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Clindballe Jan 2015
kig i spejlet når min mor står der
du vil se mig i hendes reflektion
men ikke genkende det ukendte
far du elsker hende jo til døden
men elsker du overhovedet mig
eller har du konstant lukket øjne
Skrevet: 26. januar - 2015

Open your eyes
look in the mirror when my mother stands before it
you will see me in her reflection
but will not recognize the unknown
father you love her till death
but do you love me at all
or do you always have closet eyes
Clindballe May 2015
I daydream of alcohol and pills
Constantly thinking of ways to get away from here
I do not own those surviver skills
Everyone is whispering in my ear
I can no longer hear your voice on the phone
Someone please take me home
Written: May 29. - 2015
Clindballe Aug 2015
Poisoning my undeveloped self at age fourteen with toxic fumes and deadly drinks that are meant for adults who want to have fun or detach for awhile. I didn't know rather it because I was trying to be happy or be someone else which basicly is the same thing. I longed to be someone else and achohol and cigarettes defined that someone. Drinking and smoking is for grown ups they say but I grew up fast.
Written: August 4. - 2015
Clindballe Nov 2014
A lack of concentration is all i need
or all i have
it doesn't really matter
because either way i can't focus
I need to
do my homework
clean my room
walk the dog
take a shower
and tons of other stuff
and I can't help but
think of everything
that doesn't matter like
you were all I needed
or all I had
it doesn't really matter
because either way I can't have you
Written: November 2. - 2014
Clindballe Dec 2014
your silence is suffocating me.
Your silence is stronger than words.
Much stronger than any word
that will ever come out of your mouth.
Because you talk to the dog more than me and you never talk to the dog.
Shut up.
Written: December 7. - 2014
Clindballe Feb 2017
A wave of people who all suffer from depression's undercurrent leans over me until gravity pushes the water over my head and I drown in the depressive maelstrom of lost, distraught family members with the same weak psyche which I suffer from. Only the dollhouse owners can live a picture-perfect life where everything is antibacterial and anti-depressant while we get jammed between the walls until we can no longer scream for help and tears become our only weapon. The moisture from the rivers that sourced in our eyes penetrates into the walls and seeps into the floor, then mold and mildew infects this otherwise perfect dollhouse. I'd rather drown in depression than live in this false cardboard house with drawers and cabins filled with pills and where no one knows who takes what and why there is constantly bought more and more even when the pills tumble out of all the doors. I'm waiting for a tsunami, which can split the dollhouse that I call my home, hoping the walls detaches and the pills flush away.
Written: november 30. - 2016
Clindballe Aug 2015
When you took our family tree up by the root my heart got tangled in the mess. Ants crawl under the door carrying away the branches laying on the floor. Now there is a hole in the middle of the room that goes down six feet from where I walk with my heavy shoes. Old seeds fade to dust like our memories like our family. I try planting the fresh ones in my chest but I fail to fill them with liquid because all the water inside me falls from my eyes to the sheets to floor where it has made an ocean of forgotten memories. Hopefully the ants will soon take the door with them, so I can swim to shore.
Written: August 7. - 2015
Clindballe Jun 2015
I would write a poem on your skin
long enough to hide your scars
Deep enough to dig up all your loved ones
and long forgotten stars
Yet short as your fathers temper
so you could feel the heat from the aftermath
I would write a poem and hide on your path
Written: June 15. - 2015
Clindballe Jan 2016
What is art when the heart is in a coffin while the rest is spread like minefields 6 feet above the pulse. What is the art in a dead heart with a weak pulse and which is drowning in its own blood. Life is art, art is heartbreaking. You are the art that burried my heart.
Written: January 4. - 2016

Hvad er kunst når hjertet ligger i kisten mens resten ligger spredt som minefelter fire meter over pulsen. Hvad er kunsten i et dødt hjerte med svag puls og som drukner i sit eget blod. Livet er kunst, kunst er hjerteskærende. Du er kunsten der begravede mit hjerte.
Clindballe Dec 2016
I am daydreaming about making a difference in this corrupt, broken world but all I can do is to solve tasks that have already been answered. Second after second, year after year, I sit behind bricks in a ramshackle school where everyone are as prisoners in an alternative prison, where the years disappear in meaninglessness. Let me knock down walls and build them again, help the world instead of sitting as a product on a conveyor belt in the middle of a mass production of individuals that have solved the same tasks with the same answers, behind the same wall, at the same table, just to be able to put a way too expensive student cap on ones head and to call oneself a student. But what does it actually mean to be a student? Are you not just another number in the row, yet a grade point average, another helpless individual who can only solve problems where the answer already exists in a rule book. Let me knock down the world and build a new one, where mass production of students does not take place, but where anyone can build a future of new ideas and not only find errors on the old. But before I'm done daydreaming, tens of thousands of old assignments end op on the table, and I must sit on the chair a little longer as the conveyor belt keeps on going.
Written 30. October - 2016

Dansk version:

Jeg sidder og dagdrømmer om at gøre en forskel i denne korrupte, ødelagte verden men alt jeg kan gøre at løse opgaver som allerede er besvaret. Sekund efter sekund, år efter år sidder jeg bag mursten i en faldefærdig skole hvor alle er som fanger i et alternativt fængsel, hvor årene forsvinder i meningsløsheden. Lad mig vælte væggene og bygge dem om, hjælpe verden i stedet for at sidde som et produkt på et rullebånd midt i en masseproduktion af individer som har løst de samme opgaver med de samme svar bag den samme væg ved det samme bord på den samme stol, blot for at kunne sætte en alt for dyr hue på hovedet og kalde sig student. Men hvad betyder det egentligt at være student? Er man ikke bare endnu et tal rækken, endnu et karaktergennemsnit, endnu et hjælpeløst individ som kun kan løse opgaver hvor svaret allerede findes i en facitliste. Lad mig vælte verden og bygge en ny, hvor masseproduktion af stundenter ikke finder sted, men hvor alle kan bygge en fremtid af nye ideer, og ikke blot finde fejl på de gamle. Men inden jeg er færdig med at dagdrømme ender der titusinde gamle opgaver på bordet, og jeg må blive siddende i stolen lidt længere mens rullebåndet kører videre.
Clindballe Oct 2014
The happiness left like the smoke from her lungs and vanished in the air. The only thing she could feel was her insides burning, as if she has never burned before. But her heart had been on fire more times than she could count. Even with fire-alarms ringing she did not stop, and at night when her eyes were drowning, she would empty more bottles than she could count. She would drink until liquor started pouring from her eyes. She left a trail of ashes and empty bottles, leading to her newfound happiness, only to never be found.

*When it was too late she wanted to be a mathematician.
Written: October 26. - 2014
Clindballe Jan 2015
Jeg prøvede
at slås med ild
men brændte blot
mig selv

Jeg kan stadig mærke
den skoldhede

Som var det igår
jeg testede
mine forældres

Som var det i dag
jeg fik trangen
til at gøre det forbi

Med livet
foran mig
og døden bag mig
løb jeg min vej

Med grønne træer
og skumle øjne
bag glade mennesker

Der stod jeg
alene i verden
med livet kørt afsted

Her står jeg
med brandsår
Og døde øjne
bag verden.
Skrevet: 6. Januar - 2015

Behind the world

I tried to fight with fire but ended up burning myself
I can still feel the scald metal-surface
As if it was yesterday I tested my parents patience
As if it was today I got the urge to end it all
With my life in front of me and death behind me I ran away
With green trees and sinister eyes behind happy people
There I stood alone in the world and life had driven by
Here I stand with burns and dead eyes behind the world
Clindballe Mar 2015
Don't be falling angels
But flying human beings
Let's collide in the sky
And never die
Just let us be
Written: March 2. - 2015
Clindballe May 2014
We are wrong about every single thing. They teach us everything they know. They tell us what to do. When we see the sun they tell us it's a star. We are wrong. We get misunderstood and they get mad at us. We try to make things right but we make it wrong. They teach us to always do the right things. When we follow our hearts and do what think is right they tell us to think again. We are wrong.

We are a generation of misunderstood teens trying to make everyone pleased, make mom and dad proud, do what we love but always gets it **wrong.
Written: May 15. - 2014
Clindballe Jun 2014
Telling someone to be themselves in this society, is like telling a bird with two broken wings to fly.
Written: June 25. - 2014
Clindballe May 2014
I feel nothing but emptiness. A black hole filled with sadness. Consuming me leaving me with loneliness. Eating me inside out to become nothingness. I seek revenge in this bitterness.
Written: May 18. - 2014
Clindballe Aug 2015
I have wanted to **** myself since I was old enough to hold a kitchen knife to my throat. My mother always tells me I am negative and asks if I will be more happy if we get a cat more. How many animals must one get before happiness comes walking through the door. My happiness got beaten out of my chest when I was old enough to scream and people wonder why and how I  suddenly got so quiet.  I can't speak up for myself because I have lost my voice in the echoes of my cries for help. My mind is working for two people and that is how 'She' came to life. I got my first cat at age nine when the physical turned everything mental. 'She' increased her work to destroy my mind for good. No words hurt more than the ones spoken from the inside. The words are tattooed on the walls surrounding my brain. I got my second cat at age thirteen right as my sister fell down a black hole of depression. She wanted more than anything in the world to die and that is how I feel now. I see the failing shadow in my reflection each day but I am trying to be happy yet I still wish to die most days so I just lay in my black bed of death hoping that one day it will swallow me hole. Maybe then I will find some kind of happiness.
Written: August 2. - 2015
Clindballe Nov 2015
As the deep circles start to feel way too comfortable under my eyes, I think back to a time when the best sleep was after popping pills not knowing wether I would wake up or stay in the dark. Everything is getting uncomfortable when the unexpected is luring around the corner. Sing me to sleep and I won't see another day before it's the night where the dead are living. I wish this could make any sense but happiness makes me anxious and depression makes me feel nothing at all. My skin still itches after healing too many times too fast and too easily. If scars turned black and eyes could swallow I would be a black hole consuming time, effort and happiness.
Written: November 30. - 2015
Clindballe Jul 2014
If ignorance is bliss
then why am I miserable
not knowing if I should
hold on
*let go
Written: July 15. - 2014
Clindballe Jan 2015
jeg ser min reflektion i dig
så jeg gemmer dig i min hud
tegner skitser på papir til mine
tårer løber om kap med regnen
intet er godt nok lige meget hvad
jeg ser dig
du er overalt som duerne på gaden
dine baskende vinger skræmmer mig
for du kommer ingen vegne uden dig selv
men du bliver aldrig dig selv blot en billig kopi.
Skrevet: 19. Januar - 2015
Clindballe May 2014
Bring me back to holding hands in the rain.
The moment where I realized that we were made for each other.
Every time we were together I got blushing cheeks
and butterflies in my stomach.
There is no one like you
nor one that makes me feel so in love
or one that makes me feel so loved.
Now there is nothing that can bring me back.
Nothing can make you feel my love.
Bring me back to holding hands in the rain.
Written: May 25. - 2014
Clindballe Aug 2015
I am still smoking cigarettes to burn away the words I could never say to you
I try to block my sight with smoke so I can never see you again
and no
I am not crying for you I just got ashes in my eyes from setting fire to our memorize
Written: August 1. - 2015
Clindballe Aug 2014
I turned right but ended up on the left.
I am alive but dead inside.
I looked at you but saw someone else.
I loved you but I hate you.
I called you but you did not answer.
I felt happy but I am sad.
I thought I was found but I am lost.
I was whole but I am broken.
I acted like an angel but ended up as a devil.
Written: August 27. - 2014
Clindballe Jul 2014
Waves pulling back before bending over in a chaotic movement. Water with a salty taste and ships sailing from coast to coast only leaving ******* behind, drags her thoughts away until they come crashing back with a rumbling splash. As the last ship leaves coast, tears start streaming down her face.
Written: July 13. - 2014
Clindballe Feb 2017
My mother works as florist, she cuts and arranges flowers in order to make it pretty. Even though my mother works at home she never has time to sit down. She is always in a hurry and never has time to worry. My mother has a mentally sick family, it runs in the blood but skipped her generation and found its way to her children's brains. The sickness came as a lightning from a thunderstorm - totally expected. Yet, my mother never saw it coming because she never had time to sit down and listen to the thunder roaring, she just turn up the volume on the radio, which only played happy songs about love and flowers. Inside the house the flowers wither from all the depressed children compressing the air till there is nothing left. Everyone sits at the dinner table gasping for air while fighting for the attention of an uncaring florist. She never sees the pain in her children's eyes or how their always wear long sleeves even when the flowers are blooming outside. My mothers children never felt pretty nor good enough so they started cutting their own skin.
Written: February 9. - 2017
Clindballe May 2014
Boys are like chocolates.
You never know what you get.
Some are ****** and others are heavenly.
Written: May 25. - 2014
Clindballe May 2014
You fight or surrender.
You win or lose.
You do or don't.
You can't do both so we have to choose.
Will you give all that it takes to win
and fight the battles that comes sneaking up from behind
or will you do nothing
and get beat up till you can't do anything.

*Or can you actually do both?
Written: May 6. - 2014
Clindballe May 2014
I've been counting the stars for so long that I have lost track of the moon.
Written: May 23. - 2014
Clindballe May 2014
I wanted to cry you a river.
                                                          ­                                But then I remembered
                                                      ­                                  you're a good swimmer.
Written: May 26. - 2014
Clindballe Jun 2014
Making mental pain physical. Creating weapons to hurt yourself. Hiding them everywhere in your room and when everything is boiling and you relapse, your deadly friend is there for you. Thoughts are running through your head. The urge to do it knowing you'll feel guilty about it later. Feeling in control over the situation. You know this pain and you bear it. But the one inside your head is just too much. As you drag the cold steel through your soft peach skin you try to focus on one thing.
You have to resist the urge and believe.
Believe that you are better than a cold steel blade and a warm relief.
Written: June 23. - 2014
Clindballe May 2014
Growing up I thought that he treated me like I deserved and how he was supposed to. That it was normal.
As I got older I learned that none of my friends were treated that way. There was a reason for why it was kept a secret.
That isn't how you raise someone but it was how he was raised so matter of course that I should be as well.
Fathers are supposed to protect their children, but what if they can't and they are the main source of the pain.
I have to look him in the eyes everyday like nothing ever happened. Like everything is okay but it's not and it never will be.
As if it wasn't enough that he raised me to act like everything is okay all the time he can't even tell the truth.
He's a liar.
A filthy liar who isn't man enough to confess to what he has done.
Nothing can ever remedy what he did.
Written: May 5. - 2014
Clindballe Jul 2015
Landet hvor hver tiende borger sluger piller
for at få dagene til at hænge sammen
hvor farver rød, gul og grøn ikke
længere betyder kærlighed, lykke og håb
men er farverne på piller mod
depression, søvnløshed og angst
alligevel er vi for stolte til at indrømme
at kendte og fremmede ansigter drukner
i regnbuepiller og titusinde bivirkninger
Skrevet: 15. Juli - 2015

The country where every tenth citizen
swallows pills to make the days stick together
where the colors red, yellow and green
do not mean love, happiness and hope
but are the colors of pills for
depression, insomnia and anxiety
still we are too proud to admit that
familiar and unfamiliar faces are drowning
in rainbow-pills and ten thousand side effects
Clindballe Jun 2014
I look in the mirror and see another person staring back. Pale skin and dark eyes keeping too many secrets. Questioning rather there really is another person or I'm going insane. Who am I, who's the person inside me. Am I dead or alive.
Written: June 20. - 2014
Clindballe Feb 2015
your metal armor has rusted
fallen apart
like it had never existed
your deep blue eyes
are dried out in the distant
like they never have drowned
your palms are closed
like they have never been open
your words have vanished
like they were never spoken
Written: February 1. - 2015
Clindballe May 2015
En flæbende mekanisme der hiver efter vejret imellem gråden.
Venter på at luften løfter dit bryst
Venter på at blodet gør dine kinder røde.
Drænet for tårer men græder videre i håb om at mine tåre virker som i Disneyfilm og du vågner igen.
Skrevet: 17. Marts - 2015
Clindballe Apr 2015
Jeg kunne sige så meget men siger intet
Jeg sidder blot i stilhed og lader tårerne hviske ordene i et sprog som alle forstår
Jeg fylder mit værelse med planter så dødens tunge gassky fortæres
Men i mine lunger spreder den kvælende fornemmelse sig til mit hjerte
hvor den ligger omklamrende i blodbanens lune rander
Skrevet: 2. april - 2015
Clindballe Dec 2015
Jeg er et foster
kvæles af navlestrengen
Ligger i hi til jeg fødes
Ud i en verden af elendighed
Jeg fødes
Jeg dør
et dødfødt foster
Jeg er dømt til elendighed
Written: december 20. - 2015
Kan læses bagfra
Clindballe Jun 2014
Our eyes meet unexpected. In confusion and mistrust you look away. As your eyes turn back down you hit your hand in your papers. A sigh of irritation finds it way out of your mouth. I've got nothing left to say, so I turn around and leave. That moment is where I realize that everything is said and done.
Written: June 19. - 2014
Clindballe Aug 2014
I got lost in you like I do with books.
Forgot about my surroundings.
About the hurtful endings.
A real life horror story.
With no big glory.
Just great pain.
How lame.
Written: August 20. - 2014
Clindballe May 2014
Stop wishing upon the stars and start making your dreams come true, because the stars you're looking at are already dead but you're not.
Written: May 1. - 2014
Clindballe Aug 2015
Jeg stræber efter at vise dig de lyserøde skyer jeg ser over horisonten så du måske kan finde dig selv i mængden. Jeg vil udforske alle verdens vulkaner og stirre dybt ned i deres smukke rødbrune øjne men dine blålige øjne vil altid være de smukkeste. Måske kan vi løse mysterier som ingen kender svaret på hvorefter vi vil dø med alle livets hemmeligheder. Vores lyserøde hjerter vil vokse store nok til at vi kan gemme alle verdens vidundere i alle former og størrelser som lyserøde skyer. Jeg vil åbne mit hjerte op så du kan se dig selv på samme måde som jeg ser dig.
Skrevet: 11. august - 2015

You are my wonder
I aspire to show you the pink clouds which I see over the horizon
so that maybe you can find yourself in the crowd.
I want to explore every volcano in the world
and stare deep in to their auburn eyes
but your blue eyes will always be the prettiest.
Maybe we can solve mysteries that no one else knows the answers to
whereafter we will die with life's secrets.
Our pink hearts will grow big enough to hide every wonder of the world
in every shape and size like pink clouds.
I want to open my heart so that you can see yourself the same way as I.
Clindballe Feb 2015
vi ville være for evigt
men intet er for evigt
derfor er vi nu intet
for evigt
Skrevet: 8. Februar - 2015
Clindballe May 2014
Home, sweet home.
You are the memories of my childhood.
Oh, how I love you.
The dreams I had.
The ones lived out and the ones still to be.
Laughing and celebrating with friends and family.
Swinging on the swing that once was in the backyard.
Climbing in the highest tree.
Feeling on the top of the world.
Oh, how I hate you.
The nightmares that hunted me at night.
Crying in the corners of my room.
Failures and broken dreams.
Yelling and screaming at the top of my lungs.
Hiding in bushes and thicket.
Feeling like my world was falling apart.
There is no place like home.
Written: May 15. - 2014
Clindballe Jun 2014
Written: June 5. - 2014
Clindballe May 2014
• The place where we first met and you asked me if I was sad or it just was that way my face looked.

• The streets where you walked on the road and I on the curb so that you wouldn't have to hang to one side because I'm lower than you.

• My red hoodie where you'd put your hands up my sleeve and hold my hand when your hands got cold.

• The field where we stood hugging for so long and you first told me that you liked me and wanted to kiss me.

• The bench out by the lake where we used to sit tight and watch the stars.

• Near the school bus where people saw us holding hands and I finally felt like we were together.

• By the bonfire on a field near the school where we sat and measured who had the biggest tummy.

• The room where you laid me down in the bed and we started cuddling but someone knocked on the door so we had to stop.

• Japan where we spoke like nothing was wrong even though nothing was right and that was the last time we spoke.
(Yes, we did hold hands quite a lot and I miss it)
Written: May 26. - 2014
Clindballe Jun 2015
My heart starts to ache when I see you
the only evidence of your existence is the pictures we kept in frames and hearts
An impact greater than you'll ever know
Because dead people know nothing at all
I want to remember the sound of your voice and beautiful veins
But all I can think of is your silence therefore I speak to my heart and create answers on my own.
Written: June 7. - 2015
Clindballe Mar 2015
Holding back my tears from falling down
like a sunken ship in an ocean of tragedies.
Going somewhere that no one knows
like a falling star in the night-sky.
Never to see
always to be my falling
Written: March 16. - 2015
In memory of my beloved grandfather
Clindballe Mar 2015
du er lænket til din sengs ynkelige undertrykkelse
fars vuggeviser skygger for din livsglædes melodi
for dæmonerne i dine drømme er kendte skikkelser
djævelens afkom ser du i dit spejlbilledes selvportræt
knuste glas afslører kærlighedens farve på din hud
pillerne formår at trøste din angst bedre end jeg gør
jeg kan ikke forklare dig mit livs kaotiske tragedier
for først må du forstå din egen sørgmodige kamp
så jeg skriver det i digte som du aldrig vil læse højt
Skrevet: 3. marts - 2015
Clindballe May 2014
We were supposed to be together. Forever.
We are supposed to be together. Forever.
We were supposed to be over. Forever.
We are supposed to be over. **Forever.
Written: May 20. 2014
Clindballe Aug 2019
Eternity is every mans ambitious endeavor with woman of mine and child in hand. This utopia which emerges from love and greediness is my life’s paradox. My most eager wish of eternal life is bypassed by my sensitive tear canals my over sensitivity for life in this world which the universe has created for me. Ungrateful for this nonpareil chance, a life as an intellectualistic individual in a cosmos with 7.5 billion other intellectual fellow creatures. Despite it all my mind still desires to let life be and let go of the dream.
Written: 29. December - 2018

Dansk version:
Fra vugge til grav

Evighed er en hver mands ambitiøse bestræbelse, med kvinde min og barn i hånd. Denne utopi som opstår af kærlighed og grådighed er mit livs paradoks. Mit mest ivrige ønske om evigt liv kortsluttes af mine følsomme tårekanaler, min overfølsomhed for livet i den verden, som universet har skabt for mig. Utaknemlig for en enestående chance, et liv som et intellektualistisk individ i et kosmos med 7,5 milliarder andre intellektuelle medskabninger. Trods min længselsfuldhed begærer mit sind en hvis trang til at lade livet ligge og slippe drømmen.
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