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Aa Harvey Aug 2019
Handbags at dawn

A man in the middle of Handbags at dawn.
Two lovers for one heart.  This is war.
A mighty showdown; a choice is needed.
One man, one love; never being greedy.

People don’t worship love anymore.
It’s just a thing they do.  Forget about being faithful.
It’s so much easier to do what you want.
Consequences don’t happen, just have fun.

Standing face to face, eye to eye.
Fighting for love.  Crocodiles don’t cry.
Learn the pattern, then anything can happen.
Love means nothing, truth only saddens.

Another body is all that matters baby.
Sleep with two until one is unhappy.
There are no rules; promises are made to be broken.
Sleep with convenience.  Lies are easily spoken.

Have an argument to get rid of one.
Then find the other one when they are gone.
When you have used them, say goodbye,
Then find the other one and apologize.

Demand privacy when it comes to your phone,
So you can hide when the other one calls.
Tell them you want a night out alone,
To stop the fights…hand bags at dawn.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Happy feet walk away.

Instinct tells you that you are right.
Doubts cast aside.
Do, or do not try.

If you can, then why not love?
If you have already given up,
Or never believed anyway,
Then that is okay.
Good luck.

You and I are not the same;
We read a similar script, but we are on a different page.
With age comes meaning, enlightenment.
Money is there to be spent.

If you are saving for a rainy day;
Welcome to England…save away.
Young people; go enjoy your life.
Old people do not listen to change.

People my age, congratulations!
You think you have it so great!
You think you know so much.
I know that I know nothing about love.  You trust,
People to never be trustworthy.
I trust enough for love to hurt me.
Happy feet are only ever seen,
Walking away from me.

I am at a point in my existence,
Where I do not have the time for your idle pretense.
Just say it clearly, what do you want?
Time is short, so fall in love and need to be loved!...

Or simply get to being gone.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020

The gun is on the pulse, pull the trigger or live.
Truth or false is not a choice they are willing to give.
It’s you versus us, versus the things that they did.
Do you believe and trust or never forgive?

They claim to be our protection,
But are unwilling to allow closer inspection,
For they have no reflection as they sold their souls.
The ‘God’s’ teach us genuflection,
Because their badge is misinformation,
And their prison plantations are only built for gold.

A man is never born free,
There is always a price that must be paid;
And from your very first day to the day with the *****,
You are made to work, digging your own grave.
One day at a time, there is a game that must be played.

Choice is not a thing we choose without regret.
Do we get out of bed or put a bullet in our head?
With life’s hands ‘round your neck, I’d say the choice is made,
So put a smile on your face and just hope for the best.

It’s a pretty world if your mind is blind.
It’s a lucky life if you are not kind.
It’s a ******* good day; a good day to die.
It’s a choice we made when we chose to no longer cry.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Head against a brick wall.

Mobile phones are like listening to a headache;
Women are obsessed, with a need to be fake.
What's going on, for ***** sake?
Go o'naturel; let me see your real face.

Show me you, not what you wish me to see.
Don't let your inhibitions, stop you being free.
I'm always here for you, if you ever need me;
But I'll never walk away, unless you ask me to leave.

I'll stand by your side, in the pouring rain
And I'll give you my coat, to keep you warm.
I don't mind being wet, if you’re happy and safe
And as long as you know, that I am all yours.

What can I do, to keep you with me?
Why must I let go, when I know you will leave?
How can you simply, walk out on me?
How can you not know that's it's you whom I need?

I just keep losing my mojo, somebody’s stolen my muse.
I left it in my pocket, now it's not there with you.
You took it as you left me, laying crying on the floor;
I ran after you, but in my face you slammed the door.
I lost a tooth and found a black eye
And the nurses never believed that I walked into a door.
That's because our love for each other, they never saw.

But please don't leave me, here all alone;
Don't let me be the one, who has to stare at his phone.
Awaiting your call, that will never come.
Say you still want me and need me and show me some love.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020
Head down

I'm still walking.  I'm still talking.
I'm still trying to find a way for this life to mean something.
I got no direction…just using self-reflection.
Trying to find a way to see me under closer inspection.

I wanna be in love, but no one loves me and they never could.
I could have wrote a book, but that's another story.
Just advice from a reflection in a mirror that I never took.

I could have reached high, but I just passed on by.
Now I'm another Mr. Nobody who spends his time staring at the sky.
I could have made it, if I just tried to;
But there’s no way I'm ever gonna be safe with you.

So I still walk alone; no interest in my phone.
Just use it to write rhymes that don’t ever matter,
While I'm walking home alone.

I got no lover. I got no life, besides,
I couldn't ever try to make it to the other side.
Just staying in this hole; the only place I know.
It keeps my feelings safe, when I just bury them deep in my soul.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018

I’m heading home now to see my Wife;
I’m gonna kiss her and hold her tight;
Because I think she is so wonderful;
My love I love you.
You are so beautiful.

Driving home on a winter’s night.
All I’m seeing are those **** headlights.
Those blinding lights, those bright, bright lights.
Those killer lights, have taken my life.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Iron heart; cage no free thinker.
Iron maiden has never gone away.
Question everything; search forever deeper.
In the end we are all looking to find away.

Plastic heart; turn the vinyl record on.
Croaking voices, broken strings; leave us…
Stone heart; there will never be a final setting sun.
Today is forever, so continue to speak of love.

Glass heart; shatter my tears against your kiss.
I am see through when it comes to loving you.
Scratch your nails down my back; give all you have to give.
I want to slide into your mind; clearly this is my truth.
Fire heart; all I can give you is my undying passion.
This love is too hot to lack compassion.

Wooden heart; I want to be a real boy.
Walk with sandals (full of holes); the last straw on a camel’s back.
I am pining for the fjords, before I am destroyed,
By the inferno of lies they tell; forever to remain…forever sad.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Heart Door

I've been picking out thoughts like you pick out a dress.
I must confess all the time I misspent.
It has been so long since I last ate,
But at least I'm moving in the right way.

With you at my side, I know I'll be alright
And in the morning light our love still shines.
It’s been three years now since we first met
And when I can't recall, you never forget.

So I'll let you know that I love you so.
My heart, for you, is always in full flow.
Writing all my words, I am just a pair of hands.
I love to hold you close; I have a need to be your man.

If the daylight ends and I fade away,
I want you next to me when I am old and grey;
Because all this is great, but you help me rise above,
All the mundane life that I would have, without your love.

I know what I have; it has no price,
Because with you by my side, I love my love life
And if we ever split, there will be no more;
Just a closing down sale and tape over my heart shaped door.

You're the only one I am letting in,
Because my love you give me all that I need
And if I ever say, let’s just leave this,
You have to tell me straight, we are meant to be!

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Heart-Shaped Needle

The female form is perfect,
So why get a tattoo on your heart?
If you need to cover it up with art,
Then that is your wrong choice;
But now I am so far away from using my voice,
When in all other circumstances,
You and I would be dancers.

Waist could have been in arm, both totally naked,
Looking into each other’s eyes, never wanting to look away.
Now your eyes only see me walking away, I’m saying “**** it!”
‘tis such a shame that I cannot stay
And ask you out, because without doubt,
I could fall in love with you in all other realities,
But not in this one,
Because you want to get a new tattoo done.
So I am gone, lost in your painted sun.
I wish I could see past it,
But you and I are not the right fit.

If only I liked it, then we could unite,
But I have my own life and I live my own mind
And it tells me “no.”, keep on walking;
Go and watch the next show,
For she is in need of a pin cushion, jigsaw man, painted blue,
So you will never greet her ****
And say how do?
Even though she is so **** cute!

You only meet eighty percent of what you wanted,
So all is lost to nearly,
When she could have been the perfect fit.
Kama Sutra,
It sure was nice to meet ya.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Heavenly beings.

Eternal in Heaven.
The day is warm, but the air is cool,
As I sit here watching an angel, who is sat upon a toadstool.
She plays the harp and whispers a song
And all around, children and their families are sat listening in silence.
They are loved; each and every one.

She is beauty in this place of peace;
Her blonde hair gently blows in the breeze.
Blue butterflies hover all around her.
The sun is shining on us all as she plays her harp
And softly she sings her words into the air.

Tiny gnomes march past and the children glance up and smile,
At the unicorn that accompanies the gnomes, as they walk on by.
They are heading off to see God and the angels inside;
While we sit here on the outside, in the morning light.

I decide to go with them and leave the music behind;
I have a job to do, so I must do it, but I can do it in my own time.
You see, I am a poet and this allows me to be free,
Of those things which hold other people trapped;
Those things like obligations and duty.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2020
Heavy Feather

Life is on top of me, eating my soul.
Whatever happened to all the hope?
People come and people go.
Why am I unable to just say no?

I am weak in a world of warriors.
Feeble mind, broken pieces of truth.
All life has done is make me a worrier.
All this pain is nothing new.

From the darkness comes a hope.
She is light inside a shadow.
I run to love with all I know.
Still haven’t learned; soon saying “Ow!”

Heavy Feather weighing me down under water.
Subconsciously I am falling apart.
Make me a bird so I can fly back further,
Before all of this when I had a heart.

Before I decided to put on the bird suit,
I had dignity and a body of my own,
But lately all I do is try to soothe,
The flesh burned skin-suit I call a home.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Heavy Metal Sunshine.

My Heavy Metal Sun shines alight,
Up above me in the morning light.
Tequila sunrise, burns my eyes;
Another wonderful day to wake up in paradise.

My beautiful bride captures my heart,
As she shimmers in the Heavy Metal Sun’s rays.
Her beautiful mind shines as bright as the son;
In the darkness, the sun lights up her face.

Her dress of the night, so soft to the touch,
Gently blows with the breeze of the morning’s air.
She opens the curtains and welcomes the sun,
Then turns to me and smiles, as the light seeks everywhere!

The dark angel of the night, has clearly arisen,
An angel of the light, now released from her prison.
The sad woman has gone, to be replaced with a smile;
She floats out of the glass door, to go and swim for a while.

So I bring down some drinks,
To watch the water discover my love.
Then I lay in the sunshine
And thank you all for my Heavy Metal Sun.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

All I see is pointless sadness;
I want to be selfless, but all I can be is helpless.
Hold my hand and let’s pretend,
This is not the end

I pray to survive; I hide in the shadows.
Under this comfort blanket I feel at home.
All I want to do with my life is remember why I had to try;
But all the good memories are now unfortunately gone and I am alone.

I've been thinking about leaving this place,
But I cannot leave here because you are my friend.
Inside I am hopeless with no saving grace;
So it is here in this hole that I must stay, until the end.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020

I will be with you through blood sweat and tears.
I will stick to you like note paper for years and years.
When you need someone to listen to, I will be all ears.
When the end comes and I fade away,
I will never truly leave your side; I will never disappear.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018
Here I am

I am a stone and I am crashing through my own window;
Where I will end up, nobody knows.
I am sure to never become a sure thing;
I doubt I will ever find a path to leave you to your wondering's.

As I scream through the air like a banshee at night,
My words fall apart in front of your eyes.
I know a fool when I see one in the mirror;
My vision of love has become so unclear.
Next to you but without you, I stand here all alone.
Sit peacefully with me in these times of madness,
So when I fall I can hold my clone.

I have no ready-made rhymes written within my mind,
But still I drag these lines from deep down inside.
Just broken thoughts, on broken lines;
Broken hearts see all the signs.
A broken clock, my heart it dies;
Only twice in a lifetime will it tell the right time.

Until we are forever herein and going there,
We are always nothing, forever nowhere.
Nothing and no-one;
No-one, so gone.
I was loved once; will there be time for another someone?

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Here is the enlightenment you are searching for.

Enlightenment is a continuous journey of discovery,
Taken by all people willingly or otherwise.

The amount of time dedicated to enlightenment,
Shows the value of the enlightenment one has gained.

Once you have discovered enlightenment,
You shall discover that it is a continuous journey of discovery,
For the rest of your life and into eternity.

Forever more becoming more enlightened.
Forever searching for further enlightenment.

Ergo – you are never fully enlightened…
But you shall forever find enlightenment.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Her heart

There she goes into my words without prose.
I cannot continually write about my sweet dream-rose,
Who will never know,
How I feel about her.
My missing words all a blur.
Hidden beneath my fears, so never heard, so hard to speak,
Of needful things, because I have no belief in me, to believe in.

I am not the important one;
She is yet to hear my song bird singing only for her.
Her songs, the endless rivers hum;
I never braved the rejection of what I truly want.
Love is all I want from her, but she is fading from view,
Because of my lack of nerves.
No bottle, just desire,
Walking away alone, never to return.

A single entity to be passionate about
And I can never let my words out,
Because all I think is never said aloud.
I would if I could, but I don’t know how.

The words of romance are unknown to me;
The words of love are a mystery.
The right thing to say is all that I need,
But my foot in my mouth ruins everything.

I cannot hope because nothing is good.
I cannot stop thinking; I wish that I could,
But still I have fire running through my blood,
So passionate about her, but so stuck in the mud,
That is my mind; it has no sign, of ever showing me,
How to become the person I am on the inside.

Everyone has opinions of my image.
Nobody can see what I imagine in my mind.
Everyone thinks I don’t try to improve my finish,
But this is the only ending that I can write…

Because I never will win her heart.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Her viper eyes.

Our landscapes always change with age;
As we lose ourselves, we find our true way
And once again we rise, rocketing into the highest skies.
I walk alone to fly and all else disappears over the horizon…
I am my own meteorite.

As I walk these streets, I see no people I want to see,
Because they are no part of me; they are a mystery.
But she is a stranger to meet; so far away from me.
She glides in her own way and I can only stay,
Behind this glass, I hide; I have no guardian at my side.
A million feelings I can feel, but I will not kneel to cry.

She just passes on by, without me in her sights;
Not even on her mind, so how can she become mine?
I can never truly look deep into her eyes,
Because I lie, my eyes lie, so I think she is a lie.
Another ship in the night, another treasure hunt,
So soon she has faded into the darkness and I am but a no-one.

I cannot be honest this day, because I have no complaint
And she would only ever leave, if I ever asked her to stay.
So I will hold my tongue, because of her viper eyes.
No words can be spoken that would sound nice…
I am only alone again because of my damaged pride.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
He said “There is no love.”

I only get to see beautiful women as they walk on by.
I do not get to fall in love;
Nobody will ever be on my side.
Mine to adore, to love and much more,
My girlfriend, my lover, my never a chore;
My only ever, pleasure forever after.
I wait for a sign or reason to carry on,
But there is no hope…no love…no one.

My heart is empty of someone to love,
So I will give it up, it takes too much.
My heart and soul I would give to be loved,
But I cannot even see a way that is up.
That is what’s up.  Forever down, by my own depression,
I never learn any lessons.
I just fail, leave them guessing,
Never actually show a piece of me; there is nothing to see.

The music video ‘Just’ is in my head today,
Because if they all had my empathy, they would all stop
And lay down next to me.
I am unmoving, going nowhere fast; no sympathy, please.
No kiss or hug is heading my way,
Because I am an island covered in rain.
Who would want to go on a holiday there?
(Even temporarily)

…I do not care…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Now there was a man in Texas state,
I never knew his name.
He came along and may I just say,
This little town was never the same.

He rode on in, his leather skin,
So battle worn and weary;
But by the time he had told me his tale,
I saw this world, oh so much more clearly.

He spoke of times he’d ride at night,
Out into the wild blue yonder.
His final words as he tipped his hat,
We’re “The Devil’s looking at you kid…last a little longer.”

And with that, his day was done.
Never to be seen again in this life time.
My only memory of the man with the gun,
Was spinning out of time…

At six foot two and ten past three, he slowly walked along.
His boots they clinked, the smoke it plumed,
As he whistled his sad song.
The people tell me he was a ghost, I saw inside my head;
But I know the truth, so I’ll tell it to you,
Ain’t nothing quite like the knowledge you get at the end…

He said one day he would return,
When I have seen better days.
He never said when he was coming back,
But somehow I knew; I would see him again.

I have travelled this land and land beyond,
Trying to forget;
But still, I hear his whistle, I hear that song;
I hear the words I will never forget.

He said there are only two roads
And one is travelled more than most;
So one day I’ll ask you to decide,
Which way you want to go.

If you choose right, you’ll see the light,
But of course, most people don’t.
Think carefully before you say your goodbyes…
There ain’t no coming back from where we need to go…

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I and I alone can never be called a clone,
Of a man that I am, for it is here that I stand
And alone I stand telling you of a plan,
That was formed inside a mind;
Skip a line or tell it twice.

Never good enough to just give up,
Never going to give a second look,
At the man who disagrees, who is he?
Who am I?  Just a man passing by.
Side by side we live this life,
But we are very different, he and I.

What am I to become?
Just another falling sun?
I pass the time by writing rhymes,
To a beat; I move my feet.
To a sound my thoughts are written down,
As I drown in my own disdain.

Once again, once again, never again will I be the same.
Light the fire inside my brain, let it burn; let it show,
I am real and I am a ghost.
At my best I am still in a mess,
But nobody knows, because nobody spoke.
As the silence fills the room, the door closes with a boom!
The lights are turned out now and all that is left is the gloom.

Take it back, I cannot give it;
Words written down are no longer secret.
Who has the key and where do they keep it?
Isn’t knowledge for us all?  Tell me where do they hide it?

Feed on words; take them in, fool the world with a grin.
Nobody knows the pain I keep within;
Let my words creep under your skin.
I am a fire, inside a truth telling liar and he needs to breathe me out.
Strike a chord with a clout, keep it in or let it out,
Just do not let me see you again; with me or without.

Shatter glass, show my mind,
There is nothing left to find.
This is it; all I am is just a man with a plan,
An idea formed long ago.
Still time ticks by and nobody knows,
Who I am or what I want;
I want to change but not confront,
For he is standing by,
With that look in his eyes.
He is a stranger,
As am I.
The man in the mirror is the man that I fear.
So I make him disappear by turning out the light.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
History Repeats Itself

America is the same as Britain:
Not enough good and too much bad.

I think we should actually listen to The United Nations,
If we really want peace in our time.
Do what thou wilst, for we are clearly ignorant,
To anything except The Law of Lies.

The laws of life?  
The Law of the Jungle is our only Bible in this time.
It’s a shame we didn’t think of the cost,
Before we committed the crime.

Our life time is just the same as the others:

History repeats itself!
History repeats itself!
History repeats itself!  
Revelation!  Discovery!
Go ahead and preach your own story.

If you ask me which faith you should follow,
I’ll simply give you a different answer, today and tomorrow.
For if you realize, what I have discovered,
Then you shall maybe have your own thoughts
And use your knowledge for guidance.

Have you own thoughts,
Understand what they thought they taught.
Then make yourself happy, by making them happy
And leave the pain to someone else.

The United Nations are the good guys;
They will save our world.
The USA and the UK
Cannot even see past their own borders.
If every other nation in the world joined the UN.
Would Britain and the USA say you’re all wrong…again?

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Holding on

I’m trying to move in with you,
You’re breaking my heart.
I’m holding onto you for dear life,
While your tearing us apart.

All I ever wanted was the woman in the dress.
All I ever wanted was your soul.
This my love I do confess;
Hold me close and never let me go.

I have found enlightenment; I have seen her grace,
You may never understand, but I have found my place.

I’m sorry I’m not the one,
That you can depend upon.
But once upon a time I was you’re shining sun.
Now I’m nothing at all,
Except gone.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

I am hollow inside; I am a hollow toy.
I am hollow, I am hollow; I am a hollow boy.
My insides have been destroyed when my love life was broken.
I have no feelings left inside me; I showed them all to you
And you left my heart on a pyre quietly smoking.

I am haunted by your look;
I am lost inside your thoughts.
I am hollow, I am a ghost;
I am the memory of love turned to dust.

Hollow dreams of changing the future;
All we have left is a hope to lose.
All my life I have been surrounded by vultures;
Now I can’t have love, what do I have left to choose?

There is nothing left to lose,
When there is nothing left to love.
So give me something to make me feel better;
Any kind of drug.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Hollowed bones.

Give up on drugs and fail to love.
Live life unknown and do not trust.
Break up and cry.  Suicide.
Fall apart behind their lies.

Have apathy for you and me;
I live to die, keep your empathy.
My lack of faith is a disease;
I fail to believe in anything.

So hate them all and break apart.
Tear out each other’s broken hearts.
No light in Hell and no new start.
We suffer eternal agony, so let’s depart.

No Queen or King; no money for things.
No saints, just sin; no longer sing.
No love of hate can survive inside me,
Because I have learned to accept my every disease.

So pity me; forgive me please,
For I can no longer stand this world of sin.
I cry at you all because you’re nothing like me;
So tear away my skin, because I feel everything.

Leave my hollow bones a scattered skeleton relic;
For gone is my hope and faith.  Call a medic.
Relish the reason for life instead of reality;
For I no longer want to live the destiny of a tragedy.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
Home for the holidays

Welcome home, to the place you have never wanted to be.
The place you have never felt at home.
No longer the only place you have ever known;
Now you have somewhere else that you can go.

Oh, just smile; the past arguments are just forgotten memories.
The times of change are already here
And this is the place where we all want you to be.

Please don’t leave; we all know it has already been too long.
Surely it is time for us all to just move on.
Those arguments can never be won.
If one side loses, we all lose.  
How can that be fun?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Home is where the start is.

I am planting seeds for us to grow our tree house.
I am retiring from The Rolling Stones to protect our castle keep.
I am trying to become a lion instead of a mouse.
All these things I do because I want my wife to find me at my best…
Wherever she (may be).

The two of us have not yet met,
But she is on my mind;
So I am laying foundations for a future life.
Brick by brick, with every footstep,
I am creating a home;
So when I do eventually meet her,
I can say…this is what we own.

A place to live, which has a fridge, to hang the pictures on.
A bed to sleep in and imagine the two of us with band’s on.
Inscribed on mine will be your name
And if you wish, my name will be yours.
You are already on my mind.
Am I the same?
Am I your love?
If this is true then we should become.
One and one make one.

I have waited for a century to see the perfect sun.
You will shine on my darkness and brighten up my face.
When I am done,
I hope I will be at your side when you are older
And I am even more grey.

I have tried my whole life through,
To find somebody as good as you;
Someone who really does love me.
Still I try…I am yet to see.
Other people will want different things,
But all I want is to exchange rings.

I am only interested in my true love.
What kind of feeling does our love evoke?
If I am yours as you are mine,
Then we should put the love letters with the wine
And later we will see what we wrote…

Wedding bells will ring aloud, so everybody can see,
That I am in love with you;
Together forever, I hope we will be.

Women may try to change my mind,
But they are wasting all our time.
Only one woman can have my love,
So if another wants to be with me, I will reply:
I am in love with her and I’m sorry,
You are beautiful, but you ain’t that fine,
When compared to her true beauty.

If you are my one love, then pop the cork on the champagne!
If you want to marry me, then I will celebrate the best day
And if we can extend our time by leaving a lasting legacy,
I will make our love last for a life time;
I promise you Babe, you bring out the best in me.
With you I will have found my way home at last.
This is my pledge to you; I swear there is no turning back.
From now into eternity, I want you, to be with me.
You could see me happy (Extraordinary!)

Home is where the heart is,
I need your style to decorate.
Home is where the kiss is,
I need your touch to improve this place.
Home is where you say I love you.
I need your words to unlock the door.
Home is where I hope you agree to I do;
I need your hand in my hand forever more.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

A red sunset on a nice warm beach;
A place to call my own, to get some self-respect.
A job in an office with a decent wage;
Two point four children and a couple of pets.
A wife to lay beside me, till the day that I die;
These are the dreams I have and they help me survive.

Life on the streets isn't peaches and cream;
It's the hardest way of living, so just make a change.
You may lose all your hope, but never lose your dreams;
Because you know in your heart, things can't stay the same.

It's all downhill from here, if you don't sort things out;
You’re going to die real soon my friend, if you don't get a house.
A place to call home, a place to lay your hat;
These are the things that you dream about.
You'd make it in life, if someone helped you find home;
But you have got to help yourself and I think you know that.

Life on the streets isn't peaches and cream;
It's the hardest way of living, so just make a change.
You may lose all your hope, but never lose your dreams;
Because you know in your heart, things can't stay the same.

Hold onto your dreams, for one day they may come true;
You might make it in life and get all you deserve.
Or you could give up on life and just throw in the towel;
You must think about yourself and decide what you’re worth.

Is life worth hanging onto?  Or will you roll over and die?
You won't feel any more pain and you'll no longer cry.
But you'll never see them smile, when you make it in life;
You will never have a family and you will never have a wife.

Life on the streets isn't peaches and cream;
It's the hardest way of living, so just make a change.
You may lose all your hope, but never lose your dreams;
Because you know in your heart, things can't stay the same.

When you dreamt about that beach, with the red sunset;
Did you really want those things?  Or did you lie to yourself?
Because if you want them there they are;
Just go right ahead and get them;
Or give up on life my friend and you we can forget.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Tell me your truths and I shall say I pass no judgment,
But we both know, I will feel something.
Ask me a question and I will answer it honestly.
If I am capable and you are faithful,
You can trust what I say to thee.

Turn on the light so you can see I’m not lying.
Turn off the light if you have faith in me.
Whisper your truths so no-one can overhear them;
Maybe you can find a little relief,
To get your burdens off your chest.
A problem halved can only aid its solution findings.
Listen to my truths carefully my friend.
I must speak them in two tones,
Hoping you are no longer blind.

Kiss my lips so you can feel my honesty;
Love me and speak of it, so you and I can become we.
Sleep next to me; I hope you feel safe beside me.
I close my eyes content; in you I truly believe.

Dream all you wish for
And one day they may come true.
My dreams are simple,
You and I, love, happy with you.
I hope you see reminders
Of our time together,
For if you do and you are happy,
It means we made it, we never severed.
We never had to cut the umbilical cord.
We help each other live our two lives in one world.

Who will lead and who will follow?
We can find out tomorrow.
At the moment we are content,
So we have no need to chase hollow,
Dreams of more, cravings, lusts.
At the moment we are not unhappy.
Let’s embrace this moment,
For right now we are us.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
How do you feel about me?

Your eyes, your smile, the way you move,
The way you glide through all my thoughts,
Returning to thoughts of you and I ****;
But I am not being ******,
I am simply wanting and needing an answer,
Because I think I think about you too much,
Before we even mention the love stuff,
Because I am very much in love,
But I cannot say that yet, until we touch,
But you have a grip on my soul,
I’ve got nowhere else I need to go;
Being stuck here with you is all that I need,
So please tell me please,
How do you feel about me?

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
How do you write a love song?

How am I meant to write a love song,
When I cannot find love?  
Surely this situation is wrong.
I need a bird to give me a buzz.

Can you help me to find the love that I am always looking for?
How can I begin to woo you,
When you leave me speechless, so I can’t even talk?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
How I tamed the tiger

How I tamed the tiger that burns inside of me.
It was not a conscience quest to change,
Life just ripped it out for all to see.
I have only emptiness inside my chest
And all that is left to wait for is death.
This is my only recognizable form,
For human being has never been my norm.

I just don’t understand people.
I only know of loss and evil.
Those who claim to love, but don’t.
I could fall in love, but only if I helped them cheat and ignored my soul;
So I won’t.

Alone I remain, wishing for flames,
To once more spark inside my heart,
But the ignition switch is broken, like my art.
All is dark where light should be;
There is a tiny light which exists inside of me.

I cannot laugh at comedy, because I am so tragic.
I no longer believe in cupid’s magic.
I only believe in the inevitability of the end;
Happiness stolen by ex-girlfriends.
Take one soul, have an affair,
Repeat process without a care.

Love is stood over there,
And I am silent, unmoving, uncaring, and she is unaware.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
How to say goodbye.

Days pass by with no love in sight,
But throughout the sighs, I see a Wife.
My Wife, not yours;
You are safe from my charisma.
I believe in a true love;
You can keep your amoeba.

Through the spirits of time,
I have had conversations with past lives,
And all day long, I write the same lines.
Every page contains love or death,
Truth or lie, but still I cannot hide.

In days of yore, I spared a thought,
To what she would think, if she read my ink,
But now I hold no remorse; no love; no more,
For she has disappeared away from my world.

This day is at an ending;
I am through with all pretending.
Sarah speaks through her verses…never lending.

I ask nothing of you,
For I am no longer your true.
There is only time for one last sigh;
No time for a final line to say goodbye.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
How to write a bad poem.

Use words that simply rhyme like time and dime,,,
And line after line after line repeat the same line
Repeat your sentences to repeat your point
Without a true interpreter then what is the point!!!

I put no thought into lines without care.
I do not care if tHisss is spelled correctly; I do not care.
I do not care if you even care;
Without love and despair, poets will go nowhere.

Annoy the reader, reader, reader, reader, send them to sleep;
Speak only about other people’s cliché’s and ideals…and sheep.
Say line after line without thinking to read,
Judge someone for their mistakes.  Never be truthful and never free.

Never let the words fall onto the page, without feeling;
Never bother to read other poetry and never bother to try reading.
Never speak from the soul, without any kind of meaning.
This is the poem I do not care about…it’s time I was leaving.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Hugging loneliness

It’s not what I said that is keeping me awake;
It's all those words that I just could never say.
I have waited too long to find myself a place
And now time is all out of luck and I am at my grave.  

Here I stand looking backwards;
Empty spaces, empty Tracey’s…lost for words.  
The words I never said are all I regret.
The love I never found; the love that I left…
Behind my eyes there hides a smile,
But it is deep down inside my soul.
All you hear are the lies,
When I truly confide,
But the truth is all I ever said and now I am too old.
Too old to change, too late to make you believe;
If you cannot see, then please leave.  

If by now you do not know,
Then go.
Leave me alone,
With my sorrow.  

I have tried so hard to convince you this is no lie,
But by your side I do not lie.
Through your tears of goodbye,
You cannot see the rivers that I cry.  

The trail you leave already fades,
With each and every painful day
And all those words I never had the chance to say,
Are lost with me…

And I am left alone with my pain.  

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I am an idiot.

Still we are searching for a light in the dark.
Forward we march and still we have no knowledge of who we are.
Higher we climb towards shooting stars;
We are lost without guidance
And evolution is one step for mankind too far.

Stuck in reverse; heading nowhere fast.
Take a step back, to take another look at what we had.
A thing that was never truly seen,
But imagined and so soon it was in the past.

So we keep on going in the wrong direction.
Blind to all future wisdom; lost without a kingdom.
No place to place my heart at your feet, for a home I lack
And I have no crown that is not broken, that I can use for a hat.

A false self-bestowed title of King I placed upon myself.
A lie about a man who lives in his own personal Hell.
A wish to be more; but impossible without your help.
A maze inside a garden is no place for the mind to dwell.

But stuck in a rut is my normality;
So tragic to see that you just can’t see me
And nobody can hear the words that I need to speak,
Because I am forever unknown to you
And that is the way it will always be.

Forget me not’s in your rose scented garden.
Remembering a voice; remember to share your wisdom.
For all are in need of your message of hope,
Because we lack any belief in anything and so,
We meander through your mind, splashing in every puddle.
A whispering wisp never before seen is showing you your double.
A reflection of your fate in the water; there is a presence.
We are now only a memory, for you are royalty
And I am simply a simple peasant.

No resentment on either side, but still no will to confide
And so inside a lie we hide the truth you wish you could find.
But we are not sharing, because you could never understand.
The words of a wanderer, who wonders;
Why are you not using the power within your hands?

Free me from my burden which I carry inside my head
And just let me forget you and the possibilities;
So I can just become oblivious.
I have a need to unload these words I have said,
But you refuse to listen; you will not take them,
Because you are a mystery to me
And we are the idiots.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I am becoming.

Perception; reality.
Every human mind has its own duality.
Our good side, our bad side;
Life seems to always get the best of me.
Empty, of anything, that they claim to know that I need.
So empty, of feeling,
When all who criticize become unworthy of truly interpreting me.

Without a voice, I am powerless.
Situations arise that give me strength to confess, that I am a mess.
Disorganized, my thoughts are hidden underneath;
I search the depths of my soul to see what I can reap.
Words all scrambled; put them into order.
The writings of a word-thief in a mind of word-warder’s.

Left speechless, when all I say is meaningless.
The canvass is not unused, it has just not been revealed yet.
Artists are there at the start of things;
I am but a binary star upon a life made from strings.

Pull my rip-cord and let the words all flow;
Embrace the darkness we keep inside and let it show.
I am your Pinocchio.
You are my puppet mistress and my eternal muse;
I am just a thing to be used to amuse.
Your touch of love upon my love heart in pieces,
Let’s me become a ray of light inspired by your wish for a sun
And could you give me a hug please?
All light flows from your soul into me;
I breathe you in to let you see what I hide within.

I am becoming a better man, now I am being a better human being;
I am growing into the lover I always thought I could become.
You take away the fear and let me become what I should have been.
It is because of you that I am able to become something from nothing
And now this poem is written and your heart has been won…
Now my work is done.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I am He, as He is Me

As I was falling in love with you,
Your heart began to break.
Such disappointment in your eyes;
As I allowed you my heart to take.

Now forever entwined with you inside,
I stay in pain, to leave you standing alone in the light.
For life it seems, looks down on me
And laughs, not smiles; this is my purgatory.

Punishment, for being so ****** stupid!
Why the Hell, couldn’t I just go through with it?
Instead of just running away with misery…
I live a life of regrets; it is all I am left with.

For years now, I’ve wasted my time;
When all along, I had already met my Wife.
We just didn’t know it, until we touched
And now that night shall be remembered forever by each of us.

I couldn’t believe how good we could become;
But now it feels like we have always been in love.

This is for you, you beautiful lady:

I am in love with you…
Head spinning, loco, loon;
Crazy, e-love for only you.

You know of my love for Her;
It is minute compared to the love I will always feel for you.
For I knew with Her it would never work;
But with you I knew it couldn’t work,
Because back then I was a ****.

Now I hope after all this time,
You too still feel the same.
Because I see your soul in your eyes
And your eyes speak of someone who has already loved…
Only to be shown loves grave.
But you are my angel;
You simply make all my problems and my history go away.

Imagine your brain has just been born
And it can believe me with no cynicism.
I look deep into your eyes and you naturally smile,
As I speak to you the words of ‘Within’.

I flied!  I flied!  No, you falled.
She loves me!  She loves me!  No, she isn’t interested at all.

I am in love with You!!!
I love You, yes I do!!!
Yep, yep, yep.
Me and You.
All I ask for, is for you to truly believe me, when I tell you…

Goo, goo, ga, choo!

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I am left speechless by her beauty.

My heart is in two pieces, torn apart by love.
Art leaves me sleepless; where is my good?
An empty orchestra plays only violins.
I need her love, to silence my own screams
And bring an end to all my tears.

I can no longer, wish upon a,
Star that has never even shone for me.
I am no stronger, with or without her.
I am weakness, down on my knees.
All my words are only empty speech bubbles,
None of my dreams ever reach for the sky.
She has no double…I have no lies.
I must be true if I remain mute,
Because if I have never spoken,
Then how could I ever have deceived the truth?

All I am is another man.
I have fallen,
I have stopped.
I have no plans to ever give any thanx,
For all the hope that I have lost.

All the love that could have been,
All the dreams…
They don’t mean a thing.

All these butterflies flying inside of me,
Only leave my feelings in knots, I need to breathe.
Hand on my heart,
It feels as if there is a hand around my heart
And I am tight in its grip.
I am forever stopping me…from breathing.

I cannot even help myself,
So I will never be able to show her my true self.
She will never hear about my inner demons screams.
I beg to just be loved by her; she will not see my own agony.
She will not know about the pain I constantly feel,
Because she will never know my feelings for her are real.

I am a broken, broken being.
I have not spoken, spoken of my needs.
She does not know she is what I desire,
Because I am trapped inside this scared of love liar.

All these feelings that I have to keep;
I hold inside my ruined soul.
All these things I wish I could be,
Are only ever love stories that are never actually told.

I remain in silence, my own choice for her freedom.
She is now free because I never mentioned,
The love that exists inside the heart of this man.
She is now gone and I am alone once more;
A stone, so stuck, in quick sand.
I am dressed in black, because of my life as a stage hand.

Last chance to give it a shot and win her love…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I am temporary.

I am a fleeting illusion and one day I will be gone;
So enjoy me while you can, because I am temporary.
If you like what I do then I have been heard by someone.
I regret nothing!  I am dumb.  I am full of empathy.

Learn from your mistakes; do not keep making them.
Give up or try harder, time is of no consequence.
The light fades away and we all become grey,
In the end my friend; so savour the taste.

I am just one messenger, in a land of screaming voices.
All the choices we make only bring us more choices.
A violent heart is lonely, truly;
A loving heart is happy, inside empathy.
Any fool with a tool can try to speak,
But I shall only listen to things that interest me.

A stranger in this land, I am becoming.
Forget about me, I am heading for my day of reckoning
And I think in the end, my life will have counted for something.
I wish I could be with you, but time is not our friend;
Goodbye to the good times, I hope we have shared.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I am to blame.

I am to blame for all I have done.
I cannot blame you for the fallen sun.
The rain is not dependent on your independence.
I am to blame for you being gone.

I am to blame for never thinking of you enough.
I am to blame for never loving you truly.
I am to blame; I should have been good.
I am to blame;
You can see right through me.

I have worn a mask to disguise my reflection in the mirror.
It is time to remove the mask;
It is time to see clearer.
The man in the mirror is not a ghost, he is me.
I am to blame for everything.

I am to blame for never changing,
Into what you needed me to be.
I am to blame for you leaving.
I am to blame.
I have to see.
I can no longer blame you,
Because you chose to leave me.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I am without you

In a perfect world, nothing is perfect.
In a beautiful world, not all things are beautiful.
It may not be easy to see, but love is truly worth it.
You can either choose to have faith in love,
Or you can forever remain doubtful.

I choose to keep believing,
Because to me love is everything
And when I do eventually meet her,
I will tell her of the way things were.

The reason for the absence,
The loss and the heartache.
The reasons why I couldn’t believe,
That anything good would ever last again.
I will try to be romantic and woo her every day.
I will try to be all she could ever need,
So she doesn’t feel the need to fly away.

If she is my Ms. Right, then she will see through my eyes
And find my heart a leaping over a belly of butterflies.
I will find a way to make her complete,
If she decides to believe in me.

All these things I will do,
Because love is still what gets me through,
To the other side of this darkness;
This time I am without you.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I believe.

Let the wind push us forward into the future before us;
Let the rain cool us down as we draw the sun’s rays toward us.
Let the summer stay forever and winter never surround us;
Let us remember the struggles we overcame to let us become us.

Pray the nights are short and the daylight eternal;
Pray the mists evaporate and our rose forever stays faithful.
Pray the moon lights our way and our words remain truthful,
Then we shall all of us become truly immortal
And judgment day shall not befall us.

Kingdoms come and go as the weather changes with the seasons,
So pray let us remember our life's journey
And its meanings and reasons,
For changing is as inevitable as death and life,
So please do not speak ill of the dead with such callous lies.

Open your eyes and minds to new opportunities before us,
For we can have the world in our hands if we are able to trust.
If we can let go of doubt and embrace new beginnings,
We shall all at last be able to grasp our forgotten dreams.

If we believe in something, or we have a need,
We can achieve the impossible and do anything.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I blame Jane

No way out of this hole in which I hide; locked in, a box.
No direction forward, life has all but stopped.
Trapped here by my imagination, all reality is lost.
Now way out; oh such a loss.

Do not get too close, or you might sink down with my mood.
I do not eat healthily; I am so bored of food.
Forced nutrition, the body needs fuel to work.
It has been a long time since I last flirted with a terrible flirt.
Love is just a forgotten memory and life is no ice cream.
A dreamer dreaming of a crystal palace
And a crystal crown for his Ice Queen.

You are a pinion upon the wings of this phoenix from the flames.
A damaged brain is just a part of a life, that is so lame.
I blame Jane for all I have to say…
Walls so tall they can never be climbed over.
The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Solitude suits me,
Because it is my only option.
I would never start an argument
Or feel secure enough to state an honest opinion.

Now I only see Jane in my memories;
My social circle is a lot smaller.
All together now;
We all used to sing the same smoking songs,
Before we would all fall down a little poorer.
The dog days are barking even slower.
I fight my way, through the wind, shadow-boxing in every corner.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
I can’t get no.

Cure my boredom; give me freedom.
Release me from this demonic kingdom.
For far too long I have been stuck in a rut;
Going nowhere fast and all because I was in love.
Now I have found another and lost my romantic voice.
She took my confidence by kissing other boys.
I hope you are not bound to your independence,
Because if you fall in love, you will be sentenced,
To truly believe in a thing called love.
Then one day it will explode in a silent phone…good luck.

I confess my desire to see her undressed
And if she doesn’t reject me, she does what naturally comes next.
She says she loves me and then she cheats like the others.
Why is everybody the same, why do I only find pathetic lovers?
So unworthy in intelligence and integrity.
I wish I could die so I could escape the monotony.

She is the reason for my self-hatred.
Who allows her to be happy, when I am so ill-fated?
If I could love just a single person,
I could release a billion inner-demons
And I could find a way to be free,
Instead of being trapped with the same old misery.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2019
I can’t write

I haven’t written a good poem in ages.
Throw away phone pages, end of messages.
Nothing important to say, but I’m still speaking.
Body is full of words, now all with lame meaning.

Speaking truth, but no longer believing.
Wish I could write the things I am dreaming,
But all that inspiration is lost,
To being bored of forget-me-nots,
That I just do not remember.
My heart feels like December rain.
I want the summer to come back again.

She is gone, the one named love.
Given away like all the drugs.
Now all I have is one big heart.
I am desperate to give it away…but I can’t.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
I choose to YouTube.

When famous people die,
You get to look back fondly at their lives.
You get to see what they accomplished;
You get to read what people write.
You get images never seen before;
You open whole new doors.
You learn the truth and the lies;
All truth is revealed in due course.

When famous people die,
You find out who really deserves to be in ‘Who’s who.’
You remember their contribution to the world
And you wonder; what could I do?
How could I do something to earn that fame, that respect?
You wonder if your life, when you are taken,
Will have had any kind of effect.

When famous people die,
You become nostalgic for a youth long since gone.
When a famous person dies,
You remember them in poetry or in songs;
Or you remember their songs,
Or the movies they made during their life.
When a famous person dies,
Some of them become more famous,
Than they ever did when they were alive.

Remember fame brings you immortality;
So find yourself a way.

Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson;
Kurt, Bowie and Prince.
I really liked them all when they were alive…
I have loved their music since.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I could be loved

There is a woman I like
And I think I might,
Be able to tell her how she makes me feel.
She can see it in my smile, so I can no longer hide.

She is beauty to me and who knows? Maybe,
She may feel the same way, if she is hiding her feelings deep.
We always exchange smiles and when we talk time flies by;
I see the blue lakes in her eyes and she takes me so high.

She lifts my true heart, way up, to be seen within my eyes.
I could love her one day, someway, if only I knew her mind.
She makes all people feel good with her loving words.
She happily speaks of love, (not my bitter words of hurt.)
She makes me dream of possibilities;
Every time she makes me laugh, I see epiphanies.

No more doubting love, no more sad heart ache.
I must believe in love; more effort I must make.
I must throw myself into the eye of the storm,
All in the name of love; all in the hope of her touch.
She gives me confidence to once more try to trust.
Maybe we could be good together
And maybe…
I could be loved.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Dream a nation; take a vacation.
Autopilot does not need direction.
Claim a notion; works a vocation.
Words do not have to have perfect punctuation.

Message in a bottle; totally random.
Chaos Theory.  A hat may not fit.
Ring the chapel bells and then leap on a tandem.
Tyger eyes watch it go by without realizing it.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I don’t believe in love

I don’t believe in love anymore;
I don’t see anyone worth fighting for.
I don’t remember the last time I was in love…
I want someone who is unforgettable.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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