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Àŧùl May 2015
When I was roughly your age,
I too sought to break the cage,
And I had that newfound rage.

When I was posed with attractions,
I too was brought to distractions,
And I had the highest visions.

When I was counted among the cream,
I too sought to keep the bigger dream,
And I thought that I had the better team.

When I was expecting my team will help me learn,
I too turned a robot and stopped trying to yearn,
And I knew not that there was more than money to earn.

When I was supposed to learn flying,
I too was totally busy in dreaming,
And I knew not how later I'd be feeling.
But now it's too late to fix the past,
Avoid the same mistakes as I made,
Fly high buddy & toil even harder.

Trust me when I assure you that karma will reward you suitably.

You have this opportunity, just make good use of it and give it your best.

My HP Poem #861
©Atul Kaushal
May 2015 · 5.3k
Angel Ultimately?
Àŧùl May 2015
The saga in her eyes converts into a
Constant downpour soon after
She realizes her freedom from the spell of the dark witch,
The curse had turned her a prisoner in the evil witch's body.
What land – what sea – what wind...
All my life now seems her story.

"Kind sailor thank thee for freeing me."
Her words reverberate throughout,
What wind - what land - what sea,
Everywhere is her presence as I can see,
The wind whispers her name in my ear,
Since a long long time now all I wear,
Is her scent in my immortalized memory.

"Will you stay with me forever, or,
Will you go back to the heavens?"

Though I really wanted her to stay,
I love her and realize what she felt,
I offered her freedom and a choice,
I was not binding her to me in turn,
Everything was instinctive from me.

She seemed in a serious dilemma,
Struggling hard she was in herself,
I again offered & insisted this time,
"It's better to go back to your world,"
But I knew that she loved me a lot,
She tried hard controlling but said,
"I am in love with you since long."

So I am quite right that she loves me,
I am sure even she can forget me not,
Beading all our memories together,
I now know how I can gain salvation,
Not being another self-centric tantric,
"But you don't belong here, dear,
You shouldn't torture yourself for a mortal."

After this, she now looks comfortable & composed,
Ready for making a choice she wore a heart of stone,
Her lips slowly parted revealing a perfect smile,
Pearly smile again ensured me of permanent happiness,
Bright eyes and shiny eyelids of hers seemed so good,
"You can't make me stay away because you love me too,
I will keep coming in your dreams and entice your nights."

But I wanted her in my real-world now,
I prevented her from vanishing again,
I said, "Please stay, now do not go away,
Because I really can not bear that pain,"

She had almost vanished by then,
Listening to my words she chose to wait,
She said, "Even I want forever to stay."

Continuing with her divine dialogue she said,
"Say those golden words to make me stay,"
I immediately confessed, "I love you, Angel,"
"Say you love me too, oh my divine Angel,"
She didn't wait for anything more to say it,
"I love you too, oh my kind & loving sailor,"
Her powers soon left her in a flash of light.
Does the 'Angel?' saga end here or is it a new beginning?

Well all of this angel series was my way of interpreting my own life till now in a poetic and mythical way.

The Angel I finally have gotten in my life is called Loneliness.

My HP Poem #860
©Atul Kaushal
May 2015 · 1.5k
Angel Forever?
Àŧùl May 2015
Seeing me anxious more than a lot,
The old witch relented a little,
She let me breathe freely,
Back transformed into her daughter,
She touched my forehead,
Then I realized it was sweaty,
Seeing her lovely care I smiled a bit.

So she now lit up a fragrant incense,
The incense seemed so soothing,
She then edged closer to me,
Transcendental wings were visible,
She came even closer to me,
Then the wings simply vanished,
So traceless as if never been there.

It must have been another illusion,
The very day I had set sail to sea,
It was probably carrying over,
Troubling me each non and then,
In my wild dreams I had seen,
True she could not be & was not,
In my life the torment was written.

Soon I was pleading to her teary-eyed,
"Please don't torment me, it hurts!"
She looked at me with affection,
And said, "But I truly love you, sailor,"
She advanced forwards further,
"Have you forgotten all those nights?
Did you even forget the night at sea?"

I first remembered that night at sea,
The night back at home came next,
I had been seduced by her magic,
This was the real picture every time,
I was weak but I still felt warmer,
The night ship feels like yesterday,
I was in confusion about what to do.

Her face was transitioning rapidly,
The old mother to her daughter,
Her daughter to that very angel,
And back to the old mother witch,
Her smile turned into laughter,
The witch laughing at my cries,
Her face here was contorted a lot.

She seemed to be struggling a lot,
As though fight ensued within,
Soon I figured it out by myself,
First I must **** the witch to help,
So I looked around & grabbed,
Axe that I did spot lying there,
Spot on I killed the witch right then.
Witch killed, Angel released.

My HP Poem #859
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2015
Romantic Hindi poem of my creation inspired obviously by love. English translation follows the Hindi lyrics.

Jeene ki vajah tum **,
Na marne ki vajah tum **.
Hansne vajah tum **,
Pyaar karne ki vajah tum **.

Tum **, tum **...
Tum **, tum **...

Aage badhne ki vajah tum **,
Mehnat karne ki vajah tum **.
Ab sudharne ki vajah tum **,
Masti karne ki vajah tum **.

Tum **, tum **...
Tum **, tum **...

Aashique ki vajah tum **,
Deewaane ki vajah tum **.
Na darne ki vajah tum **,
Saans lene ki vajah tum **.


You are the reason of my life,
You are the reason I survived.
You are the reason that I laugh,
You are the reason I love you.

You are, you are...
You are, you are...

You are the reason I succeed,
You are the reason I prepare,
You are the reason I improve,
You are the reason I enjoy.

You are, you are...
You are, you are...

You are the reason of my romance,
You are the reason of my craziness,
You are the reason I am not scared,
You are the reason I am breathing.
You are, yes you are.

My HP Poem #858
©Atul Kaushal
May 2015 · 1.9k
Bless You Both, Well Done
Àŧùl May 2015
Don't worry about the results,
They will be really favourable,
Now we know where happiness lies,
And also where happiness lies,
Our ardent fervour will pay off,
And against the Sun we'll shine,
For we sincerely put our efforts.
Don't worry buddy. CPMT is done now. Only the much easier PMET remains and you should not turn down the volume of your dedication taking it as being the easier exam.

I am so proud of your tireless efforts, Kripi. Your Drona loves you for giving it your best shot.

Don't give up. Bear the spirit of a tigeress as you always do. Things can only shine for both me & you.

Even everyone here will be praying for both your cousin Swati's and your own favourable results, and trust me, these positive vibrations will do you good.

My HP Poem #857
©Atul Kaushal
May 2015 · 883
Àŧùl May 2015
Never kiss if you don't mean it with actual love.
Never promise if you would probably break it one day.
Hearts can get shattered & never love again.
People can perish in the self-lit fires of guilt, insult & pain.
Oh how I wish the world realizes & respects the value of true love.

Only if the world realized the value of faithful love,
It would surely have been the best place to live,
Nobody would want to give up, weep and leave.

Learn being faithful to your partner in love,
Everyone be a faithful lover, husband or wife,
For it is not a rave party our life condemned by witches,
And of course we are humans not dogs or *******,
Learn love, higher love, it's about time.
Inspired not from my personal life but from general observations.

Never make fun of true love.

Don't please insult truer feelings by sharing your body just with anybody who you possibly don't love.

My HP Poem #856
©Atul Kaushal
May 2015 · 798
A Coin's Life
Àŧùl May 2015
May they be positive,
Together we gel so well,
Impossible to separate us now,
Whatever may cometh we are ready,
Budge we won't - err we won't,
This bond is so precious,
May they all accept us.

Because together we are one,
It will take inhuman strength,
To do us apart they will need it,
A stone heart just won't suffice,
It won't douse this flame in us,
It's insufficient to do us apart,
Lava in the veins is required.

For we live the life so like a coin,
Our lives are like two faces of one,
So we aren't worried any longer.
Both of us are like two inseparable but opposite faces of the same coin.

My HP Poem #855
©Atul Kaushal
May 2015 · 6.9k
Distances Disappear
Àŧùl May 2015
I am here
You are there
Yet we both are near
Come that one bit closer
Let all distances disappear

Just bear it with me
We will synchronize
Come respire with me
Let both our lips meet
Hips moving to the beat
The above poem was written as a comment for a poem by Kripi, read the poem by Kripi 'Come' @ and enjoy.

My HP Poem #854
©Atul Kaushal
May 2015 · 1.1k
Wings Of Doom
Àŧùl May 2015
Flying over a field of red flowers,
These wings of doom threaten.

Away they may vanish now,
For a pretty sight they make not.

The wings are not of flesh & bones,
They are of metals that threaten.

Carrying not a casual bird they are,
But engines of war and agents of death.

Men guiding like agents of the Devil,
Not like motherly angels of the God.

In contrast with the roses below,
They don't give elegant poses above.

Silent death sweeps closely overhead,
Among the roses readies our death bed.
The above poem was inspired by a photograph that Poet Gary Liles shared on Facebook.

My HP Poem #853
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl May 2015
For he's going through,
A time so tough & rude,
Loving mother has undergone,
Surgery for knee replacement,
Ya it was a difficult one,
As she's so senior in age,
May time be merciful & help her.

May time help a son to look after,
Loanee we all are of our parents,
Only few get such chances,
Gitacharyaji, we are lucky,
For both of us have gotten ample,
Opportunities to look after them,
We must serve our parents.

Still we can never repay the debt,
They gave us life, they taught us,
Of course we are their symbols,
We are lucky to do something,
For the progenitors of ours,
May your faith guide you,
And impart strength to you.
Bless you sir Gitacharya Vedala.
May you be able to look after your mother properly.
Never feel that you're alone in this task.

My HP Poem #852
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Keep my poems safe in your heart,
Lest your memory forgets them all.
For my words are each immaterial,
They might lose the value with time.
This emotion for you is the truest,
Believe when I say that I love you.

As this wind changes into a breeze,
Keep holding my hand as lovingly.
Yes I need you to the happy times,
Like I require you in tougher days.
This feeling I get is just very divine,
It is exactly as if I attained Moksha.

Feeling your presence everywhere,
It's this memory fueling my life now.
Lost not are your happy memories,
Helping me out of troubling times.
Diving in the divine pool each day,
Least caring about what they say.
My HP Poem #851
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 5.0k
Angel? Not Again!!!
Àŧùl Apr 2015
I recovered from the night again,
She had disappeared once more,
Was she using me as a ******???

I was frustrated & also saddened,
My self-control got strengthened,
For I was not a tissue to be used!!!

I have my feelings & my emotions,
Presence and absence torture me,
Ego I had tamed got hurt by now...

I won't let that elusive Angel come,
Questioning I must be her realities,
Illusions will end this time finally!!!

I'll establish an identity of my own,
Dependent I'll not be on the angel,
Was she only a dream & no more???

I had duly asked the aged captain,
To search a lovely bride very soon,
Oh, so sure I am about afterwards...

I was tailed by the spirit-like angel,
So irritated by her dreary dreams,
On-off, came-gone, again & again!!!

I now would learn to catch angels,
With the plan, I went to the mage,
Should I now learn some spells???

I entered through a dark alleyway,
Was told to visit this strange place,
What comes across - I wondered...

I knocked the door & she appeared,
Very young she seemed to me now,
Just the age of the angel of dreams!!!

I noticed that she wore a long robe,
So shiny it was silvery like her hair,
Just like the angel of dreams wore...

I rubbed my tired eyes in disbelief,
"Who're you?" I asked very loudly,
"Are you the mage's daughter???"

I wondered for long & she replied,
"Your guess is correct, kind Sailor,"
She beckoned me into the shack...

I set my foot on the wooden floor,
I look for any sign of the mage,
I want to be set free of the cage!!!

I just thought & thought about it,
But the witch was not to be seen,
Curious I asked, "Where is she???"

"I am my mother," she said calmly,
Perplexed I couldn't say a thing,
My mouth opened once & shut...

I was now about to rise & go away,
But she stopped me with her arms,
"I must show you," so she did say!!!

I did not believe what my eyes saw,
How she changed into the old mage,
Then back into her own daughter???

O I had become confused a lot now,
Why would she transform like this,
I feared if it was actually the angel...
Apr 2015 · 724
Truest Love (2º Acrostic)
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Making me sing daily for her,
ar used to be the sorrows,
ddening was my love,
e** her feel special..

Me singing & writing poetry,
Separately for her was regular...

For her I will improve myself,
Testing my capabilities I am,
Reeling the love I kindle inside,
***ling I'm my hard outer shell..

Companion of mine is perfect,
Together we gelled just so well,
Tomorrow seems very golden,
Grappling with all the troubles,
Challenging time with my effort,
Focused were all my techniques,
Graduating in the field of love,
Completed seemed my jigsaw.
My HP Poem #849
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 4.0k
Angel Illusion?
Àŧùl Apr 2015
I Peered Out Of The Room Windows,
I Was In This Desolate Guesthouse,
It Was A Comfortable Rest House,
And Here I Was In Anticipation,
Angel Or Whosoever Was Awaited,
Will She Pop Into My Vision Here Too,
Was It Only A Seasick Mind's Illusion?

Was All That Really Just An Illusion,
Thinking This I Prepared For Bed,
Then I Felt A Flute Was Playing,
Looked Into Sound's Direction,
All I Saw Then Was Foggy Night,
My Own Reflection Was Also Visible,
Slightly If Not Entirely Can Be Seen.

I Recalled The First Night At The Sea,
She Did Appear On The Towed Raft,
A Beautiful Mermaid I Had Seen,
Now I Did Remember It Clearly,
My Face Was No Longer Mine,
Yes It Was The Beautiful Face Of Hers,
She Wasn't Sad As I Did Remember.

She Was Smiling So Very Divinely,
Her Brown Eyes Stared So Cutely,
More Divine Felt She Was Really,
I Thought That It Was So Early,
My Pocket Watch Showed Three,
I Took My Eyes Off And Went To Bed,
Then & There She Was Lying For Me.

I Again Let My Mind Play Games,
Never Did Imagine Turning Mad,
Now I Was Not Feeling As Bad,
Neither I Wanted To Break It,
Nor It Felt Like One Anymore,
This Was The Dream I Loved To Live,
As If The Boon Was Presented To Me.

She Smiled As I Sat On The Bed,
I Asked Her, "Are You Real?"
"Yes, Just As Your Thoughts,"
I Then Stared At Her Lips,
She Then Touched Me Again,
Hands As Soft As That Night At Sea,
I Just Felt Like Opposing Her Touch.

I Blankly Smiled And Thought,
'My Thoughts Are Surely Real,'
Then I Just Let Her Guide Me,
The Moon Shone So Bright,
It Just Felt Really So Very Right,
Resigning I Just Let My Illusion Win,
It's Love We Were Sharing, Not A Sin.
This is the 4th episode of The 'Angel?' Saga

My HP Poem #848
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 375
It Will Rain On Us
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Dancing in the future rain I see you moving along me right by my side,
Accompanying you to Mt. Joyous Top I'll remember on my promise to glide.

Then surely, oh so surely, watching you happy I will never be forgetting to smile,
Worrying not when the destination will be reached as we walk another mile.

We will both glide on our phoenix wings of joy ripened with love so sweetly,
When we reached the destination won't excite us as much will the journey.
My HP Poem #847
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
I Told You
Àŧùl Apr 2015
That I'd rather be an ascetic
Than marrying someone else.

I'm not at all a *******,
I'm even not a kid's toy.

I've a heart,
Filled with art.

But if for you it's not,
Then true love it's not.

I give you my best wishes,
Happiness & sweet success.

Don't respect my feelings - I don't mind,
I'll pray that a better heart you may find.

You are genuinely my last love,
I don't bluff - it's the sole truth.
Go enjoy your life to the fullest today,
You will find me waiting tomorrow.

Don't worry, the pen name will surely stay,
And deep down my heart I'll only keep loving only you selflessly.

My HP Poem #846
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 583
Take Me Instead
Àŧùl Apr 2015
I believe that I can better stand these testing times of pain,
Forget about pain and let it come to me instead,
Reading this poem you will just get better.

For you have better things like studies to worry about, not this disdain,
Time is often irrationally tough, do not worry it will pass as it must,
Just let your problems come to me as I can handle them better.

I only pray to Time in special cases not for myself,
And my friend this is not the time for you to be down with fever,
You have better jobs to manage than staying in this suffering.
Kripi my best friend is not feeling well and I am feeling so bad about it.

I wish her problems take me instead and may she be well soon enough for managing her studies.

If there exists black magic in reality then I offer myself instead so that my best friend may get better prior to her upcoming important exam.

Get well soon Kripiji, your Droṇa can tackle it better right now.

My HP Poem #845
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2015
From you starts my day,
In you I see my day end.

From you starts my heart beating,
In you it stays alive after my death.

From you starts my true love,
In you it will stay immortalized.
My HP Poem #844
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
Àŧùl Apr 2015
For me it is rooted in my personal life,
Continues itself in our sweet relationship,
It immortalizes in our mutual feelings.
My HP Poem #843
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Main tennu eevein chaahnda,
<Yo baby! I love you like this,>
Jeevein Mor koi Morni nu - haaye...
<Like a peacock loves a peahen, yeah...>


Saath poori jindadi daa...
<Well we'll be togetha foreva...>
Ehi saddaa vaada hai - haaye...
<Yea this is our commitment - yo...>


Jadon tu kitey meri jindadi vich jaaye, haaye...
<If you go away from my life someday, may mercy be upon me...>
Naal meri jindadi v jaaye, haaye...
<Along may go my life too, yea...>


*Ke main tennu eevein chaahndi,
<That I love you like this,>
Jeevein Mor nu koi Morni ** - haaye...
<Like a peahen loves a peacock, yeah...>

Jadon main tennu kadi mildi haan,
<When I meet you,>
Bol paendiyaan akkhaan teriyaan, haaye...
<Your eyes start talking, yea...>

Main tennu eevein chaahndi,
<I love you like this,>
Jeevein Mor nu koi Morni **, haaye...
<Like a peahen loves a peacock, yea...>*


Main tennu eevein chaahnda,
<Yo baby! I love you like this,>
Jeevein Mor koi Morni nu - haaye...
<Like a peacock loves a peahen, yeah...>


*Main tennu eevein chaahndi,
<I love you like this,>
Jeevein Mor nu koi Morni **, haaye...
<As if a peahen loves a peacock, yea...>*


Saath poori jindadi daa...
<Well we'll be togetha foreva...>
Ehi saddaa vaada hai - haaye...
<Yea this is our commitment - yo...>
My HP Poem #842
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 878
It's Only Words
Àŧùl Apr 2015
My love is only a collection of words,
Words can not be strong themselves,
That's precisely why I try to improve.

I will be better than any other stars,
Eclipsing their lights in the daylight,
Hiding this ego for projecting yours.

None will be able to equal my light,
I take this hard time just like a test,
Showing path to my loved one's life.

Just have trust that I'll make it large,
My love won't rust as time passes by,
Only few more years to shine bright.

Tomorrow will be a good, right day,
Later it will be a better, perfect day,
My dear, this love we kindle will last.
My HP Poem #841
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
My Angel
Àŧùl Apr 2015
She is my special angel,
Smiling her eyes twinkle,
Should it get only brighter,
Shining better than any star,
Shall I not drown down them,
Smells so sweet the lovepotion,
So beautiful scent of sweetness.

The only gorgeous things for me,
Turn me on as I stare into these,
Truly magical the brown orbs,
Twinkling just as stars in sky,
Thinking so I yearn for her,
Turning this life for better,
To infinity our aim is set.
My HP Poem #840
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 5.5k
Angel Surely?
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Till Few Months Of Reaching Back,
I Kept Seeing Her Images All Over,
It Drove Me Crazy, Her Presence...

Taking Time Out To Search Her Out,
I Went For The Mountainous Path,
It May Cease I Hope These Dreams.

The Horse Made Me Look A Knight,
I Set Out Solo For The Dark Creeks,
It Helped Me Realize My Solo Aim...

Then She Came Into My View Again,
I Was Prepared For Tackling My Illusion,
It Started Snowing Out Of Nowhere.

Took Me To A Safer Place She Then,
I Was Bewildered Again Once More,
It Was Clearing But She Vanished...

Then On My Way I Stopped To Rest,
I Looked Around For A Place To Sit,
It Came To My View A Huge Tavern.

Tavern On A Mountain Was Weird,
I Still Went To It Hoping Some Rest,
It Had Appeared Out Of Nowhere...
Read 'Angel?' saga part 1/7 here:

Read 'Angel?' saga part 2/7 here:

Read 'Angel?' saga part 3/7 here:

Read 'Angel?' saga part 4/7 here:

Read 'Angel?' saga part 5/7 here:

Read 'Angel?' saga part 6/7 here:

Read 'Angel?' saga part 7/7 here:

My HP Poem #839
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
Your Memoirs
Àŧùl Apr 2015
You have imprinted all your memories here,
And now you do not have to at all fear.

You just tell me what and I will not just hear,
With all my soul I will always strive to listen.

You look beautiful in the night lamp dear,
For all the beads of your sweat will glisten.

You look gorgeous with those pearls there,
From your forehead they all are descended.

You appear youthful with those curls there,
Around your ears they all are so nicely coiled.

You appear deadly with those curvy eyes,
Lucky me I'll cherish their charms for lifelong.

You look fabulous with your lips quivering,
Even in my dreams I have not been luckier.
Posted first on

My HP Poem #838
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Testing Times
Àŧùl Apr 2015
These are testing times dear,
You test & weigh my love here,
I've positioned myself near,
Yes I stood closer to you there,
In my dream-world sans any fear,
Like all exams, I'll sincerely prepare.

Waiting for you I am since eternity,
'Course I've been reborn,
My someone you are,
You have been guided by me,
Now you have found your aim,
I am not worried any longer.
Has started working hard for her future and I am proud that I could have some positive influence on her life.

Fingers crossed for the shiny results of both our respective hardworking times spent.

My HP Poem #837
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 2.6k
A Big NO!
Àŧùl Apr 2015
A three-year-old boy in Cleveland,
Himself a very young little kid,
Shot a baby dead on Sunday night.

The bullet hit in the face of the baby,
Then it was rushed to a hospital,
But was pronounced brought dead.

Who is to be blamed now?
The kid toying with the gun??
Or the irresponsible parents???

I think it is the society's fault,
Needless are the guns in homes,
Shouldn't the society repair itself?

But are the blames enough now?
Can blaming bring the baby back to life?
No. A big NO!
Very saddened by reading this appalling piece of news in today's newspaper.

Profit is to be made, agreed.
But at this cost??

Gun laws need to be made extremely stringent & strict everywhere to avoid any such incidents again in future.

Guns are needless tools of hatred.

My HP Poem #836
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Your Etched Memories
Àŧùl Apr 2015
You have imprinted all your memories here,
And now you do not have to at all fear.

You just tell me what and I will not just hear,
With all my soul I will always strive to listen.

You look beautiful in the night lamp dear,
For all the beads of your sweat will glisten.

You look gorgeous with those pearls there,
From your forehead they all are descended.

You appear youthful with those curls here,
Around your ears they all are so nicely coiled.

You appear deadly with those curvy eyes,
Lucky me I'll cherish their charms for lifelong.

You look fabulous with your lips quivering,
Even in my dreams I have not been luckier.
My HP Poem #835
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 2.2k
Àŧùl Apr 2015
And so did Harry Potter yell!
My HP Poem #834
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Do It Or Do Not
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Love me or don't,
I'll not change my feelings.

People will say stuff against you,
I'll not listen to them at all.

Be mine or don't,
I seriously won't mind.
I'll love you and only you forever.

My HP Poem #833
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.8k
The Entrance Exam
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Went So Fine
It imparts hope & positivity.
Apr 2015 · 795
Àŧùl Apr 2015
People click it with friends and family,
You alone are enough for your pictures,
Nobody else poses so beautifully,
All are so very gorgeous your snaps.
A poem for a cute photo of hers.


My HP Poem #832
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
The Milestone - A Repost
Àŧùl Apr 2015
I crossed another milestone,
I grossed 340k reads as a poet.

I was alone in the outside world,
I ain't alone in the poetry world.

I have no friends in reality,
I have several friends here.

I read & like lovely poems daily,
I write just for she-yes-her daily.

I had met her on Facebook,
I read in love on this nook.

I don't know the exact date but,
All the things will be fine and,
We will marry 6 years later.
And you all are invited in advance.
An old poem modified just a bit.
My HP Poem #831
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 685
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Because here aboard Hello Poetry,
Most of us are in the same fleet.
This post is a tribute to all of you,
Because I'm genuinely pleased.
We are one family & many people care,
So understanding poets you all are best.
I am so grateful to my compoetriots...

I am so lucky to be here with you all,
There are no borders here & no divide,
Really close to Utopia if we want it to.
Because if it becomes perfect,
The place will never be unique.
Most of you are very genuine,
Because it stays so interesting...
My HP Poem #830
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 22.9k
I Shall Be Your Comforter
Àŧùl Apr 2015
If one day in the imaginary ideal future,
We get stuck by the rocky Konkan beach,
And not even a decent sand bed is there,
To you for resting my body I shall offer.

Waiting for the tourist bus back we talk,
Tired we are from taking the sunny walk,
The evening the sun we wish will balk,
Our neo-natal plans together we chalk.

We shall sit on the bench by the beach,
You'll then rest your head on my side,
In comforting you I will bear much pride,
About being one forever we did decide.

Then you will soon sleep in the evening,
I will watch our hands and even the ring,
Angel on my shoulder you'll be sleeping,
And me??? Oh, I'll just be calmly smiling.

The baby bump is now visible so happily,
I'll think of unique names for the baby,
Basis of our relationship is really lovely,
The healthy baby will be so very chubby.
The most cherished dream of mine in which I visualize myself and my ultimate lover.

My HP Poem #829
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 3.1k
I Will Always Love You
Àŧùl Apr 2015
You are scared of my family,
But you know that you reacted early.
I don't want you to repent it later,
So I will just keep loving you inside.
And your beautiful youthful heart,
It might come back to me in the end.
Fingers crossed all the best for the exam.
I have realized one thing:
My love for Kripi is very strong and I won't stop being positive whatever ill-fate may befall and even if her feelings fail her.

If it's my final destination to remain misunderstood and away from Kripi, I accept that open-heartedly.

I am wrong to not let her go if she has gotten so sick of the care, romance & guidance that constitute my love.

I can't hope for you to come back but I will only wish you all the best now that you have finally started studying from books.

Lastly, I am sorry if I ever hurt your self-respect.

My HP Poem #828
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 2.4k
This Is All I Need
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Love from you, my darling,
In the darkest of days, I need it.
Love from you, my beautiful,
In the blackest of nights, I wish it.
Love from you, my inamorata,
In the loneliest evenings, I require it.
Love from you o my best friend.

Love from you, o my baby,
In the playful days, I enjoy it.
Love from you, my dilruba,
In my sorrowful time, I miss it.
Love from you, my humjoli,
In all my joyful time I cherish it.
Love from you, my humdum.

Love from you o my lover,
In the brightest days, I need it.
Love from you, my gorgeous,
In the whitest dreams, I desire it.
Love from you, my mehbooba,
In the busiest mornings, I yearn it.
Love from you, my Jaan-e-mann.
Meanings of the Persian/Urdu/Hindi terms used:
1. Mehbooba: the (feminine) lover
2. Jaan-e-mann: the life force of soul
3. Dilruba: the reason of heartbeat
4. Humjoli: the sole secret-keeper
5. Humdum: the better part of life

My HP Poem #827
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 2.2k
Àŧùl Apr 2015
I stepped on the stage again,
My act was supposed to be the showstopper;
This circus was still breathing,
And I wasn't modest claiming all the credit;
The schedule was followed always,
It had been followed this time as well;
The magical act of mine was to be recorded.

I bowed a greeting quickly,
Followed it up with a bouquet sprouting out of thin air;
Delivered it to a girl in the 7th row,
Neither by foot nor by hook I did that;
Yes my magic wand I flicked smartly,
Making the flowers reach the girl so cute;
The audience sure was impressed with me.

I saw clapping hands in the stands,
Not much later did I speak of a vanishing act;
And I made an assistant vanish into a box,
Then followed a fiery act & my head was aflame;
Like the agent of the Devil, I appeared,
Soon underground I disappeared;
Didn't stop on the floor below strangely.

My assistants were none there to put out the fire,
I panicked and called for help but none arrived;
Soon the fire gelly would run out and my head will burn,
But I hadn't been married yet & my inamorata was upset;
She wasn't going to forgive me for my crimes,
Whether I had committed them or was innocent;
Now I felt my hair burning and the stench sickening.

I was about to find my doom's onset,
Still, the fire was getting colder & bolder;
Now I didn't feel burning in my hair,
The flames were now blue as I could see;
Out of the body was that experience,
And now I regretted each one of my sins;
Suddenly on my stomach, I felt a million pins.

I still wondered if any of it was real,
At least the pain felt real and I was in hell;
By now there was no point repenting it,
The sin committed was grievous I realized;
No Punisher will take it easy & forgive me,
Here the executioner was my own inamorata;
Never did I think she could be so cruel.

I then felt my head being supported,
And I was brought back to my senses;
She then helped me into a standing position,
And it was her who had again breathed life into me;
The vanishing mechanism had failed this time,
But my ceased breath had breathed a new lease to 'us';
I just looked at my inamorata with desperation & guilt in my eyes.

There was such kindness in her eyes,
I just knew then that I'll be satisfied.
My HP Poem #826
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.0k
Be Confident
Àŧùl Apr 2015
Now that you put sincere effort,
There's nothing to be afraid of,
Just accept the fruit of your karma,
Don't be worried now, my buddy,
The fruit will not be sour at all,
Your sincerity will be rewarded.
Yes I know you're not afraid,
But just persevere and wait.

All good things take time,
And they also take dedication,
I am sure that your family & friends,
Will all be at your side until it ends,
Tell me my friend about nature,
Day ends and night descends,
But doesn't the night end too?
There's always light peeping in dark,
Be brave and keep up the good work.
My HP Poem #825
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Alphabets of Ideal Love
Àŧùl Apr 2015
A: Admiring everything done by the lover
B: Beautifying all habits of the lover
C: Caring always enough for the lover
D: Demonstrating love to the lover
E: Experiencing pain of the lover
F: Flirting exclusively with the lover
G: Glorifying all qualities of the lover
H: Holding hands with the lover
I: Inching closer towards the lover
J: Joking sufficiently for the lover
K: Kindling the flame with the lover
L: Loving every bit about the lover
M: Moving together with the lover
N: Never-ending love for the lover
O: Obeying with wishes of the lover
P: Praying for success of the lover
Q: Qualifying in the eyes of the lover
R: Reinforcing trust with the lover
S: Softening preferences for the lover
T: Trusting forever in the lover
U: Understanding words of the lover
V: Valuing all the feelings of the lover
W: Willing to always help the lover
X: Xenophiling always with the lover
Y: Yearning often to be with the lover
Z: Zooming in on the positives of the lover
Not exactly a conventional poem.

My HP Poem #824
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Apr 2015
I am a human,
That too a man.
I used to compliment,
That too to many females.
Now I don't just accept,
Though I was really decent in it but it still was polite flirting in a way,
Now I even apologize and detest it.

The girl who I idolize as my sole love,
She got hurt knowing me better,
But that's only partial face of mine,
I even ward off other females that try to flirt,
I behave just like the only girl I love,
Probably that is the problem.

I must accept our differences,
I love her more than my life,
And I must give her her own spaces,
Maybe it's not correct in society,
Even she dislikes me loving so extremely,
I will stop being insecure now on,
But I will never stop exclusively loving the last girl in my life before any daughter.
My HP Poem #823
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 2.8k
Àŧùl Apr 2015
India is a traditional nation of high virtues, the compliments from and to an Indian must suit our moral image as described in books and epics. I think that each nation has a rich history at its base. Non-worthy, destructive, insulting, or over frank comments suggestive of other actions must never be made publicly or else emotions and feelings are going to be hurt badly one fine day and nothing can prevent the destruction.
Not a poem, but a note of goodwill.
Apr 2015 · 1.2k
Àŧùl Apr 2015
I'll refine myself,
I will redefine myself,
Around you I'll center my life.

Because of yourself,
So beautiful are yourself,
Yes you will only be my wife.

I love you so much,
You love me as much,
It can be avoided any strife.
My HP Poem #822
©Atul Kaushal
Apr 2015 · 431
Come, Trust Me
Àŧùl Apr 2015
I'll hold the guiding light,
Not just for a day,
But for my entire life.

You'll not be scared in night,
Whatever anybody may say,
None can threaten you in light.

We'll together brave all odds,
No shades will be gray,
Time wants us together & so it prods.
My HP Poem #821
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2015 · 9.1k
My Imaginary Best Friend
Àŧùl Mar 2015
I never had a best friend in my life till I met you,
All I had were normal friends who were not close.
The most genuine friend I have is none other than you,
I consider it lucky that me as a best friend you chose.

Now I won't ever disappoint you, my friend,
I am learning youthful ways from you now,
Of our friendship there lies not at all an end,
They will notice us only getting closer & how.

For you, I write this poem as I am really happy today remembering all the good times that we have been spending together.

Yes I am possessive and selfish when I ask you solely for myself,
Not because I am negative, but because I am hopeful that our sun will shine,
Your happiness is my main motive as I motivate you to study for yourself,
Not because I will gain something out of it but as you are going to be happy in future.

In you I have seen an Angel,
So helpful and kind you are,
Motherly care for future patients,
Now I conclude this post buddy.
My HP Poem #820
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2015 · 386
Simply Love
Àŧùl Mar 2015
It's as simple as not letting oneself be tainted anymore and having a shower in pure love which baptifies a person perfectly.
My HP Poem #819
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2015 · 2.6k
Bundled Sunlight
Àŧùl Mar 2015
When I saw the morning sunlight gleaming,
I thought about all the darkness that it veiled,
Behind its bold beams it had bowed down.

While I looked at the rays they were sifting,
I realized that in the evening the sun must set,
Bundle will open & then will again be night.

Where I wondered was the permanent day,
I answered myself that it was ever impossible,
But worrying was docile as I too will perish.

Who could complete this jigsaw of my life,
In here you come smiling as the permanence,
Bringing completeness to my life you are..

Why I must try to make the best of my life,
Imbibing positives and happiness throughout,
Because life is too small to waste in vain...
My HP Poem #818
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2015 · 4.3k
You Are Awesome!
Àŧùl Mar 2015
You are so cool,
And so cute.

You are so carefree,
And so beautiful..

You are so hardworking,
And so inspiring...

Just stay here and my life is a romantically divine paradise.
My HP Poem #817
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2015 · 659
Twenty Twenty
Àŧùl Mar 2015
I'm waiting for the year 2020,
Much eagerly.

For thence shall commence,
Our joint life.

I'm preparing for it & rising,
Much early.
My HP Poem #816
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
Àŧùl Mar 2015
Those who often insult you,
Those who just say ill about you,
They are not your true friends.

Those who know just to hurt,
Those who always seek to insult,
They can't be genuine friends.
If you have such "friends" that insult you just for fun then they are actually satisfying their own thirsty self-respect.

My HP Poem #815
©Atul Kaushal
Mar 2015 · 744
You Know What
Àŧùl Mar 2015
A time will come when we will remember this painful time and smile looking at each other's wedding ring.

Then and there we will hold each other's waists while just silently letting our lips do the rest of the talking.

But till then we must persevere and preserve our love in this relationship while we make the best of this new found timing.

Exclusive is your love I now realize and recognize that you are so cute and beautiful that the world admires your sayings.

So just stay calm I will and feel happier with just the love you gift to me all the time in our life so sweetly singing.

I'll let myself feel as free as you and don't love me lesser than you do otherwise this tinnitus I will keep feeling.

To you my lover I promise that you won't ever feel ignored by me and all will fall in place for our Sun to start shining.
Just stay assured it will all be fine.

My HP Poem #814
©Atul Kaushal
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