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Aa Harvey Nov 2018
I don’t belong here

The fate of man is to fall into the dirt;
For what we are worth.
I heard it first that we are all creatures of God's Earth,
But he/she has never been seen on a television screen
And all the hope has been taken away from all my dreams.

All I had, I have lost along the way.
No words left to say,
To comfort me each and every day I live in pain.
All along I knew they were wrong,
So I never believed in or sang their worship songs,
Of days that passed away a long time ago.
All they left me with is endless sorrow.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I don’t care.

Would my father have left, if I was not born?
And would I have become his favorite son?
If he’d let me, if he’d let me.

Would I have become, the son I became,
If he’d stayed in my life?  And if he had stayed,
Would I still be?  Or would I be?
The same as I am!  Angry at my Dad!
Or would I see, he’s not worth it?

And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there.
I don’t care!  How he is now.
And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there;
Because I have love, from my Mother.

So rejoice with me, because I speak my mind
And I say what I mean and I’m not angry,
Because I don’t care; no I don’t care.

And if you can relate, to the words I say
And you understand, what I’m saying today,
Then it’s ok; yeah it’s ok.

And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there.
I don’t care!  How he is now.
And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there;
Because I have love, from my Mother.

And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there.
I don’t care!  How he is now.
And I don’t care!  That Daddy wasn’t there;
Because I have love, from my Mother.

So I thank you Mom, for the love you gave;
For your warm embrace and your smiling face
And I do care, yeah I do care.

Because you were always there!
You never walked away!
You are always there!  If I need you.
I thank you Mom!  For everything you’ve done
And I do care, now and always.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I don’t know

In your smile, I feel locked in love; no longer alone.
I don’t know, I don’t know;
I don’t know why I love you so.

We are him and her
And he and she;
Will we always be…you and me?

I don’t know if we will love each other forever;
I don’t know if we will drift apart.
I don’t know if this is as good as life gets,
Or if you could make it become even better.
All I know is…
I want to remain a little piece of your heart.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I don’t know what love is anymore.

How do you know if you love someone,
If you no longer know what love is?
How do you carry on as if everything is normal,
When inside you are falling to bits?

How do you tell them, knowing they will be gone?
Do you never tell them and never be happy,
Just so you can still get to see them anon?
Do you confess your truth and say I think I love you?
Or do you hold your silence, resist temptation, fade and become mute?

I cannot talk to you about the fact that I am,
Just another man who has fallen for your divine beauty;
Because I cannot say anything, apart from ****!
Every time I fail to speak.

I want to be with you for as long as you wish for,
But I cannot even be in your presence, without hurting…
All I want is to be with you and say that I am all yours,
But I cannot even look you in the eye,
And there is no chance of flirting.

I cannot play games and say “Hey, I think you are cute.”
Because I know you are cute, and beautiful too;
But there are more words to say, and I cannot pick one of them.
So I banish you away from me and you hate me again.

This is what I am used to; I don’t know how to be in love.
I run away from you because you could be the book,
That I write about love, the true story, happily ever after,
But I cannot put you through this; I am such a disaster.

All the things that I don’t do, make me fall apart,
And there are so many wounds on my heart, it is covered in scars.
I am terrified of losing you and terrified of being real;
I so desperately need you to be in my life!
But I have no idea how I feel.

You are sure to be going at some point soon,
Because as soon as I find what I am looking for,
It is taken away and the depression consumes.
There is no more light inside this head of mine.
There is misery and pain and sadness; it’s divine!

I am a crumbling building of a pathetic man on his deathbed,
And all that I can think is I would buy you roses of red.
I would shower you in love with everything I have to give,
But I am going to lose you, because you could get another easily,
So why would you want this?

I despise love in all of its glory!
I hate it so much because it buries me.
I wish I could stop and never fall in love again!
But here I am at your feet begging,
Please allow me to be saved.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
I don't like to think in riddles, because I am easily confused.

A nation of cynics, racists and drinkers,
Still wonder why, we can't think like the thinkers,
Of ancient Greece, like Plato and Socrates;
Whose minds were clearly, open and free.

Do you ever think in riddles? And turn time upon its head?
If the mocking bird becomes a killer,
Does it leave the innocent for dead?
Or does it simply do, as nature intended?
The strong will survive, the weaker one we shall eat.

Destroy your baby, to feed its sibling,
This is what, Mother Nature is saying,
To the blinded scholar, of nature’s laws;
To destroy is to give life, to your daughter or son.

Have you ever had to walk away, from Easy street?
Running away, to simply make a change.
Leaving behind, all of your lost memories;
But you'll be back one day and things will be the same.

What is soul? I don't know.
I think it's the inner being, of everyone.
The centre of your body, your mind and your heart;
The thing that makes you, decide what is art.

The thing that makes you, you and different from all others.
The thing that gives you rhythm, so just dance my brothers
And sisters around the world; become free inside.
Fight for your right to fight, until the day that you die.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I drown in you.

Opposites attract.  I like that.
I wouldn’t want you to be just like me,
With my insecurities, my doubt, my thoughts,
My clouded apathy.

My heart is on fire and you the water soul,
Are consistently changing from young to old,
To fearlessly fearful, to wise beyond your years,
To insecure about who you are and who you could be,
From laughter, to tears.
I see it all in you and you don’t need to speak a word.
You soul speaks volumes; your eyes have been heard.

If I were to speak my mind, there would be no turning back,
But your secret smile gives me hope, there are words beneath.
I only want one of the single ladies, can I not have that?
Love, you are driving me crazy!  Let love kiss me, with teeth.
Do I want her?  Yes!  Does she want me?  I don’t know!
Do I love her?  I haven’t got a clue!  In a moment you will go,
But we do have this moment and I am at peace in your Zen garden.
Promise me your love, so I can try to be your Prince Charming,
And our fairytale story can begin,
Where all the other mysteries have reached their end.

She could say no and I would be devastated;
Or even worse she could say yes and I would be elated!
And then the fall would break every nerve in my body.
I want to be someone, to somebody.
I have so much work yet to do to clean up this mess.
The thousands of thoughts,
That run constantly through my labyrinth head.
Love is a bubble; love-life so much trouble.
Oh strife!  What will become of fair Juliet?
Will it be that I can only fondly look back through tears of regret,
When I am laying on my deathbed?
Or could it be, that she could be, the one I need to set me free?

It’s just three little words, how hard can it be?
“I like you.”  I wonder if she likes me.
You have no idea what I am putting myself through,
Jumping hoop after hoop, my one direction is you.
You are yet to break my heart,
And yet to laugh in my face,
So I will continue to dream,
Even though my head and heart are all over the place.

My words?
Well my words are just my Gods honest truth.
I will swear on a bible if you ask me to.
It will not burn; I am not yet your sin.
Allow me to become your angel,
And we can find our kink.

You are the warm ice I need to cool myself down.
A cold shower does not work, because at some point I have to get out.
She is the rain that falls down upon me from every silver-lined cloud.
She is the night that covers my eyes,
And engulfed in her ways…I drown.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I expect nothing less.

Here I stand before you all;
Empty of thought.
A mind of wall’s without a door.

In a time of need, I am without aid;
I believed in true love, but I will never do that again.
I gave to love everything that I could have given;
She walked away and left me behind alive,
But I am not truly living.

People expect; I expect nothing less,
But I have nothing left to give to a thing I no longer believe in.
Beauty all around, but none of it will I need today,
Because I have nothing but pain, to remind me why I must remain,
A Metalhead with no time to waste on regrets.
I have been able to love in the past, but I can never forget,
What love has caused; the endless chores.
This endless sadness that they call love.

The reason to fall; love puts you down like a dying dog.
A glimpse of bliss is a lie we all believe,
But I am still grieving down on my knees
And I am without strength and I am without doubt,
That again I will be lied to, if they tell me I need to love again
And if I agree…I will only weep.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

If you’ve got to shine, then shine your light on me;
If you’ve got to love, then love me.
If you’ve got to have a life, the live it with me;
If you’ve got to have a dream, then dream of me.

If you think you can make it, then make it with me;
If you really need it, then I need you to need me.
If you want to be with somebody, then be with me;
If you want my emotional honesty, then be honest with me.

If you need to hurt me, then don’t expect to be hurt by me;
If you feel like I don’t deserve you, then you don’t deserve to have me.
If you want to lose me and find someone else, then you will lose me;
If you need to get away to feel free, then you are free to leave.

If you want a real love, then you have to really love me;
If you want me to write about you, then you need to inspire me.
If you are a wrecking ball who destroys love, then you will destroy me.
If you want to be loved and treated properly,
Then treat me with your real love and we will always be happy.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
If all else should fail.

Let the light be gone and all darkness embraced;
Let me leave this world behind me in ruins
And let me be gone from this place.
Let the sun fall from the sky and wipe out all who stood before me;
Let all who dream of better futures,
See the ashes of a burnt out planet, buried under their misery.  

If all else should fail and my extinction stopped,
Then let the bodies drop
And fall from the pedestals we have placed upon this world.
Let the hatred unfurl;
Let the pain and misery rule.
Let all who came before me be brought back to this world,
To face their day of judgment…
Let them face their punishment.

Black out the sky with angel wings,
Hanging beneath the Devil’s claws and his puppet strings.
If all else should fail and I cannot be gone from this shell,
Then let Hell reign eternal upon this land that we dwell.

Then maybe they could feel how I feel;
Let them feel the agony of a dying heart,
That lives inside without a cure; let everyone depart
And leave this planet a wreck of a rock,
With nothing left to feed upon.

If all else should fail and I am not allowed to depart,
Then let the demons descend upon the ground before us
And burn the buildings down to give death to art.

If all else should fail and the pain cannot be removed;
Then let the pillars turn to ash and no broken heart ever soothed.
No person left with a heart to use;
No sanity left to claim to rule.

If all else should fail...

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
If I had another life…

Food is but a cold reminder,
Life has been unfair to me.
Wish upon a starry star, to find a plate of empathy.
Understand I mean so much,
My voice it sounds so hollow!
Waking up in agony,
I only live in sorrow.

Picture books are full of drawings,
Abstract ruination.
Colour me in with vitamins and leave me to my ruin.
All I want is everything
And nothing at the same time.
All I want I cannot have,
Or take or even find.

Days like this serve to remind me,
I am but an egg shell.
Swiftly broken pieces swept away,
Nobody to tell.

If only I could start again,
I'd rip this up
And send another swimmer.
This life is broken!
I am not a happy, be-lucky, winner.
Things are not quite as they seem,
When I look in your mirror.
All I see is a reflection of me,
But I am looking thinner.

I don't know which way I chose to go,
Is it up or down?  
I just don't know!
I'm heading for the stars, I couldn't be happier,
I never even tried.
I want to live like I have already died.
Swim with the fishes,
All that I truly know is,
They never seem to cry,

Days are all numbered.
One to ten, and then repeat the process.
I cannot,
I will not,
Vote for a system that is causing distress.
Leave things just as they are
And starve or start a revolution.
All I state is there will be no peace,
Until we build a Freedom.

Creatures only crawl into my mind.
All I do is pass the time,
Selling broken watches,
To all my broken well-wishers, my peeps.
They cannot appreciate,
There is no early,
There is no late,
There is only a right time
And a place to send me,
But I will never tell them;
They couldn't agree.
One day I will find a way to live,
Or find a way to be free…

But today is not that day…

That is all I CAN say...

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
If only you knew

If only you knew how I feel about you,
Would it make any difference to the things that you do?
Do you always look this good, or is it only for me?
Can everybody else see what I see before me, or are they unworthy?

If they do not see your shining beauty,
Then they are losing out on the best thing they could see.
I realise they know you are beautiful,
But why are people not surrounding you to be close to you?
You are a world above, one I could love,
If I ever believed that is what you want and that you could.

If only you knew how I feel about you,
Would it make any difference to the things that you do?
I wish I could speak your mind,
So I could tell you my truth.
You could make me feel;
You could make me feel brand new.

I could fall so deep into your arms,
If you would only ask it of me.
I could stand ten feet tall, to reach up to your star heart,
If I knew that is what you wanted…
But that will never be.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
If so.

Do you like poetry?  
If so, I will write something for you.
Do you need someone to love you?
If so, I will see what I can do.
Do you want to be wanted?
Do you need to be needed?
If so, I will be here for you and I will tell you my truth.

I could picture you being happy with me.
I could see us walking hand in hand.
I can still see your smile,
Each morning when I wake up from my dreams.
I think you are drop dead gorgeous!
I love your style.

I think you could be growing on me.
Only when you leave do I lose my leaves
And your summer dress is replaced with winter’s tears.
Is this the only way that it can be?
If so, you are still the only one.
The one I want to spend my time with.
You are my energy drink,
You give me wings.
You make me believe that this could really be love…

A love at long last that is bound to last
And if so and it truly is meant to last,
Then I will be forever happy,
Because I saved the best for last.

Let me be the first to compliment you on how beautiful you look today.
I took a second look,
Because a thousand horses couldn’t drag my eyes away.
I cannot just forget you;
That is something I am unable to do.
It is not every day, or any other day,
That I get to see a woman like you.
In fact it has never happened before;
You are unique.
You I could adore.
If only you would want me to.
If so, would you please tell me you want me too.

I will be over here waiting through another ice age;
Waiting for you to breathe new life into my veins.
My air; my water; my sun shine.
Say it ain’t so, or say you will always be mine.

If you want to be loved, then I will love you forever.
If you want me to go, if so, then I will be gone.
If you think you could one day fall for me like a feather,
Floating down from up above, you are sent from God,
Then here I will wait for you to land safely in my arms.

I will wait for you,
I will carry you,
I will lift you,
I will hold you,
Because you are the only one,
Who could make my chaotic mind become calm.

You could guide me to a place of peace in stormy seas.
I could love you, always, if that is what you need.
Do we share our empathy with each other?
Or am I just a loser?
I need you to tell me…please.

Here is my heart, it beats only for you.
All I say to you is true.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
If this is you…
You will know it is the truth.

I need a beautiful woman,
To nurse me back to happiness.
To help me back to health,
By helping me make some wealth; I guess.

She must inspire me just like you do,
My Irresistible Muse.
She must be, what you could be to me;
My Lover,
My Truth…

The light that shines upon me,
Allowing me to be.
She must be all you are;
She must be just like me.

My love I want you to become my everything.
I’m greedy, I’m needy, I’m weedy…I think;
But still, with you I see my destiny.
It is all so clearly written here, for everyone to see.

I desire your intelligence, as well as your body.
I hear Heaven in your words, my Beloved;
But your eyes speak of melancholy.

So I speak these words for your eyes only.
May this be our secret, until my death; I must remain lonely.
For I shall not stand in the way of true love.
Goodbye my ray of hope;
I shall go away now and smoke some drugs.

To believe I will fall in love with a beautiful woman.
She will look and feel, the way I’m sure you do.
I must truly desire her, as my Goddess, when she is undressed.
She, to me, must look beautiful in the ****.

She must lust for me, the way I desire you.
With the Flames of Hades, raging through my veins.
She must have the colour of your eyes, within her sight
And she must be as hot as the sun’s scorching rays.

She must want me to be, all I can be.
She must want me to want her
And be able to put up with my lust.
She must have long dark hair and a loving stare
And each time she is alone with me,
She must want to get me undressed.
As I will always want her, she must be a nymphomaniac;
But no maniac can I handle, for I’ve already had that.

Last but certainly not least…
She must be forever faithful and true.
Her name is left unspoken,
But my love for her is the truth…

The only one I truly desire My Love?
You already know the answer is You.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
If wishes were kisses we would all be happy.

I want to become a published poet.
I want to raise a smile;
But I could never make enough money,
To make myself worthwhile.

I want to live again.
I want an end to all the pain;
But it’s the same old broken life
And it will always be this way.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
If you ever need me, I’ll be here waiting

There’s something about you that,
I’m finding it hard to hide.
There’s something about you that,
I don’t think I can keep inside.
Though I must hide my feelings,
I cannot hide the tears I cry.
When you are not here with me,
I want you to be in my life.

There’s something about me that,
I think in you I could confide.
There’s something about me that,
I think with you I couldn’t hide.
It is my every feeling,
It is my every ounce of pride.
It is the joy you bring me,
It is my ever beaming smile.

And if you ever need me,
Then I’ll be right here at your side.
And if you ever need me,
I’ll be here waiting for all time.
If you ever need me,
Then I’ll be right here at your side.
And if you ever need me,
I’ll be here waiting here for all time.

You are my everything,
You are the one I want to hold.
You are my everything,
You keep me warm when I am cold.
And if I ever hurt you,
I won’t forget the tears you cry;
I never want to hurt you.
Let me be the one who makes you smile.

Won’t you just lay here with me?
Won’t you just simply hold me tight?
Won’t you just lay here with me?
Won’t you hold me throughout the night?
For you are all I need now,
The only thing I know is right.

And if you ever need me,
Then I’ll be right here at your side.
And if you ever need me,
I’ll be here waiting for all time.
If you ever need me,
Then I’ll be right here at your side.
And if you ever need me,
I’ll be here waiting here for all time.

I’m just another punk now,
I’m just a hippy with long hair.
I’m just another rocker,
I’m just a Goth who knows you care
And if you ever need me,
Then just call me on the phone,
Or turn to me in bed,
For with you I feel at home.

And if you ever need me,
Then you just have to say my name
And you will see me running,
I want to come and save the day.
I want to be your hero,
I want to be your only prince,
I want to be your lover.
I want you to help me live.

If you ever need me,
Then I’ll be right here at your side.
If you ever need me,
I’ll be here waiting for all time,
For you to say you need me,
For you to take me into your life,
For you to say you need me.
You are the bringer of good times.

And if you ever need me,
Then I’ll be right here at your side.
And if you ever need me,
I’ll be here waiting for all time.
If you ever need me,
Then I’ll be right here at your side
And if you ever need me,
I’ll be here waiting for all time.

And if you ever need me,
Then I’ll be right here at your side
And if you ever need me,
I’ll be here waiting for all time.
If you ever need me,
Then I’ll be right here at your side
And if you ever need me,
I’ll be here waiting for all time.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I had a life.

I used to walk down there, in the days of old;
From way up here, I still hear their words.
I lived that life, in a world I no longer share;
Now I’m lucky enough to be flying up here, higher than the birds.

I have walked on the land where Mahatma Gandhi had walked;
I have talked with the people, with whom Nelson Mandela had talked.
I went to war, to secure peace, in the name of love;
I lost it all to the writers, the fighters and the children of God.
I spent my free time living with the men,
Women and children of our lives.
Now I spend my time up here with those same people;
I am dancing with the angels, way above the sky.

Humans touched my soul; I am, was and could still be loved.
I was kneeling at Jesus’ feet when they hung him on a cross.
I have seen the worst of humanity
And I have sat and broken bread with the best of the good.
I have forever been at peace with the hippies
And I have spoken with philosophers,
The stranger, the dead and the lost.

I evolved with the Neanderthals and ran free with the Gazelle’s.
I lived, I loved, I died; I saw Heaven and I feared Hell.
I became immortal and became consecrate in God’s eyes…
I was there;
I was human;
I had a life.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I hate my voice

Chaos lives inside my head; shattered love has never been more broken.
If I could change this life, then I would simply forget,
Everything that made me what I am
And my words would remain unspoken.

But for now I will talk of the man inside.
The hollow heart; the empty eyes.  So loveless, so lifeless…so feeble.
I am the burden I carry; self-sacrifice.
Lies tell the truth; we wish to hide all feelings from all people.

I am no light and I am without help.
Me, me, me; self-obsessed, so I write.
Only I can save myself, from myself,
But apathy is killing me and I am feeling nothing on the outside.

Music is my only friend who never lies to me;
Poetry is my only chance at finding the soul I desperately need.
I am a pathetic piece of me and the ashes of the man I used to be.
So I remain the same, I remain the same; I remain inside my grief.

Pictures mean nothing to me, but words show a true image.
Art is yours to take or leave and I am without a voice.
All I do is see the truth, as I ignore the finish;
Books have become interesting…poetry is my only choice.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2019
I hate you

You took the love away.
That is why I hate.
You can never give it back,
No matter what you do or say.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
I Hate You, My Love

No longer together, in a world of madness;
Just sat alone, in my world of sadness.
So come with me, on this journey through life;
I'll enlighten your eyes and I'll open you mind.
Open your mind,
Open your mind,
Open your mind, to another kind.

Something new, old, bluesy or rocking;
Musically free, from you becoming damning.
Criticisms needed, if your work is wrong;
But you’re perfection in a glass, so I wrote you a poem.

Softly bang your head and break your neck;
Live a life of missed opportunities, but have no regrets.
Hold me in your arms, because I've become contagious;
Come die with me…nobody can save us.

And save us from what?  This living Hell?
Your perfumed body has begun to smell.
No longer the fresh smelling roses from Heaven;
You’re disgustingly *****, since you let me in.
No longer a ******, do you think they can tell?
Your mothers lead you to believe, you’re condemned to Hell.

I see through your eyes, as you describe what you see;
You've now become a part of me
And now I've let you, smoke my ****;
I've now shown you, all I need.

Everyday I'll write you a song;
Everyday the words will be wrong.
Everyday you'll see that you hate me;
Everyday we'll disagree.
Everyday I'll want to **** you;
Everyday you will **** me.
Everyday is a whole new day;
And everyday is wrong for me.
Everyday I kiss you with passion;
Everyday I get satisfaction.
Everyday we drift apart;
Everyday you break my heart.
Everyday I **** myself
And everyday I need your help.
Everyday you must die with me;
Everyday we must both believe.
So everyday let's both fall to the ground
And everyday the lyrics will crumble down.
Ashes to ashes and blunts to blunts;
Come die with me *****, you ******* ****!

I love you dearly, but I hate your guts;
You drive me crazy.  Completely nuts!
I'll love you forever, until I don't;
This is my suicide letter, now I have to go.

**** it I didn't go through with the plan;
Because of you *****, you held my hand
And told me that you understand
And told me that I'm your only man.

Can you not see how much I hate you?
Can you not see how much you hate me?
Why don't you believe, what I say is true?
Why are you here, when I told you to leave?

You’re a punk rocking beauty, but completely false.
You’re a grunge kissing psychopath, that I completely love.
I have to say I hate you, so I don't feel we’re too close;
But promise me Angel, you will never go.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I have come undone.

I see the Devil sat beside me in the passenger seat,
As I’m speeding down the freeway.
He is egging me on to go past one hundred
And I am liking what he is saying.

The light on the freeway, I have become;
I never wanted to be much less than I could.
I fall apart now the sun is gone;
So set me free before I become undone.

Help me, to help me, to help myself.
I need you to change me and my thoughts, so I can feel safe.
I am scared this is the road to Hell;
So won’t you please help me?  I need to be saved.

The fires burn in front of me and I drive towards them at speed;
Give me all I want and I shall do as you please.
Heading into the future, a ball of flames;
The world comes crashing down upon me
And I am tomorrow and yesterday.

I am all things in an instant and timeless without a soul;
I am gone to forever with the Devil and so,
I am here and I am there; I am split in two.
I have left your world of pain behind me
And now I sink into the depths of sorrow.

I am sat inside this hole, looking up
And dreaming of once more feeling the sun’s rays upon my face.
Living in Hell all my life, I chose this life and the drugs,
Because that was the only way I could face this world
And face another day.

I am broken by any means and my existence in meaningless;
I am a mess, I am disintegrating and I am hopeless.
I am nothing and all things destroyed by a dark world;
I am gone to never be remembered
And now I am forgotten and nameless.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I have fallen

I have fallen; this death I despise.
When I have fallen; will I rise?
Will I float up, above the skies?
I have fallen…will I rise?

Arise titan!  You are strong of heart!
Arise puritan!  You are pure of thought!
Arise Illumini!  You are the light in the dark!
Arise I tell you!  This is the end of your war!

As I get to my feet, I am lost in a thought;
Am I strong enough?  To rise once more?
Once more the time has come, to draw my sword.
Once more I manage to make a stand;
Never again shall I fall.

As angels lead me throughout Heaven;
I am surrounded by light, in search of family and friends.
As I am lead into the afterlife,
I am told my new life has just begun…
And there will be no end.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
I have lived.  I have loved.

I---I have lived!
I---I have loved!
I---I have lived!
I---I have loved!

In this world of Devils, Angels fly away to escape;
In this world so full of Devils, there is no-one left to save.
When there is nothing left, but the evil in their ways.
We are all to bla---me!  For no-one being saved.

We are surrounded by wolves and I hear their howls;
How am I alone!  Meant to make you feel sa---fe?
When the fires burn and there is nowhere left to turn;
How am I alone!  Meant to act my a---ge?

I---I have lived!
I---I have loved!
I---I have lived!
I---I have loved!

Nothing costs the heart, as much as love.
Nothing makes the heart; feel so good.
Nothing is ever, worth the cost of your soul;
Nothing is lost, when the risk you take is love.

I took the drugs!  I took the pain!
In the end it all fades and it all goes away.
I never did enough; if I could I would change.
My life a waste.  Never be a slave to the wage.

I---I have lived!
I---I have loved!
I---I have lived!
I---I have loved!

What I want, doesn’t matter as much,
As the truth being set free and a new kind of love.
What I’ve lost, never compared to love.
I took the drugs; I took too much.

Now I am gone, heading into the sun;
Breaking bad habits, never did me wrong.
I’ve learned a lot on my journey through love;
Now the end has come, so I will carry on.

I---I have lived!
I---I have loved!
I---I have lived!
And I have loved!

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I have loved

For all the souls that I have loved,
I give up my heart as an offering.
For all the hearts that I have stolen,
I vow to thee you are everlasting.
To all the women who have affected my life,
I cherish your contact;
Please take this care that I bring.

To all those I have lost throughout my lifetime,
I loved you all…

I say these words just for you
And these words do not do me justice;
But these words I do mean,
For they are all true and you showed me such tenderness.

I loved you then and I love you now;
I shall continue to love you ‘til I am gone into the clouds.
I will love again and I shall feel love somehow
And I shall cherish it like I have before,
Because love is to be found underneath loves shroud.

For all the lovers throughout my lifetime, I pledge my allegiance.
What is your passion?  It shall become mine
And what is mine I shall give to you,
Because I have loved and will forever love you.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I have nothing

I have nothing left to say.
I have nothing left to write.
I have nothing without her love.
I have nothing.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I have seen it all.

All that, which is now
And all that, which will be
And all that, which has come before…
I have seen it all.

With fortune eyes, inside a crystal ball mind;
I found my destination, as I heard the call,
While the others remained blind.
Tell us no lies, to make the truth memorable.
When will be the day that our love will end?
Or when will we see that we are inseparable?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
I'll never forget you.

I'm still a boy inside and sometimes I still need to cry.
If this makes me not a man, then I don't mind.
I'm supposed to be strong for you,
For you have no strength left to fight.
But I'm simply too beaten,
To stop the tears pouring from my eyes.

I thought you'd always be there, if ever I got in trouble;
But you’re slowly and painfully bursting that bubble.
My protection is going; I can't do this without you.
Please try to keep your eyes open;
To delay my heart from being broken.

I hope you know I'll always love you
And I hope this finally ends your pain.
For you never did anything to deserve this;
I'll think of you each times it rains.
Because the dark clouds brought us down,
Whilst the sunshine made us happy.
So I'll never forget your last words,
Or the fact you gave me a family.

Or the fact you loved me when no-one else would have;
I'll never forget those times, you and I laughed.
I'll never forget those times, I made you cry.
Please forgive me, I never meant to hurt you;
I was just a silly child.
Who made mistakes, just as adults do;
But I'll always know that you'll love me, whatever I do.

And I'll always love you, for you gave me my life
And you never did, judge my choice of Wife.
You were always there, for us and our child
And you'd always make us happy;
Just being with you made us all smile.

So I thank you Mom, for everything you've done for me
And all those times, you lent me money
And every time, you were there for me.
I'll never forget you Mom
And when you’re gone, I hope you never forget me.

(C)2006 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I love you, but…

I love you, but you’re driving me crazy.
You’re such a cry baby; I’m driving Miss Daisy.
Can you even hear me?

I love you, but I don’t get your jokes.
I hate the fact that you make me feel so alone.
I want you to stay, but I can’t wait for you to go.
I love being with you, but I am beginning to tire of your ego.

I love you, but I wish you would do something different with your hair.
I wish you knew how to show me that you really care.
I wish you missed me when I am not there,
But still, I love you, whenever I am anywhere.

I love you, but I don’t know what our future holds.
I don’t know if you love me when you leave me feeling so cold.
I don’t know exactly where it is we are going.
All I know is I can’t imagine being without you;
But you are never around when I need consoling.

Been with you so long I don’t know what is wrong.
It’s just the way things have always been;
I thought you were my swan song.
I love you, but is this all going to go away?
I love you, but I wish you would change.

I love you, but I don’t know if I always will.
So I will love you for now,
But one day I will no longer,
Be willing to run up that hill.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
I love you so.

Every time we say goodbye,
A little piece of my heart dies.
You’re the one who makes me cry;
The one I love has the devil inside.
Hoping for an angel, but I know she just isn’t that type.

Something tells me you’ll be here later.
Something tells me you’ll stick around.
Something tells me you are worth fighting for;
Because without you, I’d be lost and never found.

Never found in love is to never live.
I need love to destroy my grief.

You do something to me that I can’t explain.
You keep me happy, in the pouring rain.

And I love you so.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Imaginative artist

You have beauty and charm.
You are interesting and intriguing.
Your soul is dark; I like your art;
When you sink I want to be sinking.

You are hopeful; I’m a romantic.
I think we could do it.
You are as doubtful as I am.
Let’s not even take the chance.
Would you like one final dance,
To say goodbye to what once was,
And all that might have been?
Your smile blew me away, so far;
I like the way you think.

Your mother is a delightful Queen
And it is quite clear that she loves you.
Could you love me too?
Would you allow me to fall in love with you?

With all I only show half my being;
Every piece of me, except the poetry.
I cannot predict what will happen tomorrow,
But the tragedy is what might have been.
Throw our hearts in,
For the truth is…
I only want,
An imaginative artist.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
I’m coming home

Been gone so long now, I don’t remember the day I set off.
This flying visit became a journey and I’m sorry that it took so long.
Our only conversations have been by phone and video.
I hope your love for me is still burning bright when I do arrive home.

If you became lonely, like I did while I was away,
I hope you stayed true like I did;
Ignoring all the interest that came your way.
I believe in you; I hope you kept the faith in me too.
My belief in us is the only thing that helped me to get through,
To the other side of what seemed like forever.
It seems so long since we last kissed.
You give me a place to long to come back to,
When you tell me I am missed.

You have always been there for me, even when I had to leave.
I would have liked to have stayed there with you,
But we don’t always get what we need.
Life is not always in our hands;
Sometimes we have to go so we can return.
The light of our love has never gone out;
My passion for you still burns.

I’m coming home to be with you soon.
Look out for me in the red light of dusk.
I’m letting you know that your love is a harpoon;
You shoot your love into my heart and pull me back to you.
I will be there soon…
I’m coming home to you.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018

Logic dictates that we must escape,
The shackles of youth and mature with age,
But who can decide when we have matured enough?
Surely we all have a part of us that needs to remind us of the fun,
We had when we were young.

The first time we found love, finding the music of our life.
Memories that takes us back to a moment when we were happy.
Maturity is a good thing, but so is immaturity sometimes.
Do what you love, all hobbies are good.
The older we get the more we love the way thing used to be.

Become what they expect you to be,
Between the hours of nine and five;
But an evening of your life is yours to do with as you please.
Find someone you love and if they feel the same way,
They will accept you are young at heart
And they will accept your immaturity.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
I'm Sorry (Duet)


Two months had passed, not a day was he late.
He said he'd never let me down, I thought he was great.
But today I sit here, is this the end?
Is he gone forever?  Will I see him again?

I'm sorry for the argument, we had last night.
But I thought we were ok?  I thought we'd ended the fight?
If I could turn back time, I would make things different.
How can I go on?  Without his existence?

It's five past nine, where could he be?
He said he would, never leave me.
Please my love, know I still want you.
I thought we'd always be together; I love all that you do.


I'm not actually late; I'm punctually lost without insight.
A reoccurring excuse; oh well, these things happen.
I'm sorry that, I can't see you tonight,
It's my parents fault; these things can't be helped, again and again.

I'm sorry I was late, I wanted to give you time to get ready,
Would I lie to you?  Never!  I want us to go steady.
I'm sorry when we met if I embarrassed you, did I mention?
But I was simply trying, to get your attention.
I wasn't trying to make the others look bad.
Just to make you adore me; make you happy, not sad.

I don't have time to be with you right now,
I'm sorry for this; I’ll make it up to you somehow.
I'm sorry; I was ignoring you at the function.
Just another job; just more tax deductions,
From a wage we earn, to have money is to have pride,
To give you the things, I believe I should provide.

I'm sorry I was drunk,
This always happens when I'm nervous;
It helps me think clearly, about the two of us.
I'm sorry I didn't know, how to make it perfect;
To ask you a question and to have no regrets.
To fully believe, we could last forever.
The two of us happy, like birds of a feather.

I'm sorry I didn't ask earlier,
For your hand in matrimony;
For you to be my wife
And for you to love me for eternity.
To have and to hold, until death do us part
And for eternity my love,
You must know you have my heart.

I'm sorry my dog ate my car keys
And we had to hitchhike to the vets.
I'm sorry I got diverted,
But I must get these words off my chest
And tell you my love I'd like us to wed;
Be together on Earth and lay together in our bed.

I'm sorry if I'm late, I thought that you knew.
I'll be with you soon, just me and you.
I'm sorry I’m not on time; I would be if I could.
I’m doing all I can to be there, but I'm not feeling too good.

I'm not actually late, I'm early for tomorrow.
My death came a day early, along with your sorrow.
I wrote you a letter; it's in the post.
I'm sorry it's my last, but now I'm a ghost.
I'm sorry I didn't write earlier; I couldn't find a pen.
I'm sorry I've lost you, my only true friend.

If you cry,
Because I didn't arrive.
I'm sorry I'm late,
But today I died.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
In a land of no answers

In a land of no answers, I’m crying alone;
In a world with no feelings, I’m feeling so lost.
I crave for love, or something to make me feel less hollow;
But I have become a ghost of what I once was.

I went up to Heaven to face my God;
But he wasn’t answering so I fell down to Earth.
I listened closely and searched in the fog;
But I was lost in love, so I couldn’t get what I deserved.

Still I search for the answers, to a question I cannot ask;
For I don’t know what it is, that I want to find in the dark.
I used to think, I had all I needed at last;
But it all turned to nothing and now I am lost.

I can’t tell you how I felt, because I just don’t remember,
But I must have felt something, to have felt the loss.
As another year passes by, I’m feeling low in December;
I would give anything to remember, no matter what the cost.

(C)2015 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I can no longer be…indestructible…
I have tried so many times.
I told the truth and I heard the replies…
They were always lies.
I tried, oh how I tried, so many times…
But I can no longer be…indestructible.  

If love is all I have to give with nothing in return,
Then why must I give my love away when love only ever burns?
Love should be so much to give,
But all my love is worthless, it seems.
I am losing my empathy
And my understanding.
Losing my plan A and my plan B.
Losing when I should be winning...

I can no longer be indestructible,
For I am made of glass...
I can no longer be...

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
I need love to live and breathe.

Love is missing you every day,
In every way, I hope and pray,
That I could tell you, in an easy way,
The words that are so hard to say.

You think I love you, but you’re not sure,
If this is real, if my love is pure;
If my words are true or how I really feel,
Or even if I am worthy of you my dear.

But listen to your heart and not your head;
Have faith in your feelings, be confident.
My love is real, it’s just hard to show;
Please don’t let this love become a ghost.

If our love dies, then angels cry
And Heaven disappears.
How can I have a divine afterlife?
When I can’t hold you near.

If I could have a neon light, that said I truly love you;
I’d wear it proudly on my heart, simply to prove,
That I love you, as man loves air; you give me life again.
You breathe your love into my soul, each time you say I love you.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018
I Need Some Space To 'Think.'

You asked me to give you some space;
But in space no one hears you scream.
There's nobody out here with me
And there's nothing for me to see.

If I'm giving you space,
Does that mean I can't get with someone new?
I have to turn down the offer of love, while I'm waiting for you?
Look if you want your space, then you can have it without me;
I'm gonna leave you to have your space, to yourself, to think.

Keep on going through space, thinking I'll hang on for you.
Desperately awaiting your decision,
On if your mates allow you to,
Go out with me tomorrow
And let me shower you with gifts.
Well I'm afraid my space is now filled
And you've lost me; bye, bye, *****.

Come back I want you!  I've made up my mind.
Doh! Why you gotta keep spinning me a line?
You've already got me hooked; I'm just putty in your hands.
I was your man completely, do you understand?

Yes I'm sorry my love, I never meant to harm you;
I just needed time, to decide what to do.
Well Miss Independence, go tell all of your friends;
I need a woman who can think for herself and puts our love first.
I need someone who wants me completely,
Not just when she's not seeing her friends.
I need someone who wants me for me;
Not because I drive a Benz.

But I need you, I love you!
I'm sorry I asked for a little space.
Talk to the hand *****!  
Then see the look on my face.
I offered you my heart and soul
And you wanted time to think;
Ok times up for you and me.
You’re dumped!  
What do you think?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
I need you

There was something beautiful about you
And when we met I could see right through,
Deep into your heart;
I saw the real you.

On the bridge of sorrows, suicide is a leap of faith.
I could die happy in your arms.  You cannot be saved,
From my love and I; we will only leave you feeling blue.
I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you.

I awoke in your arms as you kissed me goodbye,
As once more time was not on my side.
So try and put our love back together;
Remember the good times we shared with each other.

My heart was too heavy for you to handle;
Now my love life is empty and you are gone.
My love light has burned down and destroyed the candle;
Now a mess is all that is left and you have stolen my sun.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019
I never made it across

There are cracks in the pavement everywhere I walk.
The road goes up and down and up.
I don’t have the strength to continue to talk.
Neither do I have the will to be strong enough.

I am loves survivor, walking alone,
Staring at people that I just don’t know.
They see a man who is down on his luck.
I see my reflection and I don’t want to look.

I didn’t used to be this broken,
But love breaks the heart into a thousand pieces.
I no longer think of words never spoken,
Because all that would cause is misery.

I wander along, wondering about…
No direction, no compass, no hope.
I live alone, with no way out,
Of this Hell I call life…The only life that I know.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
I never want to make you cry.

Sat alone; the way it has to be.
Surely this is the only way,
For you to be free,
From the burden and hurt,
For that's all I can feel;
I'm sad that I still feel the pain,
That you must never feel.

I have to leave, I need to weep,
To find my release and let you be free,
From the pain that I feel;
Help, I need a release.
I need your sympathy and your empathy.

For the tears I weep, in my misery,
Are the things that draw you, close to me
And the pain I feel is killing me.
For this woman I see, is all that I need,
To be with me; to make me happy.

But I can't be too close, or I just might love you.
I want you to kiss away my tears
And let me just hold on to you.
I want to send you to sleep, all happy and peaceful
And let me know that I lay,
With one of the beautiful people.

For my love I am enamored,
By your deep misty eyes.
So I will wait until you fall asleep
And simply kiss you goodnight.
I gently say I love you
And hold you close the whole night through.
Looking forward to the moment,
I wake up to you.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Dec 2018
In heat

It’s hotter than you right now,
And you are super-hot;
So I am praying for a rain cloud,
To wash all this sweat off.

It can stay nice and hot all day tomorrow,
But right now I need to sleep.
So let me chill to ease my sorrow,
I am boiling here like a frog in heat.
Give me the mind of a hibernating polar bear,
Instead of leaving me here burning like a solar flare.
Burning brighter than the sun.
My tan looks nice but big brothers nanny state,
Leaves me in danger and fearing the fun.

You like the way I look right now,
But please I need a single rain cloud, to follow me around.
Everything itches, like picking at stitches,
I need a way to turn my mind off,
But it is too **** hot!
Thinking of you turns me on and that sends me over the top.

Thinking of you taking off your top,
Makes me feel like a boiling ***, I really have to stop.
Bubbles a bubbling, cuddles I’m missing,
Don’t leave me hanging here high and dry.
I need some fresh air to cool me down there;
I need a missus, or I think I am going to just give up and cry.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
In my mind a light no longer shines.

Picture no light shining inside your mind;
Maybe then you can see inside of mine.
All I have ever done means nothing now;
It was just a big waste of time.
My sparkles no longer shine for you;
There is no more light to be found in my eyes.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
In My Opinion

You’re the latest trend, in this one track mind;
You’re the thing, I hoped and prayed I'd find.
You’re my first, my last, my everything;
You're my latest wish and all my wet dreams.

In my opinion, yeah, yeah,
In my opinion, yeah, yeah.
In my opinion, yeah, yeah,
In my opinion, yeah, yeah.

Your beauty shines, from beneath your skin;
You’re a looking glass and I'm looking in.
You showed me things, I should never have seen;
You’re my first class bride, my beauty queen.

In my opinion, yeah, yeah,
In my opinion, yeah, yeah.
In my opinion, yeah, yeah,
In my opinion, yeah, yeah.

If I speak my mind, would you listen in?
To my deepest thoughts and fantasies;
To the truth I speak, which you don't believe.
The lyrics aren't hard, they’re just my feelings.

In my opinion, yeah, yeah,
In my opinion, yeah, yeah.
In my opinion, yeah, yeah,
In my opinion, yeah, yeah.

If I buy you a drink, could you fill me in?
To your thoughts of me, tell me what you think.
What image do you see, when you look at me?
Do you want my love, or can I go free?

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
In need of being loved.

Whispering bitter blues, unaware of happy faces;
Life wrapped up in bubble wrap is a caged way to live.
Tongue torn from my mouth; words without fire are wasted.
So have my soul and all I own, because all I have to give is apathy.

I am without passion, so my true thoughts sound false.
All I can say is give me a chance
And you might help me to find my voice.
As I walk along in my little red hoody, I am surrounded by wolves.
As I escape in my Mini Metro, I wish that it could be a Rolls Royce.

But I have forever been a poor boy in a mad man’s creation;
Money is so necessary to become, that I will never be.
As I wave goodbye to my youth, I am in need of inspiration.
I am lost in a shadow of the man I once was and nothing is ever free.

If I promise to change, you would no longer listen,
Because you have heard my words before, so you will know that I lie.
I could tell you with age I will no longer be missing,
But will I still be here in the front of your mind, in the morning light?

Feet rammed into the ground, I cannot be moved,
Unless I hear you say something truly spoken from the heart.
If I could be anything, then I would be just like you,
Because you are capable of doing anything and I love all that you are.

A fingertip away from grabbing my destiny;
I dive into your arms and hope you will catch me.
A bolt from the blue, a memory as a matter of fact;
Your love is worth fighting for, so I will swear this pact…

You and I until the end of time…

Break my heart or love me truly.
The choice is yours, the hope is mine.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020
In pieces

The debris of my shattered soul,
Is all that remains of the old me I used to know.
I, the ghost, who haunts my life of cold,
Just sits here shivering…lost without a hope.

Broken by love a thousand times.
Crippled permanently by all the lies.
I live this life inside a lie.
I say I am happy, so they don’t have to cry.

If I tell the truth to anyone who cares,
I fear that it would leave them to be scared.
So I will just tell ‘you’ what goes on inside my head.
Today I thought ‘I want to be dead.’

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
In search of love

Through barren wastelands my heart does travel,
In search of my salvation.
No guiding star can this boy see, to lead me to gratification.
Only mortals can be seen, through the eyes of this human,
No angel light shall bring me warmth,
Until we shall meet in Heaven.

The self confessed, underdressed,
Peasant marching to his death.
Fate has ruled my destiny, shall be spent alone,
Until I am truly worthy, of once again being loved.
Another attempt, to not **** things up,
Another attempt at this feeling called love.

I wish I could tell you how I feel,
But I don’t think you’d be interested.
I wish I could convince you my feelings are real,
And I’m more than infatuated.

I think you’re beautiful and out of my league,
But I think we could love each other, so what do you say?
Would you like to go out for a drink with me,
Or am I kidding myself?
If you could find me attractive;
Maybe I could leave this living Hell.

The fire rages through my soul and burns away my every dream.
My world shall always remain cold, whilst this King has no Queen.

Do you want me?  Tell me you do.
Then I can shower you with love.
Do you want me?  You know I want you.
I’ll give you my heart, but please never break my trust.

No man can stop time,
No day is picture perfect.
No love is always good for you,
No matter how much you make it.

But we could make love,
Be loved
And love.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Inside my heart

You are so beautiful to me,
So I need to show you, you are inside my heart.
If everyone else disappeared and I stood here blindly,
Still I would confess my faith for you and show you my art.

I have loved you in a former life
And I will love you in the next.
I love you in this life too;
I love you with my every breath.

There ain't nothing I could ever say,
To make you change your mind;
But maybe with a change of heart,
You could one day become mine.

In the darkest nights I see your smile;
Shining ahead of me, lighting up my life.
Throwing quick glances in your direction;
Trying hard to disguise the look in my eyes,
When I look into your eyes and I see perfection.

Finding beauty inside darkness;
Thinking of how to make her mine.
You're pretty beautiful in my eyes
And what others cannot see, I hold deep inside.
She looks a study of thoughts inside those eyes of hers;
She doesn't know that I have seen her, as she comes and she goes.
Dark paint around the eyes makes me love what I see;
I want you to notice me, because your eyes have enchanted my soul.

Words I cannot speak, for my thoughts I must hide;
But maybe I can show you in another way.
I leap to my feet and lay a rose before you with pride;
Please come with me on this adventure and I shall leave you amazed.

Here I am, come notice me;
Here I stand in need of your love life.
Here I am in need of a little T.L.C.;
It is here I fall without you, my contact high.

I am alive.  I have a life.
Still I am alive.  Still is my life;
Written down in poetry for you to never read,
I have lost everything I need to breathe
And into you I can no longer be,
Because without your love, I am never going to feel free.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Inside my heart forever more

I want to have you inside my life.
I want to feel you; I can tell no lie.
I want you on the inside; these feelings I cannot hide.
Without you to love me, I will surely die.  

I want you inside me, holding me tight;
I want your love to give birth to my life.
I need to love you so I can feel your light;
I want to feel you inside.

If I have your love, I can keep you inside of me;
If I have you to love, I can forever become the person I should be.
If I can feel you on the inside,
Then I can feel your empathy.

I want to trap you inside my heart;
I want to hold you close.
I want to have you inside my heart forever more;
I cannot let you go

Inside I will keep you and inside I shall feel;
The love that you shall give me will forever remain real.
The love I have to give you nobody can ever steal.
Forever faithful to you I have become
And if we should break, then I will never heal.

I want to feel you inside me;
I want to be inside.
I want to feel your love enter into my heart to sustain me,
So I shall never die

With you inside, my heart can beat once more;
With you inside me, I shall never again need to mourn love.
With your love inside me, my love life will never again be poor;
Because when we are inside each other,
We are richer than any other love that lives on the outside…
So please take me inside my love.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Some people write their poetry in the shadows.
Some people seem to like what I write;
But if everybody reads my poetry and stays hiding in the shadows,
How can I know what is right without a little insightful advice?

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Go press record and tape all of my dreams;
There are thoughts in my head that have never been seen.
We shall have to fast forward;
Through the parts that aren’t clean,
But I’m sure somewhere in there is the man I wish I could be.

Your words make me see what I should hope to become.
They paint me a picture of how things could be.
There is wisdom in your lyrics, but the film has been cut;
Let me complete the jigsaw to enable me to see.

Your vision!  My inspiration!
Your vision!  Clarification!
Your vision!  My inspiration!
Your vision!  Emancipation!

I’ve entered a world, where every word has a meaning.
Before hearing your lyrics, to music I must have been sleeping.
Just humming along, with the strum of a guitar;
Now I understand your message, you are so inspirational.

Your vision!  My inspiration!
Your vision!  Clarification!
Your vision!  My inspiration!
Your vision!  Emancipation!

You are so profound!  Your words have touched my heart.
There is poetry in your verse; your mind is a work of art.

So I thank every band, whoever wrote a good song
And every band, that made a good C.D.
I thank everyone who ever played a guitar;
Because your songs have inspired me.

Your vision!  My inspiration!
Your vision!  Clarification!
Your vision!  My inspiration!
Your vision!  Emancipation!

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2020
Interesting Times

We live in interesting times when it comes to rhymes.
I can say what I want but never mind.
I went a little insane when I lost my love life,
But like I said…Interesting times.

You can never be bored when dancing with the Devil.
Being so close to natural born evil.
Free the people for the people.
Always on the level when talking of my steeple.

Never had an ego that you could quash.
Don’t love myself, or you, or God.
Raised on love, brainwashed into believing.
Now all I have is endless dreaming.

Stuck at work building a future.
Seems so pointless when I have not even met her,
But loves prevails!  It’s the perfect fail.
Setting sail on the journey of a loser.

Gave up age eleven; stopped believing in Heaven.
Depression set in and woe is me again.
Everywhere I looked I saw the signs,
The eternal sighs, the crying eyes,
The lies, the lies, they shaped my life.

Thought about suicide, didn’t like it.
An idea too big for a scared little kid.
Stood up tall, took the verbal kicks.
Spent too long saying “I’m with stupid.”

I guess intelligence is always relative,
When it comes to someone becoming relevant.
Never liked a dummy C-class student.
D is for life, still becoming a numan.

All I have now is me, myself and I.
Scatter-gun tongue gives me a sharp side,
And I will bite back if you are worthy.
Most are worthless…hope you heard me.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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