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Aa Harvey Jul 2018

I saw you today, for the very last time,
I waved you goodbye and wiped the tears from my eyes.
I wondered, would I see you again?
But inside I knew the truth, you were gone this time.

Pain is all I have to remember you by now.
The sunshine has gone; all I see now is dark clouds
And happy couples and smiling faces…
Why is everybody so ****** happy?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Hit it harder, harder, harder!
Break that, smash that, hit that beat!
Punch it, kick it; make the drum shatter!
This is how the song begins.

When we are lost and in need of guidance,
Music reminds us of who we used to be.
When we are down or surrounded by our friends,
The music gives us a place to sink.

From the gutter to the stage;
Who am I to wish for that?
From the womb to the grave;
The meaning of life is an unknown quantity; an undiscovered track.

Off the rails we crash and burn,
Then we rise up from the dirt.
We find a way to change ourselves
And drag ourselves up from our empty bed;
My place of misery, without her.

Safety in numbers, love is our shield.
Words of a trust broken, never heal.
What are we to become if we have never even tried?
We are sinking deeper into our mind and we have nothing left to feel.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Sitting on a mountain.

This mountain top has no sounds.
No distractions anywhere to be found.
I plant my feet on solid ground.
The sky is hidden behind nimbus clouds.

No human to be seen from this vantage point.
No voice to be heard;
I am mute, apart from my aching joints,
That crack in unison with my pain.
No energy left to voyage again, so here I will stay.

It’s a long way down without a bobsleigh,
So here I will stay; will I build myself a grave?
Or regain my pace and once more join the rat race?
Who is to know?  Who is to say?

The sunlight is fading to be replaced by half a moon;
Snow is all around, but this is no Billy Mack tune.
I am all out of prunes.
Provisions were all, gone too soon.

Water for air, but no meals to dine.
No rescue helicopter flies up above me in the skies.
Water for eyes, but no scrap for me to build a sledge.
It’s a long way down to have no regrets.

Holding on to staying alive; tent is waving, I am blowing steam.
Water for eyes; is this really all just a bad dream?
I scream into the air, but there is nobody there
And I am without a deep breath to be heard down there.

No avalanche is coming to pass;
Still no way down and no turning back.
Water for air; water for eyes.
My kingdom for a burger, a milk shake and some fries.
Cannot just roll down to the bottom of this hill.
All things have been killed by the endless wind chill.

Minus degrees plus high wind speeds,
Equals the end of me; oh, sweet sanctuary.
Continuously, I seek to see the escalator,
To the bottom of this mountain peak.

Inside my tent the world disappears.
Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
Will I still be here?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Six feet under

Holes are forming where shadows used to lay.
Time is disappearing as life drifts away.
Falling down into the ground, searching for a new way to escape;
But there is no way to escape from a determined fate.

A date with destiny, the present is wrapped in a bow.
Feelings are fading, the light it is a changing and now the heat is low.
The daylight fades from the eyes as all hope is drained from inside
And all that remains is a body in a grave…
What a way to go.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

The sands of time have fallen away;
No longer drifting through the space in-between yesterday and today.
No egg timer tomorrow can turn this fate upon its head.
Limited reality; no fiction left.

Tomorrow is lost to never be seen again;
No words left to say.
No future to look forward to in this fading age.
Skeleton walked the roads, paying all of the tolls;
At the end of the journey, no gold can keep away the hole.

Tattered bandages around broken bones;
Falling to his knees, he has made his way home.
No witness to his arrival,
All long since gone.
His neighbours have left without revival;
They have all become dust and bones.

This town is without its heartbeat.
Just empty streets,
Not one person to be seen;
No sound of machines and nobody to see.
Tarmac and concrete;
No leaves on the trees.
Grey stone all around;
No words left to speak.

His ball and chain has been removed,
Long ago, since many moons.
At his graveyard home, he is in good company.
The skeleton man is no longer living;
He is resting in his cemetery.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Slave to damnation

I am a slave to the sound of Audioslave;
I am simply here to say they are great!
Chilled out, rocking loud, slam those drums!
******* hit a **** and just dance a little more.

Slide it on down to the lowest decibel possible.
It’s time to rock, so come on now people!
Let all slowly bang our ******* heads!
It’s time to rock!  We are the living dead!

So every single one of you out there in Wonderland;
It’s time to get down with this funky *** band.
I am a slave to damnation;
I am a slave to Audioslave.
I’m a one way, last ever, concert ticket;
The last show on Earth, the end of days.

Speeding down the freeway with the cops behind us;
They cannot keep up and they know we just don’t give a ****!
150 on the speedometer, it’s time to die in flames!
Welcome to your Hell my friend;
Wave goodbye to your broken life, broken heart
And broken early grave.

Slave to audio…Audioslave.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018

I’m counting sheep because there’s nothing for me to do,
Except watch repeats on TV of nothing new.
It’s the same old ****, but I still watch all of it,
Between the fifteen million adverts I’m forced to see.

Dreams are made of memories,
Premonitions and science fiction,
Fantasies and broken thoughts;
All the things you have been taught.

Arguments and contradictions,
Lies, deceit, truth, corruption.
Crazy thoughts inside my head.
Goodbye now, I’m tired, let me lay down to rest.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Broken TV, phone line cut off;
Electric meter empty, friends have been lost.
Bottles all drunken, food beginning to rot;
Clothes torn and fading, all hope is gone.

Money all spent to pay the rent and the debts;
Eye sight fading, nothing left.
Body decaying, love life non-existent;
Pity and mercy are not forthcoming,
Everything is lost in an instant.

Dirt on the skirting boards and on the walls,
Ambition without power.
Green water in the vase underneath the dead flowers;
One minute past happy hour, the milk tastes sour.

Laughter not possible, arms too weak;
Broken are the sandals that slip beneath my feet.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
***** Slipknot, let’s just chill

High there.  Remember Me?
I think I crept into your heart…I think.
I thought my bad memory was telling me the truth,
When I said I should have been with you.

I didn’t think to feel,
About what you thought.
I just showed you my ugly side;
My right side, no love.
I ran away before you caught me;
I’m sorry I turned into a scared little kid.

I’m scared of girls because you have so much power.
The power to deny my love,
If I forget to bring you flowers.
But still, thinking of you again…
Stuff that Slipknot song!
I love it.  I don’t love her.  I love my pain.

I can trust myself to mess things up;
But still, I hear that song; her song.
The love song ‘*****’.
For dead became my love, in a nervous dash.
Now all this time later, I hear one verse…
And the old familiar feelings are back…

***** Slipknot!
It’s just a reminder of what I have lost…
She could have been everything to me…
If I could have just spoken the words to that song.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
So easy

The words must flow without delay.
A writer’s block must be kept at bay,
By constant thoughts and creative work.
When the page is blank, you must find the words.

If you lose your faith in the fact you have talent,
You cannot just give up on opportunity, you must grab it;
For now is your time to seize the day,
For tomorrow will always be too late.

If you procrastinate, you will do nothing.
If you try; what more could you possibly give?
You can only do your best and if you do find the right words,
Then in the end you will have succeeded.

With empty thoughts and a head without,
Just write something, anything and the good will out.
If you begin, then you will see,
That you can accomplish meaning.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

People always assume that I am nothing new.
People always presume; let them presume.
People are always sure that there must be a cure to my broken heart,
If I only took a chance;
But the truth is I can no longer go out drinking in bars,
Travelling as a Lone Star, forever searching for romance.
I am not confident, so I will fall again and again and again,
While I wait for her to love me and then I get left behind in the rain.

I have met divine beauty and I just let her walk straight past me.
I have heard the voice of an angel,
But my mouth was empty of the right words to say.
No sunny day inside my mind today,
I let her slip away…

I am unable to be successful,
Because my timing is faithfully, always dreadful.
If she could only hear me being truthful,
She would know I think she is truly beautiful.
But I am so forgetful…Why can’t I tell her how I feel?
Why can’t I remember what I wanted to say?
Maybe she could feel the same…
Oh and the other thing I need to ask is, what is your name?

I do remember now; that song is my way.
It speaks of love; it tells me about her.
Born of true romance and loving words;
I want to take her out to dance,
But my eyes always instinctively avert.
She could be my ideal mate;
I only wish I could ask her out on a date,
But still here I wait, always too late, wasting away.

Breakfast is calling.
Guess what...I am stalling.
The story of my life;
This artiste is not performing
And she is not painting me in a pretty picture of love,
Because if I never tell her how I feel,
Then there will never be us.

I could fall so deep into her loving arms.
Her loving caress would cure my soul.
I have to tell her, but would she be alarmed,
By the words of love she never did want to hear from me?
And would I be left to regret the truth that I told?

So no, I never did win her love.
So no, I never do get to be happy.
So no, I never had the courage to say those words that I must:
‘You, my dear, I could truly love.  
What do you imagine, when you think about me?
Do you even think about me?...’

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

If we could have made it to September,
Do you think we could have made it back through May?
We will never know what could have been,
But still, remember…
We could have found a way.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Someone needs to love you

Hell is just a destination,
Something for us to fear.
You can’t stop your destiny friend,
You can only live right here.

Right now is where the heart beats;
Right now is the time.
Tomorrow brings the changes,
So open up your mind.

Because someone needs to love you,
Someone needs to care.
You need someone to love you,
It’s time to let them in.

Someone needs to love you,
Someone needs to care.
You need someone to love you,
It’s time to let them in.

All the broken hearts and all the broken minds,
Litter loves battlefield, where the love light used to shine.
It’s time for us to live again.  It’s time for us to care.
So open up your heart my friend and let your lover in.

For time can bring the changes,
But nothing heals the heart.
So let love make things ok;
It’s time for a new start.

Because someone needs to love you,
Someone needs to care.
You need someone to love you,
It’s time to let them in.

Someone needs to love you,
Someone needs to care.
You need someone to love you,
It’s time to let them in.

Heaven is a place where lovers love to lay.
The picture of your lovers face,
Will be there until your dying days.
Until the end of time, is the time you will spend together.
My love, I will always love you; today, tomorrow and forever.

Because someone needs to love you,
Someone needs to care.
You need someone to love you,
It’s time to let them in.

Someone needs to love you,
Someone needs to care.
You need someone to love you,
It’s time to let them in.

Your love is all I need now.
Your love is all I want.
My love is all I can give to you.
I offer you my broken heart.
Lay your hands upon me; heal my broken heart,
Then I can always lay with you,
My love light in the dark.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I want you to be something you can never be;
Something you could never feel, deep inside of me.
I want you to see something; something you could never see.
Something you could never dream,
That’s always been inside of me.

Something someone said,
Stuck in my mind and affected my head.
Something someone should have been,
Fades away with apathy.
Something you will never be,
Is truly into me.

Now all I can do is learn to hate something.
Something or anything; nothing with integrity.
No dislike of apathy, for it has no reaction;
All I hate is all I love, for all it has is what I need.
Passion, reaction, satisfaction;
You used to give me all of these.

But you will never be anything,
When we could have been everything!
We chose to be nothing real.
We could still chose to be something,
If only we could remember how to feel.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Something beautiful, something ugly

Something beautiful trapped inside a black hole;
The monster is feeding and swallowing hope.
It’s swallowing souls as its fingers hold,
Us down by our throats and it will never let go.

Something beautiful, something ugly;
Someone to love, when fear has a grip on me.
Let it go and rise once more!
Kick down the exit door and once more feel the warmth.

Been cold so long, I have forgotten the heat,
As strangers meet;
They soon disappear and become a friend or a lover.

After walking alone down barren streets,
With no knowledge of what it is we should seek;
Until we find a love we have always needed to discover.

Something beautiful hidden beneath;
Something ugly, plain for all to see.
Give them all a remedy and allow them to see beauty.
Misery is surely ugly;
Bitterness seeks the incomplete.

Wondering how to become complete;
Lacking good will, detesting humanity.
Something beautiful, something ugly;
We are human.  Words are used without dignity.

Something beautiful, something ugly;
We are all humane and we are at war with ourselves.
Destroy the fiend you call your friend;
Because when the time comes, they will offer you no help.

Something ugly, something beautiful;
The pain has been removed, so you can fly high now people.
Age is a thief; this night is not your friend.
We are condemned to lose our beauty and become ugly in the end.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Something Nice

People don’t think; they stink.
Why are things so great?
Honestly, just sit around and wait.
Look it’s a summer’s day
And everything is ok.

Feeling woozy on Tuesday;
It’s just another day.
Another way to be happy;
They say.

Trying to write ‘Something Nice’;
Struggling really, I guess that’s life!
I can’t be happy, with my life today;
I need to do something I don’t hate.

Goodbye Tuesday, hello Gorgeous!
I think we may see something before us,
We can’t resist; my divine inspiration.
Thank you for everything;
You’re a beautiful creation.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Songs of yesterday.

I sang those songs of love since I was a boy,
Way back before the world could ever bring me down.
Motown lead the way and music was my favourite toy,
Way before I ever knew video like I know it now.

Those songs of love that lit the way;
Those songs of love sang yesterday.
Those songs I will never forget or replace;
Those loving songs of yesterday.

Since I was a child of love,
I tried my best to turn out good.
But my life turned out to be a struggle
And I ended up in a little trouble, I guess.

I did some things I should never have done,
When I was only looking for a little fun.
But I crashed and burned like a dying sun
And landed down in the song for the forgotten.

Those songs of love that lit the way;
Those songs of love sang yesterday.
Those songs I will never forget or replace;
Those loving songs of yesterday.

Come with me and sing my songs;
I only came along to turn you on.
I only came to make you think;
So break out past your lungs and let me hear you sing.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Soon forgotten

When I awake, my dreams disappear from my memory.
I wish I could see what I have already seen,
Inside my head, inside my dreams;
But those images are no longer there to be seen.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Soppy Love Song.

Take your tears girl and wash them all away,
Take my hand girl and come lead me astray.
I'll protect you girl, now and always;
You'll be safe with me, each and every day.

Take your arms girl and wrap them 'round my waist;
Hold me tight girl come, brighten up my day.
Hold me close girl then, see the smile on my face;
Hold me next to you, now and always.

This is just a-nother soppy love song,
This is just a, soppy love song.
This is just a-nother soppy love song,
This is just a, soppy love song.

Show me things girl that, no-one else has seen;
Show me you girl so, I can show you the real me.
Take your love girl and send your heart my way;
I'll take care of it, I will keep you safe.

Another day of joy, for both of us;
Know in me girl, you can put your trust.
Know that when it's, just the two of us,
With me girl you can, share all of your love
And all of your thoughts; the good and the bad.
The things that make you happy
And the things that make you sad.

This is just a-nother soppy love song,
This is just a, soppy love song.
This is just a-nother soppy love song,
This is just a, soppy love song.

Throw away those fears, let me hold you.
Wash away those tears; know I'm here for you.
Turn the other cheek, when they hurt you;
Let me kiss your cheek, see I love you.

I am here girl, just to make you smile.
I'd tickle your feet, to stop the tears you cry
And turn the sadness; into a giggle.
With you girl I want to be, stuck in the middle.

This is just a-nother soppy love song,
This is just a, soppy love song.
This is just a-nother soppy love song,
This is just a, soppy love song.

If you need me girl, then just ask me to stay.
I am here for you and I will ease your pain.
If you want time to yourself, then I'll go away;
But I'll be back tomorrow, to put a smile on your face.

Hold me now girl, let me be released;
From the hurt and pain, that each of us feels.
Take my sympathy and show me empathy;
Keep me near to you, let me become free.

This is just a-nother soppy love song,
This is just a, soppy love song.
This is just a-nother soppy love song,
This is just a, soppy love song.

(C)2006 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry to my unknown lover.
I am so sad that you will be with another.
I am so scared of falling in love.
I am more scared of not being loved.

My head is so full up with ghosts.
You will be the one I miss the most.
I’m afraid that I have given up.
I think that I have said enough.

I must go to save you from me.
I must stay silent and set you free.
I cannot, put you through this.
I will not, put you through this.

I will stay alone and cry and die.
I will pray in another life, I am stood at your side.
I have crashed over a cliff,
Because I fell in love and it smashed me to bits.

I have already chosen why.
I have already been convinced by my own lies.
I couldn’t be there for you and stand up tall.
I can barely breathe or stand at all.

I couldn’t give you all you need.
I couldn’t stand to let you see,
The broken thoughts inside my head.
They are overflowing with regret
And every word I never said,
Sticks into me like pins and in the end,
I know I will have to walk away;
I have to go, there is no other way.

I cannot look into your eyes,
Without you seeing into mine.
I cannot hide and tell a lie;
I want to be with you, but I cannot, this time,
Or any other time in space,
Or any other way or place.
Impossible is all I know,
So I will fade and you will go
And all I will be left with is a memory,
The chance I never took and my misery.

I turn my back to protect you,
And when I turn back around, you have moved.
I see the door as it closes shut…
I’m sorry I couldn’t say…I love…

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
So tired of being the one.

So tired of being the one…
So tired of letting go…
So tired of always, having to be the
One to let you know;
That You are the one!

The one who brings me love…
When I am all alone.
The one who has always been there for me;
Even when the rest of the world was wrong.

I’m so tired of being the one;
So tired of letting go.
I’m so tired of being the one who always,
Has to be the one to let you know.

I wish the truth I could show,
So you would truly know.
My woman I’m in love with you,
I thought that I, should try this time; so please don’t go!

I love you all the same!
I love you like I did the first time, you smiled at me.
I saw in your eyes, your love and all your pain.

I love you all the same!
I love you to the grave.
I love you for the rest of my life,
But the love of my life; I’m yet to know your name.

I’m so tired of being the one;
So tired of being alone.
So tired of being the one to tell you,
Please my love, I need you; come alone.

I need to be with you;
I need to speak the truth.
I need to tell you, I can’t live without you;
I need you more than you ever truly knew.

So let me be the one;
Don’t let me be alone.
Let me know, so I don’t have to,
Be the one to, have to let you go.

So tired of being the one,
So tired of being alone.
So tired of being the one who has to,
Tell you how I feel!

Just tell me what you want!
Your wish is my command.
I love you, do you love me too?
Be with me now
Or I shall forever be alone…

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Soul breaker

You broke my soul with your lies
And I have been changed.
It’s a quarter to hate
And it’s far too late,
To save us from our soulless fate.

Why do you still talk,
When I have nothing I want to hear?
Through empty buildings I haunt as I walk
And now nobody will ever live here.

Why are you still inside me, when we are no more?
You have broken the last piece of my soul and I wander alone.
Soulmates are supposed to love no other,
But soul breaker broke our love.
Now I have no Queen sat beside me, upon her golden throne.

The flowers all died when you left;
Our bedroom became a wasteland of our love.
You are everything I have grown to detest!
And all my hope is wasted on someone who is unworthy of trust.

If God calls, then tell him I am busy;
I’m burying myself beneath a bed of dead flowers.
I’m too busy living in this Hell, this place of misery;
I am dying inside, hour after hour.

You wanted me and I wanted you more;
We never knew this love thing would rip out our hearts.
You have let this love ruin everything!
Now our souls have been separated and we are so far apart.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

You are cool, that is why I am a fool.
I want you to be happy, with or without me.
If you are already in love, then all is good,
Because all I know is, if you trust,
Another soul, you will never grow old.
You will be forever young at heart
And all because you are loved and in love; so…

…If you are alone, then that is unnecessary;
You have always got me if you are in need,
Of someone to listen, or someone to speak,
Or maybe you would just like some company as you enjoy a cup of tea?
One sugar for me please.

So how are you on this glorious day!?
No clouds in the sky will be bringing us rain,
So everything will be ok.

Why so glum, chum?
You should smile again,
I liked it so much the last time I saw it
And for you to be unhappy is such a shame,
When really there is no need; or is there?
I do not know, but I would like to understand,
If you would care to share.

Here, have a biscuit.
What time is it?
It’s time you told me what it is, that I can do to make you smile.
You say you are in need of three wishes?
Then do not worry my friend, I have a genie on speed-dial.
Let me just give him a quick ring…

(Ring, ring…ring ring.)

It seems he is not answering.
I guess he is off listening,
To other people wishing,
They could be as beautiful as you are.

Ah, there it is!  
That smile of yours,
That I had been waiting for.
I knew it was in there somewhere.
Like I always say “You will always have someone,”
Who would like to care,
If only you would let me.
Excuse me.
“Hello?  Sorry I am busy.  Call me back in about sixty years.”
Sorry about that; some people will just not hear.

I only waste my time on beautiful souls;
Those cheating people, I leave alone,
Because they do not light up my life like you do.
So, anyway, tell me more about you…

What interests you?  And what do I need to become,
To be somebody that you could maybe lean upon with love?
No promises, I only wish for it,
But you know what ‘he’ is like; never listening,
But anyhow, how can I improve to become what you want?
What do you need from me?  What must be done!?
I will sit here for a moment and give you time to think it through…

Could you ever feel for me, what I will always feel for you?

Oh, you do not know,
Well then, let me illuminate your mind;
Open your eyes wide and read my soul
And hopefully one day,
Your soulmate, you too shall find.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Sparks fly

With a killer smile, she gives me whiplash,
As I spin around to see if she really said that.
She did, I gasp, as I take in a deep breath.
This temptress I would like to get into my bed.

As we stare into each other’s eyes,
Telepathic thoughts run between us
And as we grow nearer to each other,
Our thoughts are linked by our desire to touch.

Whispered secrets are exchanged between us
And in lust, we find love…
Now the fuse has been unspun
And ignited, so exciting;
The two of us are so delightfully united.
We are the beast with two backs,
In my mind of fictional thinking.

Eventually, when we can remain apart no more,
Our lips collide together and we are each lifted up.
We spin as one being, arms around, hugging tight.
We dance under the moonbeams and we become a light,
That can be seen from a thousand fathoms.
The electricity that is between us makes lightning happen.
Sparks fly from each of us as we are encased in this love
And with a final, heart-shaped firework explosion…
Our night of love is done.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Speak to me.

Your accent brings a smile to my face.
You make the words more beautiful.
I could happily listen to you talk about anything
And I would be amazed at the language you speak,
As it appears to be tangible.

I want to pluck your words from the air before they drift away.
I want to lift you up from any despair;
No harm should ever be sent your way.
I want to save you.
I will try to amaze you by telling you my truth;
I dream about you.
Well, not exactly you; just the image I have formed,
Of the ideal woman.  She stands out from the norm,
For she is rather extraordinary.
I hope you are her; I have been waiting patiently,
For love to find me; I’m oh so ready to embrace love.
Are you made for me?  Because I am love in human form.

If I were to become yours, would you want to be adored?
And cherished and kissed and merry and picked
Ahead of all others?
My chosen, let’s watch Frozen,
So I can hear the voice of an angel.
I have no need to change the channel.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Split Personalities Inside My Head

All the voices in my head,
Have now become my only friends.
The only ones who seem to care;
The only ones who knew me back then.

Lost alone with me, myself and I.
Hello, Bonjour, Guten tag and Hi.
They’re there for me when things aren't alright;
They’re there for me when I feel on cloud 9.

Technically mad, but never bored;
By all of them I am adored.
My head is full with the old and young;
They’re my friends, my family, my only loved ones.

They’re all so different, yet they’re all the same.
They’re all made up; they’re a part of my brain.
But they act so real, in the way I behave;
I live four different lives every day.

One is good and one is bad
And one I believe is a woman

And the final voice inside head,
Is the only one who speaks reason.
The only one who speaks the truth to me;
The only one who I can believe.

You see this final voice inside my head, I know is the real me.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

People complain about constant sponsorship,

But continue to be a consumer.

People only tell the truth if it’s beneficial,

Or maybe that’s just a vicious rumour.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Standing at the precipice

So here I am.
Is this it?
All I have to give,
To live,
For this?
Decision time.
Write a rhyme,
Or right a wrong.
Find a song.
Speak a line.
Sign goodbye on the dotted line…

Do not say why if you do not understand.
By now I guess you never will.
I have spent a life-time running up that hill
And for what?
My lot is broken pieces;
Memories of people’s speeches.
The lies they told,
I am already cold,
To the ways of humanity.
Long time been a ghost.
I save today for a better time.
I find a way to write a rhyme,
Instead of finding some paper to sign.

Life is just a blur to the illusion of love.
Just because you know why,
Doesn’t mean you should.
If not you should,
But the truth is you do not care anything like I could.

Bullet-proof is the opposite of my blind-love-scholar view.
No thought to think of without an end.
Just going to pretend, that I’ll be around.
I have been gone for most of my life.
I exist in this pretense; in this moment I can pretend;
But give it time.

It’s time to say or sign;
Good hi…

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Flying through space with a smile on my face,
With no need to replace memories of forgotten days.
Crawling along the edges of a song, newly born;
With the innocence gone, I burn like the sun.

Starlight burns through the blood in the veins;
Pumping waste through the bitterness and unforgotten pain.
Calmness is too loud to the ears of the torn,
Ripped up on the ground; unfaithfully a star is reborn.

Starfire flaming on the stage;
Starfire creates a burning rage.
Starfire turns night to day,
Because the star keeps burning in a star light blaze.

Sing a song from the bottom of the heart;
Love lost leads us to a whole new start.
Chasing dreams and screaming like Starfire stars.
Electronic, neurotic; I’ve gone too far!

All that I want is to die like a star;
An explosion in space that could light up the world.
All that I want is to burn like a star;
Raising fires, burning in the darkest of words.

Starfire flaming on the stage;
Starfire creates a burning rage.
Starfire turns night to day,
Because the star keeps burning in a star light blaze.

Aliens on vacation spot a superstar;
Sing a song of your creation.  It’s a brave new world.
It’s a search for Spok, sing from the heart.
Sunlight dies in space; Starfire is never killed.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Staring at the sun

Such a peaceful death I find myself inside;
Staring at the sun, looking for the answer to why I died.
I look up into the air and see the birds flying high,
I see myself floating towards them, towards the sky.

The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky;
‘tis beautiful to behold, this beautiful light,
That shines upon everything not hidden in the shade.
So lay me down in peace in my own personal grave.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Staring into the deep

Life is a metaphor and I am simply its ball.
I bounce off walls and as I rise, I fall.
Just looking for the right time to say the right word,
Because it would feel so wrong if I let myself fail
And my words were never heard.

Life is a story, never foreseen and never before told.
It is still being written and we are still on the right road.
A long way from home, heading into the unknown.
I cannot afford to be close to you, because of all the charity I owe.

An image of a scarecrow drifts into my mind,
To remind me of a scarier time that made me impulsively act alive.
I saw the signs; I have to sigh,
To let it all go, by leaving it all behind.

When I am gone, my writings will remain, I hope,
Because all I know is how to be honest and how to never grow old.
A war and peace of trying to become all that I can,
Could be lost in an instant, if I am not given a second chance.
I hold on tight to the belief in what I write,
Because I am only alive as a word upon a line.

Love is awesome; I am not.
Point my finger at the side of my own head,
Shout bang aloud to the sound of a shot.
Fall to my knees to grieve the loss of all I did.
As I stare into a mind that looks like a hall of mirrors.
My thoughts all say
“I am with stupid.”

Many faces have lived my life;
Many tongues will tell my tale.
Many choices I have tried to get right,
But I have no cure to my success in the fail.

Slippery when wet, so hold on tight,
I would never want you to fall over.
I have my crutch to lift me up;
A cure to getting older.

Love is a balloon and you are all playing with pins.
Pop goes the feeble.
You have lost all that which once was…
Now all there is; is the sequel.

Inside my chest a heart of the ocean is buried,
So deep beneath, that it may never become married.
But love is so warm; such joy! Another say cheese moment to be found.
Dreaming of an everlasting, while keeping my feet on solid ground.

A promise sworn; no need to be scared.
Life is a sea of fishes,
So collect your entitlement to love;
For they will always be there.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

The stars align when I breathe in your light;
You allow me to become what I want to be, when you become mine.
There is just you and I on this planet of ours
And in your eyes the stars shine.

Everybody is a ghost, just a memory to us;
They can only be seen but never touched.
They can be brought back into existence, but only if we trust.
A higher being is said to have created the stars from dust.

There have been lights in the sky for what seems like a lifetime;
Forever they have been there and there they will stay.
One day we may see a change in the skyscape;
But nothing has changed in an age.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Stars in your eyes.

I never want to see you cry,
But if I do; I will catch every star that falls from your eyes.
I believe in true love and my true feelings I will never hide.
I love you and I will always be on your side.

My eyes are useless to me without your eyes to find;
For from within your eyelashes, butterflies take flight.
Colours flow from you, all around me, brightening up my dull life.
Your eyes light up the room like Christmas tree lights,
In my darkest of nights.

From within your pure heart, your love shines
And in my coldest hour,
My dying hour;
You make me feel truly alive.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I have nothing written, but still I can read between the lines.
I have nothing to do, but to continue.
I have nothing, whilst you have gained everything you have through lies.
I have nothing more to say,
Because all you have to say contains no truth.

Lacking empathy to every thought inside your head.
Lacking any kind of pity; I’ll leave you behind for dead.
Lacking compassion to all you need to get from me.
Lacking indecision; my mind is made…you I will forget.

Losing all my faith, I could never believe in you;
Losing all those things you took, now I have nothing left to take.
Losing friends and family, still people push on through.
Losing hope in people, now there is no smile I need to fake.

With or without feeling, I tell you how I really feel.
With you or without you, time will never heal.
Without your love, I am better off;
With you those good times have disappeared and time is all it cost.

Still I continue living in the dark;
Still is my time, my life has come apart.
Still is the hand of the clock I do not hear at night.
Still is the heart inside my chest…
Still I am alive and still is my life.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Still burning

I want someone who sets my heart on fire.
An eternal flame that is not denied.
I need a new spark to burn an avalanche of liars.
I need a direct route through to wife.

I want a get well card for my love life.
A slice of that cake sure looks nice,
But inside it’s carrot cake.
Where is the chocolate?  
Give me a break!

Catch my drift and lead me into temptation.
I need to find a new sensation.
A love I have never had before.
Been there, done that; so tired; so bored.
I want a never before seen, woman of my dreams,
Who is destined to become my Queen.

Not a lover who already has a lover,
Or a lover who finds a new lover,
When I am meant to be with her.
I want original; not the same old same.
Give me fireworks!  
Come on!  Entertain!

A notion of excellence.
I don’t want to be one of many men.
I want to be unique.
One reject; two rejections;
Already taken, makes three.

If all I can have is bad for me,
Give me bad at lying; give me empathy.
Give me something for me…

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Still going

Before the end I will find a way.
Of this I am sure, no need to pray.
Never been a believer, except when I was told.
The story is getting very…old.

If wishes are real, then why am I here?
I cannot believe love is still not near,
When all I do is desire the fire.
My life in the ice is oh so dire.

But still on I go, through all the snow sorrow,
Not knowing where it is I will end up.
All I know is I am destined to be loves woe.
Still going forward; still distracted by lust.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Still lost

I am still lost in the ghost of you;
Waiting on a sun to shine again.
I see you, creeping into my mind’s view;
I cannot keep pushing you away.

All mentions of the long forgotten dreams,
Instantly rearrange whenever your picture is seen.
You always seemed to be so serene,
But clearly that was not the truth.
Inside you held a tormented being
And your demons only ever sang the blues.

You could have written poetry, but your heart was never listening.
You could have stayed and lived in harmony,
But now nobody will ever hear you sing.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Still trying

Waking up alone again, but the sun is shining;
Life is tough, but it is good enough to make me smile.
If I said I was doing ok, I would probably be lying,
But I can rise out of bed and face the world and maybe in a while,
Things will get better; I could find a rainbow in my tears.
I could find the love I have been searching for, for all these years.

The songs raise my soul to another level;
I become more than I have ever been able to be.
The clouds outside drift apart and with them go my troubles;
A new lyric can make such a difference to me.

Radio Gaga has become a lady in my mind;
If I could just impress, then I could have all I wish for
And maybe I could do what I can do on stage.
If things do work out for me, I will work hard and try,
Because I love what I do, I love speaking to you;
You give me the strength to smash out of my cage.

Breaking out through the fire exit;
Running into another day ready to face it.
The adrenaline flows as I produce all I can;
The pen and pad is my paintbrush and I am what I am.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Still we believe

Smoking hot; I’ve had a thought and now it is lost.
Insanity clouds clarity and we lose all we have;
Too soon it is gone.
Money can’t buy love; it is not for sale in any shop.
Jewellery can buy your way into a heart,
But you cannot keep love in a box.

Love has many messengers that spread the love around;
When you see someone in love, you too want to be found.
You wish someone would come along and raise you up from the ground;
But arrogance is attractive, so we are forever let down.

Delusions of love along the highway to Hell;
Entrapped by the witches, under a love spell.
Family fortunes are not only tangible;
They are spiritual as well.

Drop dead gorgeous, can only come between us;
A quest to be faithful is easily failed and tears are too easily shed.
Words left unspoken, promises broken; the sacrifice of love.
At the end of the day, love fades away and we have nothing left.

No jewellery box, nothing on the box;
Tell the tale to anyone who will listen, as to how love was lost.

The singer can sing a song, but no words can heal us now.

A kiss goodnight on a doorstep;
No kiss from a lover when it is time to say goodbye.
A last minute dash to save a love;
Without love there is nothing else to do but cry.

So say what you want, for if you don’t then you deserve nothing.
Love will hurt you,
Love will break your pretty little heart…

And still here we stand, firmly believing.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Story teller

This life is going too fast.
Holding hands, hauling ***.
One day we were kissing,
Now in all the pictures with holes,
I am missing.

You cut me out of your life through spite,
Because I couldn’t love you like,
You needed to be loved;
By another man with a job.
I couldn’t be the one that you could plan a future with.
One of us wanted to raise kids.
One of us was left behind.
One of us was left to cry.

If only we could have cried together;
Tried even harder…
Maybe we wouldn’t have become fertilizer.
We would never have had to sever the bond we had.
Now I am loves survivor.

I carry on in human form,
Wandering this world alone,
Since the day that I was born.
Left again on church steps.
Begging for milk and a place to rest;
But the time has come where I am no longer undone.
I think that I am strong enough,
To stand.
Maybe at last I can become a man.

So forward I stride into the rest of my life.
I walk along the beaten path.
The smile on my face shows you my past,
Has been laid down to rest, because that is that.
A forgotten memory of the former me.
You see the actual soul I call myself is frozen in another Hell,
That feels like home; it’s somewhere to be.

On concrete roads I am sure of nothing.
That I know.
So forward I go, alone, no place to call my home.

I need a heart to love always,
But I am in pieces, because love only walks away
And at the end of the day I remain the same.
A ghost hanging onto a former glory.
These things they all change.
Time to write a better story.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Stranger than fiction.

Do you think about us now and then, or am I completely gone?
Do you remember the love I sent, when you hear a certain song?
Or am I a victim of your love, lost to the next one?

Did I fall away and simply fade, like the smoke we used to smoke?
Did I make you laugh in my own way, or am I just something you broke?
I guess I’ll always remember the loving words that you spoke.

If there was a way I could see you again, do you reckon that I would?
If there was a time when you were on my mind,
Do you think my thoughts would turn out to be good?
Or are you just a constant reminder to me, as to what I never want?

I would tell you truths, back when I thought I knew you,
But the truth is I never really did.
I could wish for us and a way to trust,
But that time for me no longer exists.
Just like a dagger, you ripped me apart.
I wanted to thank you for all that you are,
But now all you are is a bad memory.
Remember that you never really had me.
You had a limited version of my love,
You are so fugazi to me.
I would soak you up like you were my favourite drug,
But just being near you was killing me.

You stand there a stranger, a stranger to me.
Now I couldn’t be happier, because you were only temporary.
You had half my love and even that was too much.
You are nothing now, so unworthy.
Go and read my books, take another look at love.
I want you to see clearly, what you have lost.
You were secondary, now just a memory.
I couldn’t write you love stories,
Because you never even loved me.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Lasting memories are formed alongside each teardrop;
Although the tear hits the ground and shatters,
The memory is never really gone.
Cling onto those memories, like they are all that you have got;
Because the next time you are grieving,
They will help you to once more become strong.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I’ve got an old fashioned heart and my soul is still dreaming.
I’m not a wise man, but I do have wisdom.
I’ve got an immature head on bones that are slowly breaking.
My body aches, my tired eyes fail
And my memories have all been long forgotten.

If life is a clock-face, I am not yet at six,
But my heart has gone on past eleven o’clock;
I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.
I raise my spirits up and once more venture into my destiny.
Time is a non-entity in a world of possibilities.

Dreams come and go, as do the years that fly on past.
No longer a child, I am a man; there is no turning back.
The clock is still ticking, counting sands;
My lack of ambition is a steak through the heart of all my plans.
Hopes and wishes are only ever fantasies.
Back to reality with a bump, I am still falling, but enough about me…

I hope you are simply splendid!  Anything less is not worthy.
You deserve only the best of my kindest of wishes
And I hope you find in your vocabulary,
The words to tell me what you envisage,
So I can try to move mountains for you in all of my dreams.
Let it be so; what do you need?
Ask me for anything.

This vessel is your tool to build a great wonder of your choosing.
Great literature shall be written about the future we are building.
One stepping stone at a time, there are paths beneath the waves.
We can make dreams come true here;
Together we will find a way.

Great towers shall stand, fires atop them, burning high into the night.
All people will travel to see your wonder that we will bring to life.
From small seeds great oaks shall rise
And your vision they will find,
As they walk out of the desert and marvel at your creation.
It will be a perfectly perfect personification.
Our hands are the missing link,
Your theory is a string;
Let me be the bow to your violin.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Such a loss, to me, not you.

In need of being loved; in need of a hug.
In need of somebody; somebody to love.
Alone now so long, I haven’t had to say goodbye in such a long time.
I can’t remember what real love feels like;
I have no memory space left for it inside.

You are all welcome to all the love,
But nobody can have mine,
Because I am so far removed, from any kind of love life.
I have already rolled those furry dice, one too many times
And now I just do not have the will, to keep on rolling snake eyes.

The risk is no longer worth the reward.
The chance is not in my favour.
I am at odds with the world and even if I was only ignored,
I could at least understand that kind of behaviour.

All the love in the world, I could have it inside my heart,
But it is worthless in my hands.
Love is useless to me and far too hard.
Too hard to find; too hard to keep.
So easy to lose, this stupid love thing.

So no longer will I try and no longer will I want.
No longer will I go in search of love; it is time to finally stop.
You can tell me anything…
I am no longer listening.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Suicide is not an option.

There are times in your life, when time is not on your side,
But please do not rush to your death,
I have no wish to see you die.
I intend to lay here, by your side
And awaken you with a kiss, in the morning light.

For suicide is not an option, I shall let you choose,
Suicide is not an option, I shall let you take.
I wouldn’t want to grieve the loss of such beauty,
So please don’t go away.

For you are everything this poor boy needs,
To sleep at ease each night.
You give me my reason to struggle on, try as life might,
To take me out, I’m going to stand solidly at your side,
For your love gives me strength
And holding your hand gives me such pride.

You are my reason for continuing to live,
No matter what this life may throw at me.
I wish I could mean as much to you,
So if you love me, then suicide you cannot think,
Is a viable option you can seriously take.
Please my love, don’t let me awaken to your corpse today.
Please my love I would do anything,
Whatever it takes, to give you a reason to live.

But suicide is not an option, I shall let you choose;
Suicide is not an option, I shall let you take.
I wouldn’t want to grieve the loss of such beauty,
So please don’t go away.

Have you really given up on us?
Have you had enough of me?
Do you mean it when you say I have your love?
Or are you simply saying that to get what you need?
Because I want you to know I love you so,
This is why I can’t let you just go.

So suicide is not an option, I can let you choose,
Suicide is not an option, I can let you take.
I could not grieve the loss of such beauty,
So please don’t leave me today.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

All I can write about at the moment is love;
So I am going to ride the crest of a wave,
Until the time my surf board breaks.

When you see me crawling up onto the beach in my wet suit;
Only then will you see that I am done
And other poetry will appear again.
This is my truth.  Love is my pain.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Summer’s here

Summer’s here at last, so laugh;
Enjoy the sun before God takes it back.
It’s only temporary so enjoy it while it lasts
And pray to God it’s not your last.

Let the sun shine down on me, let it pour down all around us;
Let the sun shine so bright that it blinds us.

Looking at the sky in wonder
And wondering why it shines so bright.
Does this mean what I think it means;
That the time is right to find love and change my life?

Angels cry in summertime,
As love is lost, because you chose to hide.
You can’t go back and change your mind;
Your choice is made and now it’s time to die.

I believe in a better place than this;
I believe I deserve to see someone I have never seen.
The sun must shine in Heaven and I hope we do live in bliss,
Because the summer will soon be gone to become a memory.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

As the lightning strikes, I close my eyes again;
I wish for the clouds to part so I can feel the sun shine.
When the darkness fades, I let my sad mood drift away;
As I raise my head to look up, there is no more rain
And everything is alright.

No more cold winds blowing through my bones;
No more dark nights, no more frightening times, no more endless miles.
A change of heart has appeared
And I have received a blessing of the soul;
I can walk amongst the strangers once more and embrace their smiles.

Out into the yonder, in search of a different future to my fate;
This life is no longer on rails and it has only just begun.
Where once I was a passenger, who was afraid of change,
I am becoming a better person and embracing all that is to come.

Breaking from the chains of my own history, fighting for this chance;
I burst from my shell and dive into a book.
Knowledge is power and if this is my last hope and all I have,
Then I will grab the stars from the sky
And turn them into diamonds, to give to you, to replace what they took.

What matters is not always what we want;
Sometimes we are not happy to settle for what we have.
But desire is the ignition to a big bang called love;
If confession is good for the soul, then speak aloud
And never let that, just be that.

Let the hurricane come and blow its wind of change;
No tsunami can change my mind in these times of hope.
If the ground cracks beneath my feet, I will grow wings and fly away;
Because there is no disaster that could stop me telling you all I know.

The world can stop spinning and the moon can fall from the sky,
But I have a sun beam for a soul now, so I can illuminate the night.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Super Hero movies are boring.

I’m just casting wishes out into the atmosphere,
Casually hoping that somebody will hear.
Send me a sign, a reply or a solid cheer
And I will smile, I will grow stronger
And if you really affect me I will shed a tear.

But it will be a tear of happiness; sadness is unwelcome tonight,
For I have heard the poetic sounds from way down inside.
I am unable to be perfect, but born to be write.
Think fast, create, be natural and arise.

We are building a future one wish at a time.
We are dancing through ice daggers that fall from the sky.
We are leaping over fires that rage throughout the night.
They are the starlight; we are the guardians of the light.

Fantastic beasts and magical creatures.
We cannot be defeated by fear; we have curiosity and extra senses.
We see through all that blinds us from the future we are seeking
And when our time is spent, we will be gracious
And we will accept your desire for us to stop speaking.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I need love.  That is all I want from you.
I don’t need money,
I don’t need things…
I do not care about Jimmy Choo’s.

Just give me love and I will give you more.
What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is yours,
As long as I can get fifty percent of your love;
The rest you can keep for yourself, for good.
Please never give away your shares in love,
Because I will not share your true love heart.
If you go with him, then he is yours
And I will vanish like an exploding star.

All that will remain inside of me, without you,
Is my black-hole heart.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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