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May 2016 · 804
Marly May 2016
My smiles are constantly full
My teeth turn into marshmallows and the sun hits so hard they melt and gush down my chin and drip to the pavement
And when my teeth are gone the rusty sockets soak in blood and I. Keep. Smiling.

Smiling so much makes my hair stand on end and my muscles twitch and I taste the sour in the back of my throat
I can't stand authority.
Dec 2015 · 1.7k
Marly Dec 2015
Can the soul be cremated? Is she still with me?
A once alive body turned into smoldering remains in a matter of moments, residing now on a shelf for all to simultaneously acknowledge and ignore.
Hannah, I miss you incredibly.
Dec 2015 · 586
Untitled (May 9, 2014)
Marly Dec 2015
youre a ****** ingrown hair
Dec 2015 · 653
Untitled (May 27, 2014)
Marly Dec 2015
In Hebrew,
"Die" translates to "enough".
I have had enough of everything.
My eyes protest when I attempt to take in any more light,
Eyelids drooping lower than my non-existent self esteem.
My indelible experiences on this wretched planet are etched into every bare section of my skin,
Telling even the stories I tried my best to leave behind.
The one thing about misery is that misery loves company,
You are never alone when you're on your premeditated journey to the afterlife.
I haven't written poetry since 2014, maybe early 2015. I thought I should share this, nonetheless.
Jun 2014 · 2.9k
Six feet
Marly Jun 2014
He's six feet above
And he's missing her because
She's six feet under.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Marly Jun 2014
i am not a slave to your uncontrollable emotion.
(you forgot.)
May 2014 · 665
Marly May 2014
why not?
3w poem.
Marly May 2014
made of pixels?
hah, if i wanted pixels i would have played nintendo 64 with my neighbour down the street and angrily whispered "h-e-double hockey sticks" under my breath as one of my pixelated hearts faded away.
you are anything but intangible; i can feel your pulse across two countries.
our hearts are undeniably made of flesh.
i know that word grosses you out,
but the blood pumping, orifice-filled organs in our chests constantly beat with the ferocity of 109 percussionists drumming on the queen's birthday.
hearts are not meant for beautification; one cannot get a cosmetic surgery on their heart to impress the girl next door.
it's up to you to pair with your just-as-ugly brain to prove how beautiful love can be. prove how beautiful our love can be. ❤
May 2014 · 987
trend of 2014
Marly May 2014
we are just a bunch of girls dieting because
starving is in,
emaciated is in,
you won't be loved if you're not thin.
kinda feels like love itself is thin..
Marly May 2014
I never thought I'd be up at 5am sobbing and writing poetry about you because I never thought you'd leave like this.
May 2014 · 5.5k
floating and sinking.
Marly May 2014
I'm too high and you're too low.
I miss the way we balanced each other out.
15w. Sigh.
Marly May 2014
I never used to cry this hard, not even when he was pronounced dead.
They pronounce you dead because that becomes your new name; you are nothing but a carcass that needs to be dealt with before it rots.
Sometimes I see him, with a daisy tucked behind one ear and a pen behind the other.
Bare-footed, of course.
He always told me how important it is to know as well as to feel where you are going.
Death is more than an acquaintance to me, we've met on many terms.
The first time I encountered death was when she carried a part of me there in her *****.
I never left and I don't think I ever will.
You broke the dam behind my eyes (you made me feel like I never thought I could) and I don't have enough materials to patch it up.
I'm desperately trying to fix myself but I can't; you're holding of my resources in your arms instead of holding me.
Please put your lips on mine before I drown us both.
May 2014 · 2.6k
i am okay
Marly May 2014
i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay.
are you really
May 2014 · 1.7k
punctuation lesson number 1
Marly May 2014
a, comma, tells, us, when, to, momentarily, pause, or, when, things, don't, belong, together, because sometimes there are people like me who don't know when to pause who can't find the remote who are afraid to stop because what if they never start again?
please never put a comma between you and i.
i love commas
please don't abuse them like you abused me
Marly May 2014
if you kissed me, i'd teach you a thing or two about the birds and the bees.
~lonely tuesday nights~
May 2014 · 6.3k
Marly May 2014
she expected
f  i  r  e  w  o  r  k  s
when she first kissed him.
little did she know that she was going to become the fireworks.

she was an easy target, and he had good aim.
as soon as she f
into his grasp, he was quick to send her back from where she came.

crowds gathered.
fathers' hands silenced their children's mouths as his loaded her into the mortar.
mothers' hands covered their children's ears as his lit the fuse.

she was shot forward by a merciless puff of dragon's breath,
and as she looked over her shoulder,
she saw the ash leaking from his nostrils.

stars beckoned to her.
glimmering, shimmering, shining stars extended their fiery hands to her already outstretched ones.
she rose higher and higher,
filling her lungs with the last bit of oxygen that was left,
and screamed.

he screamed.
her flaming body parts rained down in the form of asteroids, striking him.
stars spelled out her name and pulsed weakly like his dying heartbeat.
they both went from "are" to "were" in a matter of seconds, and everyone knew that their chemical reaction was triggered by fireworks.
May 2014 · 647
Marly May 2014
it is that time of night where the second, minute, and hour hand are kissing, like we would be if you were here.
wish you were here, love.
May 2014 · 2.8k
Marly May 2014
I've known you for three years and I still don't know whether that is red lipstick or blood on your lips.
Apr 2014 · 317
Marly Apr 2014
All she could do was die.
*So she did.
Marly Apr 2014
I want to be welded to you like the tongue of a curious child freezes to a poll when it's below zero outside.
it's still cold enough for this.. **** Canada.
Apr 2014 · 2.0k
please be my copper penny.
Marly Apr 2014
I'm sick of being of led on why do you remind me of him why do you remind me of him am I just paranoid or are you just another Nick Nick Jr. second edition Nick so many Nicks I can't even breathe because the air is Ni2O I still have that ***** and disgusting nickel that I bent down in the middle of the road to pick up and which nearly got me killed please tell me you're a beautiful copper penny because those don't exist anymore in my country but I crave them more than anything.
Today has been one hell of a slap in the face.
Apr 2014 · 2.2k
a journey
Marly Apr 2014
I hate living in this spread out town where I have to drive ten miles just to get to a bus that will drive for twenty additional ones just to get to Walgreen's to buy ******* soap to wash my mother's back because she can't wash it herself.
No clue where this came from.
Apr 2014 · 2.5k
my throat is sore
Marly Apr 2014
it feels like the blood inside my veins is moving like quick dry cement does ten hours after it's poured
simultaneously a storm brews in them
similar to how mom once brewed soup that tasted of distanced family and bile
bile which still resides in a clump at the back of my throat from the last time i said your name
you are he-who-shall-not-be-named since saying your name is as dangerous as saying Voldemort’s
monochromatic colour schemes make up my world, each day either tinted or shaded
usually shaded because I was told that dark colours are slimming and that thought never left my mind
rain smudges all of the pigments together and even my glasses can't correct my vision
i love rain but my rainbows are always brown-black
like those karate belts you had when you lived
or how she used to mix all of her playdoh together
i used to believe that she created the world that way
god i wish i was right.
things would be better with you her
Apr 2014 · 4.1k
dropping incredibly
Marly Apr 2014
my grades have dropped from nineties to seventies and i am incredibly sad.
my heart has been dropped down countless flights of stairs and i am incredibly bruised.
my body has dropped off of a balcony from thirteen stories high and i am incredibly gone.
Apr 2014 · 1.7k
Marly Apr 2014
i'm short,
and i know you can touch the sky while i can't.
why have you never offered me a seat on your shoulders, though?

i'm short,
however, i could do without you reminding me that nobody wants to draw the short straw.

i'm short,
but that doesn't mean you should absorb all of the sun as i shrivel up in your shadow.

i'm short,
yet i still like to feel like i am not.
so i've kinda lost my ability to write again and i wish i knew why
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
god's ashen angel.
Marly Apr 2014
(there was an indent on his lower lip that was certainly made by god for every cigarette that he would expertly smoke)
did i mention that i hate smoking but i love the smell of smoke
Apr 2014 · 550
Marly Apr 2014
i wish
i was warned about you before i let you become the
of my universe.
a warning label would have been useful,
like one on objects with small parts that young children put in their mouths.
then again,
you'd only earn one of those labels until i choked to death on you.
i'm pretty **** close.
Apr 2014 · 4.3k
Marly Apr 2014
there is
no such thing
as a good addiction.
i'll elaborate one day.
Marly Apr 2014
I am empty, but not empty enough to hold you.
Marly Apr 2014
i should not have to prove that i love you.
if you need proof, then obviously you don't love me.
Apr 2014 · 413
Marly Apr 2014
i wish for a purpose i wish for meaning i wish for these pains to go away
Apr 2014 · 5.0k
Marly Apr 2014
i want to take cocktail after cocktail of pills until my body represents the mess that is my mind.
Marly Apr 2014
for someone who usually remembers to put on her smile every morning before she goes down to eat breakfast, i've been crying lots. my people are in an uproar i mean why do you think my hairs are always standing up on end? i sweat too much even though i'm always shivering and doc says i'm just stressed but i think my body is just searching for more ways to cry because my tear supply is running low and there are no refill stations around for miles. i never understood why people twiddle their thumbs or why it's called 'twiddle' and the day before the day before yesterday i told the girl next door that i felt like a pigeon that wanders into a busy street and freezes when a car is steadily speeding towards it.

my first grade teacher taught me the difference between horizontal, vertical, and parallel lines using words that followed a tune. little did she know that i'd be using those words eight years later to decide how i want my arms to be decorated and i mean yes scars fade or at least partially but i'd rather choose what happens to my body than have you choose for me. all of your promises snap like twigs and i think that's how you'll also break my heart. "are you bitter?" maybe maybe not but my heart is certainly past its expiry date and it's rotting much more quickly than i ever thought possible and i wish i knew why since my body is more frigid than the inside of an ice cream truck although maybe the problem is that it doesn't play welcoming music
i need to blast music in my room and then scream louder than it louder than the sound of a plane landing louder than the drumming in your chest louder than the groans that broke free from your lips when i tore myself away from you even though we were krazy glued together. i wish you could hear how your words endlessly echo and bounce off of the brick walls inside of my head because then you might realize the grand effect you have on me. an elephant doesn't forget or... something along those lines; speaking of (oh my, it always comes back to these) lines, we should discuss how the lines you gave me were always different. they were deep, so deep, deeper than the deep end at the community pool. i often found myself stuck in them and only after they began to close did i realize you stole my ladder after i climbed down.

i feel like my body has amnesia but my mind has been 'spared' i mean the muscles in my face have forgotten which ones must go taut in order to smile and my hands stumble whenever i try to undo the buttons of your shirt. at one point i would have given up anything in order to forget this madness i mean how nice it would be to fall and get up but in foreign land with an empty backpack and a full wallet.


I MEAN GOD I CAN'T TAKE IT even my farewells aren't proper and i wish you stayed up late to talk to me like you used to when i cried at night but you got sick of me-and i mean literally sick i remember hearing you gag into the porcelain bowl- when those nights became constant and my tears began to liquefy our 'forever' glue. forever wasn't supposed to be the amount of time it takes for a premature baby to be born and i mean our premature baby didn't even live because its heart couldn't beat properly and that's when i realize that my heart only beats strongly when i'm with you i miss our nightly "i love you"s although they became more routine than anything. i found myself running out of sincere words to give you but my hugs were always tight and long. always. we had our "okay?" "okay." moments way before either of us read that John Green book.

i haven't sobbed this hard since i smelled my grandmother on my pillowcase that one night and tears soaked that scent almost immediately nd now they're just kind of pooling in the crook of my neck and usually i love puddles but this isn't one that the sun will drink up. i hate it when people say all people are the same i mean we call everyone "you" when we directly address them i have said 'you' countless times in this mess of a poem while referring to a ton of different people. i mean honestly nothing is the same ever not even snowflakes. oh god i feel like my tears are eroding the skin on my face oh god i can't deal with having mountainous terrain there oh god the only reason you love me anyway is because my skin is (was) smooth oh god. i do a hell of a lot of talking without even saying anything.

bye once again and please don't send me letters like the last time.
Apr 2014 · 523
(help me decide)
Marly Apr 2014
I can't tell if I want to **** myself or **** what you turned me into.
Apr 2014 · 1.8k
queen street west
Marly Apr 2014
my stomach hurts a ton and the flowers on my skirt have been lying to me
ouch and ouch
Marly Apr 2014
i want you to tangle your fingers in my fields of hair and daisies and pull me close to you like i am an oxygen mask and you are on a plane that is higher than you ever thought you'd be.
i either adore run-on sentences or awfully short ones. shoot me if you disagree.
Apr 2014 · 460
Marly Apr 2014
sometimes i think i'm
crazy i mean i
don't sleep and i
barely eat and my
entire existence depends
on you and only you
Marly Apr 2014
Why do hearts beat?
They're not providing entertainment for the musician nor the observers.
Rivers flow without a pumping source so why can't veins?
Bodies of water vs bodies of people
I once watched a documentary about a woman who couldn't lie down because her blood stopped flowing.
Why wh y wh uwh wuyw why wh uwy
I may add more
Although I'm not sure
Whenever I add stuff I think I'll just separate it with some asterisks. Hm .
Apr 2014 · 3.2k
Marly Apr 2014
I have braces on more than just my teeth.
The only difference is that they won't be coming off once things straighten out.
Marly Apr 2014
You cannot give me thorns and expect roses in return.
Marly Apr 2014
i want to call you up,
and cry into the receiver,
drowning your thoughts with my tears.
all you need to do listen.

i told you that i hope drugs are loving you the way i never will.
drugs don't love, though. (not the way i can, at least.)
drugs constantly consume.
they take your mind,
your body,
your rationality,
your love,
and they also took me away from you.

drugs are parasitic, my dear.
sick, twisted, soul-******* beings.
they make you believe that you want them,
that you need them,
and they also lie about their destructive aftermath.
they don't tell you how your nose will slowly disintegrate,
how your lungs will make suitable charcoal mines,
how your brain will only think about drugs,
only drugs,
maybe *******,
but you'd only indulge in that after you popped a molly.

i was your withdrawal.
i made you scream.
you knew i wholeheartedly cared about you;
having that new support was scary.
i made you cry.
i sent you letters and poems late at night,
when your stars aligned with mine and created unbelievable wonders.

now your withdrawal symptoms consist of lonely nights alone,
pounding headaches,
sweaty palms,
a heart plagued with convulsions,
and a body that hates you for what you've done to it.
even though you still appear as a bright star,
you have long since burned out,
and soon people on earth will be able to see this.
oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my.
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
Marly Apr 2014
Thinking of you sleeping by my side rouses new feelings deep within me. Leftover makeup melts off my face and I sink lower and lower into the mattress. I remind myself that I can't fall any lower than the floor, although it feels like the opposite.
Apr 2014 · 3.2k
space travel
Marly Apr 2014
Maybe one day, you should take me to your planet. The atmosphere on mine is disappearing and I'm finding it hard to breathe.
Apr 2014 · 630
march 12
Marly Apr 2014
Science taught me that eventually, everything dies and returns back into the Earth. I'm just writing on a piece of future compost to a person who's going to die. That's not a proper way to think, though. Right? I'm going to be older and look back at how I used to be and hate myself for being this sad.

People have been treating me like ****, and that's I have been beginning to feel. Like ****. You said you were coated in ****, but babe, I'm the human embodiment of it.

It's white outside. Whiter than the whites of your eyes. Whiter than this paper. Everything is white except for the bare branches of the trees and the outlines of the houses and street lamps in the distance. You would think this is a white world (it's more of grey-black slush), upon first looking. After your pupils contract and focus on the whiteness, you see the waves of snow blowing from left to right at a constant pace.

The trees outside look tired, branches limp instead of *****. How I'd love to be limp with them.

I want to go to the roof of a building and sit on the edge and feel the air pull at my feet.

I always shake my left foot, sometimes my right. It's my way of keeping part of my body constantly alive. I am alive. Plus, I'm a nervous wreck who is addicted to the beating of people's hearts.

I'm a vessel of those chills that crawl down your body.

Everyone told me how I looked cute today. I wonder if I'd still be cute if I gave them a tour of my mind.

The hair on my head is the home for my troubles.

Apparently my eyes haven't been that white, lately. The veins are prominent and I feel how bloodshot they are. Too many tears, no wonder I'm dehydrated.

I like seeing the silhouette of the trees outside through the cheap curtains of this hatred-filled school.

My handwriting is like a kiss and slap on the cheek at the same time.

I have always wondered why people kept track of the sunrises and sunsets. Night and day should be one. Goodbyes end, just get this one over with already. I wish we never knew the differences between seasons and days because then time would just be spent with others and budding flowers would be surprises.

It's March 12 and I feel like I've been 15 for longer than 10 days.

Kissing shouldn't be a big deal.

I want to tear up my clothes and wear them like it's a fashion trend.

My boots are worn out by my wandering mind.
This was a letter to a god written on march 12.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
not really a poem but
Marly Apr 2014
The day I learned that there's no boundary between how I feel emotionally and physically scared me.
I felt like I needed to post something. Poetry is becoming a distant memory.
Apr 2014 · 856
Marly Apr 2014
I love everything that's right with you,
And everything that's wrong with you even more.
Stay yourself.
Apr 2014 · 2.7k
Marly Apr 2014
You are an exotic fruit that I've yet to taste.
Thought I'd try one of these.
It isn't really a story. Is it supposed to be? I don't know. Oh well.
Truth is I'm too tired to expand. Maybe I will one day.
Apr 2014 · 914
Marly Apr 2014
the rain outside sounds like paper being crumpled,
the winds similar to pages of a book being turned.
descending planes become the way one strums a guitar;
all of the strings vibrate loudly,
and sl o w l y l  o  s  e  t   h   e   i   r    v    o     i     c     e    s.
i hear the stars singing,
their lonely songs echo through the darkness that is space.
empty space,
full of distant planets,
lonesome, chorusing stars,
lost meteors,
and long forgotten space debris.
at last, the rain and winds have ceased.
i have never considered silence as an absence of noise,
because silence itself is something you hear.
i often hear silence as a siren.
someone, somewhere, somehow,
is asking for me,
begging for my help.
someone is wishing for their desperate pleas to be heard.
i hope they know that they are not alone.
sometimes i think about how divided people are.
but darling, this world is compressed in more ways than one.
the only things that divide us are thin plaster walls,
thousands of footsteps,
and clothing.
do not forget that.
called it flow because there is a flow between each subject and none of it made sense, buuuuut.
Apr 2014 · 5.2k
a second reminder.
Marly Apr 2014
the universe would bend to be in your favour because that's how amazing you are.
Marly Apr 2014
i'm constantly
shaking and
the only time
i notice this
is when i stop.
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