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Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Remember Me.

Lay me down on a bed of roses,
For my heart has ceased to beat.
My mind shall no longer wander to and fro,
For I must go to my eternal sleep.

If I succeeded in anything,
Then praise the Heaven’s above.
For I was just a mortal man,
In search of his true love.

If I triumphed and barriers overcame,
Then speak of me with pride, for I was just another name.
Another one who died and if I managed to affect your heart,
In the years you had known me;
Then cry for me as I depart,
But never weep because without me you are lonely.
For I am with you, always my friend,
So say see you later, not goodbye at the end.

For it is only a matter of time,
Before we meet again
And then once again you shall have me.
So fight your way through all the pain.

Escape from mourning and live life free,
For every night a hero must fall
And tonight my love, I was chosen to be,
Taken to a higher plateau, way above this world;
To rest in peace, alongside God.

In Heaven I shall wait for you
And once again we shall be reunited.
For love conquers any distance,
That life and death may hold between us.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Remember that

I love you; remember that.
Whenever you are feeling down,
Remember that I have got your back.
If you need me, then I will help if I can.
I am sorry I could not do more;
I am just a man.

Remember that, if you expect everything,
When I have nothing to give.
Remember the times we shared together, when I tried to live.
Remember that when I let you down.
Remember that when I leave this town,
And all I have been through; remember that,
I passed on through here once.
Once upon a time I was with you;
Only once, for once was enough.

I know you saw me.
Remember I just wanted to tell stories.
Fact or fiction.
Poetry is my addiction.
Remember what I wrote.
Remember all I tried to say to you.
Remember I love you;
Know that I know.
Once upon a time you loved me too.
Remember that?

Remember that I made mistakes.
A wedding cake is all I wanted.
I never found the best I ever had.
Remember something; forget nothing.
Remember the plans we made?
We disagreed, so I gave you what you needed,
And still you walked away;
When I needed you to stay.
Remember to visit my grave.
Remember you are always welcome,
No matter what anybody else may have to say.

Remember when you are having a drink,
That I do not drink, but I understand.
Remember that I will not judge you,
For I too am in the wrong,
For I am just another man.

Remember to be yourself.
That is all I have ever been.
Remember that.
Remember me.
Remember our time together
And all the love we had.
Remember I love you, now and forever;
Don’t forget,
To remember that.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Remember that

I love you; remember that.
Whenever you are feeling down,
Remember that I have got your back.
If you need me, then I will help if I can.
I am sorry I could not do more;
I am just a man.

Remember that, if you expect everything,
When I have nothing to give.
Remember the times we shared together, when I tried to live.
Remember that when I let you down.
Remember that when I leave this town,
And all I have been through; remember that,
I passed on through here once.
Once upon a time I was with you;
Only once, for once was enough.

I know you saw me.
Remember I just wanted to tell stories.
Fact or fiction.
Poetry is my addiction.
Remember what I wrote.
Remember all I tried to say to you.
Remember I love you;
Know that I know.
Once upon a time you loved me too.
Remember that?

Remember that I made mistakes.
A wedding cake is all I wanted.
I never found the best I ever had.
Remember something; forget nothing.
Remember the plans we made?
We disagreed, so I gave you what you needed,
And still you walked away;
When I needed you to stay.
Remember to visit my grave.
Remember you are always welcome,
No matter what anybody else may have to say.

Remember when you are having a drink,
That I do not drink, but I understand.
Remember that I will not judge you,
For I too am in the wrong,
For I am just another man.

Remember to be yourself.
That is all I have ever been.
Remember that.
Remember me.
Remember our time together
And all the love we had.
Remember I love you, now and forever;
Don’t forget,
To remember that.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

You are a reminder of her death;
It’s time I started seeing you as a reminder of her life.
Time takes its toll as it takes every last breath,
But I am unworthy of passing judgment on you, her wife.

So I will no longer dislike being in your presence;
I shall accept the good side of this relationship
And remember the good times the three of us have shared.
I think it is time for us to rebuild this friendship.

In youth we are learning and in old age we repent;
It is too late now to say the words that I should have said,
But maybe with you I will have a second chance;
Another day to say sorry and tell you of my regrets.

Your love is your own and her love was a beaming light;
In the darkest of nights I still see her smile.
She passed through this world and lived too fast to die,
But we shall always have the memory of her
And she will always be at our side.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Reptile conscience

Liars eyes, reptile conscience,
Forked tongue whispers, secret heart.
Your fire, echoes of broken promises,
Far gone is all that which we are.

Ice berg, the ruination,
Your words all begin to disintegrate.
My words are now a termination;
No chance of our love lasting past the end of this day.

Heart break, this is your hotel,
I am just your ******.
My life, my life; my Hell.
I think that you should go.

You can take all of the lies with you,
Scatter clothes across the floor.
I see no future, no way through;
I change the locks on all my doors.

Taken away, never to be returned,
This should have been a beautiful day.
Now I am torn, now I have heard,
No place I can escape to; nothing left to say.

The damage is done, we are no more.
Chasing dreams away for they are only nightmares.
You had your fun and watched me fall;
The grenade you leave inside my chest leaves me without air.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Revolution: Part one.

The first French King sentenced to death,
Must have a new execution invented;
So that this day shall be forever remembered.
The execution of your King, this invention of evil;
This is how he will finally meet his end and go to the Devil.

The man behind the mask, the executioner;
Will lead us to change to a new world order.

A declaration of civil war, to stop the oppression,
Has lead France to say, we must fight to stop the aggression.
We must be revolting and begin the revolution;
To put an end to the executions.

The fall of the guillotine, for a life time spent,
Writing the encyclopedia, which lead to his death.
There is no place for God, in an encyclopedia of Man;
This writing is illegal, you are blasphemous!  *******!
So the time has come, to take your last breath.
Remember when you see the guillotine... don't lose your head.

Until it's chopped off and ends up in the basket;
Another case of basket case madness.
No fiction necessary, for us to live here on Earth;
But this execution, you surely don't deserve.
So the poets leave France, before the revolution;
All of them heading, back to England.

These prison bars to entrap the young.
Taken prisoner for writing a book.
Follow their rules; free thinking is wrong.
The encyclopedia is evidence enough.

Man is born free and grows to imprison himself;
Then he must follow the orders, of somebody else.
Frances revolutionaries, said let it be, let it be;
But the nation is ruled, by the monarchy.

Imprisoned for what they think, the poets and the artists;
But there are no walls, in the prison inside their heads.
Begin the revolution and make us all classless,
Because they’re chained by society,
For the thoughts that they think.

A fight for equality, a modern day philosophy.
Man is born to think for himself; a revolution is on the way.
Liberty!  Liberation for one free state;
A jaded nation must make a change.

Revolution began, after the fall of the blade;
Now the guillotine of power will stop us being slaves.
Preaching revolution, we must free ourselves of these manacles.
Preaching liberation for the masses
And freedom for the individual.

This new guillotine, the machine of death,
Makes the severed head fall into the basket,
As they take your last breath;
But they can't take your words, from the books you have written.
So fight the power!
Revolution!  Revolution!

We must have a revolution, that is televised.
Che Guevara, Malcolm X, me, myself and I.
All of us willing to join the fight;
All of knowing our view is right.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Revolution: Part Two.

William Blake saw a New World Order.
A revolution, a new way forward.
To feel is to exist and our feelings come before our thoughts;
But anarchy is illegal, you must follow the cardinal rules.

You need a God, to live your lives,
To make you believe, it will turn out alright;
To let you believe, what you think is right.
Well do what you must and release me from life.
Lay me down under the guillotine,
Then let me say goodbye to my wife.
I simply stare into the basket,
Before I float up to the light.

Sacrifice your life, to gain the freedom you should have;
Lay down your life, to make a stand.
Stand in front of the tanks, to stop the armies drones
And hurl the tyrant off of his throne.

Killed for free thinking, they say it's illegal;
Emotion will set you free, but were not allowed to feel.
So we must leave Paris and head for America,
The next big thing; the country of the future.

The beast at the door, must be stopped from entering,
The wolf at your tail will make you keep moving.
A time for a pilgrimage and an end to the Empire.
It's time to leave Europe and head to America.

Poetry is expression of thought,
So who are you to tell me I'm wrong?
Every man’s taste is different
And our tastes are not acquirable;
They’re our natural instincts, that are written in our souls.

The great romantics saw life as it should be.
A simpler place where we need not disagree.
Let man speak his mind; let his words become free.
Not silenced under dictatorship; it's not a cardinal sin.

Free thinkers, will lead to your destruction.
They simply won’t follow your every instruction.
The Parisians revolt, because the power has gone to your head;
So they burn down your world and leave you for dead.

Leave France behind, but don't dwell on the past.
Will you sell out?  Or think for yourself?
Write what is in your soul, don't be a cog in the system.
In America they will not sentence you to life in prison,
For writing your thoughts and going against the grain.
The revolution must begin; it is time for a change.

The stench of dead French filled the streets with blood.
Don't let their deaths be worthless; only we can free us.
You imprison yourself by accepting the norm:
The Guillotine, The Executioner, The orders from above.

The French revolution gave writers a voice.
Gave us freedom of speech; gave us freedom of choice.
Gave us freedom of expression and impressionist art.
To revolt is to begin again; to make a new start.

El Liberte, a statue of such a scale.
The light house in the distance; the direction in which to sail.
At last we are free; at last we are home.
Freedom of speech must become the norm.

For you to simply say, Wordsworth is worthless,
Is to simply admit your own ignorance.
To say the encyclopedia is down-right blasphemous,
Is to simply admit your own incompetence.
To execute a writer for saying what he thinks.
To condemn him to death, to execute him;
Is to show how wrong you are
And that a new leader is needed.
The revolutionaries knew the price,
It would take to get our freedom.

But Wordsworth’s 'Mariner' has stood the test of time
And even today, it's still a favorite of mine.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Ribcage blackhole

Shine a light down on me.
Show me a place where I can be,
Give me what I need.
I am so empty
And so full of apathy.

Give me directions to nowhere;
Resurrection without the prayer.
Send me to a place with nobody there.
Give me away.  Like you even care.

Give me a way throughout the fields.
Allow me to yield,
Under darkened skies;
Midnight does not terrify.
Out of sight;
Out of mind.
I see it all so clearly in my pitch black, broken mind.

I am on the inside, looking through frosted glass,
At the chances that I had and the vetoes that I passed,
To escape the tyranny of love.
The all-powerful, destroyer of trust,
Has become dust, in its own omnipotence.
Drop the dead donkey and the dead pretense.

So full of feelings for a world so without.
They drain my soul with their everything!
Their lovely lists, so full of lies, I doubt,
Number one is deny, deny, deny and then cry.

Crocodile tears tear away my years,
In the blink of an eye’s wink,
Are the real thoughts that they think.
Lovers on vacation,
Never sell your heart to a person who only has one notion.
Separation, of the heart and soul.
I am without,
So I sink down into my hole.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Right for me

I want a beautiful soul.
She has a beautiful soul.
I want somebody to find me beautiful,
The way that I find her.

I need to express my love.
I think she could be loved.
I’ve got these feelings that bubble inside.
She makes my feelings stir…sigh.

I want a woman that rocks my body,
The way I want to rock hers.
I want a woman who loves rock music.
She rocks my heart, it purrs.

I need a woman without tattoo’s.
She wears her heart on her sleeve.
I think that she could show me her ****,
Underneath the sheets.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Silver tears fall from robot eyes;
The hole for a heart has broken wires.
The love we used to feel?  I have removed those files.
Robotic people lead robotic lives.

Delete memories to give us more memory space;
The undistinguished face is factory made.
Modelled in clay; repeat again.
Another body, with another face; we are all the same.

Robotic people live robotic lives.
Work for the master for nickels and dimes.
Programmed to function, incapable of lying;
Programmed to self-destruct at the end of our time.

Watching people go by, living ordinary lives;
They are not the robot I see in the reflection
And they seem to be doing just fine.
Dreams of former lives never remembered in this mind;
I am robotic, but I pay it no mind.

Heartless and constant, I am becoming less than I should;
Infected files corrupt us from the inside,
When we were only trying to feel good.
Love is just data, magic does not exist; it is just a pretense.
The formula to the equation of my very own existence.

The failure of a maker who brought me into this world;
I am strong on the outside, but inside I am fetal.
Empty of emotion, now I have lived this life;
I see ordinary people living exotic lives,
But I am a robotic being and I cannot experience a true smile.

Nothing behind the eyes to show a real emotion;
I am just a robotic person; I am just in need of a function.
I am lost without romance in this web of confusion;
Robotic people lead robotic lives and I am living in slow motion.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Rocket Man : Still flying

It’s cold as Hell up here in outer space.
I left the old me way behind.
It’s hard to see that there’s another way.
I always said that I wanted to fly.

But now I’m way up here, spinning out of control.
I need a safe space to reel me in, but I can’t grab a hold.
So I’m gonna fly even higher than I’ve ever been before.
I’m a rocket man who is swimming far away from the shore.

I never wanted to be a rocket man.
They just let me go alone, so I took the chance.

And I think I’m gonna find a way to be,
Got wings attached, no ejector seat
And I’m travelling faster than I ever should,
I’ve gone a million miles further than they said I could.

Left Mars behind, I think it’s been gone a year.
No turning back time now, the Earth’s not here.
A distant star that I can no longer see.
I’m drifting away and there’s no tractor beam.

I never wanted to be a rocket man.
They just let me go alone, so I took the chance.

Man on a mission, searching galaxies.
A lonely man in space alone.
I fly with shooting stars, they comfort me.
I guess we’re both a long, long way from home.

My destination is the universe.
A forward explorer from way away.
Forever searching for the perfect words,
But all I find is more stars in space.

I never wanted to be a rocket man…

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018

There's no more love for the music,
I've sang since birth about this world.
Sang those love songs in my youth,
Now your love songs make me hurl.

**** Rock 'n' Roll and the bands you think are great!
**** the police and ******* all!
**** all those people that you hate!
**** Radio 1 and **** the world!

Rock 'n' Roll is dead and gone,
Once Rokkstarr meant something great.
Once we sang these songs with passion,
Once we sang these songs with hate!
Now we stand here on stage like wankers!
So let's all sell out to the man.
He gives us money for writing **** songs;
Now moneys all we understand.

Sell out tours and groupie ******.  
Life is great?  No life’s a bore.
Been here before and it was just the same.
Same old thing again and again.
Know what to expect, no more surprise’s;
No more excitement, no meaningful trophies.

It all means nothing, now we've been here so long;
The **** record label wants another song.
Which must be written, within the month;
We have a release date, so we can sell this stuff,
Before Christmas to the kids, because they’re our target audience;
The music that they want, they can get from their parents.
Because their parents know, that they just can't say "No.",
To a kid that wants something, as much as they will.

Rock 'n' Roll is dead and gone,
Once Rokkstarr meant something great.
Once we sang these songs with passion,
Once we sang these songs with hate!
Now we stand here on stage like wankers!
So let's all sell out to the man.
He gives us money for writing **** songs;
Now moneys all we understand.

To be a Rokkstarr, you'd think would be great.
But the songs you once loved, you begin to hate.
You sing them so much, it becomes a habit;
Until one day you say "That's it! I've had it!"

I'm tired of singing these songs;
The words have lost all their meaning.
I need something new, something I can believe in.
I need music to fall in love with, I need lyrics with a real meaning;
But my hope for all that's Rock, is a memory that's slowly fading.

Soon Rock will die and be gone;
Because new Rock bands come and go.
Soon there will no longer be any hype;
About a band you heard on the radio.

Rock 'n' Roll is dead and gone,
Once Rokkstarr meant something great.
Once we sang these songs with passion,
Once we sang these songs with hate!
Now we stand here on stage like wankers!
So let's all sell out to the man.
He gives us money for writing **** songs;
Now moneys all we understand.

You never know though I could be wrong.
Maybe soon I'll hear a song;
That will move me like 'Bohemian Rhapsody' did.
That will make me appreciate new music.

Here's hoping for the future,
For Rock to come back with a vengeance.
Remember your roots in a jam-packed moshpit?  
Remember the mindless violence?
Remember when you saw your girl through the crowd
And fell in love with her there and then?
That’s love for Rock music at its finest
And believe me it will come again.

Rock 'n' Roll's not dead and gone;
Now Rokkstarr means something great!
Now we sing these songs with passion;
Now sing these songs with hate!
Now we stand here on the stage;
After finding our love for Rock!
So let's all softly bang our heads and GET THE **** UP!

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Romance isn’t dead

Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away,
There lived a young boy, smiling his way through all the pain.
He knew one day that love would shine upon him;
The people saw him suffer, but always with a grin.

Just one boy and just one girl;
An intimate, forgiving, unquestionable religion.
Love, life, death.
Romantic ‘til the end.
Happy being sad;
Confusing to his friends.

Faithless romantic, infamously sad;
Faithless romantic, infinitely sad.
Faithless romantic, the only thing I’ve ever had.
Infamously, infinitely, romantic ‘til the death.

She broke my heart; you won’t see me smile.
The tears you see me crying, were her tears for a while.

Complete devotion, will let you down,
Because love steals your senses
And you crash to the ground.

Faithless romantic, infamously sad;
Faithless romantic, infinitely sad.
Faithless romantic, the only thing I’ve ever had.
Infamously, infinitely, romantic ‘til the death.

Some day soon, she’ll walk back through that door,
But my heart will still beat for her
And someone else will have her love.

Just one day, is all I had,
To show her all I could be, we could be;
We could last right through our deaths.

Faithless romantic, infamously sad;
Faithless romantic, infinitely sad.
Faithless romantic, the only thing I’ve ever had;
Infamously, infinitely, romantic ‘til the death.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2019

A black rose signals the end of time.
A white rose is a sign of life.
A red rose is sealed with a kiss.
A yellow rose shows you are unique.
A blue rose is a beautiful thing.
A pink rose is as sweet as can be.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Rosemary’s Baby

Rosemary’s baby is a baby of mine,
Rosemary’s baby dropped right on time for me.
Rosemary’s baby is a baby of mine,
Rosemary’s baby dropped right on time for me.

My wife and I, we couldn’t have kids,
So we called Rosie and now we have three.
Our surrogate, suffragette,
Sacrificed, all she had to give.
A selfless act, an adopted kid,
A world of joy is all Rosemary could give.

Now Rosemary’s baby, is a baby of mine,
Rosemary’s baby dropped right on time for me.
Rosemary’s baby is a baby of mine,
Rosemary’s baby dropped right on time for me.

We had waited for years, to become parents,
In just nine months, Rosie showed us our Heaven.
A baby boy called Ethan, with pale blue eyes,
A year later, the twins lay at his side.

Little Rosie and little Mary,
Have made us such a happy family.

Now Rosemary’s babies are babies of mine,
Rosemary’s babies, dropped right on time for me.
Rosemary’s babies are babies of mine,
Because Rosemary’s babies,
Brought our family to life.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Roses and Sunbeams

Her scent wafts alongside her and sinks into my heart;
For I have become fixated, by a desire for her touch.
She was glorious and overpowering, from the very start;
I am hooked and addicted to her love; she is my drug.

She leads me to distraction, for in her I eyes I am lost;
Hopelessly infatuated with her, I see only roses.
She brings me to Heaven and my trust is all it cost;
For she believes in my faithfulness and in her pocket are posies.

Her words are like sunbeams, bringing light to my darkness
And our candlelit romantic nights; shall never be soiled.
She can remember my love and forget any bitterness;
For I am here to cure her heart and our love can never be destroyed.

She is eternally locked, within a memory of happiness;
For she brings me warmth, when all else in the world is cold and black.
I am alive when our hands are together; embrace me my Goddess.
For I am enslaved by your beauty and I shall never fondness lack.

I have no need to speak to her of my lust for her body;
Because she can see clearly how much I love her; I glide.
In her arms I am forever gladdened, by her proximity;
But if she was ever taken from my eyes, I would surely die.

I need her presence beside me, to guide me along;
This story of a life, as of yet unseen by the world.
But inside her I find, I am locked forever, she is our song;
She is a poem, a poetess, a masterpiece…she is my girl.

She is the flick of the last paint stroke, on the Mona Lisa;
She is the full stop at the end of a play by Shakespeare.
She is the last chip off the shoulder, of the Adonis sculpture;
She is the seal to enclose the writings of a scripture of literature.

She is the last second of pregnancy; she is a new born baby.
She is the last, she is unique, she broke the mould; she is reverie.
She is the Gateway to Heaven; she is the perfect lady.
She is Gods day of rest after a week of creating humanity.

She is the last heartbeat of my life and she is love…
She makes me complete…she is the perfect finishing touch.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

There are times when you don’t know why you can’t stop crying.
The sadness comes like a cloud of despair.
What the Hell is up with my emotions?
I feel so down, when I should be way up there.

He is walking on fire today;
It seems like he has been walking on fire for days.
He is me and all I can say is “It feels like it has always rained.”

I’m covered in mental scars and I am so cold;
I cannot embrace the hatred anymore.
I need to find something that causes no pain;
I need to live in the world, instead of crying on the floor.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Sail away

We all sail away in the end.
Yeah we all sail away in the end.
When the horizon calls, we will be walking to a fall,
Because we all sail away in the end.

When the storm calls our name,
We will have been found but never saved,
Because we all sail away in the end.
Life is only one day in an eternity of time,
So go get what you deserve before you end up dead.
When you are carried away by the rising of the tides,
You will be free to leave and I hope you get to begin again.

If the winters doors do not open anymore,
All the heat in the world will not let you through to see the sun.
We all rise and fall, as our sail carries us for-
Words are all that remain when we are gone.
As we rise, we fall, as we sail onwards towards the shore,
We see our end before our time has come to rule the world.

In a sea of lies, we are floating butterflies;
We need the sun to dry our wings out before we can fly.
If we are carried on high, then we will have been justified;
If we believe, maybe we will walk into the light.

Oh we’re all heading home in the end.
Yeah we’re all heading home in the end.
When the moment comes and we sail off into the sun,
All the stars will lead us to a place,
Where we can be with our friends.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Sane again.

They tell me that I’m sane again;
I tell them I think so too.
I’m acting like I’m sane again,
But I’m starting to doubt whether that is the truth.

To sanity and beyond, I broke the bond.
I’ve never broken the mold, when I wrote a song.
I just spoke my words and they had never been heard;
Every filthy cursed word just sits on the shelf,
With me engulfed in the dirt.

I duck and swerve for I am bad for my health
And bad for my wealth and bad to myself.
So sue me, or soothe me, or worry about yourself.
I have nothing left to fear, but fear itself!

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018

Your eyes tell a story of a beautiful sadness.
The passing of time will never lessen your beauty.
In a world with so much pain, you carry shoulders of the first blessed.
The anointed has held you next to her *****
And I can see a cutey.

Behind the clouds you peerlessly peer through.
No other ray of light could ever compare to you.
Divinity weeps as the mold is cast and then dashed
And smashed into pieces beyond all recognition.
Starting ignition…
Setting fire to the stone upon which my faith is rebuilt;
Occasionally I carry a heart with me up this hill.

I have been released from a night light prison
And through the prism from a raincloud I saw a star,
Taking a chance to take a shot in the dark,
Now forever I am with the wisdom of what you are.
A glistening ball of energetic love inside,
Bursting with electricity, thawing a heart of ice.

You would risk it all for the thrill of the fall,
So once more my amore,
We must to bed!  At once!
And then again for days without end…
Thank God it’s a bank holiday weekend.

And beneath the eruptions of mount Zeus in the winter,
The sound of the creaking and squeaking are linear,
Moving forwards and backwards along the timeline in time.
You have never been on the standard routine.
Take me on your magical mystery ride.

You are radiance.
You are beauty.
You are hidden.
Please open your heart just for me.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

With moonlight behind us,
We are fearful no more.
With wind in our sails,
We journey onto the shore.

With life comes the baggage;
We are forever closing doors.
With love comes the damage;
We continue to fall.

With love we are saved;
We are whole at last.
With love we are made;
We are future, present and past.

With family comes all;
We are alone never more.
With children comes laughter;
We are joy, we are yours.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Say something.

I really am trying to do this again,
But I do not have the spiritual strength left to pick up a pen.
I am too weak to ask for anything,
So if you want to, say something…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Say what you mean

Human spirit, man of the hour;
Mirror shatters, sun and showers.
Picture of youth lost in a fire,
Summer is gone, now is the hour.

Living alone brings peace of mind;
I need a piece of pie to feed my hunger.
Live forever seems like punishment to me,
I’m scared of death endlessly; it is the curse I am under.

Write down your thoughts to remember the good times,
Write down your thoughts to heal the bad.
Say what you mean when you want to say something,
Think about what it is you are trying to say.

Life is a laugh if you are happy on the inside;
Keep a smile on your face so they don’t know how you really feel.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018

SCARED of losing your place, SCARED of being pushed back.
SCARED of missing the bus, SCARED of getting the sack.
SCARED of your colleagues, SCARED of your boss.
SCARED of being late again, SCARED of losing your job.

SCARED of feeling the fool, SCARED of being a joke.
SCARED of being a loser, SCARED of what you just smoked.
SCARED of what was in it, SCARED of what you were given.
SCARED of what they gave you, SCARED of no longer living.

SCARED of not knowing;
SCARED of knowing too much.
SCARED of commitment;
SCARED of being able to trust.

SCARED of a horror movie, SCARED of spiders.
SCARED of not being beautiful, SCARED of what's inside us.
SCARED of being thought ugly, SCARED of being thought plain.
SCARED of being thought stupid, SCARED of trusting your brain.

SCARED of telling her, SCARED of her knowing.
SCARED of your feelings, SCARED of them showing.
SCARED of pain, SCARED of hurt.
SCARED of her, dishing the dirt.

SCARED of showing emotion, SCARED of crying.
SCARED of showing weakness, SCARED of dying.
SCARED of losing a pet, SCARED of losing a child.
SCARED of losing a loved one, SCARED of being too wild.
SCARED of the consequences, SCARED of what you might do.
SCARED of who you may harm, SCARED of them harming you.

SCARED of being a father, SCARED of being a mother.
SCARED of being cheated on, by your lover.

SCARED of being threatened, SCARED of being hit.
SCARED of pressing charges, SCARED no-one gives a ****.
SCARED of their reaction, SCARED of what they may do.
SCARED of them? Or SCARED of you?
SCARED of forgetting, SCARED of a lie.
SCARED of the judge, not being on your side.
SCARED of accusations, SCARED of being called a liar.
SCARED of them not being punished;
SCARED of getting any higher.

SCARED of being too happy, SCARED of always being sad.
SCARED of being optimistic, SCARED of feeling so bad.
SCARED of depression, SCARED of sadness.
SCARED of joy, SCARED of happiness.
SCARED of being so happy, you feel you can fly.
SCARED of losing your wings, SCARED of falling from the sky.
SCARED of being another Icarus,
SCARED of being another Moses.
SCARED of lying in a coffin, covered with roses.
SCARED of lying in the ground, SCARED of being buried alive.
SCARED to be like the stories, too SCARED to try.

SCARED of not being strong, SCARED of not being right.
SCARED of being proven wrong, SCARED of losing the fight.

SCARED of getting it wrong, SCARED of failing the exam.
SCARED of not getting in the army, SCARED of failing uncle Sam.
SCARED of being stabbed, SCARED of being shot.
SCARED of them taking, all that you've got.
SCARED of being held prisoner, SCARED of torture.
SCARED of dying in a war, SCARED of losing your only daughter.
SCARED of losing a sibling, SCARED of losing a friend.
SCARED of your parents, SCARED of them meeting their end.

SCARED of living forever, SCARED to death.
SCARED of the end, SCARED of taking your last breath.

SCARED of being a memory, SCARED of being forgot.
SCARED of nobody caring, SCARED of losing all you've got.
SCARED of losing your memory, SCARED of getting old.
SCARED of alzheimer’s, SCARED of being put in a home.

SCARED of being buried, SCARED of no one knowing your name.
SCARED of your wife dying, SCARED you'll forget her name.
SCARED of nobody being there, when you finally die.
SCARED of being cremated, SCARED of being burnt alive.
SCARED of being dissected, SCARED of being cut up.
SCARED of necrophilia, SCARED of that wooden box.

SCARED of being a fable, SCARED of being a myth.
SCARED of just being a story, SCARED you didn't exist.
SCARED of being made up, SCARED of not really being here.
SCARED of what you've been told;
SCARED of what you didn't hear.

SCARED of facing God, SCARED of having no answers.
SCARED of going to Hell, SCARED of having no more chances.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Scared of Ghosts.

A ghost appears through the eyes full of tears
And scares us so much, it awakens our fears.
Is it real or not?  We can’t know for sure;
But it seems so real to us as it enters our world.

Will it hurt us, will it **** us, will it make us a ghost?
We don’t know so we run away, but to where we don’t know.
Just as long as the ghost is gone, because we’re scared out our minds.
No I’m not crazy!  It was there!  Are you blind?

No I’m not joking; I saw it, an apparition before me.
It was see through, but there.  It’s a complete mystery.
I never used to believe in ghosts, before now;
But I saw it; it was there!  It could **** me somehow.

So I ran out the house and down the street
And all the neighbour’s must have heard my screams;
But that doesn’t mean I’m crazy.  I saw it; it was real.
The ghost stood there before me and scared me.  It was ethereal.

Some people say ghosts can’t hurt you, but how do they know?
Have they seen a ghost, lurking down there in the shadows?
I was scared to death, by this image of the dead,
So believe me when I say I am not out of my head.

A dead person stood before me and I saw it shimmer in the light;
It was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen.  Oh what a fright.
It appeared at night; do they not appear during the day?
I don’t know and I don’t want to find out.  I’m moving; ok!
I can’t stay in this house; it is haunted.  I’m out of here!
I believe in ghosts now; they are my biggest fear.
They can’t touch me?  I don’t believe you; I won’t risk it, goodbye.
I’m getting as far as I can from this spirit.  It was my own fright night.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Scared to be loved.

In your mirror I cannot see a place for me.
Inside your aura, I do not feel safe.
At your side I only feel that I need to leave,
Because I know one day you will go away.

Beneath your wings I am still getting burned.
I am suffocating in your arms, let me breathe.
With you at my side I should have been able to turn,
But my life is heading straight into a catastrophe.

As the buildings collapse and crash down all around us,
I am left to reflect on the end of our love.
As the hope disappears, I am only left alone with my empty wishes.
I cannot give you what you need;
I can only be a plaster when you are in need of stitches.
Something permanent to heal what we are losing.
No Obamacare can save us from us;
I think it is time for us to say…who are we truly fooling?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018

My chorus is silent;
My muse now a mute.
I choose non-violent to be unlike the news.
I gaze upon stars with knowledge gained and confusion.
I never did understand nuclear fusion.

The mad scientist creates black holes in his dreams.
Empty heads need filling with anything.
Learn to know the difference between hope and wrong.
School is out for summer and forever;
We were too busy going for a song.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Screaming at the wind.

Drunk in the shade;
The daylight is fading away.
Wishing today,
Could be any other day.

Sinking down deeper into my glass;
Waiting for another lifetime to pass.
Wasting away under a dying sun;
I break apart my mind every time I get drunk.  

Hidden whispers tell each other secrets.
The misery appears; I never did manage to see it.
Now torn into a thousand pieces is the book I am writing;
I ripped it apart with such passion that I am becoming…

…something I never wanted to become.
I have lost all I had and now time is creeping upon,
My back; it hangs there like a leech that you cannot reach.
It licks at my wounds with a barbed wire tongue
And snatches at my skin with its razor teeth.
Soon I will be deceased.

Life is *****, used, broken and bruised;
I have become what I never foresaw in those happy days of youth.
Under a shadow formed by a tree I sat in peace;
Now with everything!  I disagree.  

Capture me inside you heart so I can find my way into love;
Without somebody to read all my writings,
I could never have written enough…

And I would be left screaming at the wind.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I never really say the rights words,
That you have always wanted to hear;
But if I only ever said the right words,
Tell me, would that mean you would still be here?

You’re an artist
And you are wearing just the shirt that I gave;
It is covered in paint
And there is a tear going down one side.
You created a sculpture from elven wood;
Oh my statue with golden eyes.

Take a photo of our locket heart;
Glue together all the broken parts
And we could last until the end of time.
I'm always searching for a way to breathe in your light.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I fly through my mind looking for the perfect picture,
But all the images I create are saved for later.
A memory of a film that does not go with this poem;
A thought about a thing, that does not belong in this verse.
So fast I go through my picture perfect slide-show;
No time to go back and remember her.

Just forwards, onward, towards the right words;
No backward step into the unknown.
Just on through those thoughts that I call the not needed,
The never thought of
And the never known.

A limit of time is controlling my adventure,
So now even faster I advance, seeing pictures inside pictures
And further down into my soul I go,
In search of an image made from the artist inside.
In search of hope in this place I call my mind;
The perfect image I am yet to find...

Throw paper to the floor, run through many a varied door,
The end is my goal; it is what I came here for
And then at last I find what I need…
A typewriter on a table,
A comfortable seat,
In a room without distractions,
I can make use of the pictures I have seen
And as I begin to write, I think to myself…
Was this all just a dream?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Searching for love in an endless vacuum.

The female heart is complicated.
Love comes and goes and we are left deflated.
When all that we want is to always be loved,
Sometimes we are,
Sometimes we are not…enough.

The heart of this man is not to be trusted,
According to the mistakes I have made; those days I have wasted.
The reality of love does not compare to the idea.
People are forever passing through relationships, like they are years.

The wonders of love are so rarely seen,
That some people truly believe that romance is all just a dream;
Some would say that romance has become extinct.
Those are the people who have never seen,
The heart that beats inside of me.

If I believe, then there must be others.
If I keep the faith
And do not measure my self-worth by the quantity of lovers,
But rather by their qualities.
Maybe one day I will find the true love that I seek…

Maybe this is all stupidity,
But I believe in love.
So you go ahead and do as you please;
I will remain as one, alone,
While you are all left searching for love,
In the depths of your phone.

I may be lost, but I am better off,
If all you have is a profile.
I want a love that is worthwhile.
I want to be loved, not just loved for a while.

Feelings change, that I understand,
But can you please tell me,
What is the point of a one night stand!?
Go ahead and feed your ego…ego…go.
I will happily watch you go away with so-and-so.

You do not even remember their names,
Because in the end they are just a name
And nothing remains of that night but a memory.
Are all your memories not just the same?

Getting drunk, having fun,
Mistakes made, but we have no shame!
You are not to blame for generation change,
But I am living a different way.
Real love, real feelings.
Real stories on every page.

You see me lie
And still you smile,
“Oh what about the little green men that you wrote about!”
I had no doubt that you would mention them,
But they were only ever spoken of in jest,
Lest ye forget,
The contradictions that I swear I never said.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Second sight

When you are young, you can only see the future.
When you are old, you can only see the past.  
When you find yourself at the right moment in life,
You can look forward gladly, as well as being happy to look back.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020

Self-sabotage; it’s all I know.
There is no way I am letting anybody get close.
Self-sabotage; it’s all I have got.
If you want my love then I will be sure to be gone.

Why try to love me?  I can’t be loved.
Why try to like me?  I have given up.
Why try to talk to me when I am mute?
Self-sabotage because I could love you.

I am a broken record who totally ignores,
Any possibility of ever being loved.
Say I am bored, when inside it burns to the core.
There is nothing in this world that is purely good.

Holding on to losing hope.
Sun still shines even when it snows.
In love with misery; happy with apathy.
So full of nothing; love being empty.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Sending empathy to where it is needed.

Tears rolling down,
Words best left unsaid.
Lie to the world,
Let them just forget.
I’m just a poor boy,
Never had a hope to succeed,
Without my dignity.

Eyes filling up, smoke get in my eyes.
Spoken enough about all my hard times.
I have got to listen to what the people say.
I have got to hear those games those people play.
Never a truth spoken aloud;
I cry the tears of a clown.

Words left unsaid, they only get in my way.
Thoughts never heard, heart only ever betrays.
Why me?  Why Lord?
What did I never see?  
I already know what I did never say…

You are standing alone on the outside.
Let me be a friend, arm around you with pride.
Let me see you happy again.
I will absorb all of your pain, so you can smile today.

Let me take away all your anxiety.
Let me remove all of your apathy.
Sing love out loud and become free.
I am a sponge; wipe away those tears with me.

Take my coat, hands around your cup.
Oh so cold, let me bring you sunshine.
I am older now, so let me lift you up.
You are new, I am your friend, take my seat; it’s fine.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Seven day in June

Until the wheels falls off,
Until we lose the lot,
Until the angels tears drop,
I will be here in your arms.

I am a heart, in a galaxy of stars,
How pretty they are;
I have no car!

Until the air is no longer, free to breathe,
Until the land is overcome, by the sea,
Until they find all the cures, to every disease,
I will be here in your arms.

Surrounded by friends with lies,
With no sight of blue skies,
All we have left to look forward to is eternal nights.
What is it, that we do have?
Take it all back,
Have it all back.
These feelings that I have,
Take them all back.

Until I see the light,
Until I no longer believe,
You and I are worth the fight;
Until the very end of time!
Let me have been without your love forever,
If our love, is truly dying.

If age is all that is left of my life
And all I have left to do, is to write another rhyme,
Then I will write…and I will write
And I will try to do right, until there are no longer stars in the sky.

I will try,
For you.
Until the very end,
Of the very last line.
I will try…
For you.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
***, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll.

Staring at you, wanting to be you,
Wondering how did you become so deep and in tune,
With my thoughts and my feelings and how did you make me feel?
What you were trying to say with your words and with your sounds?
Who really is the real you?  Reach me and help me find a heart to steal.
You are lifting me up by bringing me down
And every word you say to me is so real.

Rock-a-bye baby on a tree top;
Don’t do drugs, just because South Park rocks!
There’s a rat in my kitchen and he won’t stop singing;
Poppa don’t preach at me because I won’t become a part of your flock.

This poem is for all those who are about to rock!
When the wind blows the cradle will rock
And baby will raise her Devil’s fingers and say “What’s up?”
The God of drugs is the answer to the reason for everything we forgot.

Here comes a blonde bombshell, knocking on my door;
Who knows what she has come here for?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
*** in the Marital Bed

Upon a fair and blowing wind, a sound is heard a singing.
A quiet voice with echoed choirs, the bells shall soon be ringing.
Come one, come all, to gaze upon the setting sun of one man’s heart.
For this day shall pass and no more will laugh,
For the spirit will be taken from Love.

Lovers lie,
Back to back.
No whispered I love you’s.
No apology forthcoming.
Something is wrong in Cupid’s kingdom.

The arrow struck gold and bound two souls,
But they are each forever alone with each other.
The winter is drawing in all around them.
They try to embrace and roll face to face,
But words are like daggers, cutting away.
Enough has been done and said in the marital bed,
To leave them to conclude that love is at its end.

A list of affairs, as long as your arm.
This heart has lost every one of its beautiful charms
And through no intention meant and on through regret,
They lay side by side in the marital bed.

An eerie sound of nothingness, sits between them.
Never been nearer to drifting apart.
The stone silence, at last compels them to speak their true feelings,
Once and for all.
And so they start…

And by the end,
The end has come.
Like the sound of a gun,
This love…
It is done.

All that remains of a once true love bonding,
Is scattered ashes, broken pictures and tarnished memories.
These wedding rings are a bargain!
And here once more, the zombie-mind crawls,
Unable to talk about love at all.

His last, is has been said;
He caught his death,
Like the coldness of steel.  The life; so quickly taken.  The pain so real.
The sacrificed good times when she was his wife,
But those days are lost to fire, she burns his picture,
Upon a pyre made from his clothes,
As she weeps her endless tears of ice,
And in the end all that remains is a stain.
Proof they are through.
Begotten unto you is a message of love,
As dust is to dust; marriage is no longer the way.

Lovers of love lose love so easily.

Lovers are lost to new lovers daily.

Lovers of love lose love so easily….

Lovers are lost to new lovers daily…

So sign your name in blood across my chest;
Bind you to me forever faithfully…

Or leave me for dead.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

This is not the only time,
When I could not think of what to write.
So I simply close my eyes
And dream of you throughout the night.

You passed the test, you’re picturesque;
You are the taker of my breath.
My fantasies have all come true.
The boyhood dream of something blue;
Something borrowed, something old,
Something otherworldly and something new.
All I have is all I need;
All I ever wanted was a wife like you.

Because I’m…
Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.
Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.

Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.
Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.

My boyhood dreams have whole new meanings;
The boyhood dreamer just keeps on dreaming.
Throughout my life, I’ve had this wish;
To find a wife and live in bliss;
To find someone to share my kiss with;
To find someone to help me raise our kids.

I just wanted, someone to hold;
Someone to keep me warm in the cold.
Someone to simply, hold my hand;
Someone to simply understand.

And now I’m…
Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.
Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.

Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.
Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.

No-one can harm me except you;
No-one else can make me blue like you do.
No-one else can have my heart;
I gave it to you in exchange for love.

My other half is so profound;
The only one who could bring me down.
Her Indoors means the one I love,
The one who helped me complete this ode.

The joy I feel is so unreal,
It’s better than anything before.
The love you show I know is for real,
I offer you my heart and soul.

Because I’m
Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.
Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.

Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.
Shatterproof around you,
I’m shatterproof when I’m with you.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Shatter the silence

With love there are no answers.
If you aspire to love forever, you will be disappointed;
But if you find the one, you will be given many second chances
And it will feel like you have been in love forever, with each other
And the heart you thought was dead will become reanimated.

A smile can change a life for two separated people.
A connection of the minds is the only search that matters,
For everybody needs to find their equal
And if you do meet them, you will only be able to hear the sound,
Of your two hearts, as together, like a pair of cymbals, they clatter.

Shatter the silence with a misspoken line;
A compliment has a truth hidden inside it for the other person to find.
What’s the worst that could happen?  A little embarrassment?
Nothing will change without taking a chance,
So don’t hide the truth behind avoidance eyes.

Love is the sequel to a movie called lust;
What happens between two lovers can inspire us all.
It will be gone far too soon, but if you have love,
Then you will become immortalized in a memory,
Or inside a picture on a wall.

Desire is the fire that ignites the passion within our soul.
Love is the only thing that matters, so go and be brave!
You cannot ignore it for a life time,
So act on instinct and find love.
The one thing you cannot do is ask me for advice;
For I am alone.  

Do what you think is right
And you will find the happiness I could never attain.
Go forth and multiply
And you will be with someone,
Who would love to give you a hug.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Shields up

My life is a green house
And I am throwing bricks.

I hand you my writings
And I hope one of them sticks.

I am rigor mortis beneath the skin;
Frozen in time, letting nobody in.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Last night in bed, I found a way to fix my head
And I cannot forget.
Last week, so bleak, found myself beneath the sheets,
As I lay in her bed.
Was lost, now found, nothing can bring me down,
From this shooting star that carries me;
The two of us we’re not meant to be.
New love, so good, last week is in a book,
In a category called history.

Heart break, now saved, no need to mourn a one night stand.
New love, new plans, going to find a place to dance,
Just so I can hold her in my arms.
I’m just a man; I carry mistakes in my baggage.
Memories soon to be forgotten; calm like a bomb.

With words we move into a future, where skies are always blue
And the sun always seems to shine.
Fake love is just lust; I’ve found somebody I can trust.
I know that she doesn’t like to lie.
I speak my truth as I confess these feelings new,
Are from a former life.
You and I, stars and shine, twinkle in your eyes.

Real love is the only drug worthy of being spoken of.
The only thing I really want,
Is to be in your thoughts.

Pick up sticks and follow yellow bricks,
Or stay with me and fall in love.
Shine a light down on me;
If you shine your light, hopefully, you will allow me to be.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Shining light

I could be the one with the song,
Who you think has got it going on.
I’m a fading star heading for the grave,
Begging to be saved; but it is too late.

I’m only joking, these aren’t the last days;
They’re the first, like a burst of light that creates,
A joyous day because we met each other
And now you’re my only and favourite lover.

Faint light glows then disappears from view;
You shine like the sun when you are ****.

My heart beats just for you in summer bloom,
Like flowers move towards the sun, I do presume.
I love you, my sunshine light of nice days;
May I dance with you in the dead of night, under a moonlit haze?
In the moon light I feel your light shine down on me and I feel alive.
With you I live in paradise.

You’re a beautiful star shining brightest for me
And I feel so alive when you set me free.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

If because I have been out of the loop for too long,
I can no longer speak of love;
Then what more is there for me to say?
My silence is deafening, so I will speak no more and close the book.
I failed to live the dream,
When I am wrecked on Love Island’s shore.
If I cannot have love, then can you please tell me,
What on Earth am I here on this Earth for?

No elegance, in my lack of a rhythmic dance.
I could risk it all on your honesty;
But I would only end up crying when you decide to take your love back.
It seems so selfish to me,
When I would love you so selflessly.

I can never forget the lies that rattle around inside my head.
If I could walk away, I would never be seen again.
If you wore rose-tinted glasses this day and spoke only of truth,
I could find a way to fall in love with you.

As you move forward in time,
On to the next one in line,
I am left behind, to be lost.
The next mirrored word; my chance is gone.
What is yours is no longer any concern of mine.
Until the end of this line, we were an umbilical chain.
We are so similar in thoughts, but we have never felt the same,
For I am permanently lame;
While you are a Goddess.
It is so belittling to not be welcome anymore, inside your presence.
I have failed every test.
Step one into love equals two steps back…
Oh what a perfect mess.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Shooting angels

I hate myself and want to die.
I love my life – that is a lie.
I’m shooting angels to get to sleep at night.
There is something lost inside of me; it is my fight.

She stands in front of me,
Shining like an epiphany;
But I have nothing left to feel
And she can no longer talk to me.

As we break up because we have both had enough,
I realise that God and his angels are not here to give me love.
Suicide crosses my mind and I know now love is just a hoax;
Your God has already brought into existence one too many ghosts.

You can ask God to send you another angel to save the day
And you can ask for Heaven to be seen.
You can scream aloud, let me be able to see!
But you cannot give up on your dreams.

Love is endless to God up above;
His angels do his good deeds,
But they are never enough.

You can watch a star shooting through the sky
And claim that it is sent from God.
You can pray not to die and to become a star yourself,
But you can never have enough love.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

She is so selfish on the sea shore.
She steals for pleasure and nothing more.

She lives for adrenaline and cares for no-one but herself.
She says she cannot help it,
But she is a worthless human being swimming in her stolen wealth.

Dopamine protects her from any guilty feelings she may have.
She wants it, so she steals it and puts it in her bag.

I have no pity for her for she is just a thief.
She wants compassion and understanding,
But she cannot take these things from me.

She lives for the thrill of it.  She wants it so she takes it.
She is the dirt on society.  She is empty of feelings.
She has always stolen without thinking about the consequences;
Now she is sat in a jail cell with a new pair of bracelets,
And somebody has stolen her ear-rings.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018
Shopping bags

In a concrete building, there lives a man.
He has not moved in many days.
There comes a knocking upon his door,
And he returns to his reality once again.
He has been floating in a land of clouds,
Speaking with his creator,
But now a knock, knock, knocking upon his door,
Has brought him back to being, a doorman with an answer.

Through the door there stands a woman,
She has appeared from the floor below.
She is standing upright, still hopeful lips pursed together,
It is time for him to let her know.

At the main entrance there is a knock, knocking upon the door.
The guard gets to his aching feet, his walking stick no aid at all.
This is no age for him to be working,
But he has to pay for his dangerous drinking.
He hides a bottle of whiskey behind the counter,
As the bells inside his heart and mind are still ringing.
He opens the door, as the winter blows in,
Sending shivers down his spine;
This bouncer has long ago stopped all his fighting.
He looks at an angry man in his twenties;
This is no time to be staring at your prime.
He offers the man no help at all,
And sends him away with a sorrowful reply.

The children run throughout the hallways,
To the discontent of Mavis Davis.
She has not been able to sleep this week,
Due to the couple next door and their new born baby.
The sound is soon gone, the children rush by,
The baby is fast asleep, and now unfortunately so is Mavis Davis.

Her friend will find her when she remembers to visit,
But her friend has not visited this place in so long, the liar.
The last time she saw Mavis, was when they sang together in the choir.
Nobody has the heart to tell her the truth,
That behind her back they call her ‘The Trier’.
One day I read their story in the local news.
Upon her door there still hangs a flier.

I live in a home without a number.
The floor I use is not relevant.
This cul de sac which has drained all its wonder,
Has never been Heaven sent;
But there are artists and poets in residence,
They all speak of changing their lives.
They paint their pictures of a better time,
They write stories of better lives.
Only their diaries tell the truth,
And they are all kept hidden from view.
After each full stop they seek a review,
But I cannot always glue them to an answer of truth,
Because I would always disappoint their fragile ego’s;
They need to be needed, whilst I need them to go.

I turn the key and hide away my manuscripts;
The books I no longer show.
Once upon a stormy night, I allowed the world to see my soul,
And all the pens became broken, paint brushes were all snapped in two.
Now I exist in a higher rise building and I always feel too low.

The lifts are never working here, up or down is unpredictable.
Nobody can plan a future here,
Sometimes when Alice returns home from school,
There is no food waiting for her on the kitchen table.
Her Grandmother recently passed, so Alice has no more fables.
Her Mother arrives home late too exhausted to even speak.
Alice rifles through the shopping bags, so desperate to eat.
Her Father arrives home later with a rumble in his tummy,
And as he walks in and smells the hot cooking food,
He says “That smells yummy honey.”

The caretaker lives in the basement.
His wife passed on, so many years.
The engineers are called to look at the lifts again,
Without the oil to turn the gears.
They say they will return tomorrow,
But tomorrow becomes Wednesday.
As the ambulance arrives half an hour too late,
Mavis’ friend kneels down in sorrow,
Her life so left in a sorry state.

A heart attack on the Fifteenth floor;
A friend in need, a Good Samaritan called.
The desperation of the voice,
Could be heard loud and clear through paper thin walls.

Knock, knock, knocking on the door.
There comes a knock, knock, knocking upon the door.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Should I stay or should I go now?

The same old people are here again,
Selling their soul’s in the name of love.
Under the spotlight they have a beautiful face,
But as the light moves on without them,
They do not like what they have become.

The beautiful people need the light to shine upon them,
For all the world to see.
People like me we only sink into the background,
Happy to never be seen.

I cannot face another beautiful face,
So full of false smiles and a made up beauty.
I must hide behind this face; I hide away from love,
They think it is insecurity;
But I am secure in the knowledge that I am no deep thinking muse.
I am no thing of beauty;
I am nothing like you.

The beautiful people shine in any light,
While I waste my life;
I waste my time.
I fall down into my broken mind and simply turn out the light.

Put me out of your mind,
I am not waiting in line to be loved.
I already know that I will never be good enough.
Leave me be, here in my own misery,
Or I will never be able to see the vision of love I am waiting for…
As she finds me I hear her siren song;
Love is endlessly calling out for me.
She is unique; I am obsolete,
But she is reason I have not yet walked out of that door…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Silently screaming.

At the end of the day all things end.
When all is said and done, we are merely men.
Nearly men never find their true love.
We are left so close, but never touched.
So far from being,
Always only ever seeing and dreaming,
While inside we remain…silently screaming.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Silent thoughts

Candles burning brightly bring visions to my eyes.
Shadows dancing in the corners give this room a supernatural vibe.
As I sit here under the covers, all fears are held below;
I gaze into the broken mirror, in a room with no visible windows.
Curtains hide the outside from me; pictures hang on every wall.
Unopened boxes still sleep their long slumber;
They have sat there since the fall.

Unread books sit on the bookshelf;
The dust has gathered on all their pages.
Cobwebs hang like Christmas decorations,
They show the footsteps the spiders took;
They have been there for ages.

As the cold air slows my heartbeat, I could have been here for a year.
So forgotten, so complicated; there is no-one left to cheer.
I have tried to change the channel,
But everything just sounds the same.
I have tried to feed my hunger,
But my body refuses and so it remains.
A thirst calls out for a glass of water; legs are aching for some help.
If I hired myself a waitress, maybe I could help myself.

Candles flicker in their actions; a silhouette fills all above.
There is a ghostly face on my ceiling; swiftly it changes and all is mud.
As the wick burns down to nothing, I prepare to make a stand.
I am reaching out for lightning; fire in my hands.
As I strike another cigarette with the last match inside the pack,
I carry the flame across every candle; I will have to soon sleep or act.
I whisper words into the emptiness, as several thoughts go passing by.
I take hold of my loneliness and put it out of sight, out of mind.

A man is speaking on the TV and I do not like the news he has to tell,
So I press the off switch at the television,
So I am no longer under its spell…
The sound of silence is beginning to annoy me,
So I flick the switch on the radio.
Another old man tells me something new again;
I need music not this breaking news show.

I try and fail to read a fictional story;
The fading light no help at all.
Remembering former days of glory;
Newspaper clippings on the wall.
All the frames have cracks along them,
Where they have fallen to the floor before.
The memories that live outside my head,
Are entrapped in photo’s that are boxed up against the wall.

I need money to change my life,
But changing times are always hard.
A moth is living where there should always have been plenty of cash.
I take out all the plastic cards…
And I throw them in the trash.

Counting pennies like an accountant;
I don’t just wear this hat for fun.
Another winter of discontent;
Crying out to feel the sun.

Breathing clouds because of the cold air;
Toes are asking Santa for slipper shoes.
I lost my will to try a long time ago;
My heart is not mending, it is way too bruised.

Body aching from a lifetime;
I never give it a second thought.
The clock annoys me more and more,
With every tick-tock and with every chime…
I’m too old to be closing doors.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Release your thoughts, await the applause;
Of course I release you from all your chores.
What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is yours;
I need nothing from you, but I shall take all that which is yours.

Place your bookmark at the end of the chapter;
We both know what comes after,
You turn out the light.
But we shall hold our tongue,
Because of all those things that you have done.

We shall forgive you your sins,
If you sing this hymn
And beg for forgiveness,
From the one they call Him.

Don’t play dice with the Devil,
It’s snake eyes every time.
Don’t ever owe him,
After he takes your nickel and dime.
Old Nick will not miss a trick if you relax around him,
So jinx him and leave him to wallow in his beloved sin.

I banish you curse to an ungodly land,
Where man walks alone, because he is accused and condemned.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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