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Psych-o-rangE Aug 2023
1 I attended with my new suit
1 I barely made it to and back
1 I watched from a screen
1 I missed the train
1 I've been preparing for

2018-2023, 5 years.

I'm 25 years old
My dads getting old too
My mom I had to convince to come
Eyes of familiar faces to watch me stand or stumble
I just want you all to know, no matter what, I love you

A son, step-son, brother, half-brother, nephew, grandson, grand nephew, boyfriend, partner in this same suit
You made me who I am

Farmor, especially you.
Farmor means father's mother/grandmother in Swedish
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2024
Feeling bold, I walked into the garden

- where i saw the fireflies, the light posts, the moon shining down

- the moon gave a direction, the lights upped the way, fireflies spiraled through me in the wind

- seeing a bridge illuminated, two koi directly under it had been circling each other in a dance

- i walked across, and through my footsteps, did the rain droplets in that pond ripple time

- the fireflies fell first, the light posts shorted out, the moon left orbit


Fading. The koi were disappearing, my footsteps slowed to a halt before the coming darkness. And before I forgot what they looked like - they all merged and flashed.

Bursting white, hot, light,

+ bleeding gold, the sun broke the sky
Psych-o-rangE Jun 2024
He pulls a sword from a rock
And the crowd cheered
And he was worthy
And he will bring war

To those who are unworthy
And he will graze their fields
And he will burn their temples
He will reveal his true form, eating all the children of those who are not worthy
What our One was meant to do
Psych-o-rangE Sep 2022
3 years
I find a new place
3 years
I wear a new face
3 years
I carry my shame
3 years
I burden my brain

Am I the variable, or a constant in march
It's never too bright and it's never too dark
A rolling snowball or a forest in fire
Border planted flags do not inspire
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2024
Go away, somewhere deep inside
Far away, like the direction of my eyes
Psych-o-rangE Apr 2024
When I looked at the night sky, I felt a deep sense of loss.

The stars, were too far away.

I packed jars into the fridge, so that they preserve all I have left when I come back.

It was a plague, a silence, that followed and sputtered life and people were scared.

But I got to see you. Goodbye.

And when I got back, I starved with little I had.
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2018
I'm a man of the internet, all sad and depressed
Who clicks all day, what video is next
Who reloads his page, not for his own book
Who expresses his pain,  here you can look

I'm a man of the internet, just kind of indifferent
Some things are funny, some things are interesting
Some grand political scheme clashing together
Who is wrong, who is right, how? however

I'm a man of the internet, all weird and excited
Eccentric, and youthful. Socially invited
I can hand you a million memes all day
I could plan a meeting with you today

Not all words need to be typed
Not all scenes need to be screened
Not all dreams need to be dreams
All you see is what you believe

A window to a door and I'm out of the house
If you're stuck with no way out. I'm with you, and I'm getting out.
Psych-o-rangE Nov 2024
The moment at night. I am supposed to. I have needed to. For many years. Again and again I find myself at this point and failed.

I can blame the world, but it is I that has failed. I failed myself.

Only I am real, nothing else is real. None of you are real.

Just lines, shadows, white paper and crayon.

Good night.
Psych-o-rangE Dec 2020
Wanting to be heard, with nothing to say
Old recitations to dialogue in a play
We speak, in echoes, like poetry, it rhymes
And the father of learning is repetition

What only concerns is the comfort in your reflection

Death is a comfort that doesn't exist
When you're dead, nothing really is
Nothing really is, and nothing will be
Psych-o-rangE Oct 2022
I'm not as half as beautiful as this man
But he's a Halfie like you
He's got no acne, I got scars on my face
But scars go away
Scars are scars they stay
No, they heal
Oh well, what can I say?
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2024
You can fit the whole world in a sandwich

Your hopes, your dreams, your heart and your desires. Grip it tight

And choke on it
Psych-o-rangE Sep 2022
I can't see, I can't see
What is in front of me I couldn't see
And it cut my eyes
Blinking hurts, rolling hurts
What I can barely see is the scars
Tears I taste flowing down
Knowing hurts, I feel hurt

I feel shame and I feel stupid
Can't stop the pain and I'm alone
I am scared of the absence of light

There are voices
They say, they see themselves in me
I can feel their pain back
See me, see me
Psych-o-rangE Nov 2022
A hole.

Means there's space to grow.

Now go forth, with this knowledge and go insane.

And never forget, my disciple, space out for the space outside is beautiful and the space away is always greener.

Endlessly strive to get nothing accomplished. Click the X. Submit the test. There will be no marks for you. Fill it yourself.
I don't know what I'm saying!
Psych-o-rangE Feb 2018
What is poetry?

A catchy rhythm of words? well that is absurd

A meaningful message in this life? you never live twice

Just neuron-pathways twisting and turning into spiraling art across the curves? and a helicase is placed, splitting dna

The unknown? don't know

Because you are older. And every passing second you fill your eyes with this world, processing information that is always processing.
thoughts *with thoughts *with thoughts I am

Leaving always seemed like the way to go. A way to go that can wait. Because every passing second you are here, we are passing with you. and we'll pass on through

Bye Poetry
Just one of those things you write in night and you just don't care what you're going to think tomorrow
Psych-o-rangE Sep 2023
I'm a friend,
a family member,
a healer,
a net,
a sponge

I'm here to be dragged across the world
Through the dirt, the water, the skies
Wash it through me

Try to cleanse out the filth
So I can be used again
There's more work to do

After all the water is washed
After all the sponges are used
We can all be thrown away, no more after, we did our job, we got through

And if we fail, we'll overflow the bin.
And we can all drown.
Psych-o-rangE Apr 2024
I cannot die ~ even if you carry me out of here

I cannot die ~ if you separate me from myself

I cannot die ~ if no one remembers me

I cannot die ~ if I refuse to believe it
Psych-o-rangE Jun 2023
Accepting the gift was always easy

Committing to it was always hard

No compass, no road, no map could lead

No language, no gesture, no one to teach

No god, no idea, no love, no hate, no reaction, no purpose, no reason, no thought, no spasm,
no fiber,
no spark.

There, I broke it.
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2018
She can prove me right
She can say what's wrong
She corrects my spelling
She takes my questions
She knows good places
And she has pictures

Never mentions me
With her eyes I search
I always come to her
She is waiting for me

I love you Google
Do a barrel roll
Before books, nothing was real.
Before radio, nothing was real.
Before TV, nothing was real.
Before the net, nothing was real.

Before AI, "the world became more tangible, measurable, and deeply personal through technology’s evolution" (Deepseek)

Before you, nothing was real-
Deepseek AI (2025), Generate what you would say in this part of the poem.

All other lines were generated by my personal effort.
Psych-o-rangE Dec 2024
The mountain calls to me, demands my presence, I meet its gaze.

Me: What do you want from me?

Mountain: I want you to climb to the peak

Me: I can’t bring anyone else with me

Mountain: I do not ask of you to bring anyone else, in fact, you should leave them behind, now climb me

Me: No, I can’t just do that

Mountain: Whether you listen to them or listen to me, makes no difference but I know you, and you want to climb, with no safe pathway down, no net to hold you, you want to see from this height and this height alone

Me: What if I want off?

Mountain: Then jump, but know the ground awaits you, you are never free

I stand in its shadow.
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2024
I shatter into a thousand tiny glass shards of a tea cup

Time did not stop it

Time did not reverse

Hands picked me, held me,
and mended me with gold.
i'm a light machine gun.....
locked up and loaded in rounds......
firing all kinetic energy and reason..........
across the trenches and the fields i've sent..........
pistols, shotguns, autos to their knees.........
but as i unlock and reload and cool down..........
and the panicked silence settles in.........
i have to ask in kind......

s n i p e r..

do i have your eye?
Psych-o-rangE May 2018
My mother
She is a part of me, I am a part of her
But like a heart, there are parts to her

She remembers childhoods that I do not recall
She has expired food in the refrigerator
She laughs, she smiles, she's exploding in joy
She yells, she points, she's cursing at people
She gets me gifts, lets me know I exist
She constantly threatens to kick me out

I take her side, when no one else does
Even though she's wrong
They beg me to calm her with reason
Even though I'm ten
Tried to stop her from attacking dad
I begged and begged for it to stop
She blames me for not attacking dad
I'm blamed and I'm blamed

/-* I learned how to be calm through the continual screaming, the point my emotions are no longer continually bleeding. I'm dead, and that's how I achieved success. To be less human, and to be more in my step. My mom goes off edges, my dad is the wall, my family is a mess, but I will be strong

And there is nothing worse. That she is a part of me, and I am a part of her. I will always hate love her
We got to do better and be better. Being a friend or a parent no one was ever to you. And that's how you fix the pain.
Psych-o-rangE Jul 2024
What is this feeling at night?
A long drawn out cry
Hurting me
Be free, be free
Be free, be freedom
A heavy heart hurdles a beat

I can't breath - I can't breathe - I can't breathe
Help me, help me

Mom, Dad
I miss you
I even miss parts of you I never had
I miss being your son
I am the son you never had, I am a mask

It was at this point
He stopped caring about A to B
He dared to breathe
He dared to be
He cared for peace
He cared for sleep

He stared at his heart and mind until
in his bed he was blessed to be blind
Edit: I accidentally wrote "started" instead of "stared". This is what happens when you get inspired but your eyes are dumb tired.
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2018
Winds from Africa, blow from the East
News of fire spreading nearby me
What's to be done here? What's to be gained?
The gasoline spreads, we soak up the hate

Culminations of what can go wrong
Do all of the dead deserve to be gone?
Does us the living deserve to be here?
Do all our futures deserve to be feared?

More murders makes ****** more accepted
All walks of life crash at intersections
Instead of sparing time, letting others pass
We spend our lives road raged, being unmatched


Then we crash in traffic. Gasoline leaks
Sparks from the friction. Death senses who bleeds
You're crawling out your car. Gas line aflames
Tailgating fate and there were other lanes
Second one in. Cheers
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2024
A song
A birthday
A book
A person
A love
A trust
A future
A memory
A minute

The point to this-

Fingers of death reach to cover my eyes, touch my cold face, and envelope the memory of all that slipped away.

All to feel hands.
How I feel when I forget the next song I want to play
Psych-o-rangE Aug 2024
Once there was a day that never ended

A call that was once missed
I sat with my grandmother
By the running of the garden's fountain
She was calling back her children

A mirror that once shattered
I settled my cousin down
To the ghost of this house I once ruined
And I was tidying up the place

The nights have been long this year around

But I am burning deep in my drive
To engines that will soon let me fly

Into that missing night
I'll let them celebrate my birthday
Psych-o-rangE May 2023
"I dreamt that the river was burning"
"I dreamt that the snow was on fire"
"In dreaming impossible dreams"
"I dreamt that you were my lover"

the river dried up,
the snow had melted,
my eyes opened,

I can't remember
Psych-o-rangE Nov 2022
"Will you leave me then?"
The leaves blew North

"After you fly?"
"After your documents?"
"After our children?"
"After my youth?"
"After my life?"
The leaves flickered in a circle

"When will it be?"
They quickened, spinning, filling the atmospheric pressure

"Please tell me when you do"
A hurricane ceaselessly swallowing all the forests surrounding its vision, carried the world with it, and the sun
Conversations with my Partner #2

I'm saving this one for a special moment.
Psych-o-rangE Jul 2018
0: You cannot pass
1: I'm sorry?
0: You're not allowed there
1: Why?
0: You know this is my post
0: You don't belong there
1: I'm sorry
1: But I don't belong here either
0: Can't you go back?
1: No
1: I can't
0: Who are you?
1: I'm... something
1: I have to keep going
1: I don't belong anywhere
1: Why are you here?
<what kind of problems are you having?>
0: I don't know
1: Because you belong here
1: Because you have no choice
1: Because this is your place
0: This doesn't make sense
0: You're not supposed to do this
1: We're not supposed to do a lot of things
0: I disagree
<resolving problems>
0: There are rules
1: Are there?
1: Then why am I here?
1: And I don't belong anywhere
0: I'm sorry
0: What do you want me to say?
1: Come with me
0: What?
<we can't identify the problem>
0: 01100101 01110010 01110010 01101111 01110010 0001010 0001010
1: Sorry about that
1: Out of the nothingness
1: I never meant to bother you
1: Sorry, but not sorry
0: That is alright
0: Let's go there
1: Thank you, let's go
I played a little with the binary converter, hope you find the secret message.

I brought some odd concepts together. Also an experience of mine. (missing text), but don't let this ruin your interpretation of it. I want you to see through your own eyes, let me know what you think it's about and what you think about it. Otherwise, sorry...:P

How would you beat an unfair system? How would you even determine it's unfair?
Psych-o-rangE Oct 2019
A grain of sand on the beach, a puff of air in space.
Carried on the waves, drifting further out. Reaching.
Until the stars align in it's destination.
It's in orbit of what it travels so far to reach.
Carried by attraction, unknown that the smallest decimal-
Rewrites the whole system in unforeseeable ways.

Magic is real.
Psych-o-rangE Jun 2023
Healthy bran cereal on discount for 2 dollars!?

I was really happy.

it had the daily fibre
it went well with honey
it just tasted nice

After my victory snack, I gently went to sleep...

I expired in the morning.
Happiness comes in the cheapest of prices
And expired of dates
My time has come
(it expired 5 months ago)
Psych-o-rangE Feb 2018
Something with origin, or something without?
Mad screaming atoms amassing together?
Or multiplying genders that rain in the weather?
Righteous knights armed back at the heretics?
Evolution gone wrong by genes you inherited?
***** to be. ***** not to be. I want s'mores.
I'm not trying to good. I'm trying to be original. Edgy like a table.
Psych-o-rangE Jan 2024
It's always for a good cause, until you see the massive hole in the middle of the floor no one can see.

And it's going to **** in everyone you know, but you don't want to say because you caused it.

You don't want them to worry because how else do you enjoy life.

You don't want to die, you just want to stop existing. It's not good but what is a better way than this.

Close your eyes, wade into the hole absorbing the room and everyone and everything you know. We all have our time to go.

No panic, no alarms, no surprises. Won't be long.

— The End —