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Joshua Adam Jul 2015
There is this old saying we all know, "to be or not to be"? Today, it seems, our society is obsessed with the idea of, "to see or not to see" with life's focus seemingly on nothing but video, internet, movies, television, 3rd generation, 8th generation, and 67th generation viewing capabilities.

Did I miss something, or has the world gone nuts? We have become masters at looking outside, externally. Yet, our generation has become enslaved to externalties (a false temporary escape) without the true direction of seeing ourselves internally. Try and see the "within." The real true internally and eternally you! Why? Because that's what this life is all about. Getting a handle on what and who we are and, more importantly, where we have to go! We can't always envision the "finish line", but we can at least try and see things for what they really are. Not what others, with their own interests in mind, Want to portray for us.

What we think are eyes are seeing is not what things necessarily are. The eyes of the wise man are in his head. Not on his head. In his head. He sees with the internal wisdom that he has from within. And the things we can't always understand, we'll just have to have the faith and fortitude to accept.

To Be What?

We are born, and we die. As human beings we go through many transitions throughout our lives. Some are more readily understandable than others. However, what makes the greatest impact on us is how we deal with these changes. We would all like to know what tomorrow might bring and to prepare for these eventualities. But as time has shown, this opportunity is not always an option. More often than not, we are forced to "go with the flow." Nevertheless, sound advice is to understand and accept that we can't always understand. This is something that we must know and comprehend.




















Th­e End

My friend

We can't always

This is what I would call Bottom Line Poetry. I always did hate having to read between those lines!
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
What can be said about the most disastrous day in the life of every American. The day, we as proud American Citizens, woke up to the realization that the love that Radical Islamists have for us is no less than for the Israelis. The problem is no longer in the Middle East. Unfortunately, it was never ONLY in the Middle East. Evil exists in this world. Sometimes it hides behind a scarf. Sometimes it hides behind a religion. Sometimes it hides in the guise of friendship. Whatever and wherever it takes its form, it still has one purpose in mind, our subjugation, our submission, or necessarily (if need be) our annihilation--at their hands!

Trying to capture the moment of this most historical and tragic of days was no easy task. Focusing on the three actors/victims of this most heinous of crimes, while still keeping within the limitation of a Haiku's 5-7-5 format, required boiling down the truth of what happened on this day into its minutest of elements.

What I came up with was the following Haiku which I feel does justice to the realities which now exist in the world, post 9/11.

May All the Victims, NO Heroes of the day, which include all those that lost their life and/or limbs, be forever engraved on the heart's of their brothers.
May G-d Continue to protect and assist us in our (mankind's) continued battle of "Good" (the Good) versus (those Evil) "Evil". One day, very soon, they will all be unmasked and vanquished!

**four birds fly the sky
men so trained to **** and die
world reborn to mourn
9/11 will forever be etched on our minds, and in our hearts
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
When plagued by doubt, hold on to certainties.....

I sit alone in the silence, because this is how I grieve
time becomes my sole companion, thoughts will not leave
what has brought me here, the answer is a book of its own
only to be reminded once again, my death will not postpone

Just how long I have waited, maybe for that sincere friend to find
someone as real to others as he is to himself, someone one of a kind
but as the future fades into the past, I am forced to finally admit
giving up hope of ever finding that friend, a true friend to commit

A heart without borders is trapped within, the true essence of my being
my feelings are silenced, hidden within words of poetry, yet foreseeing
where deep insights and profound thoughts, are conveyed as silent bells
masked in pearls of wisdom, for those adept at unraveling mythical shells

While we have the freedom to choose, yet will we make the right move
no one will grieve for you, ultimately leaving you with nothing to prove
because your choices in this world are your own, you alone will decide
either pursue that which is noble, or err by surrendering to your evil side

Wherever you find yourself plagued by doubt, hold on to certainties, yes
there is only one beginning and one end, ultimately we will all confess
our lives are really one long movie, being watched by those no longer here
hoping we choose wisely while we still can, before we too will disappear
This is a short poem with deep meanings. Are we trapped in the world of the living until we die? Perhaps, we are only trapped mentally, ever focused on dealing with those issues that plague us on the day to day. Maybe we need the only medicine to set things straight once and for all. And that medicine is called CERTAINTY!
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
There is a Judge, and there is Justice. Our time in this world is very much finite. When the time comes, and our name is called, some will be very much surprised to find out that there WILL BE full accountability for their past actions below. Only, the plan is that our last days in this world MUST remain hidden from us. Our thoughts, speech, and actions will be our witnesses. For better or for worse, this is our Destiny.

**three, we know relate
our thoughts, our words, our actions
our trial, heaven's date
Short Haiku Poetry - where an image is worth a thousand words
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
God made every single creature for a reason!

It happened many years ago, an average day at work
when I was employed as nothing more, just a simple clerk
Heaven sent me a lesson, they saw fit that I learn
sent through the smallest of creatures, knowing I would discern

My first instinct was simple, to one all could relate
a desire to crush this cockroach, I could not wait
As I raised my foot, making sure my aim was set
knowing that he'd be finished, with nothing to regret

I was overpowered by a thought, a simple thought to consider
why should this ugly creature, cause me to be bitter?
With great plan and purpose, was this cockroach surely made
but where was born this eagerness to ****, or for me to be afraid?

With great difficulty going against my nature, I did then dare
no more justifications were acceptable to me, for I was now aware
Although small and ugly was my limited perception, I could still care
With this cockroach, nothing would stop me, and would I now spare

Lessons throughout life, does our Creator continually teach
empowering us with free choice, and potential growth that we reach
By contemplating our thoughts, and their true meaning that we may find
a change of heart in our actions, and a true desire to be kind
A short but True Poem (story) I wrote of one of the very great lessons I received from the smallest of creatures
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
A short poem for all of you Special People that don't want to belong. I am a true radical. I am different. No one really knows who I am. Perhaps, this is the way I want it. Perhaps, this is "the real me."

While growing up, I too didn't "belong" and still don't. Freedom is the right to choose. Often others want to impose their will on you. Too often, it seems that external pressures force us to do things which are not always necessarily in our better interests. Peer pressure, social pressures entrap us, and we end up "going with the flow."

I went through my early education with very few friends. They were what I would define as friends of the moment. Sound advice, have many "friends," but find yourself one "true friend." This is the one to call friend for your entire life. With this true friend, you are going to grow in this world. Growing in confidence, in wisdom, in knowledge, in security and in realizing who you really are. They will be the "Real Mirror" whose reflection, in time, you will honestly be able to call your own.

**For all you radicals, there is a time to stand up and shout
refuse to belong to those that choose the easy way out
For what purpose would he decree, when G-D granted us life
if not to stand firm and avoid all forms of strife

I'm a radical, to this I must admit
always looked upon differently, as if I'm unfit
But why follow others who think they suffice
to control everyone else with the roll of their dice

Having gone through a lot, one begins to discern
there's a time for discipline, and a time for concern
Stand up and be counted, you alone have begun
to realize you can be different, and still be as one

All you radicals, to you alone do I salute
your ways may be different, but none could refute
Imagine our world, without you, what it would be
a place where individuality could never ever be Free....
It's OK to be different!
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
My poem is a message, you may try to decipher it if you will
you may laugh at me, maybe cry, but I won't let you sit still
evoking emotions deep in your soul, and you need to know
feelings that define who you are, from your heart they flow

A message of truth and hope, to those feeling they live alone
as you read, you begin to think, you can no longer postpone
my words enter your heart, since that's from where they came
thoughts of truth meant to incite, because in them is no shame

Words from within, an absolute truth, is with what we do battle
trying to stir sleeping souls from their slumber, with a rattle
having considered the desired goals, they're as clear as is day
within reach to all, because acquiring the truth is not far away

The spiritual world can be seen, but not with the sight of your eyes
you must first find absolute truth, by submitting yourself to the wise
allowing yourself to perceive, truth resides above a human sphere
a plateau where holy letters and numbers, to Creation they adhere

The world was created for one purpose, to find completion via correction
where humanity will unite, exchanging hatred and jealously for affection
man was created in G-d's image, indifference to be replaced with concern
being able to honor men as we honor ourselves, humanity has yet to learn

Focused on our own needs, we've become cold to just what this life is about
it's not about what I can do for me and mine, or where to maximize my clout
life is about working on our ugly character traits, accepting a need to change
stop looking in that mirror, your vanity is what is truly the thing that is strange

The yesterdays in your life, gone forever and never to return, so try and accept
we down below were not created as angels, each of us with our distinct defect
yet hope exists while we are still alive, we must act now and examine our ways
choosing to follow that safe path of introspection, while we still have those days
My poem is a message, you may try to decipher it if you will
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
An aching heart, an eye with tears
disheveled hair, a mind filled with fears
unanswered questions, pain of the unknown
confusion of spirit, and feeling alone

World of sadness, solitude, empty of fun
never an escape, always on the run
ever soft cheeks, that once had blushed
replaced now, with a heart that is crushed

This life is not a life, you're trapped inside
you just want to sleep, you just want to hide
if you could disappear, you know you would
out of this world, it could only be good

Then appears a thought, your composure do you retain
chance to fight this sadness, as your control you regain
the sunrise brings a warmth, and with it your smile
that there is a tomorrow, to this can be no denial

One thing is yours, it forever holds true
that ability to hope, and for time to renew
this world of happiness, you once had, of old
for you to have yet again, yours alone to hold.....
A short poem that talks about sadness, but strengthens with hope. How to cope with loneliness. Do not despair, your happiness is only a day away.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
With You My Friendship Do I Share.....

Oh friend, with you my friendship do I share
my heart is overflowing to give you her care
Your smile is so beautiful, true and bright
my life has true meaning when you are in sight

Now secrets of mine, that I could never ignore
have burdened me to a point of being no more
Then we met and my pain was understood
to be but a dream, like an internal war

You have embraced me, and your friendship is true
I know I'll withstand everything, now that I have you
My secrets have I shed, like the falling leaf spinning ahead
my friend for all eternity, will I now Wed.....

My war is over
my battle has been won
My love has been given over
to you alone my precious One.....
A short poem where friendship and love brings on new (true) meaning
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
A Friend With No End**

What exactly is a friend, another mystery in life
how many have we had, until ending with strife
then picking up one more, you think you're there
only to be saddened, realizing, they do not care

Friendship has a formula, a bond of mutual affection
where two hearts and a mind, are the only connection
when personal considerations for gain, reside no more
a relationship with another, with pure caring as its core

Your respect and honor, are as dear to him as his own
continuously sacrificing much for you, time has shown
he can be compared to no one, a true friend that is rare
an unending friendship and love, with you does he share

How to tell a friend what words just can't describe, they fall short
holding you together all these years, was his never ending support
his time, experience, knowledge, and advice, he has never withheld
fears, anxieties, pains and anguish, so often, he alone has dispelled

Where his move to action is not just his credo, using humility to go about
helping others from the heart, pursuing kindness, is his continuous route
while thinking to take instruction from others, clueless to what he has done
having become our model to draw upon, this eternal kindness has he spun

An eternal friend, selflessly giving to others what they need, giving us this hope
throughout his life helping those in need, unknowingly, teaching us how to cope
may G-d grant Blessings of long life, to him, his family, and to his very kind wife
bestowing upon them the ultimate inheritance, eternal happiness in the afterlife
This is a short poem written to describe the ultimate reality existing in a True Friendship
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Peace and serenity, and the waves of the sea
the dreams of happiness that would never flee
both the sun and moon, burning ever so bright
all the worries in the world, they all take flight

Music raises my hope, dulling the pain I endure
driving my depression away, noise with a cure
a body shakes with rhythm, as joy takes control
my lips then move, to words uttered by my soul

A soul clings to You, who fashioned me that day
You alone gave me life, and to You alone I pray
remove this evil among us, and open our eyes
to pursue wisdom, while shielding us from lies

Your balanced world, putting Man at its very center
to withstand life's tests, he needs a devoted mentor
hoping we choose wisely, your wisdom over desire
to avoid that terrible fate, ending with pain and fire

Acquiring a wisdom to distinguish between right and wrong
having patience for others, although different, we all belong
mankind, formed from earth, has a divine eternal obligation
finding peace in wisdom, life exists only through cooperation

The Creator of heaven, of earth, and of all living things
acknowledging our shortcomings, we don't have wings
kindness is your sword, and Truth, the only seal you use
peace as the foundation, and each other never to abuse

As those bright Heavenly lights flicker, earthly bulbs prepare to go out
directing a new existence to begin, a renewed world is about to sprout
much work remains in tending to the garden, our hearts need attention
all that's left is to open our eyes, needing to make that final connection
Peace is the World's Foundation and Wisdom is its Partner!
This is a short poem about Cause and Effect. The value of Peace is Existence.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Love's burning desire**

Life passes by much too quickly. More often than not, we lack an appreciation for the true value of time. Almost like in the blink of an eye another day has past. Then, another week. Then, another month. Then, another year. When we finally come to our senses reality starts to settle in. We are now left with that ever recurring question of, where has the time gone? Ergo, why not come to this appreciation for life while we are still young. At a time, perhaps, when we still have most of our basic faculties intact and an ability to use them more beneficially and productively while "age" is still somewhat on our side.

Below is a poem I wrote in an attempt to get this point across in a more creative way. Here we can see the development of that passing time. Here we see the changes time necessarily impacts on us. The message is clear, don't let human frailties and shortcomings from stopping you from enjoying, accomplishing, living, experiencing, etc. Don't let things like fear, laziness, depression, unhappiness, or anything similar restrict you from appreciating everything that life has to offer and for you to experience. So mush exists in this our beautiful world. So much awaits us to experience and to grow. Why squander away that precious time that so often steals away everything we have from right under our noses. The real tragedy is when we finally see how precious time is. We see why it is thus so precious. It CANNOT be replaced. Appreciate Life! Enjoy Life! Don't even stop to turn around.

The sun will shine, and the clouds will rain
these winds will blow, and love will yet feign
the eye will see, and the heart will crave
the body will sin, and sin will enslave

The baby will crawl, and the boy will walk
the man will run, and love will soon talk
love's burning desire, but a fleeting fire
age overcomes, desires quickly retire

The old man now stooped over
memories have but faded away
that life once full of living, alas
sitting in solitude, nothing but decay

So in youth, don't ever miss the chance
never stop dreaming, a time for romance
the days are shadows, years will soon disappear
don't miss these opportunities when you're young
just because of this word called fear
A short Poem about Appreciating Life. Don't let time slip away.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Hope Still Exists Because You Are Alive

With eyes tightly shut, existence takes on a different dimension
mentally exploring my hidden world, communicating my intention
my soul has begun to take charge, my body must patiently wait
as mind and heart connect, lips and tears unify in order to relate

Solitude and serenity, love and security, are as clouds of blue
impossible to explain, knowing and feeling G-d is before you
silently petitioning the one source in the world with the power
where your hopes and dreams can become reality in an hour

As tears slowly flow, focused on before whom you stand
nothing exists for the moment, G-d is all you understand
I was talking because he was listening, my tears did declare
with complete dependence on him, with no cause for despair

Oblivious to my surroundings, nothing external had any effect
standing in silence, in deep thought, with my heart alone to reflect
requesting G-d to open my lips, my mouth to acknowledge his praise
drawn with a burning desire, my soul on fire, an uncontrollable blaze

What can I give you, only prayer from my heart with some tears
a lonely creature, flesh and blood, with an existence for a few years
throughout life ever dependent on you, you alone hold the key to life
an unending kindness, keeping this world from total chaos and strife

As time passes and reality sets in, the end of my journey slowly nears
unwilling to confide in others, beseeching you alone to allay my fears
help me to deal with the unknown, that fork in the road will I soon greet
either my soul to be bound in endless light, or flames of purgatory to meet

While the strength of life is still within, remaining is my one request I humbly now make
wishing to repent for the sins I've done, and replacing them with my tears for you to take
G-d, you are above all earthly dimensions, thereby being unrestricted by time and space
you have the power to remove sins, even making them as if they have never taken place

Imploring You to grant the request of my prayers, not having withheld any of my tears
my human weaknesses testify before you, revealed as is the sun, naked with their fears
no longer to continue denying the facts, because true judgement will you soon consider
whether I am deserving of heaven, or to be forever banished as an unrepentant sinner

My prayers and tears beg mercy from the G-d of Truth, of Heaven and Earth
what vanity can I hold, having been created in your image is my only true worth
taking three steps back, I temporarily depart from your glory, returning to be Man
this world is about repenting, becoming one with you, by achieving your Master Plan

Eternity awaits for those summing up the courage, having conquered the evil from within
in the next world a movie of our life patiently waits to play, having arrived they now begin
what can be said on this day of truth as all is revealed, our thoughts and actions will attest
G-d gave us his commandments to earn a place in heaven, but we failed and transgressed

Hope still exists in life so long as the candle is still lit, time yet remains allowing to repair
realize while alive and free will is still yours, you must consider wisely and with much care
G-d wants to give you good, but you must first seek to earnestly change your evil ways
ultimately you will succeed, choosing life, and finding G-d singing to you eternal praise
This is a short poem which shares some thoughts and feelings about a prayer with a tear
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Aye, the rose stands alone
with subtle powers to atone
solitude and faith, will behold
love between souls unfold

Sadness flees, hands clutch
tears melt away, hearts touch
lips meet, with a tender grace
two people face, lovingly embrace

Silent moonlight, echoes of the waves
a chance to eternity, the moment paves
on a sandy beach, with a heart to soar
beseeching her hand, bliss forever more

Soft cheeks can no longer hide
her emotions are too built up inside
embracing him with the love she's kept
silence now spoke, together they wept

Remembering how the moon paled that endless night
untainted love borne from the depths, burning bright
no longer would sadness endure, no longer to defy
Love found its true nest, never again to say good-bye
When the night and the moon will meet, true Love will greet
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
A day started out, it really looked bright
no one could recognize just what was in site
how was I to know, the heavens were about to flow
soon I would be escorted, to that place we all must go

When those angels came for me, I was ill prepared
didn’t pack any clothes, wouldn’t need anything to wear
yet I knew that it had to be good, whatever would be
because G-d is calling the shots, to this we all do see

Lost opportunities to reflect on life, and all that my body once did yearn
how it has now been reduced, to little more than food for the worm
stoic indeed was I now, since during my life I maintained my belief
preparing my soul for this journey, so that I could now expect relief

I knew, therefore, when I was young awaiting me was this court case
even though it was much in the future, eventually, it I would have to face
so I made sure to invest the time, helping both friends and strangers in need
for I knew the secret, heaven would certainly treat me likewise, indeed

Measure for measure does our Creator deal with us, for this is part of his design
not always perceivable to man, because it emanates from the realm of the divine
ultimately making known his true righteousness in judgement, for all to see
A day of judgement truly awaits, and our very souls will be forced to agree

Only in this world are we constantly challenged, many tests emanate from within
because there has been put inside of us, an evil inclination trying to get us to sin
having made known to us, there is a medicine for our benefit he has deployed
patiently hoping for us to choose wisely, our constant sinning for us to avoid

This medicine is a secret, and is made known to only a select few
and is given over to those, choosing to staying far away from the untrue
I have recognized this fact, a fact that is difficult but does hold true
when you starve your body from sin, merit for your soul do you accrue

After leaving this world, we hope to paradise we all shall surely go
not wanting to contemplate, the existence of that other place down below
the message is a simple one, tailored for all those earnestly wishing to know
do many acts of kindness in this world, and in the next your soul will surely glow
Spiritual/Inspirational Poetry with a message
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
There is a time for love, you have the freedom to choose
there is a time for hate, but you will be forced to abuse
there is a time for peace, where differences are put aside
a time to even the score, differences that now lead to war

There is a time to laugh, because your heart has been tickled
and a time to cry, you, having been made emotionally crippled
a time to sigh, when you tire from having to fight the entire world
a time to die, when to that beautiful light your soul will be hurled

There is a time to choose, the time is unquestionably now
there is a time to negate, when your sin you wish to disavow
there is a time to confuse, to escape from those who are cruel
a time to stay at home, undesirables waiting for you at school

There is a time to run, because you can no longer hide from fear
and a time to hide, when your fear has overcome, it is very near
a time to have fun, the only way to drive worry from your mind
and a place for time to abide, now that evil has been put behind

A time to choose, defining your outlook on life, all people are brothers
having the ability to foresee consequences, our actions have on others
the element of hope has real meaning, those wishing life, if they choose
by reaching deep inside their hearts, and upon us their love they infuse
This is a short poem about one of the Greatest of Freedoms we have in this world, so don't overlook it!
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
There is a time in a person's life when that internal clock will ring
when a higher force will wake us from our slumber with a sting
having been given individual trials, we hope we'll do our best
but we are insensitive, overcome with laziness, a desire for rest

The little things in life, how so often we take them for granted
quickly losing touch with reality, and becoming disenchanted
thinking we can forge relationships, with the blinking of an eye
failing to feel the hurt we cause others, with our final good-bye

We, as human beings, must first come to acknowledge the truth
the problems we all hide in our closet, they started in our youth
but the error of our thinking, is clear and can only be addressed
when we're willing to accept the fact, that this life is only a test

Attempts at self denial are truly futile, because you remain unchanged
accomplishing nothing, only from yourself will you become estranged
an endless light of healing must be released, to that location unknown
thereby removing that which blocks our thinking, our heart of stone

Your mind is your cage, only if you desire, you can set yourself free
don't believe in the lies you're told, you can be what you want to be
if you never give up, you alone will be able to preserve the true way
by choosing your destiny, no one else will, because this is your day

Liberate yourself from the enslavement, transitory passions of the day
either stand up to the pressures, or you'll just find yourself blown away
you must trust your heart as it knows the truth, and it alone will succeed
choosing the only real path, that path from where the light shall proceed
This is a short poem about taking a minute to just stop and reflect.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
You won't believe this, rightfully so, you'll think it’s not true
but a person will do anything, when he starts losing his *****
I didn't feel that any one loved me, so I devised one day
to test out my theory, in the most bizarre type of way

I found a way after considerable thought, to put myself on display
and to be able to stay inconspicuous, from a secure distance away
I watched them attend my eulogy, peculiar as it may sound
enjoying the reception, it was nothing short of spellbound

Who could think, a person as crazy as I might be
going to such extremes, who would ever foresee
to accomplish this great task, of convincing my heart
someone would somehow care, if I really did depart

In the back of the room, with shades covering my eyes
sinking into a chair, surrounded by this chorus of cries
who would ever suspect, that this stranger sitting in the back
was really not far away, from being deemed a quack

When my funeral was about over, I watched those flowers start to bend
they too seemed to be saying, haven't you yet been able to mend
so I pushed myself up front, in order to get a better look
this deaths looks too real, what if I really did pass over that final brook

As I approached my casket, overtaken by this powerful desire
could this really be happening, shaking with a cold perspire
to escape from this nightmare, there was but one thing to do
hastening to relieve myself, running from bed to bathroom, I flew

The lesson here to be learned, after thinking about it, was simple and clear
we often have these fears, and yet are not always aware
what’s important for us, is to truly recognize in ourselves, which is the key
understanding our need to feel loved, and the absurd lengths we go, in order to see
Do You feel loved? Just how far would you go to find out? Read on....
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Choose your destiny, but your destination has already been prepared
you have only to follow the light of truth, with no cause to be scared
mercy is given to the merciful, and only in the land of the living
after returning to your heavenly abode, there is no longer forgiving

Know that the place to mend is here, and the time to achieve is now
passing into the world of souls, correction they will no longer allow
our personality traits are in need of repair, we must dig very deep below
if we fail to improve the error of our ways, forever will we remain low

Three things, jealousy, lust and honor remove us from this world
struggles of the body and duties of the soul, to us has this been hurled
we do not have the choice to desist from exerting our efforts, this is a must
heavenly eyes are watching, whether we will choose wisely and learn to trust

Encountering life’s trials and tribulations, mitigating circumstances they will weigh
what is required of us is to withstand, but for the right results we must surely pray
like in human affairs, judge your neighbor favorably is the correct way to go
becoming entangled in the net of gossip and slander, from them does sin flow

This world is the place where we are expected to toil, that is why we were created
at the end of this journey, we will finally see just how everything was interrelated
a person’s face in the image of G-d was he created, and yet we embarrass him so
his face turns red as he wishes himself dead, we have murdered him we must know

Those that lower themselves in this world, in the next they will be raised up high
everything is revealed, and for all the good you’ve done forgiveness you can rely
He neither sleeps not slumbers, throughout our lives G-d does patiently await
our shortcomings are no secret, despite our mistakes His love will never abate

The day is short and the work is great, consider your obligations the hour is late
how important it is to take stock, our destiny is ours and we control our own fate
suffice it to say when all else has passed, one thing alone remains to be said
look forward to what you acquired, eternal happiness, for you alone lies ahead
Spiritual Truth unbound by physical constraints, above and beyond human limitations.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Death Is Not The End, But A New Beginning**

It is not the end, but a new beginning
a place that is the ultimate in giving
but a lifetime of attachment down here
clouds our minds, thinking of it with fear

The body replanted, with your soul finally released
a new way of living, part of a group called deceased
even though mentioning the word death causes fright
it's a place promised to be a delight, yes, for the upright

You're thinking how I can dare, mentioning death as a kindness
but your fear is natural, and perhaps caused by your own blindness
how would G-d, your Loving Creator, bring death upon you for naught
perhaps it has a benefit for you, but something you were never taught

The body is purged from sin, because our earth has this power to cleanse
so by burying the body in the earth, we will then enable it to make amends
if the soul is found worthy, after the day of judgement it will be redeemed
to be reunited with a pure body, something you would never have dreamed

Death, for the righteous, is then only the beginning, a harbinger for the ultimate bliss
an indescribable happiness beginning with G-d, taking his loved ones with a Divine kiss
thinking of death you no longer fear, because living a virtuous life you are now committed
the greatest happiness awaits for you to experience, knowing you will surely be admitted
This is a short poem relating to death and the righteous
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
On Par for Divorce?**

Where does he go and what can he do, this wife he married is not the same
words of love have been replaced by abusive words, bent on giving him shame
the sun has turned into rain; you’re trapped, with nowhere to avoid getting wet
now caught in the web of her discontent, and holding your head down with regret

You look toward compromise, hoping to work things out and make it right
only to encounter resistance, she wants nothing less than you out of her sight
as words fall on deaf ears reality sets in, you are full of contrition and remorse
no it gets worse, she's on the warpath and solely focused on threatening divorce

Looking at your young children, with tears in their eyes, what they must now see
a crushed father, withdrawn from the world, only wanting to take them and flee
while wisdom falters and silence overcomes, still dumbstruck on what you can do
remembering a love that once was, but no longer, realizing your marriage is through

Surviving the pains and turmoil of divorce, a challenge sought by many before
only too often leading some to those bitter waters, transfixed on evening the score
but children become the true victims suffering the most, unperceived by those in pain
only in adulthood will those scars surface, on future relationships they leave their stain

Trying to mitigate emotional scars in any divorce requires sheltering children from your hurt
their emotional well-being is of paramount importance, their exposure to anger you must avert
while difficult to accept, divorce can sometimes be for the better, perhaps you will yet come to see
your door to emotional stability was never locked, search deep within for only there lies its key
This is a short poem which deals with the tragedy of divorce. No one comes out the winner.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Echoes we sometimes hear in life, we will never be able to control
reawakening in us a spiritual side, putting us in touch with our soul
much like an internal echo, signaling us, trying to get our attention
Heaven's attempt to stir us up, forcing upon us a spiritual reflection

Echoes always come unannounced, we sense they emanate from within
consciously drawn to this new world, a somewhere we've never been
our thoughts focus us on our past, memories that can capture our mind
sometimes overcome with sadness, needing recollections to be defined

Echoes cause us to relive our past, but they help us to get over our pain
removing sadness and shame, and bringing us into this new domain
examining why we felt so plagued, and searching to know the reason
knowing as human beings, trials and tribulations change each season

Echoes of confusion and pain, replaced by a harmony, an unending joy
thoughts are no longer depressing, peace and serenity never to destroy
the state of mind that we keep, is our true reality where we take shape
but know that our thoughts, this will forever be our test, there is escape

We hear what we want to hear, see what we want to see, this is our power
echoes we choose to hear or to ignore, we alone are the keeper of the tower
the forces of evil are empowered to test us, with these thoughts we keep
so remove them from memory, find eternal happiness, before that final sleep
This is a short poem about those internal echoes, why we have them, and what they mean
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Fooling yourself with alluring transitory pleasures, this world leads you astray.....

Examining love from all different angles, one can come to appreciate the connection
how it is so often used as the vehicle, by which we share with others our deepest affection
and this love no matter how much we have, never do we seem able to get enough
yet had we been forced to live without it, we would find living in starvation just too tough

This constant need to possess a measure of love in our life, must be part of that divine plan
enabling us to maintain our emotional health, and affording us a way to become a better man
perhaps an additional reason might also be, to share a little of our love with those in need
we can become so lost in our materialistic world, easily forgetting to pursue this noble deed

The greatness of man’s creation exists from within, and lies dormant for us to find
accepting the fact that we are spiritual beings, and the most unique of our kind
innate potential to reach the highest of heights, in the service of our Creator
choosing wisely to do good, while rejecting evil, and thus becoming even greater

Fooling yourself with alluring transitory pleasures, this world leads you astray
fleeting momentary happiness, causes you to believe you are here to stay
furthest from the truth you could never be, because ultimately all will see
when the end of that long road arrives, you too, will be just another deportee

Only with constant toil and unremitting effort, could we think it possible to overcome
to successfully subdue evil that is now a part of you, would be nothing short of awesome
better to consider the end, when your immortal soul will be in need of an abode of its own
what a tremendous loss it would be indeed, for your soul to be left in the dark and all alone
A short poem that discusses focusing on what this world is really about, and how this constant need to possess a measure of love in our life must be part of that divine plan
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Trust in Faith

It's raining and the sun has returned home
although I am by myself, yet I am not alone
mind engages intellect, with time to consider
how this heart of mine, has grown so bitter

Not long ago, reflections of the past were a delight
then in a brief moment, my happiness took flight
once having a life with meaning, love and security
now with remorse and desire, for a heart with purity

Continuing to pursue life normally, while anxieties drown the mind
no matter what I might do, any sense of happiness seems confined
confused with mixed emotions, and knowing that they are both true
yet despite my conflict, still mustering the will to tell her, I love you

With each and every passing day, I look forward to behold
once again to greet those yesterdays, those yesterdays of old
but those yesterdays are buried, the fear of the future takes hold
all of what now remains, are those few tomorrows left to unfold

Worries must stem from this lack of control, how not to consider
thinking of how few years are left to live, could anyone not be bitter
the unknown of what the rest of your life will bring, an awesome fear
when you advance in years, only then does it become all too clear

Times passes, the body ages, memories flounder, and reality sets in
maybe tomorrow the mail will arrive, addressed to: The Next of Kin
finding yourself in an emotional upheaval, there is but one thing to do
forage deep down inside, and uncover your faith, your only rescue

Faith will give you the strength, it will guide you to trust in the One above
fears of the future and of the unknown, disappear in this world called love
experiencing midlife crisis, something you can and will successfully overcome
but first never stop searching, trusting in G-d, and to depression never succumb
A poem that describes a man's midlife crisis and a successful way to deal with it
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
"Until Love, do us part"...........

It has been said that the one's that love us, are the One's that hurt us the most.  This, too, can be found in nature.  There are those rare relationships that can just never come out right.  A relationship that's almost over before it starts. No, when it starts, it's over! A relationship built soley on the needs of survival.  Consider it one of nature's eternal instincts--- that some females will just love you to death! Figeratively, and literally!

**come, please mate with me
spin our web on the leafed tree
my supper to be
Very Short Haiku Poetry - Poetry with a message worth a thousand words
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
It started out as any other day, none could ever know
the lesson I would soon receive, or where it would flow
a day fishing in a nearby pond, with my rod to throw
not long thereafter, I was staring at a fish now in tow

As I reeled it in, this fish was so small and docile
I failed to consider my actions, it was just so fragile
pulling it out of the water, flying smack into a nearby wall it went
my catch was now dying, my conscience feeling a little torment

Carefully taking it off my hook, I threw it back in the water
feeling guilty, as if having just committed a major slaughter
I was seriously focused on this dying fish, asking myself why me
only soon to realize this was a lesson, perhaps a heavenly decree

Taking its last breath in the water, the fish then began to flow beyond
slowly heading toward the wall, where water was spilling out of this pond
coming to the edge of the pond, a small wave threw this fish over the wall
watching what was going on intently, down the wall it did now fall

One peek over that wall, and I could now clearly see
a whole bunch of large branches near this one big tree
amazingly this one long branch seemed to begin moving
And as I saw this snake advance, my perception was improving

Spellbound, watching this snake attack, his mouth opened wide
before me it devoured its food, knowing now why this fish had died
although accursed this snake may be, His creature G-d would not forsake
unknown until now, with my actions fulfilling His will, did I now partake

"G-d opens His hand and satisfies the needs of each and every creature"
my prayer every day, declaring G-d's abundant kindness His known feature
no accidents exist in this world, plan and purpose are really visible to all
let us first incline our hearts to look, and we too may hear this heavenly call
There Are No Accidents in G-d's World!
This is a true story, set out in poetic rhyme. It is a lesson worthy of sharing. How our actions are sometimes guided for the better. Although at first glance, this cannot always be readily perceived.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Adam & Eve, originally, had all their needs provided for until the snake (embodiment of the Evil Inclination, an outside force) caused them to Sin (through Eve). The snake was the second most important creature after Adam. He actually had legs and walked upright which is a sign of dominance and importance. His punishment was that he would now lose his legs and crawl on his belly. So displeased was G-d with him that he made sure the snake's food would be plentiful so that He would have no need to ever again deal with him (directly). Remember, the snake slandered G-d, His Creator--just about the greatest sin one can do in this world! Perhaps, this is where the statement, "the bigger (greater) they are, the harder (lower) they fall," came from.

**Eve made from Adam
first sin causes them to fall
men now fend alone
The Real Culprit in Man's Downfall
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
You were born, and like it or not, you're going to die
don't claim to be human, if you lack the capacity to cry
by wasting time, this precious of commodities goes lost
only as life comes to an end, you understanding its cost

A poem with a vision, control the fear, make a decision
when surrounded by doubt, you anticipate the collision
by coming face to face, you're forced into a confrontation
always finding yourself rushed by others, your frustration

That light at the end of the tunnel, thinking where it can be
but more often than not, a mirage is all that you really see
trying to transform reality, but life is only a merry-go-round
until you meet your soul, then existence becomes profound

This world is about foreseeing eventualities, that's where we're all headed
whether for good or bad, the choices we make will forever be embedded
no secrets exist in the world above, and much depends on just what we do
so look forward in making the right decisions, and those merits they accrue

How deceptive we humans are, passively content with maintaining our status
until we're put to the challenge, and in need of all that emotional apparatus
there's simply no escape, so we must face the music, learn to accept reality
our ultimate demise has already been decided, death is an absolute formality

So live for the present, and focus on the good waiting for you on the road ahead
while never forgetting, there's plan and purpose in all the good that you spread
rejoice in life and in all the good that you do, as your Creator awaits your return
destined to find true happiness, a happiness that only yearning souls can discern
This poem is about our inability to avoid eventualities. The sooner we can accept them, the sooner we can prepare for them. In the darkness is where the light will be revealed.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Alone in your world of solitude, you do not wait for anyone to care
your mind and thoughts are satisfying, and with you do they share
wisdom and knowledge they are your light, what was once far is now brought near
seeking answers for all of your questions, to them guided by your inner ear

Meditating and illuminating, this world is but a testing ground for your soul
you've been reincarnated, given another chance, this world is really your parole
keep in mind with your time here, many above are watching what you do
your life ceasing and again being brought, to a place which no one has a clue

While judging your life, to the hairsbreadth of truth, your actions they will surely measure
for sins committed will you be punished, but for your good awaits you unforeseen pleasure
what is it all for, you question, the wisdom of this world is it really part of life's goal
you don't know, but heaven wishes it so, maximizing the rewards to be earned by your soul

While reading my words and contemplating their meaning, maybe asking how do I know
what audacity I must have to write all this, thinking I just made up words for this to flow
then know, if you follow the truth your soul will not lie, truth is only whispered to the discerning ear
failing to achieve reward for your soul while still here, something really deserving of your fear

After all has been said, do not regret, it pays to reevaluate your direction and take note
if you think that after this life you'll be pushing up daisies, why bother trying to stay afloat
with plan and purpose have we all been put here, expectations for us to try and achieve
desire for us to pass this test, to overcome our challenges and just start to believe
Sometimes when I write, I find nothing of greater benefit when trying to organize my thoughts and ideas than silence. My world of solitude is not only the place from where I do most of my writing. It is the place of my Faith. A place where no one is allowed to enter. My inner sanctuary which must remain exclusively mine. I believe that most spiritual people in touch with their "real selves" would be able to relate to this poem. From my Solitude and with my Faith, I now share it with you.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
From the depths of darkness, there will yet come the light
what others have cast aside, will one day light up the night
mysteries envelop this world, unseen but perceived within
a silence broken, noise reverberating at the drop of a pin

From the depths of loneliness, crying out, as tears are shed
no longer to be consoled, regardless of what words are said
having to face harsh facts, alone in the world is your reality
unwilling to follow society's norms, this, your abnormality

From the depths of heart, knowing who and what you are
you just want to live and let live, no desire to be that star
but you're often challenged, having to stay your ground
forced to fight for what you believe, yet one more round

From the depths of this inner isolation, you've acquired a skill
learning how to release your emotions, with paper and quill
no longer will you hide, ready for battle, and you persevere
fight for what's right, don't follow others, or you'll disappear

From the depths of pain, your arrogance to remove, it's your rebirth
a chance to sincerely make amends, waiting was heaven and earth
only now aware, the only true friend you have, he was always there
blinded by a selfishness, at whose direction, destined you for despair

From the depths of love, man will always reach the greatest heights above
when he sacrifices all that he has, you can be sure it's because of this love
but to achieve lasting love, you must first uproot what's hidden deep below
only then will those feelings of joy and happiness, upon others, begin to flow
This is a short poem written about the depths, and from the depths
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Seeking A True Soul Mate......

The girl of my dreams, who but she could understand
of that deep desire, as a burning fire, for her hand
her hand in friendship, her hand there always to hold
her hand in mine, our souls as one, smelted as with gold

The girl of my dreams, who but she could understand
always to be by her side, never to run and never to hide
a true soul mate, through thick and thin, oath of a bride
with trust and loyalty that only loving souls could abide

The girl of my dreams, who but she could understand
that growing void in my conscience, is but a reflection of my fear
a fear that paralyzes my ability, preventing me to express my care
but you are my healer and rightfully so, to whom my heart calls dear

You girl of my dreams, were created as perfect as can be
given a mission to help me be complete, and to eventually see
your love and warmth, these qualities how they do provide
this ability for me to overcome, my own shallowness resting inside

You my better half, fashioned for me, by whom else but the One above
my life has new meaning, since you choose to share with me your love
know my dear this truth, even if my love for you could be divided in two
nothing would change, for it could never remove all the love I have for you
A Short Love Poem Looking for The Girl of My Dreams
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
No one can perceive this depth of pain
like an open wound, flowing tears like rain
where any glimmer of hope remains unforeseen
with that withering leaf, no longer turning green

The world in which you live, you feel even more betrayed
like an invisible enemy, upon your emotions they preyed
looking for a small refuge, finding the shade under a tree
realizing that this too, was only but an exercise in futility

Needing an escape, you'll do anything to avoid the inevitable
but knowing to hope for a miracle is something too incredible
a way to change your life, to blend in with a reality that negates
forcing you to be what your not, this is how society manipulates

Give me wisdom or give me death, my drive in life refusing to conform
pursuing the dictates of my heart, earnest conviction to never transform
while the fool goes with the flow, youth blindly following others in their path
sadly thinking with this course of action they'll belong, failing to do the math

Why be a follower when you can be a leader, why take when you can still give
build your world above and create for yourself this destiny, don't be its captive
power of free choice, is a divine desire for us to reject evil and choose good
beautiful utopia awaits us, for all this good we've done, if we only understood

While the moral and right thing to do, is not always easily perceived in a world so dark
deciding the correct path to go can be a challenge, when absent your helpful bookmark
so keep this guiding light foremost in mind, if you find yourself at a crossroad of indecision
never give up searching for the truth whatever its cost, this to be forever your only vision
A short poem allowing a troubled heart to express itself
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
The Truth: 2bpositive Is What Life is Really About

Joshua Adam is my name
2bpositive has been my aim
While navigating my soul through this world of confusion
I have found solace in friendship and that's my conclusion

If it's your reading and voting you think I aspire
Your heart is empty, your friendship do I desire
To release my thoughts, does my soul await
Hoping for your love, that it not abate

Again, I feel compelled to state
That 2bpositive is my only true fate
And after 120 when my body is no longer
My soul shall continue to be ever so stronger

To the next world will I be brought
To stand trial for all that I taught
And as they review my life before my eyes
I will not shudder for I told no lies

Now as my judgement is about to be found
my soul will truly rejoice unbound
With true confidence will I surely declare
Loyal to truth was my only care

Only with you my true friend will I say
Give me your hand that we may pray
To the end of life's road have we now come
To accept our actions and our own outcome
We Were Given Life To Live, Build & Create, Not To Hate, Destroy & Die.
Be loyal to Truth and it will forever be loyal to you. So give me your hand, and together we will go, into the future, together greeting the truth that we suffered so much to uphold
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Without Peace We All Know Where We're Headed......

Give peace a chance, will those of nobility declare
Intelligence of spirit, who could ever compare
Valiantly fighting the evil in the world, unwilling to fail
Earnestly helping those needy, without ever becoming frail

Peacefully sacrificing time and energy without ever reconsidering
Endangering themselves to constantly make a difference
Antagonizing the establishment for an instance
Coming home with battle scars to wear and none to share
Emphasizing they are not heroes, only that "they care"

Angering all others, for showing they disagree

Considering the options with nowhere to hide
Hiroshima and its aftermaths, would never subside
Attempting to disrupt, what those warmongers insist
No necessity to justify, the results do persist
Coming full circle does our world continue to exist
Ending in oblivion, if we don't learn how to desist
A short poem on the importance and need of pursuing peace, and the great nobility of all those that have sacrificed themselves in one way or another to TRY and bring about that peace. As world history has shown time and again, death and devastation on a world (numbers) scale, sadly, are all too real.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
We humans think we are the masters of our fate. Despite our trials and tribulations, some good some otherwise, we continue to think we have everything mapped out while navigating ourselves through this world. We think that since we have free will to choose, somehow we are in full control of our live's and our fates. Yet, this is not so. There is a Creator of this world. Although he gave us free will to choose our destiny, nevertheless, he is a constant "invisible player" in each and every endeavor of our lives--and only he has our ultimate good in mind. He knows the creations that he alone created. And therefore we must always remember that life is never (fully) within our control. Trust that everything that happens is for the better. Especially, this (your) Love that awaits..

Love will come at the right time. It simply cannot be forced. There she was, standing alone on line. And then she turned around. It was Love at first site. Her smile was only an echos in the canyon, a shadow in the sun, a reflection of her inner beauty. Yes, her smile gave her away. I knew it then that she was the one. The one person I would spend the rest of my life with.

This Haiku was written with all this in mind:

**smitten with her smile
can only await this trial
with her down the aisle
A short Haiku which reflects the ultimate Fate that awaits us all.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Although you're different, you just don't care
doing what's right, even if the world will stare
maintaining your principles, this, to you is life
others try to upset you, but you're above strife

and you can deal......

You often try to do good, but it does not always come out that way
accepting the momentary setback, and the price you readily pay
looking at things differently, holding yourself to a higher standard
able to suffer alone, remaining silent even when you're slandered

because you can deal......

Unwilling to follow the norms, you recognize they often emanate from below
so you refuse to subscribe to society's whims, who is a friend and who is a foe
knowing every day is another test, and you wonder if you'll manage to get by
despite your good faith attempts, nevertheless, in the end things just go awry

but you try and deal......

Once again, you're left staring yourself in the mirror, wondering why you
then from somewhere deep down, you find the answer you already knew
a very real part of you, your inner conscience, does patiently wait for time
trusting all will be good, because you draw your strength from the sublime

you know this is real......

While cruising through life, you'll find your memories hold a secret, you begin to understand
the experiences you've experienced are not your own, because they've had a guiding hand
so when memories ultimately return, receive them happily, they come by purposeful design
knowing all is Good, having been orchestrated by G-d alone, the sole architect of the Divine

The Real Deal......
Deal Yourself the Correct Frame of Mind!
This is a short poem with a long message. A message as long as life itself. How we deal with our minds, our memories, our existence will affect how we feel. We cannot escape our reality; our life's experiences and memories will forever be a part of us.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
It is not unusual that at some point in our lives we will have to deal with a tense encounter where words will be exchanged in an environment of anger with others. Usually there is one person who is in less control of himself and poses a greater risk to harm the other. How do you defuse the situation? How do you calm someone who is angry? First, talk with a low calm voice. Secondly, show them your white teeth (smile), if possible. And don't look them directly in the face. These three suggestions are predicated on the fact that they are all non-engaging and have a tendency to calm or reduce tension from the aggravated party.

It all starts by using the wrong words, or the right words interpreted the wrong way by the offended party. This escalates potentially becoming a provocation by someone who is incensed or upset over a matter. Angry words then usually follow. Depending on how you handle things, will determine whether you succeed to defuse the situation or not. And sometimes, just sometimes, friendship regains that upper hand. This is the best case scenario which everyone could only want.
I tried to capture all this with a short Haiku that now follows:

a word, provoking
angry words are now exchanged
smiles come, peace remains

As an interesting afterthought, a person once shared with me his unusual approach he himself uses to avoid getting angry. He told me whenever he feels that he is about to get angry he forces himself to laugh uncontrollably and loud that his anger not "take control of Him." He said it works. I am fortunately happy to tell you have never had a chance to test his system out.
A short Haiku poem that discusses a way to avoid anger
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
It requires Great wisdom to acquire this human trait called, Compromise......

The sun rises and the sun sets
a new day comes, yesterday forgets
a loving kiss and warm embrace
two souls joined, face to face

Time passes, feelings change
no longer exits, this warm exchange
further on, and still growing more apart
forgetting all that love, they had from the start

Now although they consider to divorce
thoughts of their children cause them remorse
so they make decisions attempting to find a way
to limit any pain, that their children will be okay

Despite their good intentions, they think they know
but only their children feel the pain that will flow
that day finally arrives, the one you were told
it could never happen, it would never unfold

The stark and painful reality, some adults never see
they give up too easily, and for what, just to let egos be
if they only had the wisdom to open their hearts and be free
to learn this meaning called compromise, and make their love agree

Yes, my friend, you're thinking how you relate to the words of this poem
deep down your know you too are a survivor, and that time has shown
you grew up with that pain, asking yourself what purpose was it all for
the answer is clear, do not let it happen to your own as it did to you before
Life: It comes with it ups, and comes with its down!
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Just close your eyes, for only then will you be able to see
remove yourself from the limitations, true belief is the key
you must search for that which can see, but cannot be seen
but know that it exists within you, this, your spiritual screen

Perhaps we call it the soul, unhindered by physical limitations
helping us throughout life, despite preconceived expectations
yet few really wish to explore, this hidden truth residing within
perhaps afraid past indiscretions may surface, memories of sin

Yet we really owe it to ourselves, finding this true good is what we all seek
but without looking in the right place, our mood will forever remain bleak
we must escape the lies the world feeds us, only then will our journey begin
no longer seeking answers, because we'll find them hidden in our hearts within

So the only remaining hurdle we must overcome, is this fear of the unknown
but it seems in our ignorance, too often we think it resides in the twilight zone
then know that this world is but a reflection, imagination lacking clarification, and see
that this is why, more often than not, differences in this world are measured by degree

Guided by this light within, we can never go too far away from our true source of life
only then will we have the power to walk that divine path, by collectively avoiding strife
internal insights, as human beings, in His Image we've been created, we're part of the divine
that means we have the power, world redemption is close at hand, we need only read the Sign
This poem was written by the heart, and for the heart. If you stay in touch with your heart, then hope persists. If you lose touch with your heart, although it might still beat, you're far from being alive! Deep down within, lie the answers to all things. Deep within resides the medicine that mankind will forever be in need. It is the saving grace for humanity on planet earth. Collectively, mankind's only "backup" for nobility to ultimately save the Day--When that Day needs saving!
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Haiku Poetry is a very short poem with poetic images that can transcend the limitation imposed by the usual language and thinking. What if we took that imagery into the realm of human nature? While attempting to do this I tried to stay within the bounds of contemplative poetry that indicates a moment, sensation, impression or drama of a specific moment in nature. However, I broadened this framework to at times include moral, historical, scientific, legal, social, etc., issues as well. I believe, by doing this, we are introduced to a unique and creative imagery that paints a mental picture where you the reader can find much deeper meanings to personally relate.

**Cute little test mouse
caged for scientists to share
waits death, for health care
Very Short Haiku Poetry - Poetry with a message worth a thousand words
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Those petals, she loves me, she loves me not
this is really a train ride, but when will it stop
enough is enough, love is nothing but a crock
it comes and goes, like the ticking of a clock

So much has been written, you would think it's gold
they seek after it everywhere, love spreads like mold
laugh with it or cry with it, but no one really ever knows
if and when it will take root, and into whose life it flows

Love is blind and has no date, sometimes to starve or satiate
it can be sincere or lay in guise, causing jealousy to instigate
as white as snow, or as black as charcoal, her colors change
impossible to determine, a full gamut of emotions is her range

She loves me dearly, and with this fact I do now know
perhaps you'll call me a fool, because I just trust her so
hopefully that day will come, when the truth will show
because of this care for me, my love had where to go

I was wrong when I said that love is a crock, it must surely be greater than gold
but sometimes being human we remain blind, until love upon us will take hold
so don't be afraid to pursue your dreams, for a girl's heart your love will yet find
a chance to forever become complete, and a unique love which is one of a kind
A short poem which discusses the many facets of Love
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Someone to hold, is that not really your true desire
seeing the title of this poem, you came to inquire
subconsciously you need to have, an outlet to deal
emptiness confines you, refusing to accept it's real

Closing your eyes, and trying to do your very best
hoping to get a handle, on the level of your stress
but your attempts fail, forcing you to admit defeat
loneliness and depression, pounding your heartbeat

You speak with your friend, in whom you trust
seeing you're desperate, she's coming she must
a half hour passes, standing now by your side
crying to her your woes, with nothing to hide

Your chance for true love, how you felt it so close
naivety and desperation, you took a double dose
now he is gone, these days seem to pass as years
a heart so crushed, yielding her flow of wet tears

What you are left with, a pain so endlessly deep
there is no escape, but counting sheep in your sleep
while you paid a price that was ever so steep
realizing your only friend is the hope you keep

Tomorrow will yet burn with a special, warm light
new hope will bring with it a chance to make right
happiness will yet reign, banning sadness out of sight
that someone special, forever to hold you tight

A loving look, accompanying that warm embrace
a way into his heart, finally finding your true place
bound with a oneness that only loving hearts could feel
no longer asking, because you know, you just know it's real
A short poem that goes from friendship and loneliness to love
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Here begins a new life
void of trouble and strife
a new beginning, reborn
happy, no longer forlorn

What was, is the past
what will yet be, vast
hopes and dreams survive
what matters is you're alive

There is plan and purpose
more exists than the surface
beyond what your eye can see
a world of hope for you to flee

Hope is that four letter word
where pain can sometimes be cured
even if only as a temporary escape
normalcy may yet again take shape

You have the willpower to create change
but first remove yourself from all that's strange
in the end, if to truth you will readily submit
know, to follow truth, your heart will commit

Train yourself to become diligent in your pursuit
to everything that is evil, make yourself as a mute
when you find the truth, it will be what day is to night
from this point on, your worries and fears will take flight

Faith strengthens you, allowing you even in darkness to grow near
with it you won’t give up, successfully you will conquer your fear
first be prepared, what you believe in you must be willing to fight
trust in this battle you wage, and victory will surely be in sight
Poetry with a message!  I'll keep it simple.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Standing here alone, before me is a faceless enemy that I behold
brought into this world, hoping to affect my life as time will unfold
deeper meanings exist, to be understood only by a discerning soul
as battles rage to conquer desires, and to once again gain control

Beyond all imagination exists a world, a place where words still sing
a world which brings people together, unified in peace under a king
utopia now has a place to call home, no longer will people be at war
new hearts will be given to men, and once again, love will we restore

Night has been transformed into day, laws of nature no longer rule
hearts of the wicked have been destroyed, never again to be cruel
my tears have since dried, and the destitute once again have hope
dreams for a better life do we now hold, learning just how to cope

In the middle of the night, the moon's reflection breaks forth, what a site
the world rejuvenates, watching the sun as she reaches her new height
watching the wind blowing gently through her hair, the sun now falls
only to be reminded, my love has gone, the sun beckons with her calls

Even in our darkest hours, there is hope as we search for our own salvation
we perceiving the Light of God Amidst the Darkness, for we are His creation
never give up even if the situation becomes desperate, help is close at hand
only first we must come to acknowledge, those are our footsteps in the sand

When you find yourself at the end of your rope, you better take your cue
God has brought upon you a lesson to be learned, a lesson just for you
man will yet rise above, having the ability to change his selfish ways
only then will he find eternal peace, before reaching those final days
This is a short poem reflecting on this missing puzzle in our lives. Our battles are for a purpose. A constructive purpose. And the ultimate decisive factor on whether we will succeed or not depends on how quickly we can come to terms with this reality.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
It's All About Perception**
No one can understand you, because you're not your typical run of the mill
it's all due to your philosophy, a mind that thinks but a tongue that sits still
years quickly pass you by, finding yourself alone and in a world of your own
as you learn the value of pen and paper, finding refuge in a place unknown

Like being trapped in a bubble, peering out upon the world as a screen
watching everyone going about their business, while you remain unseen
transfixed on your reality you close your eyes, wishing it were but a dream
unable to fathom the depths of emotions, waiting to take you to the extreme

The reality of who you are can no longer be ignored, facing each day from anew
accepting the fact that you have no control, from others, forced to take your cue
this world is all about rising above, as it starts at the very moment of conception
it follows us throughout life, as we learn the rules, mastering the art of deception

The external images you portray, a needed smokescreen, to maintain the perception
your moves are well planned, the primary focus of your attention, without exception
failing to have considered the matter, you realize you haven't made the connection
your insecurities have misdirected your behavior, demanding the world's affection

There's no denying this fact; life is nothing more than a continuous act of deception
while the true level of your mastery of it, your ability to advance without aggression
at the end of the journey, despite what we went through, it might come as a surprise
realizing that happiness was always there, only hidden from us by our own disguise

Why continue living the life of lies, playing the games people play, there is yet hope
break the bonds of self-deception, because this vanity has really become your dope
be who you really are, a genuine beauty to behold, and in you will someone admire
your hidden love now freed, surrendered to someone true, to build that endless fire
This is a short poem about the life we live and the games we play, or don't play.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Loneliness Is Wishing To Cry

Can we really control our loneliness when it attacks? Of course not. However, we can employ the means by which to channel it into a positive force. A force whereby we recruit others and together battle this power of the dark side attempting to cajole us into this state of melancholy. We have to collectively rise to the occassion, and with the force of Good, vanquish it forever more.

Here is a short poem about what loneliness means to me. It was written at a time in my life when I was trying to deal with the recent death of a close family member. Needless to say, I was most devasted at the time of this writing. This poem at that time, in reflection, acted as a therapeutic means for me to "get it all out".

Loneliness is despair
Loneliness is something to beware
Loneliness is the thought today
of no tomorrow

Loneliness is wishing to cry
without knowing why
Loneliness is a simple feeling
without a simple answer

Loneliness comes
Loneliness goes
Loneliness is that uninvited guest
who visits, always without a request

Loneliness is a sickness
you my friend are the cure
Together we will strengthen
and together we will endure.....
A short and simple poem to which everyone can relate
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Recording My Feelings For You In A Poem**

Although I met you only once, you probably don't even remember my name
although we didn't talk for very long, you really did impress me all the same
unable to stop thinking of you, a rose in your hair, or the color of your dress
I've fallen for you, your picture is now framed in my mind, your new address

It's not only your appearance, although your beauty is quite stunning
wondering if due to this fact, I too have let my hope of love running
fear stops me from approaching you, since I could not live with defeat
the thought of being rejected by you, and being left with no retreat

Uncontrollably drawn to your presence, a grace I cannot explain
seeking a way to see you again, because otherwise I will go insane
my heart tears at my mind, when a prize possession is about to go lost
love that could have been, had I made my move when our paths crossed

Even if only having met you once, that was enough for me to know
my love is paining my soul, and on my face it is beginning to show
so now I have made my decision, whether for better or for worse
recording my feelings for you in a poem, to be read verse by verse

You're on my mind both day and night, I just can't get you out of my sight
when I walk outside I think of you, to be near you is like a glowing light
since having met you that one day, now compelled with this truth to face
knowing then what I know now, together with you is my only true place

Slipping this poem under your door, for your response I do patiently await
asking for your honesty, by letting your true feelings share with me my fate
if you feel the same way, then don't let time steal the way, let love not abate
withhold not your feelings from a heart of love, this night is not yet that late

The world turns bright when the mind is filled with happiness from the heart
my love awaits your closeness, a tender love burning bright from the very start
the sweet fragrance of the rose, and the chance to chase love while still young
soft whispers of love to never depart, my song to you alone, forever to be sung
This is a short poem about a love that patiently awaits
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Alone in my world of solitude, admitting this feeling of mine
my desire to let go and cry, is nothing short of benign
nothing I think to do can elevate, sensing my emptiness to blame
my pain and anguish intimidates, bringing with it this shame

These words I hope to relate, might bring me a respite and chance to feel
maybe I just need assistance, finding a successful way to heal
regardless of the reason, for me truth must still hold true
I can't take this pain much longer, or I don't know just what I'll do

Extending my hand to you my friend, advice is what I really seek
finding an answer to my dilemma, this situation is very bleak
help me to confront that internal pain, in you I dare place my trust
refusing to believe or to give in to despair, I know this I must

My unseen tears, like a falling feather the wind shall carry away
how much did I hope my heart of flesh, would somehow turn into clay
you see my friend how to contend, with a heart weighing me down
trying to solve this anguish I have, in sadness causing me to drown

All my life this world to me, only black and white will I ever be able to see
there is truth and there is untruth, in my eyes that's how it could ever be
this world of gray is not worth much, another way for the selfish to gain
manipulating the truth to benefit themselves, while causing others our pain

living in our world full of desires, with temptations how to tow that straight line
confronted with selfishness and personal gain, thoughts causing my heart to pine
rising to the occasion and choosing wisely, more than this you just cannot do
but if the alternative is to compete with the selfish, run to avoid them like the flu

Comforted I am with these words I learned, quoted in the name of someone great
Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler was his name, and in his wisdom did I truly find my fate
"you can give without loving, but you can't love without giving", is what he would state
so if this path of selfishness is what you choose to follow, will you ever find that true mate?
A spiritual poem with an eternal truth. What is Love? How is it acquired?
A Poem with a deep message.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
The Right Person At The Right Time.....

Love can only come at the right time
your heart knows, hearing the chime
almost by itself, suddenly on the whim
drawn close, wanting to be near him

Like something magical, and it's in the air
your whole life, now wanting to finally share
when in someone's arms, it just feels right
undeniable feelings, as he holds you tight

A passionate look into your eyes, you see delight
overcome with feelings of love, you don't fight
realizing the waiting, finally has come to an end
finding with whom to become, an eternal friend

Love you thought was lost, miraculously found
moving your heart to a new and wonderful sound
feelings of satisfaction and being a person complete
no longer to run the single scenes, nor to compete

Thank those lucky stars, and the patience you had
never again to suffer loneliness, no longer to be mad
love has brought the right person, and at the right time
undoubtedly heaven's fingerprints, certainly by design

Despite mistakes of the past, you can now know for sure
those were years lacking direction, you were immature
let the past stay in the past, into the future you happily go
your love, a place to dwell, in him alone forever to bestow
This is a poem with a message. Love comes when it is suppose to come; not sooner, not later. Only at the right time!
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Make due with what you have, and choose to go that right way....

A person's thoughts, how secret we think they really are
in reality, however, the truth to this is indeed very far
how can we really think to be judged, for all the things we have done
unless our Creator above knows all, nothing hidden from under the sun

Coming into this world against our will, is something I feel and know
but contemplate the fact this same way, is how we are going to go
what matters most is to achieve our task, for the duration of our stay
making due with what we have, and choosing to go that right way

A soul placed in us from a higher place, in our body below does it rest
divine power and free will have we been given, for us to pass this test
everyday how many challenges we face, for our benefit are they designed
giving us an opportunity to come closer to G-d, to this we may be resigned

I have asked myself so many times, why this feeling for love is so strong
the answer to this may be found, understanding our human need to belong
so when we consider these G-d given gifts, bestowed with a great plan
fostering this desire to help others, then life really starts with man

If we had any idea how our actions below, effect the divine world above
kindness we show to one another, forces down upon us their love
so living a life that is divinely inspired, is not only moral and just
this power of giving and doing good, makes living life nobly a must

At the end of our days, when that time comes for that place on the other side
content we can be to let them know, at least we made an effort and tried
human frailties are not accidental, our Creator fashioned us just so
challenging us to give us reward, for all the good we have done below
A Short Poem on the Truth of our Spiritual stay here in this world and that this power of giving and doing good, makes living life nobly a must
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