earth
With their strong power and iron force
Making the earth vibrated with great movements

The green plant gets out with great greetings
The world sings, the world dances
The sun concentrates its rays

To get more vapor from the seas and rivers
The flies dance in circles, the wilds get peace

Your sight makes more than flows
It digs at my heart with iron force
Making it paralyzed, urging for mercy and peace

The green love was born and attracts all atoms
My atoms want to stay by one side that comes
From you sight that makes me out balance

My flower gets more shines and colors
My age returns back as the early years
I can jump on one leg and dance
I can sing a lot of songs express my feelings

And you still send your rays
To get my vapor raises
That is not my vapor, that ares my sweats
As I get shame, to look at brilliant face
the love water the hunger and thirst hearts which ask for calm and peace
Jul 2019 · 447
dig at your heart i find a photo
it was like a ghost coming from absent
talking in whisper, saying one word
making your heart refluxing with red
and your face changing its white

i feared i said that is your love
that you can become a knight
and changing your kind into wild
you can carry the weapon to fight
you can not stop until you see your love
safe and live in happy and great fare

you said with low sound
,''stupid that man is you
and your love making me as lion
facing the dangerous with open chest
fighting the enemies and chasing them at fast

because i find a fresh air touching my heart
when i collected your photo to my chest"
the lover can be so strong and fights all the world
Jul 2019 · 292
the sun
why do i see the sun white on all things?
but when it shines at your face it decreases

that your white becomes more lights
or you have shine than its rays
the one who loves sees her or his lover is the smartet one
Jul 2019 · 596
go wide
say to her that is right
or you must go wide

she ordered him at bright
the river is blue as her eyes  colored

she told again as she was in fight
the sun as her face is white

she told him you listened at my guide
he nodded his head as her hair was as a flight

her hair was yellow as wheat at feilds side
she was angry, her face got red for fight

he got sweat as her smart so clear as white
milk that souped in his heart to get tide

to calm, but she ordered to go wide
he smiled and said," i will after i had my fine

if one sees that smart so near no so wide
his heart will certainly bow and say at right

as the sun appears at a day not at night
your smart prisoned me and i can't fight
the smart prisons every one who tries to run  or escape
Jul 2019 · 390
Try to draw a heart
I try to draw a heart
I find it filling the sky
From the fourth direction is appeared
From the south to north and the west to the east
Like the big cloud being passed

Having red color inside and out
Make me attracted to be at
Filling the universe with light
Getting the soul wanting to fly
Having two arrows passing at
One carrying your name got in
The name of mine flies and I forget
I remember only your marvelous
Who reflects your inelegance

It reflects green light
Destroying every worst
To make the land in kind
Pushing good smell to be out
drawing a heart at the sky is the imagination method to get a good reflecting of sense
Jul 2019 · 251
They talked
They said
By their tongues
No, by their souls
They answered by hearts
The message shines
With the bright eyes
Threatens all bones

All castles were downed
All armies are sharp less
All fortress expose
To any attack or small force
No walls, weapons even soldiers

What makes their hearts tided?
What makes their eyes shined?
What makes their souls danced?
Above the earth, air and clouds
What makes their hearts pumped?
Only by their names and souls?
What makes the red color covered their checks?
As they were thrown by the strawberries

What makes their eyes opened?
Even they were tired or wish to sleep
And wanted to be opened all times
To fill its self with the smart face

What makes the birds danced?
What makes them sung at harmonies?
What makes the bloom gotten colors?
Attracting the eyes, dragging with happiness
Reflecting their wishes to live endless

Diving at happiness, sinking at honey
Asking every fly
To imitate their love as their way

The love of bodies has one end
The love of souls stays without any end
they love each other, the souls get happy
Jun 2019 · 468
try to understand
they tell the weather will be hot
the sun will be Perpendicular to the Tropic of Cancer
the degree will increaser
the sun left its hot at lower

you can feel the anger
of the land when you step over
your brother shout at louder
you will be ordered to dismiss by mother
the silent will be there
that is the father's order

the neighbor closed his door with his power
the water makes a deal and does not appear
the woman asked his man to go wider
to get some fresh water and air

they go out and become traveller
the hot becomes their nearer
the birds fly over the branches
they searched for water to be calmer

the time seems to pass slower
the leaves do not move announcing at clear
there is no air
even beside the sea or nearer
the hot weather changes the mood of man kind and makes him feel with trouble
Jun 2019 · 342
What a mercy!4
They gathered at the sitting home
They searched how to get rid of this problem
Mohamad came with new religion

Mogul of his nation hated him
They said he differed between man and his wife
Between father and his love
His son who was grown to be his prop

He differed between the master and his slave
He put their shoulder in equal way
He destroyed the worship of status
Which was great trade at hajj season

They sold the gods of several names
For several ways and calls
Mohamad destroyed these gains

One said we must get him away
The Satan was there
He appeared on the face of the old
He laughed and said
"if you get him away
He will attract them by his sweet talk"

Another said," we must prison at wide prison"
The old said,''
He would make magic and attract them
He might get out
And make force to attack them
They looked with amazing
They said, "tell us our lord
How could we stop him?"

He said as an experiment,"
I see
Take from every tribe a strong one
These men will be forty men
With their strong swords
Waiting him till when he got out
To pray to his God for sun rise
And **** him as one man"

The masters thanked him
Saying," that is a good idea"

His God had another opinion
He told his prophet
Mohamad was known with the honest
And the trust
The masters put their important things
To him
To maintain these, until they demands
He told his cousin
Who was so youth
To sleep on his bed
To mock them
And to return their probity

When they looked at the hole of the door
They saw someone slept there
They thought that he was Mohamad
Before the sun rise' time
The God put the sleep over them
They slept in spite of their wake
Of their high rank emotion

After long time
As the sleeper did not get up
In spite of nearing pray, that was besmeared
After one passed by them
Asking, "whom do you wait?"
They answered at one sound
He said he passed by them
He put sands over their heads
They did not believe, they put their hands
Over theirs
They found it is not fault

They entered the home
By force
They entered the home
Without any permit
They found his cousin there
They asked with anger
"where is Mohamad?"
He loved and said,"
God protect!"
mohammad was set to change opinion towards the God
Jun 2019 · 240
she will die
She walks beside the river

She decided to end her life

As her sons wanted to **** her

Wanted to remove from global

To satisfy them must she kneel

Must be bow her heaad as a slave

And who will keep her safe?

Who will return her to a place

Natural since the words had said

Since the man was gotten on the earth

Since he knew the writing ,saying and expressing

Since he knew the social life and faith

Since he knew the cultivate and science

Since he knew the religion ,pray and faith

Since he prepared the army and forces

Since he wnew the govern'with laws

Since the world knew the civilization

Since he made the first deal for peace

And her sons planned to **** her

Or sell as an old ******* or a slave
the world laws and the man greedy changes the rules of justice. sons could look to their mother as the reason of thier sadness
Jun 2019 · 277
carry burdens over your back
the burdens tired and you are still in lack
of asking for help or articulate how is your back

suffering from bearing that gravities that must sack
your dream in honorable life and smart  frontage
you ****** bad luck, they said you merit to attack
the life is full of burdens and pain. wo could suffer it, will win
Jun 2019 · 3.0k
The cat and the hungry man
The weather was cold
The winds blew up carrying ice *****
No matter they were big or small
But they were carrying drying for skins
And great amount of diseases
The hungry man knocked the door
The miser man opened the door
The hungry man said a word and more
“I am hungry, I want some food
To eat and repair my mood!”
The miser man said at anger
,”there is no food and be outer”
The hungry man fell at the floor
The miser man with cold blood closed the door
The cat was near that
The cat saw that and came at fast
She touched the fallen man at first
She said and screamed
, The man approached to be dead”
She ran at speed

The three dogs stood at dark
At the corner of the park
They were her enemies and carried black
And hard heart

One said,” she was so conceited
The second completed, “she thought she was princess, she was created ‘’
The third said, “I must get his nose downed"
They ran after her
The great steps were heard
A big dust covered the land
They ran and escaped
She met her friend that was the cat
Jon was his name
She was curl with one foot
He was amazed and then laughed
He said,” you must get great fight
And you must beat all”
She looked angry
She said in completely,”
I met Kranckle, Dangle, and Bangle  
The three dogs ran before me and wanted to hurt
But I was so brave
I stood as one who must save
The lost justice from the dark in native
I did as “Bruce Lee’ in mark
I ran and jumped over the wall
It was dark
I tried to overlap
To be at their back
But I failed and fell
A great dust was occurred
They ran and escaped
I stood to strike my chest
With my hands, were closed
To show how I am strong
But I fell at the land”
Her friend laughed after that
She looked and said,’’
Bad boy bad”
She sighed and said,”
The hungry man may be dead
We must get him saved!”
Jon looked in surprise
He said as he looked as wise,”
Who is the hungry?”
She looked at him and pulled
Him with her strong mouth.
She said, "we need a strong one at first
He said with great nervous,”
Am I not so in obvious”
She did not answer and he was dragged
In spite of his well or his eager
They suddenly stood in front of Ankle's dog door
She called at him at loud
He was out
He laughed and said,” The cocky cat at front
Of me, I must hurt “
She bowed as the singer at the play
She said in polite way,”
My lord, I want your help!
I need you hand”
He acted like her way
He said, "ask and I respond!”
She said and shouted,’’ What is your kind?
The fallen man needed to be saved”

Ankle was surprised
He said,’’ Yesterday, you mocked”
Liz laughed in spite of her well and said,”
Forget it, forget”
Ankle asked,”what is your demand?”
Without wait she ran before him and pushed
From his back
For Jon’s surprise, he obeyed
He was ready to walk
They reached to the fallen
Ankle said,” that must be dead”
Liz screamed and mewed and said, “No!”
She cried at loud
She cried as that fallen like her father
She walked with hesitating,
She put her ear at his chest
Her face was so closed
Then he got so bright
As the sun appeared after long hide
She said.” He is still alive
We must be in hurry
To maintain his life
As the God gives it
That is right?”
Ankle said,” the human is stingy
He is honor to show that
To show his hate to his brother
Liz said,” Do the fair
And throw it at the air”
She said,” we need away
To transport him in speed way”

A big tree trunk was laid
A fast taxi was braked
Angry driver had to be out
He screamed so aloud
The street was so empty
His sound was repeated several times
In echo as fearing manners
He said,” Who puts that ****** trunk?
He must be fool”
Liz appeared suddenly
She jumped at his face
Jon bit him from his breech
Ankle tried to push, push
The angry man,”Zicko” obeyed
They signed to the fallen man
He screamed,” No!”
That seemed to be killed”
Liz looked angry
Jon mewed in nervous manner
“you must know his killer”
Ankle barked
The man was forced
He pulled him to the taxi
As the driver was old and soft
He said,” if that was killed
I may be accused”
He drove to the hospital
It was ranked
It was for high class persons
The reception ordered and shouted
At the cats and dog to be out
Zicko said,” they came with me”
The reception said after calculating
‘”we want a great amount of Egyptians pounds
It preferred to be in dollars”
They were shocked
How could they get that amount?
They looked and were shocked
The hospital laid the hungry at the land
Liz ordered,”
Come without wait”
They rode the car
They reached the stingy home
Zicko knocked at the door
The man was out
The miserly was out
Zicko tried to talk and ask
Until Jon and Liz were penetrated
They entered the home
They didn’t know any room
Liz screamed,” the second plan”
Ankle jumped behind the man
Zicko ordered to get money
He gave them with unhappy
Liz signed to tie
The man and get the key
As if they needed another demand

The money was paid
The man was in intensive care
Liz laughed and said,”
It is Egypt
If we didn’t get money
The man must die”
The surgeon came and said,”
We need medicine in fast,
As it was rare and it costs high amount
Zicko with his friends took off
They returned to the stingy one
They took what they need
They brought the medicine
To hospital, that  had stars

The miserly could untie
He told the police
The police got as hydrophobic status
They didn’t know what’s happened and case
Zicko left them and disappeared
Liz wanted to get the dinner
They were completely in hunger  
They waited out of the restaurant
They saw the waiter carried the delicious food
It was obvious from outer restaurant
After the waiter put it on the table
Jon was under it
Liz followed
Ankle remarked
Jon stole the meat
Sending it to liz, and reaching to Ankle
Ankle hurried and got out
For bad, ankle ate all
Liz and Jon made a deal
They got a food, and ankle must help
But he would not even taste it
Liz and Jon repeated
The police suddenly approached
The police searched
Krankle, Dangle and Bangle searched
Their smell sense was used
They wanted to revenge
From that cat that made them as stooge
Liz and Jon were eating
While ankle was remarking
He was coming in fast
They were told, they escaped

The cats and the dog mocked them
They entered the restaurant
The three dogs were behind
They waited until they were remarked
By these stupid dogs
The dogs hurried and entered
Ankle jumped at the servant
Who was carrying a pile of dishes
The dishes were broken
The servant shouted

The cats and dog were out
Ankle barked at loud
The police remarked
The police got in
He caught the stupid

Zicko felt with the conscious pain
He returned so fast to gain
Their happy and maintain
The favor could remain and sustain
He searched for his lovers
He remarked the police cars
He followed them
He found his friends jumped and escaped
He called at, not so loud
They were at the car which was out
They went to the hospital, asking for their man
They found no one
Liz had her tears fallen
Liz cried and mewed
Zicko went to ask about his corpse
He found no one
Till the smiley nurse was seen
She told them he was still alive
But he was moved to another room

They searched for another rich
To take some money to help other poor and might wish
A good and a happy life, they dream to approach

They sang and said,”
We wanted a fare
Like the smile at face
Hate the anger appear
And the heart who caries hate
We are friends
We love the world
All people are brothers and sisters
Creatures must live in happy and peace”

The end
the  hand which helps the other is the best hand and it deserves a good reaward from the god
Jun 2019 · 309
Reflecting hers
She said and shouted
She ordered to dismiss
He tried to express

She shocked her head
Her smart was greater
But her anger increases

He had to go
When she could know
She ran after him to do

To maintain and fix
Her fault, but it becomes late
Why we lose our gift

Under honor ,is named
when one get the reasons and forgives the others fault, the world becomes good
Jun 2019 · 299
Say no word
Meeting after long period
Meeting after long absent
She had asked
He had asked
"why did you late?"

She answered
To gather my thought
To feel how I demand
You when you are absent
Or even you are present

He said,'
To see myself
Equal to you to give
The happy you dream and want
As you are the most brilliant
I had ever acquitted
the love makes every word good and the time passes vryeasy
Jun 2019 · 1.2k
i write
we sat at a compete
the author knew that
there is a tie or secret
between us or our heart

he ordered to sit in wide
he ordered to tell what i like
to meet and talk and write

we took two parts of papers
she wrote
i wrote
he took
he opened

she wrote my name
i wrote her name

the attendants were so amazed
they cut thier hands for clapping
the love is a ray sending in equal between two hearts
Jun 2019 · 369
Big sale
The hearts are at market
The characters are downed
The faith is evaporated
The honest has been burned
People viewed and noticed

No one prayed
The sadness was not showed
The celebration is still done
The sense was frozen
As it is at north or south pole

Everyone likes to be the first
Even he treaded his brother
Even he blooded the wounded
Even he extracted the killed
Even he dotted out the sad
To be he is the only winner

The world gets downed
The birds are chattered
The roses are wilted
The clouds are vanished
Without any rain ascending

To return the universe in clear
To make the happy appears
To have peace at everywhere
We must have right heart
the chracters between human are getting down. thge faith gets away, and the honest evaporated
Jun 2019 · 1.1k
the love comes
the love comes
knocking all doors
all doors were opened

they saw the sun shinning
from you forehead, that is bright
the love orders

the hearts agree
they had to do
as they accept without any argue

the love is free
touching hearts at his way
making them shivered with fear

as they may be touched with cold there
the lips are closed
the minds waited
the eyes cried
even tier beloved was near
the love has his orders ands his ability to attract every one who dreams to live in happy life
Jun 2019 · 503
The birds are imprisoned
All birds fly towards the north
When the weather goes to be hot
And fly towards the south
When the cold spreads the wings
And destroys all nests

Except my birds
They fly towards your heart
Asking, screaming and shouting
You are the worst spy
When they meet your birds
They sing a deathless song
Making every poor land converted to be kind
And the loosing mind returning his mind
The old trunk gets strong
Branches covering with colored and smart

The bees put their honey
Making me taste it as your honey
Love, that makes me in happy
All the world gets funny
And the birds dance with harmony
The fishes swim in circles
Making the water spreads atoms
All over the world, that makes the flies tends
Once the left and the right at once

The important my birds get wide
Not distance, but from my sight
And I will whisper at your beauty ear
I hate my birds as they go to yours
That is obvious for all viewers
But I wish to be with them by yours
the love changes every look and make one forgives all worst from his love. if the love governs the world the beauty will spread
May 2019 · 466
The prophet 'Mohamad"
He was not sending
He did not know even he was the messenger
He went to that cave
Called "herraa" cave
To be away of the world
To look after the natural world

To discover if the world was created
By only power and God
His nation worshipped statues
360 statues with days of moon year
To approach them to the only God

The true is when one increases his faults
He searches away from his God
Trying to get a way and method
To get his God forgiven his worst

He forgot that his God accepted one
Who discovered that he did a wrong

Mohamad sent a lone
To see the outer of the world
And to hear the inner sound
Until a great creature appeared
He made a strong hung
Mohamd felt his chest was collapsed
Telling "read"
Mohamd said," I can't"
Mohamad was illiterate

The creatures hung him again

The sweat ascended as rain

Telling him read
Mohamad said," I can't read"
In the meaning of the talk
The creatures did again
Saying," read ,
Read with the name of the God
Who learnt with the pen"

As the Al arak surat said
Mohamd went with great shock
Saying," cover me, hung me
Warm me"
His lovely and honest wife met
With great mercy and kind
Telling you God will not let you down

To be continued
mohamad was sent to guide all the creatures to the holy power wo created the world
May 2019 · 307
the endless love
My soul comes from wide
My soul talks so light
My soul appears so light
She becomes having no tide
She finally releases her weight

My body asks for height
The demands of his wants become wide
He suffers from hunger and thirst
But he becomes as the knight
Who faces dangerous from any side
He might be killed
That is right

And does not surrender his greed easily
The soul visits angels
Showing how is her appearance
The world makes new harmony
Sharing the soul's happiness
the fast month comes with suffers and gets unusual happits but the boby ans soul becomes  right
May 2019 · 346
the holy dance
Free soul is dancing
It searched for that moment
When it gets free and light
When it could fly up
And hear the sound
Coming from clear and bright

The body has to be fastened
At the long month period
From sun rising till sun downing
There is no water or food giving
At this accurate period

The souls released from burden
Circling at holy dancing
Showing how it becomes lighter
And gets sister with angel

IT mentions its God every moment
IT thanks him for his fares
And thinks and blames her waste
Time that was lost

She gets up early
Eating and drinking before sun rising
Praying in holy praying
No lying, cheating and looking
For forbidden look

Honest with others and yours
To be as angels flying overlook
the fast month comes every year to clear the self and decrease its burdens. the benefits of fast becomes so obvious and becomes clear for every one
May 2019 · 229
letter by letter
letter L, by letter O know
your heart must know

she answered no
her heart blinked " i do!"

letter V by letter E
your heart will be
only for me

she refuse and pay
her beauty sight away
her heart could say
i love you as the tree

dig in deepest road
and it branches are upward

letters these are four
do not differ their bond
or you will be a ghost

at feeling, sleeping or having a thought
love consists of 4 letters which are  tided at strong tie
Apr 2019 · 237
the hollow
the heart becomes hollow
you know
the rain will go
down , do
to plant love's wall
people show
the love arrows throw
needs hero
love needs go heart, faith and believe
Apr 2019 · 310
The wild wolf
He approached, approached
He became so nearest
He found them gathering

They remarked them
They all escaped
Except two, who cuddled

He approached with so confident
They were girl and her cat
The fear reached to the top

At their hearts making them vibrated at speed
The wolf moved so slowly
He became sure that he would attack

Without any resistance or any attack
Of them as they were so young
The wolf so approached

Wanted to get some amuse
Wanted to see fair played so clear
As their bodies and their hearts and might appear

Asking for mercy or any wait
He thought he might wait
But he would attacked
After he had amused

He stretched his hand
To cheek the girl check
How it was fresh and had the meat
Necessary to feed his stomach

By his sudden amazing
He found the strong stone throwing
At his eye at correct
The girl did that

Without wait, as she was told
Eye without any fault
His head was downed of pain
He howled with anger and with big

Insist to revenge and get his lost
Honor that was scattered
He howled and returned to jump

To aim the final stroke
When he did that
He found another throwing
The cat was at his head

She hurt the another eye
He lost the whole vision
The girl didn't run
She insisted to make him downed

She searched for great stone or even solid
She found a long rod
The wolf was till wanting to attack
He followed them by his nose sense
He howled to great their fear
To make their disturbance increased

But with his surprise
He was hurt by a strong rod
He tried to stretch his hand

The cat did at speed
She bit his nose
He threw her by his hand

The girl was in anger
She hurt him until he lied
She was not confused

As she feared when she gave him her back
He might get up and attack
So she stroked him hurt

Till his head was damaged
Face the fear with brave heart
Fear the fear itself, you will find it
Getting escaped
the wild wolf can attack,but the honor and brave can break and face any dangerous
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