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Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Walk the line

Life is loud, so close your ears if you are not prepared.
All we sing rocks all the time, so why have so much fear?
Scream with us when the sun goes down
And play a guitar made from air.
Born to do it, my soul craves it, so I must let myself hear.

On a one way trip to make it to the other side of Hell;
Come creep with me through the nightmares inside my mind.
I need to see what lies at the end of eternity for myself.
I cannot believe their truth, their fear, for I am a seeker in the night.

I breathe my words into your conscience;
I never claimed that I could be the one to make a change.
All I am here to do is show you there could be another way;
Welcome to the dark side, the right side…going down in flames.

This light burns brighter than a thousand sons;
My guide through all the bad times will show us the way.
You and I hand in hand, until the bitter end of us;
Concentrate, so we don’t break.  Shall we go for it or will you stay?

Never mind the consequences;
Take the leap of faith with me before we lose it.
Let us fly into an unknown future with our eyes tightly closed.
I want to live an extraordinary life and it all begins with just a kiss.
We have been blinded to the possibilities, so let them be exposed.

They do not care if we choose their way of life,
They only care that we do not find our own way.
They expect us to own a house, keep a job and find a wife;
But we know of their expectations and still we say…

This life is not yours to control,
You have had your own life and your own time.
This last chance is mine
And this is my soul!
I will do whatever I choose to do,
So I cannot just fall in line.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Wallowing in mud

The soul, the soul, my life, my soul!
If all I have left is my soul, my life, my grail,
Then take it all away from me; take it all and go!
I can no longer hold on to something I no longer believe in…so,
With words of blood I spit at you; the nerve you have to call me nice!
I have never been nice in my entire life to someone who did not deserve it
And you my friend…you never did.
So walk away from all you cause and leave me in your wreckage;
I can no longer wait on you to finish your sentence; I have never been festive
And the season is over, look over my shoulder
And you will see the past behind me.
That is where I have left you and all your lies.
Go wallow in your own misery.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Warmer than the last time

I need a warm blooded woman,
Not another snake in the grass.
I need a loving woman,
Not a pain in the ***.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Wasting words

I want to be electronic;
I can only be more robotic.
Please try to fix my empathy;
I have lost it.  I am not hypnotic.
I cannot make you feel this,
Without giving away my secrets.

We need to join and become one mind,
So you can truly feel the words that I write.
I want to know what you feel inside,
So I can absorb your words, I will not lie; tell me how to write.

I cannot change without your thoughts screaming at me.
I need to know what you think; show me everything.
Do not hold back, I need true feelings;
Then maybe I can improve my understanding.

I create words for fun; I’m building string theories to pull you in
And when I think I am done, I will force myself to continue writing.
I take a piece of your mind and it extends my thoughts.
I give away my art; you help me rearrange it all.
As I grow, my books, they continue expanding
And as my words evolve, I am becoming more demanding.
If it’s not good enough, then it is nothing.
Nothing is ever good enough, but I am still going.

When I have made a change,
I hope that it works,
Because I need to age with age;
No more wasting words.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Watch T.V., so you don't have to think.

I could be dead tomorrow, but today I'm alive,
So right now, I truly am willing to strive,
To get all I want, before death comes to take me;
So show me Heaven on Earth, you beautiful lady.

But don't give me a baby, or a headache.
Don’t waste our precious time together,
Watching repeats of Ricki Lake,
Or Jerry Springer, or even Oprah.
No I don't want to watch another soap!
Or something so soulless and devoid of inspiration.
Could you put on some tunes and turn off the television?

Just play me some music, by someone who has something to say
And let me fall in love, with a single lyric today;
By an intelligent lyricist, with a funky beat,
That makes us tap our feet and shake our thing.
Do you get me?  Capiche?  Do you understand what I'm saying?

Or are you too drunk, to care anymore?
I'm sorry, I'll shut up; I'm obviously a bore,
That you have to ignore, so here's the remote.
I think I'll just leave and go write a book.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Water monkeys

Monkeys jump on all the rocks
And as the water flows, neither can stop
Because like water, the monkey knows,
That if it stops, it will be gone.
The water would evaporate
And if the monkey slips, it would be too late.

The water monkey is clean at heart.
In deepest rivers it would fall so far,
That it would never see life again;
But in the stream it can happily play all day.

So without fear the monkey leaps!
And into the stream it splashes with a scream.
A yell of delight, under scorching sunlight;
A place to relax, just like,
The hot spring Snow Monkeys do,
Under the moonlight.

Their sauna home in a place so cold,
Is Pleasantville, to the monkey mind.
A place to go and chill,
When you want a place to hide; or you need a place to go.
The hot spring pools over which there falls endless flakes of snow.
It falls down onto their heads and their ears,
But the monkey does not mind,
For they are relaxing in the hot pools,
Like they have done for many a year.

No enemies in this place of peace,
But the river monkey does not know of a peace like this,
So as he splashes in his streams,
He keeps his head above the water,
Listening out for any enemies.

This is a tale about some water monkeys…
The water monkeys I have seen, on my T.V.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Water Soul

She is waiting on me to tell her no lies,
But I am still mute as to what to do.
I am already see-through when she smiles.
If she touched my arm I would puke.
Not from disgust, but from sheer excitement.
My body would not know how to react,
So the ***** would rise and I would reach enlightenment.
Reminder to self, do not do that again.
Women do not like it when you throw-up on their dress.
It kind of ruins their day.

The feelings inside me want to burst out my body,
Waving a big sign saying I like you, yep you!
I should just tell her I like her,
So she can say I am sorry,
I have no interest in anything that you do.
Well ain’t that just a kick in the teeth!
Stupid me, stupid people, stupid planet, I want to leave.

The two of us can move on and go back to being strangers.
Love only hurts anyway, so I will keep my heart out of danger,
And just say nothing…Waiting on her…
My heart is dying, my time is fading, my hair is grey…sprinkle the dirt.

The final door to be closed or not to be?
I am all out of options.  The answer will not shock me,
Unless she wants me,
But I have given up on my dreams;
I no longer believe I am destined.

As I walk into the last chance saloon,
It is do or die.  Do I live with you?
Do I become bullet proof and protect you?
Or do I become see-through?

Love is over, while I burn in my own passion.
Nothing soothes; endless, nameless.
There is no shame in admitting defeat.
I tried my best to find you soulmate,
But you are gone and I am so lost,
I am becoming less than less.
I guess we will never be.

Aching bones hold up a fractured ego.
I would have gone wherever she goes,
Holding her hand, being her man,
Making plans…
But now…
Just ****.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
We are the lovers

We are the lovers; we are a dying breed.
We trust in love and we truly believe.
We are the lovers and we know what we need;
We need romance to be real, so we can set our hearts free.

Go have your affairs; we will stick to one love.
One heart for one heart, ‘til death do us part.
You are the parasites with poisoned tongues;
Leave love to the lovers, because worthless is all the love you have
And we pity what you are.

Leave the cheaters to be cheated out of an honest kind of love;
Their love is empty of feeling and they deserve nothing less.
We want true love and a relationship that is forward;
They want *** with anyone that they can get.

Their bitter love has a sour taste;
The idea of love has been left disgraced.
Love is pure and adultery is infected,
When wrapped around a ring-finger…

What a waste.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
We are the nothing

We are the others, the never wills;
The nothingness of death.
We are nothing, you are less;
Spineless, useless, worthless, blessed!
Burn love to the ground and ground it down;
I love falling apart in your arms.

Everyone is going around, falling in love;
Fall from the sky, down into the ground.
We feel like the world is coming to an end.
Burn love down; burn love down.

Everyone is an Angel and everyone is a Devil;
All we become is ashes and dust.
Bite the hand that feeds,
Down on your ***** knees;
Who are you that we should trust?

There is a great big hole in the sky!
I think it’s time to die.
There’s nothing left to do,
But suffer fools like you.

Something inside me burns with hate!
It is you I have to leave behind or save.
Clinical and cynical;
We are nothing to the grave.

We are the nothing inside of you;
We are the nothing that you breed.
We are nothing,
You are nothing;
You are nothing like me.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Oh to compare thee to a summers day,
Would be to compare thee to a billion protons.
Such a list would never truly say,
That which one would try to describe,
To the thousands of witnesses and so on.

All the people who would surely have to ask,
Why her?  Why now?  Why here?  And alas,
I would be unable to pinpoint the main,
For it is made up of not one item but a mass.
The contents of which have been spoken of forever,
But yet, here I am flocking like two birds of a feather,
Entwined in vines whilst drinking red wine, straight from the vine,
It binds.

And thus they were and thus they shall remain,
Until the bed of death shall separate.
This sunny afternoon, let’s call it a Wednesday.
The seal was locked,
The band purely golden;
There is no other way.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
**** could affect your memory.

Mom what was I like when I was younger?
What?  Huh?  Sorry I can’t remember.
You see I’ve been smoking this stuff, all my adult life;
My memories useless.  What were we talking about?

Me Mom, Me.  What was I like when I was a kid?
Oh you’ll always be Mommies little baby to me.
Yeah but Mom, I’m older now and what will I tell my kids?
When they come ask Daddy, what were you like in the Naughties?

When you were our age, what games did you play?
What music did you listen to and who was your favorite?
What music did you love?  And was there anything you hated?
Because I’d like to be an angry teenager and become an anarchist!

Because it’s clear you don’t care
About me, because you can’t remember.
When is my birthday Mom?  
Er…  I know it’s in November.
Oh thanks a lot Mom!
It’s not my fault.
I told you I can’t remember anything,
Because of this green stuff.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020

I want my next connection to be my last,
And I want it to be a connection that I know will truly last.
If the connection is lost due to ill-communication breakdown,
I hope in the universe there can be heard its eternal sound.

I want an upgrade on what I have had.
I want the possibility to become a Dad.
I want a woman who joins me in my laughs.
When I write poems for her, I want her to be sad.

Not the feeling; just the illusion.
I want her tears to create confusion.
I will ask why so sad?  She will say they are happy tears.
I will weep with her, for years and years.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Weight watchers paradise

Lemon pies, with feathered wings,
Floating in the sky, as the sun sits and glistens,
Against their skin; yes the beautiful people.
The ones who say, all that food is pure evil.

The bright morning sun kills off the dark blue night
And shows us the way to a weight watchers paradise,
With cream filled donuts and chocolate gold bars,
With the sponge cake motorways, full of jelly made motor cars.

So super-size me; put me on the Elvis diet.
I can’t talk right now, for I have to eat.
Oh and don’t forget, to cut the bacon off my fat;
I have no wish, to look anorexic.

Big, fat and beautiful, look at me!
All you jealous skinny girls, are only jealous of these.
My two lethal weapons, that get me all I want;
So take me to a Heaven, named McDonald’s,
With Burger Kings, feeding on Kentucky Fried Chickens.
This tasty goodness is so **** finger licking.

Rabbit food?  Don’t make me puke!
I have no desire, to become bulimic.
I’m not Princess Di; I have no wish to die.
No I don’t love to watch, my cholesterol level rise;
But I do love my **** body and I do love my super-size.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
We know

The thoughts we think run around our heads.
They try to make us not forget,
So we remember all that which came before;
Our guiding light towards a better shore.

And as we arrive we climb to our feet,
And in our souls we hope to meet,
A gracious soul, so worn and old;
A beautiful soul, so knowledgeable.

So wise we know that we were meant to teach and learn.
Since night became and the sun began to burn,
We have known we need to become an introvert,
Because deep inside we still feel scared,
Of the things that we once yearned.

So we hide away all the love we hold inside.
We hide away from the possibility of lies.
We hide away until the day that we die.
We die alone because we could never let anybody stand by our side.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Welcome to Far Town

On what forsaken endless shore,
Is grief a friend where Devil’s crawl?
Does all we have seen have no worth at all?
What end of time disaster is fate asking for?
Did you not know the signs all align
And all is lost to banshee’s cries?

When all hope is gone, you hold tight the cross,
You wore around your neck, which now you hold aloft.
Trying to ward off any evil spirits.
Do you think Jesus would really want to see it?

All your enchantments are meaningless.
Your self-defence lacks being blessed.
A whispered prayer, no faithful dead.
When Death approaches you begin the test.
The end is here, there is no sanctuary.
Deeds written on parchment, treated as sanctity.

Agony shall surely rip a mind apart.
No safe-way found in a billion stars.
No guiding light coming from near or far,
Can save a soul so below par.
Your purity was bargained for;
Tempted away in days of being poor.
Faithless messages lost to your,
Choices made in days of yore.

When all was taken and ambition was gone,
You signed your name, your kingdom come.
Your kingdom gone, life ebbs and flows.
Did you choose to stay the course, or did you take the gold?
Take a hold of your consequences.
Life is not about happy endings.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
We need to talk

I’ve got a bruise in the shape of Tom Cruise;
It’s on my back next to the Charlie Sheen tattoo.
It’s time I stopped picturing all these actors,
But still I see Bruce Willis’ face on all the posters.

Cameron Diaz is listening to jazz
And I’ll thank her please if she will give me a lap dance.
I drop my pants looking for some kind of romance,
But all I find is someone playing Una Mas.

I wouldn’t normally mind,
But they are playing way out of key
And woe is me if I can’t get what I need to make me happy;
I need to watch Mr. Bean.

Watching Van Damme for five whole seconds;
That’s enough of that, I surely do reckon.
You can’t sell me anything in your television adverts.
If I need something I will buy it;
To your lies I will not listen.

Movie stars and five star ratings.
Who do I complain to about talk show hosts,
Who act like they are dating,
The person they interview?
Get to the real questions;
We have had enough of you
And your luvvie ways,
Telling them they are great.

Why not ask them about their drugs habits?
Their exes, their fights and headline stories?
You smile, you fake, you are in love; you idiot.
An actor is just a man or a woman,
An interviewer is just a puppet.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

What is love, but a feeling?
Why do we follow it so blind?
What are our hopes and our dreams?
Why do they change over time?
What is an oath of love and being faithful?
What is marriage, but a commitment to break?
What is our destiny?
Is it simply what we make it?

What is life and living?
Who decides who lived right and who didn’t?
What is philosophy, but thoughts to be spoken?
And believed by some and disagreed with by others.

What is the meaning of life?
Why can there only be one answer?
What is wrong and what is right?
What gives you the power to say that?

What is opinion without fact?
What are society’s thoughts?
What if we didn’t believe all we were taught?
What if we broke the rules?

What is money, but pieces of paper?
What is wealth, but a status symbol?
What is a conscience, if it is ignored?
What will bring the end of the world?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
What am I to you?

What am I to you?  Which words do you hear?
When I speak only truth and face my fears.
What am I to do, when I don’t know what comes next?
If this is all we are, then what is left?

What am I to you, if not an impostor?
What am I to do, to become even clearer?
What doesn’t ring true, when you view my minds picture?
I follow no footsteps and I am no leader.

I walk in solitude, wary of facing a deceiver.
I am what I am; I am my own special creation.
Breathe into me, so I can take you into my heart
And not be left here alone feeling vacant.

Devoid of empathy and lacking understanding;
Who am I to complain to you, when I am winning!?
Who are you to judge me?  I am unworthy of a glance;
But the fire in my hands will breathe new life into your romance.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
What a way to fly.

Dead on the ground, welcome to your end.
You are stuck in the mud searching for a way to survive,
But there is no hope for you to cling onto; this is your day to die.
Your doom is at your door, he has come calling for you;
It is time to say goodbye.

Your life is nothing more than a memory.
You’d be grateful to be dead.
Now your fortune has gone
And you’re just trying to stay alive, still taking those last breaths.

You can be scared to death of facing death,
But if you hide away and do not live,
Then your existence becomes worthless
And you end up with nothing left.

Forget me not's and coffin plots,
We wish our lives away preparing for the day.
I am the dead cowboy, no longer riding,
I have disappeared into the distance,
Heading for the horizon…
What a way to fly.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
What could have been

Love echoes throughout the years;
Love breaks with every tear.
Love lasts for the lucky few.
Love is perfect, when love is new,
But then the cracks begin to form
And love begins to create a storm
And at the end, the slamming of the door.
All that which was, will never again be…
Love could have been so much more.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
What I love

Your soul is within your eyes.
The colour, the pupil, the lens to focus the light.  
Your visions are put together like a family photograph.
Click!  You stole my soul through your camera lens.
Give it back!  

I’m no Demon;
I am Human-e, that is for certain,
Because if I had the power to change the world for the better,
We would all live in paradise, forever and ever.

I would make every Human marry their equal
And a self-destruction button would be activated,
If they were ever unfaithful.
Spontaneous combustions like stars falling to the ground.
Everyone is guilty; everybody cheats love if they are fooling around.
So I would be the last man standing,
Before you my love, speaking the truth; being genuine.

Please accept that you are all that I need.
If at the moment you feel differently,
It doesn’t mean you should just ignore my true feelings.

Yes it is possible someone loves more than you do.
No it is impossible for me to cheat on you.

Leave you I will, if I think you have strayed.
Wait for proof?  Never again.
Drove me insane, it did for sure;
So I cannot be your *****.
Use another body; anybody.
Just please do not use mine.
My broken heart stares up sadly, at my broken mind.

My soul is shattered!
I love…
I love y…

It doesn’t matter…

…what I love.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
What is love?

What is love if I just can’t feel?
What is love if I cannot have it?
What is love if you don’t feel it?
What is love without you near?
What is love if it’s not real?
What is love?  
Love is worthless.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
What Love Is

Come a little closer and whisper sweet nothings in my ear,
Kiss my lips so tenderly, that I can feel your fears.
Open up your heart to me and show me you want me near,
Tell me you won’t let me go and I’ll always be here.

Angel tears fall to the ground, when we are torn apart,
I wish to always have you here; I wish to be in your heart.
I wish my wishes would come true; we would never part.
You make my wishes all come true, you are my other half.

Hold my hand and don’t let go, I will always need you,
Put your arms around my waist, so one can become two.
Lay with me and say goodnight, with your head on my pillow,
Lay with me and kiss me goodnight, then I am yours it is true.

You are no longer a dream inside my head;
You’ve brought my heart back from the dead.
I kiss you goodbye with a hidden dread;
Will she really come back again?

Then you call me on the phone,
You ask me “Are you alone?”
I tell you “yes I’m all alone at home.”
Then I open the door and put down the phone.

We share a hug; I caress your cheek,
You hold me close, like you really need me.
We kiss a kiss, pure ecstasy through our lips,
Those three words, we at last manage to speak.

We share a smile, we share our love,
We let each other truly open up.
We become free, by locking ourselves away,
In a locket you keep in a jewelry box,
Whenever I am not next to your heart.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
What’s in a name?

Butterflies do not taste of butter
And unicorns are not made from corn.
Blue bottle flies do not come in a blue bottle
And a lady bird is not a bird at all.

But what is in a name anyway?  We do not get to choose it.
It is forced upon us when we are born.
Parents hope their child will be inspired to become something amazing,
But we all lose something, when we lose our innocence
And we lose as we learn how to listen and to talk.

Some animals, given enough time, will inspire us to give them a name,
Befitting their personality.
But no child can be given such a privilege,
Because of the demands of society.

The instant we are conceived,
The arguments of a proper name do begin.
If only we were given more time to see the child’s personality,
Maybe we would be able to change our reasoning.

But dreams are simply wishes that are too quick to be gone,
To ever be fully appreciated.
If we took our time during the moment of name-giving,
Maybe the idea of what is right, would somehow become shifted.

Patience is a virtue and time is precious;
So take your time to see the bigger picture
And maybe you could make a difference.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
When I grow up, I want to be...

As the sun shines down, on this old grey town,
It shows me the exit, to lead me down south.
To start a new life and to find me a wife;
To buy a new house and to raise a child.

As I lounge in the sun, with my new born son,
And my wife by my side, simply enjoying my new life.
I'm sat by the beach, enjoying the peace,
Whilst smoking my green and living out my dreams.

I'm getting a tan, from the blazing sun,
Whilst my son’s having fun, playing in the sand with his mum;
Building sandcastles and swimming in the sea.
I wonder what he will grow up to be.
My wife and I, are simply enjoying growing old together
And watching our son grow
And talking of the good old days…long ago.

The day we first met, at our local nightclub,
After 7 tequilas and a night of smoking bud
And making love and feeling good.
I knew when I saw her, my wife she would become.

The two young romantics, became infatuated
And never parted, after exchanging hearts
And a year later, exchanging rings
And sharing one feeling
And sharing one dream
And sharing one thing called our destiny.

Now we shall never live apart.
She'll be at my side, until the day I depart
And float up to Heaven, to wait for my wife
And my first born child,
To make the hopefully long wait worthwhile.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
When the ship goes down

The ship is sinking, flee with the rats.
The end is nearing, do not look back.
Memories change and soon they will fade.
The ship is sinking; move on, find a way.

The ship is sinking and I am drowning,
In total apathy for everything.
I am no longer singing; I stay out of misplaced loyalty.
I saw the truth and it destroyed me.

I know my time is temporary.
The ship is sinking…
Wait with me.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
When you want a husband, give me a call.

All my life, I’ve been a waster.
I’ve never known what I was going to do.
I’ve suffered endless mental torture,
All in the hope of proving my love to you.

I’ve been killed by love a thousand times,
But still here I stand, asking for you to be my Wife.
I don’t think I’m good enough,
But I’ve never wanted more than one love.

Well maybe a girlfriend,
For my wife to play with,
But I am nothing; I could never wish for this.
I am just a loser with a dream.

I dream of selling novels, songs and poetry,
So I can afford to raise a baby;
Or to maybe just have a Wife…
To stop me going crazy.

To remind me of why I carry on,
When human beings are so cold.
I need someone to give this love to;
It is such a heavy load.

Free love here!
It is yours if you want it.
It is faithful and always would be.

There is one catch I’m afraid;
This offer only applies to my future love slave.
My woman, my one love, my honey, my babe,
My desire, my passion, my mistress, my muse, my saving grace.

This is the woman I could happily be married to…
Do you think this could be you?
Do you know what staying faithful brings?
If you do…
Then give me a ring.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Why do we dance better when we are in love?

Why do we dance better, when we are in love?
A lack of embarrassment,
As you feel like you've been drugged.
You feel the music more, because the lyrics have new meaning.
The description to the picture of the woman you've never seen.

The lights enlighten your mind, as the colour fills her face.
She appears before you, when you’re too drunk to concentrate,
On the words she is saying, that you know would be great,
But she thinks you’re not listening and now it's too late.
Her attentions been taken, by another hopeful singleton;
An unknown quantity, you never had time to think of.

He's taken your place, in entrapping her mind;
He's the guy you should have been, but you never had the time.
He's the second rate choice, that wins this fair maiden’s soul;
He's taken your maiden, so now you should go.

The girl I think I love, isn't really who I love;
I just haven't realised, that my time has not yet come,
But love is on the way, my heart is its destination;
But to whom will it be given and mutually taken?

If love is on the way, how long must I wait?
And will it hurt me like before?
Or will I see that it's a new day?
Full of new opportunities, new hopes and new dreams;
But this time around, there will be a happy ending.

Thinking of the future fills my heart with such gladness;
Knowing I could fall in love with a stranger,
Who will take away my sadness.
Knowing anything is possible; my futures full of hope,
That one day I'll get the girl and one day I'll fall in love.

To listen to new words, from a voice I've never heard,
Would be such a thrill, would be more than I deserve.
For the strong always win, as the weaker man falls behind;
But surely I deserve love too, I've committed no crime.

So why am I punished, every time I see her face?
The last kiss we'll ever share, now only leaves a bitter taste.
We could have been good for each other,
If I only stood my ground
And told this girl that I like her,
To make her smile and not frown.

I walk into the bar, as my future sits on her own.
I must seize this last chance and tell her she's the one.
So we sit there all night long, telling tales of our past,
Whilst thinking of the future, as I wonder will this last?

She understands your desires, your wishes and your dreams.
She wants to be with you; well at least that's what you think.
You must let the goodness of love, overcome the bitterness
And let the love light shine on her, so you can feel the goodness,
To light the warmness you feel, so you can ignore all your doubts
And make a hole in your heart, to let the burden seep out.

I'd make a hole in her head, to remove the memories of the hurt,
To help her look to the future; it is what she deserves.
To let her remember the good times
And the love that we could have;
To make her think of our future
And forget the painful past.

I want to take away the weight,
That you carry upon your shoulders
And hope we make a connection,
Between what's inside us.
The worlds too heavy for you to carry,
I think it's time you gave it back;
I only want to make you happy
And stop you ever feeling sad.

Now the weight has been lifted
And you’re free from the burden,
Will you join me on this quest
To find our Garden of Eden?
To create our own world,
Exactly as we need it to be;
To share in the ecstasy of possibilities.

Our future could be golden,
Like the setting summer sun.
Loves a new weight on your shoulders,
But it gives you someone,
Who will be there until you die,
Unless I die before you do;
But I'd refuse to be killed,
If it meant that I'd lose you.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Why do you do it?

I want you, to make me happy,
I want something that guarantees happiness.
I want you, to help me escape,
From this thing called life, I have begun to hate.

I wish to raise up, to a higher plain,
I want to build a barrier, between the heart and the pain.
I want to be relaxed, when I talk to her,
I want to sound cool and not cheesy when I flirt.

I want us to all, to have one thing in common,
They’ve all done it before and I want to be like them.
I want to feel, what my idols felt,
I want to become someone else.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

The cold wind blows, through the bones in my body.
A shiver down the spine makes you shake a gesture or sign,
Of a forthcoming winter; the cold is in the air.

So enjoy the sunshine, before the cold dark days;
The winter of discontent.
The eerie sound of an icy wind, a time for you to lament;
That the warm days, are no longer.
This summer has come and gone.

So wrap yourself up, nice and warm,
Before you catch your Death.
The bleakness of the moral, is innocently lost,
But the cold air gives form, to a heated breath.

So stay indoors, where it’s safe and warm
And keep the heat trapped;
For the heat that you have imprisoned,
Beneath the blanket on your bed,
Will soon become,
This winter’s closest friend.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018
Winter’s call

I see you there looking right through me.
I, your ghostly apparition; I who chases who I should be.
I am the creator of destinies; you hear my call in your hour of need.
Repent! Repent! Lay down your greed.
You took my life, you stole from me.
The end is nigh from upon high;
The time has come, none shall survive.
You have seen the pictures and heard the words,
Yet still you failed to believe, so you deserve,
The end of all that has come before.
You stand alone as all men who fall.
Welcome to your winters call.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2018
Winter’s call

I see you there looking right through me.
I, your ghostly apparition; I who chases who I should be.
I am the creator of destinies; you hear my call in your hour of need.
Repent! Repent! Lay down your greed.
You took my life, you stole from me.
The end is nigh from upon high;
The time has come, none shall survive.
You have seen the pictures and heard the words,
Yet still you failed to believe, so you deserve,
The end of all that has come before.
You stand alone as all men who fall.
Welcome to your winters call.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Ashes remind me of the time wished away;
Those lost memories have now faded to grey.
My greatest sorrow is the death of tomorrow.
The bleak outlook is so hollow;
It leaves my tasteless love so immoral.

Your love eats away at my soul like a cancer.
You used to be such a happy dancer;
But then you found love and fell apart like a neutron bomb.
Love left you withered, as soon as your lover was gone.

Decay sets in to eat away at your pride;
You live in the dirt covered stains of a life.
You used to be light, now you’re colourless and dead.
Whatever goes on inside your head?

Bones start to ache and your hair falls to the ground;
You are dying without love, you are falling down.
You crash to the floor like a ***** through a door,
To her blood stained bed sheets and a life that has become a war.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Play Slipknot’s ‘*****’ song four times and use these lyrics:
(Do not use the official video clip. It has more than just the song.)

I still feel your pain within my skin…

Ripping out my heart again,
So I can’t let you in.

Silence only ever hid my truths…

The Book of Life showed us the way;
My fate is up to you…amen.

Never been one to simply move on!
Like to stay in wonderland, all alone!
It still seems to feel like you inside.
All it took was the death of love and suicide,
To find our paradise!
I saw the love within your eyes;
It burnt my soul to say goodbye.

Oh…So now I scream “I’ve changed my mind!”
But apathy has got a grip over me!

Death will surely catch up, eventually…
But if I have you by my side
And I have your love for the rest of time,
Maybe then I can truly say “Goodbye.”
But only once and never again, not in this life!

Happiness has gone from me again!
All I’m left with within my world, is my own pain;
But I never said to you, just what I knew.
Just know I only ever spoke the truth.
I just couldn’t do this to you!
You’re much too weak to take this pain,
I guess, thought the crazy fool.
Oh…But picture me within your heart;
I’ll be your love light in the dark!


I’ll be the one who cares!
I’ll be the one who is always there!
I’ll be the one you keep within;
I’ll be the one you let within!
I’ll be the one to teach you sin!
If you would only live again…
This bullet has your name on it.

Oh…I’ll bury it within my skin.
I’ll take you deep inside of me!

I’ll open up and I will live again!


Bury me with love within your mind…
Dig me up to play with me, from time to time.
Read what I’m so desperate…to say
I’m older now and people change;
If I hadn’t just walked away…again…

I’d walk straight up to him!
And punch him hard in the face!
Such innocence you have no right to take!
My psychopathic, unstoppable, rage!
Would have put an end to his days!
But those words I guess I couldn’t say.
I guess you wouldn’t listen to them, anyway.

Oh so shocked that I would let you go!
I hope you know within my heart, you were the one!

But these words that you must never know…
Are truly spoken only to…cleanse my own soul.
Now I know I had to let you go;
I just wanted to tell you that…You are not alone.
Just tell me that you will never go!
Bury me with love and death, deep within your soul.
Know your words are in my heart…
But I could never let you know.
I wouldn’t want to make you cry!
Your tears only ever made me want to die!
I couldn’t be the one to save your life;
Oh, but you will never truly know,
Just how much you have affected mine!!!…


The pain I never made you face!
I kept it all deep within.
I buried it deep with you, inside of me;
But I never did find any kind of release.
I guess I just couldn’t let it ever end up like this.
So pity me for all I should have said!
Lay with me once more my love, in our broken bed.
Oh, kiss me deep within your soul of light;
Stay with me and hold me tight!

If you still care I just want you to know…


Together we will surely show this,
This loneliness, its death;
For I will never let you go.
I will only ever walk away.
For I have seen the death of love…
Once more in time, I should…have tried.

But these words of mine,
I guess I just could never say!
I miss you right now my bitter love!
I think of you now and then; sometimes other stuff.
But I want you to know, you are always in my heart.
I never truly left you; but I did depart…
I never told you how I felt.
Oh…I had to leave your broken heart,
But never weep, because of me!

Never say…you are unhappy.

You will never be alone,
For you are buried in my soul
And if something I guess I could have changed;
I would have left you to your pain,
I would still have walked away
And hope to God, I pray! I pray!
That you would only ever have followed me!
My love for you shall never go away.
I feel like I need your love to breathe!

I think I need you!
Trapped inside of me!
I think I saw something in your eyes;
I think I saw my paradise, but now I guess I’ll never truly know!


I think I’ve hit an all-time low!
So come to me, I’ll embrace you once again!
I’ll speak to you with honesty, my beloved friend;
Let me pay my penance for my sin.
Let me tell your heart and your soul!
That you my love, shall always be kept within.
I keep you safe, within my dreams.

Oh I offer shelter to your hurt and pains,
I only ever wanted to let you in!

I only ever wanted to let you in!!!


So you can truly believe my words when I say…

I will never walk away;
In the distance I see your faith.

One last time you smiled at me and then…

You walked away, then you felt my hand,
Land upon your hand, again…

I love you, I always have!
I just didn’t understand!
But all these words I keep within;
I’ll never hurt you, I’m your friend!
I’m sorry I just couldn’t let you in,
But I believed you would be better off in the end;
If you never saw my face…

Oh, if once more I had just walked away;
You would never have read your words and all of this would be a waste!

But if I were to tell you how I really feel…

I’d simply scream at you “This is for real!”
Let’s once more live in sin.

So I can show you, my love, within…
That you shall always be kept with me, deep within.

So save my soul I need you to care;
I need you more than I need air!
I need your love to set me free;
I need you to become one with me.
I need to tell you I love you my Friend,
I’ll never truly hurt you…not in the end;
I never claimed to be a saint.
Oh in wonderland I love your soul,
It took her death to let me know, I love you so!


So come be with me or break my hope!
You My Love; I believe You could be the one;.
I only tried to be of help;
But you are strong enough to help yourself
And I will pay penance for your pain!
I will not leave, I’m here to stay!
Angels like me fear our souls.

Oh, for my love was banished long ago,
If you still care, just know I love you so!

If you still care, just know you are the one!

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
With or without

Sitting on the edge, looking for a way out;
But there is no way to escape the darkness that exists inside a head.
Not saying a word when all you want to do is shout!
You have already purchased a wreath for your six foot bed.

Tried to make a change, but we are all stuck in the same rut;
Nothing will ever change for those who choose to give up.
The silence is deafening in this void we call a life.
No contact with another human being,
So nobody can trick us with their lies.

Alone and unhappy we sink beneath the surface;
Down and deeper we are forever falling.
Deeper, down, so no hope for us to make a wish with.
With or without me, what would you be left thinking?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Without end

In the haunted castle where all is quiet,
There walks a man with a ghostly face.
It is forever changing, a million images;
The nightmares staring back at him in the mirror;
The memories, the dreams never spoken and the wishes never made.

Dressed from head to toe in a cloak of black,
He is a blast from the past
And he is lost to the thoughts that have never been had.

No sound to be heard on the castle grounds,
Except for the wind blowing the cries of all the lost souls.
The ghosts are outside walking from the beyond into the now.
Time has been turned upon its head; a history of bones.

The graveyard is empty, for the bodies have arisen.
This land is his home, but he is without a reason inside his prison.
He does not ask for salvation, because no redemption will be given.
He is without a desire to be loved; he is lost without feelings.
He can never leave the castle grounds,
Because at the edge there exists an invisible barrier
And no exit to be found.

A hundred years have passed on by, since the time of his death.
Some say this was his darkest time,
But they are those still with breath.
With all his might he stands against,
The tide of what was and what still is,
But still he died, still he is here and still he does not live.

Now he haunts his castle alone,
He is without a soulmate; he is without a friend.
He has no hold of his own ill-fated soul,
For he is trapped in the never seen and his life has no end.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Without limits

Destination unknown, but I am going to a place I call home.
It’s far away beyond the stars, beyond the lights and noise of cars.
Flying through the universe, thinking fast,
No handbrake on, welcoming death as a matter of fact.
After drinking to feed my thirst;
This is no time for stopping or reverse.

The track is set; I am on my way,
To seeing the edge of all that came
And all that which passed across my eyes.
I have seen it all so I have no goodbyes.
To all I left behind to cry, I wish you well; but all things die,
And in the end if I made a dent inside your heart,
Then I made an impact on who you are.

You made all this worth it,
When I was thinking I am worthless.
I had to write it, just to say it;
I just could never understand my mess.
My head in a state of lah-di-dah;
You and I have come so far…oh so very far.

All of this it changes us,
But still we rise and still we fall.
I am falling still into the dust;
My gift, my world, has crumbled like the walls,
That reside around my heart shaped hole.
The walls are gone…fly away soul.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Without you

I want you to see me; I want you to know.
I want you to feel me when you are alone.
I want you to need me, now I am gone.
I want you to know what it is you have lost.

I should still be with you, but you are not here.
You will never have me with you.  Goodbye now my dear.
Your life will get better when I go away;
But if you still want me with you, I cannot stay.

We flew like two eagles, we flew so high;
We fell like a broken stone when we fell from the sky.
We crashed down on Earth like a flying meteor strike;
We fell like two angels and we lit up the night.

With you I was all I could have been;
That still wasn’t enough to keep your love.
With you I lived my life like a romantic movie scene;
Now you are gone, I realise I was enough.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Without you I am broken in two

You used to make me smile when things were hard;
Now without you I am broken in two.
I say I can’t live without you;
Something makes me wonder who I am without you.

You know I love you and I know you love me too.
Without your love, what will I do?
Without you I am broken in two;
Without you I am lost and broken in two.

I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and see you are gone,
Because without you I will forever be lost in the dark.

I need to be with you always, these feelings are real,
For I’ll always be wanting you and waiting for you.
Because only when I hold you next to me do I feel;
Now all I see and feel is nothingness, without you.

Bury me deep within your heart,
So I can still be close to you.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
With some people, you just can’t lose.

It’s just turned Monday; I already miss Sunday.
It’s late December; I wish it was summer.
It’s getting late here; ain’t got no money to waste on beer,
‘cause I’ve been drinking all weekend…
And I’ve been wasting my time with my best friend.
She said she had to leave on Friday evening,
But I guess we lost track of time again.

It’s going home time; I’m walking in the sunshine.
When I get back I’ll open the wine
And then we will drink until three a.m., again.
It’s past my bedtime; I’m busy writing lines.
I tell her I’m feeling fine
And then I throw up…she is still my friend.

She lies with me in bed;
We’ve always been good friends.
Then she rolls over and takes hold of my head;
We kiss…is the end…of us being friends?

The story continues;
We tell our story from different views.
We stay together until we are old and grey…
I guess with some people you just can’t lose.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
With you

My love can I send you this hero?  
He’s in need of you and feeling low.
So pick me up my love, I need you to know,
I’m here for you for good, until the end of the show.

I want you to be mine,
Because within you I see me doing just fine.

I need a girlfriend to call my own;
I want a woman I am yet to know.

If you only knew how I feel for you,
Would it change the way you see love?
If I was able to show you I mean it too,
Then what would become of us?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

You to me are wonderful; you came along and rocked my world.
You made me see, that I could be, anything I wanted to be.
You made me chase all of my dreams;
You made them become a reality.

The day you crashed in to my world;
The same day you became my girl.
The day we went for a drink in the pub;
The day we got extremely drunk.
The day you met some of my friends;
The day you wrote off my Mercedes Benz.

I drove along like every other day
And there you were, I saw your face.
I could see that you were besotted with me;
As deep into your eyes I could see.
You made the whole world disappear
And then you hit my car and then it got hit in the rear.

I don't recall his protestations;
I don't recall our head on collision.
I don't recall feeling any pain;
I think you kissed it all away.
As you floated down into my life,
I found love at first sight.
When you bumped into me, I got quite a fright,
Because you came along and completely changed my life.

The two of us, are now dancing hand in hand,
To the muffled complaints of an angry man;
But he cannot bring bad karma, into our bubble.
He cannot make either of us worry.
But please could I have your insurance details
And carry you away to the nearest hospital?
For you are not hurt and neither am I;
But I'd like to get away from that angry guy.
So could you pretend to faint and I'll carry you home,
So the two of us can be all alone.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jan 2020
Woodstock ‘69

At first they said we couldn’t;
And then they found they couldn’t stop us now.
We came together as one people.
The smoke we blew, flew up and made the clouds.

They said it wouldn’t happen,
But the happening is louder than one sound.
With peace and love we could be happy;
Try as they might to bring us down.

There stands a sea of people.
The band on stage, the force behind the hand.
We come in peace, so peaceful.
We crash wherever, sleeping on the land.

The voices spread like a virus.
Chinese whispers write a novel of romance.
They couldn’t understand what lives inside us.
Now they see, we only came to sing and dance.

Love is all you need, to truly love your life, man!
The concert is a sell-out.
The tickets all say free; it’s no more plans.
Just flowing with the motion, taking all we have.
The rain came down and some said, that was the end of that.

Up rose a half a million peace signs.
The food is free; the peace is in your hands.
This thing that they called Woodstock,
Grew bigger than you…and I’m a hippy man.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018
Word is

You have to write bad poetry to learn from your mistakes.
If you cannot think of anything to write right now…
Then wait.
Inspiration will find you and take over your spirit.
Just give it a second.  Try and you will feel it.

The immense wave of goodness, filling your soul with joy or anger.
Hold it in or let it go, but do not just let it pass you on by;
That would be called dropping a clanger.
You may never think of a better line,
So write like it’s the only poem you have ever written;
The best thing from your time.

This is no time for nonchalance.
Dive on in;
See what you can find beneath the surface.
Write it now or never word it.
The choice is yours.
I chose how to word this.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Consider the lily...  Nah, only kidding Gee;

Consider me for an honours degree.

I hope you like my poetry,

For it’s simply me just doing my thing.

So on we shall go, to see what he says next…

Ok, er, alright then…

We shall call this the end.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Words Of Love.

There you stood, in front of me,
I sat and stared, with a distant grin.
My thoughts had gone up, to a better place,
You shine such an, amazing grace.

You must have thought, I’d lost my mind,
I must have looked, a little frightening.
You must have thought, I like that guy,
When our friends introduced you to me.

But now I know, the thoughts you think,
Are everything, I’ve ever wished for
And now I know, the words you the speak,
Are the loving words, of an unbroken trust

And now I know, the thoughts you think,
Are everything, a boy could wish for
And now I know, the words you speak,
Are the Heaven sent, words of love.

And if I ever, let you down,
I hope you’ll let me, make it up to you.
And if I ever, bring you down,
Just know I never, meant to hurt you.

For you my love, are everything,
My one and only, true love lady.
You my love are my favorite dream,
The one who can truly, be satisfied with me.

And now I know, the thoughts you think,
Are everything, I’ve ever wished for
And now I know, the words you the speak,
Are the loving words, of an unbroken trust

And now I know, the thoughts you think,
Are everything, a boy could wish for
And now I know, the words you speak,
Are the Heaven sent, words of love.

So hold me tight, don’t let me go,
I want to have your love forever.
So hold me tight and truly know,
With you my life could only be better.

I offer up my heart to you,
So please step down from your pedestal
And take all the love I have to give,
For you my love are truly incredible.

For now I know, the thoughts you think,
Are everything, I’ve ever wished for
And now I know, the words you the speak,
Are the loving words, of an unbroken trust.

And now I know, the thoughts you think,
Are everything, a boy could wish for
And now I know, the words you speak,
Are the Heaven sent, words of love.

Come and lay down, here with me,
Let me massage away, all your troubles.
For with you I can, become free,
I can truly look forward, to tomorrow.

For if I have you by my side,
Nothing can stop, this true believer
And if I have you in my life,
I know I can be truly complete, yeah.

For now I know, the thoughts you think,
Are everything, I’ve ever wished for
And now I know, the words you the speak,
Are the loving words, of an unbroken trust.

And now I know, the thoughts you think,
Oh my gosh!  I do truly love you
And now I share my thoughts with you,
My love I feel the same way you do.

And now I know, the thoughts you think,
Are everything, a boy could wish for
And now I know, the words you speak,
Are the Heaven sent, words of love.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Words worth loving.

I'm bigger than you, I'm better than you;
I'm stronger, more powerful and more passionate than you.
I live more than you; I like more than you do.
I have the strength of ten men and would happily say I do.
For I have found love and my love is with me;
She's the one who shook my world and made me complete.

I'm not vain like you; I don't need what you do.
I don't care what you think, or what you tell me to.
I won't change for you; yet I could be the same as you.
But it's you who will change the things that make you, you.
For I have found love and my love is with me;
She's the one who shook my world and made me complete.

I'm not sad like you, I'm not alone like you;
I have someone here with me, who loves like I do.
I don't fear what you do; I don't only hear what I want to.
I'm free to be free, because I'm not trapped like you.
I'm not scared like you are.  I don't get envious of your car;
Or your money, or house, or what you believe you are.
For I have found love and my love is with me;
She's the one who shook my world and made me complete.

So become free like me and see what I see;
This passion, which leads to distraction; that lets me be free.
There’s an ache in my heart, whenever we are apart;
But this glorious, warmness and fuzziness;
Is more beautiful than any art.
For I have found love and my love is with me;
She's the one who shook my world and made me complete.

Open your arms; don't lock yourself away.
Don't hide from your fears; do not be afraid.
Don't run away and hide, if she's the one who makes you smile;
Because any fight for a loved one, is always worthwhile
And you too could find love, if you made it your priority
And ignored all distractions, thrown at you by society.
I'm guessing even you, could be the one to write poetry;
Because if you find love too, your soul will be set free.

And remember when I'm gone, nothing matters but this...

To find love is to be richer than any man...
And to be in love and be loved, is to forever live in bliss.

(C)2006 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Working 9 to 5

The constant rumble of the fans above my head,
That cool me down, so I don't feel too tired.
The crashing bangs, of heavy metal things,
As the machines continue to work,
To produce metal sheets.

The thunderous press machine,
Thumps another piece of metal,
As the production line keeps moving,
Full of different people.
Each of them standing, in their own specific spot;
Capable of breaking the chain,
If one of them is gone.

So just hang your metal onto the track;
The thing that made me quit before, but I came back.
And now here I am, stronger and wiser,
Better than before;
Now they've offered me the job full time.

But I know, I can do better than this,
For I wish to be a poet, an author and a lyricist.
I just keep looking at the clock,
Waiting for another minute to pass.
****!  I'm sure it's stopped;
I've surely been here longer than that.
No; it's just because,
I'm not using my head
And thinking to make time pass quicker
And not just waiting for it to be 10.

At last!  It's here, we all give a silent cheer,
Or a sigh of relief, that the day is done.
At last, now we can all go home.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Working class zero.

The art of poetry is to write what you are thinking;
The best poetry sometimes comes without you needing to think.
I write from the soul
And sometimes I use my subconscious mind to do my bidding;
Sometimes I study my target,
To become better at performing my shtick.

I want to be the best; so I try my best.
I stutter when I speak in front of an audience,
Because I have so many words that I need to get out.
I have a million words and already formed sentences inside my head;
I utter meaningless paraphrases, because I live underneath self-doubt.

It keeps me down and leaves me feeling less than confident;
But if I have the poem in front of me,
I can pronounce it with such apparent confidence.
Some people hear me reading my works and view me as being arrogant;
But the truth is I am scared outside my shell
And my words are my only defence.

Poetry is my lover and this is a love that will last.
Some say the best poetry is not written by someone from my class;
But I just say I do not care about that.
Writing is what I do, I am a poet; I will write until I die
And thus, I am turned to ash.

I am no angel, no glistening thing of beauty;
But I am not afraid of speaking truthfully.
I am not charming and could never become a suitor;
But I am disarming their fury, one mind at a time,
In an attempt to seize my future.

If I make you smile,
Then I have brought a little happiness into the world.
If I made you think, then maybe I became interesting.
If I inspired you to write better than I can,
Then I have become worthwhile.
If I have, affected you at all…
Then I have accomplished meaning.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Popular culture is so inconsequential;
All I see, I am growing to hate.
The time has come for someone to become beneficial;
Artificial is no longer needed.
You are starting to grate, without ever being great.

Faces without names, names without faces;
Relevance has never been so relevant.
Giving money to people who have not had to make it.
Share the wealth and do not care so much about yourself;
Spend the money before your fame is spent.

Debt collectors on the T.V., movie stars in between the films.
I fast forward and pay no interest to any adverts.
T.V. is tainted and full of people faking it; what is this?
Empty people with shallow sights.  What are you worth?

The rich get richer and their greed buys them more power;
The poor are still kept down like they were yesterday.
Nothing changes for the better; we are living by the hour.
Repeat your actions, we lack clarification;
Politicians have nothing to say.

In a depressing world, how do I raise a smile or a child?
All that has come before has affected my mind.
You are pathetically pathetic and you’re not even and so very trying!
Self-importance is praised in these darkest of times
And the rocket men have fallen from the sky.

Old songs remind us of what we used to have;
One hit blunders, Andy Warhol’s sad quote.
Strive for perfection
And do not just accept the substandard woman or man.
There are only a few diamonds in this mine of music;
T.V. is no longer worth watching and who is this star of the show?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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