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27.7k · Aug 2015
Imagine what would happen if suddenly
All of our technology just vanished?

I *
that most think
Life would become  serene and peaceful
With socialisation and healthy leisure
All year round

But if we stop and truly picture
This new world
What we will  see
Is chaos and confusion

With no understanding of how
To socialise besides our
Digital devices
And with no clue  how
To yield a bat and ball.

Beyond this our drone-like minds
Wouldn't be able to comprehend
How to read or draw
Magical talents belonging to
An older world.

How pitiful existence is
With all of our life force
Being ****** into these gadgets
And how truly unlucky
For the new generation
As all their talents and mind are wasted.
//What I believe will happen in our near future//
9.0k · Jul 2015
Men and women are equal
None are *above
the other
In rights and respect

Men have strength yes
Yet it's women who endure

Men and women
Both are intelligent
As their brains made of the same matter
Biologically here equality stands firm

Differences of course are there
Yet minuscule
Appearances cast aside
Only  few can be observed

Women and men
Both are sensitive and feel
Yet where women show it; display
Men conceal; pretend not to feel
Society kills

In tactics and ideas
Is where our message ends
For  too often  it's said to
Disregard the thoughts of women
Too  dumb and feeble minded to be
 Of Value and interest

Yet where there's Winston Churchill
The mastermind of Britain
There's  also Elizabeth the 1st
The queen who beat the Spanish Armada

Hence with logics like this
Any notion of ****** inferiority
Can be easily dismissed
As utterly ridiculous.
A view point I agree strongly upon equality not feminism but the equality of both men and women!
5.9k · Aug 2015
Small Kindnesses
A hard fact
That I've come to accept
With a heavy heart
Is that I can't help everyone
And though this upsets me
I know that if I do as much as I can
It's enough to make a difference.
I learnt this whilst giving my bit of change
To a small malnourished girl
Hoping it'd pay for her meal that night
Wishing I could do more I noticed eyes
Boring into my soul and looking up
I saw a man give the girl a box of sweets
Meant for his little girl waiting at home
And this heartwarming act I was part of
Led me to realize that no matter how small my actions were
They made a big difference.
/never dismiss any generous action as small because intentions are what matter in the end and people follow by examples set out before them. Be that example even if in a minis scale seemingly insignificant way. With small acts like this it's enough to influence a society to become warmer to one another and to care for one another. You never know when an act of yours even good manners and niceties could leave a deep influential meaning on a person./
4.4k · Aug 2015
High School
You get the know it alls
Their noses stuck rigidly in books like bookmarks
You get the geeks
Gamers with eyes shrunk; shiny braces flashing
You get the quiet ones
Assessing everything going on; owlish blinks
You get the cheeky ones
Hilarious antics all around; always surprising
You get the nosy ones
With obnoxious questions and averting eyes
You get the prissy neat freaks
Panicking religiously over messes; loud moaner
You get the bossy buck tooth's
Spit spraying whilst barking out orders; drone-like
You get the wannabes
Prepping up as the popular chicks; total **** ups
And you get me
total judgement and disdain *evident
Making me a classic ***** ; *plastic

With her typical high school *stereotypes
//A mean girls inspiration//
4.2k · Sep 2015
I stick to you like a parasite
Leeching into your soul; a stronghold
My spiders web has you ensnared
When you leave I pull you back
You may find it an irritance or endearing
When I say I'll never let you go
Because aside from pretty words
You know I truly mean it
Oh no I'm not a stalker!
But if you leave me darling
*I swear I'm never going to let you go
Just a part of me I can't get rid off
3.8k · Aug 2015
All girls are princesses
And  those who have yet to find their happily ever after,
Are just going through the tough chapters of their tale.
Inspiried by the classic of The Little Princess
3.7k · Jul 2015
A pearl of the rarest kind
Given with pure earnest trust
To be locked away in the securest safe; your heart that's caged
Lest the lock, your blabbering tongue, is opened
With the alluring key of gossip and envy.
Gossip and envy the root of all evils
The owl and the ***** cat
Were out having tea
After a simple beach side walk

The owl took out a guitar
And sang to kitty brash, kneeled
Before her Crimson chair

A sweet  romantic ballad it was
Yet ***** cat was too busy
Observing  owl and noticing
What a dainty meal he'd make.

Interrupting his declarations
She stole him away
Under the starry  midnight  sky

Whereupon in the woods
Her claws she unsheathed
And silenced his poetic  *display
//I just felt like this (funny poem for funsies)- inspired by the owl and the pussycat
3.5k · Sep 2015
Life is my grave
Yet I don't rest in peace
Dirt  clogs up my windpipe
Bugs  crawl into my ears
The blackness  engulfs my vision
And I gasp for breathe
As the *******  stab me
Relentlessly in the back
With cruel whispers and rumors
Predatory  glints in their eyes
Finally choking me
*With their hypocrisy
//Sad to say this is life. Trust is like handing your heart to a person along with a knife//
3.2k · Aug 2015
Untitled II
The greatest of acts
Are always done in
The most humble of silences
Whats a good deed if all you do is brag about it? It just shows your need for attention and approval....
2.5k · Sep 2015
Melissa I love you
He stared at the cuts on his wrist
Reprimanding himself for his cowardice
To not  finish the job
Melissa had seen those cuts
Dug deep  into his wrist; angry red
Knowing  full well the reason for them
But choosing to ignore them

He flinched letting out a sharp gasp
As slaps  and  punches  hit him
Opening old wounds  and  bruises
His body a palette of suffering  and  pain
Bleeding tears down his skeletal frame
Melissa  watched these attacks
Her boyfriend  inflicted upon him
But chose to ignore them

His eyes were dry from shedding tears
His heart was torn from the constant crushing
His body wracked and tired from the frequent beatings
And his brain weary and ready to shut down forever
That morning Melissa  couldn't  ignore the body
Hung in her front garden
Holding a bouquet of wilting roses;
With a heart saying *I love you
This is a touching one of mine
2.5k · Sep 2015
The Soul's Canvas
Our souls are patterns
Intricately  woven  and  styled
Uni­que in their colour  blends and hues
Each  soul telling it's incredible tale
In the sharp  curves  and  soft  dips
Imprinted­ on their thin  vibrant  canvas.

Carefully  detailed  without a stroke amiss
These delicate fabricated masterpieces
Could  rip in hands too  careless to admire
The aesthetic beauty of the canvas
In areas magnificently  simple  or  blank.
2.4k · Jul 2015
Death's embrace
He can't stand their sobbing
Their howling and their begging
When they realise their time has come
And there's no running from him

They plead for more time
More time to love
More time to repent
More time to forgive
More time to appreciate
And more time to live

They always knew their time would end
But never are they ready to fall
Into the sweet cocoon of his embrace

Some fall gently into his open arms
Whilst others have to be beckoned
By his *deathly charm
If death were a person I imagine this is how he'd feel
2.4k · Jul 2015
If he could see her now
When he first saw her she was;
Innocent, naive and pure
A soul untouched by the cruelty of the world
Becoming cracked and broken
Under his careful, sadistic touch.

When he last saw her she was;
Reserved, Invisible and mysterious
A soul hidden from the world
With walls of ice
Due to his careful, sadistic touch.

When you see her now she is;
Strong, confident and bubbly
A soul colourful to the world around her
Being joy and laughter to all
Because of the lessons learnt
*From his careful, cruel touch.
People never understand how much power they have over us
I am sorry I was born with ******* and a ****** instead of a ****
As it's all that seems to define me in your sexist eyes...........
Its always the same story
2.1k · Sep 2015
The Lion And The Sheep
She was in all  appearances
A brash  confident lion
Unyielding to anyone
Utterly independent

That   is   till  he  came along
In the guise of a meek lamb
A sacrificial sheep to be dominated
Not once did she doubt this

Her mask fell to let him in
And she lay in his sweet embrace
Letting him  subtly  unravel her mind
And *make
a delicate mess of her heart

She is no longer the lion she used to be
Her mane has been violently  torn apart
For he had been a predatory wolf
In the guise of a *meek lamb
//People can be so deceptive//
2.1k · Aug 2015
Melt my little heart to goo
Can I just say
That your smile
Melts my heart
Every time I gaze
Upon its serenity
2.0k · Aug 2015
One can only know of strength
If the odds are  unbalanced
When the going is  tough.

When there's one  against  many
The weak  against  the strong; alone
Fighting  for what's right
That's where strength  roars

Strength is where one picks Themselves up
From The cold harsh ground
After being
thrown down *again and again
With mockery and violence

To fight  for what's right
That's what strength  is;
The unnoticed  struggle  and  fight.
/strength is the soul of a lion untamed and furious inside the body of a quiet sheep/
1.9k · Oct 2015
Nature's Company
She's got roses in her hair
And* mud over her heels
sun kissed skin shines
As she
dances in the meadow

Her brash laughter sings
Throughout the cornfield
The breeze twirling her; dizzily
As if in a ballroom; 
like a lover

Eccentric* is what she seems
But really she's a girl
A girl who is free
To spend her days frolicking
In *nature's company
Why, don't we all long to be free!
1.9k · Jul 2015
They say we're ****** up
They believe there's no hope for us
They think we need help
They know we're out of control.

Our problems seem fickle
To them
Our worries and insecurities
A passing phase

When we fight and defend
Rebellious and hellish
Is what we seem
Though really all we want is
Independence and
A sense of respect
In a world that's against us
The forlorn teens bottling it in.
Our generation are having a really tough time expressing themselves.....
1.8k · Jul 2015
We blame  society for suppressing us

Yet we are a part of this society

Ironic  isn't it?
A moment of realisation struck me on a road trip and made me laugh
1.8k · Aug 2015
Fire and Ice
She is ice
And he is fire

She is an angel
And him a devil

She's often seen sitting
On a park bench
Dressed immaculately; rich
With her nose  stuck  in a book

Whereas he's often seen lounging
At a squalid pub
With a drink in hand
Smoke curling from his smirking lips

Both polar opposites,
Ying and yang.
Yet when  together
They become one

Her Fire can thaw  his ice
And his water  tames her *fire
Not one of my best but I hope you guys like it
1.7k · Jul 2015
In this bitter hate ridden  world
Let's appreciate those incredible few
Who wake up and smile brightly
At the sun shining above the grimy smog.
Just a bit of appreciation for the optimistic people in our world
1.6k · Dec 2015
Jelly      is     the     perfect     example  
                    Of       how      I     wish     to     live     my     life
because     IT     wobbles       and        wibbles       almost    teetering
                     UnStable     about    to    fall   but    then   it's   a    trick
AS     it     falls     back     to     PLACE

1.5k · Sep 2015
Natural beauty
Our world is beautiful
If you stop and truly view it
Even with all the violence and anarchy
The grass still remains a lush green
And the water continues to flow

The fruits grow ever riper
With the starry night shining so bright
The animals live together interdependent
In blissful harmony
Given no choices otherwise; simple LIVING


When you put on a smile and laugh
No one can see the misery inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
The hurt you  feel remains trapped inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
You mask the bitterness you feel inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
No one can see the emptiness inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
Your shattered heart seems whole inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
The pain you endure remains trapped inside

When you put on a smile and laugh
You make sure no one sees you
                                                             ­      ...........Dying a little inside.
What I'm feeling everyday my friends
1.5k · Oct 2015
Itty Bitty Thoughts
Little thoughts
Crazy thoughts
Litter up my head
They pitter patter on my skull
Begging to be free

Stupid thoughts
Making me feel strange
If anyone ever peeped inside
They'd fear I'm insane
Just a tune that came to mind to which I wrote this silly poem for
1.5k · Aug 2015
Childhood fancies
Rolling down the hill laughing, tumbling not caring; free as I get coated in grass stains and mud

Careful not to smudge the mascara, applying eye liner and sigh in relief to have not  sullied my face saving embarrassment

Giddy selecting sweets from the colourful array to buy with MY money; as much as I can!

Glancing at my seemingly large stomach in this dress I opt for a salad; as always (bland) but at least  I'll be slimmer

Card trades, the politics of the playground, using trickery and bribery to get the best, feeling like a boss

Eyeing him with a secure hand in his, falling hard, to notice her gaze at him and subtly securing dominance of his heart.

The door bell rings and there stands the gang ready with bikes and water guns to surrender ourselves to the sunny day

The Suns out and the lighting is absolutely perfect for a selfie so with a stretched grin I snap, Photoshop and Instagram

Toys R Us our haven and envious glances at those who could afford the best and most exquisite Bratz sets or card sets

The rare visits to the Apple Store are exciting even to just gaze at the new iPhone 5 and hold it awhile....

The joy oh the joy of reading time, together we sat and took turns, enjoying the sharing of a tale*

With my phone in hand not a minute goes by that I don't check my Facebook page for notifications
/child me VS teenage me/
1.5k · Jul 2015
Seeing is believing
They envy her as she is a girl with everything
Charisma, confidence and an hour glass figure
Yet really she has nothing.
They think her life is one lived by stars
Hakuna matata, her daily motto
Yet really she's an eagle trapped in a parrots cage.
They know how her parents dote on her
How they give her anything she desires
Yet really  what happens behind closed doors is unknown.
They presume she is a colorful soul
One that radiates happiness and bliss
Yet really she is nothing of the sort......
Appearances can be so painfully deceiving
1.4k · Oct 2015
Mirrors are deceptive minxes
Gleefully making you insecure
When you're thin in a gown
Yet lumps  unfold in the mirror's glare.

Thighs curved and tight in those jeans
Become a large and saggy reflection; mocking
Denial isn't an option
Not when the evidence is right in front of you.

You fall for the mirror's  deception
And try to get rid of the imperfections
Diets and exercise but it never changes
The imperfections keep building up
No matter how hard you try.

Now the dresses and jeans fall off
Barely hanging on
Yet the lumps and skin are still there
When you look in the mirror; ashamed.

Your twin shows no change
Forget doctorly concern; weight machine readings
You have to work harder; erase the faults
Because the mirror never lies does it?
Perfection is the image made by the mind yet everyone is perfect just the way they are.
1.4k · Sep 2015
Country Bumpkin
She's got roses in her hair
And mud over her heels
Sun  kissed  skin shines
As she dances in the meadow

Her laughter  sings
Throughout the cornfield
The breeze  twirling her
In a ballroom; like a lover

Eccentric is what she seems
But really she's a girl
A girl who is free
To spend her days frolicking
In nature's  *company
1.3k · Jul 2015
She loved him too much
She sat cupping a mug
Of cold coffee
Counting the hours
Till he would come back.

She wished she could confront him

She knew of the *****
He kept visiting
And yearned to be more
Desirable and loving
Twisting  her
Sterling Silver wedding

if she could please him enough then he would stop going to that pimps house for love,

When he came back; One AM
All ruffled and drunk
She plastered on a Hollywood grin
Whilst taking off his
Perfume scented coat.

the coat that she had marked and claimed him in

And as he took her that night
In her best Victoria's Secret
She tried her best to pleasure him
In every way she knew
As she loved him so strongly

surely she was enough for him;his one and only?

In her eyes he deserved  the best
For he was her Jack and she  his Rose
And thus she prepared herself
For more  heartache
Seeing another date
made with her
On his mobile calendar

*No matter how hard she tried or how much she loved him she'd never be good enough for him,
People take the love of others way too lightly not knowing how affected the others can get by their actions
1.3k · Jul 2015
I am the battlefield
And my body, the resilient terrain.

Bombs of humiliation blow apart my ruptured brain
Guns of mockery wound my bleeding heart
And tears of surrender pool down my cheeks

I am the battlefield
And my body, the conquered terrain.
Isn't this how it always feels after a lost fight or two?
1.3k · Dec 2015
Diamonds and Gold
All we see is how beautiful it is
With its intricate designs and sparkle
We love flaunting our wealth
Adorned in dazzling, glittering jewels

We never stop and think
About the blood spilt; the lives lost
In order to get these precious gems
For little less than tuppence a day
Inspired by blood diamonds. I mean when i was younger my mum went to a ring shop i asked the man how much the children suffered getting the diamonds and how much they got.......I never expected an answer because it seemed like he'd gone into shock but he told me less than two pence a day........
1.3k · Sep 2015
Lady Killer
She sat there
Liquor in hand ; half empty
Her Cherry red lips parted slightly
Full  and  puckered; head tilted sideways

Her sapphire eyes dancing
Behind large jade spider legs
Charcoal mascara
Heavily lidded; alluring
She's a Smokey  princess

Her lips smirking; elegantly lazy
Against her graceful cheekbones
With a modest rose  blush
Decorating her lush cheeks
The false modesty of a killer

Perfection has no flaws
As her shimmering tan skin
Coated with peach powder
Suggests; evocatively

Striking curved eyeliner highlights
Her youthful  heart shaped face
With silky red ravines cascading
Down to her slim  Miss World waist

With her bottle figure; all in proportion
Gazes she draws in; airy kisses blown
Misleading young hearts in tow
She's a ladykiller and boy does she *know it!
Inspired from Juliet by Lawson
1.2k · Jul 2015
Good Girl
Isn't it enough to love and respect them?
Isn't it enough to do as they say?
Isn't it enough to spend time with them?
Isn't it enough to be who they want me to be?

Apparently not as it seems
The slightest protest or defiance
Will cause an uproar
As their good girl
Has been influenced to have a
Troublesome attitude
Along with her own  **opinions
Parents and their ******* expectations
1.1k · Jul 2015
Her show
They can't see the empty eyes behind her soulful laugh
They can't see the strained cheeks pulling at her stunning grin
They can't see the worn out face under her vibrant make up
They can't see the insecurity and doubt in her loud, confident voice
They can't see the blatant cries for help laced in her exaggerated tales
They can't see the broken home behind her loving stories
They can't see the  girl trapped in her head from the lively persona she eludes.

For she is an unwilling actress and her life is the show
And sadly it seems the show  **must to go on
The masks we put on for society are a desperate cry for help to be ourselves
1.1k · Aug 2015
Losing ourselves
We search for ways to get high
So as to forget the lows
Rather than face terrible situations we take the easy way out
1.1k · Feb 2017
Atoms swirl atop his head, a lattice of electron wonders
Words pool from her head, inky swirls on coarse parchment
Splatters of colours spread out, a mind of inspired chaos
Logarithms cloud his eyes as he speaks the language of algebra
So much talent in so many minds
Make us so beautifully human
Felt inspired
They say blood is thicker than water
And Friendships never last

Yet I see flaws in their words
Cracks in their statements
As I gaze upon mine.

Is it possible for a mother to not cherish her son?
Is it possible for siblings to exploit and milk one another
Of their riches and simultaneously not care for their hearts?
Is it possible for children who grew up together to cast away
Their eyes when their brother is bleeding broken on the floor?

Behind their embracive hugs and smothering kisses
To us, their brothers dearest
They spy in our eyes and our fathers smiles
Such riches that will carry them to their swollen graves

Alas however friends though not related turn out to be
The second family you are granted by choice
Your staunchest supporters; your gentle confidants
Will be the friends that stick by you no matter what

Isn't it surreal that friends would drop everything to come to your aid?
Isn't it surreal that friends will degrade themselves to console you?
Isn't it surreal for a best friend to know you fully and understand you
Completely more than family and then accept you with your flaws?*

Family is stuck with you; no choice given-tough luck!

Yet friends choose YOU; your Knights in shining armour
Spilling out my frustration with words and rhythm
1.1k · Nov 2019
Kiss me quick
Autumn leaves
Flutter to my right
Shivering in delight

The breeze, a flirty male
Caresses, strokes
Wanton orange fragility 

Curling inwards they do sigh
Caught by the devils eye
Misty morning browns
Bidding goodbye
1.1k · Aug 2015
Tell me a lie
The truth is a bitter and harsh medicine

More often concealed than revealed

Which is why  ignorance is truly bliss

As it puts to bay sadness and innocence lost

For those with their eyes shut firmly

And their sensitivity in full bloom

*All you have to do is look at disney

With their sugar coated
Tales of happy endings

Disguising the horrid truths

*Undigestible; of the grim brothers grisly tales.
1.1k · Jul 2015
Pandora's box
She knows they'll buy the facade
The farce, her little play

She knows that she's convincing
A liar made of mistrust and heartbreak

She knows that no one cares
They say they do but laugh instead

Some have come close before
And foolishly she let them in

Her pandoras  box she let them view
And loses herself as they misuse it

Yet all is not bleak
All is not lost

Some whom she let view her box
Have never misused it once.
//And she never learnt her lesson and carried on making the same mistakes, the open hearted foolish girl//
1.0k · Feb 2017
Before WW3
Even in the darkest times
Even in the most horrific of events
As they beat us; trying to ***** out our light
They are infuriated to find us standing strong
Against the crashing blows inflicted upon us

Our spirits roar with every hit; defiant
Yet our bodies; fragile and weak
Crumple to the ground
Yet this satisfies them not

Because what doesn't **** us
Makes us stronger
Because no matter how harsh
Our pain and humiliation may be
Our fire and hopes burn brighter
Helping us hold on
And tear of our chains

You can whip my body
But my soul and spirit are free
They belong to no one
And as long as I remain steadfast
You will never be able to push me down
With everything that's happening I'm driven to pessimistic thoughts
1000 · Sep 2015
Only one person can bring you happiness
Not your family, friends or even your lover
That person is you and only you
And once this fact is accepted*
Happiness is right within your reach
Truth :)
937 · Jul 2015
Hollywood Actress
I don't think I can take it  any more
Their screaming is tearing me apart
From the haven of my blanket fort
I hear them going at it again
Yet this futile fight I know who'll win.

My eyes shut tight
Hoping mum will finally be heard
Yet as the sobbing begins and the voices lower
My heart drags realizing
Dad bulldozed her heart again.

Thus I resume to act again
Like their dumb girl who didn't
Just wipe her tears away
And plaster on a cheesy grin.

The despairing girl whose heart yearns
To end all the acting
And confront the reason why
Her family is tearing apart

Whether it mends or breaks
The foolish acting would at least come to an **end
When you are breaking inside and can't speak out because it will ruin the perfect little family and because you would be seen as really immature! Just biding my time for now till I can be seen as an adult and talk to my parents but till then patience.......
902 · Sep 2015
Washed Away
Rain  rain  go away
Come back  here  another day
Today I've *washed
my sorrows away
So rain feed my
Another day
859 · Sep 2015
Little me
It's a strange thing
Looking into the past
Memories of a younger you
Dancing with time

You remember the shy sweet innocence
Glorifying the beauty of the world
And you remember how swiftly you ignored
Or tried to ignore
The demons that destroyed this image

You remember fondly
How such simple problems
Were the bane of your small world
And wince regretfully
At how foolishly you dealt with them

Your sweet kind demeanour
Led to your sorry journey
Through hardship and trial
Because you were too timid to speak out
Too nice to hit back

Yet just think
If this was not so
Then the strong girl you are now
Full of confidence and charm
Would never have come to be

So though you look back in distress
Know that you wouldn't be who you are know
If it weren't for the past
Quite a personal one this
859 · Nov 2015
PiTtEr PaTtEr
All I hear is talk around me
The words hum in my ears
I can't understand the idle dribble
Of the wasted human race
I plead guilty to frivolities too
For I am no different
But I'll act different from the rest; internally
Just to feel a bit happier
850 · Sep 2015
Literary Heaven
My family life's a sham
We're all  walking on eggshells
There's no bond when you're acting
To keep it all together
One big happy family

This is why
To escape my reality
I turn to my literary haven
A book there for any mood I feel
Momentarily causing me to forget
My seriously  messed up life

The gift of a good book
Is better than
any drug out there
It ***** you in *and

Suddenly you're immersed in it
Forgetting the pain  and  sadness
of your own pathetic existence

The love and sincerity  warms you
Causes you to dream and wish; sigh
Whilst the pain and anguish
You can relate to
Never once in an enticing novel do you
Think about the real world around you.

Such is the beauty of a good story
It acts as the perfect medicine
To remedy the hurt in your life.
//The answer to why I read so much//
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