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Zywa Nov 2022
**** in my nightie,

I still feel his eager hands --

I still feel his breath.
"Farah Mills" (2017, Ivo Victoria)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s and 10s"
Emilie Vang Dec 2021
he used his hands to touch around my pure bare smooth skin
and told me it was supposed to feel magical,
but what is magic without a shinny golden lamp?
he rubbed it three time and continued.
he told me that i was a princess, untouchable to others, but him.
set on a perfect seated throne.
that seat was made just for me.
he ignored every blood drip drop
and shoved the glass slipper in as if it fit.
he whispered into my ear
and told me, i sounded like mourning birds chirping
as i screeched horridly being poisoned by an apple.
it felt like a needle pricking in and out of my skin.
laying there in eternity, still and steady.
wishing i could forever sleep.
but how can i sleep forever when he is the beast that has held me captive in his castle of words?
“the princess is supposed to kiss the frog and he will turn into a prince.”
i kissed the frog.
i did even more, but he was nothing like their stories.
his story was different from the books.
he told me it was my fault that i was a singing siren.
i was just too desirable,
so he had to pull me out of the water and show me something new.
it's kind of based on disney princesses, which ones can you point out?
Marisela Veludo Apr 2021
From the first time our eyes met
I knew your heart I had to get
I wondered what you'd sound like
If you'd speak, would my heart spike ?

My other half, no more incomplete
The sugar to my bitter, you are so sweet
As he touched me , suddenly I melted
I felt the best part of me being presented

Warm feeling, embarrassing smiles
For you I would go the extra miles
Ashlyn Yoshida Apr 2021
Let me sleep until reality turns grey
Let me breathe until my lungs tear to shreds
Let me live alone in a house with a cat
Let me not be touched or tainted

But the world wants you to be touched
The world wants you to see reality in all its horrifying colors
The world wants you to breathe softly
And to live with the noises and smiles
Of the house you always dreamed of.
Yachika Sharma Nov 2020
Sometimes I crave for a loving heart,
Who has not been touched or torn apart,
But it feels like this world is not meant,
For a soul full of desire compared to art.
Michael A Duff Jun 2020
Her gaze touched my soul

I saw beyond all futures

A life of torment
Although she was one person that touched my soul deeper than any other, she was addicted to demons from her past. She seeked the chaos of dysfunction and ever changing ups and downs, it was warm water for her mind and the abused little girl she couldn't grow apart from.
Susan Nishimoto Jun 2020
I saw your face when I heard the news

I cried too because you were so nice

I swear, I thought you were an angel.

I didn't know you, but you touched me

You sacrificed yourself for this man

That is why you are up in heaven.
I had got inspired with this story I saw in Japan. It was about a woman that saved this person on the train tracks, however, she died because of it. Her story touched me, and  I just couldn't believe someone would do something like that.
Michael R Burch Mar 2020
The One and Only
by Michael R. Burch

for Beth

If anyone ever loved me,
     It was you.
If anyone ever cared
beyond mere things declared;
if anyone ever knew ...
     My darling, it was you.

If anyone ever touched
     my beating heart as it flew,
it was you,
and only you.

Keywords/Tags: Love, one, only, unique, heart, touched, beating, knowing, understanding, darling
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