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Aa Harvey May 2018

Your smile is a sonic boom, it blows me away.
I didn’t have a wow moment,
There is no word that can say,
How amazed I was,
I was lost,
I was gone.
I ceased to exist and I was reborn eternally,
In a picture book image of our first encounter;
The second I realised your beautiful smile.
You stopped me being a doubter.
I hope I have found my divinity.
You are an angel for sure,
Because no other could shine so bright;
Try as they might.

If you blew a kiss a thousand ships would be launched
And I would be found on each of them,
Pining beneath every sail
And waiting to return to your beauty,
As soon as possible,
Without fail.
For I would break as you faded away,
But my heart you would keep with you.
It would remain beating,
For hope,
For the truth,
For love,
For you,
For one more chance to see your beautiful smile.
Mona has got nothing on you.

And if I never return to the land on which you walk,
Then I will only ever pass through endless doors,
So empty of desire, so full of second choices,
Extravagance useless,
Gone will be the memories.
For if I cannot love one hundred percent,
Then I am surely dead.
Such love is never truly worthy,
Of roses that float like ghosts in the centre of a cemetery,
Never falling or fading, just staying afloat like a life jacket,
Washed away on the waves of goodbye.
You are the air I need to breathe, I am a discarded crisp packet
And I will float wherever your words send me.
Whether that be stuck in thorny branches or flying high.
Up or down,
You set me free.

Within your centre, am I welcome to venture?
May I be so bold before I am in need of dentures?
You must invite me in if I am ever to enter.
Inside your heart I would be sure to find only diamonds,
Built to protect and last, in your voice I hear violins
And so you must keep yourself safe until you can truly be seen,
As I see you now in my dreams.
Holding me,
Kissing me,
Loving me,
Missing me.

And if it never becomes,
Then tear away the sun!
Pull the mountains asunder like thunder and bury me six feet under!
For life without beauty is not worth living.
A life without love is no life at all.
Life without you would only be worth keeping,
If there was a speck, of a morsel, of a chance at revival.
All things fall…

But then they rise once more…

And if sight-seers and seers became transfixed in your eyes,
They would surely elide all the lies, for they are the never-truths,
That could never be spoken to you.
Only love is welcome inside my heart.
I am surreal; you are a work of art.

All onlookers would not want to miss,
Something they could never have seen before!
Such a smile!
So beautiful!
So enamored am I with the lines that you draw;
I am all yours…
I am…
So yours…

All dreamers,
Would use all their effort,
To try and become kings;
Just to be rich enough to see your smile.  
I hope you leave them dreaming.
For if they saw you, as I see now my Yen,
Then you would make all the broken hearts believe again.
You make life seem worthwhile.
The biggest secret you hide is your smile.

When the gone are once more at one with this place we call Earth,
They will find you, hopefully with me
And they will thank you,
For helping them to once more believe
And allowing them to find their own Her.

A pretender to the throne upon which you sit,
So they are welcome to take away all the fugazi,
For I would only sell my soul for an original print.
I’d rather be with you,
Than be lost to the empty vessels of those who just want me…

I think you need me, I know I need you.
I think we could be; I hope you do too.
I know if you could just speak, we could make it through.
I know, if you and I became happy,
We could be whatever you want us to be.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Write it down

Write it down, write it down,
Write it down when you are really down.

Write it down, write it down,
Write it down, when you are really down.

Or push them down, push them down,
Push those feelings deep, deep down.

If you are feeling worthless,
Write something that is priceless.
Be true to your words and say what you mean
And your words will leap from the paper and into the machine.

The machine that needs feeding, with feelings and thoughts;
Then you shall begin to write your own books.
Your bible of your time, your life in your own words;
Write it because you have to, or you want to, or write it for him or her.

Find a guitar man to sing your songs,
Get them to sing your words and sing along.

**** the aesthetics, write something that means something.
Do not care about the consequences,
They cannot take offence if they never see it.

Upload your thoughts into the world-wide-web
And watch them drift off into the atmosphere
And change the atmosphere inside someone else’s head.

Make them think about what you write,
Because you know you are right
And maybe with a little insight,
They will agree or disagree;
But they will see the world through your eyes.

You can’t please all the people all the time,
So don’t attempt to please anyone but yourself.
Because your thoughts are right, to you they are correct;
Tell anyone with negative words to go to Hell.
Because this is what you believe;
But knowledge is power, so read and watch T.V.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Writers Block

Silent, blank, empty mind.
Devoid of inspiration; a big waste of time.
For all I wish to do, is begin to write,
But all the words I cannot think of have eluded my mind.

So here I sit, in front of the computer screen,
Just waiting for a divine intervention,
Or maybe some divine inspiration;
But all I have on my mind is a woman named Divine Brown.

I’m supposed to be a writer, but I can’t even write;
I can’t think of anything, original tonight.
All I can think of is what other people have already said.
Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this, maybe I should just go to bed.

Come on brain think, of a single sentence.
Maybe that will lead me, to write the rest;
Or maybe I should, just take a rest,
But I have so many words I wish to get off my chest.

But where to begin?  I’ll see what I’ve written so far;
Well I’ve written the title, I guess that’s a start
And I know what the plot is, but where do I begin?
With who?  What?  When?  Or Where?  
Why is it so hard to think?

Ok, so He’s here and they’ve just done that,
So all I have to think about, is what happens next.
Ok, yeah that’s good; I’ll just type it before I forget.
No, wait that’s not good enough, maybe a drink will help.

Now I’m on my third bottle of wine and I still cannot write.
I guess I’ll go back to bed and try again tomorrow.
But wait, here it is!  My thoughts are all falling into line.
Yes!  That sounds good. They can do that;
****!  There goes my phone.

Now where was I, oh yeah, that’s right.
I had it just; come on what was I going to write?
If I sit here long enough, it’s bound to come back to me;
But I’m feeling so tired, I can no longer think.

I’ll try again in the morning;
I’m too tired to care anymore.
Maybe I shouldn’t be writing this book.
Maybe there’s something else that will be easier to do.
This whole writing thing is too hard;
I guess I’ll just do a job that requires no words.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Write your story

The hardest times leave echoes in my mind
And try as I might to push them aside,
The hardest times are a part of my life.
I cannot let them go without losing my light.

I could hope to be different and wish for change,
But these days they will remain the same,
And if I try to ignore my brain,
I will reverse and fall into love again.

The zeitgeist blows through computer screens,
Whispering woes eternally,
And all the hive activity,
Allows the world to learn how to teach.
Reach deep into the depths of your mind;
You never know what you will find.
It could be a dark tale of the saddest mystery,
Or you could find a light which shines endlessly.

Within my heart there are words of love,
And even though I am on the up and up,
There was a time I truly believed that I would end up as one of us.
Those times have now passed; I have relaxed and forgotten about love.

Words cut through me like a vipers smile,
Spitting lies like I am on my side sometimes.
As the poison creeps throughout my landmine mind,
Time waits for no man and it passes on by.

The years I have lost to those fake alibi’s.
A list of excuses practiced with time.
Textual context not worth reading,
So many years stolen away from me.
My misery goes hand in hand with me still believing.

Then again I hear the sirens calling,
Their lover’s aplenty, sinning and falling.
I fell on my sword and jumped off the cliff,
When I trusted the deceivers; the pain sealed with a kiss.
Forever trapped inside their web of lies,
Such beautiful words I had never heard in my life,
But behind blue eyes the lies continue.
False smiles, false people, they are nothing new.

It took the best of me, to remain a living being, I still drown;
The heart fell to the ground and I was forever falling down,
But I hope, I pray, one day I will get to be lucky;
Maybe I could one day write a family story.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

All my words fall from my pen,
Into your mind and back again.
The words pour through my veins
And they have to be ejected from my brain.

I think I need to get some ink,
Words engraved upon the skin.
Tattoo their idea and let it sink in,
So you can permanently disfigure yourself in their image.

All I write is unseen by you
And all I think has been lost inside my words.
I share every feeling because it is all true
And writing is cathartic for the soul and mine needs to be heard.

The first shall be the last
And the last shall be the first,
To understand my words.
Everything I write needs to be said;
This is a favourable curse.

I tell you about my life,
Because I have nothing to hide.
I have no fear to fear and undiscovered thoughts inside;
So I must write them for myself before I die.

I want to live a life less ordinary
And I want to tell you my own story.
The story of a life of intrigue and mystery;
I need to tell you about the people in my life who mean so much to me.

Dreaming the American dream;
I’m going to make it big you will see.
If I can make it, then you can too;
You will see my book in that window one day…
This I promise to you.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Written in the stars.

In darkness you find me,
With words on my mind.
The light has been stolen by nightfall
And I,
Can no longer function, so in a bed I lie.
I am in search of a dreamer;
I am in need of more time.

I am in need of distraction, salvation and many more;
I ask for nothing from you, whilst I give you my all.
I am forever entombed inside this man I have become.
My mind is awake, my tired body aches
And I am in need of your love.

I offer you my heart to cherish and to hold;
For I am the thief of the key to your heart.
I wish to unlock your innermost thoughts,
For they are made of pure gold.
You are becoming more and more beautiful,
As each moon departs.

I see us in a future, walking along autumn leaf covered lanes.
We are hand in hand, smiling and laughing
And we have each found our love.
The tree’s overhead keep us sheltered from any rain,
That a dark cloud above may befall us;
We are young no more.

As the grey tints our hair, we reminisce about our youth.
We were young once, but no longer,
But we are still telling the truth.

As our eyes fade and our legs begin to ache,
I whisper to you:
I love you now and always.

Our lives were entwined by the weaver of loves loom
And forever we shall be locked together,
Inside this romance of ours.

I have read it in the tea leaves…
That it was written in the stars.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Years and years

Disposable memories lost with broken phones;
Praying for a little more light when I am all alone.
Wishing for a peaceful day, but that is not the way today will go.
I am lost upon a star of a dreamer mind of long ago.

Those days we had were only fleeting;
Gone too fast to remember the meeting,
Which changed our lives forever more.
Those painful days that left us broken down here on the floor.

Looking up and waiting, praying,
Saying anything to make things change;
But today is not for changing, so things remain the same.
I am but a child inside, a half-lived life, a moment in time,
Lost to the ether, floating high above;
Looking down upon myself for never being good enough,
To live the life I had in my hands.
I had the laughs but took no chance.

And now the hour has passed
And all I am left with is no way to turn back
And take the gift you gave to me;
Your endless love, your empathy,
Your courage in the face of fear,
Those years and years and years and years.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

If there is a chance I could be with someone as beautiful as you,
Then that is a chance I want to take.
If there is no chance, then I can relax,
Move on and allow other women to walk into my life.
If I had to pick, I would pick only you,
Because you make my heart shine.

If you do not want me, then I guess it will never be,
But I think we could have had a good time.
Feelings come and go and if I must, I will go meet another,
But the truth is I do want you to be my lover.

So this is the chance I am going to take.
I will speak first and for your reply I will wait.
You are stunningly beautiful;
How do you feel about me?
Could you ever love me one day?
If the answer is yes, then please tell me.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

The piano quietly drifts along,
As another beauty quietly drifts from my life…

The time is coming to an end,
The song;
I wish I had the words,
To say…

But the instrument has nothing written upon the sheet.
My heart a thesaurus,
Interwoven within.
Stitched together with silent screams…

I cannot help but think something is missing.
I am missing.
I wish I went missing.
I have no Mrs.,
So I don’t have anything…

From cradle to grave,
It has always been pain.
Suffering is all that I know.
No foot-print in history will remain,
Once I close the book on this unwritten story…

A biography will be left empty,
For there will be nobody left to write this…

Your life.
I have no light,
Sitting at my side…

As I write on late into the ten thousandth night,
I wish the bulb would just go out…

But still I survive,
On scraps and pieces,
Dreams and wishes,
Morsel’s and minutes.

I am skin on bones.
No meat on the fishes,
To feed the cat,
That I do not have…

I think it is time,
To drop the axe.
Into the void,
No looking back…

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
You and I - Us

I’m going to marry you someday real soon;
I’m going to take you around the world.
I’m going to show you Heaven beneath the Moon.
I am in love with You; I want you to always be My Girl.

We are going to fly so high!
That we will be as high as a kite,
Or a Condor flying out to catch a little sun.
Let us bask in the beautiful light.

Let us pray for some hope,
For a better tomorrow;
For a better day of sun,
To come out from underneath the clouds
And bring back the fun.

I want you to be happy always,
Because I love to see the smile on your face.
Every beautiful day, I awake to your grace.
I thank every God ever imagined, for the Heaven you portray.

So kiss me quickly, before I am gone.
I ran so easily, when I thought you were The One.
She’s never going to marry and be faithful to a loser like me;
So goodbye my love and hope; hello ‘So Called Easy Street’.

No love for me?  Then no reason to live.
No problem for me?  Then what’s the point in me playing?
Mr. and Mrs. to the Nth degree,
Decree this decision to allow you to be free,
Is far from folly to me.

So marry me and stay forever faithful to our love,
Then I will be your husband always
And then we can forever remain as You and I – Us.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
You are loved

You are loved;
I am not.
I hope you understand what it is that you have got.

You are rich;
I am poor.
I have lost all that which I used to have,
When she walked out of the door.

If I could be in love,
You know that I would,
But I am without a love.

If I had a wish,
I would wish for a kiss.
Someone to fall in love with me is the main thing that I miss.

You have love;
I do not.
I will not be able to fall in love again,
Because I have given up.

Love is hard;
I am weak.
I’m a skeleton of the man that I could have been.

Without love,
I am a no-one.
I’m a piece of ash and you are a ball of sun.

You are love;
I am not.
I would dream of love, but to me love is simply…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
You are the best

Please give me all your knowledge, I have too much I need to learn.
Teach me about words; become my way of life college.
There are only so many ways that I can talk about her.

Inspire me to become better, I am chasing those stars.
I am still a poetry novice
And I don’t have the time to take your journey to get to where you are.

Patience is something I have never had,
Because I need this so badly!  I want to be write.
I want to right and imagine a good time, not this bad
And I am without the road map to be able to share your spot light.

In magazines I see your faces and inside my mind I cherish your words.
I need your advice to help me to find my own way,
To cure this heart that still hurts.
It longs to be loved for doing the thing that I love
And I am so desperate to leave this home life behind me;
I have had enough.
But I have no idea as to how do I become good?

No, good is insufficient to explain the passion in my soul.
I need to be spectacular, unbelievable, great, amazing and wow!
I want to be one of the best, so I need to find my way to go.
What do I need to change, or do?  Tell me so that I can know.

I do all I can at the moment to write all the poetry that I can,
But it will never be enough until people need what I say.
I cannot sing, but I want a rock and roll life of a band
And if I have a book published,
It would show me the way, to find my way.

Am I taking the right route?  Do I push on through?
What will it take to get my message through to you?
If all it can be is a hobby, without success,
Then at least I can say when I write my poetry,
That I have always been true to myself
And I have been able to show you what goes on inside my head.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
You build me up

With you I am standing on a larger stone;
This place I used to call my own, I share now with you.
You raise me up above and I no longer stand alone.
This is what loving you does to me;
All the love I knew from you, I would never undo.

You lift me up with words like love;
Now arm in arm we walk as one.
You let me go with each and every hug.
You build me back together when I am broken
And you give life to my bones.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
You could be so much more

Our time on this Earth is gone in an instant.
Make the most of love before you lose it.
Never leave behind a chance to feel content,
Because if you do all you will have is a lifetime of regrets.

I hope you all find love and I hope you are happy when you can be.
I hope you all find a place where you always wanted to be.
I hope you live forever or as long as you need.
I hope you have all your wishes come true;
I wish you peace, love and empathy.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
You don’t want to read this.

I’m reading this poem and waiting for something to happen,
But so far nothing has been able to seize my attention.
I await to see which word will give rhythm to the rhyme,
But it is an expected disappointment; a lack of perfection.

Still onward I read, hoping for a change in the way it is structured,
But this is simple, not memorable; just words without thought.
Why can’t it be better?  So amateurish; so fractured.
Simply lame and without impact; clearly no talent at all.

I’ll give up on this poem; it is simply more of the same.
No story, no idea, not worth reading, I would say.
But I am here to read, so I shall continue once again
And remain unmoved, uninspired, unimpressed; bored I remain.

Where is the wit and the substance? (The killer without the filler).
Where is the dark side, the good life, the romance of death?
There is no image portrayed here, he certainly cannot deliver.
He is just wasting my time; there are no good lines left.

Someone whisper in his ear and tell him to change his ways.
Write a poem I want to read, you should write just like me.
The real you is boring, so lay back and be fake.
Read more poetry, write more poetry; see what I see!

I see sunshine and blue skies and rabbits bouncing by!
I see rivers flowing gently, people holding hands and love is in the air!
I see happiness and joy and a world where nobody needs to cry!
And all he talks about is depression and a life going nowhere.

Be more positive about love!  We have had enough of the heart break.
Write about lovers and marriage and a family that lasts.
But no, he continues to bore us, with nothing of interest to say.
I’m sorry I ever began to read this poem;
If I bought his book, I would take it back.

I’d like a refund please; he doesn’t write what I like.
He doesn’t talk about the outdoors and the colour of the leaves.
He doesn’t know about love and is no artist, he cannot write.
Why can’t he take a lesson and learn to write poetry?  Do it, please!

Poetry should be written this way, the way he writes is all wrong.
Poetry should sound like my favourite poets; nobody is unique.
Poetry should be written according to my idea of what is strong.
This is weak in its word usage; he bears no resemblance to my clique...

From time to time you need to expand your mind.
What’s yours is yours and what’s mine is fine.
I can never meet your expectations.
Realise I am being real when I disappoint you without explanation.

My poetry will never change the world intentionally if attempted,
But one mind at a time can be influenced if not rejected.
Take my words into your mind, if you have the time
And I will thank you for reaching the end of a poem,
That I know you just didn’t like.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
You give me life

You give me all that I need to be.
You turn me into someone I should always have been.
If there is ever anything that you need,
Then I will share with you my everything.

If you would try as much as I promise to,
Then maybe you and I could make it through.
You give me the push I need to try to improve.
I will be honest and share with you all of my truth’s.

You give me the life that I always wanted.
I want to change into what you want me to be;
All that which you ever dreamed.
Let destiny decide if we are meant to be.
I think the two of us together could become anything.

There are no limits to how high you and I could rise.
You take me with you as you climb to new heights.
With you at my side I believe we could fly.
If love is endless, then this feeling I have for you will never die.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
You have my pity

You are not very nice, but I don’t mind,
Because you are not very talented,
So I will give you some of mine.
I have it in abundance, whilst you lack any kind of meaning.
Your words are so redundant;
So keep on dreaming,
That one day you will become important.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2019
You know

You’re dead to me; as dead as can be.
I hope your life is misery,
So you can join me in this Hell.
I hate you so much I had to tell,
The world how much I hate your guts.
I despise you and your empty love.
I hope you never love again.
I want you to suffer eternal rain.
I need to know you are unhappy.
That would make me incredibly happy.
Just thinking about your memory,
Makes me wish for the end of everything.
Let all the love in the world disappear.
I hate the fact that you are so near.
I hate sharing a planet with you
And all the stupid things that you do.
You had your chance and kissed it goodbye.
You know I hate you…don’t even cry.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
You make me happy

You make me smile when I am alone;
You make me feel happy when we are together in our home.
You make me happy inside when everything else is wrong.
You are love, you are loved
And in my heart,
The musicians play our song.

You make me happy and you make me sad;
With you I am happy, but without you I am sad.
I will be there for you because you are there for me too.
You make me happy,
So I will do whatever it takes to prove my love to you.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
You, my love

You make me feel invincible;
Your love is tangible.
This thing I hold in my hand;
This is your love.

All I want to hear is you, my love;
All I want to see is you, my love.
All I’ve ever feared, is losing you, my love;
Now all I have left is you, my love.

Never had so much faith in love;
Never been the one to open up.
Never want to be without your hugs;
Because life has never been so easy, for me…my love.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
You never mind

Sign your name in blood, or just give up.
What it is you think you need, will never be enough.
Think for yourself or get some help;
Throw away all of your wealth.

Iron all your clothes; ***** it up.
Fashion is not enough to be just.
Say that you care; brush your hair.
Give no help when they need you to be there.

Stay locked inside; go out and hide,
From all the love you never mind.
If it’s enough, then give it up;
Love is just a ball of miss-trust.

Kick it out; hold it close.
Never believe, it’s time to go.
Hold it in; let it out.
Thoughts are never completely in the here and now.

Act on instinct; become extinct.
Pick yourself up or let go and sink.
Open door’s to other worlds.
Close your eyes to all before.

Never say what you mean;
Never say what is not clean.
Life is a dream; reality is only ever fantasy.
Pick a lock to their heart; open up and leave yourself starved.
Carve your names into a tree…
Are you exactly what you wanted to be?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Young and famous

Yeah!  We’re young and we are famous!
We’ve got money and we can love and laugh.
Yeah!  We’re young and famous!
Everyone knows us and they all want our autograph.
Yeah! We’re young and we are famous!
We are super stars who hang out in the famous bars.
Yeah! We’re young and we are famous!
We are on the T.V. and we drive fast cars.

They all want us and they all want to be us.
We have so many friends and an endless amount of love.
Happy every day and no day is ever the same;
You wish you could have my life but I would never throw this away.

I guess it beats working for a living.
All my life on screen and we are winning!
Fame and fortune; surrounded by angels and stars.
We used to see celebrities on the magazines, now that is what we are.

We’re touring the States and every other place;
We are globetrotters; we are young and we are famous!  
They all know my name
And they all want my fame.
My face is everywhere; I have a stylist for my hair
And a fashion designer gives me clothes for free to wear.

We will live forever!  Under the spotlight.
We party hard from morning, straight through to the end of the night.
Yeah, we have made it and we’re getting paid to say things;
We love our lives and this dream will never end…
We are able to buy everything.

Who needs a normal job?
I’ve got the best one.
I’m young and I am famous!
I’m a movie star, a T.V. star, a rock ‘n’ roll star
And I am having so much fun!

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
You on my mind

Your uniquely beautiful eyes are a perfect azure.
You are pure of heart and so serene to be sure.
My love grows for you as every hour goes by;
Continuously moving forward towards you, my alluring light.

As you stare deep into my soul, I am left helpless.
You are becoming a part of me that I cannot live without.
You leave me feeling like I can only ever be selfless,
Because all you give to me, changes me and I am left to renounce,
Every dream I ever had, because I never knew you before now.
Your wishes have become my only desires;
I do not matter to me anyhow…

So willingly I fall before you, I am humbled by your beauty.
I am yours to choose, or lose willingly.
As you lick your lips, I take in a deep breath;
Your sultry dance moves all around me and I am left in a mess.
Fixated on you, I cannot take my eyes from yours;
I am hypnotized by your good looks and desperate for your love.

As the curves of your body entice me in,
I am left begging for you to give me all that I need.
As your hands move in sync with my every wish,
I am hooked on your feelings; I am left praying for another kiss.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Your Country Needs You

Your government lies, as your Son dies.
The end is nigh, as are the cold black nights.
The vision of the Undead Knight.
The taker of your life.

Your soul was sold, your eyes are cold.
Your body still bears the scars of old.
My life is now not even an existence;
Just a head, full of mixed up memories.

Have a war and **** your soldiers,
Or just destroy your nuclear weapons and save all of us.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Your endless love

You could bring me sunshine, or you could be my rain;
Either way I look forward to seeing you again.
You could be love, or you could be lost;
You could be good, but I want you bad.
I will willingly pay any cost,
To feel your love; to make you laugh.

If pain is what I must endure,
To be allowed to knock on your door,
The knock me to the floor with a thousand rejections,
Because you are my cure and I will always rise once more.

If I must lose all that which I have,
To hold onto your love, then take it all back.
I will give you all that which I have,
Because, I want you bad.

You give me hope when there is none.
You give me shelter from the pain.
You give me your tears of happiness,
When I am dying of thirst beneath the sun;
You give me anesthetic with your kiss when I am in need of being saved.

I can only give you my unending devotion.
You are already my endless passion in motion.
I can be the arms around you when you are in need of a hug;
I can only be what you are to me…
Will I remain your endless love?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
You’re not even.

You’re not the greatest dancer, but I would love to dance with you.
You’re not the greatest singer, but we are so in tune.
You’re not a model or designer, but I love your style.
You’re not the funniest, but you do make me smile.

You’re sometimes irritating, but I don’t mind.
You’re doing my head in!  By always being so right.
You’re not what I expected, but you are a pleasant surprise.
You’re not what I had imagined, because I never aimed so high.

You’re expecting so much from me, that you inspire me to do more.
You’re crying again, but to me you have never looked more beautiful.
You’re worrying about everything, as you put my mind at ease.
You’re not even a ten out of ten, because you are an eleven to me.

You love some music I hate, but we love more of the same.
You’re the only one who can hurt me, but you cure all of my pain.
You’re not my usual type, but you are all that I need.
You’re mean sometimes, to other people, but never to me.

You’re not to everybody’s tastes, but you’re the only flavour I like.
You’re a nightmare to sleep next to!  But you can keep me up all night.
You’re a love worm, sinking under my skin;
You’re sulking again, so I get to give you more loving.

You’re putting me to shame, by taking the blame.
You’re an itch I cannot scratch, but I would never send you away.
You’re not the life of the party, but you fill up my life.
You’re laughing at something stupid I said,
But you make me happy, when I see your smile light up your eyes.

You’re not a writer or an artist, but you can see the real picture.
You’re not the woman I once know, because you made me forget her.
You’re taking over my life,
But I’ve been secure in your hands since the start.
You’re not the richest in the land, but you have a priceless heart.

You’re not wearing make-up,
Because you have a naturally beautiful face.
You leave me lost for words, with the funny things that you say.
You’re taking things to heart, but you keep me there with you happy;
You’re nothing like me, but who would want you to be?

You’re a hot rash that I shouldn’t touch, but I can’t leave you alone.
You’re a big bubble, but at least you know how to strike a pose.
You’re not an energy bunny, but I am happy to just chill with you.
You’re a moody blue, but still I love you.

You’re an annoyance, I can’t sleep without.
You’re so ****!  And you leave me without doubt.
You’re not my wife, but I hope you will be soon.
You’re not the first, maybe the last;
But you are the best…swoon…

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Your eyes on me

Before my eyes, Nine Inch Nails are live;
I am alive when I hear the sounds they make.  
In your eyes, I must be despised,
For not wanting to be the same as you and not having your tastes.

My eyes fixate;
Break up all that which came before.
Your eyes, take them away;
I do not wish to be seen by a person who has never hit the floor.

Knocked out, kept down, I drown in the misery of my own mind.  
Picked up, put down, leave me alone!
I just want a way of my own to find.

Rail tracks, lead lives one way, to a place where I do not belong.
The right track I have never been on.
I could never follow in your footsteps,
When I know that everything you think is wrong!  

I am beneath you in every way,
Apart from the heart that beats inside of me.
Mine is open to a change and my love is so real,
Whilst you are all about order and finding a way to make me kneel.

Nothing to trust inside your words;
Pictures lost within your dreams.
All the truth you see in visions of light,
To me are but a blur.

Inside your idea of peace, I sit and scream!  
I can never write what you expect me to write.
I can never write what you would like to read.
I can never say the right thing at the right time, sigh,
Just to make you smile, because all you do is poison my heart
And all I want to do is leave!
Fly away to a beautiful place,
With a beautiful face,
On a beautiful day;
But this is just a dream.

I have no interest in your romantic movie ideology,
You had me at hello, so have yourself a nice day.  
All I see are trees, without their leaves;
Snow upon a sun that has never shined down upon me.
A hopeless lack of sympathy…
A lack of anything.  

Downward Spiral, out of control,
As my mind crashes down to kneel before her feet.  
Feelings have been lost, because you took all of the love!
So now I stand here on my spot!
Refusing to move towards the one who I wish I could.  

Walk away again because I cannot be saved,
From my own way’s and my own grave.
My own pain is my only way,
To get me through the day,
So fade away from me…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Your faults are my own

We point the finger at others and know all their faults;
Yet we lack the foresight to see, that their faults are our own.
The bad things we see in them are our own negative points;
We tell them how to change their lives,
But we take help from no-one.

You do this wrong, you do that wrong.
Do we say it to them or us?
We hate the way they have no faith in us;
Yet we ourselves are unable to trust.
The things they do wrong,
Are only seen because we too are faulty;
We condemn their mistakes, yet we are equally guilty.

We should look deep in the mirror,
At the reflections of our being,
We tell them to open their eyes;
But it's us who are incapable of seeing.
We are faithless and anxious and we think we know it all;
Then we expect them to have faith, never give up and trust us.

Who are you to judge me,
When all your bad points are a hindrance?
The things that stop you being all you can be,
Will always leave you without guidance.
We are all equally trapped, asking for help, yet never listening;
So for once in your life, hear as you speak,
See what you are saying.

The advice we give them, is just what we have been told;
But because we are telling them, our warm words become cold.
Our intentions are good, but our way with words lets us down;
We expect them to heed our words, whilst we still act the clown.
Our advice falls on deaf ears,
Because we don't practice what we preach.
We have knowledge gained through experience;
But we have no God given right to teach.

So hear your own teachings, use actions not words;
Give them proof it can be done differently,
Show them only they can change their world.
To change the way that they feel
And the thoughts that they think;
Give up your own addictions first
And walk away from that drink.
You simply can't get them to change their life,
If all you do is argue and fight.
So pick up the pen and lay down the knife.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Your guess is as good as mine

When people ask the impossible question,
What do they expect?
“If aliens are real, then what do they look like?”

Something you have never seen.
Something you could not imagine.
Something you would never forget.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Your Love

Your love is like a pure released white dove,
So honest in its flight.
The warmth I feel with your arms wrapped around me,
Is like walking into Heavens bright light.

Happiness I find in your smile,
A kiss of tenderness.
The lightest stroke of the softest feather,
Is the feeling of your lips.

So gentle to the touch, against such rough rubies.
My love for you shall never end; it’s truly, madly, deeply.
It’s yours and yours alone to cherish;
It’s yours and yours alone to have.
It’s yours and yours alone I promise
And I shall never take it back.

For loving you is like a pure sunlit mornings glory.
Loving you is so very easy.
Loving you is all I ever wished for.
Loving you is amazing mi amor.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Your Love or the bud?

Marriage is the way?
All that gives you is someone to pay and raise babies.
Love is dead, killed by deceit.
Keep your lust;
It is only a piece of the puzzle I seek.

Why cry over someone who is not worth it?
Bye, good riddance, to tell the truth, I’m glad to be rid of it.
So many beautiful women,
So many ways to be rejected.
So happy to see all these **** ladies,
Soon one of them will want to sleep in my bed.

So keep your lust,
Mine is linked to love.
My love is phenomenal…

Your love?...

Or the bud?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Your love piggy bank.

I need you to breathe your love into me;
I want to take you deep within.
You are the one who understands how to make me feel like a man;
You give me strength, you offer wisdom
And you have given me all you can.

So I thank you for every drop of effort you have exuded,
Because I don’t think without it,
We would ever have made it.
You try to make me happy, so I shall persevere;
I will do all I can to please you, every time you are near.

I will lift you up, when you fall;
I will open every single opportunity door.
I will do whatever it takes to make your life easier
And if you need me to, I will run through a brick wall.

I will keep all promises and every compliment that I give,
Will hopefully hit its target; let none of them miss.
I will shower you in kisses
And lay down a red carpet for you to walk upon;
I shall confess my feelings for you, to all who can hear,
Through my poetry and through my songs.

I will stand at your side
And protect you from any harm that may come your way;
I will be here if you need me and at your side I will stay.
In times of ill harvest, I will fill your love piggy bank
And when the good times have returned,
I will never take my love back; it is yours to have.

I have an endless amount of love in my hands
And my heart will never run out.
I am yours to love forever
And to you I will forever remain faithfully devout.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Your Love Will Be The Death of Me.

You tear open my heart with your talons of love
And eat away at my soul with your selfish love bug.

The icicle touch of your fingertips,
Freezes my heart like a knife piercing my chest.
The deadly kiss of your razor edged lips,
Brings my life to a halt like a bullet-fuelled death wish.

Your beauty is stunning, a blinding light;
This feeling is like a heart attack. (A shocking surprise).
You simply take my breath away;
Your love has brought an end to my days.

You were my wife and you made me feel worthless.
Oh my God surely I don’t deserve this.
Now you’re gone I feel even worse;
Your ******* love is a ******* curse.

And there’s nothing else here for me,
Except the memories of the woman I used to love
And the man I used to be.

She heard the news by telephone,
He’d finally given up the fight.
She guessed he could no longer struggle on,
She never had the chance to say goodbye.

All the times we used to laugh,
Have now become a sad memory;
I shall never forget the good old days.
I’m sorry I hurt you,
But I would never have been worthy…
Of your love.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Your Sweet Prince.

I've got the post ******* blues,
It's my leather bound secret.
My diary of shame, so I cannot forget.

A delayed reaction, gave me a stay of execution.
A moment of inspiration, without fear of rejection.
Free to write what I feel, here in my own private world;
Which I must hide away, from everyone.

That moment of perfection, as the light lit up her face.  
Left this vision branded into my memory;
Please don't take this image away.
Don't let me forget, what I saw today;
Because she left me speechless... What more can I say?

Love at first sight, is no longer a myth.
That thing other people get, I now have in bed with me.
She lays here sleeping, such a peaceful sight;
Yet I know this beautiful woman, will not become my wife.

So my love, I'm here, awaiting your awakening;
But sadly knowing, tomorrow you will be going.
I could try to keep you, but your spirit is free
And I know you could never, be content with just me.

This poem is an ode, to my latest conquest.
Another notch on the headboard;
Another one I've seen undressed.
So listen to me my love, as you lay there asleep;
My wish cannot come true, for this message is just like me.

It's just a tear drop in the ocean,
A grain of sand on the beach,
A pennies interest on your lottery win,
A pointless gesture from Your Sweet Prince.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Your turn

It’s a crazy world, but a beautiful Zen.
I want to tear this life apart, so I can begin again.
The zeitgeist is unseen, but the words are forever heard.
There is freedom in the air; love him, love her.

I want to learn all you have to give, but this heart you want is mine.
The only thing we all do not have, is enough time.
Wings beat faster than the light that passes through an eye.
If I can’t be understood, then how can I change your mind?

In the ashes of a soul, I have a broken heart;
If this is all I have to give,
Then how will we find out who we truly are?
Love is all that it can ever be, so never ask for more.
The only way you will find you way, is if you close a door.

In a world of make believe, we have a lack of faith.
When it becomes your turn to speak…
What do you think you will say?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Your twisted heart

Things fall into place.  
Wait long enough for love to arrive and things fall into place.
Brick by brick, fountains are made.
Building a future of titanium before the grave.
Happy days are back again.
Make no mistake.
I am happy when it rains,
But I live in the rain, so that is ok.

Meteors may crash into Earth,
And once more I shall rip up out of the dirt.
You cannot predict the weather; never mind the change.
Things remain and in time we are rearranged.
Through all the hurt I will continue.
Nothing remains when we are through,
But the ripple effect of who we were;
Changing worlds.  I will find her.

Thanks for the memories; gone to never.
Nevertheless, always more to give.
A true bond is never severed.
I am just a boy who wants love to live.
All things change and this new day,
They will continue their affairs until they are grey and replaced.
The list of rejections grows with age,
Until you’re nothing to see;
Live it your way, or hide away.

Natural selection; self-inspection.
Show your true face and become replaced
And replicated and reproduced,
Until the mold is in ruins,
And there is nothing left of you.
Inside I just feel used.

Leave them to their searches.
Adultery deserves it.
Younger version, fading wishes.
This love you claim is covered in stitches.
This twisted mess of a head began with pain,
And that is how this will end;
But faces change, as we age and the mind continues.
Back at the beginning, only time to spend.
The mind grows, until it goes;
It flexes and becomes a new place for sorrow.

No matter what you may do or say,
Still the love remains.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Your wishes

Hey there beautiful; how the Devil are you?
I was just thinking what to do for you.
Is there anything you need?  I will do it for you.
Just tell me what you want and your wishes will all come true.

Anything you want, your wish is my command;
Come take my hand and you will see I am your man.
I belong to you; do with me what you want.
The only thing I ask of you is, please may I have your love?

This poem is to tell you how I feel when I am around you;
When I can’t be with you I can’t stop thinking about you.
I need your love to make me happy
And maybe, who knows?  We could raise a family.

Wishing I could make you better,
Waiting for a change of weather.
We need the sun to bring us together,
Then we can walk off into the sunset forever.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018
You set my heart on fire

You set my heart on fire.
You, are the only one that I desire.
Without you I am cold inside.
So do you want me or shall I just die?

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
You show me my future freeway

Dance for me, my love, my heart,
Dance for only me my love; my brand new start.
My brand new life, with you I think,
Could become something amazing, if you wish.

Entrap me in your arms and don’t let me go,
Squeeze me tight and hug me forever, I love your soul.
I love every single atom used in the creation of your body,
You are my ******; let me be somebody.
Let me be the one body, soul and heart,
You crave; the one you shall keep until the grave.
For that is the only time I would ever accept we must part.
For then I would accept our love can no longer be saved.

But even if my faith in love was dead,
My heart broken again!
My bruised body left to rot.  This time death.
No salvation left, to heal this pain.
Not her, she I could not bear to lose,
For in her I see a microphone, I am asked to choose,
To speak to her in a studio booth;
But to her I can only speak the truth.
So if this little broken heart of mine,
She should choose to want, then that would be truly divine.

This heart of mine craves your love,
Like a vampire craves the life, the blood.
The lust inside us, drew us together,
Now my fate is in your hands, or left alone forever.

Such beauty I see when I look at her,
This perfectly beautiful (something must be wrong) girl.
This is how to make a beautiful woman:
Take her photo, view her love, be her man.
This is how I would wish to become,
An angel, happy, something to someone.

I simply want to be with you, to watch you watch T.V.
Watch your soaps as I watch somebody extraordinary.
Let me paint a portrait of you, my future freeway;
Because you have shown me my destiny, if you feel the same way.

Let us drive the highway and take every scenic route,
Let’s take this life long journey together,
For I could put my faith in you.

You are my future freeway.  
You are the one who has shown me a new way.
I hope she wants us to drive together…
For in this love story of ours, we could live happily ever after.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
You swear

You swear that you're faithful.  
You swear that you're in love.
You swear that I can trust you,
But that still isn't good enough.

You will never be good enough to feel my love,
Because I have seen your kind before.
You will never get near my love,
Because your words mean nothing more…

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
You were mine.

Goodbye to all those things we used to know.
So long, it's been a good time in my life,
Maybe the best I've known;
But now the sun is setting on another moment in time.
Maybe, who knows?  
It could have been the best day of my life.  

No love is eternal, but this love, this day,
Is the best I have ever had.
Nobody ever said that it was going to be easy,
But for the time we shared, I will always be glad.  
To have met you in this life,
I'm sure it must have been my highlight,
Because with you at my side,
I could enjoy the days we were together,
But all things, in the end, they die.

A burning star one day has to cease;
The fire of passion eats away at the fuel.  
We were lucky enough to have made a love connection, you and me,
So we can live without regrets.
Once upon a time you made me look cool.  

I was the guy with the woman who blew my mind,
Once upon a time.
I would never even think that you were mine to own,
But I can say,
Once upon a time,
You were mine.  

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Zeitgeist translucence

The spirits are unseen to those who have not felt their presence.
The non-believers will never see them, if they remain faithless.
Without a Heaven to look forward to,
We would have no reason to live right.
God sent us a message of peace; we use it to fight.
We are no longer made of starlight.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Zero heroes

Whatever happened to the heroes?
Those that we used to adore.
I need somebody to tell me,
Where do they go when they’re about to fall?

Whatever happened to the heroes?
Where are they now?  Nobody knows.
Where did they all choose to go?
I guess I lost all my heroes.
They all seem to fade away in the end.
Whatever happens to the ego’s?
When we decide they have let us down.
I guess things will never be the same again; oh no.

We were surrounded by infamy,
But now they’re all so sweet; no-one is angry.
They’re all so nice it makes me want to scream!
Get back on your star and let us once more dream.
Why does this happen to our heroes?
We want to love them like we did all those years ago.
But something happens to our heroes;
No more shouting loud, they’re all so mellow.
Whatever happened to our heroes?
They change with time; they all fall or die.
Our heroes change in our life time;
I wish I could go back and see them in their prime…
I want to go back in time.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Zombie mind

In the middle of this night, zombie mind.
I struggle to complete a line that rhym…
Pegasus; horses for courses.
Run a pantomime race using daisies for shoelaces.

A world apart, after being thrown out of a bar.
Fields afar; I sleep under the stars.
Saturday through Sunday;
These…are…the…good times!
Monday to Friday,
I am oh so tired of this poetic production line.
This process must be worth it…

Country music?  I prefer to leave it
And find a better drum kit, with a louder hi-hat hit!
Prince became a symbol of our time.
Cinderella’s thimble, sewing needle;
Cotton on a reel…a dress made by mice.

Eyes are closing, no more movies showing.
Find your own way to see.  
Only you know where you are going…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.

— The End —